Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product dwa-160 van de fabrikant D-Link
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2 D-Link DWA-160 User Manual T able of Contents Product Overview ........................................................ 3 Package Contents ................................................... 3 System Requirements ....................................
3 D-Link DWA-160 User Manual Section 1 - Product Overview • D-Link DWA-160 Xtreme N ™ Dual ™ Band USB Adapter • Cradle • Manual and Warranty on CD • D-Link Wireless Connection Manager on CD • Quick Installation Guide System Requirements • A computer or laptop with an available USB 2.
4 D-Link DWA-160 User Manual Section 1 - Product Overview Introduction The DWA-160 Xtreme N ™ Dual ™ Band USB Adapter is a convenient wireless connectivity solution for desktop or notebook PCs. Instead of stringing Ethernet cables to your PC or dismantling your desktop computer case, the DWA- 160 can enable Draft 802.
5 D-Link DWA-160 User Manual Section 1 - Product Overview Features • Compact size for placement anywhere. • Convenience of Plug & Play installation. • Fully 802.11g and 802.11a compatible. • Draft 802.11n compliant. • Powered by the USB port; no external power source required.
6 D-Link DWA-160 User Manual Section 1 - Product Overview Hardware Over view USB Port Used to connec t the DWA-160 to your computer..
7 D-Link DWA-160 User Manual Section 2 - Installation Getting Started Installation This section will walk you through the installation process. If you have a built-in wireless adapter, please disable it in device manager before installing your D-Link adapter.
8 D-Link DWA-160 User Manual Section 2 - Installation Disable Other Wireless Adapters Most newer laptops may include a built-in wireless adapter. To prevent any conicts with the D-Link wireless adapter, it is recommended to disable the wireless adapter (as well as any unused Ethernet adapters).
9 D-Link DWA-160 User Manual Section 2 - Installation Click Yes to disable the adapter. The adapter is now disabled. When disabled, a red X will be displayed. Disabling the adapter will not remove the drivers. If you would like to use the adapter, simply right-click it and select Enable .
10 D-Link DWA-160 User Manual Section 2 - Installation Wireless Installation Considerations The D-Link wireless adapter lets you access your network using a wireless connection from virtually anywhere within the operating range of your wireless network.
11 D-Link DWA-160 User Manual Section 2 - Installation Warnin g: Do NOT install the DWA-16 0 Xtreme N ™ Dual ™ Band USB Adapter into your computer before instal ling the driver software from the D-Link CD. Turn on the computer and Insert the D-Link DWA-160 Driver CD in the CD-ROM drive.
12 D-Link DWA-160 User Manual Section 2 - Installation The InstallShield Wizard window will appear. By default setup will install to the default location: C:Program FilesD-LinkD W A-160 , where C: represents the drive letter of your hard drive. To install to a different location click Browse and specify the location.
13 D-Link DWA-160 User Manual Section 2 - Installation The Wireless Connection Wizard will now appear. If you want to manually connect to a wireless network, refer to page 15. The following instructions will connect you to a wireless network using Wi-Fi ® Protected Setup (WPS).
14 D-Link DWA-160 User Manual Section 2 - Installation To connect to your network using the WPS push button conguration method, click the virtual button as shown in the screenshot. Press the WPS button on your access point or wireless router within 2 minutes to establish connectivity.
15 D-Link DWA-160 User Manual Section 2 - Installation To manually connect to your wireless network, select Manually connect to a wireless network and then click Next . Click Next Click the Scan button to display a list of wireless networks (site survey).
16 D-Link DWA-160 User Manual Section 2 - Installation Click Finish to continue. Click Finish When this screen appears, you are successfully connected to your wireless network.
17 D-Link DWA-160 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Configuration This section will show you how to congure your new D-Link wireless adapter using the D-Link Utility as well as the Windows ® XP Zero Conguration Utility & Vista WLAN auto conguration.
18 D-Link DWA-160 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Wireless Networks The SSID (Service Set Identier) is the name of the wireless network. Displays the MAC address of the wireless device. Displays the Link Quality of the wireless connection. If there is a “lock” icon, this means the wireless ne two rk is s e cu re.
19 D-Link DWA-160 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Wi-Fi ® Protected Setup (WPS) Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) System is designed for easy setup of security-enabled Wi-Fi networks. It is recommended to have the access point or wireless router nearby during setup.
20 D-Link DWA-160 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration If you want to conn ect using the PBC meth od, refer to pag e 14. To use the PIN method, select PIN (Personal Identication Number) and click Next . Click Next Make sure your access point or wireless router is close by.
21 D-Link DWA-160 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration The adapter will try to establish connectivity to your access point or wireless router. When this screen appears, you have successfully established connectivity. Click Finish to complete your setup.
22 D-Link DWA-160 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration My Wireless Networks The My Wireless Networks page will allow you to create, edit, and delete wireless network proles. Every time you connect to a network using the Wireless Networks page, a prole will automatically be created.
23 D-Link DWA-160 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Add Profile You may add a new network by clicking the New button from the My Wireless Networks page. Profile Name: SSID: Ent er a name fo r your pr ol e (e.g . Home , Ofc e, Coffee Shop).
24 D-Link DWA-160 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Modify Profile You may edit an existing prole by selecting the prole and clicking the Modify button from the My Wireless Networks page. Profile Name: SSID: En ter a na me fo r you r pro l e (e.
25 D-Link DWA-160 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Support If you need help, click the Support button. A panel will appear to the right of the utility which will display information about the utility.
26 D-Link DWA-160 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration The About screen gives you information about the Firmware and Utility Versions of the DWA-160.
27 D-Link DWA-160 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Connect to a Wireless Network Using Windows ® Vista ™ Windows ® Vista ™ users may use the built-in wireless utility. If you are using another company’s utility or Windows ® 2000, please refer to the user manual of your wireless adapter for help with connecting to a wireless network.
28 D-Link DWA-160 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Enter the same security key or passphrase that is on your router and click Connect . It may take 20-30 seconds to conne ct to the wirele ss networ k. If the connect ion fails, please verify that the security settings are correct.
29 D-Link DWA-160 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Connect to a Wireless Network Using Windows ® XP Windows ® XP users may use the built-in wireless utility (Zero Conguration Utility). The following instructions are for Service Pack 2 users.
30 D-Link DWA-160 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Disabling The Windows ® XP Utility If you want to use the D-Link Wireless Connection Manager you must disable the Windows ® XP wireless utility. Right-click on the wireless computer icon in your system tray (lower-right corner next to the time).
31 D-Link DWA-160 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration In the Wireless Network Connection Proper ties window, unc hec k Use Wind ows ® to con g ure my wire les s net wor k settings and then click OK .
32 D-Link DWA-160 User Manual Section 4 - Wireless Security Wireless Security This section will show you the different levels of security you can use to protect your data from intruders. The DWA-160 offers the following types of security: • WPA/WPA2-Personal • WPA/WPA2-Enterprise • 802.
33 D-Link DWA-160 User Manual Section 4 - Wireless Security usi ng a has hin g algo rit hm an d, by ad din g an int egr ity -ch eck ing featu re, ensu res that th e keys have n’t been tampered with. WPA2 is based on 802.11i and uses Advanced Encryption Standard instead of TKIP.
34 D-Link DWA-160 User Manual Section 4 - Wireless Security Configure WEP Using the D-Link Wireless Connection Manager It is recommended to enable WEP on your wireless router or access point before conguring your wireless adapter. If you are joining an existing network, you will need to know the WEP key being used.
35 D-Link DWA-160 User Manual Section 4 - Wireless Security It is recommended to enable WEP on your wireless router or access point before conguring your wireless adapter. Make sure you enter the WEP key exactly the same on all wireless devices. It is strongly recommended to set the authentication to Shared Key .
36 D-Link DWA-160 User Manual Section 4 - Wireless Security Configure WEP Using Windows ® Vista It is recommended to enable wireless security (WEP) on your wireless router or access point before conguring your wireless adapter. If you are joining an existing network, you will need to know the security key or passphrase being used.
37 D-Link DWA-160 User Manual Section 4 - Wireless Security 3. Enter the same security key or passphrase that is on your router and click Connect . It may take 20-30 seconds to connect to the wireless network. If the connection fails, please verify that the security settings are correct.
38 D-Link DWA-160 User Manual Section 4 - Wireless Security Configure WEP Using the Windows ® XP Utility It is recommended to enable WEP on your wireless router or access point before conguring your wireless adapter. If you are joining an existing network, you will need to know the WEP key being used.
39 D-Link DWA-160 User Manual Section 4 - Wireless Security 3. T he Wir el es s Ne tw ork Co nne ctio n box wi ll app ear . Ente r th e WE P key and click Connect . It may take 20-30 seconds to connect to the wireless network. If the con nec tio n fa ils , p lea se ver ify th at the WE P se tti ngs are co rre ct.
40 D-Link DWA-160 User Manual Section 4 - Wireless Security Configure WP A ™ /WP A2 ™ -Personal Using the D-Link Wireless Connection Manager It is recommended to enable WPA/WPA2-Personal on your wireless router or access point before conguring your wireless adapter.
41 D-Link DWA-160 User Manual Section 4 - Wireless Security It is recommended to enable WPA ™ /WPA2 ™ -Personal on your wireless router or access point before conguring your wireless adapter. Make sure you enter the passphrase exactly the same on all wireless devices.
42 D-Link DWA-160 User Manual Section 4 - Wireless Security Configure WP A ™ /WP A ™ 2-Personal Using Windows ® Vista ™ It is recommended to enable wireless security (WPA/WPA2) on your wireless router or access point before conguring your wireless adapter.
43 D-Link DWA-160 User Manual Section 4 - Wireless Security 3. Enter the same security key or passphrase that is on your router and click Connect . It may take 20-30 seconds to connect to the wireless network. If the connection fails, please verify that the security settings are correct.
44 D-Link DWA-160 User Manual Section 4 - Wireless Security Configure WP A ™ /WP A2 ™ -Personal Using the Windows ® XP Utility It is recommended to enable WPA/WPA2-Personal on your wireless router or access point before conguring your wireless adapter.
45 D-Link DWA-160 User Manual Section 4 - Wireless Security 3. The Wireless Network Connection box will appear. Enter the WPA ™ /WPA2 ™ -Personal passphrase and click Connect . It may take 20-30 seconds to connect to the wireless network. If the connection fails, please verify that the WPA/WPA2-Personal settings are correct.
46 D-Link DWA-160 User Manual Section 4 - Wireless Security Configure WP A ™ /WP A2 ™ -Enterprise Using the D-Link Wireless Connection Manager WP A/ WP A2- Ente rp ri se i s for adv an ce d us er s w ho a re f am il ia r w ith us in g a RA DIU S se rv er a nd s ett ing up c er ti c ate s.
47 D-Link DWA-160 User Manual Section 4 - Wireless Security Configure 802.1x (RADIUS) Using the D-Link Utility 802.1x is for advanced users who are familiar with using a RADIUS server and setting up certicates. 1. Open the Wireless Utility by double-clicking on the D-Link icon in your system tray (lower-right corner of screen).
48 D-Link DWA-160 User Manual Section 5 - T roubleshooting 1. How do I know if my adapter is installed properly? Select the Hardware Tab. T roubleshooting This chapter provides solutions to problems that can occur during the installation and operation of the DWA-160.
49 D-Link DWA-160 User Manual Section 5 - T roubleshooting Click the + sign next to Network Adapters. Right-click on D-Link DWA-160 USB Adapter. Select Properties to check that the drivers are installed properly. Loo k under Device Status to check tha t the devi ce is working properly.
50 D-Link DWA-160 User Manual Section 5 - T roubleshooting Make sure that the DWA-160 Wireless Adapter is properly seated in the computer’s USB port. If Windows ® does not detect the hardware upon insertion of the adapter, make sure to completely remove drivers that were previously loaded.
51 D-Link DWA-160 User Manual Section 5 - T roubleshooting Check that the Network Connection for the wireless client is congured properly. Select AP (Infrastructure) when connecting to an access point. Double-click on the WLAN icon in the taskbar > click on Conguration to change the settings for the wireless adapter.
52 D-Link DWA-160 User Manual Appendix A - Wireless Basics D-Link wireless products are based on industry standards to provide easy-to-use and compatible high-speed wireless connectivity within your home, business or public access wireless networks.
53 D-Link DWA-160 User Manual Appendix A - Wireless Basics What is Wireless? Wireless or Wi-Fi ® technology is another way of connecting your computer to the network without using wires. Wi-Fi uses radio frequency to conne ct wirelessly, so you have the freedom to connect computers anywhere in your home or ofce network.
54 D-Link DWA-160 User Manual Appendix A - Wireless Basics Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN) Bluetooth ® is the industry standard wireless technology used for WPAN.
55 D-Link DWA-160 User Manual Appendix A - Wireless Basics Where is wireless used? Wireless technology is expanding everywhere not just at home or the ofce. People like the freedom of mobility and it’s becoming so popular that more and more public facilities now provide wireless access to attract people.
56 D-Link DWA-160 User Manual Appendix A - Wireless Basics Security Don’t let your next-door neighbors or intruders connect to your wireless network. Secure your wireless network by turning on WPA ™ /WPA2 ™ security features on the router. Refer to the product manual for detailed information on how to set it up.
57 D-Link DWA-160 User Manual Appendix B - Networking Basics Networking Basics Check your IP address After you install your new D-Link wireless adapter and have established a wireless connection, by default, the TCP/IP settings should be set to obtain an IP address from a DHCP server (i.
58 D-Link DWA-160 User Manual Appendix B - Networking Basics Statically Assign an IP address If you are not using a DHCP capable gateway/router, or you need to assign a static IP address, please follow the steps below: Windows ® XP/2000 Users • Windows ® XP - Click on Start > Control Panel .
59 D-Link DWA-160 User Manual Appendix B - Networking Basics Windows Vista ™ Users • Click on Start > Control Panel . Make sure you are in Classic View. Double-click on the Network and Sharing Center icon. Along the left panel in the window, click on Manage network connections .
60 D-Link DWA-160 User Manual Appendix C - T echnical Specifications T echnical Specifications Standards • IEEE 802.11n (draft) • IEEE 802.11g • IEEE 802.11a Bus Type • USB 2.0 (1.1 compatible) Security • WPA ™ /WPA2 ™ - Wi-Fi Protected Access (TKIP, MIC, IV Expansion, Shared Key Authentication) • 802.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat D-Link dwa-160 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen D-Link dwa-160 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens D-Link dwa-160 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding D-Link dwa-160 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over D-Link dwa-160 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van D-Link dwa-160 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de D-Link dwa-160 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met D-Link dwa-160 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.