Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product Access Navigator van de fabrikant Carrier Access
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Access Navigator U SER M ANUA L P a r t Nu m be r : 77 0 - 0 07 9 - A P Produc t Release: 1.8 August 2 003.
Copyright © 2003 Ca rrier Acc ess Corpor ation . All right s res erved. The infor mation presente d in th is manua l is subj ect to cha nge wit hout noti ce and do es not re present a commitment o n the part of Carri er Access Co rporati on.
P REFACE Preface In this Preface n Compliance ... iv n Notices ... iv n Electrost atic Discharge (ESD) Pre cautions ... v n Carrier Access Software License Agreement .
1iv August 2003 Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Preface Complian ce USA l UL 1950, 3rd E ditio n l FCC Part 15, Class A l FCC Part 68 l NEBS Level 3 f or Type 2 and 4 equip ment GR-1089-CORE GR-63-CORE CANADA l CSA C22.2 No. 950.95 l ICES-003, Cl ass A l CS-03 See Chapte rs 2, 3, and 4 fo r detail ed compl iance req uiremen ts on each product .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 1v Preface Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Precau tions ESD can damage processor s, circu it boards , and ot her elect ronic compo nents. Always obser ve the followi ng precaut ions b efore ins talling a syst em componen t.
1vi August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 Preface Carrier Acces s Software Lice nse Agr eem ent PLEASE CAREFULLY READ THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN THIS LICENSE (THE "LICEN.
Access Navigator - Releas e 1.8 Augus t 2003 1vii Preface LICENSEE agree s that i t will not export or re-expor t the Sof tware in a ny form with out the appropri at e Unit ed Sta te s and for ei gn gove rnment li cen ses .
Access Navigator - Re lease 1.8 Augus t 2003 1ix Preface Warranty Carrier Acc ess Corpora tion condi tionall y warrant s to BUYER that PRODUCTS are free from substan tial def ect in mat erial an d wor.
1x August 20 03 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 Preface Warranty Product Returns Before re turni ng any equipme nt to Carri e r Access, f irst contact t he distri butor or de aler from which you purchase d the p roduct. A Return Mat erial Aut horizati on (RMA) nu mber is required for all equipment returne d to Carri er Access.
T ABLE OF C ONTENTS Preface Compliance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1xii August 20 03 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 Table of Contents Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6 Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 1xiii Table of Contents Environmental . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-13 Physical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1xiv August 20 03 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 Table of Contents 5 Physical Instal lation Compliance and Safety Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2 Tools and Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Access Navigator - Re lease 1.8 Augus t 2003 1xv Table of Contents DSX-1 Cable Connectio ns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-8 Installation Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1xvi August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 Table of Contents Dress Cables an d Wires. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-38 Installation Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Access Navigator - Re lease 1.8 Augus t 2003 1xvii Table of Contents 7 Start Management Session Management Requ irements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-2 Command Line Inter face Conventions . . . . . . . . . .
1xviii August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 Table of Contents Test Groom DS1 C ircuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-14 Provision “Drop” DS1 Cir cuits to Subscribers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Access Navigator - Re lease 1.8 Augus t 2003 1xix Table of Contents Provision Drop DS1 to Remote Access Ban k II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-15 Test DS1 Circuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1xx August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 Table of Contents 14 Alarm Clear ing Identify Alarm Clear ing Procedur e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-2 Clear Alarms – FDL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 1xxi Table of Contents GR-303 Status and Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-2 2 Status CRV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1xxii August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 Table of Contents 16 Maintenance Procedures Compliance and Safety Requireme nts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-2 Repair and R eturn Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Access Navigator - Releas e 1.8 Augus t 2003 1xxiii Table of Contents 18 CLI Language Reference Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-2 CLI Requirem ents . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1xxiv August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 Table of Contents Connect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-29 Connect Remote Inter face . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 1xxv Table of Contents Send Remote SDSL Payload Lo opup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-84 Send Remote T1 Pay load Loopup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-85 Send Remote T1 T SI Loopup .
1xxvi August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 Table of Contents Set Remote T1Drop Fram ing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-121 Set Remote T1Drop L BO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-122 Set Remote T1Drop L inecode .
Access Navigator - Re lease 1.8 Augus t 2003 1xxvii Table of Contents Show Users . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-154 Status Clock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1xxviii August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 Table of Contents B FDL Interface Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-2 Remote Provisioning Requirements . . . . . . . . . . .
C HAPTER Introduction In this Chapter n Overview ... 1-2 n Features and Benefit s ... 1-3 n Access Navigato r Config urations ... 1-3 n System Archit ecture .
1-2 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 Introduction Overview Ove rview The Access Navigator ® Multiser vice Digi tal Acces s (MDA) system c ombines the funct ionalit y of a miniatur e 1/0 digi tal cro ssconne ct switc h (DCS) with t he call p rocessin g and con centrati on cap abilities of a GR-303 digi tal loop carrier (DLC) system.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 1-3 Introduction Feat ur e s and Ben efit s Features an d Benefits The Access Navigator provid es the abi lity to concent rate and groom a mix of voice and data i nformatio n.
1-4 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 Introduction System Architecture System Architec tu re The Access Naviga tor i s a dist ri but ed sys tem in whic h the Acces s Navi gat or is th e host te rmi n al l oca ted at a co-lo cation or customer pr emise.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 1-5 Introduction Carrier Access Supp ort Produ cts Carrier Access Su pport Products Access Banks Access Ban k® family o f T1 CSU product s (see Fi gure 1-2) includes : l Access Bank I – up to 2 4 voice cha nnels l Access Bank I I – up to 24 voice chann els plus T1 and V.
1-6 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 Introduction Managemen t Managemen t The Acces s Navigat or inclu des RS-232 and Eth ernet port s for l ocal and remote manag ement, prov isioning , and test ing (see Figure 1-3).
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 1-7 Introduction SNMP SNMP The Access Na vigato r SNMP Agent is bas ed on the SNMPv1 sta ndard. It imp lements the following two industr y s tandar d s pec.
1-8 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 Introduction Valet and Networ kValet EMS S oftware Valet and NetworkValet EMS Software Valet™ and Net workVal et™ EMS are en hanced ele ment management systems wi th simple g raphical user in terface s.
C HAPTER Access Navigator / DCS Service Manager In this Chapter n Overview ... 2-2 n System Archit ecture ... 2-3 n Features and Benefit s ... 2-4 n Configuratio n ... 2-6 n Applications .. . 2-7 n Interfaces ... 2-7 n Specificat ions ... 2-7 n Compliance R equirements .
2-2 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 Access Navigator / DCS Service Manager Overview Ove rview The Access Navigator ® / DCS Servi ce Manager i s a complet e service solut ion for man aging 4 to 32 T1 access connect ions.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 2-3 Access Navigator / DCS Service Manager System Architecture System Architecture Figure 2-2 . Acce ss Navigat or / DCS Se rvice Manag er Archite cture Re.
2-4 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 Access Navigator / DCS Service Manager Features and Benefits Features an d Benefits Functi ons The Access Navigator / DCS Serv ice Mana ger is a t ranspo.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 2-5 Access Navigator / DCS Service Manager Manageme nt Figure 2-3. Acce ss Navi gat or Manageme nt Archi t ect ure T1 Access Bank I I Access Naviga tor Net.
2-6 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 Access Navigator / DCS Service Manager Conf igur ati on Configuration l Hardware c onfigu ration: Mo dular cons truct ion with p lug-in ca rds in cludes bui lt-in c ircuit a nd network t esting a nd fuse-l ess pr otection (see F igure 2-4) .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 2-7 Access Navigator / DCS Service Manager Applications Applications l T1 Servic e POP-In-A -Box: Cust omer-locat ed T1 ac cess manageme nt for carrier s l.
2-8 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 Access Navigator / DCS Service Manager System Clocking l ANSI T1.403, Sect ion 6 & 7 (ji tter, pulse mask tr ansmissio n, receive sensiti vity, frami.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 2-9 Access Navigator / DCS Service Manager Compli anc e Compliance USA l UL 1950, 3rd Edit ion l FC C Pa rt 1 5, C las s A l FC C Pa rt 68 l NEBS Level 3 for Type 2 and 4 e quipment GR-1089-CORE GR-63-CORE CANADA l CSA C22.
2-10 August 2003 Access Navigator - Releas e 1.8 Access Navigator / DCS Service Manager Compliance Requirements Complian ce Requ irements FCC Requiremen ts This equi pment c omplies with Pa rt 15 and Part 68 of the F ederal Communicat ions Commission (FCC) Rules.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 2-11 Access Navigator / DCS Service Manager Telcordi a (Bell cor e) Requiremen ts provide advance n otice i n order f or yo u to make n ecessary modificat ions to maintain uninter rupted ser vice.
2-12 August 2003 Access Navigator - Releas e 1.8 Access Navigator / DCS Service Manager CSA Requirements CSA Requirements This tel ecommunic ation net work equ ipment conf orms with Can adian Stan dards Assoc iation ( CSA) standar d C22.2 No. 9 50.95.
C HAPTER Access Navigator / GR-303 + Data Host In this Chapter n Overview ... 3-2 n System Archit ecture ... 3-3 n Features and Benefit s ... 3-4 n GR-303 Servi ces ... 3-4 n DCS Service s ... 3-6 n Mana gemen t Archi tectu re ... 3-7 n Configuratio n .
3-2 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 Access Navigator / GR-303 + Data Host Overview Ove rview The Access Navi gator® / GR- 303 + Dat a Host of fers a highl y inte grate d solut ion for combini ng multi -line local vo ice and data servi ces on c ustomer T1 acc ess lines .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 3-3 Access Navigator / GR-303 + Data Host System Architecture System Architecture Figure 3- 2. Access Navi gator / GR- 303 + Data Host Archite cture Switch.
3-4 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 Access Navigator / GR-303 + Data Host Features and Benefits Features an d Benefits The Access Na vigator / GR-303 + Data H ost is a transport element th .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 3-5 Access Navigator / GR-303 + Data Host GR-303 Services CA's Access Navigator / GR-303 + Data Host, together with the Ac cess Bank II and Adi t 600,.
3-6 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 Access Navigator / GR-303 + Data Host DCS Services DCS Services The Access Navigat or provi des all t he gro oming and fi llin g functio ns of a 1/0 digit al cross connec t system (DCS) to max imize T1 usage.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 3-7 Access Navigator / GR-303 + Data Host Management Architectur e Managemen t Architecture Access Na vigato rs pr ovide manag ement acce ss via Et hernet SNMP, Teln et CLI, and RS- 232 CLI. Valet™ and Networ kValet™ EMS sof tware provides a graphica l user interf ace (GUI) f or SNMP manage ment.
3-8 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 Access Navigator / GR-303 + Data Host FDL Mana gement FDL Managem ent When T1 Type I li nes a re avail able, t he Acces s Navigat or can us e the ESF Facil tiy Data Link chan nel to ma n age remo te Acc ess Bank II a nd Ad it 60 0 term ina ls.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 3-9 Access Navigator / GR-303 + Data Host Conf igur ati on Configuration The Access Navigat or / GR-303 + Data Host c ombines cal l proc essing an d concen.
3-10 August 2003 Access Navigator - Releas e 1.8 Access Navigator / GR-303 + Data Host Applications Applications l T1 Servic e POP-In- A-Box: Cu stomer-lo cated T1 ac cess man agement for carr iers l .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 3-11 Access Navigator / GR-303 + Data Host Specifications Specifications GR-303 Ope ration l Up to 32 T1s per syst em l Primary and r edundant p rotecti on.
3-12 August 2003 Access Navigator - Releas e 1.8 Access Navigator / GR-303 + Data Host GR-303 Signali ng GR-303 Signalin g l GR-303 ABCD robbed- bit signa l codes l GR-303 Direct Inward Dial (D ID) si.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 3-13 Access Navigator / GR-303 + Data Host Compli anc e Compliance USA l UL 1950, 3rd Edit ion l FC C Pa rt 1 5, C las s A l FC C Pa rt 68 l NEBS Level 3 for Type 2 and 4 e quipment GR-1089-CORE GR-63-CORE CANADA l CSA C22.
3-14 August 2003 Access Navigator - Releas e 1.8 Access Navigator / GR-303 + Data Host Compliance Requirements Complian ce Requ irements FCC Requiremen ts This equi pment c omplies with Pa rt 15 and Part 68 of the F ederal Communicat ions Commission (FCC) Rules.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 3-15 Access Navigator / GR-303 + Data Host Telcordi a (Bell cor e) Requiremen ts provide advance n otice i n order f or yo u to make n ecessary modificat ions to maintain uninter rupted ser vice.
3-16 August 2003 Access Navigator - Releas e 1.8 Access Navigator / GR-303 + Data Host CSA Requirements CSA Requirements This tel ecommunic ation net work equ ipment conf orms with Can adian Stan dards Assoc iation ( CSA) standar d C22.
C HAPTER Access Navigator / GR-303 Host with P-Phone In this Chapter n Overview ... 4-2 n System Archit ecture ... 4-3 n Features and Benefit s ... 4-4 n GR-303 Servi ces ... 4-4 n P-Phone Services ... 4 -6 n DCS Service s ... 4-7 n Mana gemen t Archi tectu re .
4-2 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 Access Navigator / GR-303 Host with P-Phone Overview Ove rview The Access Navigator ® / GR-303 Host with P-Pho ne offers a highly i ntegrat ed soluti on for combi ning multi-l ine loca l voice a nd dat a servic es on c ustomer T1 a ccess lines.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 4-3 Access Navigator / GR-303 Host with P-Phone System Architecture System Architecture Figure 4-2 . Acce ss Navigat or / GR-303 wi th P-Ph one Archit ectu.
4-4 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 Access Navigator / GR-303 Host with P-Phone Features and Benefits Features an d Benefits The Access Navigator / GR-303 wit h P-Phone is a tra nsport el e.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 4-5 Access Navigator / GR-303 Host with P-Phone GR-303 Services Figure 4 -3. Acce ss Navigat or / GR-303 Hos t with P-Ph one Archi tecture Remot e Manageme.
4-6 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 Access Navigator / GR-303 Host with P-Phone P-Phone Ser vices P-Phone Services The Access Navigator / GR-303 Ho st with P- Phone incl udes Nortel Propriet ary Phone ( P-Phone) Ce ntrex servic e suppor t using r emote Adit 6 00 terminal s with P-P hone ser vice car ds.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 4-7 Access Navigator / GR-303 Host with P-Phone DCS Services DCS Services The Access Navigat or provi des all t he gro oming and fi llin g functio ns of a 1/0 digit al cross connec t system (DCS) to maxi mize T1 usage.
4-8 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 Access Navigator / GR-303 Host with P-Phone Management Architecture Managemen t Architecture Access Na vigato rs pr ovide manag ement acce ss via Et hernet SNMP, Teln et CLI, and RS- 232 CLI. Valet™ and Networ kValet™ EMS sof tware provides a graphica l user interf ace (GUI) f or SNMP manage ment.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 4-9 Access Navigator / GR-303 Host with P-Phone FDL Mana gement FDL Managem ent When T1 Type I lines are available, the Access Nav i gator c a n use th e ESF Faciltiy Da ta Link t o manage remote Acc ess Bank I I and Adit 600 terminals .
4-10 August 2003 Access Navigator - Releas e 1.8 Access Navigator / GR-303 Host with P-Phone Conf igur ati on Configuration The Access Navi gator / GR-303 Host with P-Phone combi nes call pr ocessing .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 4-11 Access Navigator / GR-303 Host with P-Phone Applications Applications l T1 Servic e POP-In-A -Box: Cust omer-locat ed T1 ac cess manageme nt for carri.
4-12 August 2003 Access Navigator - Releas e 1.8 Access Navigator / GR-303 Host with P-Phone Specifications Specifications GR-303 Ope ration l Up to 32 T1s per syst em l Primary and r edundant p rotec.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 4-13 Access Navigator / GR-303 Host with P-Phone GR-303 S ignal ing GR-303 Signalin g l GR-303 ABCD robbed- bit signa l codes l GR-303 Direct Inward Dial (.
4-14 August 2003 Access Navigator - Releas e 1.8 Access Navigator / GR-303 Host with P-Phone Compliance Compliance USA l UL 1950, 3rd Edit ion l FC C Pa rt 1 5, C las s A l FC C Pa rt 68 l NEBS Level 3 for Type 2 and 4 e quipment GR-1089-CORE GR-63-CORE CANADA l CSA C22.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 4-15 Access Navigator / GR-303 Host with P-Phone Compliance Requirements Complian ce Requ irements FCC Requiremen ts This equi pment c omplies with Pa rt 15 and Par t 68 of the F ederal Communi cati ons Commiss ion (FCC) Rules.
4-16 August 2003 Access Navigator - Releas e 1.8 Access Navigator / GR-303 Host with P-Phone Telcordi a (Bellcor e) Requiremen ts provide advance n otice i n order f or yo u to make n ecessary modificat ions to maintain uninter rupted ser vice.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 4-17 Access Navigator / GR-303 Host with P-Phone CSA Requiremen ts CSA Requirements This tel ecommunicat ion net work equipme nt conforms with Can adian Stan dards Assoc iation ( CSA) standar d C22.2 No. 9 50.
4-18 August 2003 Access Navigator - Releas e 1.8 Access Navigator / GR-303 Host with P-Phone Orderi ng Infor mation.
C HAPTER Physi cal I nstall ation In this Chapter n Compliance an d Safety Re quirement s ... 5-2 n Tools and M aterials ... 5-3 n Unpack ing a nd Inspe ctio n ... 5-3 n Horizontal 19-Inch Rack Mou nt ... 5-4 n Horizontal 23-Inch Rack Mou nt ... 5-7 n Vertical Rack Mou nt Using C rossbars .
5-2 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 Physical Installation Compliance and Safety Requirements Compliance and Sa fety Re quirements DANGER! F IRE H AZARD . S TANDAR DS UL 1 950 AND C22.2 N O . 950. 95 RE QUIRE THAT AL L ACCESS COV ERS BE REPLACED TO PREVEN T FIRES FROM SPRE ADING TO NEARBY EQUI PMENT .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 5-3 Physical Installation Tools and Materia ls Tools an d Materia ls Physical installati on requires the following too ls and materi als. • Scre w drivers, Ph illips #2 an d #3 • Screw dr ive rs, sl otte d • Scre w s (4 ea.
5-4 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 Physical Installation Horizo ntal 19-I nch Rack Mount Horizontal 19-Inc h Ra ck Mount Installation Summary n Precaut i ons ... 5-4 n Tool s an d M ater ial s ... 5-4 n Attach M ounting Br ackets to Access Navigator .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 5-5 Physical Installation Attach Mounting Br ackets to Access Navigator Attach Moun ting Brackets to Access Naviga tor 1. Open bag con taining univer sal rack mounting kit and sele ct the fol lowing items (se e Figure 5-1): • Mounti ng bracket (2 ea.
5-6 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 Physical Installation Attach Access Navigator to Equipment Rack Figure 5- 2. Installati on in 19-i nch Equipment Rack Fi gu re 5 -3. Sp aci ng R equ ire me nts Mount bracket here for flush mount. Mounting Bracket Mount bracket he re for 5 inch f orward offset.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 5-7 Physical Installation Horizonta l 23-Inch Rack Mo unt Horizontal 23-Inc h Ra ck Mount Installation Summary n Precaut i ons ... 5-7 n Tool s an d M ater ial s ... 5-7 n Attach M ounting Br ackets to Access Navigator .
5-8 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 Physical Installation Attach Mounting Br ackets to Access Navigator Attach Moun ting Brackets to Access Naviga tor 1. Open bag co ntaining universa l rack mount ing kit. It shoul d contain the foll owing item s (see Figur e 5-4): • Mounti ng bracket (2 ea.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 5-9 Physical Installation Attach Access Navigator to Eq uipment Rack Attach Access Nav igator to Equip ment R ack CAUTION! A CC ESS N AVIGATOR REQU IRES AT LEAST 4. 37 INCHES (2.5 RACK UNITS ) OF FREE AIR SPAC E ABOVE AND BELO W CHASSIS FOR AIR CIRCULATION .
5-10 August 2003 Access Navigator - Releas e 1.8 Physical Installation Attach Access Navigator to Equipment Rack 1. Access Nav igator require s at least 4.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 5-11 Physical Installation Vertic al Rack Mo unt Usi ng Cros sbars Vertical Rack Moun t Using Crossbar s Installation Summary n Precaut i ons ... 5-1 1 n Tool s an d M ater ial s ... 5-1 1 n Instal l Crossbars .
5-12 August 2003 Access Navigator - Releas e 1.8 Physical Installation Insta ll Cr os sba rs Install Crossbars 1. Positi on Vertical Moun t Crossba rs (refer to office record s) so that ins i de mounti ng holes are 18.37 5 inches a part (see A in Figur e 5-7 on page 5-13 ).
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 5-13 Physical Installation Attach Access Navigator to Crossbars Figure 5- 7. Crossbar Instal lation Fasten Crossbars to equipment rack with appr opr iat e mounting screws (two per side). B Positi on inside mountin g holes 18.
5-14 August 2003 Access Navigator - Releas e 1.8 Physical Installation Attach Access Navigator to Crossbars Figure 5- 8. Bracket Instal lation Fi gu re 5 -9. Sp aci ng R equ ire me nts Mount bra cket here fo r f l us h mo u n t. Mount ing Brackets Mount bracket her e for 5 inch for war d offset.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 5-15 Physical Installation Vertical Wall Mount Vertical Wall Mou nt NOTE: The following procedure assumes that th e Access Navigator and oth er compo- nents will be mounted on a plywood sheet befo re attaching plywood to wall.
5-16 August 2003 Access Navigator - Releas e 1.8 Physical Installation Tools a nd Materials Tools and Mat erials Obta in the foll o wing too ls and mate rial s: • Phil l ips screw driv ers, #2 and # 3 • Scr ew s ( 8 ea .), #8 × 3/ 4 in ch pa nhe ad • Univer sal mounti ng kits (2 ea .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 5-17 Physical Installation Attach Access Navigator to Plywood Attach Access Nav igator to Plywo od 1. Positi on Access Navigator with brackets at tached over scre w hole locations m arked i n plywood (see Figure 5- 12 on page 5 -20 ).
5-18 August 2003 Access Navigator - Releas e 1.8 Physical Installation Attach Access Navigator to Plywood Figure 5- 10. Access Clearance Requirement s Control Pane l and Cir cuit Boar d A ccess Connector Panel Access Ventila tion 10 in ches 6 inches 2 in.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 5-19 Physical Installation Attach Access Navigator to Plywood Figure 5- 11. Plyw ood Sheet, Mi nimum Size Plyw o od Shee t Wall Vi ew End Vi ew 21 inches (.
5-20 August 2003 Access Navigator - Releas e 1.8 Physical Installation Attach Access Navigator to Plywood Figure 5- 12. Mounting Hole Patt ern on Plywood 18 3/8 inc hes 6 3/4 inches 3/4 inch 3/4 i n c.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 5-21 Physical Installation Attach Access Navigator to Plywood Figure 5-1 3. Wall Mount Bracket Installation Postion br acket s here for wal l mount. Mount ing Brack ets Fast e n b r ac k e ts to Access Navi gator with 6-32 x 3/8" un dercut s c re ws (two per bracket ).
5-22 August 2003 Access Navigator - Releas e 1.8 Physical Installation Attach Access Navigator to Plywood.
C HAPTER Electrical Installation In this Chapter n Compli ance and Safet y Requi rement s ... 6-2 n Static-Sensitive Eq uipment Handlin g Procedures ... 6-3 n Tool s and Mat erials R equired ... 6 -4 n Chassis G round Co nnection ... 6-5 n DSX-1 Cable Connecti ons .
6-2 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 Electri cal Installation Compliance and Safety Requirements Compliance and Sa fety Re quirements DANGER! F IRE H AZARD . S TANDAR DS UL 1 950 AND C22.2 N O . 950. 95 RE QUIRE THAT AL L ACCESS COV E RS BE REPLACED TO PREVEN T FIRES FROM SPRE ADING TO NEARBY EQUI PMENT .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 6-3 Electrical Installation Static-S ensitive Equipm ent Handli ng Procedures Static-Sensitive Eq uipment H andling Pr oced ures W ARNIN G! T HE A CCES S N AVIGATOR CONTAINS CIRCUIT CARDS AND COMPO - NENTS TH AT ARE SUBJECT TO DAMAGE BY E LECTROSTATIC DIS CHAR GE (ESD).
6-4 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 Electri cal Installation Tools a nd Materi als Required 7. Always st ore circuit ca rds in an anti- static s torage ba g. Whenever possi ble, use t he same sto rage bag the ca rd o r r epl acem ent card came in.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 6-5 Electrical Installation Chassis Ground Conn ection Chassi s Groun d Co nne c t io n Installation Summary n Precaut i ons ... 6-5 n Tool s an d M ater ial s ... 6-5 n Run Ground Wir e to Access Navigator .
6-6 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 Electri cal Installation Run Groun d Wire to Access Navigator Run Ground Wire to Access Navigator 1. Measure and cu t enough insulated co pper wire to connect fr om building gr ound to Gro unding Lug on Access Nav igator (see Fig ure 6-2).
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 6-7 Electrical Installation Attach Grou nd Lug to Access Na vigator Attach Ground Lug to Access Navigator W ARNIN G! S HEET METAL CAN BE DAMAGED BY BEND I NG GR OUND WIRE WHEN GROUND LUG IS ATTACHED TO A CC ES S N AVIGA TOR .
6-8 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 Electri cal Installation DSX-1 C able Connect ions DSX-1 Cable Conn ec tions Installation Summary n Precaut i ons ... 6-8 n Tool s an d M ater ial s ... 6-9 n Prep are D SX- 1 C ab les ... 6-9 n Connect DSX- 1 Cables to Access Na vigator .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 6-9 Electrical Installation Tools and Materia ls Tools and Mat erials 1. O b tain th e fo ll ow in g to o ls: • Scre w drivers, Ph illips #2 an d #3 • .
6-10 August 2003 Access Navigator - Releas e 1.8 Electri cal Installation Prepare DSX-1 C a bles Figure 6 -3. DSX-1 Cable with Two Connectors (PN 005-0 025) 2. If DSX-1 ca bles with flying wires ar e needed f or wire-wr a p or splice conn ections, cut off one connecto r and strip back the insulatio n (see Figure 6-4 ).
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 6-11 Electrical Installation Connect DSX-1 C ables to Access Navigator Connect DSX-1 C ables to Access Navig ator CAUTION! S HIELDE D DSX-1 CABL E S WITH F.
6-12 August 2003 Access Navigator - Releas e 1.8 Electri cal Installation Connect DSX-1 Ca bles to Access Navigator 6. Connect DSX- 1 transmit (o utput) i nterface cable to Access Navig ator (se e Figure 6- 5). 7. Remove lock ing screw, i f any, fr om DS1 Transmit (OUT) connector .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 6-13 Electrical Installation Connect DSX-1 C ables to Access Navigator Attach Ferrite Beads W ARNIN G! NEB S R EQUIRE ME NT . D O NOT CONNE CT THIS EQU IPMENT DIRE CTL Y TO METALLIC TIP - AND - RING OU TSIDE PLANT CONDUCTORS .
6-14 August 2003 Access Navigator - Releas e 1.8 Electri cal Installation Connect D SX-1 Cables to Interface or Patch Panel Connect DSX-1 C ables to Interfa ce or Patch Pane l W ARNIN G! NEB S R EQUIRE MENT . D O NOT CONNE CT THIS EQU IPMENT DIRE CTL Y TO METALLIC TIP - AND - RING OU TSIDE PLANT CONDUCTORS .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 6-15 Electrical Installation Connect DSX-1 Cabl es to Inter face or Pat ch Panel T able 2-1 . DSX-1 Cable Pin Connections and Flyin g W ire Colors DSX-1 Ci.
6-16 August 2003 Access Navigator - Releas e 1.8 Electri cal Installation Connect D SX-1 Cables to Interface or Patch Panel 13 45 black/gre en 13 green/black 45 black/gree n 13 green/black 42 blue wra.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 6-17 Electrical Installation RS-232 Ma nagement Connect ion RS-232 Management Connection Installation Summary n Precaut i ons ... 6-1 7 n Informat ion, Tools, and M ateri als ... 6-17 n Connect Shi elded RS-232 Cable .
6-18 August 2003 Access Navigator - Releas e 1.8 Electri cal Installation Infor mation, Tool s, an d Materia ls Figure 6-7 . RS-232 DTE-to- DTE Cable Connec tions 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 RS-232 DTE-t o-D CE Cab.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 6-19 Electrical Installation Connect Shi elded RS-232 Ca ble Figure 6 - 8. RS-232 DCE-to-DCE Modem Cab le Connections Connect Shielded R S-232 Cable 1. Connect RS- 232 cable with DB9 (DE9) c onnector on one end to RS-232 CLI managemen t connector on rear panel of Access Nav igator (see Fig ure 6-9).
6-20 August 2003 Access Navigator - Releas e 1.8 Electri cal Installation Attach Ferrite Bead RF Suppressor Attach Ferrite Bea d RF Suppressor CAUTION! S HIELDED RS-2 32 CABLE WITH FERRITE BEAD RF SUP.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 6-21 Electrical Installation Preconf igure Optiona l Modem Preconfigure Op tional Modem 1. If a modem i s to be con nected to the Access Navigat or for remote ope ration, t he modem must be pre-con figured before installation and connection t o the Access Navigator’s RS-2 32 CLI management p ort.
6-22 August 2003 Access Navigator - Releas e 1.8 Electri cal Installation Ethernet Management Connection Ethernet Ma nage ment Con necti o n NOTE: An Ethernet connecti on is requi red for management by Telnet, SNMP, Valet™ or Network Valet™ EMS software.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 6-23 Electrical Installation Make Ethernet Cable (Optional) crossover cable can be used t o directly conne ct the Access N avigator to a l aptop computer with Eth ernet port and Telnet sof tware. Figure 6- 11.
6-24 August 2003 Access Navigator - Releas e 1.8 Electri cal Installation Connect Ethernet C able to Access Navigator Connect Eth e rnet C able to Ac cess Navigator Connect Et hernet cable t o Ethernet connector o n rear panel of Ac cess Navigator. Pu sh plug in until it clicks in place.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 6-25 Electrical Installation External T im ing Source (BITS) C onnection Extern al Timi ng Source (BITS) Connection The Access Navigator has a Ti ming Input connector for us e with an externa l timing source, suc h as a Building Integrated Timi ng Supply (BI TS), to synchro nize wireline t ransmissi ons.
6-26 August 2003 Access Navigator - Releas e 1.8 Electri cal Installation Make BITS Cable (Opt ional) Make BITS Cabl e (Optional) To make an RJ4 8C timing input cab le, perform the f ollowing s t eps (see Figure 6- 13). • Follo w s tan da rd p rac tice s for w iri ng c abl es .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 6-27 Electrical Installation Alarm Out put Con n ections Alarm Outp ut Co nnections Installation Summary n Precaut i ons ... 6-2 7 n Tool s an d M ater ial s ... 6-27 n Wire Alar m Output Connec tor ... 6-28 n Plug Outpu t Alarm Connector into Access Navigator .
6-28 August 2003 Access Navigator - Releas e 1.8 Electri cal Installation Wire Ala r m Output Connector Wire Alarm Output Conn ector 1. Open packa ge containing al arm output conne ctor (see Figur e 6-15). Figure 6-1 5. Alarm Output Connect or NOTE: Figure 6-16 shows the alarm output connect or wiring to a typ i cal alarm int erface circui t.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 6-29 Electrical Installation Wire Alar m Output Connect or Figure 6- 16. Typical Connection s to Facility Alarm S ystem Figure 6 - 17.
6-30 August 2003 Access Navigator - Releas e 1.8 Electri cal Installation Plug Output Alarm Co nnector into Access Navigator Plug Outp ut Alarm Co nnecto r i nto Access Naviga tor Plug conne ctor into Access Navigator Alarm Out connecto r (see Figur e 6-18).
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 6-31 Electrical Installation Alarm In put Con nections Alarm Input Connections Installation Summary n Precaut i ons ... 6-3 1 n Tool s an d M ater ial s ... 6-31 n Wire Alar m Input Con nector ... 6 - 32 n Plug Alar m Input Co nnector i nto Access N avigat or .
6-32 August 2003 Access Navigator - Releas e 1.8 Electri cal Installation Wire A larm Inpu t Connecto r Wire Alarm Input Co nnecto r 1. Open packa ge containing al arm input conne ctor. Figure 6- 19. Alarm Input Conne ctor 2. Refer t o Figure 6- 20 and Figur e 6-21 when wi ring conne ctor to facility al arm system.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 6-33 Electrical Installation Wire A larm Inpu t Connector NOTE: Figure 6-21 shows the al arm input connec tor wir ing to a t ypical alarm i nte rface circui t. The facility alarm input to the Access Navigat or shoul d provide normall y open contacts.
6-34 August 2003 Access Navigator - Releas e 1.8 Electri cal Installation Plug Alarm Input C onnect or into A ccess Navigator Plug Alarm Inpu t Connecto r into Access Navigator Plug conne ctor into Access Navigator Alarm In connector. • Insp ect connectors t o ensure t hat no bar e copper wi re is exp osed.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 6-35 Electrical Installation DC Powe r Connect ions DC Power Connections Installation Summary n Precaut i ons ... 6-3 5 n Tool s an d M ater ial s ... 6-35 n Wire Power Co nnectors ... 6-36 n Verify Wiring .
6-36 August 2003 Access Navigator - Releas e 1.8 Electri cal Installation Wire Power Connectors Wire Power Connectors DANGER! H IGH V OLTAGE SHOCK HAZARD . D O NO T WI RE CONN EC TOR S WHILE POWER IS ON . CAUTION! B OTH POWER CONN ECT OR S MUST BE WIRED AND CONNECTE D TO POWER SOURCES .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 6-37 Electrical Installation Veri fy Wiri ng 7. Orient t he connector as shown in Figure 6-23 and loosen the righ t two set screws. 8. Insert the Battery Return and –48V VDC Battery wire s into the appropr iate squa re holes (see Figur e 6-23), on e at a time, tight ening the set s crews as you go.
6-38 August 2003 Access Navigator - Releas e 1.8 Electri cal Installation Dress C ables and Wires Dress Cables and Wires Installation Summary n Tool s an d M ater ial s .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 6-39 Electrical Installation Acceptance Test Accept an ce Test Verification Summ ary n Apply Power and Veri fy Operat ion ... 6- 40 n Verify Ch assis Ground Connect ion ... 6-41 n Verify DSX- 1 Connectio ns .
6-40 August 2003 Access Navigator - Releas e 1.8 Electri cal Installation Apply Po wer and Veri fy Operat ion Apply Power and Verify Opera tion 1. Apply –48 VDC power to Access Navi gator and veri fy the followi ng front panel stat us indicati ons (see Fi gure 6-26) .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 6-41 Electrical Installation Verif y Chassis Gr ound Conn ection Verify Chassis Ground Connection Follow st andard practic es to verify cha ssis ground conne ction to buildi ng ground syst em.
6-42 August 2003 Access Navigator - Releas e 1.8 Electri cal Installation Verify RS- 232 Management C onnection Verify RS-232 Managem ent Connection NOTE: Security – No names or passwords are requir ed for new install a t ion and initial turn up. The Access Na vig ator will accept any user, until password security is turned on.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 6-43 Electrical Installation Verify Ether n et Cable Connection Verify Ethernet Cabl e Connection Verify Et hernet c able connection to network by observing the Ethernet link status in dicator on t he rear pa nel (see Figu re 6-28).
6-44 August 2003 Access Navigator - Releas e 1.8 Electri cal Installation Verify BITS Connection Verify BITS Connect ion 1. Ensure tha t BITS input ca ble is conne cted to Ti ming In connect or on rear pa nel of Access Navigator (see Fi gure 6-29). Plug must be pushed in unti l it cl icks in pl ace.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 6-45 Electrical Installation Verify Al arm Output Connecti ons Verify Alarm Outp ut Connect ions CAUTION! M AXIMUM RELAY CONTACT RATING IS 1 A MPERE @ 110 V A C OR DC.
6-46 August 2003 Access Navigator - Releas e 1.8 Electri cal Installation Verify Alarm Output Connections 2. Verify maj or output alarm functions as follows. • Ente r the fo llo wing comm and to si mula te ma jor alar m. set alarms major on Requirement: Maj or alarm r elay outpu t contacts clo se (see Fi gure 6-16 o n page 6-29 ).
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 6-47 Electrical Installation Verify Ala r m Input Connecti ons Verif y Alar m Input Co nnections NOTE: Alarm inputs produce Minor Alarm events tagged with input n um ber. For example, Alar m Inp ut 1 produce s the CLI message “Alarm Inp ut 1 Detected”.
6-48 August 2003 Access Navigator - Releas e 1.8 Electri cal Installation Exit Managem ent Session Exit Management Session NOTE: You will remain logged into the Ac cess Navigat or until you use t he exit command.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 6-49 Electrical Installation Insta ll Redundant Co ntroller C ard Instal l Redun da nt Co ntrol ler Card This pro cedure provid es steps for i nst al li ng a se cond, redundant Cont rol l er card to provide electronic s an d power supply pro tection.
6-50 August 2003 Access Navigator - Releas e 1.8 Electri cal Installation Tools a nd Materials Tools and Mat erials Obta in the foll o wing too ls and mate rial s.
6-52 August 2003 Access Navigator - Releas e 1.8 Electri cal Installation Insta ll Con t rol l e r Card Install Controller Card 1. Locate Con troller B card slo t (see Figure 6-34) . 2. Straigh ten card eject or latche s (see Fi gure 6-35) , position Contro ller card in gu ide rails, and carefu lly slide ca rd into slot.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 6-53 Electrical Installation Verify Operation Verify Operation 1. Wait two min utes for new Contr oller ca rd to lea rn system s ettings. NOTE: Controller’s POWER indicator will light yel low whil e it is booting up.
6-54 August 2003 Access Navigator - Releas e 1.8 Electri cal Installation Verify Operation 6. Verify t hat stat us indic ators now show Contro ller B is acti ve. Requirement: CONTROLLER A POWER ind ica tor li ght s gre en. Requirement: CONTROLLER B POWER ind ica tor li ght s gre en.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 6-55 Electrical Installation Install Additional Q uad T1 Framer Ca rds Install Add itional Quad T1 Framer Cards This pr oced ure pr ovides step s for inst alli ng addi tiona l Quad T1 Framer (Q F) car ds to incr ease DS1 servi ce capacit y.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 6-57 Electrical Installation Inst a ll Qu ad T1 Fr amer Card Install Quad T1 Framer Card NOTE: Quad T1 Framer (QF) cards are typically instal led in sequential order , from 1 to 8 . Locate next availa ble Quad T1 Framer card slot (see Figure 6- 38).
6-58 August 2003 Access Navigator - Releas e 1.8 Electri cal Installation Insta ll Qu ad T1 Fram er Car d 2. Remove new QF ca rd from antistat ic wrappe r and str a ighten card ej ector latch (s ee A in Figure 6-39). 3. Positi on new QF card in guide rails and care fully slid e into sl ot until it mat es with bac kplane connecto r.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 6-59 Electrical Installation Verify Operation Verify Operation NOTE: Verification r equires a temporary loopback be tween the DS1 transmit and receive si gnal s by cross-connecti ng newly instal led DS1s at the patch panel.
6-60 August 2003 Access Navigator - Releas e 1.8 Electri cal Installation Verify Operation 5. Verify t he following fr ont panel statu s indications ( see Figure 6-40) . Requirement: DS1 sta tus indicators will blink yellow f or 10 to 15 seconds and then light green when frame synchroniz ation is est ablishe d.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 6-61 Electrical Installation Replace Fron t Cover Replace Front C over DANGER! F IRE H AZARD . S TANDAR DS UL 1 950 AND C22.2 N O . 950. 95 RE QUIRE THAT AL L ACCESS COV E RS BE REPLACED TO PREVEN T FIRES FROM SPRE ADING TO NEARBY EQUI PMENT .
6-62 August 2003 Access Navigator - Releas e 1.8 Electri cal Installation Star t RS- 232 Ma nag eme nt Sess io n Start RS-232 Man a gement Session NOTE: Security – No names or passwords are requir ed for new install a t ion and initial turn up. The Access Na vig ator will accept any user, until password security is turned on.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 6-63 Electrical Installation Set Date Set Date NOTE: Date format is month/day/y ear with slashes to separate the digit s, as in 01/30/ 1999. 1. Set curr ent date by ente ring the fol lowing command : set date <mm/dd/yyyy> Example : set date 01/30 /20 01 2.
6-64 August 2003 Access Navigator - Releas e 1.8 Electri cal Installation Set System ID or CLLI code Set System ID or CL LI code NOTE: The System Identifier (name, lo cation, or Telcordia CLLI code) is a text string , such as “Acme Corp. AN#2” or “DNVRCO1A201”.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 6-65 Electrical Installation Set Gateway A ddress Set the Ethern et IP addres s and mas k by typin g the fol lowing li ne after the prompt , then pre ss the Ent er or Retur n key. set ethernet ip address <address> < mask> Example: set Ethernet a ddress 192 .
6-66 August 2003 Access Navigator - Releas e 1.8 Electri cal Installation Exit Managem ent Session.
C HAPTER Start Management Session In this Chapter n Mana gement Requ irements ... 7-2 n Command Li ne Interface Conventions ... 7-3 n RS-232 Managemen t .
7-2 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 Start Management Session Managemen t Requirement s Managemen t Requirements NOTE: Password Securi ty – No user names or passwords are required for installation and initi a l t urn up until user and password securit y is act ivated.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 7-3 Start Management Session Command Line Inte rface Conventions Command Line In terface Conven tions NOTE: To obtain o nline he lp, type the wor d help and press the Ent er or Return key, or type a quest i on mark ? after any partial command.
7-4 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 Start Management Session RS-232 M anagement RS-232 Management RS-232 Managemen t Requirement s A permanent RS-232 connection is normally made during i nstallation ( see RS-232 Man agement Connecti on on page 6-17 ) .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 7-5 Start Management Session Obt ain Inform atio n Obtain Informa tion NOTE: User names and passwords are not r equired until security feat ures are activat ed.
7-6 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 Start Management Session Star t RS- 232 Ma nag eme nt Sess io n Start RS-232 Man a gement Session 1. Start man a gement session by pressing keyboar d Enter or Return key .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 7-7 Start Management Session Perform Manag em ent Operati ons Perfo rm Mana gement Operatio ns After l ogging on, perform wha t ever management op erations are requi red by the inst allation, provisi oning, or mai ntenance proced ure.
7-8 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 Start Management Session Telnet Man agement Telnet Managemen t Telnet Managem ent Requireme nts Telnet r e quires an Ether net connection to the Acce ss Navigator, whic h is normally made d uring instal lation (se e Ethernet Management Connectio n on page 6-22 ).
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 7-9 Start Management Session Obt ain Inform atio n Obtain Informa tion NOTE: User names and passwords are not r equired until security feat ures are activat ed.
7-10 August 2003 Access Navigator - Releas e 1.8 Start Management Session Perform Manag ement Operations 2. If a “Log in:” messa ge similar t o the following appea rs, enter you use r name and press Ent er or Return key. If a “Password: ” message appe ars next, ent er your password and press Enter or Return key.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 7-11 Start Management Session NetworkVal et EMS and Valet Management NetworkValet EMS and Valet Management Refer t o NetworkValet EMS User M anual or Val et User Manual for o perating instr uctions. NetworkVal et and Valet are element management s ystems with simple graphical user interfaces.
7-12 August 2003 Access Navigator - Releas e 1.8 Start Management Session NetworkVal et EMS and Valet Management.
C HAPTER Provision Access Navigator In this Chapter n Basic Provisioning Ov erview ... 8-2 n Basic Provisioni ng Quick G uide ... 8-2 n Obtain Provisi oning Informat ion ... 8-3 n Verify System Equipm ent Config uration ... 8-4 n Set System ID or CLLI Cod e .
8-2 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 Provision Access Navigator Basic Provisioning Over view Basic Pro vi si oni ng Overview This pr ocedure c overs pr ovisioni ng of ba sic Acces s Navigat or sett ings in cludin g the Sys tem ID, date, t ime, passwo rd secur i ty, and the Ethernet a nd SNMP interfa ces.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 8-3 Provision Access Navigator Obtai n Provisi oning Info rmation Obtain Prov isioni ng I nforma tion Obta in the follo win g info r mat io n (a s nee ded).
8-4 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 Provision Access Navigator Verify System Equipment Config urat ion Verify Syste m Equipment Configuration CAUTION! V ER IFY CURRENT CONFIG UR ATI ON AN D SER VICE STATUS WITH OFFICE RECORDS BEFORE ADDING , DELETING , OR CHANGING CIRC UITS .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 8-5 Provision Access Navigator Set Sy st e m ID or CL LI C ode Set System ID or CLLI Code NOTE: The System Iden tifier ( name, location, or Telcordia CLLI code) i s a text str ing, such as “Acme Cor p AN#2” or “DNVRCO1A201”.
8-6 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 Provision Access Navigator Set Date Set Date NOTE: Date format is month/day/y ear with slashes to separate the digit s, as in 01/30/ 1999. 1. Show curre nt date s e tting with the fol lowing command: show date 2.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 8-7 Provision Access Navigator Set Ethernet Properties Set Ethernet Properties NOTE: Ethernet is required for Tel net, SN MP, and NetworkValet™ EMS. Ethernet function s can only be provisioned t hrough an RS-232 management session.
8-8 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 Provision Access Navigator Set Ethernet Properti es 3. If IP ad dress or subnet ma sk is not correc t, enter the fo llowing command: set ethernet ip address <address> < mask> Example: set Ethe rne t addr es s 192.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 8-9 Provision Access Navigator Set User a nd Passw ord Securi ty Set User and Pa sswo rd Secu rity NOTE: Level 1 users (managers) have access to all commands. Level 2 users have access to all commands excep t add/delete/ set user, but they can change their own password.
8-10 August 2003 Access Navigator - Releas e 1.8 Provision Access Navigator Set User and Password Security NOTE: Passwords are optional. Passwords can be up to 10 character s long and may use any combi nation of let ters and nu mbers. Spaces and special charact ers are no t allowed.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 8-11 Provision Access Navigator Set SNMP Properties Set SNMP Properties NOTE: Settings ar e t ext strings and may use any combination of letters and numbers. Settings must be enclosed i n quote marks . The System Name, Location , and Contact strings may contain up to 255 characters.
8-12 August 2003 Access Navigator - Releas e 1.8 Provision Access Navigator Set SNMP Propert i es Example: set snmp setcom " Public" 8. Set SNMP Trap- Community strin g with the following c .
C HAPTER Provision DCS Service In this Chapter n DCS Provisio ning Overvi ew ... 9-2 n DCS Pro visionin g Quic k Guide ... 9-6 n Obtain Provisi oning Informat ion ... 9-7 n Verify System Equipm ent Config uration ... 9-7 n Verify Service Status ... 9 - 8 n Set Unused Ci rcuits Out of Service .
9-2 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 Provision DCS Service DCS Provis i oning O verview DCS Provisioning Overview n Provisi oning ISDN BRI Se rvice ... 9-3 n Provisi oning TR-08 Se rvice wit h DCS ... 9-3 The Acces s Navigator p rovides full 1/0 Digital Crossc onnect System (DCS) functio nality.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 9-3 Provis ion DCS Service Pr ov is i onin g IS DN BRI Se rv ice Provisioning ISDN BRI Service Integr ated Services Di gital Netw ork (ISDN) Bas ic Rate Interface (BRI) operates a t 144,000 bits per second an d is designed fo r desktop ser vice.
9-4 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 Provision DCS Service Provisi oning TR-08 Service with DCS Provisioning Conventio nal TR-08 Voice Servi ces The Access Navigator ’ s Digital Crossconne.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 9-5 Provis ion DCS Service Provisio ning TR -08 Servi ce with DCS Provisioning Enhanced Voi ce and Data Ser vices DCS also work s with drop DS1s car rying both voice and data c hannels.
9-6 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 Provision DCS Service DCS Provis i oning Quick Guide DCS Provisioning Quick Guide CLI Commands De scriptions status equipment Verify equi pmen t configur at io n. show ds1 < n | all > status ds1 <n> status ds0 <n:ch> Verify ser vi ce sta tus .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 9-7 Provis ion DCS Service Obtai n Provisi oning Info rmation Obtain Prov isioni ng I nforma tion 1. O btain off ice r ecord s fo r in st alla tion sit e. 2. Obtain ci rcuit o r ders for DCS servi ce turn up.
9-8 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 Provision DCS Service Verify Ser vice Status Verify Service Status 1. Verify nu m ber of DS1 ci rcuits i nstalled by compar ing equipmen t status with off ice recor ds. If ther e is a dis crepancy, follo w standard pract i ces to resolve problem.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 9-9 Provis ion DCS Service Verify Servic e Status NOTE: Commands containing a s ds1 <n> require the operator to enter a DS1 number or range of numbers. For example, DS1 #6 is entered as ds1 6 . If a DS1 range is specifi ed, t he command operations will be applied to all DS1s in the r ange.
9-10 August 2003 Access Navigator - Releas e 1.8 Provision DCS Service Set U nused Cir c uits O ut of S ervi c e Interface Status --------- ------ DS1 1 Channel 1 In Service DS1 1 Channel 2 In Service.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 9-11 Provis ion DCS Service Set System Clock Source Set System Clock Sou rce NOTE: If Access Navi gator provides GR-303 call su pport, the pr imary and secondary clock so urces are usually set to “swit ch” DS1s in the GR-30 3 interface group.
9-12 August 2003 Access Navigator - Releas e 1.8 Provision DCS Service Provisi on “Groom” DS1 Ci rcuits to Netw ork Provision “G room” DS1 Circuits to Netw ork 1. Show groom DS1 s ettings with th e following comma nd: show ds1 <n> Example: show ds 1 10 The show command will produce a mes sage showing the DS1 s ettings.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 9-13 Provis ion DCS Service Provision “G room” DS1 Cir c u its to Netwo rk 5. Set groom DS1 line code to AMI or B 8ZS with t he follo w ing command: set ds1 <n> linecode <ami|b8zs> Example : set ds1 10 linecod e b8zs 6.
9-14 August 2003 Access Navigator - Releas e 1.8 Provision DCS Service Test Groo m DS1 Circu i ts Test Groo m DS1 Circ ui ts NOTE: The Access Navigato r supports the fo llowing T1.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 9-15 Provis ion DCS Service Prov isi on “ Drop” DS1 Circ uit s t o Su b scri ber s 3. Set DS1 typ e to “drop” with t he follo w ing command: set ds1 <n> type drop Example : set ds1 20 type drop 4.
9-16 August 2003 Access Navigator - Releas e 1.8 Provision DCS Service Provisi on and Co nnect ISDN P RI Channels Provision and Connect ISDN PRI Channels Full and fractional IS D N PRI passthr ough servi ce is provision ed and connect ed in the s ame way as oth er DS0 data ch annels (descri bed on the following p ages).
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 9-17 Provis ion DCS Service Provisio n and Conn ect DS0s Provision and Co nnect DS 0s 1. Show curre nt DS0 crosscon nections wi th the f ollowing command: show connect <n> Example: show co nnect 10 The show connect comman d displays DS0 crossco nnections on a DS1.
9-18 August 2003 Access Navigator - Releas e 1.8 Provision DCS Service Provisi on and Co nnect DS0s NOTE: DS0 voice channels use robbed-bit si gnaling, while DS0 data are clear channels (no signaling ). ISDN PRI DS0 passthrough chann els a nd ISDN BRI 3DS0 channels must be set to DS0 Type Data.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 9-19 Provis ion DCS Service Turn Up Servi ce Turn Up Service 1. Show curre nt DS1 status with the followin g command: status ds1 <n> Example : status ds1 1-3 2 2.
9-20 August 2003 Access Navigator - Releas e 1.8 Provision DCS Service Test DS1 and DS0 Ci rcu its.
C HAPTER Provision GR-303 Service In this Chapter n GR-303 Provision ing Overview ... 10-2 n GR-303 Provis ioning Qui ck Guide ... 10-9 n Verify System Equipm ent Config uration ... 10-10 n Verify Service Status ... 1 0-11 n Set Unused Ci rcuits Out of Service .
10-2 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1 .8 Provision GR-303 Service GR-303 Provision ing Overview GR-303 Pr ovis ionin g Overview n Provisi oning ISDN BRI Se rvice ... 10-4 n Provisi oning P-Phon e Service ... 10-4 n Provisi oning TR-08 Se rvice wit h GR-303 Translation .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 10-3 Provision GR-303 Service GR-303 Prov isioning Overview Figure 10-1 Access Navigat or GR-303 Servi ces Remot e Managemen t RS-232 Access Navigator Eth e.
10-4 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1 .8 Provision GR-303 Service Provisioni ng ISDN BRI Service Provisioning ISDN BRI Service Integr ated Servi c es Digital Netw ork (ISDN) Bas i c Rate Interf ace (BRI) o perates at 144,00 0 bits per second an d is designed fo r desktop ser vice.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 10-5 Provision GR-303 Service Provisio ning TR -08 Service with GR- 303 Transla tion Provisioning TR -08 Service wit h GR-303 Trans lation n TR-08 Confi guration ... 10 -6 n Special POTS Cards ... 10-6 n Signali ng Translation .
10-6 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1 .8 Provision GR-303 Service Provisioning TR-08 Service w ith GR-303 Tr anslation TR-08 Configuration TR-08 termin als can have up to four shel ves (A, B, C, D) with each shel f terminating up to 24 voi ce lines.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 10-7 Provision GR-303 Service Provisio ning TR -08 Service with GR- 303 Transla tion Figure 10 -3. DS0s Assigned to CRVs in Sequential Order Figure 10-4 .
10-8 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1 .8 Provision GR-303 Service Provisioning TR-08 Service w ith GR-303 Tr anslation Framing and FDL Settings SLC-96 uses two types of fra ming: SLC-96 DLL a nd SLC-96 S4. The combination of se tting fo r the fra ming typ e and FDL prot ocol dete rmine which framing type will be used for the d rop DS1.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 10-9 Provision GR-303 Service GR- 303 P rov isi oni ng Qui ck G uid e GR-303 Prov ision ing Quick Gu ide CLI Commands De scriptions status equipment Verify equi pmen t configur at io n. show ds1 < n | all > status ds1 <n> status ds0 <n:ch> Verify ser vi ce sta tus .
10-10 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Provision GR-303 Service Obtain Provisionin g Informa tion Obtain Prov isioni ng I nforma tion 1. O btain off ice r ecord s fo r in st alla tion sit e. 2. Obtain ci rcuit orders for GR-303 service turn up.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 10-11 Provision GR-303 Service Verify Servic e Status DS1 Card 6 Installed 1 DS1 Card 7 Card not installed DS1 Card 8 Card not installed Verify Service Status 1. Verify nu m ber of DS1 ci rcuits i nstalled by compar ing equipmen t status with off ice recor ds.
10-12 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Provision GR-303 Service Verify Ser vice Status NOTE: Commands containing ds1 <n> require the o perat or t o enter a DS1 number or range of n umbers. For exa mple, DS1 #6 i s entered as ds1 6 . If a DS1 range is s pecified, the command operati ons will be appli ed to all DS1s in the r ange.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 10-13 Provision GR-303 Service Set Unused Circuits Out of Service NOTE: Commands contain ing ds0 <n:ch> requi re the operator t o enter both the DS1 and DS0 channel number or channe l range. The DS1 and DS0 numbers are ent ered with a colon separ ating the numbers.
10-14 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Provision GR-303 Service Set System Switc h Typ e Set System Switch Type NOTE: Access Navigator supports Lucent 5ESS, Nort el DMS, and generic Tel cor dia GR-303 swit ch types. 1. Show switch type with the fo llowing comman d: show switch 2.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 10-15 Provision GR-303 Service Provision “Switch” DS1s to Interface Group Provision “Switch” DS1s to Interface Group 1. Show switch DS1 settings with the foll owing comma nd: show ds1 <n> Example: show ds 1 25 The show command will produce a mes sage showing the DS1 s ettings.
10-16 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Provision GR-303 Service Provisi on “Swit ch” DS1s t o Inter face Group 5. Set sw itch DS1 li ne code to B8ZS with t he following command: set ds1 <n> linecode b8zs Example : set ds1 25 linecod e b8zs 6.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 10-17 Provision GR-303 Service Provision “Switch” DS1s to Interface Group 9. Set sw itch DS1 li ne buildout (lb o) to required DSX- 1 equalization or C.
10-18 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Provision GR-303 Service Assign Pr imary an d Secondary EOC Assign Prim ary and Seco ndary EOC 1. Show curre nt EOC setti ngs with t he following c o.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 10-19 Provision GR-303 Service Assi gn Pri mar y an d S eco ndar y TMC Assign Prim ary and Second ary TMC 1.
10-20 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Provision GR-303 Service Test D S1 Cir cuits Test DS1 Circuits NOTE: The Access Navigato r supports the fo llowing T1.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 10-21 Provision GR-303 Service Provisio n “Drop” DS1 Cir cuits to Su bscriber Provisio n “Drop” DS1 Ci rcuits to Subs criber 1. Show drop DS1 s e ttings with the f ollowing command: show ds1 <n> Example: show ds 1 9 The show command will produce a mes sage showing the DS1 s ettings.
10-22 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Provision GR-303 Service Provisi on “Drop” DS1 Cir cuits t o Subscrib er 3. Set DS1 typ e to “drop” with t he follo w ing command: set ds1 &l.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 10-23 Provision GR-303 Service Provisio n “Drop” DS1 Cir cuits to Su bscriber 8. Set drop D S1 line buildout (lbo) to required CSU at tenuation with t .
10-24 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Provision GR-303 Service Provisi on “Drop” DS1 Cir cuits t o Subscrib er NOTE: Remote Access Bank II provisioning requ ires “esf” framing and remote devi ce management for “c afdl” protocol.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 10-25 Provision GR-303 Service Provisi on ISDN BRI 4 :1 TDM Service to S ubscribers Provision ISDN BRI 4:1 TD M Service to Sub scriber s NOTE: The Access N.
10-26 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Provision GR-303 Service Provisi on ISDN BRI 4 :1 TDM Service to Subs cribers 2. Show curre nt ISDN BRI set t ings with the fol l owing command: show.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 10-27 Provision GR-303 Service Provisi on ISDN BRI 4 :1 TDM Service to S ubscribers 4. Un-assi gn ISDN BRI channe ls with the followi ng command: set ds0 &.
10-28 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Provision GR-303 Service Provisi on ISDN BRI 4 :1 TDM Service to Subs cribers 7. Show curre nt ISDN BRI connectio ns with the foll owing command: show connect <n> Example: show co nnect 10 The show con nect command will display the setti ngs for the DS 1 specifi ed.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 10-29 Provision GR-303 Service Provisi on ISDN BRI 4 :1 TDM Service to S ubscribers NOTE: To change existing ISDN BRI connections, you must first disconnect them before making new connections.
10-30 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Provision GR-303 Service Provisi on DS0s t o Subscribers Provision DS0s to Su bscrib ers NOTE: Commands including ds0 <n:ch> require the operator to enter both the DS1 and DS0 channel number or channe l range.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 10-31 Provision GR-303 Service Provisi on DS0s t o Subscrib ers provisioni ng GR-303 service. See also Provision DCS Service on pag e 9-1 . 2. If drop DS0 settings are correct, skip r emaining steps. NOTE: GR-303 channels use robbed-bi t signaling except when carrying ISDN BRI traff ic.
10-32 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Provision GR-303 Service Assign Call Refere nce Values (CRV s) Assign Call Reference Values (CRVs) CAUTION! S ER VICE DISRUPTIONS CAN OCCUR IF YOU ASSIGN A CRV THAT IS ALRE AD Y IN USE BY ANOT HER SUBSCRI BER .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 10-33 Provision GR-303 Service Assign Ca ll Reference Values ( CRVs) Figure 10 -5. Factor y Default Call Ref erence Values 2. If drop DS0 CRV are correct, s kip remaini ng steps NOTE: CRVs must be diff erent for all assigned G R-303 voice t erminations on dr op DS0s.
10-34 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Provision GR-303 Service Turn Up S e rv ice Turn Up Service 1. Show curre nt DS1 status with the followin g command: status ds1 <n> Example : status ds1 13 2. Show curre nt DS0 status with the followin g command: status ds0 <n:ch> Example : status ds0 13: 1-16 3.
C HAPTER Provision Remote Access Bank II In this Chapter n Remote Acces s Bank II Provisioni ng Overview ... 1 1-2 n Remote Acces s Bank II Provisi oning Q uick Guide ... 1 1-9 n Remote Acc ess Bank II Mainten ance Quic k Guide .. . 11- 10 n Obtain Provisi oning Informat ion .
11-2 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1 .8 Provision Re mote Access Bank II Remote Access Bank II Provisioning Overview Remote Access Ba nk II Provisionin g Over view n Pre- P rov isi oni ng a nd Te stin g ... 1 1-3 n Requiremen ts ... 1 1-3 n Anal og I nt erf ace s .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 11-3 Provision Remote Access Bank II Pre-Provis ioning and Test i ng Pre-Provisioning and T esting The Access Navigator’s fl ow-through provisioning feature enables the oper ator to remotel y provisi on Access Ban k II v oic e and d ata se rvice s.
11-4 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1 .8 Provision Re mote Access Bank II Analog Interfaces Analog I nterfaces The Access Bank II family of channel bank produ cts can be equippe d with one or two an alog voice cards i nstalled in ca rd slots FX#1 and FX#2.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 11-5 Provision Remote Access Bank II Cros sc onn e ct F e atur es Figure 1 1-3 Crossconnec tions (ABI I) T able 1 1- 1 V alid Crossconnect A ssignment s Access Navig ator Drop DS0 Type ABII Remote Port Voice Data GR-303 FX analog Valid Valid RS-232 Valid SDSL Valid T1 Drop Valid Valid Valid V.
11-6 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1 .8 Provision Re mote Access Bank II FX Analog Interfaces FX Analog Int erfaces NOTE: Provisioning FX se rvice uses the same DS0 pr ovisioning commands as for other analog ter minatio ns. Because of rest rict ion s on s ome DS0 paramet ers, t hese commands are repeated belo w with addi tional notes.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 11-7 Provision Remote Access Bank II Fractional Interfaces Fractional Int erfaces A fractiona l interface is a group of sequenti al DS0s in the same DS1, such as DS0 s 19 through 24. A fracti onal int erface must b e used to connect D S0s to a remote inter face.
11-8 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1 .8 Provision Re mote Access Bank II Remote Interfaces Remote Interfaces The Access Bank II family can provi de a variety of r emote int erface po rts for voice a nd data services .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 11-9 Provision Remote Access Bank II Remo te A c cess B ank I I Pr ov isi o ni ng Qui ck Gui de Remote Access Ban k II Provisi oning Quick Guide NOTE: Do not locall y provision the Access Bank II if you are remo tel y provisioning it through the Access Navi gat or.
11-10 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Provision Re mote Access Bank II Remote Access Bank II Maintenance Quick Guide Remote Access Ban k II Maintenance Quick Guide In addit ion to reading.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 11-11 Provision Remote Access Bank II Obtai n Provisi oning Info rmation Obtain Prov isioni ng I nforma tion 1. O btain off ice r ecord s fo r in st alla tion sit e. 2. Obtain ci rcuit o r ders for remote Access Bank II ser vice turn up.
11-12 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Provision Re mote Access Bank II Verify System Equipment Config urat ion 4. Show curre nt DS1 service st atus with the fo llowing command: show ds1 a.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 11-13 Provision Remote Access Bank II Verify System Equipment Config ur ation 5. Verify n umber of DS1s alread y in service (l ink is up) by comparing DS1 lin k status with of fice records . If there is a discrepancy, fol low standard practic es to reso lve probl em.
11-14 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Provision Re mote Access Bank II Temporarily Disable C onfiguration Down loading The stat us command will disp lay the status for each DS0 specif ied.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 11-15 Provision Remote Access Bank II Provision Drop DS 1 to Remote Access Bank II Provision Drop DS1 to Remote Access Bank II NOTE: This is the T1 connection between th e Acce ss Navi gator and Access Bank II.
11-16 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Provision Re mote Access Bank II Provisi on Drop DS1 to Remote Access Ban k II 6. Set DS1 remot e device management type to Ca rrier Access FDL with t he following command : set ds1 <n> remote device managemen t cafdl 7.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 11-17 Provision Remote Access Bank II Test DS1 Circu its Test DS1 Circuits NOTE: The Access Navigato r supports the fo llowing T1.
11-18 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Provision Re mote Access Bank II Provisi on DS0s Type: GR303 Signaling: LOOP START Up/Down: DOWN Settings for DS1 13, Channel 2: Type: GR303 Signalin.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 11-19 Provision Remote Access Bank II Provisio n DS0 Crossconn ect s Provisio n DS0 Cros sconnects 1. Show curre nt crossconnect settings with t he follo wing command: show connect <n> Example: show co nnect 1 1 The show command will display t he current sett ings for the sp ecified DS1.
11-20 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Provision Re mote Access Bank II Provisi on DS0 Cro ssconnects 4. Connect DS0s (see Figure 1) to make 2- way connect ions between DS0s, or fractional.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 11-21 Provision Remote Access Bank II Create Fractional Interfaces (if required) Create Fractional Interfaces (if required) NOTE: A fracti onal interf ace must be create d for each Access Bank II remote port ( RS- 232, T1 Drop, or V.
11-22 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Provision Re mote Access Bank II Configu re Remote RS- 232 Interface ( if used) Configure Remote RS-232 Interface (if used) NOTE: The RS-232 inter fa.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 11-23 Provision Remote Access Bank II Configure Remote RS-232 Interface (if used) 3. Set baud r ate with the fo llowing comman d: set remote <n> rs232 baud <setting> Example: set remote 1 1 rs232 baud 9600 Available b aud settings are: 1200, 2400, 480 0, 9600, 19200, 38400 , 57600.
11-24 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Provision Re mote Access Bank II Configure Remote T1 Drop Interf ace (if used) Configure Remo te T1 Dr op Interface (if used) CAUTION! I F THE T1 D R.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 11-25 Provision Remote Access Bank II Configure Remote T1 Drop Inter face (if used) 3. Set remo te T1 Drop framing to D4 (SF ) or ESF with the fo llowing command: set remote <n> t1drop framing <d4|e sf> Example : set remote 1 1 t1drop framing d4 4.
11-26 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Provision Re mote Access Bank II Configure Remote V.35 Interface (if used) Configure Remote V.35 Interface (if used) 1.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 11-27 Provision Remote Access Bank II Configur e Remote V.35 Interface (if used) 3. Set remot e V.35 clock recei ve and transmit c lock polar ity to i nver.
11-28 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Provision Re mote Access Bank II Connect Fr actional Interface to Remote Interface Connec t F raction al Interface to Remo te Interfa ce NOTE: The connect remote command configures t he DS0 cros sconnections inside the Access Bank II, usi ng the DS0s defined by the inte rf ace nam es.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 11-29 Provision Remote Access Bank II Verify Downloaded Setting s (optional) Verify Download ed Settings (option al) NOTE: All read remote commands requir e that the remote Access Bank II is operation al and connected to an Access Navigator drop DS1 using CAC FDL protocol.
11-30 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Provision Re mote Access Bank II Test Remote Circuits Test Remote Circuits NOTE: The Access Navigator can be pre-pr ovisioned so t hat it will be r eady to provide services when facilitie s become available .
C HAPTER Provision Remote Adit 600 via FDL In this Chapter n Remote Adi t 600 FDL Provis ioning Overview ... 12-2 n Remote Adi t 600 FDL Pro visioning Quick Gu ide ... 12-4 n Obtain Provisi oning Informat ion ... 12-6 n Verify Equipm ent Con figuration .
12-2 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1 .8 Provision Remote Adit 600 via FDL Remote Adi t 600 FDL Pr ovisioning Overview Remote Ad it 600 F DL Prov isio ning Over view This proced ure covers remote management and provision ing of Carrier Access’ Adit® 600 TDM Cust omer Service Terminal s.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 12-3 Provision Remote Adit 600 via FDL FDL Mana gement Configu ration After co nfiguring the FDL ma nagement connecti on, the user can r emotely pro vision the Adi t 600 by logging onto the Access Navi gator, starti ng a remote management session , and sending Adi t 600 CLI commands over the FDL channel.
12-4 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1 .8 Provision Remote Adit 600 via FDL Remote Adi t 600 FDL Pr ovisioning Quick Guid e Remote Adit 600 FDL Provision ing Quick Gui de CLI Commands De scriptions status equipment Verify equi pmen t configur at io n.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 12-5 Provision Remote Adit 600 via FDL Remo te A dit 600 F D L Pr ovi sioni ng Q uic k Guid e set ds0 <n:ch> up Set DS0s in s ervice.
12-6 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1 .8 Provision Remote Adit 600 via FDL Obtain Provisionin g Informa tion Obtain Prov isioni ng I nforma tion 1. O btain off ice r ecord s fo r in st alla tion sit e. 2. Obtain ci rcuit orders for remote Adit 600 service turn up.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 12-7 Provision Remote Adit 600 via FDL Verify Equipment Config urati on 4. Show curre nt DS1 service st atus with the fo llowing command: show ds1 all A me .
12-8 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1 .8 Provision Remote Adit 600 via FDL Verify Equipment Config urat ion NOTE: Commands containing ds1 <n> require the o perat or t o enter a DS1 number or range of n umbers. For exa mple, DS1 #6 i s entered as ds1 6 .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 12-9 Provision Remote Adit 600 via FDL Verify Equipment Config urati on NOTE: Commands contain ing ds0 <n:ch> requi re the operator t o enter both the DS1 and DS0 channel number or channe l range. The DS1 and DS0 numbers are ent ered with a colon separ ating the numbers.
12-10 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Provision Remote Adit 600 via FDL Provisi on Drop DS1s to Remote Adit 6 00 Provision Drop DS1s to Remote Ad it 600 1. Show drop DS1 s e ttings with the f ollowing command: show ds1 <n> Example: show ds 1 10 The show command will produce a mes sage showing the DS1 s ettings.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 12-11 Provision Remote Adit 600 via FDL Provisio n Drop DS1s to Remote Adit 60 0 4. Set DS1 typ e to “drop” set ds1 <n> type drop Example : set ds1 1 type drop 5. Set DS1 fr aming to ESF or D4 (SF).
12-12 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Provision Remote Adit 600 via FDL Provisi on Drop DS1s to Remote Adit 6 00 12. Set drop D S1 loop r equest code dete ction off with t he following command: set ds1 <n> loopdetect off Example : set ds1 1 loopde te ct of f 13.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 12-13 Provision Remote Adit 600 via FDL Provisi on Drop DS0s Provision Drop DS0s NOTE: Commands such as ds0 <n:ch> require the operator to enter both the DS1 and DS0 channel number or channe l range. The DS1 and DS0 numbers are ent ered with a colon separ ating the numbers.
12-14 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Provision Remote Adit 600 via FDL Provisi on Drop DS0s 3. Set DS0 typ e set ds0 <n:ch> type <voice | data | gr3 03> Example : set ds0 10:1-18 type gr303 Example : set ds0 10:19-2 4 type dat a 4.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 12-15 Provision Remote Adit 600 via FDL Provisi on DS0 Cro s sconnects (if required) Provisio n DS0 Crossc onnects (if requi r ed) NOTE: Static DCS voic e and data cros sconnects, a s well as ISDN BRI D (signaling) channels, must be prov isioned in the Access Navigator.
12-16 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Provision Remote Adit 600 via FDL Provisi on DS0 Cro s sconnects (if required) NOTE: To change existing DS0 connections, you mu st fi rst disconnect them before making new connections.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 12-17 Provision Remote Adit 600 via FDL Provision Remote Adit 600 Provision Remote Adit 600 1. Start r emote manageme nt sessi on with Adit 600 terminal, wher e <n> is the number of the Access Navigato r drop DS1 going to t he terminal.
12-18 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Provision Remote Adit 600 via FDL Test DS1 and DS0 Ci rcu its.
C HAPTER Provision Remote Ad it 600 via IP DS0 In this Chapter n Remote IP DS0 Provisioning Ov erview ... 13-2 n Remote IP DS0 Provisio ning Quick G uide ... 13-4 n Router Prov isioning Quick Gui de ... 13-5 n Remote Adi t IP DS0 Provis ioning Qui ck Guide .
13-2 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1 .8 Provision Remote Adit 600 via IP DS0 Remote IP DS0 Pr ovisioning Overview Remote IP DS0 Provisio ning Overview This proced ure covers remote management and provision ing of Carrier Access’ Adit® 600 TDM Cust omer Service Terminal s.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 13-3 Provision Remote Adit 600 via IP DS0 IP DS0 Ma nagement Configu r ation IP DS0 Management Con figuration IP DS0 manage m ent can be used wit h T1 Type 2 facilitie s lacking FDL capab ility.
13-4 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1 .8 Provision Remote Adit 600 via IP DS0 Remote IP DS0 Provisioning Quick Guide Remote IP DS0 Provisio ning Quick Guid e Access Naviga tor CLI Commands Descript ions status equipment Verify equi pmen t configur at io n.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 13-5 Provision Remote Adit 600 via IP DS0 Rout er Prov is ioni ng Qui ck Guid e Router Provi sioning Qui ck Guide NOTE: The following commands assume that the Router card is in slot 1. NOTE: The remote Adit WAN address MUST have a different subnet than the Adit Controll er addr ess.
13-6 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1 .8 Provision Remote Adit 600 via IP DS0 Router Provisioning Quick Guide Configure Tr unk Connections: 1. Select Configu rat ion < Profil e Directory > fr om Router Main Menu and press Enter key. 2. Select Rou ter < Pro f ile S etup > an d p res s En ter key .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 13-7 Provision Remote Adit 600 via IP DS0 Remote Adit IP DS0 Provisioning Quick Guide Remote Adit IP DS0 Provisioning Quick Guide NOTE: The following commands assume that the remote Adit is set to the fact or y defaults .
13-8 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1 .8 Provision Remote Adit 600 via IP DS0 Obtain Provisionin g Informa tion Obtain Prov isioni ng I nforma tion 1. O btain off ice r ecord s fo r in st alla tion sit e. 2. Obtain ci rcuit orders for remote Adit 600 service turn up.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 13-9 Provision Remote Adit 600 via IP DS0 Verify Equipment Config urati on A message s imilar to the f ollowing will appe ar , showing the link up/down se r.
13-10 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Provision Remote Adit 600 via IP DS0 Verify Equipment Config urat ion NOTE: Commands containing ds1 <n> require the o perat or t o enter a DS1 number or range of n umbers. For exa mple, DS1 #6 i s entered as ds1 6 .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 13-11 Provision Remote Adit 600 via IP DS0 Verify Equipment Config urati on NOTE: Commands contain ing ds0 <n:ch> requi re the operator t o enter both the DS1 and DS0 channel number or channe l range.
13-12 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Provision Remote Adit 600 via IP DS0 Provisi on Groom D S1s to A dit Router Provision Groom DS1s to Ad it Router NOTE: For IP DS0 management, it is r ecommended that DS1 #32 be connected to the coloc ated ro uter.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 13-13 Provision Remote Adit 600 via IP DS0 Provisi on Groom D S1s to Adi t Router 3. Set DS1 out of service with the followin g command: set ds1 <n> down Example : set ds1 32 down 4. Set DS1 typ e to “groom” set ds1 <n> type groom Example : set ds1 32 type groom 5.
13-14 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Provision Remote Adit 600 via IP DS0 Provisi on Groom D S1s to A dit Router NOTE: When loop code detection is turned on, the Access Navi gat or will respond to T1.403 ESF bi t patterned lo op requests.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 13-15 Provision Remote Adit 600 via IP DS0 Provisi on Drop DS1s to Remote Adit Provision Drop DS1s to Remote Ad it 1. Show drop DS1 s e ttings with the f ollowing command: show ds1 <n> Example: show ds 1 10 The show command will produce a mes sage showing the DS1 s ettings.
13-16 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Provision Remote Adit 600 via IP DS0 Provisi on Drop DS1s to Remote Adit 3. Set DS1 out of service with the followin g command: set ds1 <n> down Example : set ds1 1 down Example : set ds1 10-15 down 4.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 13-17 Provision Remote Adit 600 via IP DS0 Provisi on Drop DS1s to Remote Adit 10. Set drop D S1 line buildout (lbo) to required DSX- 1 equali zation or CS.
13-18 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Provision Remote Adit 600 via IP DS0 Provisi on Groom D S0s to A dit Router Provision Groom DS0s to Ad it Router NOTE: Commands such as ds0 <n:ch> require the operator to enter both the DS1 and DS0 channel number or channe l range.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 13-19 Provision Remote Adit 600 via IP DS0 Provisi on Drop DS0s to Remote Adit Provision Drop DS0s to Remote Ad it NOTE: Commands such as ds0 <n:ch> require the operator to enter both the DS1 and DS0 channel number or channe l range.
13-20 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Provision Remote Adit 600 via IP DS0 Provisi on Drop DS0s to Remote Adit NOTE: In the above message, the channel type can be GR303 (voi ce or ISDN BRI), or private crossconnects using VOICE or DATA. P-Phone sett ings only appear i n the Access Navigator / GR-303 Host wit h P-Phone.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 13-21 Provision Remote Adit 600 via IP DS0 Provisio n DS0 Crossconn ect s Provisio n DS0 Cros sconnects NOTE: Static DCS voic e and data cros sconnects, a s well as ISDN BRI D (signaling) channels, must be prov isioned in the Access Navigator.
13-22 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Provision Remote Adit 600 via IP DS0 Provisi on DS0 Cro ssconnects NOTE: To change existing DS0 connections, you mu st fi rst disconnect them before making new connections. 3. Disconnec t existing DS0s wi th the followin g command: disconnect <n:ch> Example : disconnect 10: 16-24 4.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 13-23 Provision Remote Adit 600 via IP DS0 Provision Remote Adit 600 Provision Remote Adit 600 NOTE: Remote provisioning requ ires that the Adit 600 be pre-configur ed for IP DS0 management. The essenti al set tings are listed in the Remote Adit IP DS0 Provi sio ning Quick Guide on page 13-7 .
13-24 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Provision Remote Adit 600 via IP DS0 Test DS1 and DS0 Ci rcu its.
C HAPTER Alarm Clearing In this Chapter n Identify Alarm Clearin g Procedure ... 14-2 n Clear Alarms – FDL ... 14- 3 n Clear Alarms – EOC ... 14- 8 n Clear Alarm s – SNMP .
14-2 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1 .8 Alar m Cle ar ing Identify Alarm Clearing Procedure Identify Ala rm Clea ring Proced u re Find ala rm source i n followi ng list and go to the alarm c .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 14-3 Alarm Cleari ng Clear Al arms – FDL Clear Ala rms – FDL NOTE: The CLI has thr ee alarm level s: CRITICAL alarms affect ser vice to 128 or more subscribers. (Only the manually set cri ti cal alarm is currently defined.
14-4 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1 .8 Alar m Cle ar ing Clear Alarms – FDL T able 14-2 CL I Major Alarm Message and T rouble Clearing Procedure Event Messag e Des cription Trouble Cle aring Proced ure DS1 Card n Removed While In Serv ice Quad T1 Framer card remov ed while one or more of the 4 DS1s were prov isioned as in-s ervice.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 14-5 Alarm Cleari ng Clear Al arms – FDL T able 14-3 CLI Minor Alarm Message and T rouble Clearing Procedure Event Messag e Des cription Trouble Cle aring Procedure -48V DC power A/ B Low or Missing -48V DC po w er supply t o the control ler (A or B) i s low or missing.
14-6 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1 .8 Alar m Cle ar ing Clear Alarms – FDL EOC Primary/Se condary Link Down EOC LAPD data li nk communic ation not established with the swit ch. Access Navigator periodi cally retr ies to es tablish LAPD data li nk with the switc h.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 14-7 Alarm Cleari ng Clear Al arms – FDL TMC Primary/ Secondary Link Down TMC LAPD data li nk communic ation not established with the swit ch. Access Navigator periodi cally retr ies to es tablish LAPD data li nk with the switc h.
14-8 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1 .8 Alar m Cle ar ing Clear Alarms – EOC Clear Ala rms – EOC NOTE: EOC Interface – This procedure describ es Access Navigator ala rm messages sent to t he local swit ch over the GR-303 Embedded Operations Chann el (EOC).
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 14-9 Alarm Cleari ng Clear Alarms – EOC T able 14-5. EOC Major Alarm Message and T rouble Clearing Procedure Event Messag e Des cription Trouble Cle aring Procedure Alarm Count List Change Event Report Service Pr oblem.
14-10 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Alar m Cle ar ing Clear Alarms – EOC System Alarm State Change Event Report Service Pr oblem (5ES S onl y ). The sever i ty of the system al arm state h as changed. Only those events re portable to t he switch and excludi ng Service Proble m s are include d in the system al arm state.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 14-11 Alarm Cleari ng Clear Alarms – EOC Controll er A/B Inco mpatibl e Even t Rep ort Re pla c eab le Un it Mismatch. Con t rollers do not support the same func tionali ty; for example, on e supports EOC/TMC and the o ther does not.
14-12 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Alar m Cle ar ing Clear Alarms – EOC Remote Devi ce # n: T1 # x rx Yello w alarm Remote devi ce on DS1 # n receiv ed Yellow alarm (RAI) on T1 # x . Minor alarm for active crossco nnects. Clear tr ouble at remo te device .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 14-13 Alarm Cleari ng Clear Alarms – EOC T able 14-7 EOC W arning Alarm Message and T rouble Clearing Procedure Event Messag e Descript ion Trouble Cle aring Procedure Alarm Count List Change Event Report Service Pr oblem.
14-14 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Alar m Cle ar ing Clear Alarms – SNMP Clear A larms – SNMP NOTE: This procedure describes Access Navi gator trap messages sent to a Network Management System (N MS) IP address.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 14-15 Alarm Cleari ng Clear Al arms – Status I ndicators Clear Ala rms – Status Indicato rs Find indi cator in foll owing list and go to the alarm cle .
14-16 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Alar m Cle ar ing Power Stat us LEDs Power Status LEDs The Access Navigator may have o ne or two Controll er cards . Each Controller card has a Power LED indicat or showing the status o f the -48 VDC inpu t power as we ll as the st atus of t he card’s inte rnal power supply.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 14-17 Alarm Cleari ng Active/Sta ndby Controller Status LEDs Active/Standby Controller Status LEDs The Access Navigator may have o ne or two Co ntroller cards, i nstalled i n the sl ots marked Controll er A and Contr oller B.
14-18 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Alar m Cle ar ing Critical Alarm Status LE Ds Critical Alarm Status LEDs A criti cal al ar m me ans tha t a fa ult exists tha t a ff ect s mor e t han 128 call lines. A cri ti ca l a la rm re qui re s an immediat e mainten anc e respons e.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 14-19 Alarm Cleari ng Minor A larm Statu s L ED s Minor Alarm Status LEDs A minor ala rm means that a non- service affecti ng conditi on exist s, or that a.
14-20 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Alar m Cle ar ing DS1 S tat us LE Ds DS1 Status LEDs Each Quad T1 Framer (QF) card has st atus indi cators for four DS1s. The Access Navi gator holds up to 8 QF car ds, pro viding up t o 32 DS1 circuits .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 14-21 Alarm Cleari ng Ether net L ink S ta t us LE D Ethernet L ink Statu s LED NOTE: An Ethernet connect ion is required for management by SNMP a nd Telnet CLI. The Ethernet Link Status LED is located on the rear panel, next to the Ethernet connector .
14-22 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Alar m Cle ar ing Ethern et Link St at us LED.
C HAPTER Diagnostics & Troubleshooting In this Chapter n Alarms and Logs ... 15-2 n Alarm and Status Indicato rs ... 15-8 n Status and Performance ... 15 -11 n GR-303 Status and Performance ... 15-22 n Near-End Loopback s ... 15-29 n Far-End Loopb acks .
15-2 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1 .8 Diagnostics & Troubleshoot ing Alarms and Logs Alarms and L og s n Oper atio ns Inte rfac e ... 15-2 n Alarms ... 15 -2 n Alarm Repor ting ... 15-3 n Alarm Test ing ... 15-3 n Alarm and St atus Indicato rs .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 15-3 Diagnostics & Troubleshooti ng Alarm Reporting l MINOR alarms affect service to 2 to 23 subscribe rs, or re duce se rvice reli ability . A minor a larm will occu r if a redundant element fails, such as a Contro ller card, power suppl y, or GR-303 contr ol chan nel .
15-4 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1 .8 Diagnostics & Troubleshoot ing Facility Alarm System l Alarm Cutoff (ACO) l DS1 status l Eth ern et st atu s Facility Alarm System The Access Navigator has al arm relay output s for connection to the facili ty alarm system ( see Alarm Output Conn ections on page 6-27 ).
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 15-5 Diagnostics & Troubleshooti ng DS1 Fai lures Figure 15 -1. Access Navigat or Alarm Signal Res ponse Access Nav igator DS1 interfac es respond as fol lows: 1. Display r ed alarm s tatus on Ac cess Naviga tor 2.
15-6 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1 .8 Diagnostics & Troubleshoot ing Configu ration Change L og Syntax: log d s1 < n > Displays only DS1 ala r ms. Syntax: log d s1 < n > < major | minor | alert | info > Displays only DS1 alarms wit h a specif ied severity l evel.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 15-7 Diagnostics & Troubleshooti ng BERT Log BERT Log Using CLI comman ds, the Acc ess Navigat or can perfor m a varie ty of Bit Er ror Rat e Tests . BERT data is rec ord ed in a separat e log file, whic h c an b e di splayed usi ng t he CLI lo g bert comman d (s ee Log BERT on page 18-40 ).
15-8 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1 .8 Diagnostics & Troubleshoot ing Alarm a nd Status Indicators Alar m an d St atu s Ind ic ato rs n Indicat or Locations ... 15 -8 n Indicat or Description s ... 15-10 Indi cator L ocatio ns The Access Navigator pr ovides LEDs for displaying status indica tions.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 15-9 Diagnostics & Troubleshooti ng Indica t or Lo cat i ons Figure 15 -3. Rear Panel Ether net Indicator Ethernet Connector Ethernet Link OK Status Ind.
15-10 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Diagnostics & Troubleshoot ing Indica tor Descri ptions Indicator Descript ions Each Cont roller card p r ovides t he following i ndicators (s ee Table 15-1). Only the activ e Controller c ard will sho w alarm and status informati on.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 15-11 Diagnostics & Troubleshooti ng Status and Performa nce Status a nd Perf ormance n Status Cl ock ... 15-1 1 n Status DS0 ... 15-12 n Status DS1 ... 15-13 n Status DS1 All ... 15-14 n Status DS1 Performance .
15-12 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Diagnostics & Troubleshoot ing Statu s DS 0 Status DS0 Displays the status for each DS0 spe cified (up to 24). Syntax: statu s ds0 <n:ch> Example: statu s ds0 32:1-4 Shows stat us of DS1 #1, DS0 cha nnels 1 to 4.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 15-13 Diagnostics & Troubleshooti ng Stat us D S1 Status DS1 Displays a detailed DS1 ser vice status mess age.
15-14 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Diagnostics & Troubleshoot ing Status DS1 All Descr iption: Status DS1 All Displays an abbrevia ted list sh owing the status for all 32 DS1 circui ts.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 15-15 Diagnostics & Troubleshooti ng Stat us DS1 A ll Message: Clock DS1 Status FDL Remote Device Management Source --- ------------------------- ---- .
15-16 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Diagnostics & Troubleshoot ing Status DS1 Performan ce Status DS1 Performance Displays current performanc e data for the s pecified DS1.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 15-17 Diagnostics & Troubleshooti ng Status DS1 Performan ce History line errored seconds: 1 0 0 0 controlled slip seconds: 0 0 0 0 bursty errored seconds: 1 0 0 0 degraded minutes: 0 0 0 0 line code violations: 3 0 0 0 path code violations: 1 0 0 0 elapsed time in current 15 min.
15-18 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Diagnostics & Troubleshoot ing Clear DS1 P erf or m an c e Message: Performance Statistics for DS1 #9 UAS ES SES SEFS LES CSS BES DM LCV PCV --- - ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ------- ------- curr.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 15-19 Diagnostics & Troubleshooti ng Status Equipment Status Equipment Display the s tatus of all ca rds installed in the Acce ss Navi gat or. After giving t he command, a message similar to the f ollowing will app ear.
15-20 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Diagnostics & Troubleshoot ing Statu s IP Status IP The Ether net port on the Ac cess Navigator pr ovides an Internet Proto col (IP) i nterface. Cu rrently, the show ip and status ip commands produce t he same message, listi ng the IP address and subnet mask, and t he gateway address .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 15-21 Diagnostics & Troubleshooti ng Status Remote Status Remote Disp lay s a me ss age list ing th e re mote term i nal s at t he fa r end of th e DS 1s. T he c om man d s yn tax lets the oper ator request a specifi c DS1, range of DS1s, or al l DS1s.
15-22 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Diagnostics & Troubleshoot ing GR-303 St atus a nd Perfor mance GR-303 Sta tus a nd Performanc e n Status CRV .. . 15-22 n Status ISDN CRV ... 1 5-23 n Status E O C ... 15-25 n Status T M C ... 15-25 n Status T M C History .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 15-23 Diagnostics & Troubleshooti ng Status I SDN CRV Descr iption: Status ISDN CRV Displays a message l i sting the statu s of the specif ied ISDN BRI cha nnels. To display the ISDN BRI channels , you must enter a CRV or r ange of CRVs.
15-24 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Diagnostics & Troubleshoot ing Statu s IS DN C RV Message: CRV Chan Status Call Status --- ---- ------ ----------- 1 B1 In Service Active 1 B2 In Service Active 1 D In Service n.a. 2 B1 In Service Idle 2 B2 In Service Idle 2 D In Service n.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 15-25 Diagnostics & Troubleshooti ng Status EO C Status EOC Displays detailed EOC s ervice status me ssage.
15-26 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Diagnostics & Troubleshoot ing Statu s T M C Originating Calls: 102 Blocked Calls: 0 Secondary Channel: DS1 #29 chan nel 24 Link Status: Down Mode: Standby Descr iption: Ite m Descript ion Chan nel Locat ion of TM C, b y D S 1 an d DS 0 numb er .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 15-27 Diagnostics & Troubleshooti ng Stat us TMC H istory Status TMC Hist ory Displays TMC ca ll for the las t 48 hours (a ll ) or a ra nge of hours (interval ). Th e re sul ting messages are similar to the f ollowing.
15-28 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Diagnostics & Troubleshoot ing Clear Blocked Call Count Clear Blocked Call Co unt Sets the blocked call co unt to zero (see Status TMC on page 15-25 ). Syntax: clear blocked call count Clear Peak Call Count Sets the peak call count to zero (see Statu s TMC on page 15-25 ).
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 15-29 Diagnostics & Troubleshooti ng Near-End Loopbacks Near-End L oopback s NOTE: The DS1 must be set Out of Service, using the set ds1 <n> down command, before yo u can use loopbacks o r test pattern s.
15-30 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Diagnostics & Troubleshoot ing DS1 Line L oopback DS1 Line Loop back Provides a line loopback to verif y that the DS1 signal is re aching the Access Navigator’s Quad T1 Framer ca rd.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 15-31 Diagnostics & Troubleshooti ng Far-End L oopbacks Far-End Lo opbac ks NOTE: The DS1 must be set Out of Service, usi ng the set ds1 <n> down command, before yo u can use loopbacks o r test pattern s.
15-32 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Diagnostics & Troubleshoot ing DS1 Li ne Loopup DS1 Line Loop up Sends an out -of- ban d (FDL) payload loop up or loopdown code ov er the drop DS1. The CSU s hould loop the received DS1 paylo ad back to the DS1 t ransmit output.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 15-33 Diagnostics & Troubleshooti ng DS1 N etw ork Loop up DS1 Network Lo opup Sends an out-o f-band (FDL) loopu p o r loopdown code over the dr op DS1. Th e Networ k Int erface Un it (NIU), such as a “Smart Jack, ” sh ould l oop the recei ved DS1 pay loa d back t o the DS1 trans mit output .
15-34 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Diagnostics & Troubleshoot ing DS1 NIU Loopup DS1 NIU Loopu p Sends an in-ba nd (bit pat tern) l ine l oopup o r loop down code over the Ac cess Na vig ator DS1.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 15-35 Diagnostics & Troubleshooti ng DS1 Pay load Loopu p DS1 Payload Loop up Sends an out-of -band (FDL) payload l oopup or loopdown co de over the Access Navigator drop DS1.
15-36 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Diagnostics & Troubleshoot ing Access Bank II Lo opbacks Acces s Bank I I Loopbacks NOTE: All read remote and send remote commands require t hat the remote Acces s Bank II is ope rat i onal and connect ed to an Access Navigator drop DS1 usi ng Car rier Access FDL management protocol.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 15-37 Diagnostics & Troubleshooti ng Send R emote RS232 Li ne Loopup Send Remote R S232 Line Lo opup This command makes the remote Acce ss Bank II perform a line lo opback in the RS-232 i nterfac e.
15-38 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Diagnostics & Troubleshoot ing Send R em ote RS2 32 TSI Networ k Loopup Send Remote R S232 TSI Ne twork Loop up This command makes the r emote Access Bank II perform a ne twork loopback on the RS-232 dat a.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 15-39 Diagnostics & Troubleshooti ng Send R emote T1 Pay l oad Lo opup Send Remote T 1 Payload L oopup This command make s the remot e Access Bank II perfo rm a pay loa d loo pbac k. Thi s ta kes the received DS0s from t he T1, loops them in t he framer , and sends them back to the T1 outpu t.
15-40 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Diagnostics & Troubleshoot ing Send R em ote T1 Drop L ine Loopup Send Remote T 1 Drop Lin e Loopup This command makes the remote Access Bank II per fo rm a li ne lo opba ck on the T1 Drop ou tput.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 15-41 Diagnostics & Troubleshooti ng Send Remote T 1 Drop Payload Loopup Send Remote T 1 Drop Payloa d Loopup This command mak es t he remote Access Bank II pe rform a Time Slot Int er fa ce ( TSI ) l oopb ack on the T1drop si de.
15-42 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Diagnostics & Troubleshoot ing Send R emote V35 TSI Equipm ent Lo opup Send Remote V35 TSI Equipm ent Loopu p This command m akes the remote Access Bank II per form an equi pment loopb ack on the V.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 15-43 Diagnostics & Troubleshooti ng Bit Patt erns and Er ror Tes ts Bit Patterns and Error Tests NOTE: The DS1 must be set Out of Service, usi ng the set ds1 <n> down command, before yo u can use loopbacks o r test pattern s.
15-44 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Diagnostics & Troubleshoot ing Send DS 1 Payload Pattern NOTE: The p2e patterns are intended only for Acces s Navigator loop tes ts and for test s between two Access Navigators. Other test equipment wi ll not r ecognize these pa tterns.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 15-45 Diagnostics & Troubleshooti ng Send DS1 Payload Pattern An extern al Bit Error Rate Tes ter (BERT) can be l ocated any where on the networ k or at the cust omer premises as shown in the figure.
15-46 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Diagnostics & Troubleshoot ing Send DS 1 Line Pattern with BE R Test Send DS1 Line Patt ern with BER Te st This command tr ansmit s an un framed .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 15-47 Diagnostics & Troubleshooti ng Send DS1 Line P attern with B ER Test Figure 15 -25. Send DS1 Line Patter n with BER Tes t Syntax: send ds1 <n&.
15-48 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Diagnostics & Troubleshoot ing Send DS 1 Line Pattern with BE R Test 08:15:49 FBE:0 BE:0 CRC:0 BPV/LCV:0 08:15:50 FBE:0 BE:0 CRC:0 BPV/LCV:0 08:1.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 15-49 Diagnostics & Troubleshooti ng Send DS1 Payload Pattern with BER Test Send DS1 Payload Patt ern with BER Test This command transmits a fra med te.
15-50 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Diagnostics & Troubleshoot ing Send DS1 Pa yload Pattern with BER Test Syntax: send ds1 <n> payload < allones | allzeros | f1in8 | p2e11.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 15-51 Diagnostics & Troubleshooti ng Send DS1 Payload Pattern with BER Test 08:15:56 FBE:0 BE:0 CRC:0 BPV/LCV:0 08:15:57 FBE:0 BE:0 CRC:0 BPV/LCV:0 Totals Error Rate s FBE: 0 0.00000 0e+00 BE: 0 0.00000 0e+00 CRC: 0 0.
15-52 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Diagnostics & Troubleshoot ing Send DS1 Pa yload Pattern with BER Test Descr iption: Ite m Descript ion Time Time is reco rded in one-seco nd intervals. Format is 24-hour clock in hours:minutes:secon ds with colons to separate the digits, as in 08 :3 0: 45 and 15 :2 2 :10 .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 15-53 Diagnostics & Troubleshooti ng Other Ma in t enan ce Com ma nds Other Mai nte na nc e Commands CLI Commands De scriptions set autoexit <minutes> When e nable d, th e CLI ses si on wi ll automati ca lly e xpire if t here i s no us er activ ity d u ring the sp ec ifie d t ime peri od.
15-54 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Diagnostics & Troubleshoot ing Other Maint enance Comman ds load tftp config <ipaddr> <"file"> <blocksize> Downloa ds a file conta in ing config uration databas e settings int o the A cce ss N avig ator .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 15-55 Diagnostics & Troubleshooti ng Technical Suppo rt Techni cal Su ppor t Carrier Access Customer Support is availab l e 24 hours a day, 7 da ys a week at (800) 786-9929 or (303) 442- 5455 and vi a email at tech- support@carrie raccess.
15-56 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Diagnostics & Troubleshoot ing Technical Suppo r t If your having dial tone pr oblems, enter t he follo wing commands: trace tmc on (le t run for.
C HAPTER Maintenance Procedures In this Chapter n Compli ance and Safet y Requi rement s ... 16-2 n Repair and R eturn Proced ure ... 16-2 n Replace Controller Car d ... 16-3 n Replace Quad T1 Framer Card ... 16-19 n Install SIMM on Controller Card ..
16-2 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1 .8 Main tena nce Pr oce dures Compliance and Safety Requirements Compliance and Sa fety Re quirements DANGER! F IRE H AZARD . S TANDAR DS UL 1 950 AND C22.2 N O . 950. 95 RE QUIRE THAT AL L ACCESS COV E RS BE REPLACED TO PREVEN T FIRES FROM SPRE ADING TO NEARBY EQUI PMENT .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 16-3 Maintenan ce Procedures Replace Co ntroller Car d Replace Cont roller C ard Procedure Summary n Overview .. . 16-3 n Precaut i ons ... 16- 4 n Tools and Materials Requ ired ... 16-4 n Verif y E qu ipm ent S tat us .
16-4 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1 .8 Main tena nce Pr oce dures Precautio ns Precautions W ARNIN G! T HE A CCES S N AVIGATOR CONTAINS CIRCUIT CARDS AND COMPO - NENTS TH AT ARE SUBJECT TO DAMAGE BY E LECTROSTATIC DIS CHAR GE (ESD).
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 16-5 Maintenan ce Procedures Verify Equi pment Status Verify Equipment Status 1. Start man agement session, i f not al ready logge d on.
16-6 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1 .8 Main tena nce Pr oce dures Replace Protected Con troller Card Replace Protected Controller Card Procedure Summary n Precaut i ons ... 16- 6 n Verif y Com pat ibilit y ... 16-7 n Remove Front Cover ... 16-8 n Replace S tandby Controlle r .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 16-7 Maintenan ce Procedures Replace Protected Controller Card Verify Comp ati bilit y 1. Display c urrent Control ler stat us and sof tware version by e nt.
16-8 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1 .8 Main tena nce Pr oce dures Replace Protected Con troller Card Remove Front Cover W ARNIN G! T HE A CCES S N AVIGATOR CONTAINS CIRCUIT CARDS AND COMPO - NENTS TH AT ARE SUBJECT TO DAMAGE BY E LECTROSTATIC DIS CHAR GE (ESD).
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 16-9 Maintenan ce Procedures Replace Protected Controller Card Replace Standby Controller CAUTION! D O NOT REMOV E THE AC TIVE C ONTROLLER CARD . 1. Locate s tandby Contr oller card slot (see Figure 16-2) . Figure 16- 2.
16-10 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Main tena nce Pr oce dures Replace Protected Con troller Card Figure 1 6-4. Installing and Removing Controlle r Card NOTE: The example in Figure 16-4 shows install ation and removal of Controller B. 3.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 16-11 Maintenan ce Procedures Replace Protected Controller Card Verify Ope ratio n and Comp ati bility 1. Verify p ower-on status of ne w Controlle r card. The LED indic ators sho uld be as f ollows: NOTE: Controller’s POWER indicato r will light ye llow while it i s booting up.
16-12 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Main tena nce Pr oce dures Replace Protected Con troller Card Replace Other Controller Card 1. To replace other Control ler card, repeat t his procedur e by going back to Rep lace Standby Contro ller on pag e 16-9 .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 16-13 Maintenan ce Procedures Replace Unprotected Controller Card Replace Unprot ected Control ler Card Procedure Summary n Precaut i ons ... 16- 13 n Verif y Com pat ibil ity ... 16-14 n Remove Front Cover .
16-14 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Main tena nce Pr oce dures Replace Unprotected Co ntroller Card Verify Comp ati bilit y 1. Display c urrent Control ler stat us and sof tware version.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 16-15 Maintenan ce Procedures Replace Unprotected Controller Card Remove Front Cover W ARNIN G! T HE A CCES S N AVIGATOR CONTAINS CIRCUIT CARDS AND COMPO - NENTS TH AT ARE SUBJECT TO DAMAGE BY E LECTROSTATIC DIS CHAR GE (ESD).
16-16 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Main tena nce Pr oce dures Replace Unprotected Co ntroller Card Insert New Controller 1. Locate e mpty Control l er card slot ( see Figure 16 -6). Figure 16- 6. Location of Controlle r Cards 2. Remove new Cont roller card from an ti-static ba g.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 16-17 Maintenan ce Procedures Replace Unprotected Controller Card Verify Ope ratio n and Comp ati bility 1. Wait two min utes for new Contr oller ca rd to boot up and learn syst em settin gs. 2. Verify p ower-on status of ne w Controlle r card.
16-18 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Main tena nce Pr oce dures Replace Unprotected Co ntroller Card . Figure 16- 8. Location of Front Panel Controller Status LEDs Remove Old Controll er 1.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 16-19 Maintenan ce Procedures Repla ce Qu ad T1 Frame r Card Replace Qu ad T1 Framer Card Procedure Summary n Overview .. . 16-3 n Precaut i ons ... 16- 4 n Tools and Materials Requ ired ... 16-4 n Verif y E qu ipm ent S tat us .
16-20 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Main tena nce Pr oce dures Repla ce Q u ad T1 Fram er Ca rd Precautions W ARNIN G! T HE A CCES S N AVIGATOR CONTAINS CIRCUIT CARDS AND COMPO - NENTS TH AT ARE SUBJECT TO DAMAGE BY E LECTROSTATIC DIS CHAR GE (ESD).
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 16-21 Maintenan ce Procedures Repla ce Qu ad T1 Frame r Card Verify Equi pment Status 1. Start man agement session, i f not al ready logge d on. 2. Display c l ock source ass ignments by enteri ng the followin g command: show clock A message s imilar to the f ollowing will appe ar.
16-22 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Main tena nce Pr oce dures Repla ce Q u ad T1 Fram er Ca rd Remove Front Cover DANGER! B URN H AZARD . C HASSIS , COVER SCREWS , AN D CARDS MAY BE HOT TO THE TOUC H . 1. Loosen cap tive thumbscrews o n front cover (s ee Figure 16-9).
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 16-23 Maintenan ce Procedures Repla ce Qu ad T1 Frame r Card Replace Quad T1 Card CAUTION! R EMOVI NG A Q UAD T1 F RA MER CARD WI LL DISRUPT SERVICE ON ALL FOUR OF THE DS1 CIRCUI TS CARRIED BY THE CARD . 1.
16-24 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Main tena nce Pr oce dures Repla ce Q u ad T1 Fram er Ca rd Figure 16 -11. Installing Quad T 1 Framer Card 2. Straigh te n card ejector l atch (see Figur e 16- 11) to loosen old QF car d. Ca ref ul ly s lide QF card out of slot and set aside.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 16-25 Maintenan ce Procedures Repla ce Qu ad T1 Frame r Card Verify Oper ation 1. Display equi pment status of Qu ad T1 Framer card with t he following command: status equipment A message s imilar to the f ollowing will appe ar.
16-26 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Main tena nce Pr oce dures Repla ce Q u ad T1 Fram er Ca rd NOTE: DS1 stat us indi cators will not light if DS1 is set out of service. DS1 status indicat ors w ill not l ight green if framing or line coding ar e mismatched with DSX-1 source .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 16-27 Maintenan ce Procedures Repla ce Qu ad T1 Frame r Card Restore Clock Sources (if required) 1. If pri mary clock s ource was temporar ily moved, restor e origina l clock source wi th the fo llowing comm and , wh ere <n> is the DS1 number: set clock1 ds1 <n> Example : set clock1 ds1 25 2.
16-28 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Main tena nce Pr oce dures Insta ll SIM M on Contr ol l er Card Install SI MM on Controller Card Procedure Summary n Overview .. . 16-3 n Precaut i ons ... 16- 4 n Tools and Materials Requ ired ... 16-4 n Verif y E qu ipm ent S tat us .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 16-29 Maintenan ce Procedures Install SIMM on Co ntrol ler Car d Precautions CAUTION! S ERVI CE DISRUPTIONS WILL OCCUR IF THE AC TIVE C ONTROLLER CARD IS REMOVED WITHOUT AN OPE RATIONAL STANDBY C ON TROLLER .
16-30 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Main tena nce Pr oce dures Insta ll SIM M on Contr ol l er Card Verify Equi pment Status 1. Start man agement session, i f not al ready logge d on.
16-32 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Main tena nce Pr oce dures Insta ll SIM M on Contr ol l er Card Remove Front Cover W ARNIN G! T HE A CCES S N AVIGATOR CONTAINS CIRCUIT CARDS AND COMPO - NENTS TH AT ARE SUBJECT TO DAMAGE BY E LECTROSTATIC DIS CHAR GE (ESD).
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 16-33 Maintenan ce Procedures Install SIMM on Co ntrol ler Car d Install SI M M CAUTION! D O NOT REMOV E THE AC TIVE C ONTROLLER CARD . 1. Locate s tandby Contr oller card slot (see Figure 16-2) . Figure 16- 15.
16-34 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Main tena nce Pr oce dures Insta ll SIM M on Contr ol l er Card Figure 16-1 6. Installing Con troller Card SIMM NOTE: If status indicati ons are not correct, refer to Diagnostics & Trou bleshooting on p age 15-1 .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 16-35 Maintenan ce Procedures Install SIMM on Co ntrol ler Car d switch controller 13. Verify a c tive status of up graded Controlle r . The LED indicator s should be as fo llows: Requirement: Upg raded CONTROLLER ACTIVE/ST ANDBY indicator lights g r een.
16-36 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Main tena nce Pr oce dures Insta ll SIM M on Contr ol l er Card.
C HAPTER Update Co ntroller Card Software In this Chapter n Overview ... 17-2 n Update Software via TFTP (Two Controllers) ... 17-3 n Upda te Software v ia Xmodem (Two Co ntroll ers) .
17-2 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1 .8 Update Controller Card Softw are Overview Ove rview This pro cedure provi des steps for u pdating the operatin g system sof tware in ea ch Controller c ard’s flash memory.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 17-3 Update Controller Card Software Update Softwar e via TFT P (Two Co ntrollers) Update Softwa r e vi a TFT P (Two Controller s) Procedure Summary n Overview .. . 17-3 n Precaut i ons ... 17- 4 n Info rmation an d M aterials Req uired .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 17-5 Update Controller Card Software Inform ation an d Material s Required Information and Materials Requ ired Obta in the follo win g items .
17-6 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1 .8 Update Controller Card Softw are Verify Equ ipment Status Verify Equipment Status 1. If you ar e not currentl y logged into the Access Navigator , start a n RS-232 or Telnet man agement ses sio n.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 17-7 Update Controller Card Software Verify IP Co nnectivity Verify IP Connectivity Verify I P connectivity between the Access Navigator and the TFTP server’ s IP address wit h the followi ng command: ping <ipaddress> Example: ping 192.
17-8 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1 .8 Update Controller Card Softw are Down load Soft w ar e Download Software NOTE: In the followi ng step, you must e nter the I P addres s of the T FTP server and the file name or path name of the update soft ware.
17-10 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Update Controller Card Softw are Download Co nfiguration Download Con figuration This ste p is optiona l and will restore the upl oaded Access Naviga tor configu ration se ttings if acciden tally lost for any reason.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 17-11 Update Controller Card Software Update So ftware via Xmodem (Two Co ntrolle rs) Update Softwa r e vi a Xmodem (Two Contr oll er s ) Procedure Summary n Overview .. . 17-12 n Precaut i ons ... 17- 13 n Info rmation an d M aterials Req uired .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 17-13 Update Controller Card Software Inform ation an d Material s Required Information and Materials Requ ired Obta in the follo win g items .
17-16 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Update Controller Card Softw are Down load Soft w ar e 17. Verify c urrent Controll er status and s oftware ve rsion with foll owing command: status equipment Requirement: Upd ated Contr oller is in “S tandby”, i ndicati ng it is o peration al.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 17-17 Update Controller Card Software Update Sof tware vi a Xmodem (One Controller) Update Softwa r e vi a Xmod em (O ne C ontro ller) Procedure Summary n Overview .. . 17-18 n Precaut i ons ... 17- 19 n Info rmation an d M aterials Req uired .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 17-19 Update Controller Card Software Inform ation an d Material s Required Information and Materials Requ ired Obta in the follo win g items .
17-20 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Update Controller Card Softw are Down load Soft w ar e 3. Send load command to update active Cont roller with the following c omm and: load xmodem active NOTE: After entering the above command, the Acces s Navigator will retur n a m essage stating t hat i t s baud rate has been changed to 57,600.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 17-21 Update Controller Card Software Download Softw are 6. Verify c urrent Controll er status and s oftware ve rsion wit h following command: status equipment Requirement: Con troller is “Acti ve”. Requirement: Con troller shows new sof t ware version.
17-22 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 Update Controller Card Softw are Down load Soft w ar e.
C HAPTER CLI Language Reference In this Chapter n Overview ... 18-2 n CLI Requi rements ... 18-3 n CLI Conv entio ns an d Shortc uts ... 18-6 n Online Help ... 18-10 n Users and Passwords ... 18-14 n Logging In an d Out ... 18-18 n CLI Command Lis t .
18-2 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1 .8 CLI Languag e Reference Overview Ove rview The Command Line Interface (CLI ) language uses s imple text ba sed commands and mess ages, and i s designe d for use with te rminal and Tel net progr ams.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 18-3 CLI Language Reference CLI Requirements CLI Requireme nts n CLI over RS- 232 ... 18-3 n CLI over Te lnet ... 18-4 n Using CLI Command Scripts ... 18-5 Local and remote access are available through an RS-2 32 or Ether net/Telnet li nk to the Acc ess Navigator (see Fi gure 18-1).
18-4 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1 .8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI over Telnet RS-232 interface for modem connection These set tings are for a modem connect ion used for remote manage ment via pho ne line.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 18-5 CLI Language Reference Using CLI Command Scr ipt s Using CLI Com mand Scripts For conve nience , the oper ator may use CLI scri pts to si mplify re petitiv e tasks.
18-6 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1 .8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co nventions and Sho rtcuts CLI Conv ention s and Shortc uts l Command Categor ies ... 18- 6 l Commands, Confi rmations, and Er ror Messages ... 18- 6 l Text Conven tions ...
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 18-7 CLI Language Reference Text Conventions l Errors in a command will pro duce an err or message. The CLI wi ll also mark the location of the first er ror found in the command with the ^ symbol, as in the foll owing example .
18-8 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1 .8 CLI Languag e Reference Command Syntax Descripti o ns Command Syn tax Descriptions This refe rence manu al uses “side headings” and ta bles to descr ibe the various CLI commands and how they work .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 18-9 CLI Language Reference Enteri ng DS1 and DS0 Numbers an d Ranges Entering D S1 and DS0 Num bers and Rang es Commands cont aining show ds1 <n> require t he operator to enter a DS1 number (1 to 32) or a range of DS1 numbers.
18-10 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference Online Help Onlin e Help n Help Syst em Overview ... 18-10 n Displaying Ba sic Commands .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 18-11 CLI Language Reference Context Sensitive Help Context Sensitive Help NOTE: Context sensit ive hel p does no t work fo r command wor ds taken out of context. All CLI commands consi st of one or more words ty ped in a specif ic orde r.
18-12 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference Context Sensitive Help More detai ls are provi ded as you t ype addit ional words for the part ial command .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 18-13 CLI Language Reference Printing the Help File Printing the Help F ile NOTE: To disable automati c pausing after each group of scree n lines, use t he set screen off command (see “Set Scr een” on page 18-127).
18-14 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference Users and Pass words Users and Passwords n Administrat i on ... 18-14 n Access Lev els ... 18-14 n Managing Use r s ... 18-15 Administratio n The Access Navigator is des i gned for simple and secure networ k administrati on.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 18-15 CLI Language Reference Manag ing Users Managing Users CLI provi des the mana ger with commands to s how current users , add and delete u sers, and set acc ess levels and passwords. n Who Am I ... 18-15 n Show Users .
18-16 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference Managing Users Descr iption: Add User User names c an b e up t o 10 c har ac ters long, and may use any c ombination of let te rs and n umber s. No spaces or special c haracter s are allowed.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 18-17 CLI Language Reference Manag ing Users The acces s settings are as follows. Set User Password Passwords can be up to 10 char acters long and m ay use a ny combinati on of letters and numbers. Spaces a nd special ch aracters are not allowed.
18-18 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference Loggi n g In and Ou t Loggin g In and Ou t n Startup M essage ... 18-18 n Login wit h No User Name Requ ired ... 18-18 n <Blue>Logi n with User Name Required19 n Login wit h No Password Re quired .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 18-19 CLI Language Reference Login wit h User Name Re quir e d Login wit h User Na me Requ ire d If ther e is at l east one user defined, th e startup will include a “ Login: ” mes sa ge s imila r to the followi ng.
18-20 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference Logout ( Exit) Logout ( Exit) When fini shed with a manag ement sessi on, it is important to lo g out from the Acces s Navigator by typing t he exit command.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 18-21 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List CLI Command List n ACO ... 18-23 n Add Inter f ace ... 18-23 n Add User ... 1 8-25 n Alarms ... 18 -25 n Clear BERT Log ... 18-27 n Clear Blo c ked Call Count .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 18-22 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List n Set DS1 Payl oad Loopup ... 18-1 12 n Set DS1 Rem ote Device Mgmt ... 18-1 13 n Set DS1 Ser vice ... 18-1 14 n Set D S1 Te rm ID ... 18-1 14 n Set D S1 T hr esh old .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 18-23 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List ACO Purpose: Alarm Cu toff (ACO) command t urns off all alar m relay out puts fro m the Access Navigato r to the facil ity alar m system. If logged into the Ac cess Navigator, s end the aco command.
18-24 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t Each remote port has a maximum number of DS0s that can be assign ed to the fractiona l inter face . The Access Navigator proces ses the interf ace DS0s as voice and data si gnals.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 18-25 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List Add User Purpose: Thi s is a Level 1 command th at allows a network ma nager to add user name s for access to the Ac cess Navigator by login on t hrough the Command Line I nterfac e.
18-26 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t Syntax: alarm s ds1 < n | all > Displays only DS1 alarms. You can di splay the ala rms for one DS1 number, a range of numbers , or all DS1 s. Syntax: alarm s ds1 < n | all > < major | minor | alert > Displays DS1 alarms by sev erity.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 18-27 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List Clear BERT Log Purpose: Erase s all data in t he BERT log fi le, which records error c ounts. Security: Level 3 (monitor) Syntax: clear bert log Clear Blocked Call Count Purpose: Se ts the bl ocked call count to zero (see Statu s TMC on page 18-173 ).
18-28 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t Clear Log Purpose: Erases al l da ta in th e lo g fil e, wh ic h re cor d s ala rm an d in fo rm at ion al e ve nts .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 18-29 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List Connect Purpose: Creat es two-way connect ions between DS0s or fractional gr oups of DS0s (see Figure 18-2). The two <n:ch> settings a llow you to make conn ections between i ndividual DS0s or bet ween two ranges of D S0s.
18-30 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t Figure 18-2 . Crossconnect Examples connect ds0 10:1 6 1 8:21 connect ds0 12:3 17 :10 connect ds0 15:7 21 .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 18-31 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List *Note: Onl y ISDN D channel s can be static ally cro ssconnected betwe en a switc h and drop DS0s .
18-32 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t assigne d to another remot e interfac e, you must use the dis connect interface command befo re making new conn ections ( see Disconnect Remo te on page 1 8-34 ).
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 18-33 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List Delete Us er Purpose: This is a Level 1 co mmand that allows a n etwork manager to de lete user names a nd deny acce ss to the Acce ss Navigator by login on thr ough the Command Lin e Interface .
18-34 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t Disconnect Remote Purpose: Remov es the DS0 co nnections estab l ished by the connect re mote command.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 18-35 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List Load CAUTION! T O AVOID SERVICE INTERR UP TIONS , FOL LOW PROCEDURE TO U P DATE C ONTROLLER C ARD S OFTWARE ON p age 17-1 . NOTE: Always update t he standby Controller card, if possible.
18-36 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t After s ending the load comman d, the CLI wil l respon d with a series o f status mess ages. Message: Transmission complete. Programming flash . . . Software update succeeded.
18-38 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t Example: load tftp config "AN26" Log Purpose: Displ ays log events. Th e Access Navigator maintains a log o f the most recent 400 alarms a nd informational events.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 18-39 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List Example: log d s1 6 Example: log e quipment minor Example: log Message: Time Date Severity Description ---- -.
18-40 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t Log BERT Purpose: Displ ays BERT (bit error rate test) even ts, which are s tored in a BERT log file that holds th e most recent 200 e rror report s.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 18-41 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List Log Con fig Purpose: Displ ays configurat ion log eve nts. The Access Navigator maintains a log of the most recent 500 configurati on changes i n a separate lo g file.
18-42 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t Example: log c onfig Displays all configura tion manageme nt events .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 18-43 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List Log TMC Purpose: Displ ays TMC (T imeslot Manage ment Control) e vents, which ar e stored in a TMC log file t hat holds the most r ecent 200 error r eports in a sep arate log fil e.
18-44 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t Logon Remote Purpose: Star ts a remote CLI management se ssi on wit h a Adi t 600 TDM termina l co nnec te d to a DS1 drop.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 18-45 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List Ping Purpose: Use s “Ping” ( an Internet to ol) to ver i fy network conne ctions and reac hability. The ping command use s the Internet Control Message Pro t ocol (ICMP) to request a remote IP dev ice to send back a response .
18-46 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t Message: Alarms: Current Accumulated ------- ----------- sys power off off sys brownout off off sys redun .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 18-47 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List v35 rt s Loss of V.35 Request to S end v35 llb Local loopback detected v35 v54 Remote V.
18-48 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t Read Remote Connections Purpose: Displ ays crossconnect ions between int erfaces in side the remote Acc ess Bank II , includi ng t he T1 co nnection to the Acce ss Na vigator DS1.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 18-49 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List Therefor e, T1#2 chann el 13 connects t o FX#2 channel 1. Similarly, the ent r y for row FX#2 and col umn CH 1 is “2:13”, whic h indicates a co nnection to T1#2 ch annel 13.
18-50 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t Read Remote Log Purpose: Ret rieves and displays t he log from t he remo te Access Bank II at the far end of the DS1 . The Access Bank II must be oper ational to rea d its log.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 18-51 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List Descr iption: Read Remote Loopb ack Purpose: Rea ds and dis plays the loo pback stat us of the remo te term inal on t he specified DS1.
18-52 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t Message: RS232: Port type: Subrate RTS: Not Asserted DTR: Not Asserted CTS: Not Asserted CD: Not Asserted .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 18-53 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List Example: read remote 9 t1 performance Example: read remote 9 t1drop performance Message: Current T1DROP (T1#2.
18-54 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t Read Remote T1 Purpose: Rea ds and displays th e T1 settings f rom the remote Access Bank II at the far end of the Access Navi gator’s DS1. The Access Bank II must be oper ational to read its sett ings.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 18-55 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List Read Remote T1drop Reads and d isplays the T1dr op settings fr om the remote Access Bank II at the far end of t he Access Naviga- tor ’ s DS1. The Access Bank II must be operat i onal to re ad it s set tings .
18-56 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t Read Remote V35 Purpose: Rea ds a nd di spl ays th e V.35 settings f rom t he r emote Acce ss Ba nk II at the far end o f the Acces s Navigator’s DS1. The Access Bank II must be operational to read i ts set tin gs .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 18-57 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List Reset All CAUTION! T HE “ R ESET ALL ” CO MMAND WILL INTERRUPT SERVI CE FOR ABOUT 30 SECO ND S . DCS CR OSS CO NNEC TS WILL BE RESTORED . GR-303 CROS SC ONNE CTS WILL BE LOST .
18-58 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t Reset Remote CAUTION! T HE “ RESET REMOTE ” COMMAND WILL DISR UPT T1 VOICE AND DATA SERVICES T HRO UG H THE REMO TE A CC ESS B ANK II FO R ABOUT 15 SECO NDS .
18-60 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t DS1 c ircu it id e nti fier CA DS1 # nn = DS1 number DS1 clock sou rce NORMAL Uses sys tem clock. DS1 FDL protocol NONE Affect s FDL out-of- band BOP loop cod e detect ion.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 18-61 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List TMC primary 25:24 Follows DS1 term ID TMC secondar y 29:24 Follows DS1 term ID Remote con figuration ON No ef.
18-62 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t Send DS1 CSU Lo opup NOTE: The DS1 must be set Out of Service, usi ng the set ds1 <n> down command, be fore you c an use loopbacks or test patterns. NOTE: For normal operation, the loopbac k must be disabl ed (l oopdown).
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 18-63 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List Security: Level 2 (operator) Syntax: send ds1 <n> csu < loopup | loopdown > Example: send ds1 9 csu loopup Message: Loopu p signal sent to remote. Waiting for confirmation.
18-64 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t Purpose: Se nds an ou t-of- band ( FDL) lin e loopup or loo pdown code over t he Acces s Nav igator DS1. It is used with oth er commands a nd test eq uipment to verif y that t he DS1 signal is reac hing far-end CSU eq uipment, such as th e Access Bank.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 18-65 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List Example: send ds1 9 line loopup Message: Loopu p signal sent to remote. Waiting for confirmation.....loopup confirmed. The above me ssage indicates that the loopup code was sent and t hat the Acc ess Navigato r confirms tha t the far-end i s in loopback.
18-66 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t Purpose: Tr ansmit s an unf ramed t est pa tter n to verify the quality of t he DS1 si gnal r eachi ng far - end CSU equipment , su ch as the Access Bank II.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 18-67 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List Example: set d s1 9 line p2e15 The CLI wil l provide a progr ess message indic ating the progr ess of the comman d, as in the foll o wing exa mple : Message: Sendi ng pattern.
18-68 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t Figure 18 -6. Send DS1 Line Patter n with BER Test Security: Level 2 (operator) Syntax: send ds1 <n>.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 18-69 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List Message: Waiti ng for pattern sync........ok. Testing line..
18-70 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t Send DS1 Network Loopup NOTE: The DS1 must be set Out of Service, usi ng the set ds1 <n> down command, be fore you c an use loopbacks or test patterns.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 18-71 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List Syntax: send ds1 <n> network < loopup | loopdown > Example: send ds1 9 network loopup Message: Loopu p signal sent to remote. Waiting for confirmation.
18-72 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t NIU loopups can be us ed with either unframed (li ne) or framed (pa yload) patt erns and test co m mands, .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 18-73 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List The above me ssage indicates that the loopup code was sent and t hat the Acc ess Navigato r confirms tha t the far-end i s in loopback. I f the message ends with “unabl e to confir m loopup” there may be a line or equipment p r oblem in the DS1 lo op.
18-74 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t NOTE: This command wil l send on e of the following T1.403 defined FDL code words, repeated for 5 seconds. Payload l oopback activat e: 000101 00 11111111 Payload l oopback deactiva te: 001100 10 11111111 Figure 18-9 .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 18-75 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List message en ds with “loopu p still present” the fa r-end equipment i s still in lo opback mode.
18-76 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t Figure 18- 10. Send DS1 Pay load Pattern Security: Level 2 (operator) Syntax: send ds1 <n> payload < allones | allzeros | f1in8 | p2e11 | p2e15 | p2e23 | qrss > Field Des cription n DS1 number, 1 to 32, or a range of number s such as 2-8.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 18-77 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List Example: send ds1 9 payload p2e15 The CLI wil l provide a progr ess message indic ating the progr ess of the comman d, as in the foll o wing samp les . Message: Sendi ng pattern.
18-78 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t After 10 seconds the patt ern is turned of f and the test results from th e BERT are display ed in a CLI message. ( The send ds1 <n> off c ommand is not r equired t o turn o ff th e patt ern .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 18-79 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List Example: set d s1 9 payload p2e15 test For p2e, qr ss, and all-one s test pattern s, the CLI will pr ovide a progress m essage indicat ing the success (ok) or failur e of the c ommand followed by the bit error tes t resul ts, as in th e foll ow in g sa mple .
18-80 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t Example: send ds1 9 payload f1in8 test For the 1 -in-8 and all- zeros patterns , the CLI will prov ide a p.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 18-81 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List Send DS 1 Off Purpose: Stops (turns off) all qrss and prbs test patter ns from the Access Navigator.
18-82 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t Send Remote RS232 Line Loopup NOTE: This command applies only to a remote Access Bank II connected to the Access Navigator by a DS1 using Carr ier Access FDL management protocol .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 18-83 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List Message: Loop command sent to remote. Send Remote RS232 TSI Loopup NOTE: This command applies only to a remote Access Bank II connected to the Access Navigator by a DS1 using Carr ier Access FDL management protocol .
18-84 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t Figure 18-1 4. Remote RS-232 TS I Equipment Loopup Security: Level 2 (operator) Syntax: send remote <n&.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 18-85 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List When th e op erato r ent ers a send remote command, the Acces s Navig ator trans mits a message over the Carrier Access FDL ch annel of the drop DS1. The Access Navigato r’s drop DS1 is the Access Bank’s T1 connecti on.
18-86 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t NOTE: To check r emote loopback stat us, use the read remote loopback command. See Read Rem ote Loopback on page 18- 51 . Purpose: Se nds an out- of-band ( FDL) message to a remot e Access Ban k II over the Acce ss Navigato r DS1.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 18-87 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List remote loopdown co mmand. NOTE: Only one port of the Access Ba nk II can be looped up at a time. If a loopup command is r eceived for a second po rt, the fir st port will be lo oped down automaticall y before the secon d port is looped up.
18-88 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t Send Remote T1Drop Line Loopup NOTE: This command applies only to a remote Access Bank II connected to the Access Navigator by a DS1 using Carr ier Access FDL management protocol .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 18-89 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List Message: Loop command sent to remote. Send Remote T1Drop Payload L oopup NOTE: This command applies only to a remote Access Bank II connected to the Access Navigator by a DS1 using Carr ier Access FDL management protocol .
18-90 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t Syntax: send remote <n> t1drop payload loop up Example: send remote 9 t1drop payload loopup Message: Loop command sent to remote.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 18-91 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List Figure 1 8-20. Remote T1 Drop TSI Loopup Security: Level 2 (operator) Syntax: send remote <n> t1drop tsi loopup Example: send remote 9 t1drop tsi loopup Message: Loop command sent to remote.
18-92 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t signal, loops it in the V .35 inte rface, and sends it back to the V.35 output (see Figu re 18-21). To loopdown the in terface, use th e send remote loopdown comm an d.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 18-93 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List Send Remote V35 TSI Loopup NOTE: This command applies only to a remote Access Bank II connected to the Access Navigator by a DS1 using Carr ier Access FDL management protocol .
18-94 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t Figure 18- 23. Remote V.35 TSI Equipment Loopup Security: Level 2 (operator) Syntax: send remote <n>.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 18-95 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List Set Alar ms Purpose: Allows t he u ser to te st the A cc es s N avi ga tor alar m fun cti ons by ma n ual ly se ttin g a critical , major, or minor al arm state .
18-96 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t Set Clock Purpose: Se lects th e system master tr ansmit clock sou rce. The Access Navigator can obtain its timing from a DS1 line receive r, externa l Buildin g Integrated Timing S upply (BITS), or its internal St ratum clock oscil lator.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 18-97 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List Set CRV Idle Purpose: Cl ears a permane nt off-ho ok call state (see Status TMC on pa ge 18-173 ) by setti ng it to the nor m al idl e stat e. A call can b e active, idle , or per m anent.
18-98 Augus t 2003 A ccess Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t Purpose: Ass igns a r ange of DS0s to a range of CRVs. The switch syste m needs t o know the Ca ll Referenc e Value (CRV) for each DS0 voice termination. The switch uses the CRV to set up GR-3 03 crossconnects in the Access Navi gator.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 18-99 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List Example: set d s0 5:13 crv 122 Example: set d s0 4:9-16 crv 111-118 Example: set d s0 4:1-24 crv 311-323 slc96 Figure 1 8-24. Factory Defaul t Call Reference Val ues Figure 18 -25.
18-100 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t Figure 1 8-26. DS0s Assigned t o CRVs in Odd-E ven Order 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 18-101 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List Set DS0 ISDN BRI CRV Purpose: This c ommand does thr ee things . First, it a ssigns a dr op DS0 to an ISDN BRI cha nnel. Second, it defines the DS0 to be a type B1, B2, or D chann el.
18-102 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t Set DS0 P- Phone Purpose: Ass igns DS0 chan nels for P-Phone se rvice. The set ds0 pphone none comm and is used to r emove the P- Phone assi gnment from a DS0.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 18-103 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List Set DS0 Service Purpose: Se ts a DS0 cha nnel, or range of channels (up t o 24), to the up ( I n Servi ce) or down (Out of Servi ce ) sta te . DS0s f or ISDN BRI ci rcuits can a lso be se t up or down.
18-104 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t Set DS0 Signal Purpose: Sp ecifies the signaling on the DS0 channel. The Acce ss Navigat or supports Dire ct Inward Di al (DID), E&M, Gro und Start, a nd Loop Start signaling.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 18-105 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List Figure 18-2 7. Signali ng Used in Common Applications Set DS0 Type NOTE: If the DS0 is part of a fr actional i nterf ace used to provi sion a re mote Access Bank II, the DS0 type can not be chang ed with out first deleting the fracti onal int erface.
18-106 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t Syntax: set d s0 < n : ch > type < data | voice | gr303 > Example: set d s0 2:3 type data Examp.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 18-107 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List The appli cation affects t he permiss i ble DS1 Type, Framing , Line Code, FDL, and Remote Manage ment selec t ions. NOTE: For remote management description of an Access Bank I I or Adit 600 TDM terminal, see Set DS1 Remote D evice Mgmt on page 18-1 13 .
18-108 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t Syntax: set d s1 <n> fdl < none | slc96 | t1403 > Example: set d s1 12 fdl none Example: set d s1 12 fdl t1403 Set DS1 Fr aming Purpose: Se ts the DS1 f raming type to D4, ESF, or SLC-96.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 18-109 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List Set DS1 I D Purpose: Se ts the ca rrier’s DS1 c ircuit identifier st ring.
18-110 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t Figure 18-2 8. DS1 Line Loopback Security: Level 2 (operator) Syntax: set d s1 <n> line < loopdown.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 18-111 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List Set DS1 Loopdetect Purpose: Thi s i s a nea r- end ma in ten anc e command is us ed t o en abl e CSU l ine lo opback testing of the Ac cess Navigator. When loop request code detection is tur ned on, the Access Navigato r will respond t o T1.
18-112 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t Set DS1 Pa yl oad Loopup Purpose: Provi des payload loopb ack to verify DS1 s ignal pro cessing i n the Quad T1 F r amer card.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 18-113 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List Set DS1 Remote Device Mgmt Purpose: Se ts the re mote device managemen t type for the man agement chan nel. NOTE: CA FDL m anagement requir es a Type 2 T1 line with ESF frami ng and FDL capabili t y.
18-114 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t Set DS1 Service Purpose: Plac es DS1s in service or out of servi ce. Alarming is turned on when DS1s are set in serv ice (up). NOTE: If a GR-303 swi t ch or drop DS1 is set down, calls will not pa ss in either di rect ion.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 18-115 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List Syntax: set d s1 <n> termid <id> Example: set d s1 5 termid 2 Set DS1 Threshold Purpose: Se ts the thre shold levels for perfor mance monit oring. Th is command lets the use r to set the thr eshold and meas urement inter val for e ach error type.
18-116 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t Set DS1 Type Purpose: Se ts DS1 type. The Access Nav igator allows the u ser to assign an y DS1 for drop, groom, or s w itch oper ation. If the DS1 t ype is switch, be sure that the swit ch type is also def i ned (see “Set S witch Type” on page 18-131).
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 18-117 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List Security: Level 2 (operator) Syntax: set e oc < primary | secondary > < n:ch | none > Example: se.
18-118 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t Example: set e thernet ip address 255.255.255 .0 Example: set e thernet ip address none Set ID Purpose: Se ts the Sys t em Identifier of the Acce ss Navigator.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 18-119 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List Syntax: set i p gateway <address> Example: set i p gateway Example: set i p gateway none Set Remote Config Purpose: Ena bles and disa bles the downloading of configura tion data to the remote terminal.
18-120 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t Syntax: set r emote config <n> < on | off > Example: set r emote config 9 on Set Remot e ID Purpose: Cr eates an i dentifi er in the Access Navigator for t he remote termina l connecte d to an Access Navi gator dr op DS1.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 18-121 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List Syntax: set r emote < n > rs232 baud < setting > Example: set r emote 9 rs232 baud 57600 Set Remote RS232 Dat a Purpose: Se ts Access Ba nk II remote RS- 232 interface d ata bits and parity.
18-122 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t Set Remote T1Drop Framing CAUTION! I F THE T1 D ROP ON TH E A CCES S B ANK II WILL BE USED , THE T1 D ROP C.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 18-123 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List Set Remote T1Drop LBO Purpose: Thi s command sets the T1 Drop li ne buildout (l bo) to the required DSX-1 eq ualization or CSU att enuation.
18-124 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t Set Remote T1Drop PRM Purpose: Se ts the T1 Dr op perfor m ance mess age type t o either AN SI T1.403 o ne-second Performa nce Repor t Messa ges (PRMs) or AT&T 54016 Mainten ance Message s over the 4 K bps ESF F aci lity D ata Link ( FDL ).
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 18-125 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List Set Remote V35 CTS Purpose: Se ts the Access Bank II V.35 interface Clear to Send (CTS) timing and sig nal levels f or flow cont rol.
18-126 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t Set Remote V35 DS U Purpose: Deter mines if the Acce ss Bank II V.3 5 interface will r espond to standa rd V.54 Data Service Unit (DSU) loopcode patterns for pa yload loop backs.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 18-127 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List Security: Level 2 (operator) Syntax: set r emote < n > v35 speed < 56 | 64 > Example: set r emote 9 v35 speed nx64 Set S creen Purpose: Se ts the numbe r of lines in t he termina l display scre en before the message paus es.
18-128 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t Set SNMP Cont act Purpose: Ass igns a sys tem contac t name (sys Contact) t o the Acces s Navigato r SNMP inte rface. This is the person or off i ce to be conta c ted when there ar e service quest i ons.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 18-129 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List Set SNMP Locati o n Purpose: Assign s a sy stem loca tio n (s ysLo cati on) to the Acce ss N avi gato r SNMP int erfa ce. T his is a tex t descripti on or code indi cating the l ocation of th e network ele m ent.
18-130 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t Set SNMP NMS Address Purpose: Ass igns an I P address for use by the Access Navig ator SNMP agent fo r sending trap alarm mess ages to three diff erent Network Ma nagement Sys t em (NMS) IP addres ses.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 18-131 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List Set SNMP Tra p Com Assi gns a Trap -C omm unity str ing (trap Com mu nity) to th e Acc ess Navi gat or S NMP i nter face. This is the u ser name repor ted with e ach trap message f or authenticat ion.
18-132 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t Set Time Purpose: Se t Access Nav i gator system cl ock time.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 18-133 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List Syntax: set t mc < primary | secondary > <n:ch| none > Example: set t mc primary 25:24 Example: s.
18-134 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t Example: set u ser "alice" level 2 Set User Password Purpose: A Leve l 1 user (networ k manager) can set the pa ssword associated wit h any user name for log ging on to the Access Navig ator.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 18-135 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List Show Autoexit Purpose: Di splays th e current sett ing for the a utoexit time out. Security: Level 3 (monitor) Syntax: show autoexit Message: CLI session timeout = 15 minute s.
18-136 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t Security: Level 3 (monitor) Syntax: show connect < n > Example: show connect 10 Example: show connect 25 Message: Connections for DS1 #10 (CA DS1# 10 ): From To Type Interface [--> Po rt] ---- ----- ----- ----------------- --- 10:01 .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 18-137 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List Show CRV Purpose: Displ ays the range o f CRVs requested (up t o 24), along with the DS1 and DS0 channe l to which t hey are current l y assigned.
18-138 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t 3 DS1 #1 channel 3 In Servi ce 4 DS1 #1 channel 4 In Servi ce 5 DS1 #12 channel 25 Assigned to ISDN 6 DS1 #12 channel 26 Assigned to ISDN 7 DS1 #12 channel 27 Assigned to ISDN 8 DS1 #12 channel 28 Out of S ervice Descr iption: Figure 1 8-30.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 18-139 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List Show Date Purpose: Displ ay Access Navigato r system clock dat e. Date format is month/day/year. Security: Level 3 (monitor) Syntax: show date Message: 1/30/ 1999 Show DS0 Purpose: Di splays th e settings for each DS0 specif ied.
18-140 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t Settings for DS1 13, Channel 4: Type: GR303 Up/Down: UP CRV: 38 PPHONE: Enabled ISDN: None NOTE: In the above message, the channel type can be GR303 (voi ce or ISDN BRI), or private crossconnects using VOICE or DATA.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 18-141 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List Message: Settings for DS1 9: Circuit ID: CA DS1# 9 Up/Down: DOWN Framing: ESF Line Coding: B8ZS Type: DROP Cl.
18-142 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t PPHONE Call Connectio n ENABLED, DISABLED. This setting is enabled by the Set DS1 Remote Device Mg mt on page 18-1 13 . FDL Ty pe NONE, SLC96 (DDL), T1403 ( ANSI T1.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 18-143 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List Show DS1 All Purpose: This command provides a n abbrevia ted list of sh owing the DS1 setti ngs and cur rent servic e status for al l 32 DS1 circuits .
18-144 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t CA DS1# 19 DOWN DROP B8ZS ESF None None CA DS1# 20 DOWN DROP B8ZS ESF None None CA DS1# 21 DOWN DROP B8ZS E.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 18-145 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List Show EOC Purpose: Displ ays the curr ent primar y and secon dary TMC location s.
18-146 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t Show ID Purpose: Displ ays the System Identifi er assi gned to the Access Navigator . This is a name, locati on, or Telcordia (Bellcore) CLLI co de. It is a text string, such as “Acme Corp.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 18-147 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List Syntax: show interface <" name "| all > Example: show interface "AcmeT1" Example: show interface all NOTE: The first two messages below are typical for DS1 connecti ons to a remote port .
18-148 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t Show IP Purpose: The Ethernet por t on the Access Navigator pro vides an Interne t Protocol (IP) inter face. Curr ent l y , the show ip and status ip commands produ ce the same m essage, listi ng the IP a ddress and subnet mask, and the gat eway addre ss.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 18-149 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List Syntax: show isdn crv <range> Example: show isdn crv 6 Example: show isdn crv 1-8 Message: CRV B1 B2 D .
18-150 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t Show Remote Purpose: Displ ays th e po rt set tings f or the remote Ac cess Ba nk II a t the f ar en d of the DS1. Use the set remote command t o change port set t ings.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 18-151 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List Show Remote Connection s Purpose: Displa y s cro ssc o nne ction s be tw ee n in terf ac es i nsi de th e rem o te A cce ss Ba nk II, includi ng the T1 co nnection to the Ac cess Navig ator DS1.
18-152 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t NOTE: An Access Navigator DS1 may connect to either T1 port of the Access Bank II. The fol lowing message example shows that the Access Navigator DS1 is connected t o T1#2 of the Access Bank II, so that T1#1 becomes the T1Drop port.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 18-153 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List Descr iption: Show SNMP Purpose: Displ ays the current snmp settings. To p rotect manageme nt access , the Community names can o nly be viewed and ch anged by CLI commands .
18-154 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t Show Switch Purpose: Displ ays the current switch settin g, use the following c omm and. Security: Level 3 (monitor) Syntax: show switch Message: Switc h setting: 5ESS Show Time Purpose: Displ ay Access Navigato r system clock ti me.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 18-155 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List Show Users Purpose: Sh ows current user settings and status. NOTE: Normally a user logs in once t o start a managemen t session, then logs off when done ( ex it command).
18-156 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t Status Clock Purpose: Displ ays the cu rrently a ctive cloc k source, a long with the primary and secondary clock setti ngs and clock sour ce status.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 18-157 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List Status CRV Purpose: Displ ays the status of the specified CRV nu m ber. NOTE: In the foll owing command, there can be up to 24 CRVs in a range, such as 1- 24 or 110-134.
18-158 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t Status DS0 Purpose: Displ ays the status for each DS0 speci f ied (up to 24). Security: Level 3 (monitor) Syntax: statu s ds0 <n:ch> Example: statu s ds0 32:1-4 Shows stat us of DS1 #1, DS0 cha nnels 1 to 4.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 18-159 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List Status DS1 Purpose: Displ ays a detailed D S1 servi c e status messag e.
18-160 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t Descr iption: Ite m Descript ion Receive Tr affic – normal op eration. (The CLI al so shows al arm conditi ons.) Transmit Traffic – normal op eration. (The CLI al so shows al arm conditi ons.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 18-161 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List Status DS1 All Purpose: Displ ays an abbreviat ed list showing t he stat us for al l 32 DS1 circ uits. It produc es a message si milar to the fo llowing, showin g the DS1 number , current stat us, and some common par ameters o f interest in trouble-shooti ng.
18-162 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t Status DS1 Pe r formance Purpose: Displ ays current per formance da ta for t he specified DS1.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 18-163 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List The status performance mes sage will in clude an as terisk (*) to m ark error counts t hat exceed the t hreshold values set by the Set DS1 Threshol d on page 18-1 15 .
18-164 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t Errored S econds (ES) For ESF links, the number of one-second intervals containing one or more Path Cod e Violations OR one or more Severely Errored Frame defects OR one or more Controlled Slip events OR a detected AIS defe ct.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 18-165 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List Status DS1 Pe r formance History Purpose: Di splays a t abular l ist of perfor m ance dat a for the specified DS 1 during each 15-mi nute interv al and t he count t otals f or the d ay.
18-166 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t prev. intvl 1: 0 900 0 0 0 0 900 15 0 0 prev. intvl 2: 0 900 0 0 0 0 900 15 0 0 prev. intvl 3: 0 900 0 0 0 0 900 15 0 0 prev. intvl 4: 0 900 0 0 0 0 900 15 0 0 prev.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 18-167 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List Status EOC Purpose: Displ ays detailed EOC serv ice status messa ge.
18-168 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t Status Equipment Purpose: Displ ays the status of all cards i nstalled in t he Access Navigato r.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 18-169 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List Example: statu s equipment all Message: Equipment Status Version --------- ------ ------- Controller A Active 01.
18-170 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t Status IP Purpose: The Ethernet por t on the Access Navigator pro vides an Interne t Protocol (IP) inter face. Curr ent l y , the show ip and status ip commands produ ce the same m essage, listi ng the IP a ddress and subnet mask, and the gat eway addre ss.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 18-171 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List Status ISDN CRV Purpose: Displ ays a message lis ting the status of the specified ISDN BRI channe ls. To display the ISDN BRI c h annels, you must en ter a CRV or range of CRVs.
18-172 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t Status Remote Purpose: Displ ays a message lis ting the remote term inals at the far end of the DS1s. The command synt ax lets th e operato r request a sp ecific DS1, rang e of DS1s, or all DS1s.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 18-173 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List Message: DS1 Terminal ID Status --- -------------------- ---------------------- -------------- 1 CA Adit 600 .
18-174 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t Secondary Channel: DS1 #29 channe l 24 Link Status: Up Mode: Standby Total POTS ISDN ----- ---- ---- Active.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 18-175 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List Status TMC History Purpose: Displ ays TMC call histor y for the last specified 1 -hour interval , range of i ntervals, or all in tervals (48 hour s). The resulti ng messages are si milar to the fo llowing.
18-176 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t Switch Contr oller CAUTION! S WITCHING C ONTROLLERS WI LL DIS RUP T CALL PROCES SIN G AND CA LL DATA FLOW FOR A FEW MILLISECONDS , BUT NO E S TABLISHE D CALLS WILL BE LOST .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 August 2003 18-177 CLI Language Reference CLI Command List Syntax: uploa d tftp config <ipaddr> <"file"> <blocksize> Example: uploa d tftp config 192.
18-178 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 CLI Languag e Reference CLI Co mmand Lis t.
A PPENDIX EOC Interface In this Chapter n Overview ... A-2 n Managed Obj ect Class Support ... A-4 n Actions ... A-17 n Notifications .. . A-18.
A-2 A ugust 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 EOC I nte rfa ce Overview Ove rview The Access Navigator GR-303 compl ies with Telcordi a® (Bellc ore) sta ndard GR-303. T his specificati on descri bes a Digital Loop Carrier (DLC) system that opera t es on T1 circui ts.
Access Navigator - Re lease 1.8 Augus t 2003 A -3 EOC Interface Overview management f unctions. Attr i but es as soc ia ted with an obje ct d esc ri be i ts properties. Some at tr ibu te s ca n be modified by services on t he EOC interf ace, while others c an only be r ead.
A-4 A ugust 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 EOC I nte rfa ce Managed Object Class Su pport Manage d Ob je ct Cl ass Support The followi ng tables li st the managed objec t classes and attribut es supporte d by the Access Navig ator. The tables include all manda tory attribut es of each objec t class.
Access Navigator - Re lease 1.8 Augus t 2003 A -5 EOC Interface Analog Line T ermination Objects Analog L i ne Terminatio n Objec ts This obj ect class is us ed to manage analog lines at the points where they orig inate or termin ate.
A-6 A ugust 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 EOC I nte rfa ce DS0 Ch annel Term ination O b jects DS0 Channel Term ination Ob jects This obj ect class is used t o manage DS0s in the I nterface Group. The Access Nav igator inheren tly creates an instance of thi s object class for each DS0 on a “switch” typ e DS1.
Access Navigator - Re lease 1.8 Augus t 2003 A -7 EOC Interface DS1 Li ne Terminat ion Objects DS1 Line Te rmination Ob jects This objec t class is used to manag e DS1 lines at the point s where they originat e or terminate. The Acce ss Navigato r inherently cr eates one in stance of this obj ect class for e ach “switch” typ e DS1.
A-8 A ugust 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 EOC I nte rfa ce ISDN Line Termi na tio n Objects ISDN Line Termin ation Objects This obj ec t class is used to manage I SDN Basic Access l in es. Instances of t he ISDN Line Termination are par t of the Network El ement.
Access Navigator - Re lease 1.8 Augus t 2003 A -9 EOC Interface ISDN Framed Path Term inatio n Objects cvHrCurrent Y es Y es cvFeHrCurre nt Y es Y es cvHrPrevio us Y es Y es cvFeHrPrevi ous Y es Y es .
A-10 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 EOC I nte rfa ce Quarter DS0 Channel T ermination Quarter DS0 Chan nel Termination This ob ject class is cr eated as part o f the provis ioning proces s for an ISDN Basic Acce ss line. Inst ances of the Qua r ter DS0 Channel Term ination are part of the ISDN Framed Pat h Terminati on.
Access Navigator - Re lease 1.8 Augus t 2003 A-11 EOC Interface Equipment Objects Equipment Ob jects This obj ect class repr esents eq uipment within the network element .
A-12 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 EOC I nte rfa ce IDLC Data Link Profile Objects IDLC Data Link Profile Obj ects This obj ect class repr esents the prof iles of t he Layer 2, LAPD data l i nk connections . The Access Navigato r inherently cr eates two in stances of this object class, o ne for the EOC an d one for t he TMC.
Access Navigator - Re lease 1.8 Augus t 2003 A-13 EOC Interface IDLC Data Link Term ination Objects IDLC Data Link Terminatio n Objects This obj ect class deli mits the I DLC data link paths .
A-14 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 EOC I nte rfa ce IDLC Terminal Obje cts IDLC Terminal Objec ts This obj ect class repr esents the logi cal termi nal of th e Integrated Dig ital Loop Carri er system, i n this case the RTD (Acc ess Navigator).
Access Navigator - Re lease 1.8 Augus t 2003 A-15 EOC Interface Network Element Objects Network Element Object s This obj ect class repr esents te lecommunications equipment that per form networ k element functi ons. The Access Navigator inher ently creates one instance of t his object cla ss.
A-16 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 EOC I nte rfa ce Protection Group Unit Objects Prote ction Gr oup Unit O bjects This obj ect class repr esents working or backup units with a protection gr oup.
Access Navigator - Re lease 1.8 Augus t 2003 A-17 EOC Interface Actions Actions The Access Na vig ator su pports acti ons for t he fol lowing man aged obj ects.
A-18 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 EOC I nte rfa ce Notificati ons Notifications The Access Navigator provid es event repo rt notif ication s (alarms) for the following mana ged objects. (A larm messages are described i n Clear Alarms – E OC on page 14-8 .
A PPENDIX FDL Interface In this Chapter n Overview ... B-2 n Remote Provision ing Requi rements ... B-3 n Remote Pr ovisio ning Cap abili ties ... B-4.
B-2 A ugust 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 FDL Interface Overview Ove rview The Facil ity Data Link (FDL) interface is a man agement c hannel in the T1 Extended Superframe Forma t (ESF) descr ibed in ANSI standa rd T1.
Access Navigator - Re lease 1.8 Augus t 2003 B -3 FDL Interface Remote Provisioning Requirement s Remote Pr ovis ioni ng Re quir ements Remote pro visioning, mana gemen t, and testing of a Car r ier Acc ess r emot e t er minal r equi r es the foll owin g softwar e versions and i nterconnecting DS1 or T1 link sett ings.
B-4 A ugust 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 FDL Interface Remote Provisioning Capab ilities Remote Pr ovis ionin g Capa biliti es The Access Navigat or work s with a varie ty of CA Ac cess Ban k produc ts. Curr ently, onl y the Ac cess Ba nk II suppo rts remote provisi oning through the Access Navigator.
Access Navigator - Re lease 1.8 Augus t 2003 B -5 FDL Interface Access Bank II Capabilities RS-232 int erface Asynchrono us RS-232 port for subrate data connecti on between two Ac cess Bank II termina.
B-6 A ugust 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 FDL Interface Access Bank II Capabilities.
A PPENDIX SNMP Interface In this Chapter n Overview ... C-2 n Carrier Access Enterprise MI B ... C-3 n SNMP B asic s ... C-4 n SNMP Trap Reports ... C-9.
C-2 A ugust 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 SNMP Interface Overview Ove rview The Simple Netwo r k Management P rotocol (SNMP) enabl es network operati ons centers (NOCs) to monitor and manage n etwork element s across an internetwork.
Access Navigator - Re lease 1.8 Augus t 2003 C -3 SNMP Interface Carrier Access Enterprise MIB Carrier Acces s Enterprise MIB The CA Enter prise MIB (Figure C- 2) provid es management sup port for A ccess Na vigator f eatures not include d in the standar d MIB (RFC 1213).
C-4 A ugust 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 SNMP Interface SNMP B a sics SNMP Basi cs n MIB Structure ... C-4 n MIB Tables ... C-5 n Managing Net works ... C-6 n SNMP Protocols ... C-7 n SNMP Requir ements ... C-8 SNMP is a mechanism for managing TCP/IP netwo rks.
Access Navigator - Re lease 1.8 Augus t 2003 C -5 SNMP Interface MIB Tabl es MIB Tables Related objects are nor mally group ed together to f orm a table . For example, t he interf ace tabl e (“ifTa ble” “ .”) contains information abo ut each interfa ce of the device .
C-6 A ugust 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 SNMP Interface Managing Networks Managing Netw orks The SNMP standa rd MIB is used to mana ge basic n etwork obje cts. In ad dition, SNMP i s flexib le enough that i t can support a wi de variet y of MIBs desc ribing other de vice func tions and inte rfaces.
Access Navigator - Re lease 1.8 Augus t 2003 C -7 SNMP Interface SNMP Prot ocols SNMP Protocols The Manager and Age nt are s oftwar e appl icati ons. The y communic ate wi th ea ch o ther throug h sever al protoco l layers that are normally transpa r ent to the use r (Figure C-3).
C-8 A ugust 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 SNMP Interface SNMP Requirements SNMP Requirements CLI commands must be use d to config ure the Access Naviga tor for SNMP operat ion. In parti cular , the operato r must set up the Ethe rnet port, SNMP community st rings, and NMS IP addr esses.
Access Navigator - Re lease 1.8 Augus t 2003 C -9 SNMP Interface SNMP Tr ap Re port s SNMP Trap Repo rts The Access Navigator can se nd the fol lowing SNMP trap re ports to up to t hree Network Management System s (NMSs). NMS IP add resses ca n be set by CLI commands and through the SNMP in terface.
C-10 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 SNMP Interface SNMP Tr ap Re port s.
G LOSSARY Abbreviations/Acro nyms ABI Access Bank I ABII Access Bank II ADSL Asymmetri cal Dig ital Subscriber Line AIS Alarm Indication Signal AMI Alternate Mark Inversion B8ZS Bi polar with 8-Zero Substitutio n BER Bit Error Rate Bit One binary dig i t; a pulse of data.
GlossaryGlossaryGlossary Glossary-2 Augu st 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 Glossary DCE Data Commu nications Equipmen t DCS Digital Crossconnect Sy stem DDL Digital Data Link DID Direct Inward Di.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 GlossaryGlossary-3 Glossary LULT Line Unit Line Termin atio n LUNT Line Un it Network Term ination Mbps Megabits per second; one milli on bits per second.
GlossaryGlossaryGlossary Glossary-4 Augu st 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 Glossary Definit ions 3DS0 M ode An ISDN BRI termination meth od that conn ects three DS0s to an ISDN BRI port, one for each B and D chan nel. This mode is very si mple but not as efficient as the 4:1 mode.
violations that is identified by the reci pient and t hen removed in the decoding process to recr eat e the original s tring of zeros . Bandwid th Information-carrying cap aci ty of a comm unication channel. Analo g bandwidth is the range of signal frequencies that can be transmitted by a communication channel or network.
Circuit Iden tifier A ch aracter string assi gned by the circui t vendor, which is useful when communi cating with the vendor during the troublesh ooting process. Circuit Swit chin g Basic switching pro ces s whereby a cir cuit between two users is o pened on demand and maintained for their exclusive us e for the duration of the transmission.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 GlossaryGlossary-7 Glossary Data Terminal Equi pment D TE. See desc ri pti on at Data Com muni cati on s Equipm ent (DCE). Digital Data Link DDL. An out-of-b and communications link us ed in SL C-96/TR-08 digi tal loop carrier systems f or traffic maintenance and call s etup.
GlossaryGlossaryGlossary Glossary-8 Augu st 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 Glossary E1 European C EP T di g ital si gn al l evel 1, similar to the North American DS1 except that the E1 i nformation rate is 2.048 Mbps and t ransports 30 DS0 signals, compared to th e 24 DS0 signals in the Nor th American DS1.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 GlossaryGlossary-9 Glossary GR-303 A Telcordia® (formerly Bellcore) g eneric requirement des cribing a digital l oop carrier system that operates on T1 circu its between an Integrated Digital Terminal (switch) and a Remote Digital Terminal.
GlossaryGlossaryGlossaryGlossary-1 0 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 Glossary Line Loopback A connection that loops back the entire signal along with the original framing.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 GlossaryGlossary-11 Glossary Payload The portion of a fr amed signal that carries services, such as voice or data, to the subscriber. Payload Loopback A co nnection that loops back only the p ayload port i on of a signal , usuall y by demultiplexing and extracting the payload data and then reframing it.
GlossaryGlossaryGlossaryGlossary-1 2 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 Glossary Stratu m Stratum or Stratum Level r efers to the accur acy of the clock s ource used to synchronize SONET communications systems. Accur acy is important in main taining commu nications across a net work.
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 GlossaryGlossary-13 Glossary V.35 An international ITU-T standard for data transmission up to 1.544 Mbps (T1 line rate). It is typically used for trunk interface between hi gh-speed digital carr iers and packet network DTE or DCE equip ment.
GlossaryGlossaryGlossaryGlossary-1 4 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 Glossary.
I NDEX Numerics 10Ba se-T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Glossary-4 19-Inch Rack Mo unt, Horizontal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-4 23-Inch Rack Mo unt, Horizontal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-7 3DS0 Provisi o ni ng ISDN BRI .
Index 1-2 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 Index Repor ting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 5-3 Signalin g – Red, Yellow (R A I), Blue (AI S ) . . . . 15-4 System, Facility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 Index - 3 Index T1 Drop Inter f ace (ABII) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-5 T1 Interface (AB II) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-4 V.35 Interface ( ABII) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Index 1-4 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 Index Electrical Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2 Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-2 Physical Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 Index - 5 Index Set DS0 ISDN BRI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-100 Show . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18-136 Show ISD N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Index 1-6 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 Index Service, Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-102 Show . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-138 Signal, Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 Index - 7 Index Enviro nmental . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-9 , 3-13 , 4-14 EOC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Glossary- 2 Action Su pport . . . . . . . . .
Index 1-8 August 2003 Access Navigator - Release 1.8 Index GetCom, Set SNMP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-127 GR-10 89-CORE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11 , 3-15 , 4-16 GR-303 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 Index - 9 Index Show . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18-145 T1 Capabilities (ABII) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-4 T1 Drop Capabilities (ABII) . . . . . . . . . .
Index 1-10 August 20 03 Access Navigator - Releas e 1.8 Index Location, Set SNMP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-128 Locations, In dicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-8 Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 Index - 11 Index MDA System Architecture, Access Nav igator . . . . . . .1-4 Memory Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-14 Message, Startup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Index 1-12 August 20 03 Access Navigator - Releas e 1.8 Index Out of Service Unused Circui ts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-13 Overhead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Glossary-1 0 Overview Access Bank II .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 Index - 13 Index Precautions 5-4 , 5- 7 , 5-11 , 5-15 , 6-5 , 6-8 , 6-17 , 6- 27 , 6- 31 , .6 - 3 5 , 6-49 , 6-55 , 16-4 , 16-6 , 16-13 , 16-20 , 16-29 , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-4 , 17-12 , 17-18 PRI Provisio ning DS0s .
Index 1-14 August 20 03 Access Navigator - Releas e 1.8 Index Read Remote Alarms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-45 Connect ions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-48 Log . . . . . . . . . . . .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 Index - 15 Index RxCl oc k, Se t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-125 Speed, Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 8-125 TSI Equi pment Loopu p . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Index 1-16 August 20 03 Access Navigator - Releas e 1.8 Index Line P atte rn wit h BER Test . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-46 Networ k Loopup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-70 NIU L oopup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-71 Off .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 Index - 17 Index Remote Config . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-118 ID . . . . .
Index 1-18 August 20 03 Access Navigator - Releas e 1.8 Index Protoc ols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-7 Requir ements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-8 SetCom, Set . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 Index - 19 Index System Overview, Help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-10 T T1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Glossary- 3 Framer Card, Replace . . . . . .
Index 1-20 August 20 03 Access Navigator - Releas e 1.8 Index TrapCom, Set SNMP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-130 Troubleshooting & Diagnost ics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-1 Trunk l evel 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Access Navigator - R elease 1.8 Augus t 2003 Index - 21 Index W Wall Mount, Vertical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 -15 WAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Glossary-3 Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . .
Index 1-22 August 20 03 Access Navigator - Releas e 1.8 Index.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Carrier Access Access Navigator (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Carrier Access Access Navigator heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Carrier Access Access Navigator vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Carrier Access Access Navigator leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Carrier Access Access Navigator krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Carrier Access Access Navigator bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Carrier Access Access Navigator kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Carrier Access Access Navigator . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.