Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product 3545 Serial van de fabrikant Cisco Systems
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Americas Headquarters Cisco Systems, In c. 170 West Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 951 34-1706 USA Tel: 408 526-4000 800 553-NETS (638 7) Fax: 408 527-0883 Installation and Upgrade Guide f or Cisco Unif ied V ideoconferencing 3545 PRI Gate w a y and 3545 S erial Gate w a y Release 5.
iii Installation and Upgrad e Guide for Cisco Unified Videoc onferencing 3545 PRI Gateway and 3545 Serial Gateway Release 5.6 OL-17011-01 CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 Functionality 1-1 About Cisco Unified Video.
Contents iv Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco U nified Videoconf eren cing 3545 PRI Gateway and 354 5 Serial Gateway Release 5.6 OL-17011-01 Setting the IP Address 2-11 Setting Ethernet Spee d .
Contents v Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco U nified Videoconfer encing 3545 PRI Gateway and 3545 Se rial Gateway Release 5.6 OL-17011-01 High Voltage 6-2 Power Supply 6-2 ESD Procedures 6-2 B.
Contents vi Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco U nified Videoconf eren cing 3545 PRI Gateway and 354 5 Serial Gateway Release 5.6 OL-17011-01.
CH A P T E R 1-1 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified Videoconfer encing 3545 PRI Gateway a nd 3545 Serial Gateway Release 5.6 OL-17011-01 1 Functionality • About Cisco Unif ied V ideoco.
1-2 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco U nified Videoconf eren cing 3545 PRI Gateway and 354 5 Serial Gateway Release 5.6 OL-17011-01 Chapter 1 Functionality About Gateway Fea tures About Gateway Features Ta b l e 1 - 1 lists the major features of the Cisc o Unif ied V ideoconfer encing 3545 Gate way.
1-3 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified Videoconfer encing 3545 PRI Gateway a nd 3545 Serial Gateway Release 5.6 OL-17011-01 Chapter 1 Functionality About Gateway Features T ab le 1-2 on page 1-4 lists features for specif ic Cisco gateways.
1-4 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco U nified Videoconf eren cing 3545 PRI Gateway and 354 5 Serial Gateway Release 5.6 OL-17011-01 Chapter 1 Functionality About Gateway Fea tures T able 1 -2 .
1-5 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified Videoconfer encing 3545 PRI Gateway a nd 3545 Serial Gateway Release 5.6 OL-17011-01 Chapter 1 Functionality About Gateway Features Call handling c.
1-6 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco U nified Videoconf eren cing 3545 PRI Gateway and 354 5 Serial Gateway Release 5.6 OL-17011-01 Chapter 1 Functionality About Cisco Unified Videoconferencin.
1-7 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified Videoconfer encing 3545 PRI Gateway a nd 3545 Serial Gateway Release 5.6 OL-17011-01 Chapter 1 Functionality About Cisco Unified Vide oconferencing 3545 Gateway Appl ications an d Topologies About Multimedia Conferencing The Cisco PRI gate way enables H.
1-8 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco U nified Videoconf eren cing 3545 PRI Gateway and 354 5 Serial Gateway Release 5.6 OL-17011-01 Chapter 1 Functionality About Cisco Unified Videoconferencin.
1-9 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified Videoconfer encing 3545 PRI Gateway a nd 3545 Serial Gateway Release 5.6 OL-17011-01 Chapter 1 Functionality About Cisco Unified Vide oconferencing.
1-10 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco U nified Videoconf eren cing 3545 PRI Gateway and 354 5 Serial Gateway Release 5.6 OL-17011-01 Chapter 1 Functionality About Cisco Unified Videoconferenci.
1-11 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified Videoconfer encing 3545 PRI Gateway a nd 3545 Serial Gateway Release 5.6 OL-17011-01 Chapter 1 Functionality About Cisco Unified Vide oconferencing 3545 Gateway Appl ications an d Topologies About Gateway Encryption The serial gate way enables encrypted videoconfere ncing between H.
1-12 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco U nified Videoconf eren cing 3545 PRI Gateway and 354 5 Serial Gateway Release 5.6 OL-17011-01 Chapter 1 Functionality About Cisco Unified Videoconferencing 3545 Gateway Applicatio ns and Topologies About Conferencing via Leased Lines The serial gate way enables conferencing between H.
1-13 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified Videoconfer encing 3545 PRI Gateway a nd 3545 Serial Gateway Release 5.6 OL-17011-01 Chapter 1 Functionality About Cisco Unified Videoconferencing.
1-14 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco U nified Videoconf eren cing 3545 PRI Gateway and 354 5 Serial Gateway Release 5.6 OL-17011-01 Chapter 1 Functionality About Cisco Unified Videoconf erenc.
CH A P T E R 2-1 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified Videoconfer encing 3545 PRI Gateway a nd 3545 Serial Gateway Release 5.6 OL-17011-01 2 Installing the Cisco Unified Videoconferencing .
2-2 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco U nified Videoconf eren cing 3545 PRI Gateway and 354 5 Serial Gateway Release 5.6 OL-17011-01 Chapter 2 Installing the Cisco Unified Videoco nferencing 35.
2-3 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified Videoconfer encing 3545 PRI Gateway a nd 3545 Serial Gateway Release 5.6 OL-17011-01 Chapter 2 Installing the Ci sco Unified Videoconf erencing 354.
2-4 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco U nified Videoconf eren cing 3545 PRI Gateway and 354 5 Serial Gateway Release 5.6 OL-17011-01 Chapter 2 Installing the Cisco Unified Videoco nferencing 35.
2-5 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified Videoconfer encing 3545 PRI Gateway a nd 3545 Serial Gateway Release 5.6 OL-17011-01 Chapter 2 Installing the Ci sco Unified Videoconf erencing 3545 Gateway Mounting the Cisco Unifie d Video conferencing 3545 Chassis in a 19-inch Rack • V .
2-6 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco U nified Videoconf eren cing 3545 PRI Gateway and 354 5 Serial Gateway Release 5.6 OL-17011-01 Chapter 2 Installing the Cisco Unified Videoco nferencing 3545 Gateway How to Install the Gateway Step 6 Fasten the b rackets to the side rails o f the rack.
2-7 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified Videoconfer encing 3545 PRI Gateway a nd 3545 Serial Gateway Release 5.6 OL-17011-01 Chapter 2 Installing the Ci sco Unified Videoconf erencing 3545 Gateway How to Install the Gateway Before working on a sy stem that has an on/off switch, turn OFF the power and unplug the power cord.
2-8 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco U nified Videoconf eren cing 3545 PRI Gateway and 354 5 Serial Gateway Release 5.6 OL-17011-01 Chapter 2 Installing the Cisco Unified Videoco nferencing 3545 Gateway How to Install the Gateway Caution Do not force the connection.
2-9 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified Videoconfer encing 3545 PRI Gateway a nd 3545 Serial Gateway Release 5.6 OL-17011-01 Chapter 2 Installing the Ci sco Unified Videoconf erencing 354.
2-10 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco U nified Videoconf eren cing 3545 PRI Gateway and 354 5 Serial Gateway Release 5.6 OL-17011-01 Chapter 2 Installing the Cisco Unified Videoco nferencing 3.
2-11 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified Videoconfer encing 3545 PRI Gateway a nd 3545 Serial Gateway Release 5.6 OL-17011-01 Chapter 2 Installing the Ci sco Unified Videoconf erencing 35.
2-12 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco U nified Videoconf eren cing 3545 PRI Gateway and 354 5 Serial Gateway Release 5.6 OL-17011-01 Chapter 2 Installing the Cisco Unified Videoco nferencing 3545 Gateway How to Perform the In itial Gateway Configuration Procedure Step 1 Connect the supplied terminal cable to the PC terminal.
2-13 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified Videoconfer encing 3545 PRI Gateway a nd 3545 Serial Gateway Release 5.6 OL-17011-01 Chapter 2 Installing the Ci sco Unified Videoconf erencing 3545 Gateway How to Perform the Initi al Gateway Configuration Caution Do not use leading zeros in the IP address.
2-14 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco U nified Videoconf eren cing 3545 PRI Gateway and 354 5 Serial Gateway Release 5.6 OL-17011-01 Chapter 2 Installing the Cisco Unified Videoco nferencing 3545 Gateway How to Perform the In itial Gateway Configuration Step 6 Press Enter .
2-15 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified Videoconfer encing 3545 PRI Gateway a nd 3545 Serial Gateway Release 5.6 OL-17011-01 Chapter 2 Installing the Ci sco Unified Videoconf erencing 35.
2-16 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco U nified Videoconf eren cing 3545 PRI Gateway and 354 5 Serial Gateway Release 5.6 OL-17011-01 Chapter 2 Installing the Cisco Unified Videoco nferencing 3.
2-17 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified Videoconfer encing 3545 PRI Gateway a nd 3545 Serial Gateway Release 5.6 OL-17011-01 Chapter 2 Installing the Ci sco Unified Videoconf erencing 3545 Gateway Serial Gateway Cable Connections a nd Pin-outs V.
2-18 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco U nified Videoconf eren cing 3545 PRI Gateway and 354 5 Serial Gateway Release 5.6 OL-17011-01 Chapter 2 Installing the Cisco Unified Videoco nferencing 3545 Gateway Serial Gateway Cable Connections and Pin-outs EIA530/RS366-DTE Figure 2-9 sho ws the EIA530/RS366-DTE cable.
2-19 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified Videoconfer encing 3545 PRI Gateway a nd 3545 Serial Gateway Release 5.6 OL-17011-01 Chapter 2 Installing the Ci sco Unified Videoconf erencing 3545 Gateway Serial Gateway Cable Connections a nd Pin-outs EIA530A/RS366-DTE Figure 2-11 sh ows the EIA 530A/RS366-DTE cable.
2-20 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco U nified Videoconf eren cing 3545 PRI Gateway and 354 5 Serial Gateway Release 5.6 OL-17011-01 Chapter 2 Installing the Cisco Unified Videoco nferencing 3.
2-21 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified Videoconfer encing 3545 PRI Gateway a nd 3545 Serial Gateway Release 5.6 OL-17011-01 Chapter 2 Installing the Ci sco Unified Videoconf erencing 3545 Gateway Serial Gateway Cable Connections a nd Pin-outs EIA449/RS366-DCE Figure 2-14 sh ows the EIA449 /RS366-DCE cable.
2-22 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco U nified Videoconf eren cing 3545 PRI Gateway and 354 5 Serial Gateway Release 5.6 OL-17011-01 Chapter 2 Installing the Cisco Unified Videoco nferencing 3.
2-23 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified Videoconfer encing 3545 PRI Gateway a nd 3545 Serial Gateway Release 5.6 OL-17011-01 Chapter 2 Installing the Ci sco Unified Videoconf erencing 35.
2-24 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco U nified Videoconf eren cing 3545 PRI Gateway and 354 5 Serial Gateway Release 5.6 OL-17011-01 Chapter 2 Installing the Cisco Unified Videoco nferencing 3545 Gateway Serial Gateway Cable Connections and Pin-outs DB-37 Connector Figure 2-17 sh ows the D B-37 pin layout.
2-25 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified Videoconfer encing 3545 PRI Gateway a nd 3545 Serial Gateway Release 5.6 OL-17011-01 Chapter 2 Installing the Ci sco Unified Videoconf erencing 3545 Gateway Serial Gateway Cable Connections a nd Pin-outs DB-25 Connector Figure 2-18 sh ows the D B-25 pin layout.
2-26 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco U nified Videoconf eren cing 3545 PRI Gateway and 354 5 Serial Gateway Release 5.6 OL-17011-01 Chapter 2 Installing the Cisco Unified Videoco nferencing 3.
2-27 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified Videoconfer encing 3545 PRI Gateway a nd 3545 Serial Gateway Release 5.6 OL-17011-01 Chapter 2 Installing the Ci sco Unified Videoconf erencing 35.
2-28 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco U nified Videoconf eren cing 3545 PRI Gateway and 354 5 Serial Gateway Release 5.6 OL-17011-01 Chapter 2 Installing the Cisco Unified Videoco nferencing 3545 Gateway Online Help Registration Step 2 T ype the Administrator user name and passw ord in the appropriate f ields and click Login .
CH A P T E R 3-1 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified Videoconfer encing 3545 PRI Gateway a nd 3545 Serial Gateway Release 5.6 OL-17011-01 3 Using the Cisco Software Upgrade Utility • Ab.
3-2 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco U nified Videoconf eren cing 3545 PRI Gateway and 354 5 Serial Gateway Release 5.6 OL-17011-01 Chapter 3 Using the Cisco Software Upgrade U tility Upgrading Softwa re Upgrading Software Y ou use the Software Upgrade Utility to upgrade Cisco softwa re installed on Cisco de vices.
CH A P T E R 4-1 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified Videoconfer encing 3545 PRI Gateway a nd 3545 Serial Gateway Release 5.6 OL-17011-01 4 Cable Connections and Pin-outs • RS-232 9-Pin.
4-2 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco U nified Videoconf eren cing 3545 PRI Gateway and 354 5 Serial Gateway Release 5.6 OL-17011-01 Chapter 4 Cable Connections and Pin -outs 9-Pin Serial Port .
4-3 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified Videoconfer encing 3545 PRI Gateway a nd 3545 Serial Gateway Release 5.6 OL-17011-01 Chapter 4 Cable Connections and Pin -outs Circuit Switch Ne twork Port Circuit Switch Network Port Ta b l e 4 - 4 describes the circuit switch network port RJ-45 connector pin-out conf iguration.
4-4 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco U nified Videoconf eren cing 3545 PRI Gateway and 354 5 Serial Gateway Release 5.6 OL-17011-01 Chapter 4 Cable Connections and Pin -outs ISDN Port.
CH A P T E R 5-1 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified Videoconfer encing 3545 PRI Gateway a nd 3545 Serial Gateway Release 5.6 OL-17011-01 5 Technical Specifications T able 5- 1 Cisco Unified V ideoconf ere ncing 3545 Chassis T echni cal Specifications Chassis Dimensions • Height: 2U (3.
5-2 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco U nified Videoconf eren cing 3545 PRI Gateway and 354 5 Serial Gateway Release 5.6 OL-17011-01 Chapter 5 Technica l Specifications Rear panel (Cisco Unif i.
5-3 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified Videoconfer encing 3545 PRI Gateway a nd 3545 Serial Gateway Release 5.6 OL-17011-01 Chapter 5 Technical Specifications Memory • 32 MB on-board f.
5-4 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco U nified Videoconf eren cing 3545 PRI Gateway and 354 5 Serial Gateway Release 5.6 OL-17011-01 Chapter 5 Technica l Specifications.
CH A P T E R 6-1 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified Videoconfer encing 3545 PRI Gateway a nd 3545 Serial Gateway Release 5.6 OL-17011-01 6 Safety • Electrical Safety , page 6-1 • ESD.
6-2 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco U nified Videoconf eren cing 3545 PRI Gateway and 354 5 Serial Gateway Release 5.6 OL-17011-01 Chapter 6 Safety ESD Proced ures Caution This is a class I unit. In Denmark, use this unit with an A C cord suited to Dani sh specifications.
6-3 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified Videoconfer encing 3545 PRI Gateway a nd 3545 Serial Gateway Release 5.6 OL-17011-01 Chapter 6 Safety ESD Procedures Batteries This product may contai n a battery .
6-4 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco U nified Videoconf eren cing 3545 PRI Gateway and 354 5 Serial Gateway Release 5.6 OL-17011-01 Chapter 6 Sich erheit Elektrische Sic herheit Sicherheit Die.
6-5 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified Videoconfer encing 3545 PRI Gateway a nd 3545 Serial Gateway Release 5.6 OL-17011-01 Chapter 6 Sicherheit ESD-Verfahren ESD-Verfahren Zur V ermeidu.
6-6 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco U nified Videoconf eren cing 3545 PRI Gateway and 354 5 Serial Gateway Release 5.6 OL-17011-01 Chapter 6 Se guridad Seguridad Electrica Seguridad Seguridad.
6-7 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified Videoconfer encing 3545 PRI Gateway a nd 3545 Serial Gateway Release 5.6 OL-17011-01 Chapter 6 Seguridad Procedimientos ESD Procedimientos ESD Para.
6-8 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco U nified Videoconf eren cing 3545 PRI Gateway and 354 5 Serial Gateway Release 5.6 OL-17011-01 Chapter 6 Securite Securite Electrique Securite Cette sectio.
6-9 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified Videoconfer encing 3545 PRI Gateway a nd 3545 Serial Gateway Release 5.6 OL-17011-01 Chapter 6 Securite Prevention des Decharg es Electrostatiques Cette unité est de classe I.
6-10 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco U nified Videoconf eren cing 3545 PRI Gateway and 354 5 Serial Gateway Release 5.6 OL-17011-01 Chapter 6 Securite Prevention des Dech arges Electrostatiqu.
CH A P T E R 7-1 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified Videoconfer encing 3545 PRI Gateway a nd 3545 Serial Gateway Release 5.6 OL-17011-01 7 Compliance and Certifications • Safety Compli.
7-2 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco U nified Videoconf eren cing 3545 PRI Gateway and 354 5 Serial Gateway Release 5.6 OL-17011-01 Chapter 7 Comp liance and Certifications Telecom • EN 61000-3-3 • EN 61000-6-1 War ni ng This is a class A product.
7-3 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified Videoconfer encing 3545 PRI Gateway a nd 3545 Serial Gateway Release 5.6 OL-17011-01 Chapter 7 Comp liance and Certifications Environmenta l Compli.
7-4 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco U nified Videoconf eren cing 3545 PRI Gateway and 354 5 Serial Gateway Release 5.6 OL-17011-01 Chapter 7 Comp liance and Certifications Environmental Compl.
IN-1 Installation and Upgrad e Guide for Cisco Unified Videoc onferencing 3545 PRI Gateway and 3545 Serial Gateway Release 5.6 OL-17011-01 INDEX A access control 1-2 ACT LED 2-2, 2-3 Administrator int.
Index IN-2 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Un ified Videoconferencing 3545 PRI Gateway and 3545 Serial Gateway Release 5.6 OL-17011-01 DTMF 1-2 dual video 1-3 duplex parameters 2-13 E E1/T1 1.
Index IN-3 Installation and Upgrad e Guide for Cisco Unified Videoc onferencing 3545 PRI Gateway and 3545 Serial Gateway Release 5.6 OL-17011-01 line quality 1-5 M media + signaling combin ations 1-5 .
Index IN-4 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Un ified Videoconferencing 3545 PRI Gateway and 3545 Serial Gateway Release 5.6 OL-17011-01 RJ-45 2-2, 2-3 rollover 1-3 routing 1-2 RS-232 DTE 9-pin.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Cisco Systems 3545 Serial (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Cisco Systems 3545 Serial heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Cisco Systems 3545 Serial vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Cisco Systems 3545 Serial leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Cisco Systems 3545 Serial krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Cisco Systems 3545 Serial bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Cisco Systems 3545 Serial kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Cisco Systems 3545 Serial . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.