Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product PIXMA IP90v van de fabrikant Canon
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Photo Printer Quic k St ar t Guide Quic k St ar t Guide Quic k St ar t Guide Quic k St ar t Guide QT 5-0848 -V 01 XXXXXXXX ©CANON INC. 2005 PRINT ED IN VIETN AM The fo llowin g ink tank s are comp atible with iP 90 . For details on in k tank replacement, refer to “Replacing an Ink T ank” in this gu ide.
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Photo Printer Photo Printer Photo Printer Photo Printer Quic k Start Guide Quic k Start Guide Quic k Start Guide Quic k Start Guide Page i Thursday, December 7, 2006 11:03 AM.
Ca non PIXMA iP90 Photo Pr inter Quick Start Guide Co p y r i g h t Co p y r i g h t Co p y r i g h t Co p y r i g h t This m anual is c opyrighted b y Canon U.S . A., Inc. with al l rights reserved. Under the copyright laws, this m anual may no t be reproduced in any form, in whole or in part, without the p rior written consen t of Cano n U .
Cont ents 1 Co n t e n t s Co n t e n t s Co n t e n t s Co n t e n t s Basic Printing Basic Printing Basic Printing Basic Printing Turning on t he Printer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Basic Printing 2 Basi c P r in ti ng Basi c P r in ti ng Basi c P r in ti ng Basi c P r in ti ng T urning on the Print er 1 Open the Pape r Suppor t . 2 Press the POWER butto n. The PO WER POWER POWER POWER lamp flashes while the printer warms up a nd ch anges to steady (non- flash ing) g reen when th e pri nter is ready.
Basic Printing 3 T urning off the Print er 1 T o t urn off the printer , press the POWER button. When the POWER lamp stops blinking, th e printe r is turned off. Impor tant About the Power Plug When rem oving the power plug after turni ng off the pr inter, be sure to c h eck that the PO W ER lamp is n ot lit.
Basic Printing 4 Loading P a per Prin t Med ia to Avoi d Do not use th e fol lowin g types of paper . Usi ng such paper wil l not only pr oduce uns at isf ac tory results, but can also cause the printer to jam or malfunction .
Basic Printing 5 2 Prepare to load pa per. 3 Load the paper. Loa di n g P la i n Pa p er Note • Place the pri nter on a flat sur fac e . • D o not plac e any obst acles in front of the printer to secu re the space for paper output. • Remov e eac h sheet a s soon as paper i s out.
Basic Printing 6 Load in g E nve l op es Use ei ther DL or US Comm . #10 siz e envel opes. (3) Select Envelop e Envelope Envelope Envelope in Media T ype Media T ype Media T ype Media T ype, and then sel ect Comm. Env . #10 C omm. Env. #10 C omm. Env.
Basic Printing 7 L oadin g 4" x 6" siz e pa pers Y ou can print on 4" x 6 " siz e papers. (3) Select 4 x 6 in 4 x 6 in 4 x 6 in 4 x 6 in in Page Size Page Size Page Size Page Size.
Basic Printing 8 Us ing Specia lity Media C anon rec ommends that you use genuine Canon me dia to en sure optim al print qu ality . Photo Quality Media •P h o t o P a p e r P r o • Photo Pape .
Basic Printing 9 C anon Spec iality Media *1 When paper cannot be f ed normally , load the necess ary number of sheets in the Auto S h eet Feeder w ith them separating from e ach other t o avoid them fr om stick ing toge ther.
Basic Printing 10 l Printing with W indows 1 C reate a docu ment or o pen a fi le to print. 2 Open th e Printe r Propertie s dialog bo x. (1) Select Prin t Print Print Print from the appl ication' s File Fil e Fil e Fil e menu.
Basic Printing 11 3 Specif y the required set tings. 4 Print the docume nt. Note •F r o m t h e P a g e S e t u p Page Setu p Pa ge Se tup Pa ge Se tu p ta b se le ct th e co rr ec t d oc um en t size to b e printed.
Basic Printing 12 Printing with Mac into s h 1 C reate a docu ment or o pen a fi le to print. 2 Select Paper Size. (1) Select Page Setup Page Setup Page Setup Pag e Setup fr om the app licati on's File File File File menu. The Page Setup Page S etup Page S etup Page Setu p dialog box opens.
Basic Printing 13 3 Specif y the required set tings. (1) Select Prin t Print Print Print from the appl ication' s File Fil e Fil e Fil e menu. Note • When you selec t the print mode appropriate.
Basic Printing 14 C anc eling Printing Y ou can c ancel a print job w h il e printing w ith the RESUME/CANCEL RESUME/CANCEL RESUME/CANCEL RESUME/CANCEL button on the pri nter. 1 Press the RESUME/CANC EL button while printing. Printi ng is canceled and the pap er is ejected.
Basic Printing 15 Printing Dat a thr ough Infrar ed C ommunic ation If you hav e a comp uter, PDA or mobil e phone with an Infr ared Port for wireles s data com m uni ca ti o n, you ca n p ri n t da ta wit h a cor d less co nn e ct io n w it h t he p ri nt er.
Basic Printing 16 Requir em ents for Infrar ed C ommunication with the PDA In order to use infrar ed communic ation, your PDA mu st sati sf y the fol lowing requ irements : Requir em ents for .
Basic Printing 17 (2) C on nect the pri nter to your computer with a USB cable. (3) Open the Paper Suppor t, turn on the printer, and then turn on the computer .
Basic Printing 18 (3) Select a desired layout for p ri nting. (4) Cli ck S e n d Send Send Send . Y ou can perform printin g from a PD A or mobile phone with the spec ified media type and layout .
Basic Printing 19 Changing th e Document Print Settin gs (1) Clic k Inf rared/Blue tooth connec tion P rint Settings Infrared/Bluetooth c onnecti on Print Settings Infrared/Bluetooth c onnecti on Print Settings Infrared/Bluetooth c onnecti on Print Settings tab .
Basic Printing 20 Not e Followin g l imitations appl y on transmittab le data • It does not support printing a downloaded c ontent or photo and a photo attac hed to an email f or se curity rea son.
Basic Printing 21 Performing Infrar ed C ommunicat io n When performing infrar ed communic ation, also refer to your c omputer, mobil e phone or PDA manual. 1 Set up the Printer. (1) Ensure that the Universal A C Adap ter is connected securely. When u sing the opti onal batt ery , ensure that i t has been c harg ed.
Basic Printing 22 Note • By pressing the RESU ME/C ANCE L butto n, you can p rint the sam e image data transmitted f rom the m obile phone right before. • Do not place any obst acle between the Infrared Ports of the printer and PDA , mobile phon e or compute r.
Advanced Printing 23 Advan c ed Pr inti ng Advan c ed Pr inti ng Advan c ed Pr inti ng Advan c ed Pr inti ng Printing Photographs Dir ectly fr om a PictBridg e C ompliant Devic e Conn ec ti ng a P ic .
Advanced Printing 24 C onnecting to a PictBridge C ompliant Devic e T o c on nect a Pic tBridge complian t device to this printer, use the USB cable supplied wit h t h e de vice . 1 Set up the printer Ensure that the Universal AC Adapter i s connec ted securely.
Advanced Printing 25 3 Load 4"×6" paper into t he Auto Sheet Feed er in the por trait position (shor t si de fa ci ng d ow n) . 4 C onnect th e PictBridge compliant devic e to the printer. (1) Ensure that the devic e is turned off. Note Some types of the device turn on automatically, w hen conne cted to the printer.
Advanced Printing 26 (3) T urn on and set up the devic e for direct printing. When the conn ection betwe en the dev ice an d printer h as be en est ablis hed, the POWER l a mp on the prin ter flashes onc e. Either one of the follow ing icons wil l disp lay on the L CD displ ay of the devic e when the print er is correct ly conn ected.
Advanced Printing 27 About Im age Data F ormat for Pr inting This printer can handle only Exif/JPEG and PN G image data to produce photos. About “Paper Size” and “Paper T ype” T o change the pa per size or paper type , ope rate your device to s elect t he Pi ctBrid ge print se tup mod e and confir m or c hange the se ttings.
Advanced Printing 28 About “Im age optimi ze” If you use a Canon Pic tBrid ge-compliant camera, you can select “VIVI D”, “NR ”, or “VIVID +NR”. (Note that these options c an not be selected for some models.) About “Date print” By default, “Off” is selected for this prin ter.
Advanced Printing 29 Ac c essing Print er Driver The Print er Pr oper ties Printer Pr operties Printer Pr operties Printer Pr oper ties dialog box c an be opened fr om either within an application, or d i rectly from the Wi ndows Start Sta r t Start Sta r t menu .
Advanced Printing 30 Adjusting Print Quality f or Photogr aphs Improving Printed Images T wo important fact ors control the quality and output of your print ed images: Pape r a nd I nk Pape r a nd.
Advanced Printing 31 2 Select C ustom in Print Quality , then clic k Set to open the Set Print Qual ity dialog box. 3 Move the slide bar to adjust the Print Qua lity .
Advanced Printing 32 T o automatically optimize the image: T o automatically optimize the image: T o automatically optimize the image: T o automatically optimize the image: Photo Optimiz er PRO Photo Optimiz er PRO Photo Optimiz er PRO Photo O ptimi zer PRO automatically adjusts the p hotographic i mage created with a digital camera.
Advanced Printing 33 T o u se Vivid Phot o opti on: T o u se Vivid Phot o opti on: T o u se Vivid Phot o opti on: T o u se Vivid Phot o opti on: Vivid Photo Vivid Photo Vivid Photo Vivid Photo int ensifies the b ackgr ound color s found in photos th at have fields, trees, oceans and skies while maintaining natural skin tones in the images.
Advanced Printing 34 T o r educ e noise fr om images captur ed with a d igital c amera: T o r educ e noise fr om images captur ed with a d igital c amera: T o r educ e noise fr om images captur ed wit.
Advanced Printing 35 Savin g and Recal ling Driver Settings When you change printer dr iver setting s for a specific pri nt job, such as printing black and white p hotos or printing documents w ith a special bac kgroun d, you can s ave and name these s ett ings for future use o n sim ilar print jobs.
Advanced Printing 36 1 Open the Print dial og box. See " Printing w ith Mac intosh Printing w ith Macint osh Printing w ith Macint osh Printing with Mac intosh" on pag e 12. 2 Select al l of the nec es sary settin gs. 3 Register new printer driver se ttings.
Advanced Printing 37 Us ing the Bu ndle Softw are The Set up Softw are & User’s Guide C D-ROM includ es p hoto ap plications de signed to ed it the phot ographs t aken by a digi tal cam era and print them as photo-lab qu ality prin ts. Please use the application(s) su itable for your print purposes.
Advanced Printing 38 Printing Bor derles s Photographs This c hapter descri bes the steps used to print from photo appli cations included with your Setup Software a nd User’s Guide C D-ROM using the Borde rless Printin g mode .
Advanced Printing 39 2 Select phot ographs . (1) Selec t the fol der con taining the photograph y ou want to print. All photographs in the selected folder are displayed. (2) Cli ck [ ] [] [] [ ] on the thumbnail of the photograph you want t o print and spec i fy the numb er of copies.
Advanced Printing 40 3 Select the paper. 4 Select the layout. (3) Load the media specified in the Paper Selec tion Pape r Selec tion Paper Se lectio n Paper Sel ection t ab. (4) Clic k Pr int Print Print Print. Clic k Pr int Print Print Print. When t he conf irmation me ssage is di splaye d, clic k OK OK OK OK.
Printing Maintenance 41 Pri nt ing Ma in tena nc e Pri nt ing Ma in tena nc e Pri nt ing Ma in tena nc e Pri nt ing Ma in tena nc e When Printing B ec omes F aint or C o lors ar e Inc orrect When printi ng becomes faint or c olors are incorrect, the Pri nt Head Nozzles are probab ly clogged.
Printing Maintena nce 42 Printing the Nozz le Chec k P attern Print t he n ozzle c he ck pattern to determ ine w hether the in k ejec ts properly from th e Prin t Head Nozzles. Use this function when p rinted results are blurred or the color is incorrect.
Printing Maintenance 43 (4) When the confirmat ion message is displ ayed, click OK OK OK OK. (5) C on firm the nozzle chec k patte rn. See "Examini ng the Nozz le Chec k Patt ern Examining the No zzle Ch eck Pattern Examining the No zzle Ch eck Pattern Examining the No zzle Check Patte rn" on page 45.
Printing Maintena nce 44 3 Print the Nozzle Chec k Pattern. (4) C on firm the nozzle chec k patte rn. See "Examini ng the Nozz le Chec k Patt ern Examining the No zzle Ch eck Pattern Examining the No zzle Ch eck Pattern Examining the No zzle Check Patte rn" on page 45.
Printing Maintenance 45 Examining the Nozzle Chec k Patt ern The nozzle check pattern should appear as follows when ink is disc harged properly. Examine the nozzle check pattern output by the printer. 1 C onfirm th e printed nozzle c h ec k pattern.
Printing Maintena nce 46 2 When cleaning is necess a ry, click the C lean ing Cl e a n i n g Cle a n i n g C leaning butt on on the Pattern Chec k Pattern Check Pattern Check Pattern Check dial og.
Printing Maintenance 47 Print Head C leaning If mis sing lin es or white stripe s are found in the print ed nozzl e chec k pattern, perform Print Head cleaning to unclog the Print Head Nozzles. Cleaning the Prin t Head consumes ink, so perform Prin t Head cl eaning on ly when nec ess ary.
Printing Maintena nce 48 3 Star t Print Head Cleaning. (4) When the conf irmation messag e is displ ayed, c lic k OK OK OK OK. Print Head cle aning starts when the POWER l amp starts blinkin g. Important Do not per form any other operations un t il the Pr i nt Head cleaning fini shes.
Printing Maintenance 49 4 Check the Print Head condition. (1) Clic k Pr int Chec k Pa ttern Print Che c k Pattern Pr int Check Pattern Print Chec k Patte rn in the Nozz le Chec k dial og appear ed after cl eanin g is complete. When the conf irmation message is displayed, clic k OK.
Printing Maintena nce 50 3 Star t Print Head Cleaning. Print Head cle aning starts when the POWER l amp starts blinkin g. Important Do not per form any other operations un t il the Pr i nt Head cleaning fini shes. T his ta kes ab out 60 sec onds. (1) Select Clean ing Cle an i ng Clea n in g Cle an i ng fr om t he pop-up men u.
Printing Maintenance 51 4 Check the Print Head condition. (1) Clic k Pr int Chec k Pa ttern Print Che c k Pattern Pr int Check Pattern Print Che ck Pattern in the d ialog appeared after cleaning is complete. A nozzle c heck pattern will be printed. Do not perform any oper ation un til printi ng of the nozzle c hec k pattern is completed.
Printing Maintena nce 52 Print Head Deep C leaning If print qual ity does not impro ve by standar d Print Head clean ing, try Print Head deep cleaning, which is a more powerful process. Print Head deep cleaning consumes more ink than s tandard Print Head cleaning, so perform this proc edure only when necess ar y.
Printing Maintenance 53 3 Star t Print Head Deep C leaning. (4) When the confirmat ion message is displ ayed, click OK OK OK OK. Print Head deep cleaning star ts wh en the POWE R POWER POWER POWER l amp starts blink ing.
Printing Maintena nce 54 4 Check the Print Head condition. (1) Print a nozzle check pattern to check the Print Head condi tion. See "Pr inting t he Nozz le Chec k P attern Printi ng the N ozzle Chec k Patt ern Printi ng the N ozzle Chec k Patt ern Printi ng the No zzle Check Patt ern" on pag e 42.
Printing Maintenance 55 3 Star t Print Head Deep C leaning. Print Head deep cleaning starts when the POWER lamp st ar ts blinking. Impor tant Do not pe rform any other operat ions until the Print H ead deep cleani ng finishes. This takes about t wo to three minutes.
Printing Maintena nce 56 4 Check the Print Head condition. (1) Print a nozzle check pattern to check the Print Head condi tion. See "Pr inting t he Nozz le Chec k Patt ern Printi ng the N ozzle Chec k Patt ern Printi ng the N ozzle Chec k Patt ern Printi ng the No zzle Check Patt ern" on pag e 42.
Printing Maintenance 57 Aligning th e Print Head If ruled lines are displac e d or the prin t result is unsatisfactory, Print Head alignm ent is req uir e d. ì 1 With the p rinter on, load a sheet of Letter-sized plain paper in the printer. Move the Paper T hickness L ever (gray) to the right pos it ion.
Printing Maintena nce 58 4 Align the Print He ad. (1) L ook at t h e p rint out. From t he patt erns , select the mo st eve n, le ast irregu lar patterns.
Printing Maintenance 59 1 With the p rinter on, load a sheet of Letter-sized plain paper in the printer. Move the Paper T hickness L ever (gray) to the right pos it ion.
Printing Maintena nce 60 4 Align the Print Head. (1) L ook at t h e p rint out. From t he patt erns , select the mo st eve n, le ast irregu lar patterns. Not e If it is difficult to pick up the best pattern on C olum n H, pick the setting that produ c es the least notice able ver tical white stripes.
Printing Maintenance 61 Rep lacin g an Ink T ank If the pr int result is not improved af ter maintenance such a s P rint Head cleaning, an ink tank runs out of ink. Replace the ink tank with a ne w one. When replacing a n ink tank, check the model n umber ver y carefully .
Printing Maintena nce 62 2 Remove the empty ink tank. (1) Pu sh t he ta b. (2) Remove t he ink tank . Then lift it fr om its sl ot. Do not touch the Loc k lever; remove only the ink tank. 3 Pre pare a rep lac ement in k ta nk. (1) Unpac k a new ink tank and remo ve the orange Protective C ap.
Printing Maintenance 63 4 Inser t the ink tank. (1) Inser t a new ink tank with it slightly slanted. (2) Push down on the on th e ink tank un til it cl icks into place. 5 Close the Prin t Head Co ver. The Prin t Head Holder moves to the right. Impor tant Wh en an ink tank is replaced, the ink counter must be reset .
Printing Maintena nce 64 Resetting the Ink C ounter When a n ink tank is replaced, the ink counter must be reset. The low ink warn ing is only d isplayed properly if the ink counter is reset.
Printing Maintenance 65 Resetting the Ink Co unter in the P rinter Proper ties dialog bo x 1 Open the P rinter Properties Printer Properties Printer Properties Printer Proper ties dialog box and clic k the Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance tab .
Printing Maintena nce 66 2 Reset the Ink C ounter. (2) C li c k Ink Counter Reset Ink C ounte r Res et Ink C ounte r Res et Ink C ounter Reset. (1) Select Remaining ink level set ting Remaining ink level setting Remaining ink level set ting Remaining ink level setting from the pop-up me nu.
Printing Maintenance 67 How Low Ink Warning Setting W orks The low ink warning n otifies you of low ink levels du ring prin ting. The Low Ink W ar ning has been preset to be automatically di splayed. When you reset the in k counter, it will as su me that the in k tank is full regardless of how much ink actually remains.
Printing Maintena nce 68 How to Dis play Low Ink W arning C orrectly • Reset the ink counter ever y time you install a new ink tank. The ink counter cannot work correc tly unles s you sync hroni ze it with the actual ink level. The ink counter can only be adjusted when it is reset at the tim e a new ink tank is installed.
Troubleshootin g 69 Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g T roubleshooting us ually fal ls into one of the follow ing categorie s. In this c hapter y ou will find the most c om mon prin ting problems.
Troubleshooting 70 C annot Ins tal l the Printer Driver Problem Possib le Cau se Tr y T h i s Cannot Instal l the Prin ter Drive r Install ation proc edure not followed c orrectly Follow the Easy Setup I nstructions for proper printer driver in stallati on.
Troubleshootin g 71 Cannot Instal l the Prin ter Drive r Unable to pro ceed beyond the Printer Connection Screen Problem Possib le Cau se Tr y T h i s If you cannot proceed beyond the Pr inter Printer Pr inter Printer Connection Connection Connection Connection screen; • When connecting with a USB cable 1.
Troubleshooting 72 Print Quality is Poor or C ontains Err ors Prob lem Possible Cause Tr y T h i s Ink does not eje c t properly /Printing is Blurred/ C olors are Wro ng / Wh i te Streaks appear Ink tank is not seated properly Check that the ink tanks are fi rmly seated in th e Print H ead and reseat them i f necessary.
Troubleshootin g 73 Printed Paper Curls or Ink Blo ts Paper being used is too t hin Use Hi gh Resolut ion Paper , Photo P a per Pro or other C anon special ity paper to print images t hat have high color saturati on.
Troubleshooting 74 T roub leshooting Print er Hardw are Problem Possib le Cau se Tr y T h i s Printer Does Not Start or P rinter Stop s During Print Jobs Printer ca ble is too long Avoid usi ng USB cable s longer than 16.4 feet. There ma y be probl ems in your operati ng system Restart your computer.
Troubleshootin g 75 P aper Does Not Feed Pr operly Problem Possib le Cau se Tr y T h i s Pap er Do es N ot Feed Pr operly Inappropriate paper type used • Check to see if the paper you are printing on is too thic k or curled. See "Print Media to Avoid Print Media to Avoid Print Me dia to Avoid Print Media to Avoid" on page 4.
Troubleshooting 76 Handl ing Err or Messages When a printer e rror occur s , the POWER/ERROR POWER/ERROR POWER/ERROR POWER/ERROR l amp fla shes. The nu mber of fl ashes indicates the type of error that has oc curred. Count the fla sh es and then take appropriate action to correct the error.
Troubleshootin g 77 Not e POWER lamp fl ashes alternately green and orange POWER l amp flashes alternately green and or a nge POWER l amp flashes alternately green and or a nge POWER l amp flashes alternately green and or a nge An error that requir es cont acting the C ustom er C are C enter may hav e occu rred.
Troubleshooting 78 An Err or Mes sag e Appear s on the Screen Pr oble m Possible Cause Tr y T h i s Error Wr iting /Ou tput to USBnnn or MPUSBPRNnn Printer not ready The POWER POWER POWER POW ER la mp will fl ash gr een wh en th e pr int er is wa rm ing up or w h en a pr in t jo b is being s ent t o the p rinter .
Troubleshootin g 79 “Error No.: 300” Prin ter not r eady If the POWE R POWER POWER POWER la mp is off, turn the pr inter on. If t he P OW ER POWER POWER POWER lamp is flashing green, th e printer is initia lizing. W ait until the POWER POWER POWER POWE R lamp st ops fl ashing .
Troubleshooting 80 Low In k Warn i ng Accom p an ie d b y In k T ank Icon With a '?' Failure to reset i nk coun te r w he n instal ling new ink tan k The ink tank l evel accompanied by t he ink tank icon wi t h the “?” indicat es ink tank is not synchronized w i th its ink counter.
Troubleshootin g 81 C annot Print Pr operly through I nfrar ed C ommunic ation Pr oble m Possible Cause Tr y T h i s Cannot Print Properly throu gh Infrared C ommunication The r equ ired dr ive r is n.
Troubleshooting 82 C annot Print Pr operly from the Digital C amera The follow i ng are the possible errors th at may occur when printing directly from a digital still camera or digi tal video camcorde r*, and th e countermeasures to eli minate them .
Troubleshootin g 83 Not e • PictBridge or C anon Bubble Jet Direct c ompatible digital c ameras can be connected to your pri nter for direct printing. • This se ction describes errors that are indi cated on C an on-brand Pi ctBridge- or Bubble Jet Direct-compatibl e cameras.
Appe ndix 84 Appendi x Appendi x Appendi x Appendi x Printing Photographs Directly fr om Canon Bubb le Jet Direct C ompati ble Digita l Cameras Let’s take a look at the media types that c an be set on the Canon Bubble Jet Direct compatible digital camera connected to this printer and their lim itations.
Append ix 85 Not e • For digital came ra method of operations and troubleshooting, ref e r to your digital camera’s manu al. For print error messag es , refer to "Cannot Prin t Properly from .
Appe ndix 86 User’ s Guide T ab le of C ont ents Yo u r p r i n t e r ’ s User’s G uide offers detailed info rmation on the following topi cs. How to Use Thi s Manual How to Read This Manual Saf.
Append ix 87 Ac ces sor y Options The fol lowing options are av ailable for thi s printer . C on firm the produc t names when you purcha se th e options. C a non Cradle Kit CK -5 1B This option is a kit that c onsists of a stand dedicated to this printer and a portable kit LK -51B (batter y char ge r and l ithium-ion batter y).
Appe ndix 88 C anon Automobile Power Unit PU-100U This option is a unit that allows you to suppl y power from a cigarette lighter outlet to your printer for operation or battery ch arg ing. Bluetooth Unit BU-10 This option is a unit that allows y ou to print wirel ess from a Bluetooth c ompatible com pu te r.
Append ix 89 T raveling Abr oad with the Printer Before traveling abroad with the printer, ensure that the following notes. About Univers al AC Ad apter and Power C ord The Universal AC Adapter can be used abroad to power the prin ter from power supplies ranging from AC 100 V to 2 40 V .
Appe ndix 90 The Cautions When C arr ying Printer • Pac k up firmly in the case of carrying bag. For details, refer to T ransporting Printer. • Be careful not to give it the strong vibration which puts a se rious th ing on the carryi ng bag, and a shoc k.
Append ix 91 Spe cification s Print er Printing re soluti on: Printing re soluti on: Printing re soluti on: Printing re solution : 4800* x 1 200 d pi. max. 4800* x 1200 d pi. ma x. 4800* x 1200 dp i. max. 4800* x 1200 d pi. ma x. (*Ink droplets can be placed in a pitch of 1/4800 inch at mini mum.
Appe ndix 92 Universa l AC Adapter Di me nsi ons : Di me nsi ons : Di me nsi ons : Dimensions: 4.65 (W) x 2 .28 (D) x 1.02 (H) i n 4.65 (W ) x 2.28 ( D) x 1.02 (H) in 4.65 (W ) x 2.28 ( D) x 1.02 (H) in 4.65 (W ) x 2.28 ( D) x 1.02 (H) in Wei g ht : Wei g ht : We ig h t: Weight: Approx.
Append ix 93 BJ Printer Driver Syst em Req uirements • • • • Use a c omputer equippe d on whic h Windows XP , Windows Use a comput er equipped on which Windows XP , Windows Use a comput er equipped on which Windows XP , Windows Use a comput er equipped on which Windows XP , Windows 2000, Windo ws Me, or Windows 98 can operate.
Appe ndix 94 Saf ety Prec autions P l e as e re a d t h e s a f e t y w a r n i n g s a n d ca u t i o n s p r o v i d e d i n t h i s m a n u a l t o e n s u r e t h a t y o u u s e your printer safely. Do not attempt to use printe r in any way not described in this manual.
Append ix 95 Cau t io n Y o u may c aus e inju ry or damage the p rinter if you igno re any of these safety prec autions . Choosing a loca t ion Choosing a loca t ion Choos ing a location Choosing a location Do not install the printer in a location that is unstable or subject to exc essive vibration.
Appe ndix 96 Regul ato r y I n for mat io n C olor Printer Model: C olor Printer Model: Color Printer M odel: C olor Printer Model: K10249 K10249 K10249 K10249 This device complies with Par t 1 5 of the FCC Rules.
Append ix 97 CANON U.S. A., INC. LIMITED WARRANT Y - -- (US A Only) The limited war ranty set forth below is given by Canon U.S .A. , Inc. (“Canon USA”) with respect to the new or re furbished Canon-brand product (“Produc t”) package d wi th this limited warranty, when purchased and used in the United States o nly .
Appe ndix 98 • T oll-free live t echnic al support within the li mited warranty Monda y- Saturday (ex cluding holi days) at 1-800-82 8-4040 • T he location of t he ASF nearest you for carry-in se .
Index 99 Index A Access ory Options ............... ................... ................... .87 Adjusting Print Qu ality .... .............. ................... ...........30 Advanced Printin g . ................... .................... ..............
Index 100 Paper Thickness Lever Position ................... .................. 9 PDA ............ .............. ................... .................... ........... 16 Perfor m ing Infra red Communication ...... ................... .. 2 1 Photo Noise Reducti on .
101 Page 101 Thursday, December 7, 20 06 11:03 AM.
102 Page 102 Thursday, December 7, 20 06 11:03 AM.
Getting Help fr om C anon Getting Help fr om C anon Getting Help fr om C anon Getting Help fr om C anon Help U s Help Y ou Be tte r Before y ou c on tact Canon, ple ase recor d the following information.
Photo Printer Quic k St ar t Guide Quic k St ar t Guide Quic k St ar t Guide Quic k St ar t Guide QT 5-0848 -V 01 XXXXXXXX ©CANON INC. 2005 PRINT ED IN VIETN AM The fo llowin g ink tank s are comp atible with iP 90 . For details on in k tank replacement, refer to “Replacing an Ink T ank” in this gu ide.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Canon PIXMA IP90v (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Canon PIXMA IP90v heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Canon PIXMA IP90v vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Canon PIXMA IP90v leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Canon PIXMA IP90v krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Canon PIXMA IP90v bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Canon PIXMA IP90v kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Canon PIXMA IP90v . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.