Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product DSL-210 van de fabrikant D-Link
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DSL-210 USB ADSL Modem User ’s Guide i DSL-210 USB ADSL Modem User’s Guide (First Edition A pril 2003).
DSL-210 USB ADSL Modem User ’s Guide i FCC W arning This equipm ent has been teste d and found t o comply with the lim its for a Class B digital de vice, pursuant to part 15 of the F CC Rules. These li mits are designed t o provid e reasonable pro tection again st harmful interfer ence in a reside ntial insta llation.
DSL-210 USB ADSL Modem User ’s Guide ii T ABLE OF CONTENTS About This User’ s Guide ........................................................................................IV Guide O vervie w .......................................................
DSL-210 USB ADSL Modem User ’s Guide iii Chapter 4 - Connecting to the Internet .................................................................13 Co nne ct wi th PPPoE a nd PPPo A D ri ve rs ........................................................
DSL-210 USB ADSL Modem User ’s Guide iv About This User ’ s Guide This user’s guid e provides instructi ons on how to install the DSL-210 USB AD SL Modem and u se it t o connect a computer and connect to the Internet.
DSL-210 USB ADSL Modem User ’s Guide v Before Y ou Start In addition to the Modem hardw are and software driv ers, you will to gather information before y ou begin to install the device. Your D SL service provider w ill give you information required for a successful ADSL connection.
DSL-210 USB ADSL Modem User ’s Guide vi Microfilters and Splitters Most AD SL clients will be required to install a simple device that prev ents the ADSL line from interfering with regular telephone serv ices. These devices are commonly referred to as microfilters or sometimes called (inaccurately) line splitters.
DSL-210 USB ADSL Modem User ’s Guide vii Line Splitter If you are instru cted to use a “ line splitt er”, you must install th e device betw een the M odem and the ph one jack.
DSL-210 USB ADSL Modem User ’s Guide viii If your ADSL service uses PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) to establish the connection, y ou will install the PPPoA or PPPoE driver. Us ing a PPP conn ection w ill be fa miliar to anyon e who has us ed a conv entional dial-up analog modem for Internet connection.
DSL-210 USB ADSL Modem User ’s Guide ix Use the tables provided here to record the information you need to install the M odem. SETTI NG S TABLE ( al l us er s) VPI: VCI: Softw are Driver: The driver used depends on the connection protocol used for y our network services.
DSL-210 USB ADSL Modem User ’s Guide x Unpacking Open the shipping carton and carefully remov e all items. In addition to this User's Guide, ascertain that you have: 1. One DSL-210 USB ADSL M odem 2. One CD-R OM w ith this User ’s Guide and the Q uick Installation Guide 3.
DSL-210 USB ADSL Modem User ’s Guide 1 Chapter 1 - Introduction ADSL modem technology is a relatively new technology and may be unfamiliar to the reader. In this section, we introduce y ou to ADSL technology and give a brief description of its key attributes.
DSL-210 USB ADSL Modem User ’s Guide 2 Product Features The D-Link DS L-210 USB ADSL Modem prov ides the following features: ¾ G.dmt full rate compliant ¾ G.lite compliant ¾ RFC 1483 (Bridged Ethernet) compliant ¾ RFC 2364 PPP over ATM compliant ¾ RFC 2516 PPP over Ethernet compliant ¾ Compatible with all T 1.
DSL-210 USB ADSL Modem User ’s Guide 3 Chapter 2 - Modem Installation Before you co nnect the U SB cable, you m ust instal l the driv er. See the nex t chapter for driver instal lati on instructions. The only cable y ou should connect initially is the ADSL cable.
DSL-210 USB ADSL Modem User ’s Guide 4 Chapter 3 - Softw are Installation The DSL-210 can be used w ith the following operating sy stems: ♦ Microsoft W indows 98 Second Edition ♦ Microsoft W ind.
DSL-210 USB ADSL Modem User ’s Guide 5 Installing the Driver Software Y our new DSL-210 USB ADSL modem is su pplied w ith three dif ferent driv ers – the CLIP , EoA, PPPoA, and PPPoE drivers. Y ou only need to in stall one of th ese th ree drivers.
DSL-210 USB ADSL Modem User ’s Guide 6 Installing the Softw are Driver Install t he software driv er on a computer us ing the Windows 98 Seco nd Edition, Windows 20 00, W indow s Millennium Edition (W indows M e) or W indows XP operating sy stem. There are four different drivers, the CLIP, EoA (Bridged/Router), PPPoA or PPPoE driver.
DSL-210 USB ADSL Modem User ’s Guide 7 2. Insert the DSL-210 Installation CD into the CD -ROM drive. The sy stem should detect the installation program and run the program automatically. Please click “ Driv er Install ” icon. If installation does not begin automatically after a few seconds, find the “ AutoRun.
DSL-210 USB ADSL Modem User ’s Guide 8 4. In the Setup Complete window , click Finish button. Windows ME/2000 1. When the U SB ADSL modem pa ss through U SB cable connect to PC, Window s will detect t he mode m automatic, please click Cancel button.
DSL-210 USB ADSL Modem User ’s Guide 9 2. Insert the DSL-210 Installation CD into the CD -ROM drive. The sy stem should detect the installation program and run the program automatically. Please click “ Driv er Install ” icon. If installation does not begin automatically after a few seconds, find the “ AutoRun.
DSL-210 USB ADSL Modem User ’s Guide 10 4. In the Setup Complete window , click Finish button. Windows 98SE 1. When the U SB ADSL modem pa ss through U SB cable connect to PC, Window s will detect t he mode m automatic, please click Cancel button.
DSL-210 USB ADSL Modem User ’s Guide 11 2. Insert the DSL-210 Installation CD into the CD -ROM drive. The sy stem should detect the installation program and run the program automatically. Please click “ Driv er Install ” icon. If installation does not begin automatically after a few seconds, find the “ AutoRun.
DSL-210 USB ADSL Modem User ’s Guide 12 5. In the Setup Complete window , click Finish button..
DSL-210 USB ADSL Modem User ’s Guide 13 Chapter 4 - Connecting to the Internet Now that the driv er softw are has been i nstalled, y ou are ready to establish a connecti on to the I nternet. The conn ection fro m your comput er to the Internet i s actua lly an ind irect conn ection.
DSL-210 USB ADSL Modem User ’s Guide 14 3. Once your account information is v erified, the computers will complete the connection to the netw ork. This process or “negotiation” can take a few seconds to complete.
DSL-210 USB ADSL Modem User ’s Guide 15 do this, your PC must know the DNS server’s IP address. If your ADSL service provider or ISP uses the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), your computer Configure Modem w ith EoA Driv er for Window s XP 1.
DSL-210 USB ADSL Modem User ’s Guide 16 3. Clink Protocol Setu p button. Enter th e VPI and VCI value (Note : plea se get this data inf ormation fro m your ISP or phone company), and configure the Encapsulation Mode refer to the data from your ISP or phone company .
DSL-210 USB ADSL Modem User ’s Guide 17 3. The Local Area Conn ection Properties window appears. Select the General tab, th en choos e on th e This connection uses the following items: list for the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click the Properties button.
DSL-210 USB ADSL Modem User ’s Guide 18 5. The Local A rea Connection Properties w indow appears. Click OK ..
DSL-210 USB ADSL Modem User ’s Guide 19 Configure Modem w ith EoA Driv er for Window s 2000 1. From the Start Menu go to Progr ams - > > > > D-Link DSL-210 - > > > > DSL-210 Control Panel .
DSL-210 USB ADSL Modem User ’s Guide 20 3. Clink Protocol Setu p button. Enter th e VPI and VCI value (Note : plea se get this data inf ormation fro m your ISP or phone company), and configure the Encapsulation Mode refer to the data from your ISP or phone company .
DSL-210 USB ADSL Modem User ’s Guide 21 3. The Local A rea Connection window appears. Click on Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) , then click on Properties . 4. The Internet Protocol (TC P/IP) window appears. Under t he Genera l tab, sel ect Use the following I P address .
DSL-210 USB ADSL Modem User ’s Guide 22 5. The General tab will again appear. Click OK . 6. The Network and Dial-up Connections window appears. Close this window to complete the connection.
DSL-210 USB ADSL Modem User ’s Guide 23 Configure Modem w ith EoA Driv er for Window s 98SE, ME 1. From the Start Menu go to Progr ams - > > > > D-Link DSL-210 - > > > > DSL-210 Control Panel . 2. In the window s please Key in “ Alt+ P ”.
DSL-210 USB ADSL Modem User ’s Guide 24 3. Clink Protocol Setu p button. Enter th e VPI and VCI value (Note : plea se get this data inf ormation fro m your ISP or phone company), and configure the Encapsulation Mode refer to the data from your ISP or phone company .
DSL-210 USB ADSL Modem User ’s Guide 25 5. The Network window appears. Select the Configuration tab, scroll dow n the installed network components list and click on TCP/IP-> D-Link DSL-210 USB A DSL LA N Adapter , and click the Properties button.
DSL-210 USB ADSL Modem User ’s Guide 26 7. Select Gatew ay tab and enter the IP settings in the Ne w ga te way field. Click Add . 8. Select the DNS Configuration tab. Select the Enable DNS option. 9. Type in y our host name in the Host: field. 10. Type in y our domain name in the Domain: field.
DSL-210 USB ADSL Modem User ’s Guide 27 11. Enter the DNS settings in t he DNS Server Order field and cli ck Add . If you have m ore than one DN S IP address, repeat this step. You can have up to 3 D NS servers listed here. 12. After all the TCP/IP information has been entered, click OK .
DSL-210 USB ADSL Modem User ’s Guide 28 13. The Network window again appears, click OK . 14. The Sy stem Settings Change window appears. You need to restart y our computer for the changes to go into effect.
DSL-210 USB ADSL Modem User ’s Guide 29 Chapter 5 - Monitoring the Modem Once you h ave instal led the M odem you can monitor the status of th e ADSL connect ion by clicking o n the conne ction ico n in y our System T ray (us ually at the botto m-right corn er of scr een - on the T ask Bar) .
DSL-210 USB ADSL Modem User ’s Guide 30 Appendix A - Technical Specifications Genera l Standards: ANSI T1.413 issue 2 ITU G.992.1 (G .dmt) ITU G.992.
DSL-210 USB ADSL Modem User ’s Guide 31 Appendix B - Uninstall The Modem If you need to uninstall the M odem, use the Uninstall program available in the DSL-210 M odem folder. Failure to use the Uninstall program can leave files in the system that can cause problems w ith future installations, including problems with reinstallation of the M odem.
DSL-210 USB ADSL Modem User ’s Guide 32 Uninstall for Window s 98SE, M E, 2000 1. From the Start Menu go to Progr ams - > > > > D-Link DSL-210 - > > > > Uninstall DSL-210 . 2. The w indow appears to inquire you for message. Are y ou sure you want to uninstall the D SL Device and all stored profiles? And click the Ye s button.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat D-Link DSL-210 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen D-Link DSL-210 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens D-Link DSL-210 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding D-Link DSL-210 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over D-Link DSL-210 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van D-Link DSL-210 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de D-Link DSL-210 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met D-Link DSL-210 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.