Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product DSA-3200 van de fabrikant D-Link
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DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual © 2005 D-Link Systems Co., Ltd. DSA-3200 Wireless G Public/Private Gateway User Manual (2/8/2005).
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual © 2005 D-Link Systems Co., Ltd. T able of Content s 1 Preface............................................................................................ 4 1.1 Brief Introduction to the DSA-3200 ........
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 2 4.2.5 Roaming Confi guratio n ............................................................................ 53 4.2.6 Additional Conf iguration ............................................................
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 3 6.1.2 Internet Connec tion Setu p ....................................................................... 89 6.2 Configure TCP/IP in Windows 2000 ........................................................
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 4 1 Preface 1.1 Brief Introduction to the DSA-3200 The D-Link DSA-3200 Airspot™ Wireless G Public/Pri vate Gateway is an all-in-one product specially designed to manage a nd control a Hot S pot environment.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 5 permissions on the Netwo rk. One of the more prevale nt Protocols used to authenticate users is the RADIUS Prot ocol.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 6 2 Product Description 2.1 Package Content s • DSA-3200 Wireless G Publ ic/Private Gateway • CD-ROM (Administrator ’ s Manual and Quick Installati.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 7 2.3 Panel Function Descriptions Device LED Indicators Power LED: Will illuminat e when the Power Supply is connected to the DSA-320 0 and an appropriate AC power outlet (110VAC). If the LE D does not illuminate when the device is plugged in, try a known good po wer outlet.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 8 Device Physical Connections Serial COM Port: This port serves two distin ct purposes: 1. Connect to a DSA-3100P to auto-generate temporary User accounts and print det ailed receipt s to be given to customers.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 9 3 Managing the D-Link DSA-3200 3.1 Getting S t arted This guide will provide information and inst ru ction for administrators of the DSA-3200 Wireless G Public/Private Gateway . This manual corresponds with the version of firmware shipped with the DSA-3200 (v 1.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 10 the user may freely browse the Internet unt il the account expire s or their connection remains idle longe r than all owe d.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 11 Wizard. Following complet ion of the Setup Wi zard, configurations pert aining to User Authentication mechanism s, access privil eges, an d system management will need to be made for a fully operational Hot S pot.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 12 4 W eb Management Interface This section gives a complete descri ption of the Web Management Interface of the DSA-3200 on a page -by-p age basis.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 13 4.1 Home The Home T ab consist s of System and Networ k S pecific configurations. All Interfac e information such as IP configuration, DHCP Server configuration, and per port Authentication features can be accessed th roug h the Home T ab.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 14 4.1.1 Wizard The Wizard will guide through the Inte rface setup of the DSA-3200. All that is needed is to follow the pro cedures and instru ction s as presented by the Wiza rd, step by step, filling in all required values.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 15 4.1.2 System The System Information page allows configuration of items related to system management/maintenance. Any changes on this p age will also require an entry for System Name as well as Succeed P age before they can b e appli ed.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 16 Succeed Page: Any URL may be e ntered in this field. Once a u ser logs in succe ssfully he or she will be linked to this Succeed pag e URL automatically . The succeed p age is typically set to the URL of a com p any website such as http://www .
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 17 Enable NTP: S pecify the IP address or domain name of an NTP server here. Time Zone: Select the ap propriate T ime Zone of your current location from the drop down selection box (Universal T ime is Greenwich Mean T ime, GMT).
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 18 Dynamic IP Address : Use this configuration in situations in which a dynamic IP address is provided by the ISP (most Cabl e Internet connections are dynamic). Renew: Click to refresh the IP address setting, in order to obt ain a dif ferent IP address.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 19 4.1.4 Public LAN Configuration The DSA-3200 provides a public access netwo rk that is tied to the Public LA N ports on the rear of the dev ice. The Publ ic LAN can be configured to authenticate users as well as serve DHCP to DHCP enabled clien ts.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 20 IP Addres s: Enter the desired IP address fo r the Public LAN inte rface. Subnet Mask: Enter the appropri ate Subnet Mask for this network. Related Setup for DHCP Server of Public LAN: The DHCP S erver is optional and may be disabled or enabled at a ny time.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 21 As an option, the DSA-3200 provides a Reserv ed IP Address List for DHCP client s. This allows the reservation of specifi ed DHCP Scope IP addresses for sp ecified MAC addresses. Click the Res erved IP Address List hyperlink to configu re.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 22 4.1.5 Public WLAN Configuration The internal 802.1 1g Access Point serves as a secon dary Public Access network. The configurations for the Wireless interfac e will consist of IP and DHCP selections as well as SSID, Channel, T ransmission Mode, SSID Broadcast, and Layer 2 Client Isolation.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 23 SSID: The SSID is the unique name shared among all devices in a wireless network. The SSID must be the same for all devices in the wireless network. It is case sensitive and must not exceed 32 characters (any keybo ard character is allowed).
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 24 WEP Key: Choose to enable or di sabl e WEP on the internal AP. If enabled, any user attempting to communicate o n the wirel ess network must have the corresponding WEP key configured on their WLAN adapter.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 25 Authentication T y pe: The default value of Auto allows the AP to auto-detect for Shared Key or Open Sy stem Authentication types . Shared Key require s both the AP and Client to share a common WEP key (usually Key 1) before the Client can j oin the Network.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 26 RTS Threshold: This value should re main at its default setting of 2346.Should you encounter inconsistent data flow, only minor reductions are re comm ended. Fragmentation Threshold: This valu e specifies the maximum size for a packet before data is fragmented into multiple packet s.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 27 Subnet Mask: Enter your desired Subnet Mask to determine the size of the Network the Interface may communicate with. Related Setup for DHCP Server of Public Wireless LAN: The DHCP S erver is optional and may be disabled or enabled at a ny time.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 28 As an option, the DSA-3200 provides a Reserv ed IP Address List for DHCP client s. This allows the reservation of specifi ed DHCP Scope IP addresses for sp ecified MAC addresses. Click the Res erved IP Address List hyperlink to configu re.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 29 4.1.6 Private LAN Configuration The DSA-3200 provides a private trusted net work tha t is tied to the Private LAN ports on the rear of the devic e. The Private LAN does not require use r authentication prior to access.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 30 Related Setup for DHCP Serv er of Priv ate LAN: The DHCP S erver is optional and may be disabled or enabled at a ny time. Disable DHCP Server: The DSA-3200 will not dyna mically config ure DHCP client s o n the Public Wireless LAN.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 31 As an option, the DSA-3200 provides a Reserv ed IP Address List for DHCP client s. This allows the reservation of specifi ed DHCP Scope IP addresses for sp ecified MAC addresses. Click the Res erved IP Address List hyperlink to configu re.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 32 4.2 Advanced Menu The configuration pa ges presented in the Ad vanced Menu are int ended to assist with setup of User Authentication and more specific Hot S pot features.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 33 Default Policy: This Authentication method will be used to authen ticate all users that do not specify an authentication policy during login ( user@ policy1). Policy Name: Friendly name used to identify the policy based on the Administrator ’ s preference.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 34 Policy Name: Friendly name for the Authentication p olicy will also be used during use r login as a username post fix to differentiate the authentication method used to authenticate the user .
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 35 T w o Authentication Mechanisms: 1. Local The user ’s account informa tion is stored in DSA-3200. If you need to manage any user account s, click the Local Users List hyperlink on the Authentic ati on Server interface to enter the Account Management Interface .
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 36 Add User: Click “ Add Use rs” on the User List to enter the Add User interface, and key in the appropriate information such as username, password (required), MAC, and Remark (not required). Click on the “Apply” button to complete the addition.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 37 Edit Account: Click the desired userna m e that you want to modify from the User List to enter the User Account Interface, and t hen key in your de sired information such as username and p assword (compulsory), MAC, and Remark (optional).
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 38 Download User: Click “Download User” in the User List to ent er the Download User Account s interface, and the sy stem will directly list all created use r accounts, and show a hyperlink for the download at the botto m of the screen.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 39 2. RADIUS The RADIUS client in the DSA-32 00 allows user accounts to be a uthenticated using an external RADIUS server as an alternative to storing the user account s locally on the DSA-3200.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 40 T rans Full Name: Select whether or not the DSA-3200 will transfer the entire username or a p artial u sername to t he RADIUS server for authentication. Enable: ID and postfix will transfer to RADIUS se rver for authentication.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 41 802.1x: Clients will be unable to join the network until they have been granted access via successful completion of the 802.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 42 Accounting Server IP: Enter the appropriate IP Address or Full y Qualified Domain Name of the Authentication server to be used to authenticate potential users. Accounting Port: The TCP Port that will be used to communicate accounting information to the Accounting server .
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 43 WP A-PSK: Support s WP A-Personal, only requiri ng users to provide a PSK. PSK (Pre Shared Key): This key should be a random sequ ence of Hexadecimal characters (upper or lowercase letters and numbers) 64 Characters in length.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 44 4.2.2 Group Configuration The DSA-3200 provides the ability to conf igure 2 sep arate user groups enabling separate permissi ons to be assigned to the same u ser pool. Each user group may be assigned a specific Firewall profile, time schedul e profile, and/or bandwid th maximum.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 45.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 46 Filter Rule Item: The filter rules obey T op Down evaluation to determine the permission of a transmission from the sou r ce address to the t arget address or examine whether there i s a data loss. Cli ck the Index Number for rule specific configurations.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 47 Source (Destination) IP Address: IP addre ss of T ransmission Source (Destination). Source (Destination) Subnet Mask: Su bnet Mask of Source (Destination). Source (Destination) S t art Port: S tart Port of Source (Destination).
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 48 Click “Add User to List” to ac cess the Add Users to Blacklist M enu. Enter the username you wish to block a nd a remark, click “Apply . ” T o return to the Black List Configuration, click “P rev .
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 49 T o delete a user from the black list, select the ap propriate delete check box an d click the “Delete” button. 4.2.4 On-demand User Configuration On-demand user: When a DSA-3100P is co nnected to the DSA-3200’ s con sole port, 2000 On-demand user a ccounts are made avail able.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 50 Field Description Sto r e N am e Y ou can specify the prefix for ea ch auto matically gen erated user name up to a maximum of 8 characters, for example: D-Link. Receipt Header Y ou can configure the receipt’ s header in this filed.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 51 Billing Configuration: The DSA-3200 provide s 10 separate On-Dema nd User billing profiles. The default profile will be used when the DSA-3100P is connected to the DSA-3200. Stat us : Enable/Disable this billing rule.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 52 Account Expire Day: The numbe r of days after generatio n during which the account will be valid. After the specified number of days, any inacti vated.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 53 4.2.5 Roaming Configuration The DSA-3200 has the capability to allo w GRIC and Airp ath Wireless Users access to the Hot S pot by using their exis ting user credentials. Service from either GRIC or Airpath Wirele ss is required before the DSA-3200 can authenticate such users.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 54 GRIC Roaming: GoRemote will pr ovide all required information Below is a GRIC example: DSA-3200 Authenticatio n Port IP address: Username: xyz, and his IP address : 0 Password: xyz MAC addr ess: 01:23:45:67:89:ab The gric.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 55 4.2.6 Additional Configuration User Control: This applies to all users. Logout Tim er : If a user has idled a nd not used the network for the specified amount of time the DSA-3200 will automatically lo g out the user .
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 56 functioning properly by accessing a predetermined URL (or IP address). URL or IP address: this predetermined URL will be used as a target address for the DSA-3200 to check the Internet connect ion.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 57 Upload Logout Page The Login page may be customi zed to suit any particular application. The codi ng for this page should be HTML and include the code in the box below . T o upload, enter the filename and path of the customized Lo gin page in the appropriate field, or browse and select the file.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 58 After a graphi c file is uploaded, the se cond section cal led Existing Image Files will list the graphic files stored on the DSA-3200. Y ou can select or delete any graphic file, and the system will show the used sp ace of the graphic file in the third section.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 59 POP3 Message The DSA-3200 provides a mechani sm to alert users that have not signed in and are trying to access Mail resources. The DSA- 32 00 will deliver an e-mail to the user ’s inbox. Customize the message to your liking.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 60 4.3.1 Port and IP Redirect When a user attempts to con nect to a destination defined in the Port and IP Redirect section, the conne ct ion p acket will be conve rted to the correspondi ng defined destination.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 61 4.3.2 V irtual Server The Administrator may define at most 40 vi rtual server entries to allow computer s on the W AN Network or beyond to access the specified LAN resour ce s. According to the different service s provi ded, the network service can be provide d on a TCP or UDP port, or both.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 62 4.3.3 Pass Through Pass Through IP Address List There may be situations where computers on the Public Access Network need Internet Access but cannot provide user name an d p a sswo rd for authent icat ion.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 63 Pass Through MAC Address List In addition to permitting specific IP addresses to have “free” network access right s without authenticating, the DSA-3200 also pr ovides the ability to do so according to a MAC address.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 64 4.3.4 Monitor IP List The system will use ICMP messages on a cu stomized interval (1, 2, 4, 6, 12 hours and 1 day) to monitor an d control the status o f IP addresses on the li st.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 65 Monitor IP list: T he list of IP addresses to be monitored. Click “ Monitor ” to view all monitored IP .
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 66 4.3.5 Free Surfing Area This system allows users to login to ce rt ain websites before passing throu gh the Public LAN. Y ou only need to enter the IP address (or Do main Name) of these websites into the W alled Garden List.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 67 4.3.6 Proxy Internal Proxy Server: The DSA-3200 has a b uilt-in web proxy server , if you active this function, end users may spe cify the DSA-32 00 as a proxy server , no need to enter the IP addre s s and Po rt.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 68 4.3.7 DDNS The DSA-3200 provides the ability to us e a Dynamic DNS provider service to assign a host name to the WAN interf ace even in the event of a Dynamic W AN connection.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 69 4.3.8 Change Password T o change the Administrator ’ s password, please key in the existing admin Password in the appropriate field, follow ed by the new p assword entered twice for verification.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 70 4.3.9 System Settings The Systems Settings Page provides the ability to back u p the current configuration to the local HDD, restore t he configuration from the local HDD, and/o r reset the device to factory default settings.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 71 4.3.10 Firmware Upgrade One may upgrade the DSA-320 0 firmware with any later version co de obtained from D-Link Systems, Inc. Support Site. DSA-3200 Support Page War ni ng: Firmware upgrade may cause user dat a l oss.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 72 4.3.11 Rest art This function allows you to safely rest art the DSA-3200. The re start procedure takes approxi mately three minutes.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 73 4.4.1 Device Info This section provides information regarding the current running version of code i n addition to management and essential systems configurations.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 74 Item Description Current Firmware V ersion The firmware version currently used by DSA-3200 System Name System name, and the default is DSA-3200 Admin Info A dministrator ’s related info rmation will be shown on the login screen when a user has a con nection problem.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 75 4.4.2 Interface This section provides Interface st atus for the following interfaces: W AN port , Wireless port , Public and Private LAN Port.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 76 Item Description MAC Address The MAC address of the W AN port IP Addres s The IP addre ss of the W AN port W AN Subnet Mask The Subnet Mask of the W A.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 77 4.4.3 Current Users In this function, you can obtain p articul ar information pert aining to each online user including Use rname , IP Address , MAC Address , Packet s In , Bytes In , Packet s Out , B y tes Out, Idle T ime and Logout .
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 78 The first line of the history file is the title; the actual history st arts from the second line. Each line includes a re cord, and each record con sists of 10 fields Date , Ty p e , N a m e , IP , MAC , Packets In , Bytes In , Packets Ou t, and Bytes Out to show the history of each user .
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 79 Auth Method: Choose one of 5 types of SMTP extended authentication methods: None, PLAIN, LOGIN, CRAM-MD5 and NTLM v1. Please contact your ISP or SMTP server administrator for more inform ation on their Authentication Methods.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 80 4.5 Help The Help section provides on-lin e inst ructions for operating the DSA-320 0..
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 81 4.6 Confirm Functionality of User Authentication If all the previous steps we re properly completed, we should be able to connect to a public LAN port to experience the m anaged net work access environment.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 82 If the user logs in successfully , the DSA- 3200 is properly configured to se rvice Hot S pot guests. This u se r ma y now bro wse any webpag e on the Internet. The following screen is the login succes sful page for an on-deman d user .
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 83 After a user has paid the red eem cost at the counter , he/she should get an other username and password. Key in this information in the appropriate wind ow , the system will merge the two account s and put together the available usage.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 84 5 Console Interface The DB-9 interface of DSA-3200 provi des two functions: 1. The DSA-3200 provides a CO M interface for the administrator to han dle different probl ems and situations that may occur duri ng operation.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 85 5.2 Console Utilities for Network Debugging The DSA-3200 console interface provides several utilities to assist the Administrator in controlling the system conditions and to assist wi th debugging. The utilities are described as follows: 1.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 86 7. Check service statu s: The current execution statu s of each service on the DSA-3200 is checked. 8. Set device into “ safe mode ”: If administrator is unable to use Web Management Interface on the browser when the DSA-3200 unex pectedly fails.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 87 5.3 Change admin p assword of Console In addition to supporting the console management interface through the COM interface using a null modem cable, the D SA-3200 also supp orts remote acce ss via SSH.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 88 6 Appendix - Windows TCP/IP Setup If you have not changed the factory default settings of the DSA-3200 or Windows 2000/XP TCP/IP Configuration, it is not necessary to make any modificatio n here.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 89 6.1.2 Internet Connection Setup Windows 2000 1. Choose Star t – Control Panel – Internet Options .
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 90 3. Choose “I want to set up my Internet connection manually , or I want to connect through a local Area network (LAN)”, and then click “Next” . 4. Choose “I connect through a local are a network (LAN)” and click “Next” .
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 91 5. Do not choose any option in the followi ng LAN wind ow for Inte rnet configuratio n, and just click “ Next ”. 6. When the system asks “Do you want to set up an Internet mail account now?” , choose “No”, and click “Next ” .
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 92 7. Click “ Finish” to exit the Internet Connection Wizard. Now , you have completed the setup. Windows XP 1.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 93 2. Choose the “Connections” icon, and then cli ck “Setup” . 3. Press “Next” when the new connection wizard a ppe ars on the screen.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 94 4. Choose “Connect to the Internet ” and then click “Next” . 5. Choose “Set up my connection manually ” , and then click “Next” .
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 95 6. Choose “Connect using a broadban d connection that is always on” , and then click “Next” .
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 96 If the version of Windows operating system is n ot for servers, the default TCP/IP settings will treat the PC as the DHCP c lient. Y ou can check the TCP/IP setup according to the following procedure: 6.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 97 3. Select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) , and then click “Properties” . Using DHCP If you want to use DHCP, please sele ct “Obtain an IP Address Automatically ”, which is also the default setting of Windows.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 98 Using St atic IP Address If you have completed the setup for your PC, pl ease inform the network admini strator before modifying the following setup. 1. Click “Advanced” in the window of Internet Protocol (TCP/IP).
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 99 3. If the DNS Server column is blank, pl ease click “Using the following DNS Server Address” in the wi ndow of Internet Prot o col (TCP/IP), and then ente r the DNS address or the DNS address provided by ISP.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 100 6.3 Configure TCP/IP in Windows XP 1. Select Start - Console – Network Conn ection. 2. Click the right button of the mouse on the “Local Area Connection” icon to select “Properties” .
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 101 3. Click the “General” icon, and then sele ct “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) ”. Click “ Properties ”. Using DHCP If you want to use DHCP, please sele ct “Obtain an IP Address Automatically ”, which is also the default setting of Windows.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 102 Using St atic IP Address If the setup for your PC is completed, pl ease notice the network administration staff before changing the followi ng setting s. 1. Click “Advanced” in the Inte rnet Protocol (TCP/IP) window .
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 103 3. If the DNS Server field is blank, please click “ Using the follo w i ng DNS Server Addresses” in the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Window , and key in the DNS address or DNS address provided by ISP.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 104 7 W arranty Subject to the terms and condition s set fort h herein, D-Link Systems, Inc. (“D-Lin k”) provides this Limited warranty for it s prod.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 105 Limited Software Warra nty: D-Link warrant s that the software portion of the product (“Software”) will substantially conf orm to D-Link’ s the.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 106 The customer must submit with the product as p a rt of the claim a written descript ion of the Hardware defect or Sof tware nonconformance in suf ficient detail to allow D-Link to confirm the same.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 107 product, or if the model or serial number has been alt ered, tampered with, defaced or removed; Initial inst allation, installation and remova l of t.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 109 FCC S tatement: This equipment has been tested a nd proven to comply with the limit s for a cl ass B digital devi ce, pursuant to part 15 of t he FCC Rules. These limit s are designed to provide reasonable prote ction agai nst harmful interference in a residential inst allation.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 11 0 CE S tatement: European st a ndards dictat e m aximum radiated transmit power of 100mW EIRP and frequency range 2.400-2.4835 G Hz; In France , the equipment must be restri cte d to the 2.4465-2.4835 GHz fre quency range and must be rest ricted to indoor use.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 111 8 T echnical Support T echni cal Support Y ou can find sof tware up dates and user documen t ation on the D-Link website. D-Link provides free te chnical support for custom ers within the United St ates and within Canada for the duration of the warranty period on this product.
DSA-3200 Wireless Servi ce Gateway User Manual 11 2 9 Registration Product registration is entirely volunt ary and failure to complete or return thi s form will not diminish your warranty rights.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat D-Link DSA-3200 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen D-Link DSA-3200 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens D-Link DSA-3200 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding D-Link DSA-3200 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over D-Link DSA-3200 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van D-Link DSA-3200 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de D-Link DSA-3200 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met D-Link DSA-3200 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.