Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product HF R205 van de fabrikant Canon
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PUB. DIE-0385-000 HD Camcorder Instruction Manual Y.
3 European Union (and EEA) only . These symbols indicate that thi s product is not to be disposed of with your household waste, ac cording to the WEEE Directi ve (2002/96/EC), the Batter y Directiv e (2006/66/EC) and/or y our national laws implementing t hose Dire ctives .
4 Exciting F e atures and New Fu nctions High-Definitio n Video Y our camcorder’ s full high-definit ion image sensor (Full HD CMOS) captures video at a r esolu tion of 1,920 x 1,08 0 pixels 2 . Videos are th en recorded in the memory in high definition , using A VCHD speci ficat ions 3 .
5 Smart AU T O ( 0 40) Smart AUTO aut omat ica lly se lects the b est scene m ode fo r the sc ene yo u wan t to shoot . Y ou g et s pecta cul ar reco rdings every time wi thout worrying about setting s. Video S nap shot ( 0 66) Shoot or capt ure short scenes and arrange them into a video clip set to your favorite backgr o und music.
6 Enjoying your Recordings on Other Devices Eye-Fi SD AVCHD MPEG-2 Connect the camc order to an HDTV ( 0 109) Play video dir ectly from y our r ec orde d memory card AV CHD-compatible HDTVs and digital recor ders with an SD memory card slot 4 .
8 Table of cont ents Introduction 4 Excit ing Features and New Functions 12 About this Manual 14 Getting to Know the C amcorder 14 Supplied Access ories and CD-ROMs 16 Names of P arts Prep.
Table of conte nts 9 Smart AUTO Mode 40 Basic Recor ding 40 Shooting Video and T aking Photos in Smart AUTO Mode 44 Zooming 46 Quick Start Functi on V ideo 48 Basic Playback 48 Play ing Ba.
10 Table of cont ents 80 Onscr een Disp lays and Da ta Code 81 Rating Scenes 84 Gallery and Scene Operations 84 Managing Stories 88 Capturing V ideo Snapshot Scenes and Photos from a Movie 90 Divi.
Table of conte nts 11 Additional Information 127 Appendi x: Menu Options Li sts 127 FUNC. Panel 131 Setup Menus 142 Appendix: Onscreen Icons and D isplays 147 T roub le? 147 T roubleshooting 1.
12 Introduction About this Manual Thank you for purchasin g the Canon L EGRIA HF R 28 / LEGR IA HF R27 / LEGRIA HF R26 / LEGRIA HF R206 / LEGRIA HF R205. Please r ead this manual caref ully befor e you use the c amcorde r and r eta in it for future r efer ence.
Introdu ction 13 Self Timer • n appears. • Repeat, se lecting [ B Off ], to turn off the self timer . For movies: In r ecord pause mode, press g . The camcorder starts recording after a 10-second countdown. The countdown appears on the screen.
14 Introduction Getti ng to K now the Camc orde r Supplied Accessories and CD-ROMs The following acces sories are supplied with the camcor der: X CA-110E Compact Power Adapter (incl.
Introdu ction 15 The following C D-ROMs and softwa re ar e supplied wit h the camcorder: • PIXELA's T ransfer Utility CD-ROM 1 and Installa tion Guide for PIXE LA ’ s software - PIXELA ’ s T ransfer Utility - Software for saving and transferring movies and mu sic f ile s you ca n us e as ba ckgr ound m usic.
16 Introduction Names of Parts 1 RES ET b utt on ( 0 15 1) 2 butto n ( 0 27 )/ // WEB button ( 0 11 9) 3 2 (camera/p lay) but ton ( 0 28) 4 VIDEO SNAP (vide o snapshot ) button ( 0 66) 5 DISP .
Introdu ction 17 A j Ster eo micr oph on e ( 0 73) A k Zoom lever ( 0 44) A l PHOTO b utton ( 0 40, 102) S q ACCESS indicator ( 0 40, 56 , 10 2) S a POWE R butto n S s ON/OFF (CHG ) (charge) indic.
18 Introduction S f Speaker ( 0 50) S g ST ART /ST OP b utt on ( 0 40, 56) S h T ripod socket ( 0 162) S j Ser ial nu mber The serial number label is located o n the ba ttery com partment cover .
Prepa rat ions 19 Prepar ations This chapt er descri bes basi c opera tions, such a s usin g the touch panel, navigating the me nus, and firs t time settings to help you learn more a bout your camcorder .
20 Prepa rati ons 4 Slide the battery compar tment cover away from the lens and open it. 5 Insert the battery pack all the way into the co mpartment and press gently until it clicks. 6 Close t he cover and slide it toward the lens until you hear a click.
Prepa rat ions 21 To remove the battery pack 1 Slide the bat tery compa rtment cover away fr om the lens and open it . 2 Raise the edg e of the batt ery pack in the dir ection of the arr ow and pul l out the batt ery pack. 3 Close the cover and slide it toward the lens until you hear a click.
22 Prepa rati ons • If rem aini ng bat tery time i s an issue , yo u can power t he camcor d er using the com pact power a dapter so t he ba ttery p ack w ill n ot be con- sumed. • Charg ed batter y packs cont inue to dis charge nat urall y . Therefo re, charge them o n the day of use, or the d ay bef ore , to e nsur e a full charg e.
Prepa rat ions 23 Stylus Pen Stra ps To attach an optional wris t strap Pass the attachin g end of the wrist strap through the rear bracket on the cam- corder , thread the wrist strap through the loop and fasten. Y ou can a lso attach the wrist str ap to the strap mount on the grip belt to use both for extra conv enience and prote ction.
24 Prepa rati ons To attach an optio nal shoulder strap Pass the en ds of th e sho uld er stra p throu gh th e str ap moun t on th e gri p belt and ad just the length of the strap. Adjusting the Position a nd Brightness of the LCD Screen Rot ating th e LCD P anel Open the LCD panel 90 degrees.
Prepa rat ions 25 LCD Backlight When r ecor ding in b right pla ces it may be dif ficult to use t he LCD screen. T u rn on the LCD backlight to m ake it brighter . With the camcorder on, hold h pr ess ed down for mor e than 2 seconds. • Repeat th is action to sw itch the L CD backli ght betwe en off (normal) and on (bright).
26 Prepa rati ons Basic Operatio n of the Camcorder Using the T ouch Screen The contro l buttons and menu items that appear on the touch scr een change dynami cally dependi ng on the operating mode and the task you ar e performing. Y ou can easily operate the touch s creen using your finger or the supp lied stylus pen.
Prepa rat ions 27 • In the following ca ses, you may not be abl e to perform touch operations correct ly . - Operating the touch screen with wet or gloved hands or using your fingernails or oth er har d-tipped obje cts other than the styl us pen, such as ball point pen s.
28 Prepa rati ons Playback Press the S (camer a/play) butt on to switch the camcor der between ca mera (re cording ) mode and playba ck mo de. Y o u can pr ess S when the camcor der is off to turn it on directly i n playback mode.
Prepa rat ions 29 Using the Menus Many of the camcorder’ s functions can be adjusted from the FUNC. panel and the setup menus. In m ode, however , most m enus can- not be accessed and, except in a few cases, most menu setti ngs will return to their d efault values.
30 Prepa rati ons The Se tup Menu s 1 mode only: T ou ch [FUNC.] 2 T ouch [MENU] to open the setup menus. 3 T ouch the tab of the desired menu. 4 Dra g your fin ge r up an d dow n to bring the setting y ou want to change into the orange selectio n bar .
Prepa rat ions 31 First Ti me Settings Setting th e Date and Time Y ou will need to set the date and time of the camcor der bef ore you can start using it . The [ Date/Time] scr een will appear auto maticall y when the cam- corde r’ s clock is not set .
32 Prepa rati ons Changing the Language The default languag e of the camcord er is English. Y ou can set it to one of 27 languages. * On ly when per forming the procedure in a recording mod e. NOTES • Some control buttons, such as [ZOOM], [FUNC .
Prepa rat ions 33 Using a Memor y Card Memor y Cards Co mpatib le for Use wi th the Camco rder Y ou can use commerciall y available Secur e Digital (SD) car ds with this camcor de r . H owev er , depending on the memo ry car d, you may not be able to rec ord movies.
34 Prepa rati ons Compatib le operating systems for SDXC memory cards IMPORT ANT • If you use an SDX C memory ca rd with a c omputer OS that i s not SDXC- compatibl e, you may be pr ompted to format the memory card. In such case, cancel the operation to prevent data loss .
Prepa rat ions 35 Inserting and Removing a Memor y Card Make sure to initialize ( 0 38) all memory cards before using them with this camc order . 1 T urn o ff the camcorder . Make sur e the ON/OFF (CHG) indicator is of f. 2 Open the double memory card slot cover .
36 Prepa rati ons Selecting the Memor y for the Recordings Y ou can select to recor d your movie s and photos in the built-in mem- ory ( / / ) or on a memor y card. The default mem ory for record ing both is the built-in mem ory ( / / ) or memor y car d X (/ ) .
Prepa rat ions 37 Relay R ecord ing of M ovies Y ou can activ ate the relay re cor ding so if t he memory y ou ar e using becomes full while r e cording m ovies, the r ecordi ng will c ontinue auto- matical ly on a memory car d. Wh en rec o rdi n g o n me mo r y c ard X , you can use memory card Y for rela y rec ord in g ( 497 ).
38 Prepa rati ons Initia lizi ng the Memory Initial ize memory car ds when you use them with t his camcor der for t he first time. Y ou can also initialize a memory card or the built-in memory ( / / only) to permanently delete all the re cordings it con- tains.
Prepa rat ions 39 IMPORT ANT • Initi aliz ing the me mo ry will p erma nent ly era se all recordi ngs . Lost or igi- nal rec ordi ng s ca n not be rec ov ered . M ak e s ure yo u sav e im po rt a nt r ecor dings in ad vance using an external device ( 0 111).
40 Smart AUTO Mode Smart AUT O Mode This chapter cover s how to easily reco rd video and photos in Smart AUTO mode, and how to use basic shooting func tions like zoom and Q uick Start . T o enjoy f ull access to menus and more ad vanced func tions, r efer to the rele vant chapt ers for vide o ( 0 56) and ph otos ( 0 102).
Smart AUTO Mod e 41 T o record video 3P r e s s g to b egin recording. Press g agai n to pause the recor di ng. T o take photos 3P r e s s j ha lfway . If the subject is not in focus, h will flas h in yel low. Adjust the camcorder's position and press j halfway ag ain.
42 Smart AUTO Mode • When s hooti ng in mod e, t he camco r der wi ll a utomatica lly detect ce rtain cha racteri stics o f the subjec t, backgr ound , lighting conditions, etc.
Smart AUTO Mod e 43 IMPORT ANT • Obser ve the fo llowin g precaut ions wh ile the ACCESS in dica tor is on or flashin g. Fai ling to do so may resu lt in perma nent data lo ss or dama ge to the memory . - Do not open the doubl e memory card slot cover .
44 Smart AUTO Mode Zoomin g The camcor der of fer s thre e types o f zoom - optical , advanced and dig- ital. For opt ical zoom, the camco rde r uses the optical magni ficati on ratio of the lens.
Smart AUTO Mod e 45 Using the Z oom Lever Move th e zoom l ever towar d Q (wide angle) to zoom o ut. Move it toward P (telephot o) to zoo m in. By defaul t, th e zoom le ver oper- ates at a variab le spe ed – press gently for a slow zoom; press harder for faster zo oms.
46 Smart AUTO Mode • When r ecor di ng at maximu m advan ced zoom, the video qual ity is equivale nt to h igh defi nition . • In m ode , you c an al so s et 7 8 [Zoom Speed] to one of thr ee constan t spee ds ( 3 is t he f astes t, 1 t he slo west).
Smart AUTO Mod e 47 • About standby mod e and auto po wer off: - The cam corder will pow er off automatic ally if left in standby m ode for 10 minutes.
48 Video Vid eo This chapte r covers functions r elated to movies , including play- back, advanced shoo ting, advanced functi ons and scene oper- ations.
Video 49 4 T ouch the desired scene to play it back. • Playb ack wi ll s tart f ro m the scen e sel ected a nd c ontinue until the en d of the last scene in the index scr een. • T ouch the scr een d uring pl ayback to dis play the p layback contr ols for a fe w seco nds.
50 Video During p layback: A Stop the play back. B Jump t o the b eginn ing o f th e scene . Doubl e-tap to j ump to the pr evious s cene. C Pause th e play back. D T ouch to show volume and aud io balance c ontrol s. Drag your fi nger l eft and right alon g the bar to a dju st.
Video 51 During playback p ause: IMPORT ANT • Obser ve the fo llowin g precaut ions wh ile the ACCESS in dica tor is on or flash ing. Fai ling to do so may result in perman ent dat a los s. - Do not open the doubl e memory card slot cover . - Do not disc onnect the p ower sour ce or turn off the camc or der .
52 Video 3D Flip View 3D Flip View is a fun way to disp lay your video recor dings (original scenes) in a 3D layout, or gani zed by re cording date.
Video 53 In any index screen, touch [ b ]. During si ngle photo vi ew , touch the scre en once t o displ ay the c ontrol s then touch [ Q ] t o open the [Photos] index scr een. Opt ions NOTES • Fast /slow playb ack mo des are n ot avail able fo r scen es co nver ted to standard definition.
54 Video Deletin g Scenes Y ou can delet e those scene s that yo u ar e not i nteres ted in keeping. Deleting scene s allows you also to free up space on the memory . See also Delet ing Scenes and Stories from the Gallery ( 0 84). 1 In the date index screen, open the screen that contains the scen es you want to del ete.
Video 55 3 T ouch the d esired option. If you selected [Sel ect], touc h the scenes to delete and then touch [OK] . A chec kmark O will appe ar on s electe d sce nes. T ouch a select ed scen e ag ain to re move t he che ckmark . Y ou can a lso to uch [Remove All] to r emove all ch eckm arks.
56 Video Advanced Functions Shooting Video in Flexible Recording Mode When the camcor der is in (fle xib le reco rdin g) mode, you can enjoy full access to the menus and manually adjust the exp osur e, focus, whi te balanc e and many more of the camcor der's s ettings to your pr efer ence.
Video 57 • Be su re to sa ve y ou r rec ord in gs regu la rl y ( 0 111), especially after making import ant recordi ngs. Ca non shall no t be liab le for any loss o r corruption of data. NOTES • The z oom, Q uick Sta rt fun ction, power sa ving m odes, etc.
58 Video Selec ting t he Fram e Rate Select the frame r ate be for e you make a r ecor ding to match your c r e- ative int ent. Changing th e fram e rate wi ll change the “feel ” of yo ur reco rdings , fo r exam p le, b y giv ing them a more cine ma tic lo ok .
Video 59 Opt ions ( Default value) NOTES • When the fra me rate is set to [ D PF25], you cannot take photos. Spe cial Sc ene Rec ordi ng Pr ograms and P rogramm ed AE Recor ding in a very b .
60 Video Option s ( Default value) [ F Por t ra i t] The camcor de r use s a l arge ap er- ture, to achi eve a s harp fo cu s on th e subj ect whil e blur ring t he b ackgr ound. [ G Sport s] T o recor d sports s cenes such as tennis or golf.
Video 61 NOTES •[ F Portrait]/[ G Sports]/[ I Snow]/[ J Beach] : The pictur e may not appear smooth during playback. •[ F Portrait]: The b lur e ffe ct of the backgr ound incr eases the mo re you zoom in ( P ). •[ I Snow]/[ J Beach]: T he subje ct may becom e over expose d on clou dy days or i n shad ed pl aces.
62 Video Image Stabil izatio n The image stabili zer red uces camcor der bl ur (blur due to the cam- cord er moving) so you can get nice, stable shots . Select the image sta- bilization mode according to the shooting conditions. In mode, this function is set to [ Q Stand ard] and cannot be changed.
Video 63 Pre-Rec ordin g The camcord er will st art recor ding 3 seconds befor e you pr ess g , ensu rin g yo u do no t miss impo rt ant shoo tin g opp or tuni - ties. Thi s is especially usef ul when it is diff icult to pr edict when to start reco rd in g.
64 Video Face Detection The camcor der automati cally dete cts people’ s faces and uses this information to select the optimal settings for beautiful videos and pho- tos. POINTS TO CHECK • Sel ect a reco rding program oth er t han [ q Night Scene] , [ p Low Light] or [ M Firewor ks].
Video 65 • Face detecti on cannot be used when the shut ter speed us ed is slower than 1/25 or when the digital zoom is activated at more than 80x zoom. • When fa ce detect ion is activa ted, the s lowes t shutter s peed used b y the camcorder is 1/25.
66 Video Video S naps hot Recor d a series of sho rt scenes or captur e short sc enes from a movie you have previously recorded. Play your video snapshot sc enes set to your favorite mus ic ( 0 77) to create your ow n fun music vide o. Y ou will be surprised how by changing the background music, you can give your scenes an entire ly new feel.
Video 67 Digital Effects * Y ou can preview th e digital effect on the screen. • The i con of t he sel ected dig ital e f fect appea rs i n gr een. Ef fec ts ar e applied im media tely . To fad e in/o ut Press g in recor d pause mode ( M ) to start r ecording with a fade in.
68 Video • Fader s cannot b e used w hen r ecor ding vi deo sna pshot s cenes or w hen pre -rec ord ing is ac tiv at ed . Manual Exposure Adjustment At times, bac klit subjec ts may appear too dark (under ex posed) or sub- jects under ve ry strong ligh ts may a ppear too bright or gla ring (overex- posed).
Video 69 NOTES • If the reco rd ing pr ogra m is changed durin g exposur e lo ck, the cam - cor der wi ll r eturn to auto matic ex posur e. • When shoot ing subje cts wit h a str ong li ght sour ce b ehind the m, the camcord er automatical ly correc ts for the back light.
70 Video 3 T ouch and hold [ l ] or [ W ] to adjust the focus. • The cente r of the s creen wil l be ma gnifi ed to he lp yo u focu s more easily . Y ou can also turn off this fun ction with the 7 8 [Focus Assistance] setting. • The fo cusi ng distan ce dis played will cha nge as you adj ust the focus.
Video 71 NOTES • Any of t he f ollowing actions w ill dea ctivate tele-m acr o. - T ur ning off the camcor der . - Changing the camcorder's operating mode. - Zooming out towar d wide angle. - Setting the r ecor ding program t o [ M Fir eworks].
72 Video Option s ( Default value) NOTES • When you select the cu stom whit e balance: -S e t 7 8 [Zoom T y pe] to a setting other than [Digital]. - Res et t he white bala nce whe n you ch ange loca tion s or the ligh ting o r other co nditions change.
Video 73 For ph otos : Pre ss j , first halfway t o activat e the auto focus and then fully . The c amcor der will re cor d the phot o af ter a 10-second countdown. The countdo wn appear s on the scr een. NOTES • Once the countdown has begun, any of the following actions will cancel the s elf tim er .
74 Video 2 T ouch and hold [ y ] or [ A ] to adjust th e audio recording level as necessary . As a guide line, ad just the au dio r ecor ding le vel so tha t the audio level meter will go to the right of the -12 d B mark only occasionally . 3T o u c h [ a ] to lock the aud io recording level at t he current level.
Video 75 * Only wh en perform ing the p rocedure in mode. • J appears . To adjust t he volume during playback In mode, and in mode during slidesho w playback , you can adjust the hea dphone's volume the same w ay you adjust t he speaker's volume ( 0 50).
76 Video Selecting the Playback Starting P oint If you have a very long scene, you may want to start play ing back the scene fr om a cer tain p oint. Y ou can use the movie timeli ne to br eak the scene to segments a t fixed tim e interval s ranging from 6 seconds t o 6 minut es.
Video 77 To cha nge the in terval bet ween fr ames Playing Back Scenes or Slideshow Set to Background Music Y ou can play back scenes in the date inde x scre en, stories in the gal- lery and photo slideshows set to backg round musi c using one of the supplie d tracks.
78 Video To play back scen es from the d ate index screen 3 T ouch a scene. To play back from a particu lar scene in a story 3 Select the story that contains th e scenes to p lay back. Drag yo ur fing er righ t/left to brin g the desired sto ry to th e front.
Video 79 4 Play back the scenes w ith a particular rating. To play back a slidesho w from the photo ind ex screen 3 T ouch a photo to go to single pho to view and continue with the slideshow procedure ( 0 104). To delete a music track In th e music tr ack select ion scr een, touch [ Z ] or [ O ] to select the track you wa nt to delete.
80 Video NOTES • Ini tializ ing a me mory ca rd will per man ently erase any mu sic fil es you may have trans ferr ed f rom the su pplie d Camc orde r Suppl emental Disc to th e ca rd. ( / / Th e mus ic fil es that c ome p re-ins talled in the built-in me mory wi ll be restored aft er it is in itialize d.
Video 81 * Pressing h will turn off most of the icons and displays that appear automati- cally but will not r emove onscreen displays that wer e turned on manually (for example, onscreen marker s or the audio level m eter). ** T ouch th e screen to di splay the playb ack con trols.
82 Video Rating Scen es in the Gal ler y 1 From the gallery screen, select the s tory that contains the scenes to rate. Drag yo ur fing er righ t/left to brin g the desired sto ry to th e front. 2 T ouch [Scene List]. 3 When the desired scene appears in the orange bar , touch the frame on the right side.
Video 83 Playing Back Scen es by Ratin g Y ou can play back scenes that hav e a particular rat ing. 1 From the gallery screen, select the story that contains the scenes to play back. Drag your finger right/left to bri ng the desired story to the fr ont.
84 Video Galler y and Sce ne Operations Managing Stories The gallery initi ally contains two group s, [Unsorted] for your r egular scenes and [V ideo Snapshot ] for your vid eo snapsho t scenes. In add i- tion, you can cr eate new gr oups, or “sto ries”, which contain scenes of your choosing, arranged in an or der to yo ur liking.
Video 85 To delete indivi dual scenes 1 From the gallery s creen, select the story that contains the scene to delete. 2 Delete the s cene. • The scen e is delete d and the gall ery scr een appears. To de lete sce nes by ratin g Y ou can del ete all the scenes in a story w ith a p articular r ating.
86 Video To delete a story Y ou can delet e new stories that y ou have cr eated. 1 From the gallery screen, select the story to delete. Drag yo ur fing er righ t/left to brin g the desired sto ry to th e front. 2 Delete the story . * T ouch [Stop] to inte rrupt the operation while it is in pr ogr ess.
Video 87 4 T ouch [Move] or [Copy]. Thumbnai ls of ea ch stor y (exce pt for [U nsorte d] and [V ideo Snap shot]) will appear . 5 T ouch the thumbnail of the story wher e you want to move or copy the scenes. If you ar e movi ng or co pying scenes to an empty story , skip to st ep 7.
88 Video 4 Move the scenes . • The s cenes ar e move d and the ga llery scr ee n of t he sour c e stor y appea rs. IMPORT ANT • Y ou cannot move or copy scenes to [Unsorted] or [Vid eo Snapshot]. Capturing Video Snapsho t Scenes and Photos from a Mov ie Y ou can captur e video snapshot s cenes or photos fro m a pr eviously rec ord ed scene.
Video 89 • The captur ed video snapshot scene is saved to the same memory tha t cont ains the sou rce sc ene . • In the gallery scr een, a captur ed vi deo snapshot scene i s saved in [Video Snapshot] as the last s cene. • Video s napshot s cenes ca nnot be captur ed fr om any of the foll owin g typ es of scen es.
90 Video IMPORT ANT • When cap turi ng photo s on an Eye- Fi car d in me mory ca rd slot Y , pho- tos will be uplo aded autom atica lly when the cam co rder is in playba ck mode if you ar e withi n the range of a co nfigur ed netw ork. Alway s verify that Ey e-Fi car ds h ave been app roved in the coun try/r eg ion of use.
Video 91 5 Divide the s cene. • The video from the division point to the end of the scene will appear as a n ew sc ene i n the inde x scr ee n. NOTES • When ad vancing/ re versin g frames while dividi ng the sce nes, the inte rval between f rames is ab out 0.
92 Video Decorating Scenes Add a new le vel of enjoyment to scenes by decorating them. Y ou can add animated g raphics, stamp s, even your own drawings with t he sup- plied styl us pen, a nd more! Decorating while Recording 1 Open the dec oration screen.
Video 93 2 Use a tool from th e toolbar . See below for an explanati on of each to ol. 3P r e s s g t o re c ord . The ons creen deco rat ions w ill be includ ed in the re cording . A Canvas: This is t he ar ea on which you w ill d raw a nd see your decora tions in action .
94 Video To use ([Pens and Stam ps]) 1T o u c h [ ] . The [Pe ns and Stamps] scre en will ap pear . 2 Select the desired pen or stamp fr om [T ools]. Y ou can als o clear the ca nvas, sav e a ca nvas or load a c anvas . See the following proc edures.
Video 95 To use ([Anim ated Stam ps]) 1T o u c h [ ] . The [Ani mated Stam ps] scr een wil l appea r . 2 Select the desired stamp number . 3 T ouch a spot on t he canvas to place the selected s tamp. To use J ([Date and Time]) 1T o u c h [ J ]. 2 T ouch [Date] or [Time] and then touch [ f ].
96 Video To use (freeze scree n) 1T o u c h [ ] . The c ontrol b utto n w ill cha nge to [ ] and the pictu re will b e froz en. 2 Decorate the screen using the other tools in the palette. 3T o u c h [ ] . The scr een wi ll r eturn to norm al. NOTES • If the me mory tha t contai ns the can vas is init iali zed, the canvas will be deleted.
Video 97 MEMO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
98 Photos Photos Refer to this chapter for details on tak ing and viewing photos. For details abo ut basic photo shooting, refer to Smart AUTO Mode ( 0 40). Basic Playbac k Viewin g Ph otos 1P r e s s S . 2 Open the [Pho tos] index screen. 3 Look for the photo you w ant to play back.
Photos 99 4 T ouch the phot o you wish to view . • The photo is displayed in single photo vi ew . • Drag your finger left/right to browse through the photos one by one. To re tur n to the inde x s creen fr om s ingl e ph oto view 1 T ouch the screen to display the playback controls.
100 Photos IMPORT ANT • Observe the following precautions while the ACCESS indicator is on or flashing. Fa iling to do so may r esult i n permanent data loss. - Do not open t he dou ble memor y ca rd s lot cover . - Do not discon nect the power sour ce or turn of f the camcor de r .
Photos 101 Deleting Photo s from the I ndex Scree n From the index screen, you c an delete sele cted photos or all p hotos. 1 Open the [P hotos] index screen. 2 Select the p hotos to delete. If you sel ected [ Select] , touch t he ph otos to del ete and t hen touc h [OK] .
102 Photos Additional Functions T aking Phot os in Fl exi ble Re cordi ng Mod e 1 T urn on the camcorder . • // B y default, photos are r ecor ded in t he buil t-in memory . Y ou can set the memory card as the r ecording media for photos ( 0 36).
Photos 103 IMPORT ANT • Obser ve the fo llowin g precaut ions wh ile the ACCESS in dica tor is on or flash ing. Fai ling to do so may result in perman ent dat a los s. - Do not open the doubl e memory card slot cover . - Do not disc onnect the p ower sour ce or turn off the camc or der .
104 Photos NOTES • The actual number of photos that can be recorded will vary depending on the subj ect and shooting conditi ons. • The camcor der ret ains the last setti ng used even if you set the cam- cor der t o mode. • When prin ting photos, use the foll owing guideli nes as a ref er ence for select ing th e pri nt siz e.
Photos 105 - r Functions Y ou Can U se when T aking Photos Y ou ca n also use the followin g fu nction s... The foll owing f unction s and feat ure s of the camco rd er can be used either for shooti ng video or for taking photos.
106 Exter nal Co nnecti ons Extern al Connections This chapter expla ins how to connect your camcor der to an external devi ce such as a TV , VCR, or comp uter . T er minals on the Camcorder * When connect ing a cable to the ca mcorder , ma ke sure to alig n the cabl e so the t ri- angle m ark on the c onnecto r is facing u p.
External Conne ctions 107 Connection D iagrams In the following connect ion diagra ms, the left side sho ws the termin als on the camcor de r and the right side s hows (for r efer ence only) an example of te rminals on a connect ed devic e.
108 Exter nal Co nnecti ons Connection B Component Video T ype: Analog Quality: High Definition Output only Connect to a hig h-definiti on TV (HDTV) with component video input t erminals.
External Conne ctions 109 Playb ack o n a TV Sc reen Connect the camcor der to a TV to enjoy your r ecor dings with fami ly and friends. Playback on an HDTV using one of the high-definition con- nections will ensur e the best play back quality . 1 T urn o ff the camcorder and the TV .
110 Exter nal Co nnecti ons 4 T urn on the camcorder and set it to or mode. Play ba ck the mo vies or phot os. NOTES • T o correctl y play back mov ies rec orded wit h x.v . Colo r ( 0 135) on an HDTV compatib le with this stand ar d, additiona l settin gs may be required on t he co nne cted HDT V .
External Conne ctions 111 Saving and Sharing Y our Rec ordings Copying Recordings to a Memor y Card Y ou can copy your recor ding s to a memory card but only to memory card Y . F or / / , t he reco rdings to be cop ied must be in the bui lt-in memory or on me mory car d X .
112 Exter nal Co nnecti ons If y ou select ed [Sele ct], to uch the s cenes t o copy an d then to uch [OK]. A checkm ark O will ap pear on sel ected scenes. T ouch a selected scene agai n to r emo ve t he che ckmark. Y ou can al so t ouch [ Remov e All] to remove all ch eck marks .
External Conne ctions 113 Copying Photos from the In dex Screen Fro m the index scr een, you ca n copy selected p hotos or all phot os. 1 Open the photo in dex scr een. After pressing [ b ], select the f tab to copy photos from the built- in me mory ( / / onl y) or the 4 tab to copy photos from memor y car d X .
114 Exter nal Co nnecti ons NOTES • In th e follo wing cases , you wil l not be able to cop y recordings to the memory card: - If the do uble me mory ca r d slot co ver is open. - If the LO CK swit ch on memory card Y is set to pr even t writi ng.
External Conne ctions 115 Connecting the Camcor der to a Computer 1 Power the camcorder using the compact power adapter . 2 Open the d ate index screen or gallery screen. 3 Connect the camcorder to the computer using the supplied USB cable. Connection D .
116 Exter nal Co nnecti ons Using the software 1 Power the camco rder using the compac t power adapter . 2 Se t th e c amc order to mo de, in s ingl e pho to vie w . 3 Connect t he camcorder to the computer using th e supplied USB cable. Conn ect ion D .
External Conne ctions 117 NOTES • Refer al so to the comput er’ s in stru ction manual. • Users of Window s 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP and Mac OS X : Y our cam- cor der is eq uipped with t.
118 Exter nal Co nnecti ons Copying Recordings to an External Video Recorder In High D efiniti on Connect the camcor der to Blu-ray Disc r ecor ders and other A VCHD- compatible dig ital vid eo recor ders usin g the supplied USB cable to mak e p erfec t copi es of yo ur mo vies in hig h d efin iti on.
External Conne ctions 119 Connecting Connect the camcor der to t he VCR using Connection C or 3 . Refe r to Connection Diagrams ( 0 107). Recording 1 External de vice: Load a blank media and set the device to recor d pause mode. 2 T urn on the camcorder and set it to mode.
120 Exter nal Co nnecti ons Installat ion See the Install ation Guide for PIXELA ’ s softwar e. Using the soft ware Refer t o the Soft ware Guide (PDF file) o f the supplied softwar e. / / Converti ng Scenes into Standard Def inition from t he Date In dex Screen Y ou can convert scenes on a specific da te, scenes you select, or all scenes.
External Conne ctions 121 6 T ouch [Next] 8 [ST ART]. • Befor e touching [Next ], you can t ouch [ 5 ] t o chang e the con versi on settings as d escribed below . • Bef ore tou chi ng [START], y ou can add de cora tio ns o r adjus t the audio b alance.
122 Exter nal Co nnecti ons / / Converti ng Scenes into Standard Def inition from t he Galler y Scr een Y ou can convert scenes base d on their rating to standar d definitio n. Y ou can check converted scenes using the [ u SD Movies] index screen ( 0 52).
External Conne ctions 123 NOTES • When converting s cenes in a story: - All the scenes ar e mer ged into one co nverte d scene. - If the conv erted scene is too lar ge, i t will be s plit into smaller 10-minute l ong scenes . - The scene s cannot be conve rted when the ir total p layback time exce eds 2 hours and 30 minut es.
124 Exter nal Co nnecti ons Connecti ng to the Computer a nd Upload ing your Vi deos If you ar e connec ting the camco rder to the computer immediat ely after the conversion described in the pr evious sect ion, start this pr ocedur e from st ep 3 below .
External Conne ctions 125 / / Uploa ding your Vid eos Wireles sly If you are usi ng an Eye-Fi car d, you can automatica lly upload the mov- ies from the [ u SD Mo vie s] i nde x scr ee n to your fa vor ite vide o sh ari ng W e b site.
126 Exter nal Co nnecti ons NOTES • Dependi ng on the amount of da ta to be uploaded and the network 's wir eless connecti on conditi ons, it can take some time to uplo ad video file s. If the wir e less co nnectio n i s too wea k, th e wir eless uploa d may fail and t he v ideo f iles w ill be registe red as in compl ete u ploads.
Addition al Info rmatio n 127 Addition al In for mati on This chapter contai ns troubles hooting advice, scr een mes- sages, handling and maintenance tips, and other information. Appendix: Menu Optio ns Lists Menu items not available appear grayed out.
128 Additional Information * Not availab le for pho tos. [ e Exposure] [ y ] (manual expos ure): T oggle on or off , Touch AE frame – z 68 [ZOOM] Zoom co ntrols, [ ST ART]/[STOP] contro l, T ele-macro: T oggle on or off zz 44, 70 [ c Mic .
Addition al Info rmatio n 129 Setup Menus Edit Panel - Mo de * Not available f or recordings on memor y card B ( 7 ta b). Contro l Button Date Index Screen [SD Movies] Index Screen Playback Pause .
130 Additional Information In the gallery: 1 Not availab le for recordings on m emory ca rd B ( 7 tab) . 2 Not availab le for [Unsor ted] or [V ideo Snapsh ot].
Addition al Info rmatio n 131 Edit Panel - Mo de Setup Menus 7 Camera Setup * Not available f or photos. Contro l Butt on Photo Index Screen Single Photo View 0 // [Copy ( f97 )] [Copy ( 497 )] [S.
132 Additional Information [Focus Assist ance]: When foc us assis tanc e is acti vated, the image at the center of the scr een is m agnifie d to help you focus manua lly ( 0 69). • Using fo cus ass istanc e will not af fect the r ecor dings. It will be cancell ed automa ticall y after 4 seconds or when yo u start recor di ng.
Addition al Info rmatio n 133 y / z Playback Setup * Opt ion not av ailable wh en the camco rder is conne cted to an HDTV u sing the su p- plied HDMI cable. [D ata Co de] : Displa ys th e date and/ or ti me wh en th e scen e wa s recorded . [ L Camera Data] : Displa ys the apertu re (f -stop) and shu tter speed used when rec ording th e scen e.
134 Additional Information 8 Recording & Conn ections Setup Menu item Setting options 1 2 0 [Self Timer] [ A On n ], [ B Off] z –– 7 2 [Vi deo S nap sh ot Length]* [ i 2 sec], [ j 4 sec] ,.
Addition al Info rmatio n 135 * Not available f or photos. [Memor y Info ]: Displ ays a scre en wh ere you ca n veri fy ho w much of t he bui lt-i n me mory ( / / onl y) or the memo ry ca r d is cu rr ent ly in us e ( l total recor din g time and k total number of photos) and how much space r emain s avail able fo r r ecor din g.
136 Additional Information [Photo Numberi ng]: Selec t the photo numberin g method to be used on a new memor y car d. Photo s are automati call y assign ed consec utive num - bers from 0101 to 9900, and stored in folders containing up to 100 pho- tos.
Addition al Info rmatio n 137 6 System Setup In th is t abl e, 4 and 3 refer to movi es and photos in mode, respectiv ely . Menu item Setting options 1 2 0 [Output Ons creen Displa ys] [ A On] , [.
138 Additional Information 1 Not availab le for pho tos. 2 Option not availa ble when the camcorder is connecte d to an HDTV using the sup- plie d HDM I ca ble . 3 Option available onl y after h aving inserted an Eye -Fi card in memory card sl ot Y .
Addition al Info rmatio n 139 [Output Onscreen Di splays]: Wh en set to [ A On], the camcorder’ s onscr e en displa ys will ap pear al so on the scr een of a TV or monitor con- nect ed to the c amcor der . [LCD B rightn ess]: Adjusts th e brightness of the LCD scr een.
140 Additional Information • Y ou can set Qui ck Start to [ B Off], fo r ex ample , if the camc or der i s set on a fixed po sition and you want to ke ep recordin g video with the LCD p anel cl osed in order to con serv e the b atte ry's powe r .
Addition al Info rmatio n 141 [Demo Mo de]: The de mons tra tio n mod e di spla ys the camco r der 's main featur es. It starts automatica lly when the camcor der is power ed with the compac t power adap ter if you l eave it tu rned on wi thout a memo ry car d for more than 5 minutes.
142 Additional Information Appendix: Onscr een Icon s and Displays Recording Movies (in Sm art AUTO mode) 1 Control button: Open the F UNC. panel ( 0 29) 2 Smar t AUT O m ode ( 0 40) 3 Onscreen zo.
Addition al Info rmatio n 143 Recording Movies (in Flexible Recording mode) T op ro w of icons during record pause mode A g Recordi ng program ( 0 59, 61) A h Manual e xposure ( 0 68) A j N Autofo.
144 Additional Information Recording Photos (in Flexible Recording mode) D d Self ti mer ( 0 72 ) D f Number of available photo s 4 , 7 On memory ca rd X or Y // f In the built-in memo ry D g Displays the aperture (f-stop) and shutter spe ed used.
Addition al Info rmatio n 145 Viewing Photos F f Control button: Op en the setup menus ( 0 131) F g Current ph oto / T otal numb er of photo s F h Photo n umbe r ( 0 136) F j Photo j ump ( 0 99) F.
146 Additional Information 6 Memo ry o per ati on N Record, M Record pause, A Playback, C Playback pause, I Fa st p layb a ck, J Fast r ever s e p lay ba ck , G Slow playback, H Slow reverse playback, E Frame advance*, F F rame reverse*. * Available on ly when dividing scene s.
Addition al Info rmatio n 147 Trou b le ? T roubles hooting If you have a proble m with your camcorder , refe r to this section. Some- times w hat you th ink is a malfunction of the camcor der m ay have the simples t of s olutio ns - pleas e r ead the “CHECK TH IS FI RST” box before going on to the more detailed problems and s olutions.
148 Additional Information A noise can be heard from the compact power adapter . - A faint sound can be heard while the compact power adapter is connected to a power outlet. This is not a malfunction. The battery pack is exhausted extremely quickly even at normal temperatur es.
Addition al Info rmatio n 149 After using the camcorder for a long time , it becomes hot. - The camcorder may bec ome hot after usin g it cont inuously for long periods of time; this is not a malfunction.
150 Additional Information - Music tracks will not play bac k correctly if the connection was interrupted while transferring the music files from the Camcorder Supplemental D isc. Delete the music track s and transfer the music files again. - The transfer rate of the memory card used is too slow .
Addition al Info rmatio n 151 o appears on the screen - The LOCK switch on the Eye-F i card is set to prevent acc idental erasure. Cha nge the position of the LOCK switch. - An error occurred when trying to access control data on the Eye -Fi card.
152 Additional Information Memory Card and Accessories Cannot insert the memory card. - The memory card was not facing the correct dir ection. T urn the memory card over and insert it. Cannot record on the memory card. - The memory card is full. Delete some recordin gs ( 0 54, 100) to free some space or r eplace the memory card.
Addition al Info rmatio n 153 Connections with Exter nal Devices Video noise appears on the TV screen. - When using the camcorder in a room w here a TV is located, keep a dis tance between the compact power adapter and the power or antenna c ables of the TV .
154 Additional Information List of Me ssages Accessing the memory card. Do not remove the memory card. - Y ou ope ned the double memory card slot cover while the camcorder was accessing the mem- ory card or the camcorder started acces sing the memory card as you opened the dou ble memory card slot cover .
Addition al Info rmatio n 155 Cannot copy - The total size of the scenes you selected to copy exceeds the available space in the memory . Delete some recordings on the memory card ( 0 54, 100) or reduce the number of scenes to copy . - The memory already contains the maximum number of scenes (3,999 s cenes).
156 Additional Information Cannot play the movies on this memory card - Movies cannot be played back from a 64 MB or smaller memory card. Use a recommended memory card ( 0 33). Cannot play the movies on this memory card Initialize only using the camcorder - The memory card in the camcorder was initia lized using a computer .
Addition al Info rmatio n 157 - Y ou inser ted a MultiMedi a Card (MMC) into the camc order . Use a recommended memory card ( 0 33). - If after the message disa ppears, 4 / 7 appears in red, perform the following: T urn off the camcorder and remove and reinsert the memory card.
158 Additional Information Memory card is full - The memory card is full. Delete some recordings ( 0 54, 100) to free some s pace or replac e the memory card. Memory card is write-protected - The LOCK switch on the memory card is set to prevent accidental erasure.
Addition al Info rmatio n 159 // Some scenes could not be converted - Among the scenes selected for conv ersion to SD there are sce nes recorded with another device and then transferred to a me mory card connected to the computer . When converting scenes to SD, leave out scenes r ecorded using another dev ice.
160 Additional Information T oo many photos. Disconnect the USB cable. - Disconnect the USB cable. T ry using a memory card reader or decrease the number of photos on the memory card to fewer than 2,500 photos (Windows computers), or 1,000 photos (Macintosh computers).
Additional Information 161 Do’s an d Don ’ts Hand lin g Prec auti ons Cam co rder Be sur e t o observe t he follo wing pr ecautio ns to ensure maximum per- forma nce.
162 Additional Information • Do not insert the supplied stylus pen into the mouth. If swallowed, se ek medic al a ssist ance imme diat ely . • Handle the sup plie d styl us pen wi th ext rem e car e a nd keep i t out o f the re ach of child re n.
Additional Information 163 Long-ter m storag e • Sto re battery p acks in a d ry p lace at temp eratur es no higher than 30 ° C. • T o extend the batt ery lif e of the battery pack, d ischarge it comp letely before storing it. • Charg e and disc harge all your bat tery packs fully at le ast once a year .
164 Additional Information • Check the dir ect ion bef or e inser ting the memory card . For cing a me m- ory card i nto the slot if it is not correctly ori ented may damage the mem- ory car d or t he camcor der . • Do n ot a tta ch an y lab els or stick ers o n th e me mory card.
Additional Information 165 Maintenance/Other s Cleaning Camcor der Bo dy • Use a soft , dr y clo th to clean the c amco rder b ody . N eve r use chem ical ly treate d cloth s or vola tile so lvents such as paint thinner . Lens • If the lens surf ace is dir ty , autofocus may not wor k prop erly .
166 Additional Information When cond ensation is detected The ca mcorde r autom ati cally s huts off. The precis e time required for water droplets to evaporate will vary de pending on the lo cation and weath er cond itio ns. As a gene ral rule , wait f or 2 hour s before resum ing use of th e camc or der .
Additional Information 167 Genera l Inform ation Accessories * Supplied wi th the camcorder; no t available as an opti onal acces sory . (Av ailability differs from area to area) Optional accessor ies not listed below are d escribed in mor e detail in the following pages.
168 Additional Information Option al Acces sories 4 Battery Packs When you need extra batter y pack s, select the BP-110. When you use bat te ry pa ck s be ari ng the Intell igent System mark, the camcorder will c ommunicate with the batte ry and display the r emaining usage time (acc urate to 1 minu te).
Additional Information 169 playb ack con dit ions. T he effect ive us age tim e of the battery pack ma y decr eas e when rec or ding in c old s urr oundi ngs, when us ing t he b right er screen setti ngs, etc.
170 Additional Information 9 SC-2000 Soft Carrying Case A handy camcorder bag with padded compar tments and p lenty of sp ace fo r acces sorie s. This mark identifie s genuine Canon v ideo acce ssories. When you use Canon video equipment, we recomme nd Canon-brand acc essories or products bearing the sa me mark.
Additional Information 171 Specifications LEGRIA HF R28 / LEGRIA HF R27 / LEGRIA HF R26 / LEGRIA HF R206 / LEGRIA HF R205 — V alues given are approximate figures.
172 Additional Information • Image Sensor 1/4.85-type CMOS, 3,280,000 pixels /// Effective pixels : Movies* 1,470,000 pixels (optical zoom, entire zoom range, [Dynamic] IS mode) 2,070,00.
Additional Information 173 • Filter Diameter: 34 mm • Minimum Focusing Distance 1 m*; 1 cm at full wide angle * 40 cm at full-telephoto when tele-macro is on • White Balance Auto white balance, Custom white balance or Preset white balance settings: Daylight, T ungsten • Minimum Illumination 0.
174 Additional Information CA-110E Compact Po wer Adapter • Power supply: 100 – 240 V AC, 50/60 Hz • Rated output / consumption: 5.3 V DC, 1.
Additional Information 175 Abou t the mus ic files The specific ations of the music fi les compa tible wi th the camcor der are as follows. Audio e ncoding : Linear PCM Audi o samplin g: 48 kHz, 1.
176 Additional Information Index 3D Flip View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2 A Abroad, using the cam corder . . . . 166 Aspect r atio of a conn ected TV (TV type) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 Audio recording level . . . . . . . .
Additional Information 177 LCD touc h screen . . . . . . . . . . 24, 26 Low li ght (recordin g progra m) . . . . 60 M Mainte nanc e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165 Manua l exposure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Manua l focus . . . . . . . . .
178 Additional Information W White balance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Wide angle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Wind screen . . . .
© 2011 CANON INC. PUB. DIE-0385-000 Canon Inc. 30-2, Shimomaruko 3-chome, Ohta-ku, T okyo 146-8501, Japan Canon Europa N.V . Bovenkerkerweg 59-61, 1185 XB Amstelveen, The Netherlands www .
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Canon HF R205 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Canon HF R205 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Canon HF R205 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Canon HF R205 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Canon HF R205 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Canon HF R205 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Canon HF R205 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Canon HF R205 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.