Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product i350 van de fabrikant Canon
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Co l o r B u b b l e J e t Co l o r B u b b l e J e t Co l o r B u b b l e J e t C olor Bubble Jet Printer Printer Printer Printer Quic k Start Guide Quic k Start Guide Quic k Start Guide Quic k Start.
C anon i350/i250 C olor B ubble Jet Prin ter Quic k Start Guide. Co p yr i g h t Co p yr i g h t Co p yr i g h t Co p yr i g h t Thi s m anual is copy righted by C anon U.
Con tents 1 Co n t e n t s Co n t e n t s Co n t e n t s Co n t e n t s Basic Printing Basic Printing Basic Printing Basic Printing Turnin g on the Printer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Conten ts 2.
Basic Printing 3 Basi c Pr i nt i ng Basi c Pr i nt i ng Basi c Pr i nt i ng Basi c Pr i nt i ng T urning on the Print er 1 Press the POWER button. The PO WER POWER POWER POWER lamp f l ashes while the p rinter warms up and c hanges to steady (non- flashing) g reen wh en th e printe r is ready .
Basic Printing 4 Lo ad ing P aper Pri nt Med ia to Avoid Do not use t he f ollo wing ty pes of paper . Us ing suc h paper w ill not on ly produc e uns atisfactory results, but can also cause the prin ter to jam or malfunction .
Basic Printing 5 2 Prepare to load pa per . 3 Load the paper. Note z Do not stac k more than 50 sh eets in the paper ou tput tray . z Do not touch the printe d surfac es until the in k dries. For specific dr ying times, refer to the instructions pack aged w i th y our m edia.
Basic Printing 6 Us ing Speci alty Media C anon rec ommends that y ou use g enuin e Canon media t o ensur e optim al print qu ality . Ca n o n Sp e ci a lt y M e d ia Photo Quality Media •P .
Basic Printing 7 Printing w ith Window s 1 Cre a t e a document or open a file to print. 2 Open Printer Proper ties dialog bo x. (1) Select P rint Print Print Print from the application s oftware's File File File File menu. Not e z When us ing p lain p aper , up t o 100 sheet s can b e set.
Basic Printing 8 3 Specif y the required set tings. 4 Print the docume nt. Note z From the P a g e Setup Pa g e Setup Pa g e Setup Pag e Setup t a b , sele ct the corr ect do cument s ize to be printed.
Basic Printing 9 Printing w ith Macint osh 1 Cre a t e a document or open a file to print. 2 Select Paper Size. (1) Select the Page Setup Page Se tup Page Se tup Pag e Setup from th e applic ation s oftware's Fi le File File File m enu. (3) C lick OK OK OK OK.
Basic Printing 10 Note z When you select the type of d ocument from the Prin t M ode Print Mode Print Mode Pri nt Mod e pull- down men u, the document w ill be printe d in c olor and pr int qualit y suited to the c haracteri stics of Media T ype Media T ype Medi a T ype Me dia Type you ha ve s elected .
Advanced P rinting 11 Advan c ed P rinti ng Advan c ed P rinti ng Advan c ed P rinti ng Advan c ed P rinti ng Ac ce ssing Print e r Driver The Print er Pr operties Printer Pr operties Printer Pr opert.
Advanced Printing 12 3 Open the File menu and select P rinting Preferenc es (or Properties ). The Print er Proper ti es Printe r Prope r ties Pri nter Properties Printer Properties dialog bo x opens.
Advanced P rinting 13 T o manu al ly adjust Print Quali ty settings : T o manu al ly adjust Print Quali ty settings : T o manu al ly adjust Print Quali ty settings : T o manu al ly adjust Print Quali ty settings : 1 Open the Prin ter P ropertie s di alog bo x.
Advanced Printing 14 T o automatically optimize the image: T o automatically optimize the image: T o automatically optimize the image: T o automatically optimize the image: Photo Op timiz e r PRO automatically adjusts t he photographic i mag e created with a digital camera.
Advanced P rinting 15 T o use V ivid Photo option: T o use V ivid Photo option: T o use V ivid Photo option: T o use V ivid Photo option: Vivid Photo inten sifies bac kgrou nd colors like fields, trees, oc eans and skies, while maintaini ng nat u ral skin t o nes in the images.
Advanced Printing 16 T o redu c e no i s e from images taken with a digital came ra: T o redu c e no i s e from images taken with a digital came ra: T o redu c e no i s e from images taken with a digi.
Advanced P rinting 17 Sav ing and R ecal ling Driver Settings When you c hange printer d river setting s for a spe cific print job, su c h as print ing blac k and white p hotos, or printing doc uments with a spec ial bac kgrou nd, you c an s ave and name these s ettings for future use o n similar pri nt jobs.
Advanced Printing 18 1 Open the Pr int dialog box. See " Pri nting w ith Macint osh Printin g with Mac intosh Printin g with Mac intosh Printin g with Mac intosh" " " " on p age 9. 2 Clic k Apply . The Register Setti ngs Register Settings Register Settings Regi ster Setti n gs dialog box opens.
Advanced P rinting 19 Us ing Printer Drive r Options Y our pri nter driver will prov i de you with many features that allow y ou to print a wide r ange of images and documents. The illustration s be lo w pr o vide a basic introduction to many of these.
Advanced Printing 20 Us ing the Bu ndled Softw ar e The Set up Soft war e & U ser’s Guide C D-ROM includes p hoto applications de s ig ned to edit the photographs tak en by a digital came r a and prin t th em a s photo-lab quality prints. Please use the application(s) suitable for your prin t purposes.
Advanced P rinting 21 Printing Photogr aphs with Windo ws By using Easy- P hotoPrint supplied with the i3 50/i250, you can easily print by fol l owing the simple steps outlin ed here. As well, the i350 can make borderless prin ts of ph otographs take n wit h a di gita l ca me ra.
Advanced Printing 22 (2) C lick the [+] [+] [+] [+] button on the thu mbn a i l of the photog r ap h you want to print and specif y t he n umber of copies . 3 Select the paper. 4 Select the lay out. (3) Loa d the media specified in the 2. Paper Selec tion 2.
Advanced P rinting 23 Printing Photogr aphs with Macintosh By using Easy- P hotoPrint supplied with the i3 50/i250, you can easily print by fol l owing the simple steps outlin ed here. As well, the i350 can make borderless prin ts of ph otographs take n wit h a di gita l ca me ra.
Advanced Printing 24 3 Select the paper. 4 Select the lay out. (3) Loa d the media specified in the 2. Paper Selec tion 2. Paper Selecti on 2. Paper Selecti on 2. Paper Selecti on t ab. (4) Clic k Prin t Print Print Print. Inc rea ses th e number of cop ies.
Printing Maintenance 25 Pr int ing Ma inte nanc e Pr int ing Ma inte nanc e Pr int ing Ma inte nanc e Pr int ing Ma inte nanc e When Printing Bec omes F aint or C olors ar e Inc orr ect When p rinting b e c om es faint or colors are incorrect, even if ink remains in the ink tanks, the print head nozzles are pr o bably cl ogg ed .
Printing Maintena nce 26 Printing the No zzle Chec k P att ern Print t he nozzle chec k pattern to determ ine w hether the ink ejec ts properly from the p rint head nozzles, and to verif y print head alignm ent. Use this function w hen printe d results are blurred or the color is incorrect.
Printing Maintenance 27 1 With the printer on, load a sheet of Letter -sized paper in th e printer. 2 Open the Printer Utility dialog bo x. (1) Select Pa ge Set up... Pag e Setup... Pag e Setup... Page Setup... in the File File File File me nu. (2) C lick Utilities.
Printing Maintena nce 28 Print Head C leaning C lean the p rint head i f you suspect that the nozzles might be clogge d. C leaning the p rint head con su mes ink, so per form p rint head cleaning only when neces sar y . 1 Ensure that the print e r i s on.
Printing Maintenance 29 1 Ensure that the print e r i s on. 2 Open the Printer Utility dialog bo x. (1) Select Page Setup Page S etup Page S etup Page Setup... in the File File File File menu. (2) C lick Utilities... Utilities... Utilities... Utilities.
Printing Maintena nce 30 Print Head Deep C leaning If print qual ity does not impro ve by st andard print he ad cle a n ing, try performing a print head deep cleaning, whi c h is a m ore power ful proc ess. Print head deep cleani ng c onsu mes more ink than standard p rint hea d cleanin g, so perform this proc edure only when ne cessa r y .
Printing Maintenance 31 1 Ensure that the print e r i s on. 2 Open the Printer Utility dialog bo x. (1) Select Page Setup… Page S etup… Page S etup… Page Setup … in the File Fil e Fil e Fil e menu. (2) C lick Utilities... Utilities... Utilities.
Printing Maintena nce 32 Not e z Af ter print head deep cleani ng finishes, pri nt the nozzle check pattern to veri fy th at the print he ad n ozzles are clean.
Printing Maintenance 33 Al igning the Print Head Aligning the print head po s ition allows you to prin t without shif ts in th e co lor registr ati on. 1 With the printer on, load a sheet of Letter -sized paper in th e printer. 2 Open th e Prin ter Prope rties di alog bo x.
Printing Maintena nce 34 4 Align the Print Head. (1) Look at the print ou t. Select the patterns that h ave t he fewest white stripes an d ent er the number s tha t corr espond t o the sel ected p atter ns. (4) When th e c on firmation messag e is displayed, clic k O K OK OK OK.
Printing Maintenance 35 3 Print the pa tt e rn. (3) When th e c on firmation messag e is displayed, clic k O K OK OK OK. 4 Align the Print Head. (1) Look at the print ou t. Select the patterns that h ave t he fewest white stripes an d ent er the number s tha t corr espond t o the sel ected p atter ns.
Printing Maintena nce 36 Rep lac ing an Ink T ank When re pl acing an in k tank, chec k the mod el number very c arefully. The printer will not prin t properly if the wrong in k t an k i s u sed, or inst alled i n the i ncorr ect pos ition. Replacing an Ink T a nk When a n ink tank runs out of ink , re pl ace it using the following steps.
Printing Maintenance 37 3 Pre pare a re plac ement in k tank . (1) Unpac k a new ink tank and remove the orange p rotective c ap. 4 Inser t th e ink t ank. (1) Insert a new ink tank into a slot. (2) Push in the tab until the ink tank snaps firmly into plac e .
Printing Maintena nce 38 Resetting the Ink C ount er When a n ink tank is replac ed, the ink cou nter m ust be reset. The low in k warning is display e d properly only if the ink counter is r e set.
Printing Maintenance 39 How Low Ink Warning Setting W orks The low ink warning n otifies you of low ink levels durin g printing . T he Low Ink W arnin g has been preset to be automatical ly d i splayed. When you reset the in k cou nter, it will assume that the in k tank is full regardless of how muc h ink actually remains.
Printing Maintena nce 40 How to Dis play L ow Ink Wa rning C orrectly • Reset the ink counter ever y time you install a new i nk tank. The in k c ounte r canno t work c orrec tly unless you synchronize it w ith the ac tu a l ink level. T he ink c oun t e r can be rese t only wh en a new ink tank is install e d.
Troublesh ooting 41 Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g This section provides troubleshooting tips for the m ost c omm on printing problem s. T rouble shooting usually f alls int o one of the follow ing cate gories.
Troubleshoo ting 42 C a nnot In st all the Print er Driver Pr ob lem Possi ble Caus e Tr y T h i s Cannot Install the Prin ter D river Inst a l lation proc edure not follo wed correctl y Follo w the i nstallatio n ins tructi ons fo r the Easy Setup Instructi ons pa c kag ed wi th your printer.
Troublesh ooting 43 Print Quality i s Poor or C ontain s Error s Prob lem Po ssib le Cau se Tr y T h i s Ink does not eje ct pro perl y/Pri nting is Blurr ed/ Colo rs are Wr ong / W hi te Stre aks app.
Troubleshoo ting 44 T r oubl eshooting Print er Har dwar e Pr ob lem Possi ble Caus e Tr y T h i s Printer Does N ot Start o r Printer St ops Dur ing Print Jobs Print head has overhe ated due to long peri ods of continuous printing Stop p rinting and turn t he printer off for at least 15 minu te s to allow the prin t head to cool down.
Troublesh ooting 45 P aper Does Not F eed Pr operly Pr obl em Possi ble Caus e Tr y T h i s Pa per Do es N ot Fee d Pro per ly Remove pac kaging mater ial Make su re all pac kaging mat erials have been remo ved from the sheet fe eder slot. Open the printer cover and r emove any materials inside the printer.
Troubleshoo ting 46 Handl ing Err or Messages When a printer error oc curs, the POWER/ERROR lamp flashes. The number of flashes indic ates the type of error that has oc curred. C ount the flashes and tak e the appropri a t e action to correct the error .
Troublesh ooting 47 An Err or Me ss age Ap pear s on the Scr een Pr ob lem Possible Cause Tr y T h i s Erro r Writing / Output to U SBxxx Printer not ready The POWE R POWER POWER POWER lamp will fl ash green when the printer is warming up o r when a print job is b eing s ent to t he p ri nter .
Troubleshoo ting 48 “Have y o u r eplaced ink tank with a new one? ” m essage appear s If the in k tank has been rep laced w ith a new one Cl ick Y e s Ye s Ye s Ye s o r O K OK OK OK to res et the ink counter.
Troublesh ooting 49 Lo w In k Wa rni ng Acco mpa ni ed b y I nk T ank Icon With '?' Failure to rese t ink coun te r wh en instal ling new ink tan k The ink tank l evel acc ompanied by the ink tank ic on with the “?” indic ates ink tank is not synchronized w ith its ink counter .
Troubleshoo ting 50.
Append ix 51 Ap pendix Ap pendix Ap pendi x Ap pendix Ins ta lling the Print er Driver when u sing M ac OS 9.x When using othe r th an Mac OS X (Mac OS 8.6 t o 9.x), i ns tall the printer dr iver , following the procedure b elow. 1 T urn on your Mac and inser t the Set up Soft wa re & U ser’s Guide CD-R OM .
Appe ndix 52 User’ s Guide T abl e of C ont ents Y our prin ter's electronic User's Guide, located on the Setup Soft w are an d User's Gu ide CD- ROM , offers detailed information on the fol lowing topics.
Append ix 53 Spe cific ations Print er Printi ng resolutio n: Printi ng resolutio n: Printi ng resolutio n: Printing re solution: 4800 X 1200 dp i . m ax. 480 0 X 1200 dpi. max. 480 0 X 1200 dpi. max. 480 0 X 1200 dpi. max. (Ink droplets can be placed in a pitch of 1/4800 inch at mi nimum.
Appe ndix 54 Ink T anks: Ink T anks: Ink T anks: Ink T anks: Capacity (page s): Capa city (pa ges): Capac ity ( pages ): Capa city (pa ges): Blac k (BCI-24 Blac k) appro x. 300 Blac k (BCI-24 Blac k) appro x. 300 Black (BCI- 24 Black ) approx. 300 Blac k (BCI-24 Blac k) appro x.
Append ix 55 Saf ety Pr ec autions P le a se r e ad t h e sa f e t y wa r n i ng s a n d ca u t i o ns p r ov i de d i n t h i s ma n u a l t o e n su r e t ha t y ou u s e your printer safely. Do no t at t em pt to use printer in any way not described in this manual.
Appe ndix 56 Cau ti on Y o u may cause in jury or damage the p rinter if you ignore any of these safety prec aution s. Choosing a loc ation Choosing a loc ation Choosing a locati on Choosing a location Do not install the printer in a location that is unstable or subject to exc essive vibration.
Append ix 57 Regul ato r y I nfo rma tio n C olor Printer Model: C olor Printer Model: Co lor Printer Model: C olor Printer Model: K10228 K10228 K10228 K10228 ( ( ( (i350 /i250 i350/i250 i350/i250 i350/i250 ) ) ) ) This device complies w i th Part 15 o f the FC C Rul e s.
Appe ndix 58 CANON LIMITED WA RRANTY --- (US A Only) The limi te d war ranty set forth below is given by Canon U.S.A ., Inc. (“Canon USA”) with respect to the new or refurbish ed C a non-br and printer or scanner ( each a “Product”) p a c kaged w ith this limited warr anty , w hen p u r cha sed and us e d in t he Unite d State s only.
Append ix 59 C anon off ers a fu ll r ange of cus tomer t ec hnic al supp ort* option s: • For interactive troublesho oting, e-mail technic al sup port, the latest driver downloads and answers to f re quently ask ed quest ions (www .canont ech support.
Appe ndix 60.
Index 61 Index A Adjusting Print Qu ality ......... ................... .............. ......12 Advanced Pr inting ........... .............. ............... .............. .1 1 Aligning the Print Head ........ .............. .............. ..........
Index 62 Printer Drive r Setting for Media Type ................ ............. 6 Printer Properties dialog box ... ................... . 7 , 11 , 26 , 43 Printer Utility dialog box .......... .............. .............. ....... 27 Printin g Borderless Phot ographs .
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Canon i350 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Canon i350 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Canon i350 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Canon i350 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Canon i350 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Canon i350 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Canon i350 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Canon i350 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.