Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product 48EZ(N)-A van de fabrikant Carrier
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1 48EZ( N) - - - A Comfort t 13 SE ER Si ngle - - - Packag ed HYBR ID HEA T r Du al F uel Sy stem w ith P uro n ® (R - - - 410A) Re frige rant Sing le and Thre e Phase 2 --- 5 N o m i n a l T o n s ( S i z e s 2 4 --- 6 0 ) Installation Instructions NOTE : Read the en tire instru ction m anual b efore starting th e installatio n.
2 es wh ich may re sult i n minor pe rs onal inj ury or pr oduct and pr op- er ty dama ge. N OTE is us ed t o highl ight sugge st ions whi ch will result in en hanced in stallation , reliability , o r op eration . ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD Fai lur e t o foll ow thi s wa rni ng coul d re sul t in per sona l inj ury or dea th.
3 A09450 Fig. 2 - - 48EZ- - A24- - 36 Unit Di mens ions 48EZ - - A.
4 A09451 Fig. 3 - - 48EZ- - A42- - 60 Unit Di mens ions 48EZ - - A.
5 L ARGE CURB SMALL CURB ROOF CURB DET AIL Wood nailer* Roofcurb* Insulation (field supplied) *Provided with roofcurb Cant strip field supplied Roofing material field supplied Flashing field supplied .
7 hooking poi nts a nd loa d support ar ea s. Ma te ri al s s howing any ki nd of we ar i n the se ar ea s m ust not be use d and s hould be disc ar ded. UNIT F ALLING HAZARD Fai lur e t o foll ow thi s wa rni ng coul d re sul t in per sona l inj ury or dea th.
8 A 1/8 - - in. ( 3.2 mm) NPT plugge d ta pping, accessib le fo r test g aug e conne ct ion, must be ins ta ll ed i mmedi at el y upst rea m of the gas suppl y conne ct ion t o the gas valve . Wh en in stalling th e gas s upply li ne, obse rve loc al code s per ta ini ng to g as pip e installatio ns.
9 Ste p 9 — Install D uct Co nnect ions The unit ha s duct f la nges on the s upply - - and re turn- -air openi ngs on the si de and bott om of the uni t. For downshot appli ca ti ons, the duct work c onnec ts to t he r oof cur b (Se e Fi g. 2 and 3 for con nectio n sizes an d locatio ns).
10 T able 1 – Phys ic al Dat a - - Unit 48EZ- -A UNIT SIZE 48E Z - - - A 24040 24060 30040 30060 36060 36090 42060 42090 NOMI NAL CA P A CI TY - - - to n 2 2 2 --- 1 / 2 2 --- 1 / 2 3 3 3 --- 1 / 2 3 --- 1 / 2 SHI PPING WEIG HT - - - lb .
11 T able 1 - - Physic al Dat a - - Unit 48EZ - - A (Cont ’d) UNIT SIZE 48E Z - - - A 48090 48115 48130 60090 60115 60130 NOMI NAL CA P A CI TY - - - to n 444555 OPERA TING WEIGHT - - - lb (kg) 482 219 482 219 482 219 507 230 507 230 507 230 COMP RESSORS Sc roll Quantity 1 RE FRIG ERA NT (R - - - 410A) Quantity - - - l b (kg ) 9.
12 Step 10 — I nsta ll El ectrical Co nn ection s ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD Fai lur e t o foll ow thi s wa rni ng coul d re sul t in pe rs onal inj ury or dea th.
13 Contr ol V oltage Conne cti ons Do not us e a ny type of powe r- - s tea li ng the rmos ta t. Uni t cont rol probl ems m ay re sult . Us e no. 18 Amer ic an W ire G age (A WG) col or- -code d, ins ula te d (35 _ C mini mum) wir es to make the c ontr ol vol ta ge conne ct ions betw een the th ermo stat an d th e u nit.
14 4. V eri fy t he f oll owing c onditi ons: a. Ma ke sur e gas l ine is f re e of ai r . Befor e li ghti ng the unit for th e first time, p erform the fo llowin g w ith th e gas val ve in the “ OFF” posi tion: NOTE : I f the ga s supply pipe wa s not pur ged be for e conne ct ing the uni t, i t wil l be ful l of ai r .
15 integ rated gas u nit con troller (IG C) h as the capab ility to aut oma tic al ly re duce t he eva pora tor “O N” de la y and in- crease the ev apo rator “OF F” d elay in th e ev ent of h igh du ct st at ic a nd/or pa rti al ly- - c logge d f ilter .
16 EX AMP LE : Assum e that th e size of test d ial is 1 cu ft, one re volut ion t ake s 32 s ec , and t he heat ing va lue of t he ga s i s 1050 Btu/ ft 3 . Proceed as fo llows: 1. 32 s ec . to compl ete one r evol uti on. 2. 3600 ÷ 32 = 1 12.5. 3 .
17 placed in O N po sition and sh uts d ow n wh en F A N switch is placed in A UTO po sition . 2. Place SYS TE M switch in CO OL po sition an d F AN switch in AUT O posit ion. Se t cool ing cont rol be low room te mpe rat ure . Obse rve tha t com pre ss or , conde nse r f an, a nd eva pora tor bl ower m otors s ta rt .
18 2. Remove the c urr ent s pee d tap wir e fr om the “L OW” termin al on the in terface fan b oard (IF B) (See F ig. 1 3) and pla ce vi nyl ca p over the c onnect or on the wi re . 3. Co nn ect th e desired sp eed tap w ire to the “L OW” termin al on th e interface fan bo ard (IFB ).
19 T able 7 – Dr y Coil Air De live ry* - - Hori zont al - - Unit 48EZ- -A24 - -60 UNIT HEA TING RISE RANGE MOTOR SPEED WIRE COL OR EXTER NAL STA TI C PRES SUR E (in.
20 T able 7 ( cont) - - Dry Coi l Air De live ry* - - Hori zont al Dis char ge - - Uni t 48EZ - - A24- - 60 UNIT HEA TING RISE RANGE MOTOR SPEED WIRE COL OR EXTER NAL STA TI C PRES SUR E (in.
21 T able 7 ( cont) - - Dry Coi l Air De live ry* - - Hori zont al Dis char ge - - Uni t 48EZ - - A24- - 60 UNIT HEA TING RISE RANGE MOTOR SPEED WIRE COL OR EXTER NAL STA TI C PRES SUR E (in.
22 T able 7 ( cont) - - Dry Coi l Air De live ry* - - Hori zont al Dis char ge - - Uni t 48EZ - - A24- - 60 UNIT HEA TING RISE RANGE MOTOR SPEED WIRE COL OR EXTER NAL STA TI C PRES SUR E (in.
23 T able 7 ( cont) - - Dry Coi l Air De live ry* - - Hori zont al Dis char ge - - Uni t 48EZ - - A24- - 60 UNIT HEA TING RISE RANGE MOTOR SPEED WIRE COL OR EXTER NAL STA TI C PRES SUR E (in.
24 T able 7 ( cont) - - Dry Coi l Air De live ry* - - Hori zont al Dis char ge - - Uni t 48EZ - - A24- - 60 UNIT HEA TING RISE RANGE MOTOR SPEED WIRE COL OR EXTER NAL STA TI C PRES SUR E (in.
25 T able 8 (c ont) - - Dry Coi l Air Del ive ry* - - Hori zontal and Downfl ow Dis char ge - - Unit 48EZ - - A24 - - 60 UNIT HEA TING RISE RANGE MOTOR SPEED WIRE COL OR EXTER NAL STA TI C PRES SUR E (in.
26 T able 8 – Dry Coil Air Deli ver y - - Downflow Di schar ge UNI T MOTOR SP EED WIRE CO L OR EXT ERNAL STATIC PR ES SURE (IN W .C.) 0.1 0. 2 0. 3 0.
27 A10207C Fig. 14 - - 208/230- - 1- - 60 Connec ti on Wi ri ng Diagr am, Unit 48EZ- -A 48EZ - - A.
28 A10207L Fig. 14 Cont - - 208/230- - 1- - 60 Ladde r W ir ing Di agram, Uni t 48EZ- - A 48EZ - - A.
29 A10208C Fig. 15 - - 208/230- - 3- - 60 Connec ti on Wi ri ng Diagr am, Unit 48EZ- -A 48EZ - - A.
30 A10208L Fig. 15 Cont . - - 208/230- - 3- - 60 Ladde r W ir ing Di agram, Unit 48EZ- -A 48EZ - - A.
31 A08019 Fig. 16 - - Cooli ng Chargi ng T able- -Subcooli ng 48EZ - - A.
32 MAINTENANCE T o ensur e c onti nuing hi gh perf orm anc e a nd to mi nimi ze the po ssibility of p rematu re equ ipmen t failure, p eriod ic main tenan ce mu st b e p erformed o n this eq uip ment. T his co mbin ation hea ti ng/c ooli ng unit shoul d be inspe ct ed a t lea st once each y ear by a qual if ie d s er vic e per son.
33 f. Connec t 5 pi n plug a nd 4 pin plug t o indoor blow er motor . g. Rein stall blo wer access pan el (see Fig . 18 ). 3. Resto re electrical pow er to u nit. Start u nit and ch eck for prope r blowe r r ota tion and m otor spe eds duri ng hea ti ng and coo ling cy cles.
34 BLOWER HOUSING 2 SETSCREWS (HIDDEN) C99085 Fig. 19 - - Rem oval of Motor and Blowe r Whee l A07680 Fig. 20 - - Burne r Rack Re moved FEEDER TUBE STUB TUBE DEFROST THERMOST A T C99029 Fig.
35 OF2 OF1 ON QUIET SHIFT 120 30 60 60 30 90 INTER V AL TIMER OFF P3 DFT O R W 2 Y C T2 C C O DFT T1 Y P1 J1 SPEEDUP Speedup Pins Defrost inter v al DIP s witches Quiet Shift A08020 Fig.
36 C99097 Fig. 24 - - Ref ri ger ant Cir cuit 2. Disc onnec t le ads on swi tc h. 3. Apply ohm me te r le ads ac ros s swi tch. Y ou should ha ve cont inui ty on a good sw itc h.
37 COMPRESSOR ACCUMULATOR OUTDOOR COIL INDOOR COIL LCS LEGEND HPS – High Pressure Switch LCS – Loss of Charge Switch Accurater ® Meter ing De vice Arro w indicates direction of flo w TXV in Metering Position Bypass P osition HP S C03011 Fig.
38 Ser vic ing Sys te ms on Roof s and wi th Synt heti c mat er ial s POE ( polyol es ter ) com pres sor lubr ic ants a re known t o ca use l ong term d amage to so me syn thetic ro ofin g materials. Exposur e, e ven i f im medi at ely cl ea ned up, ma y ca use emb rittlement (lead ing to crack ing ) to o ccur in on e year o r mo re.
39 T able 12 – T r ouble shooti ng Guide - - Cooli ng or He at Pump H eati ng Mode SYMPTOM CAUS E REMED Y Compr essor an d Outdoor f an w ill not star t. Po we r Fa i l ur e Cal l power com pany . Fuse blown o r circuit brea ker tripped R e p l a c ef u s eo rr e s e tc i r c u i tb r e a k e r .
40 T able 13 – T r ouble shooti ng Guide –Heat ing SYMPTOM CAUSE REMEDY Burners will n ot ignit e W ater in gas line Drain. Ins tall drip leg. No power to fur nace Check power s upply fuses, w iring or circuit break er . No 24 - - v power s upply to contr ol circuit Check tr ansformer.
41 ST AR T - - UP CHECKLIST (Re move and Stor e in Job Fi le s) I. PRELI MINAR Y INFORMA TION MODEL NO.: SERIAL NO. : DA TE: TECHNICI AN: II. PRE ST ART - - U P (Insert check m ark in b ox a s ea ch i.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Carrier 48EZ(N)-A (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Carrier 48EZ(N)-A heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Carrier 48EZ(N)-A vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Carrier 48EZ(N)-A leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Carrier 48EZ(N)-A krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Carrier 48EZ(N)-A bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Carrier 48EZ(N)-A kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Carrier 48EZ(N)-A . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.