Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product TRGpro van de fabrikant 3Com
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Handbook for the TRGpro ™ Handheld Computer.
Page i i Copyright Copyright © 1998 3Com Co rporation or its subsidiaries. Palm Computing, Palm Mo - dem, Graffiti, and HotSync are registered trademarks, and Pa lm OS, the Palm Comput- ing Platf orm logo, and the Ho tSync logo a re tradema rks of Palm Com puting, Inc .
Contents Page iii Conten ts Cont ents: About This Book: Chap ter 1 : Introdu ction to Your TRGp ro™ Handheld Comp uter ........ ...... ...... ..... 3 Getting to know your handheld computer ........ ........... ............ ........ 3 What is a TRGpro handheld computer? .
Page i v Chapter 3: Managing Your Appli cation s ........ ...... ...... ..... ...... ...... ...... ...... ........ ...... 39 Using the Applications Launcher ............. ........... ............ ................ 39 Selecting applications ............
Contents Page v Memo Pa d 99 Calc ulator 10 2 Exp ense 1 04 Chap ter 5 : Commu nicati ng Usin g Your Handheld Computer ... ...... ..... ...... ...... .. 115 Managing desktop e-ma il away from your desk......................... 115 Setting up Mail on the desktop .
Page v i Returning to cradle HotSync operations .... ........... ........... ......... 159 Frequently asked qu estions a bout IR HotS ync operat ions .... 160 Using File Link ................ ........... ............ ........... ........... ..........
Contents Page vii CompactFlash (CF) Cards .............. ........... ........... ........... ............ .... 197 Recommended CF Cards ............ ........... ........... ........... ............ .... 198 TRGpro Examples ............ ............ ..
Page viii.
About This Book Page 1 About This Book Welc ome to the TR Gpro ™ handhe ld com puter . Thi s handb ook i s designed to help y ou get up and runn ing quickly . It describes all yo u need to kno w about how to use you r handhe ld comp uter and the applicat ions that co me with it.
Page 2.
Chapter 1 Page 3 Chapter 1 Introduction to Your TRGpro ™ Handheld Computer This chapter introduces some of the basic concepts of your h andheld computer , including it s physical butto ns and controls . It explain s how to use your handheld com puter for the first time , and how to use HotSync ® techn ology and Palm™ D esktop software.
Page 4 Introduction to Your TRGpro™ Handheld Com puter System requirements To install and operate P alm Desktop s oftware , your computer sys tem must meet the following requirements: Minimum r equirements ■ Windows 2 000, Windows 98, Wi ndows 95, or Wi ndows NT 4.
Chapter 1 Page 5 TRGpro components Locating front pan el controls TRGpro screen Displays t he applicatio ns and informa tion stored in your TR Gpro ha ndhel d compu ter. It is to uch- sensitive an d responds t o the stylus . Graffiti ® wri tin g area The area where you write letters and n umbers using the Graffiti ® alpha bet.
Page 6 Introduction to Your TRGpro™ Handheld Com puter Using the ba cklight If you ha ve difficulty seein g the inform ation on your hand held computer, you can use the b acklight to ill uminate your screen . To activate the b acklight: ■ Press the pow er button a nd hold it d own for about tw o seconds .
Chapter 1 Page 7 Protective fli p cover The cover protects the T RGpro handheld computer scree n when it is not in use and h elps reduce glare while you u se your handheld computer.
Page 8 Introduction to Your TRGpro™ Handheld Com puter Locating back panel compon ents Stylus Slides in and o ut of the slot in the ba ck panel of the handheld computer. To us e the stylus, remove it f rom the sl ot and ho ld it as yo u would a pen or pencil.
Chapter 1 Page 9 Installing th e batteries To use your TR Gpro handheld computer, you must in stall two AAA alkaline batteries. The batteries fit behind th e battery door on the back of the unit. See “Battery cons iderations” in Appendix A for more information .
Page 10 Introduction to Your TRGpro™ Handheld Com puter Impo rtant: Do no t force the ba ttery door. When the b atteries are correctly installed, the battery door clips smoothly into place.
Chapter 1 Page 11 Elements of the handheld computer interf ace Menu bar A set of command s that are speci fic to the appli cation. Not all appl ications ha ve a menu bar . Command buttons Tap a butt on to pe rfo rm a comman d. Co mmand buttons appear in dialo g boxes and at the botto m of application screens.
Page 12 Introduction to Your TRGpro™ Handheld Com puter Opening applications You can use th e Application s Launcher t o open an y application install ed on your handh eld computer .
Chapter 1 Page 13 To open an appl icati on: 1. Tap the Applica tions icon . 2. Tap the ico n of the applica tion that you w ant to open . If you have many applicati ons installed on y our handheld com puter, tap the scroll bar to see all of your applica tions.
Page 14 Introduction to Your TRGpro™ Handheld Com puter In this example, three menus are available: Record, Edit, and Options. The Record menu is selected and contains the commands New Memo, Dele te Memo, and Beam Memo . Choosing a men u After you o pen the menu bar for an appli cation, tap the me nu that cont ain s the comma nd you want to use .
Chapter 1 Page 15 Draw the Command stroke anywhere i n the Graffiti area, and immediately wri te the correspondin g command l etter in the Gr affiti letter area. When y ou draw the Comm and stroke, the word “Command” appear s just above the G raffiti writing area to indicat e that you are in C ommand mode.
Page 16 Introduction to Your TRGpro™ Handheld Com puter synchronizin g with yo ur handheld co mputer Onscreen keyboard When you create or edit a record in an a pplication such as Address Book, you can open the on screen alphabetic and nu meric keyboards to enter data.
Chapter 1 Page 17 writing, yo u write simpl e strokes with the st ylus and th ey are instantly recogni zed as letters or numbers . Your handheld computer also in cludes Giraffe, a game you can use to practice Graff iti writing. See “ Installin g and removing applicat ions” in Chapter 3 for installation ins tructions.
Page 18 Introduction to Your TRGpro™ Handheld Com puter informatio n. Using Palm Desktop software If you have new records you wan t to add to your handheld com puter and prefer t o use the pers onal.
Chapter 1 Page 19 Custom izin g your h andheld co mputer You can cus tomize y our handh eld comp uter by usin g the Preferen ces application . You can enter person al information such as your na me an.
Page 20 Introduction to Your TRGpro™ Handheld Com puter T os e tt h e c u r r e n td a t e : 1. Tap the Set Date box. 2. Tap th e arrows to s elect the curre nt year. 3. Tap a mont h. 4. Tap the cur rent date . To set the volume level: 1. Tap the Applica tions icon .
Chapter 1 Page 21 TRGp ro handhe ld compu ter: Ad dres s Book, Date Boo k, To Do List, Memo Pad, Expense, and desktop e-mail connectivi ty. You can use the HotSync feature of this so ftware to back up and exchange data between your personal computer a nd handheld computer.
Page 22 Introduction to Your TRGpro™ Handheld Com puter ■ Impo rt and expor t data, s o you can easi ly transf er data fro m other desktop appli cation s into any of your m ain applica tions. See “Importi ng data ” in Chapt er 2 for m ore info rmation.
Chapter 1 Page 23 software d iskettes are w rite-protect ed, and t hen make back up copies of th em. When you finis h, use the copies to i nstall the software, an d store the original diskettes i n a safe place.
Page 24 Introduction to Your TRGpro™ Handheld Com puter the connection so ftware for your PIM, cal led a conduit, that lets you synch ronize the data b etween your hand held com puter and you r PIM.
Chapter 2 Page 25 Chapter 2 Entering Data in Your Handheld Comput er This chapter explain s how to enter data in to your handheld computer, by writi ng with the stylus in the G raffiti ® writing area, by using the onscreen keybo ard, by using the person al computer keyboard, or by imp orting data fro m another applicatio n.
Page 26 Entering Data in Your Handheld Computer ■ Most characters req uire only a single stro ke. When you lift the stylus from the Graffiti writing area, your handheld computer recognizes and d isplays the text character im mediately. To accomplish s ingle strokes, som e Graffiti strokes are portion s of the regular alphabet eq uivalents.
Chapter 2 Page 27 4. Start you r strok e at t he heavy do t and dra w the st roke sha pe as it appears in the tables. 5. Lift the sty lus from the screen at the end of the stroke shape.
Page 28 Entering Data in Your Handheld Computer The Graffiti alphabet Lett er Stro kes Lette r Strok es AN BO CP DQ ER FS GT HU IV JW KX LY MZ Space Back Space Car riag e Return Period tap t wice.
Chapter 2 Page 29 Writing capital lett ers You make capita l letters with the same stroke shapes as the basic alphabet characters. To ma ke capital letters, you mus t first “shift” to caps — just as you press the Shift key on a keyboard — and then write the character strokes.
Page 30 Entering Data in Your Handheld Computer Graff iti numb ers Writing punctuation marks Graffiti writing can create any punctua tion symbol that you can enter from a stand ard ke yboard. All pun ctuatio n marks beg in with a single tap on the Graf fiti writing area.
Chapter 2 Page 31 Additional Graffi ti punctuation Writing symbols and ext ended characters All symbols and extended characters begi n with the stroke in the Graffi ti writin g area of your h andheld compu ter: When the Sy mbol Shift is a ctive, a slan ted shift sy mbol appea rs in the lower-right corner of the screen.
Page 32 Entering Data in Your Handheld Computer Writing accented chara cters To create accented characters, draw the stroke no rmally used to create the letter, follo wed by an accent stroke. Graffit i writing then a dds the accent to the letter. For exam ple, the follo wing dia gram shows the s trokes requi red to draw an ac cent ed “e.
Chapter 2 Page 33 Navigation strokes In addition to ch aracter symbols, Graffiti writi ng includes special strokes that yo u can use to na vigate within text or f ields in your applicat ions. Graffi ti ShortC uts Graf fiti Sho rtCuts m ake enter ing com monly u sed words or phrases qu ick a nd eas y.
Page 34 Entering Data in Your Handheld Computer Your handheld computer includes the following predefined Graffiti ShortCut s: Entr y Short Cut Date stamp ds Time stamp ts Date / time stamp dts Meeting.
Chapter 2 Page 35 Using the onscreen keyboard You can open the onscreen keyboa rd anytime you need to enter text or numbers on your handhel d computer. Note that you c annot enter Graffi ti characte rs while using t he onscreen key board. To use th e onscreen ke yboar d: 1.
Page 36 Entering Data in Your Handheld Computer Importing data If you have data stored in personal computer applications such as spreadshee ts and databas es, or if you w ant to import d ata from another P alm Computi ng platform device, y ou can trans fer the data to your TRGpro h andheld computer w ithout having to key it in manual ly.
Chapter 2 Page 37 imported field on the ri ght. If you do not want to impo rt a field, deselect the check box for that field. 8. Click OK. The imported data is high lighted in the applica tion. 9. To add the imported data to your handh eld computer, perform a HotSync operation.
Page 38 Entering Data in Your Handheld Computer.
Chapter 3 Page 39 Chapter 3 Managing Your Applic ations This chapter expl ains how to sw itch between applications o n your TRGpro™ handhe ld compute r, how to c hange appli cation se ttings so they ar e perso nal ized to yo ur work met hods , and ho w to categor iz e application s so you vi ew them in related grou ps.
Page 40 Managing Your Applications To c ategori ze an appl icatio n: 1. Ta p the Applicatio ns icon . 2. T ap the Me nu icon . 3. Tap App, and then tap Category . 4. Tap the pick list next to each application to select a category. Tip: To create a new category, tap Edit Categories fro m the pick list.
Chapter 3 Page 41 To change the Applications Launcher display: 1. Tap the Applica tions icon . 2. Tap t he Menu i con . 3. Tap Optio ns, and then tap P refere nces. 4. Tap the View By pick l ist and select List. 5. Tap OK. To open the Applications Launcher to the last o pened category: 1.
Page 42 Managing Your Applications Installin g and removing ap plications This section expla ins how to ins tall and remove applica tions on your TRGpro h andhel d compu ter and h ow to remo ve Palm™ Desk top soft ware from your p ersonal co mpute r.
Chapter 3 Page 43 3. Click Install. Tip: Yo u can also a ccess th e Install To ol dialo g by sele cting Install To ol from the Pa lm Desktop pro gram group o r by double-clickin g any file with a PRC f ile extension. 4. In th e User drop-down list, select the na me that corresponds to your TR Gpro ha ndheld com puter.
Page 44 Managing Your Applications 5. Click Add. 6. S elect the application (s) that you want to i nstall on your ha ndheld computer. 7. Click Open. Note: Review the l ist of applica tions you s elected in the In stall Tool dia log box. If y ou do not w ant to inst all an application, select it , and then click Remove.
Chapter 3 Page 45 Removing applicatio ns In the even t that you run out of memory o r decide tha t you no lo nger need a n appl ica tion yo u ins tal led, y ou can rem ove ap plic at ions fr om your handheld co mputer.
Page 46 Managing Your Applications CD if you want to syn chr oniz e data wi th anot her PIM ..
Chapter 3 Page 47 Security Your handheld co mputer comes with a Security application s o that unauthorized users cannot view the entries you wish to protect. In Security, you can do the following: ■ Turn off and lock you r handheld computer so that it does no t operate until yo u enter the co rrect password.
Page 48 Managing Your Applications Changing or delet ing a passw ord Once you defin e a password for you r handheld compu ter, you can change or d elete it at any tim e. You must enter the current pa ssword before you can change o r delete it. To cha nge or de let e your pass wor d: 1.
Chapter 3 Page 49 To lock your handheld computer with a password: 1. Perform a HotSy nc operation to s ynchronize t he data between your handheld co mputer and your computer. See “E xchanging and upd ating dat a: HotSyn c operati ons” in Chapte r 4 for information on syn chronizing your data.
Page 50 Managing Your Applications.
Chapter 4 Page 51 Chapter 4 Using Your Basic App lications Your ha ndheld compu ter includes t hese basic a pplications: ■ Date Book ■ Address Boo k ■ To Do List ■ Memo Pa d ■ Calculator ■.
Page 52 Using Your Basic Applications Over view of basic a pplicati ons Date Book Date Book lets y ou quickly and eas ily schedule a ppointments or any kind of activit y associated with a time and date. In Date B ook, you can do the f ollowing: ■ Enter a description of you r appointment and assig n it to a specific time and date.
Chapter 4 Page 53 Address Bo ok Address Book enables yo u to keep names, addresses, phone numbe rs, an d oth er info rmati on abo ut you r pers onal o r business co ntacts. In Address Book, you can do the following: ■ Quickly lo ok up or ente r name s, addresses , phone n umbers, an d othe r inf ormat ion .
Page 54 Using Your Basic Applications To Do List To Do List is a convenient place to create reminders and prio rit ize the things t hat yo u ha ve to d o. In To Do List, you can do the followi ng: ■ Make a quic k and conveni ent list of thi ngs to do.
Chapter 4 Page 55 Memo P ad Memo Pad provides a place to t ake notes that are not associ ated with records in Date Boo k, Address Book, o r To Do List. In Memo Pad, you can do the following: ■ Take notes or write any kind o f message on your ha ndheld computer.
Page 56 Using Your Basic Applications ■ Display th e last series of calculatio ns, which is us eful for confirming a series of “chain” calculations.
Chapter 4 Page 57 Common t asks The tasks described in this section use the term “records” to refer to an individual item in any of the ba sic appli cations: a si ngle Dat e Book eve nt, Addres s Book ent ry, To Do Li st item , Memo Pa d memo, or Expe nse i tem .
Page 58 Using Your Basic Applications Entering text For inf ormation on how t o enter te xt usin g Graffit i writi ng, the onscreen keyboard, or the keyboard attached to your computer, see Chapter 2. Edit me nu The Edit menu is available with any screen where y ou enter or edit text.
Chapter 4 Page 59 Deletin g record s To delete a record in any of the basic applications: 1. Select the r ecord you want to delete. 2. Tap t he Menu i con .
Page 60 Using Your Basic Applications Purging records O v e r t i m e , a sy o uu s eD a t eB o o k ,T oD oL i s t ,a n dE x p e n s e , y o u ’ l l accumulat e records in these applicat ions that have outlived their usefulness.
Chapter 4 Page 61 Desktop softw are. Changes you ma ke on your handhel d computer or Palm Desktop softw are appear in both places after a HotSyn c oper atio n. Hot Sync te chno logy sy nchr onize s only t he need ed portions o f file s, thus reduci ng synch ronizati on time.
Page 62 Using Your Basic Applications Tip: The bottom edge of th e handheld com puter should align smoothl y with the cradle wh en it is inserted properl y. 2. If the H otSync Ma nager is not runnin g, start it: On the Win dows desktop, click Start, and then choose Prog rams.
Chapter 4 Page 63 sync hron ize mor e than one han dh eld com pute r to the same user nam e. The HotSync Pro gress dialog box appears and sync hroniz ation begins. 4. Wait for a messag e on your h andheld c omputer in dicating t hat the process is complete.
Page 64 Using Your Basic Applications use these procedures in a ll the applications in whi ch categories are available. Cat egories are not available in Date B ook. T om o v ear e c o r di n t oac a t e g o r y : 1. Se lect the record you want to categ orize.
Chapter 4 Page 65 To define a ne w category : 1. Tap th e category pick list in the upper-right corne r of the screen. 2. Tap Edit Categories. 3. Tap Ne w. 4. Enter the n ame of the new category, and then tap OK. 5. Tap OK. You can assign an y of your record s to the new categor y.
Page 66 Using Your Basic Applications 3. Se lect the category that yo u want to rename, a nd then tap Rename. 4. Enter the new na me for the cate gory , and then tap OK. 5. Tap OK. Tip: You can group the records in two or more categories into one category by giving th e categories the same name.
Chapter 4 Page 67 Finding records Your ha ndheld c ompute r offers s everal w ays to f ind infor mation quickly : ■ All applicati ons : Find locates any text that you specify, always starting w ith the current a pplication.
Page 68 Using Your Basic Applications To look up an A ddress Boo k record: 1. Display the Address List screen. 2. Enter the firs t letter of the nam e you want to find. The list scrolls to the f irst entry that begins with tha t letter. If you writ e another letter, th e list scrolls t o the first en try that starts with those two letters.
Chapter 4 Page 69 As your ha ndhel d comput er search es for the text , you can tap Stop at any time. You may want to d o this if the entry you want appea rs before you r handhel d compute r finishe s the sear ch. To continue the sea rch after you tap Sto p, tap Find More.
Page 70 Using Your Basic Applications 5. Tap Add. The name you se lected, along with the other inform ation associated with it, is pasted i nto the record you selected in step 1. Phone Lookup tip s W r i t et h e G r a f f i t iC o m m a n ds t r o k e“ / L ”t oa c t i v a t et h eP h o n eL o o k u p feature.
Chapter 4 Page 71 3. Tap Wh o. 4. Tap Looku p. The Attend ees Looku p screen d isplays all t he names i n your Address Boo k that have dat a in the Company fie ld. 5. Select the nam e you want to ad d, and then ta p Add. The name appear s in the Attendees s creen.
Page 72 Using Your Basic Applications 3. T ap Options , and then tap Pref erences. Address B ook : Memo Pad : 4. Do one o f the f ollowing: Address B ook : Tap the settin g you want. Memo Pad :T a pt h eS o r tb yp i c kl i s ta n ds e l e c tA l p h a b e t i co r Manual .
Chapter 4 Page 73 To hid e priva te rec ords: 1. Tap the Applica tions icon . 2. Tap Sec urity. 3. Tap Hi de. 4. Tap Hi de to confirm that yo u want to h ide private records. To displa y private records: 1. Tap the Applica tions icon . 2. Tap Sec urity.
Page 74 Using Your Basic Applications T om a k ear e c o r dp r i v a t e : 1. Displ ay the ent ry that yo u want to make pr ivat e. 2. Tap Details. 3. Tap the Privat e check box t o select it. 4. Tap OK. Attac hing n otes In all basic applications exce pt Memo Pad, you can at tach a note to a record.
Chapter 4 Page 75 Choosing f onts In all bas ic applica tions except Expense, you can chan ge the font styl e to make text easier to read. You can choo se a different font style for eac h appl ica tion. To cha nge the fo nt styl e: 1. Open an applicati on.
Page 76 Using Your Basic Applications Applicat ion-specific tasks Date Book When you open Date Book, the screen shows the current date and a list of tim es for a normal busin ess day. Scheduling an event A rec ord in Dat e Book is call ed an “ev ent .
Chapter 4 Page 77 2. Enter a description of the event. Yo u can enter up to 25 5 characters. 3. If the event is one hou r long, skip to step 7 . If the event is longer o r shorter than a n hour, tap the tim e of the event to o pen the Set Time dial og box .
Page 78 Using Your Basic Applications To sched ule an eve nt for an other d ay: 1. S elect the da te you wan t for the event b y doing on e of the follow ing: ■ Tap the da y of the week tha t you want in the d ate bar at the to p of the screen. If necessary, tap the Previous week or Next w eek scroll arrows to move to another week.
Chapter 4 Page 79 To schedule an untimed event: 1. Select the date that you want for the event as described in “To schedu le an event for another day .
Page 80 Using Your Basic Applications Rescheduling an event You can easily ma ke changes to yo ur schedule w ith your h andheld computer. To resched ule an event: 1. Tap the event you want to reschedule. 2. Tap Details. 3. To ch ange the ti me, tap the Time bo x and select a new time.
Chapter 4 Page 81 6. Tap OK. Alar m for un timed event s : You can set a silent alarm for an untimed event. In this case, the al arm triggers at th e specified period of mi nutes, hours , or day s before mi dnigh t (begi nning ) of the da y of the unt imed event.
Page 82 Using Your Basic Applications 5. Enter a nu mber that corresponds to how often yo u want the event to repeat on the Every lin e. For exam ple, if you select Mo nth and en ter the nu mber 2, th e event repeats every other month.
Chapter 4 Page 83 To display the current time: ■ Tap the date in the date bar to display the current time. Aft er a few s e c o n d s ,t h ed a t er e a p p e a r s . Working i n Week Vie w : Week View shows the calendar of your events for an entire week.
Page 84 Using Your Basic Applications 3. Ta p an event to s how a description of the event . Tips f or using Week V iew : K eep the follo wing poin ts in min d. ■ To reschedule an event, tap and drag the event to a different tim e or day. ■ Tap a blank tim e on any day to move to that day and have t he time selected for a n ew event.
Chapter 4 Page 85 Working in M onth View The Month View screen shows wh ich days have events scheduled. Dots and lines in the Month View indica te events, repeating events, and untimed events. You can contro l the dots and lines th at appear in the Mon th View.
Page 86 Using Your Basic Applications Date Book menus , prefer ences, and di splay opt ions Date Book me nus are show n here for yo ur refer ence, and Da te Book features tha t are not explained elsewhere in t his book are described here. See “Usin g menus” in Chapter 1 for inform ation about ch oosing m enu comma nds.
Chapter 4 Page 87 Display O ptions Allows you t o chang e Date B ook’s a ppearanc e and whi ch ev ent s dis pla y. ■ Show Time Bar s. Activates the tim e bars that appear in the Day View. The time bars show the durat ion of an event and ill ustr ate event conflicts.
Page 88 Using Your Basic Applications Preferen ces ■ Star t/ End Ti me. Defin es the start a nd end time s f o rD a t eB o o ks c r e e n s .I ft h et i m es l o t sy o u select do not fit on one screen, you can tap the scroll arrows to scroll up and down.
Chapter 4 Page 89 Address Bo ok Address Book i s the application in which yo u store name and address information about peo ple or business es. Creating an Addres s Book entry A rec ord in Addre ss Boo k is calle d an “en try.
Page 90 Using Your Basic Applications 4 . U s et h eN e x tF i e l dG r a f f i t is t r o k et om o v et ot h eF i r s tN a m ef i e l d . Tip: You can also move to an y field by tapping it d irectly. 5. Enter the p erson's first name in the F irst Name field.
Chapter 4 Page 91 3. Tap the pick lis t next to the label you wa nt to change. 4. Select a new l abel. Changing A ddress Entry details The Address Entry Details dialog box provides a variety of options that yo u can as sociate w ith an en try. To open t he Address En try Details dia log box: 1.
Page 92 Using Your Basic Applications Address Book menu s Address Book menus are shown here for your reference, and Address Book featu res that are not expla ined elsewhere in this b ook are described here. See “Usin g menus” in Chapter 1 for inform ation about ch oosing m enu comma nds.
Chapter 4 Page 93 Rena me Cust om Fields These custo m fields appea r at the en d of the Address Edit screen. Renam e them to identify the kind of informati on you e nte r in the m. Th e names you give the custom fiel ds appear in all entries. About Address Book Shows version infor mation f or Addre ss Boo k.
Page 94 Using Your Basic Applications To Do List A To Do Lis t ite m is a re minde r of so me tas k that y ou have t o complete. A record in To Do List is called an “item.” T oc r e a t eaT oD oL i s ti t e m : 1. Pres s the To Do Li st appl ica tion bu tton on the f ront of yo ur orga nizer to displ ay the T o Do L ist.
Chapter 4 Page 95 T os e tt h ep r i o r i t yo faT oD oL i s ti t e m : 1. Tap the Priority nu mber on the left side of the To Do List item. 2. Tap th e Priori ty numbe r that y ou want to s et (1 is mo st impor tant).
Page 96 Using Your Basic Applications To display the To Do Item Details dialog box: 1. Ta p the text of th e item whose deta ils you w ant to cha nge. 2. Tap Details. Setting a due date You can a ssociate a due d ate with any To Do List item . You can als o sort the items th at appear in the list based on their due date.
Chapter 4 Page 97 To Do S how Op tions The Show Optio ns dialo g box enables you to con trol the appear ance of To Do L ist. To change the Show Options se ttings: 1. In To D o Lis t, tap S how. 2. Select any of the f ollowing s ettings: Show Completed Items Disp lays y o ur com plet ed it em s in the T o Do List.
Page 98 Using Your Basic Applications 3. Tap OK. To Do List menus To Do List menus are sh own here for your reference, and To D o List features tha t are not explained elsewhere in t his book are described here. See “Usin g menus” in Chapter 1 for inform ation about ch oosing m enu comma nds.
Chapter 4 Page 99 Memo P ad A memo can cont ain up to 4,000 char acters. The number of memos you can store is d ependent only o n the memor y available on yo ur handh eld compu ter. A re cord in M emo Pa d is cal led a “me mo.” To creat e a new memo : 1.
Page 100 Using Your Basic Applications To re view a mem o: 1. In the Memo Lis t, tap the text of the memo. 2. Review or edit the text in the memo. 3. Tap Done. Memo Pad me nus Memo Pad menus are shown here for your reference, and Memo Pad features tha t are not explained elsewhere in t his book are described here.
Chapter 4 Page 101 Go to Top of Page Move s to the top (firs t) li ne of the memo . Go to Bottom of Page Moves to th e bottom (la st) line o f the mem o. Prefere nces Displays the Memo Preferences dialog box, where you define the sort order for memos.
Page 102 Using Your Basic Applications Calculator The Calculator incl udes several buttons to help yo u perform calculations . Recen t Calc ulatio ns The Recent Calculations command enables y ou to review th e last series of calcu lations and is parti cularly useful for confirming a series of “chai n” calcu lation s.
Chapter 4 Page 103 3. Aft er you fin ish re vie wing t he calc ulat io ns, tap OK. Calculator menus Calculator menus are shown here for your reference, and Calculator features that are not explained elsewhere in this book are described here. See “ Using m enus” in C hapt er 1 for in form ation a bout c hoos ing men u commands.
Page 104 Using Your Basic Applications Expense Expens e enables you t o record the d ate, expense ty pe, and the am ount that you spen t. A record in Expense is called a n “item.” You can so rt your Expense items in to categories or add other info rmation that you want to asso ciate with the item .
Chapter 4 Page 105 Tip: A quick way to create a new Expense item is t o make sure that no Expe nse i tem is selected i n the E xpe nse Li st, wr ite t he fi rst letter(s) of the expense type, and then write the nu merical amount o f the Expense item. This technique takes ad vantage of the automatic f ill feature.
Page 106 Using Your Basic Applications 3. S elect any of th e following opti ons: 4. Tap OK. Customizing the Cu rrency pick list You can s elect the currencies a nd symbols t hat appear in the Currency pick list. To customize the Currency pick list: 1.
Chapter 4 Page 107 2. Tap each Currency pick list and select the c ountry whose currency you want t o display o n that li ne. 3. Tap OK to cl ose the Select Currenc ies dialog b ox.
Page 108 Using Your Basic Applications 5. Tap OK to c lose the Currency Properties dia log box. 6. Tap OK. Note: If you want to use your custom currency symbol as the default for a ll Expens e items , select t he symb ol in th e Prefer ences dialog box.
Chapter 4 Page 109 Note: You need Micro soft Excel version 5.0 (or later) to view and print your Expense data using one of the provided templa tes. Microsoft Exce l is not included with the TRGpro h andheld computer package. The procedures in this section also assume that you ha ve installed Pa lm Desktop so ftware.
Page 110 Using Your Basic Applications 5. Do one o f the f ollowing: Clic k Pri nt to d is play th e exp ens e rep or t in the Pr in t Pre vie w wind ow, a nd the n clic k Pri nt in th e Mic roso ft Ex cel w indo w to print your expen se report. Click Create to display a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet contain- ing you r exp ense da ta.
Chapter 4 Page 111 If you want to streamline or customize your expense reports, you can change these templates. For exa mple, you can add your company name t o a temp lat e.
Page 112 Using Your Basic Applications To view your expense data using a Microso ft Excel template: 1. Display your expense data in a Micro soft Excel spreadsh eet as described in the previous procedure. 2. Click Opti ons. 3. Enter na me, dep artm ent, a nd othe r info rmat ion as ne cess ary f or your expense report.
Chapter 4 Page 113 Opt ions m enu Prefere nces ■ Use a utomatic fill . Lets you select an expense type by writing th e first letter of an expense type in the Graffiti writing area. For example, if you w rite the l etter “T,” it enters the “ Taxi” expense type.
Page 114 Using Your Basic Applications.
Chapter 5 Page 115 Chapter 5 Communicating Using Your Handheld Computer The previou s chapter de scribed the featu res of your han dheld computer that help you stay organized.
Page 116 Communicating Using Your Handheld Computer In Mail, yo u can do the follow ing: ■ View, delete, file, and reply to incom ing mail. ■ Create outgoing e-mail items and drafts o f e-mail items.
Chapter 5 Page 117 To select HotSync options: 1. Click the Hot Sync icon in the Windows sy stem tray (bottom - rig ht co rne r of t he ta sk bar) . 2. Choose Cus tom. Tip: Yo u can also choose C ustom from the Ho tSync menu in Palm Deskto p software.
Page 118 Communicating Using Your Handheld Computer Tip: To turn off Mail, sele ct Do Nothing and then select th e Set As Defa ult c heck bo x. To ch ange y our Mail set up options : 1. C lick the HotSync ico n in the Windo ws system tray . 2. Choose Cu stom .
Chapter 5 Page 119 To open an e-m ail item: ■ T a pa ne - m a i li t e mt oo p e ni t . To clo se an e-m ail item : ■ Tap Done to close t he e-mail item. Displaying full header information By default, Mai l displays abbreviated head er informat ion, which comprise s only the From: an d Subj: fields.
Page 120 Communicating Using Your Handheld Computer Creating e-mail it ems You create e-mail items with you r handheld comput er the same way you create e- mail with your d esktop e-mail a pplication: you ide ntify the recipient(s) of the e-mail item, define a subject, and create the body of the e -mail item.
Chapter 5 Page 121 To creat e an e-mail ite m: 1. Tap Ne w. Tip: You can also create an e-mail item by tapping New from the Message me nu. 2. Ent er t he e- mail a ddr ess o f th e rec ipi ent. Note: En ter the a ddres s as if you w ere en teri ng it fro m your desktop e-mai l application.
Page 122 Communicating Using Your Handheld Computer Tip: If the address, CC, s ubject, or body exceeds t he capacity of the screen display, tap the name of the field (for example, tap “ To:”) to expand tha t field. Tap t he Don e button to return to the New M essage screen.
Chapter 5 Page 123 Looking up an a ddress To identify the recipient of an e-mail item, you need to enter that person’s e-mail address. You can do this either by entering the data directly into the f ield or by using the Loo k Up command to acces s the information in your A ddress Boo k.
Page 124 Communicating Using Your Handheld Computer Adding details to e- mail items Before you send your e-mail item, you ca n attach additional attributes to it, suc h as a signat ure or a pri orit y lev el. Thes e feat ure s are dependent o n the deskto p e-mai l application you u se.
Chapter 5 Page 125 Setting a pr iority To set a priority for your e-ma il item: 1. In the New Message screen, tap Details . 2. Tap the Priori ty pick list and select the pri ority you want. 3. Tap OK. Tip: You r handheld computer can flag e-mail items with a specific priority only if your deskt op E-Mail application suppo rts this feature.
Page 126 Communicating Using Your Handheld Computer 4. Tap t he BCC: fi eld and en ter an a ddress. Adding a sig nature to your e-mail item A signature consi sts of informatio n about yourself that is appen ded to your e-mail item a s its closin g.
Chapter 5 Page 127 T oa d das i g n a t u r et oy o u re - m a i li t e m : 1. In the New Message screen, tap Details . 2. Tap the S ignature check box to sel ect it and a dd your sign ature to the e-mail item.
Page 128 Communicating Using Your Handheld Computer you can edit the item an d resend it, save it as a draft, or d elete it. To retrieve an e-mail item: 1. In the Mes sage List, tap Outbox from th e pick list in the upper- right corner. 2. Tap the e-mail item you want to retrieve.
Chapter 5 Page 129 To sav e an e-mai l ite m as a draft : 1. Create an e-mail item . 2. Tap t he Menu i con . 3. Tap Message, a nd then tap Save Draft. To edit an e-mail it em saved as a draft: 1. In the Message List, tap Draft from the pick list in the upper-right corner.
Page 130 Communicating Using Your Handheld Computer To remove e-mail from the Filed folder: 1. In the Mes sage List, tap Filed from the pick list in the upper- right corner. 2. Ta p the e-mail item you wa nt to restore. 3. Tap Ed it to d isplay an d modi fy the ite m.
Chapter 5 Page 131 Purging deleted e-mail Because your handheld computer stores deleted e-mail in the Deleted folder until you perform a H otSync operation, deleted e-ma il can monopolize storage space. To a void or correct this problem, purge th e contents of your Delet ed folder.
Page 132 Communicating Using Your Handheld Computer 2. Select the folder you wan t to display in the Message List screen . Date column The Date c olumn is optiona l in the Message Lis t. By default, t he Date colum n is hidde n to i ncrea se th e av aila ble scr een s pace .
Chapter 5 Page 133 3. Tap OK. HotSyn c option s HotSync opt ions enable you to man age your e-mail more e ffectively by selecting which e-m ail items downlo ad when you synch ronize your personal compu ter and your handhel d computer. You can define different settin gs for lo cal and rem ote synchro nization.
Page 134 Communicating Using Your Handheld Computer Note: The All s etting does not m ean that all info rmation included in each e-mail item downlo ads to your handheld computer. Truncation settings ( explained in a following section) for lon g e-mail item s still apply.
Chapter 5 Page 135 To access the spe cial filter settings: ■ Tap the Filter box i n the H otSync Optio ns dial og box. Ignoring or receiving e -mail The first step in esta blishing a specia l filter is to determine w hether you want to ignore o r retrieve e-mail that matches the information you specify.
Page 136 Communicating Using Your Handheld Computer Defini ng filter st ring s E-mail items are filtered based on the in formation contained in their To:, From:, and Sub j: fields. The informatio n that defines what yo ur handheld com puter is looking for is called a fil ter string .
Chapter 5 Page 137 T od e f i n eaf i l t e rs t r i n g : 1. Tap a hea der field in the Ho tSync Op tions dialo g box. 2. Enter you r filter strin g, using comma s or spaces t o separate th e words. Do not ad d connectors, such as AND or OR, betw een words i n a strin g.
Page 138 Communicating Using Your Handheld Computer 2. Ta p the Retrieve All High Priority check b ox to select it. 3. Tap OK. Note: This settin g is applicable o nly if your e-mail a pplication has the capac ity to flag hig h-priority e-mail item s.
Chapter 5 Page 139 3. Tap OK. Mail menus Mail menus are shown here for your reference, and Mail features that are not explained elsewhere in this book are d escribed here. See “ Using m enus” in C hapt er 1 for in form ation a bout c hoos ing men u commands.
Page 140 Communicating Using Your Handheld Computer Beaming informati on Your handhe ld computer is equipped with a n IR (infrared) port that you can use to b eam inf ormation to anothe r Palm Co mputing platform device that’s close by and a lso has an IR port.
Chapter 5 Page 141 5. Wait f or the Be am Sta tus dialo g box to in dicate that t he tran sfer is compl ete b efor e you cont inue w orki ng on you r han dheld computer. To beam an ap plica tion: 1. Open the Applica tions Launcher. 2. Tap t he Menu i con .
Page 142 Communicating Using Your Handheld Computer ■ You can use th e Graffiti Co mmand stro ke /B to beam the cur rent ent ry..
Chapter 6 Page 143 Chapter 6 Advanced HotSync ® Operatio ns HotSync ® t echnology enables you to synchronize data between o ne or mor e TRG pro™ ha ndh eld c ompu te rs and Pa lm™ Des kto p sof twa re or anothe r PIM such as Micro soft Outlook.
Page 144 Advanced HotSyn c® Operations Tip: If you’re not sure w hich option to use, keep the default setting: A lways avail able. 4. Click the Local tab to displa y the settings for the connecti on between you r personal comput er and th e handheld co mputer cra dle, an d adju st th e follo win g opt ions a s nee ded.
Chapter 6 Page 145 5. Click the Modem tab to display the modem settings and adjust the options as n eeded. See “Con ducting a HotS ync operation via modem ” later in this c hapter fo r more inf ormation. 6. If you a re attached to a network, cli ck the Network tab to di splay the network settings and adjust the options as needed.
Page 146 Advanced HotSyn c® Operations Customizing HotSyn c application setti ngs For eac h appli cation, yo u can defi ne a se t of options t hat dete rmines how records are han dled during sy nchronizat ion. These opt ions are called a “con duit.
Chapter 6 Page 147 6. Click the direction in w hich you want to w rite data, or click Do Nothing to skip dat a transfer for an applicatio n. Note: Cha nging the Ho tSync se tting from the def ault affe cts only the next HotSync operatio n. Thereafter, the HotSync Actions revert to their default settings.
Page 148 Advanced HotSyn c® Operations Conduct ing a HotSync oper ation via m odem You ca n use a mo dem, such as th e Palm M odem ® accessory ,t o synchr on ize you r handh eld com puter w hen yo u are away from your personal computer. Note: The first Ho tSync operati on must be loca l, using th e cradle.
Chapter 6 Page 149 4. Click OK. Preparing your handheld computer There are a few steps you must perform to prepare yo ur handheld compu ter f or a mo dem Ho tSync operatio n. Serial Por t Identifies the po rt for the modem. If you are unsure o f the port assignm ent, look at th e Modem Properties in the Windows Control Panel .
Page 150 Advanced HotSyn c® Operations To prepa re you r hand held co mput er for a mod em HotS ync op erat ion: 1. Ta p the Applicatio ns icon . 2. Ta p the HotSync icon .
Chapter 6 Page 151 interruption du ring the mo dem HotSync o peration. 9. If you wa nt to us e a cal ling car d to pl ace th e call , select t he che ck box and ente r the ca lling car d numbe r. 10. Tap O K. 11. Tap th e Pre fs i con . 12. Tap the pick list in the u pper-right corner of the screen.
Page 152 Advanced HotSyn c® Operations 6. Tap OK. Performing a HotSyn c operation via a mod em After you p repare your desktop/l aptop computer a nd your handheld computer, and select yo ur Conduit Setup opt ions, you are ready to p e r f o r mam o d e mH o t S y n c o p e r a t i o n .
Chapter 6 Page 153 however, on both Pa lm Desktop s oftware and your h andheld computer. To prepa re your co mputer for a n etwork Hot Sync oper ation : 1. Click the HotS ync Manager icon in the Windows system tray. Tip: The Win dows system tray is u sually in th e lower-right corner on you r computer display.
Page 154 Advanced HotSyn c® Operations your personal com puter on your handh eld computer. With this infor mation, y our handh eld compute r can lo cate your p ersonal computer when you perform a HotSyn c operation over the net- work. To prep are your or ganize r for a netwo rk HotSy nc operat ion: 1.
Chapter 6 Page 155 Preparing your personal computer for infrared com munication Before you ca n perform a HotSync op eration using the IR port, the computer with wh ich you want to sy nchronize m ust fulfill these requirements: ■ Your personal computer must suppo rt the IrCOMM implementatio n of the IrD A standards.
Page 156 Advanced HotSyn c® Operations To install a Windows 95 infrared driver: 1. Click t he HotSy nc Manag er icon ™ in the Windo ws system t ray and choose Setup. C lick the tabs and make a note of the COM ports being used by th e HotSync Man ager.
Chapter 6 Page 157 To check the ports use d for infrared communication: 1. In th e Windows ta skbar, click Start. 2. Choos e Sett ings , and th en ch oose C ontrol Panel. 3. Double-click In frared. 4. Click th e Options tab. 5. Select E nable i nfrar ed com munica tion.
Page 158 Advanced HotSyn c® Operations Configuring H otSync Manager for infrare d communication Next, you need to go to the HotSyn c Manager and speci fy the simulated p ort used for infrared com munication. 1. Click the HotS ync Manager icon in the Wind ows system tray .
Chapter 6 Page 159 2. Tap Lo cal. 3. Tap the pick lis t below the HotSync ico n and select IR to a PC/Handheld. 4. Positio n the IR port of your han dheld com puter wit hin a couple of inches of the in frared p ort of yo ur compu ter. 5. Tap the HotSyn c icon to start the IR HotSync operation.
Page 160 Advanced HotSyn c® Operations Frequently asked q uestions about IR HotS ync operations Problem Solution Ic a n ’ tp e r f o r ma nI R HotSync operati on. ■ Be sure the HotSy nc Man ager is running and t he Serial Por t for local operations is s et to the simulated po rt for infr ared comm unicati on.
Chapter 6 Page 161 Usin g File Li nk The File L ink feat ure enables yo u to import A ddress Book a nd Memo Pad inf ormation ont o your ha ndheld co mputer f rom a s eparate exte rnal file su ch as a company ph one list . HotSyn c Manager stores the data in a sepa rate category on you r Palm Deskto p software a nd your handheld co mputer.
Page 162 Advanced HotSyn c® Operations Creatin g a user profile If you use the File Link feature to configure severa l handheld computers with specific informa tion (such as a company ph one list) be.
Chapter 6 Page 163 To use a profile fo r the first-time HotSync o perati on: 1. Place the new handheld compute r in the cradle. 2. Press the H otSync butto n on the cradle. 3. Click Profiles. 4. Select th e profile th at you want to lo ad on the handhe ld comput er, and cl ick OK .
Page 164 Advanced HotSyn c® Operations.
Chapter 7 Page 165 Chapter 7 Setting Preferences for Your Handheld Computer The Pre fer ences s cree ns ena ble you to cus tom ize the co nfi gura tio n options on y our han dheld com puter. In the Preferences screens, you can do the following: Viewin g preference s To open t he Pref eren ces sc reens: 1.
Page 166 Setting Preferences for Your Handheld Com puter 4. Select the Preferences screen you want to view. Buttons preferences The Buttons Preferences screen enables you to associate different applications wi th the buttons o n the front of the han dheld compu ter.
Chapter 7 Page 167 To change t he Pen pref erenc es: 1. Tap Pen . 2. Tap the pi ck lis t and sel ect one o f the fol lowi ng set tings fo r the fu ll- screen pen stroke: Backlight Turns on the ba cklight of y our han dheld computer. Keyboard Opens the onscreen keyboard for entering t ext characters.
Page 168 Setting Preferences for Your Handheld Com puter 3. Tap OK. HotSync button s preferences The Buttons Preferences screen also enables y ou to associate different applications w ith the HotSync butt on on the cradle and the HotS ync button on the optio nal Palm Modem accessory.
Chapter 7 Page 169 Formats preference s Use the Formats Preferences screen t o set the country default and the display f ormat of t he dates , times, and nu mbers o n your ha ndheld computer.
Page 170 Setting Preferences for Your Handheld Com puter day of t he week to be Su nday or M onday . Note: This sett ing controls t he Day, Week, a nd Month views in Date Book a nd all other aspects of you r handheld computer that display a calendar. 4.
Chapter 7 Page 171 System, alarm, and game sounds You r hand held c omp uter us es a var iet y of sound s. Th e Syste m, Alarm, and Gam e Sound settings e nable you to turn the sou nds on or off, and to adjust the vo lume level associated with each type o f sound.
Page 172 Setting Preferences for Your Handheld Com puter Owner p reference s The Owner Preferences screen en ables you to record a name, compan y name, p hone numb er , or any other info rma tion th at you want to associat e with you r handheld co mputer.
Chapter 7 Page 173 ShortC uts prefe rences The ShortCuts Preferences screen enables you to define abbreviations for entering text with Graffiti strokes. This section describes how to create, edit, and delete a Shor tCut. See Chapter 2 for m ore information on the use of Shor tCuts.
Page 174 Setting Preferences for Your Handheld Com puter Editing a ShortC ut After you create a ShortCut, you can modify it at any time. To edit a ShortCu t: 1. Tap the Shor tCut you wan t to edit. 2. Tap Edit. 3. M ake the c hanges you want a nd tap OK .
Chapter 7 Page 175 Connection preferences The Connection Preferences screen enables you to define the settings for communications devices, such as modems, that directly connect to your ha ndhe ld comp ute r. These se tti ngs are for ap plica tio ns that activate and use these commu nications devices.
Page 176 Setting Preferences for Your Handheld Com puter Connection/Network Preferences Examples Example: A connection f or remote IR HotS ync op erati ons You can def ine a config uration to per form.
Chapter 7 Page 177 To create an IrCOMM to Modem connection: 1. In the Applications Launcher, tap the Preferences (Prefs) icon. 2. Tap th e category pick list in the upper-right corne r of the screen. 3. Tap C onnect io n. 4. Tap Ne w. 5. Enter a n ame to identify thi s configuratio n.
Page 178 Setting Preferences for Your Handheld Com puter After you create the c onfiguration, you need to set up th e HotSync Manager o f your D esktop applica tion and t he HotSync a pplication o f your ha ndheld com puter to per form a mod em HotSync o peration .
Chapter 7 Page 179 To perfor m the HotS ync oper ation: ■ Tap the modem Hot Sync icon to beg in the HotSync operatio n. Tap here to display th e Phone Setup dialog box T a ph e r e t ob e g i nt h e.
Page 180 Setting Preferences for Your Handheld Com puter Network preferenc es and TCP/IP software The Network Preferences settings enable you to use the TCP/IP software that is in cluded in the handhel d computer’s operating system.
Chapter 7 Page 181 To select a service: 1. Tap the Service pick list. 2. Tap the predefined service template you want to use. Entering a u ser name T h eU s e r N a m es e t t i n gi d e n t i f i e st h en a m ey o uu s ew h e ny o ul o g i n t o your Internet Service Provi der or your dia l-in server.
Page 182 Setting Preferences for Your Handheld Com puter Entering a password The Pa ssw ord b ox ide ntif ie s the pas swo rd you us e to lo g int o you r server or ISP.
Chapter 7 Page 183 Adding telep hone settings When you select the Phone field, your handheld computer opens a dialog box in which you def ine the telephone number you use to conne ct with y our ISP or dial -in ser ver.
Page 184 Setting Preferences for Your Handheld Com puter To enter a prefix : 1. Ta p the Dial Pr efix check box to select it. 2. Enter the prefix. 3. Tap OK. Disabling Call Waiting Call Waiting can cause your session to terminate if yo u receive a call while yo u are conn ected.
Chapter 7 Page 185 Using a callin g card The Use calling c ard field enables you to use your calli ng card when dialing your ISP or Intranet server. Keep in mind that there is usually a delay bef ore you ente r your calli ng card num ber.
Page 186 Setting Preferences for Your Handheld Com puter Connecting to your service After y ou set y our Con necti on and Ne twor k Prefer enc es, es tabli shi ng a connection to your Internet Service Provider (ISP) or yo ur company’s netw ork (dial-in server) is ea sy.
Chapter 7 Page 187 Adding deta iled informat ion to a service temp late If you are usin g one of the predefin ed service templates, y ou probably only need to en ter your user n ame and telepho ne number. If y ou are creating a new service template, you may need to provide additional information to y our ISP or dial-in server.
Page 188 Setting Preferences for Your Handheld Com puter 2. Tap OK. Defini ng primary a nd secondary DN S The Dom ain Naming S ystem (DNS) is a mechanism in the Internet f or translati ng the names of host computers into IP addresse s.
Chapter 7 Page 189 IP address Everyone who logs on to the In ternet needs to have a uni que identifier (an IP address ), whether permanent or tem porary.
Page 190 Setting Preferences for Your Handheld Com puter Creating a login script A login script is som ething that you are lik ely to receive from your IS system a dministrato r if you r company h as a system i n which yo u log in to the corporate servers from your handheld computer using a modem or network conn ection.
Chapter 7 Page 191 based on an exact schedule. The schedu le is aligned between the authenticatio n server and the token h ardware using bu ilt-in synchr onized clocks. ■ Chal leng e-Re spons e: The authentication server promp ts the user with a dynam ically generated va lue — the ch allenge.
Page 192 Setting Preferences for Your Handheld Com puter 3. Ta p the command you w ant from the Comma nd list. If the command req uires additional informa tion, a field appears to the right of it for yo u to enter the in formation.
Chapter 7 Page 193 4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until th e login script is complete. 5. Tap OK. command: set queryDNS The set queryDNS comma nd is available on ly when you create a login script on your personal computer. The command enables your script to tur n off th e Quer y DNS opti on in th e Detai ls dial og box of Ne twork Preferences.
Page 194 Setting Preferences for Your Handheld Com puter This is the syn tax to turn the opti on off in you r script: set queryD NS “false” Deleting a service template There is only one way to d elete a service t emplate: use the D elete command from the Service menu.
Chapter 7 Page 195 Network pref erences menu commands The Network Preferences screen includes menu commands to make it fast an d easy to creat e and edit s erv ice templ ates . TCP/ IP applica tion menus are show here f or your referen ce. See “Using m enus” in C hapter 1 for m ore informatio n about choo sing menu comma nds.
Page 196 Setting Preferences for Your Handheld Com puter To vi ew the Ne twork L og: 1. T ap Options , and then tap View Lo g. 2. T ap the up and down ar rows of the scroll ba r to see the entire Network Log.
Chapter 8 Page 197 Chapter 8 CompactFlash™, CFpro™, and CFBackup™ CompactFlash (CF) Cards CompactFla sh (CF) defines a cla ss of small, remov able devices for mobile computers and electronic equipm ent. CF cards first gained popularity as p hotographic storage devices f or digital cam eras.
Page 198 CompactFlash™, CFpro™, and CFBackup™ or a secon d comm unication s port. Recommended CF Cards In order to determine if a particular CompactFla sh Type I or II card is compatible w ith your han dheld com puter’s expansion slo t, see the compatibil ity list at http://ww w.
Chapter 8 Page 199 Insertin g and Removing Memo ry Cards Inserting a CF memory card 1. Remove th e CF card expan sion slot doo r by pressing onto the fingernail reces s and slid ing the d oor from t he unit. 2. Begin the process of s liding th e memory card in to the unit .
Page 200 CompactFlash™, CFpro™, and CFBackup™ finge rnail rec ess and pull ing the doo r off. 3. Press yo ur thumb a gai nst the outer edge of the C F memory ca rd and slowl y draw the card from the slo t.
Chapter 8 Page 201 CFpr o CFpro i s an app lica tio n that l ets y ou quic kly and easily co py files between your TRGpro's memory and a CF memory card.
Page 202 CompactFlash™, CFpro™, and CFBackup™ Options menu Preferences Pref eren ces Disp lays a dialog bo x which allows yo u to set options for the operatio n of CFpro About CFp ro Shows ve rsion in format ion abou t CFpr o Hack master Pres ent W arnin g If enabled, warns you if CF pro detects Hackmast er is installed.
Chapter 8 Page 203 Edit men u Tools menu Select All Selects all files i n the current list. Individua l files may then be unselected. Unsel ect Al l Unselects all files in the current list . Individual files may then be se lected. Copy to RAM Copies the selected files from the CF mem ory c a r dt oR A M .
Page 204 CompactFlash™, CFpro™, and CFBackup™ Example: Copyin g files using CFpro This section describ es how to co py your applicat ions and databa ses using CFpro. Begin by inserti ng a CF memory card into your hand held c ompu ter . The p erf orm t he fol low ing s teps: 1.
Chapter 8 Page 205 2. Tap o n the M enus i con. 3. Tap the Edit Menu . 4. Tap Select All to co py all of the files. 5. Tap the Copy bu tton to begin. 6. A verification dia log will be displa yed. Tap OK. 7. A pro gress gauge will be dis played during the copy pro cess.
Page 206 CompactFlash™, CFpro™, and CFBackup™ If you w ant to co py an ap plic ation o r datab ase bac k to RA M, perf orm these steps: 1. Tap the name of the a pplicati on or da tabas e. 2. T ap the Copy button. 3. A p rocess gauge will be displa yed during the copy process.
Chapter 8 Page 207 ■ Using a Boota ble CF Card . I ti s p o s s i b l et ou p g r a d et h eO p e r a t i n g System (OS) o f your handheld com puter by usin g a specially formatted CF c ard. S ee the utilitie s section of http:// www. trgp ro. com fo r co mple te det ail s.
Page 208 CompactFlash™, CFpro™, and CFBackup™ CFBackup CFBackup is an application that lets you back up your entire TRGpr o handh eld comp uter to a CF me mory ca rd.
Chapter 8 Page 209 CF Modem Cards While the orig inal CF cards were memory c ards used simpl y for digital storag e, CF cards now include I/O devices su ch as serial cards, modem s, and netw ork car ds. This s ection wil l examine h ow to configure you r TRGpr o handheld com puter to us e a CF mode m to perform a HotSync operation.
Page 210 CompactFlash™, CFpro™, and CFBackup™ "Conducting a H otSync operation via mo dem" in Chapter 6 of thi s handb ook. Preparing y our handheld comp uter Inserting a C F modem card 1. R emove the CF c ard expa nsion slot do or by press ing onto th e finge rnail rec ess and pull ing the doo r off.
Chapter 8 Page 211 2. Tap th e category pick list in the upper-right corne r of the screen. 3. Tap C onnect io n. 4. Make sure there i s an available conf iguration wh ich matches you r CF modem. If n ot, you may n eed to load a pl ug-in for the d evice.
Page 212 CompactFlash™, CFpro™, and CFBackup™ To perfo rm the CF Mo dem HotS ync opera tion: 1. In the Ap plications La uncher, tap th e HotSync icon. 2. Tap Modem. 3. Tap the pick list and select your CF modem configuration.. 4. Tap Ent er phon e # to disp lay t he Phon e Setu p dial og box .
Chapter 8 Page 213 6. Wa it for the Ho tSync operation to com plete. If you encount er any problems, see Appendix B ..
Page 214 CompactFlash™, CFpro™, and CFBackup™.
Appendix A Page 215 Appendix A Maintaining Your Handhel d Comput er This chapter provides in formation o n the following: ■ Pro per ca re of your hand held c ompu ter ■ Prolong ing battery life .
Page 216 Maintaining Your Handheld Computer Battery considerations Plea se not e the follo wing c onsi derat io ns when replac ing t he bat teri es in your ha ndhe ld comp ute r: ■ Under n ormal c ondit ions, your batter ies s hould provi de sev eral months of us e.
Appendix A Page 217 Resettin g your handh eld comput er Unde r norma l circu mst ance s, you will n ot have to us e the rese t button. On rare occasions, however, your handheld compu ter may no longer respond to button s or the screen. In this case, you need to perform a reset to get your ha ndheld comp uter running again .
Page 218 Maintaining Your Handheld Computer Performing a hard r eset With a hard reset, all records and en tries stored in your handheld computer are eras ed.
Appendix A Page 219 3. Select the appropriate user name from the lis t. 4. Select an applicatio n in the Cond uit list. 5. Cli ck Cha nge. 6. Select Deskto p overwrites handheld. Note: Cha nging the Ho tSync se tting from the def ault affe cts only the next HotSync operatio n.
Page 220 Maintaining Your Handheld Computer.
Appendix B Page 221 Appendix B Frequently Asked Questions If you e ncou nter a pro ble m with you r handh eld co mpu ter, d o not call Techni cal Support unt il you have r eviewed the f ollowing list .
Page 222 Frequentl y Asked Questions Operating pro blems Problem Solution My handh eld computer won’t turn on. Try each of these in turn: ■ Adjust the c ontrast control . ■ Make sure the batteries a re installed properly. ■ Replace t he batteri es.
Appendix B Page 223 Tappi ng and writing pr oblems My hand held computer keeps turning itself off. Your ha ndheld co mputer i s design ed to turn itself off a fter a period of i nactivity. This period can be set at one, two, or three minutes. Ch eck the Auto -off setting.
Page 224 Frequentl y Asked Questions Applicat ion probl ems Ic a n ’ tg e tm y hand held c ompu ter to recognize m y handwr iting. ■ F o ry o u rh a n d h e l dc o m p u t e rt o recognize h and-writing inp ut with the stylus, you n eed to use Graffiti ® w riting.
Appendix B Page 225 Ia mh a v i n g problems listin g memos th e way I want to see the m. ■ If you can not manu all y arrang e the orde r of the memos in the List scr een, check the Memo Preferences setting. Make su re that Sort by is set to M anual.
Page 226 Frequentl y Asked Questions HotSync prob lems Problem Solution Ic a n n o td oa HotSync operati on; what sho uld I check to make sure I am doing it correctly? ■ Check the Win dows system tray to make sure the HotS ync Manager is running. I f it is not, open Palm Deskt op software.
Appendix B Page 227 It r i e dt od o al o c a l HotSync operation, b u ti td i dn o t complete successfully. Try each of these in turn: ■ Make su re HotSync M anager is runni ng. If H otSync M anag er is running, exit and resta rt it. ■ Make su re y ou sel ected L ocal f rom t he HotSync Manager m enu or t he Palm Desktop so ftware menu.
Page 228 Frequentl y Asked Questions I tried to do a modem HotSync operati on, b u ti td i dn o t complete successf ully. Check the foll owing on yo ur computer: ■ Make su re yo ur com pute r is turn ed on a n dt h a ti td o e sn o ts h u td o w n autom atic ally a s part o f an en erg y- saving feature .
Appendix B Page 229 I tried to do a modem HotSync operation, b u ti td i dn o t complete successfully. (cont inued ) Chec k the fol low ing on you r hand held computer: ■ Conf irm t hat the telep hon e ca ble is securely attached t o your modem. ■ Make sure the dial ing instruction dia ls the correct phone number.
Page 230 Frequentl y Asked Questions Beaming probl ems Problem Solution Ic a n n o tb e a md a t at o anoth er handhel d computer. ■ Confirm that your handheld computer and t he othe r Palm Co mput .
Appendix B Page 231 Password pr oblems Problem Solution If o r g o tt h e password, and m y handh eld compu ter is not locked . You c an us e Secu rit y to de let e the pass word. If you do this , your handhe ld comp ute r dele tes a ll ent rie s marke d as private.
Page 232 Frequentl y Asked Questions Technic al suppor t Before requesting support, p lease experiment a bit to reproduce and isolate the problem . When you do contact suppo rt, please be ready to pro.
Appendix C Page 233 Appendix C Non-ASCII Characters for Login Scripts The followi ng informati on enables you t o create custom logi n scripts that require non-A SCII characters. It is provided for advanced users who understand the use and requirements of such characters in a custom login script.
Page 234 Non-ASCII Characters for Login Scripts Literal ch aracters The backslas h ( ) character defines that the next character is transmitted as a l iteral character, and is not subj ect to any special processi ng ordina rily ass ociated wit h that chara cter.
Warranty and Other Product Inf ormation Page 235 Warr anty and Other Pro duct Information TRG Product s Limited Warranty HARDWARE: TRG P roducts, In c.
Page 236 packag ed appro priatel y for safe shipm ent, and it is rec ommen ded tha t they be insured or sent by a method that provides fo r tracking of the pac kage. THIS WARRA NTY SHALL NOT BE EXTENDED, ALTE RED OR VARIED EXCE PT BY A WRITTEN INSTRUME NT DULY SIGNED BY TRG PR ODUCTS, INC.
Warranty and Other Product Inf ormation Page 237 ANY REMEDY PROVIDED HER E-IN SHALL FAI L OF ITS ESSENTIAL PURPOSE. DISCLAIMER: Some co untrie s, states, o r provin ces do not a llow th e exclu sion o.
Warranty and Other Product Inf ormation Page 239 formatio n necessary to ac hieve interoper ability o f the Software with o ther programs within the mea ning of the E C Direct ive on the Legal Pr otecti on of Computer Programs is availab le to you from TR G Produc ts upon writte n request.
Page 240 for. ENTIRE AGREEMENT : This Lice nse Agreement set s forth the en tire under standing and agreement between you and TR G Products, supersedes all prior agreements , whether written or oral, with r espect to the Software, and may be amended only in a writin g signed by bot h parties .
Warranty and Other Product Inf ormation Page 241 FCC Statement This d evice c ompl ies with part 1 5 of the F CC ru les. Oper ation is su bject t o the fo llowi ng two condit ions: (1) This devi ce ma.
Page 242 DECLARATION OF CONFORMIT Y accord ing to ISO/IEC Gu ide 22 and EN 45014 declar es that the pr oduct conforms to the following standa rds or other normativ e documents: Supplementar y Inform ation: No ne Manufa ctu rer’ s Nam e: TRG Products, Inc.
Index Page 243 Index A ABA (Address Book archive f ile) 36 Accented characters Graffiti writing 32 ons creen ke ybo ard 35 Add-on ap plicat ions 42–45 Address Book *If Found Call* en try 90 adding cus tom fields 93 arch ive files (.
Page 244 Index C Calculator butto ns explaine d 102 memory 102 opening 56 overview 55 recen t cal cul atio ns 56, 1 02 Cali bratio n 10, 168, 223 Call Wait ing, di sabling 1 50, 184 Calling car d, usi.
Index Page 245 Cutting text 58 Cyclin g thro ugh views 52, 53 , 54, 55 D Data entr y. See Enterin g dat a Date Book adding Ad dress Boo k data to rec ords 69–70 alarm 80 arch ive files (.
Page 246 Index E-mail addr esses in Address Book 90, 91 looking u p 123–1 24 E-mail items. See Mail Entering da ta 15–18 importing from ot her application s 36–37 problems with 224 using Gra ffiti writ ing 25–34 using the computer ke yboard 35 using the onscr een keyboard 35 Entries.
Index Page 247 Help Graffiti 59 online t ips 15 Hiding r ecords 72 High Priorit y e-mail filter 137 HotSyn c button s pre ferences 1 68 conduits for s ynchronizin g applic atio ns 146–14 7, 219 cust.
Page 248 Index passwo rd 4 8–49, 167, 172 Login scripts 193 , 233 Looking up Address Book data to add to oth er record s 69–70 scrollin g in Address List 67 to add to e-m ail addr esses 123 –124.
Index Page 249 209–21 3, 228– 229 preferences 17 5 Modem conn ecti ons 175, 176 Monday, to start week 170 Month (Date Book view ) 85, 87 Moving the curs or (Graffiti writ ing) 33 MPA ( Memo Pad a .
Page 250 Index General 170 HotSyn c but tons 1 68 Modem 175 Netw ork 1 80–1 96 Owner 172 ShortCuts 17 3 Primar y DNS 188 Printing expense reports from Excel 1 09–1 12 records from applic ations 22.
Index Page 251 Securit y keys 190 Selectin g date f or even t 78 e-m ail to b e sy nchro nized . See Filters for e-mail 134 phone numbers in Address Book 90 text 58 Sending e-ma il 120– 122 , 127 Se.
Page 252 Index opening 54 overview 54 prior itizin g reco rds 94, 98 priv ate re cords 74 purgin g reco rds 60, 97 sort ing r ecor ds 71 Today. See Current date Token-bas ed auth enticat ion syste ms 190 Transferr ing data.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat 3Com TRGpro (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen 3Com TRGpro heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens 3Com TRGpro vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding 3Com TRGpro leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over 3Com TRGpro krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van 3Com TRGpro bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de 3Com TRGpro kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met 3Com TRGpro . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.