Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product 3120 van de fabrikant Cisco Systems
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Americas Hea dquarters Cisc o Syst ems , Inc . 170 West Ta sman Driv e San Jos e, CA 95 134-1706 USA Tel: 408 526-4000 800 553- NETS (638 7) Fax: 408 527-0883 Cisco Catal yst Bla.
3 Cisco Catalyst Blad e Switch 3120 for HP Hardware Insta llation Gui de OL-12246-01 CONTENTS Preface 7 Audienc e 7 Pur pose 7 Organi zation 7 Conv enti ons 8 Rela ted Publi cati ons 8 Obtain ing Docu.
Cont ent s 4 Cisco Catalyst Blade S witch 3120 for HP Hardware In stalla tion Guide OL-12246-01 Insta lling th e Switc h Module in th e Blade Enclosur e 6 Switch Module IP Ad dress es 8 Using th e Onb.
Content s 5 Cisco Catalyst Blad e Switch 3120 for HP Hardware Inst allation Gui de OL-12246-01 Cable an d Adapte r Specifi cation s 4 10-G igabit Ethe rnet X2 Tra nscei ver Module C able Speci ficati .
Cont ent s 6 Cisco Catalyst Blade S witch 3120 for HP Hardware In stalla tion Guide OL-12246-01.
7 Cisco Catalyst Blad e Switch 3120 for HP Hardware Insta llation Gui de OL-12246-01 Preface Audience This guide is for the netwo rking or computer tech nician responsible for installing the Cisco Cat.
8 Cisco Catalyst Blade S witch 3120 for HP Hardware In stalla tion Guide OL-12246-01 Preface Conv ent io ns Appendix B, “Connec tor and Ca ble Specif ications, ” describes the connecto rs, cab les, and adapter s that can be used to conne ct to th e switch mo dule.
9 Cisco Catalyst Blad e Switch 3120 for HP Hardware Inst allation Gui de OL-12246-01 Pre face Obtaining Documentation, Obtaining Support, and Security Guidelines • Cisco Softwar e Activa tion Docume nt for H P • These c ompatibil ity matrix doc uments are a va ilable f rom this Cisco.
10 Cisco Catalyst Blade S witch 3120 for HP Hardware In stalla tion Guide OL-12246-01 Preface Obtainin g Docume ntation , Obtaining Sup port, and Se curity G uidelines.
CH A P T E R 1-1 Cisco Cataly st Blade Switch 3120 for HP Hard ware Installation Gui de OL-12246-01 1 Product Overview This ch apt er provides a function al overview of the Ci sco C atalyst Bl ade Sw itch 3 120 fo r HP , re ferred to as t he switch module .
1-2 Cisco Catalyst Blade S witch 3120 for HP Hardware In stalla tion Guide OL-12246-01 Chapter 1 Produc t Overview Switch Modul e Feature s Overvi ew The CBS3120 X switch module sup ports bot h the Cisco X 2 transc eiv er module s and the Cisco T winGig Con verter Module .
1-3 Cisco Cataly st Blade Switch 3120 for HP Hard ware Installation Gui de OL-12246-01 Chapter 1 Product Overv iew Othe r Fea tur es The switc h mo dule i s powered f rom t he blade e nclos ure ba ckpl ane, a nd t empera ture manage ment i s provided by the blad e encl osure .
1-4 Cisco Catalyst Blade S witch 3120 for HP Hardware In stalla tion Guide OL-12246-01 Chapter 1 Produc t Overview Oth er Fe atur es 10/100/1 000 Ports The 10/1 00/10 00 Ethern et ports use stand ard RJ-45 con nector s with Et hernet pinout s. The maxi mum cable l ength is 328 f eet ( 100 m eters) .
1-5 Cisco Cataly st Blade Switch 3120 for HP Hard ware Installation Gui de OL-12246-01 Chapter 1 Product Overv iew Othe r Fea tur es LEDs Y ou can use the switch LEDs to monitor switch module activ ity and performan ce. Graphical represe ntatio ns of the LEDs desc ribed in these secti ons are visible in the device manager .
1-6 Cisco Catalyst Blade S witch 3120 for HP Hardware In stalla tion Guide OL-12246-01 Chapter 1 Produc t Overview Oth er Fe atur es Stack Master LED The Stack Master LED (MSTR) shows the stack master status. Ta b l e 1-3 lists the LED col ors and th eir meaning s.
1-7 Cisco Cataly st Blade Switch 3120 for HP Hard ware Installation Gui de OL-12246-01 Chapter 1 Product Overv iew Othe r Fea tur es The port acti vity LED blinks green to indica te traf fic.
1-8 Cisco Catalyst Blade S witch 3120 for HP Hardware In stalla tion Guide OL-12246-01 Chapter 1 Produc t Overview Managem ent Option s LED Behavior in Stack Mode Whether an X2 module or a co n verter.
1-9 Cisco Cataly st Blade Switch 3120 for HP Hard ware Installation Gui de OL-12246-01 Chapter 1 Product Overv iew Manageme nt Opti ons Using the De vice Ma nager The si mplest wa y to m anage the swi tch m odule is by using the d e vice m anager that i s in t he swit ch module memory .
1-10 Cisco Catalyst Blade S witch 3120 for HP Hardware In stalla tion Guide OL-12246-01 Chapter 1 Produc t Overview Managem ent Option s Using the Co mmand -Line Interface The switch mo dule CLI i s based on Cisco IOS sof tware and enhan ced to support desktop- switching featu res.
CH A P T E R 2-1 Cisco Cataly st Blade Switch 3120 for HP Hard ware Installation Gui de OL-12246-01 2 Switch Instal lation This chapter prov ides instructio ns on ho w to install your Cisco Catalyst B.
2-2 Cisco Catalyst Blade S witch 3120 for HP Hardware In stalla tion Guide OL-12246-01 Chapter 2 S witch Installation Preparing fo r Instal lation Safety Warnings These safety warning s are t ransla t.
2-3 Cisco Cataly st Blade Switch 3120 for HP Hard ware Installation Gui de OL-12246-01 Chapter 2 Switch Inst allation Preparing for Installation Installation Guidelines Before you inst all the switch .
2-4 Cisco Catalyst Blade S witch 3120 for HP Hardware In stalla tion Guide OL-12246-01 Chapter 2 S witch Installation Preparing fo r Instal lation Verifying Pac kage Con tents Carefull y rem ove the conten ts fro m the shi pping c ont ainer, and look at each item f or dama ge.
2-5 Cisco Cataly st Blade Switch 3120 for HP Hard ware Installation Gui de OL-12246-01 Chapter 2 Switch Inst allation HP c- Cla ss B lad eSys tem Enc losu re Ar chi tect ure HP c-Class BladeSystem Enclosu re Architecture Figure 2-1 sh ows the re ar view of t he blade enclo sure i n w hich y ou inst all th e swi tch mo dule.
2-6 Cisco Catalyst Blade S witch 3120 for HP Hardware In stalla tion Guide OL-12246-01 Chapter 2 S witch Installation Installing th e Switch Modu le in the B lade Enclo sure Installing the Swi tch Mod.
2-7 Cisco Cataly st Blade Switch 3120 for HP Hard ware Installation Gui de OL-12246-01 Chapter 2 Switch Inst allation Installing the Switch Module in the Blade Enclosure Figur e 2-2 Remo ving t he Int.
2-8 Cisco Catalyst Blade S witch 3120 for HP Hardware In stalla tion Guide OL-12246-01 Chapter 2 S witch Installation Installing th e Switch Modu le in the B lade Enclo sure Figur e 2-4 Installing the.
2-9 Cisco Cataly st Blade Switch 3120 for HP Hard ware Installation Gui de OL-12246-01 Chapter 2 Switch Inst allation Using the Onboard Administrator to Assign an IP Address to the Switch Module and R.
2-10 Cisco Catalyst Blade S witch 3120 for HP Hardware In stalla tion Guide OL-12246-01 Chapter 2 S witch Installation Using the O nboard A dminist rator to As sign an IP Address t o the Switch M odul.
2-11 Cisco Cataly st Blade Switch 3120 for HP Hard ware Installation Gui de OL-12246-01 Chapter 2 Switch Inst allation Using the Onboard Administrator to Assign an IP Address to the Switch Module and .
2-12 Cisco Catalyst Blade S witch 3120 for HP Hardware In stalla tion Guide OL-12246-01 Chapter 2 S witch Installation Using the O nboard A dminist rator to As sign an IP Address t o the Switch M odule an d Runnin g Express Se tup Step 5 Click Enable in the Daylight Savings T ime f ield to enable this feature.
2-13 Cisco Cataly st Blade Switch 3120 for HP Hard ware Installation Gui de OL-12246-01 Chapter 2 Switch Inst allation Planning and Creating a Switch Stack Step 5 At the prompt , press Retur n . Step 6 Ente r end . Step 7 Ente r copy running-configuration startup-conf iguration to save this set tin g.
2-14 Cisco Catalyst Blade S witch 3120 for HP Hardware In stalla tion Guide OL-12246-01 Chapter 2 S witch Installation Planning and Crea ting a Switc h Stack • For conditions t hat might cause a sta.
2-15 Cisco Cataly st Blade Switch 3120 for HP Hard ware Installation Gui de OL-12246-01 Chapter 2 Switch Inst allation Planning and Creating a Switch Stack Figure 2-9 is an exa mple of a recommended configu ration in which eight switch modules create a switch stack in four bl ade enclo sures.
2-16 Cisco Catalyst Blade S witch 3120 for HP Hardware In stalla tion Guide OL-12246-01 Chapter 2 S witch Installation Planning and Crea ting a Switc h Stack Figure 2-10 is a n example of a re commen ded con figurati on in which ei ght swi tch module s crea te two separa te switc h stac ks in fo ur bla de enc losures.
2-17 Cisco Cataly st Blade Switch 3120 for HP Hard ware Installation Gui de OL-12246-01 Chapter 2 Switch Inst allation Installing Devices in the 10-Gigabit Eth ernet Slots Step 3 Insert the othe r end of the cable into the con nector of the othe r switch module, and tight en the retainer scre ws to 5 lbf-in.
2-18 Cisco Catalyst Blade S witch 3120 for HP Hardware In stalla tion Guide OL-12246-01 Chapter 2 S witch Installation Installin g Devices i n the 10-G igabit Et hernet Slo ts Cautio n T o prev ent ESD dama ge, fo llow your normal bo ard and com ponen t handling proce dures whe n connec ting cabl es to the swi tch and othe r devices.
2-19 Cisco Cataly st Blade Switch 3120 for HP Hard ware Installation Gui de OL-12246-01 Chapter 2 Switch Inst allation Installing Devices in the 10-Gigabit Eth ernet Slots Figur e 2-12 Installing X2 T r ansceiv er Modules Cautio n Do not install the con verter module with SFP modules or c ables installed.
2-20 Cisco Catalyst Blade S witch 3120 for HP Hardware In stalla tion Guide OL-12246-01 Chapter 2 S witch Installation Installin g Devices i n the 10-G igabit Et hernet Slo ts Step 5 Reinstall the dust c ov er in t he 10-Gigab it Ethernet sl ot. Cautio n The dus t cov ers shou ld al ways r emain in pl ace unless a module is installe d in the slot.
2-21 Cisco Cataly st Blade Switch 3120 for HP Hard ware Installation Gui de OL-12246-01 Chapter 2 Switch Inst allation Installing Devices in the 10-Gigabit Eth ernet Slots Step 8 If the module has a bale-clasp latch, close it t o lock the SFP module in place.
2-22 Cisco Catalyst Blade S witch 3120 for HP Hardware In stalla tion Guide OL-12246-01 Chapter 2 S witch Installation Conne cting to th e 10/ 100/ 1000 P orts Connecting to the 10/100/1000 Ports The sw itch module 10/100/ 1000 ports c onfigure t hemsel ves to op erat e at t he speed of attac hed de vice s.
2-23 Cisco Cataly st Blade Switch 3120 for HP Hard ware Installation Gui de OL-12246-01 Chapter 2 Switch Inst allation Planning 10/ 100/1000 Ether net Port Connecti ons Note You ca n use the mdix a uto interf ace conf iguration comman d in th e CLI to e nable t he automatic mediu m-depen dent inte rf ace cross ov er (auto-MDIX) f eatur e.
2-24 Cisco Catalyst Blade S witch 3120 for HP Hardware In stalla tion Guide OL-12246-01 Chapter 2 S witch Installation Where to Go Next Where to Go Next If the defaul t configuration is satisfac tory , the switch mod ule does not ne ed furthe r configurat ion.
2-25 Cisco Cataly st Blade Switch 3120 for HP Hard ware Installation Gui de OL-12246-01 Chapter 2 Switch Inst allation Where t o Go Next.
CH A P T E R 3-1 Cisco Cataly st Blade Switch 3120 for HP Hard ware Installation Gui de OL-12246-01 3 Troubleshooting This c hapter d escrib es the se topi cs for trou bleshooti ng pr oblems: • Diag.
3-2 Cisco Cataly st Blade Switch 3120 for HP Hard ware Installation Gui de OL-12246-01 Chapter 3 Troublesh ooting Diagnosi ng Proble ms Look at the Switch Modu le LEDs Y ou must have physica l acces s to the switch mod ule to do thi s. Look a t the p ort LEDs for trou bleshoo ting informatio n about the switch module.
3-3 Cisco Catalyst Blade S witch 3120 for HP Hardware In stalla tion Guide OL-12246-01 Chapter 3 Trouble shooting Diagnos ing Problem s • V erif y that you a re using the co rrec t cable ty pe. See Appe ndix B, “Connec tor and Ca ble Specif ication s, ” for mo re in form ation .
3-4 Cisco Cataly st Blade Switch 3120 for HP Hard ware Installation Gui de OL-12246-01 Chapter 3 Troublesh ooting Diagnosi ng Proble ms Verify the Switch Module Performance Revie w thi s section when you tro ubleshoo t swit ch module perfor mance problems.
3-5 Cisco Catalyst Blade S witch 3120 for HP Hardware In stalla tion Guide OL-12246-01 Chapter 3 Trouble shooting Clearing the Sw itch Modu le IP Addre ss and Conf iguration Clearing the Switch Module.
3-6 Cisco Cataly st Blade Switch 3120 for HP Hard ware Installation Gui de OL-12246-01 Chapter 3 Troublesh ooting Locating the Switch Module Serial Number Locating the Swit ch Module Se rial Numb er If you con tact Cisco T ec hnical A ssistan ce, you n eed to k now the seria l numbe r of yo ur switch module .
3-7 Cisco Catalyst Blade S witch 3120 for HP Hardware In stalla tion Guide OL-12246-01 Chapter 3 Trouble shooting Locatin g the Switch Mo dule Serial Number.
A- 1 Cisco Catalyst Blad e Switch 3120 for HP Hardware Inst allation Gui de OL-12246-01 APPENDIX A Technical Specifications This appendi x lists the switch module technical sp ecif ications in Ta b l e A-1 .
A- 2 Cisco Catalyst Blade S witch 3120 for HP Hardware In stalla tion Guide OL-12246-01 Appendi x A Technica l Speci ficat ions.
B-1 Cisco Catalyst Blad e Switch 3120 for HP Hardware Inst allation Gui de OL-12246-01 APPENDIX B Connector and Cabl e Specifications This a ppend ix desc ribes the c ables and a dapte rs that you use to con nect th at you use t o conn ect the switch mo dule to othe r devices.
B-2 Cisco Catalyst Blade S witch 3120 for HP Hardware In stalla tion Guide OL-12246-01 Appendi x B Connector a nd Cabl e Speci fica tions Connector Spe cificatio ns Connecting to 10BASE-T- and 100BASE.
B-3 Cisco Catalyst Blad e Switch 3120 for HP Hardware Inst allation Gui de OL-12246-01 Append ix B Connector an d Cable Specifi cations C onnec tor Specif ications 10-Giga bit Ethern et Module In terfac es The 10- Gigabit Ethe rnet m odules use SC connec tors or Infiniba nd 4x co nnecto rs, as s hown in Figure B-2 a nd Figure B-3 .
B-4 Cisco Catalyst Blade S witch 3120 for HP Hardware In stalla tion Guide OL-12246-01 Appendi x B Connector a nd Cabl e Speci fica tions Cable and Ad apter Speci ficatio ns Console P ort The co nsole port uses a n 8-p in RJ -45 conn ecto r, wh ich is descri bed i n Ta b l e B-4 and Ta b l e B-5 .
B-5 Cisco Catalyst Blad e Switch 3120 for HP Hardware Inst allation Gui de OL-12246-01 Append ix B Connector an d Cable Specifi cations Cabl e and Adapt er Speci ficati ons X2-10GB-CX4 — Inf iniBand (copper ) — — 49 feet (15 m) X2-10GB- LRM 1310 MM F 62.
B-6 Cisco Catalyst Blade S witch 3120 for HP Hardware In stalla tion Guide OL-12246-01 Appendi x B Connector a nd Cabl e Speci fica tions Cable and Ad apter Speci ficatio ns SFP Module Cable Specifications Ta b l e B-3 lists the cable specif ications for the f iber-optic SFP module connections.
B-7 Cisco Catalyst Blad e Switch 3120 for HP Hardware Inst allation Gui de OL-12246-01 Append ix B Connector an d Cable Specifi cations Cabl e and Adapt er Speci ficati ons Four Twis ted-Pa ir Cable P.
B-8 Cisco Catalyst Blade S witch 3120 for HP Hardware In stalla tion Guide OL-12246-01 Appendi x B Connector a nd Cabl e Speci fica tions Cable and Ad apter Speci ficatio ns Identifying a Crossover Cable T o identi fy a cr ossover cable , compa re th e two mod ular ends of the cable .
B-9 Cisco Catalyst Blad e Switch 3120 for HP Hardware Inst allation Gui de OL-12246-01 Append ix B Connector an d Cable Specifi cations Cabl e and Adapt er Speci ficati ons Ta b l e B-5 Con sole P ort.
B-10 Cisco Catalyst Blade S witch 3120 for HP Hardware In stalla tion Guide OL-12246-01 Appendi x B Connector a nd Cabl e Speci fica tions Cable and Ad apter Speci ficatio ns.
C-1 Cisco Catalyst Blad e Switch 3120 for HP Hardware Inst allation Gui de OL-12246-01 APPENDIX C Configuring the Switch with the CLI-Based Setup Program This a ppend ix provides a qui ck installa tion a nd set up pro cedure for the swi tch m odule by u sing the comm and-l ine i nte rface ( CL I).
C-2 Cisco Catalyst Blade S witch 3120 for HP Hardware In stalla tion Guide OL-12246-01 Appendix C Configuring the Switch with the CLI-Based S etup Program Accessi ng the CLI Throu gh the Co nsole Port Com ple te th ese ste ps: Step 1 Connec t one end o f the conso le cable to the switch mo dule con sole po rt.
C-3 Cisco Catalyst Blad e Switch 3120 for HP Hardware Inst allation Gui de OL-12246-01 Append ix C Configuring the Swi tch with the CLI -Based Se tup Progr am Accessi ng the CL I Throug h the Co nsole.
C-4 Cisco Catalyst Blade S witch 3120 for HP Hardware In stalla tion Guide OL-12246-01 Appendix C Configuring the Switch with the CLI-Based S etup Program Accessi ng the CLI Throu gh the Co nsole Port.
C-5 Cisco Catalyst Blad e Switch 3120 for HP Hardware Inst allation Gui de OL-12246-01 Append ix C Configuring the Swi tch with the CLI -Based Se tup Progr am Accessi ng the CL I Throug h the Co nsole Po rt Step 2 Enter a hostna me f or the switch module after the pr ompt, and p ress Return .
C-6 Cisco Catalyst Blade S witch 3120 for HP Hardware In stalla tion Guide OL-12246-01 Appendix C Configuring the Switch with the CLI-Based S etup Program Accessi ng the CLI Throu gh the Co nsole Port ! interface Vlan1 no shutdown ip address 255.
IN-1 Cisco Catalyst Blad e Switch 3120 for HP Hardware Insta llation Gui de OL-12246-01 INDEX Numerics 10/100/10 00 ports cable l ength s 4, 23 connec ting t o 22, 23 conn ectors and cables 1 to 2 des.
Index IN-2 Cisco Catalyst Blade Switch 3120 for HP Hardware Install ation Guide OL-12246-01 config urati on exam ples , network 3 connect ing the stac king cables 16 to 10/ 100/100 0 ports 22 to conso.
Inde x IN-3 Cisco Catalyst Blad e Switch 3120 for HP Hardware Insta llation Gui de OL-12246-01 L LEDs Health 6 port 6 POST results 1 stack 5 stack master 6 stack memb er 6 system 5 troubleshoo ting wi.
Index IN-4 Cisco Catalyst Blade Switch 3120 for HP Hardware Install ation Guide OL-12246-01 R recomm ende d con figura tions for stacki ng 14 requirements for installin g the switch module 3 RJ-45 co .
Inde x IN-5 Cisco Catalyst Blad e Switch 3120 for HP Hardware Insta llation Gui de OL-12246-01 W warnings Class 1 laser 2 defined 8 disposal of product 2 elec trica l code s 2 Ethernet c able shield i.
Index IN-6 Cisco Catalyst Blade Switch 3120 for HP Hardware Install ation Guide OL-12246-01.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Cisco Systems 3120 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Cisco Systems 3120 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Cisco Systems 3120 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Cisco Systems 3120 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Cisco Systems 3120 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Cisco Systems 3120 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Cisco Systems 3120 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Cisco Systems 3120 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.