Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product DWA-132 van de fabrikant D-Link
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V ersion 1.1 | 06/28/2012 DW A-132 U ser Manual W ireless N USB A dapter.
2 D-Link DW A-132 User Manual T able of C ontents Pr oduct O verview ......................................................................3 P ackage Contents ......................................................................... 3 Syst em Requirements .
3 D-Link DW A-132 User Manual Section 1 - Product Over view • D-Link DW A-132 Wir eless N USB Adapter • Manual and W arranty on CD • D-Link Wir eless Connection Manager on CD • Quick Installation Guide S y stem Requiremen ts • A computer or lapt op with an available USB 2.
4 D-Link DW A-132 User Manual Section 1 - Product Over view Introduction The DW A-132 Wir eless N USB A dapter is a con venient wireless connec tivity solution for desktop or notebook PCs . Instead of stringing Ethernet cables to your PC or dismantling your desktop computer case , the DW A-132 can enable 802.
5 D-Link DW A-132 User Manual Section 1 - Product Over view F eatures • Compact size f or placement an ywhere • Con venience of Plug & Play installa tion • F ully 802.11g compatible • 802.11n compliant • P ow ered by the USB port; no ex ternal pow er sourc e required • USB 2.
6 D-Link DW A-132 User Manual Section 1 - Product Over view Har dwar e O ver view WPS Button Pr ess the WPS button to automa tically c on n e c t t o a W P S - e n a b l ed w i re l e s s ro ute r o r a cce ss po in t a nd es ta bl is h connectivity .
7 D-Link DW A-132 User Manual Section 2 - I nstallation Getting Star ted Installation This sec tion will walk you through the installation process . If you hav e a built-in wireless adapter , please disable the device manager befor e installing y our D-Link adapter .
8 D-Link DW A-132 User Manual Section 2 - I nstallation Disable O ther W ireless A dapters Most newer laptops may include a built-in wireless adapter . T o prevent any conic ts with the D -Link wireless adapter , it is recommended t o disable the wireless adapter (as w ell as any unused Ethernet adapt ers).
9 D-Link DW A-132 User Manual Section 2 - I nstallation Click Y es to disable the adapter . The adapter is no w disabled. When disabled, a r ed X will be displayed . Disabling the adapter will not r emove the drivers. If you would like to use the adapter , simply right- click it and select Enable .
10 D-Link DW A-132 User Manual Section 2 - I nstallation W ir eless Installation C onsidera tions The D -Link wireless adapter lets you access your net work using a wireless connection from vir tually anywhere within the operating range of your wireless network .
11 D-Link DW A-132 User Manual Section 2 - I nstallation W arning: Do NO T install the DW A-132 W ireless N USB Adapt er into your computer before installing the driver soft war e from the D-Link CD . T urn on the computer and Inser t the D-Link DW A-132 Driver CD in the CD-ROM drive.
12 D-Link DW A-132 User Manual Section 2 - I nstallation The InstallShield W izard window will appear . By d efau lt se tup w ill i nsta ll to t he de faul t loc atio n: C: Program F ilesD-LinkDW A-132 , where C: represents the drive letter of your har d driv e.
13 D-Link DW A-132 User Manual Section 2 - I nstallation Inser t the adapter into an a vailable USB por t on your c omputer . Click Next Click F inish to complete y our setup .
14 D-Link DW A-132 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration W i-F i Pr otected Setup ( WPS) Wi-F i Pr otec ted Setup ( WPS) Syst em is designed for easy setup of secur ity-enabled W i-F i networks. I t is recommended to have the access point or wir eless rout er nearby during setup.
15 D-Link DW A-132 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Push Butt on 1. T o connec t to your net work, press the WPS button on the ada pter an d hol d for t wo seco nds un til th e wiza rd scree n appears. 2. P re ss the WPS butt on loca ted on your ac cess point or r out er to continue .
16 D-Link DW A-132 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Pr ess the WPS button on the adapter and holding for two seconds until the utility scr een come s up . Then, pr ess the WPS button on the r outer/ac cess point to continue . The adapter will try to establish connectivit y to y our access point or wir eless router .
17 D-Link DW A-132 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration C onnec t to a W ir eless Network U sing W indo w s ® 7 Windo ws ® 7 users may use the built-in wir eless utility . If you are using another company ’ s utility , please r efer to the user manual of your wireless adapter for help with connecting t o a wireless net w ork .
18 D-Link DW A-132 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration C onnec t to a W ir eless Network U sing W indo w s V ista ® Windo ws Vista ® users may use the built-in wireless utility . If you are using another company’ s utility , please refer to the user manual of y our wireless adapter f or help with connecting to a wireless network.
19 D-Link DW A-132 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration C onnec t to a W ir eless Network U sing W indo w s ® XP Windo ws ® XP users may use the built-in wireless utility (Z ero Conguration Utilit y). The follo wing instructions are for S ervice P ack 2 users.
20 D-Link DW A-132 User Manual Section 4 - W ireless Securit y W ir eless S ecurity This section will show you the di erent lev els of security you can use to prot ect your data from intruders .
21 D-Link DW A-132 User Manual Section 4 - W ireless Securit y C ongure WP A/WP A2 P assphrase Using W indow s ® 7 It is recommended to enable wireless secur ity ( WP A/WP A2) on your wireless r outer or access point before conguring your wireless adapter .
22 D-Link DW A-132 User Manual Section 4 - W ireless Securit y 3. Highlight the wireless network (SSID) you would like to connect to and click the Connect button. If you g et a good sig nal but cann ot acc ess the Inte rnet , chec k you r T CP/IP sett ings fo r your wi rel ess adapt er .
23 D-Link DW A-132 User Manual Section 4 - W ireless Securit y 5. Enter the same security key or passphrase that is on your router and clic k Connec t . Y ou c an al so co nnect by push ing t he W PS button on the rout er . It ma y take 20-30 seconds t o connect to the wir eless net work.
24 D-Link DW A-132 User Manual Section 4 - W ireless Securit y C ongure WP A/WP A2 P assphrase Using W indow s V ista ® It is recommended to enable wireless secur ity ( WP A/WP A2) on your wireless r outer or access point before conguring your wireless adapter .
25 D-Link DW A-132 User Manual Section 4 - W ireless Securit y 3. Enter the same securit y key or passphrase that is on your router and click Connect . I t m ay t ak e 20 -3 0 se con ds to c onn ec t to th e w irel es s n et wor k . I f t he connection fails, please verify that the securit y settings are correct.
26 D-Link DW A-132 User Manual Section 4 - W ireless Securit y C ongure WP A/WP A2 P assphrase Using the W indow s ® XP Utility It is recommended to enable WP A-PSK on your wireless r outer or access point bef ore conguring your wireless adapt er .
27 D-Link DW A-132 User Manual Section 4 - W ireless Securit y 3. The Wi reless Network C onnection bo x will appear . Enter the WP A-PSK passphrase and click C onnect . I t m ay t ak e 20 -3 0 se con ds to c onn ec t to th e w irel es s n et wor k . I f t he connection fails, please verify that the WP A-PSK settings are correct.
28 D-Link DW A-132 User Manual Section 5 - T roubleshooting 1. How do I know if m y adapter is installed properly? Selec t the Har dware T ab . T roubleshooting This chapter provides solutions to problems that can occur during the installation and operation of the DW A-132.
29 D-Link DW A-132 User Manual Section 5 - T roubleshooting Click the + sign next to Network A dapters. Right- click on D-Link DW A-132 USB A dapter . Selec t Pr oper ties to check that the drivers are installed properly . Look under Devic e Status to check that the device is working properly .
30 D-Link DW A-132 User Manual Section 5 - T roubleshooting Make sure that the DW A-132 Wireless N USB A dapter is properly seat ed in the computer ’ s USB por t. If Window s does not detect the hardw are upon inser tion of the adapter , make sure to completely remo ve drivers that were previously loaded .
31 D-Link DW A-132 User Manual Section 5 - T roubleshooting Check that the Network Connection f or the wireless client is congured properly . S elect AP (Infrastruc tur e) when connec ting to an access point. Double - click on the WL AN icon in the task bar > click on Congur ation to change the settings for the wireless adapter .
32 D-Link DW A-132 User Manual Appendix A - Wireless Basics D -L in k w ire les s p rod uc t s ar e b ase d o n i nd us tr y st an dar ds to p rov ide ea sy -to - us e a nd c om pat ib le h ig h- spe ed wi rel es s connectivity within y our home , business or public access wireless networks.
33 D-Link DW A-132 User Manual Appendix A - Wireless Basics What is W ireless? Wir eless or Wi-F i technology is another way of connecting your computer to the network without using wires. Wi-F i uses radio frequenc y to connect wirelessly , so you ha ve the freedom to connect computers anywhere in your home or oce network.
34 D-Link DW A-132 User Manual Appendix A - Wireless Basics W ireless P ersonal Area Network ( WP AN) Bluetooth is the industr y standard wir eless technology used for WP AN.
35 D-Link DW A-132 User Manual Appendix A - Wireless Basics Wher e is wireless used? Wir eless technology is expanding every where not just at home or oce . People like the freedom of mobility and it’ s becoming so popular that more and more public facilities now pro vide wir eless access to attract people .
36 D-Link DW A-132 User Manual Appendix A - Wireless Basics Security Don ’t let you next- door neighbors or intruders connect to your wireless network . Secure your wireless network by turning on the WP A or WEP security f eature on the router . R ef er to product manual for detail information on how to set it up .
37 D-Link DW A-132 User Manual Appendix B - Networking Basics Networking B asics Check y our IP address After you install your new D-Link wireless adapter and have established a wireless connection, by default, the TCP/IP settings should be set to obtain an IP addr ess from a DHCP ser ver (i.
38 D-Link DW A-132 User Manual Appendix B - Networking Basics Sta tically Assign an IP addr ess If you are not using a DHCP capable gat eway/r outer , or y ou need to assign a static IP addr ess, please f ollow the steps belo w : W indows ® XP Users • W indows ® XP - Click on Start > Control P anel .
39 D-Link DW A-132 User Manual Appendix B - Networking Basics W indows ® 7/W indows V ista ® Users • Click on Start > C ontrol Panel . Make sure you ar e in Classic View . Double -click on the Network and Sharing Center icon. Along the lef t panel in the window , click on Manage network connections .
40 D-Link DW A-132 User Manual Appendix C - T echnical Specications T echnical Specications Standards • IEEE 802.11n • IEEE 802.11g Bus T ype • USB 2.0 (1.1 compatible) Security • Wi-F i Pr otection Access ( WP A TM & WP A2 TM ) • WPS (PBC ) Media Acc ess Contr ol • CSMA/CA with A CK F requency R ange • 2.
41 D-Link DW A-132 User Manual Appendix D - Warran ty F ederal C ommunication Commission Int er fer ence Sta tement Th is e qui pmen t ha s bee n t est ed a nd f oun d to c om ply w it h t he l im it s f or a Cla ss B di git al de vi ce , p urs ua nt t o P art 15 of th e FC C R ule s .
42 D-Link DW A-132 User Manual Appendix D - Warran ty Th e ava il ab ili ty of so me sp ec ic ch ann els and/ or op er at io nal fr eque ncy ban ds ar e cou nt ry dep en de nt and ar e rm war e pr og ra mmed at th e fa cto ry t o ma tc h the i nt ende d de sti na tion .
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat D-Link DWA-132 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen D-Link DWA-132 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens D-Link DWA-132 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding D-Link DWA-132 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over D-Link DWA-132 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van D-Link DWA-132 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de D-Link DWA-132 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met D-Link DWA-132 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.