Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product DWA-566 van de fabrikant D-Link
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2 D-Link DW A-566 User Manual T able of Cont ents Product Overview .............................................................. 3 P ack age Cont ents ........................................................................... 3 Syst em R equir ements .
3 D-Link DW A-566 User Manual Section 1 - Product Over view S yst em Requirements • A desktop computer with an av ailable 64-bit PCI Express slot • 1Ghz processor / 512 MB RAM / 200 MB av ailable .
4 D-Link DW A-566 User Manual Section 1 - Product Over view Introduction The DW A-566 W ireless N 300 Dual Band PCIe Desktop Adapter is a con venient wireless connectivit y solution f or deskt ops. The device installs into a deskt ops PCI Express slot.
5 D-Link DW A-566 User Manual Section 1 - Product Over view • F a s t e r Wi re l e s s N e t wo r k i n g * - E n a b l e w i r e l e s s c o n n e c t i v i t y o n y o u r D e s k t o p P C c o m p u te r w i t h t h e D W A -5 66 .
6 D-Link DW A-566 User Manual Section 1 - Product Over view Har dware Over view LEDs 1 Antennas T wo antennas f or better cover age. 2 WLAN LED A solid light indicat es that wireless is ready . This LED blinks during wireless data transmission. 3 PCIe Connector The PCIe connector will t into the PCI Expr ess slot on your computer .
7 D-Link DW A-566 User Manual Section 2 - I nstallation Getting Star ted Installation This section will walk you through the installation process. If you have a built-in wireless adapter , please disable it in device manager befor e installing your D -Link adapter .
8 D-Link DW A-566 User Manual Section 2 - I nstallation Disable O ther W ireless A dapters T o prev ent any conicts with the D -Link wireless adapter , it is recommended to disable any wireless adapter (as well as any unused Ethernet adapters). F rom t he de skt op , ri ght -cli ck on th e My C ompu ter ico n and se lect P ro pertie s .
9 D-Link DW A-566 User Manual Section 2 - I nstallation Click Y es to disable the adapter . The adapter is no w disabled. When disabled, a red X will be displa yed. Disabling the adapter will not remove the drivers. If you would like to use the adapter , simply right-click it and selec t Enable .
10 D-Link DW A-566 User Manual Section 2 - I nstallation W ireless Installation C onsidera tions The D -Link wireless adapter lets you access your network using a wireless connec tion from vir tually anywhere within the operating range of your wireless network .
11 D-Link DW A-566 User Manual Section 2 - I nstallation Note: Please install the driv ers before physic ally installing the adapter into your computer . T urn on the computer and inser t the D -Link DW A-566 Driver CD in the CD -ROM drive. The step-by-step instruc tions that follow are shown in Windo ws Vista®.
12 D-Link DW A-566 User Manual Section 2 - I nstallation Selec t y our language and click Next to continue. B y d ef a ul t s e t up w il l i ns t al l to t h e d ef a ul t l o c at io n : C : Pr o gr am Fi l es D - Li n k D W A -5 6 6 , wh er e C : re pre s ent s t he dr i ve l et te r o f yo ur h a rd d ri ve.
13 D-Link DW A-566 User Manual Section 2 - I nstallation O nc e th e d r iv er s a r e i ns t al l ed , cl i ck N e xt t o c on ti nu e . Selec t the Prog ram F iles folder location. Click Next to continue. T he d ri v e rs wi l l i ns t al l . T hi s m a y t ak e 1 - 2 mi n ut es .
14 D-Link DW A-566 User Manual Section 2 - I nstallation Step 1 - O p e n t h e s i d e p an e l o f yo u r c o mp u te r a n d t h e n remov e the metal cov er bracket on your PCI Express slot. Step 2 - I nser t the DW A-566 rmly into the PCI Express slot and screw it in place.
15 D-Link DW A-566 User Manual Section 2 - I nstallation Step 4 - Tu r n o n y o u r c o m p u t e r. T h e W i r e l e s s C o n n e c t i o n W i z a r d s t a r t s automatically once the PC is power ed on.
16 D-Link DW A-566 User Manual Section 2 - I nstallation Step 7 - Once the connection is success ful, the screen will auto matic ally indica te that the DW A-566 has connected to your router or access point. Click F inish to complete the connection process .
17 D-Link DW A-566 User Manual Section 2 - I nstallation T o manually connec t to your wireless network , selec t Manually connect to a wireless netw ork and then click Ne xt . Enter the network name (SSID) manually . If you enter the SSID incorrectly , you will automatically be brought to the site sur vey page .
18 D-Link DW A-566 User Manual Section 2 - I nstallation If the wireless network you want to connect to has a lock icon, you will need to enter the encryption password. Click N ext to continue . Note: Click “Show text in the password eld” to display the characters that y ou typ e in the space provided.
19 D-Link DW A-566 User Manual Section 2 - I nstallation Click F inish to continue . If you are prompted to reboot your computer , select Y es, I want to r estar t my c omputer now .
20 D-Link DW A-566 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration C ongura tion D -Link W ireless C onnec tion Manager This sec tion will show y ou how to congur e your new D-Link wir eless adapt er using the D -Link U tility as well as Windo ws® XP Zer o Conguration and Windows 7/V ista® WLAN Auto C onguration.
21 D-Link DW A-566 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration W ireless Networks The Wireless Net works (Site Sur vey) page will display all wireless networks that are available in your area. T o connec t to a network, simply highlight the wireless network (SSID) and click C onnec t .
22 D-Link DW A-566 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration My W ireless Networks The My Wir eless Net w orks page will allo w you to creat e, edit, and delet e wireless network pr oles. Every time you connec t to a network using the Wireless Networks page , a prole will automatically be creat ed.
23 D-Link DW A-566 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration A dd Pr ole Y ou may add a new network by clicking the New button from the My Wir eless Net works page . Pr ole Name: SSID: Enter a name for your prole (e.g . Home, Oce, Co ee Shop).
24 D-Link DW A-566 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Modify Pr ole Y ou may edit an existing prole b y click ing the Modify button from the My Wireless Networks page . Pr ole Name: SSID: Enter a name for your prole (e.g . Home, O ce , Co ee Shop).
25 D-Link DW A-566 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration Suppor t If you need help , click the Suppor t button. A panel will appear to the right of the utility which will display inf or mation about the utility .
26 D-Link DW A-566 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration The About scr een gives you inf or mation about the F ir m ware and Utility V ersions of the DW A-566.
27 D-Link DW A-566 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration C onnec t to a W ir eless Net w ork U sing W indow s® 7 Windo ws® 7 users may use the built-in wireless utility . If you are using another company’ s utility or W indows® 2000, please ref er to the user manual of your wir eless adapter for help with c onnec ting t o a wireless network.
28 D-Link DW A-566 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration U sing W indow s V ista® Windo ws Vista users may use the built-in wir eless utilit y . I f you ar e using another company ’ s utilit y or Window s® 2000, please ref er to the user manual of your wir eless adapter for help with c onnec ting t o a wireless network.
29 D-Link DW A-566 User Manual Section 3 - Conguration U sing W indow s® XP Windo ws® XP users may use the built-in wireless utility (Zer o Congur ation Utility).
30 D-Link DW A-566 User Manual Section 4 - W ireless Security W ir eless S ecurit y This section will show you the di erent levels of security you can use to pr otec t y our data from intruders.
31 D-Link DW A-566 User Manual Section 4 - W ireless Security C ongure WP A/WP A2-P ersonal Using the D-Link Utility It is recommended to enable WP A/WP A2-Personal on your wireless router or access point before conguring your wireless adapter .
32 D-Link DW A-566 User Manual Section 4 - W ireless Security It is recommended to enable WP A/WP A2-Personal on your wireless router or access point before conguring your wireless adapter . Make sure y ou enter the passphrase e xactly the same on all wireless devices.
33 D-Link DW A-566 User Manual Section 4 - W ireless Security C ongure WP A/WP A2 P ersonal Using W indow s® 7 It is rec ommended to enable wireless securit y ( WP A/WP A2) on your wireless router or access point befor e conguring your wireless adapter .
34 D-Link DW A-566 User Manual Section 4 - W ireless Security 3. Highlight the wireless network (SSID) you would like to connect to and click the Connect button. If y ou ge t a go od si gnal but cann ot acc ess the Int ernet , che ck y our T CP/ IP se ttin gs fo r yo ur w irel ess adap ter .
35 D-Link DW A-566 User Manual Section 4 - W ireless Security 5. Enter the same security key or passphrase that is on your router and click C onnec t . Y ou can also connect by pushing the WPS button on the rout er . It ma y take 20-30 seconds to connec t to the wir eless netw ork.
36 D-Link DW A-566 User Manual Section 4 - W ireless Security C ongure WP A/WP A -P ersonal Using W indow s V ista® It is rec ommended to enable wireless securit y ( WP A/WP A2) on your wireless router or access point befor e conguring your wireless adapter .
37 D-Link DW A-566 User Manual Section 4 - W ireless Security 3. Enter the same securit y key or passphrase that is on your router and click C onnec t . I t m ay ta ke 2 0-3 0 se con ds to c onn ec t t o t he w irel es s ne t wor k. I f th e connection fails, please verify that the security settings are correct.
38 D-Link DW A-566 User Manual Section 4 - W ireless Security C ongure WP A/WP A2-P ersonal Using W indow s® XP It is recommended to enable WP A/WP A2-Personal on your wireless router or access point before conguring your wireless adapter .
39 D-Link DW A-566 User Manual Section 4 - W ireless Security 3. The W ireless Netw ork C onnec tion bo x will appear . Enter the WP A/ WP A2-P ersonal passphrase and click Connect . I t m ay ta ke 2 0-3 0 se con ds to c onn ec t t o t he w irel es s ne t wor k.
40 D-Link DW A-566 User Manual Section 4 - W ireless Security C ongure WP A/WP A2-En terprise Using the D-Link Utility WP A/ WP A2-E nt erpri se is fo r a dvan ced us ers who ar e fami liar wi th u sing a RADIU S s er v er and sett ing up certi c ate s.
41 D-Link DW A-566 User Manual Section 5 - T roubleshooting 1. How do I know if m y adapter is installed properly? Selec t the Har dware T ab . T r oubleshooting This chapter provides solutions to problems that can occur during the installation and operation of the DW A-566.
42 D-Link DW A-566 User Manual Section 5 - T roubleshooting Click the + sign next to Networ k Adapt ers. Right- click on D-Link DW A-566 Desktop PCI Expr ess Adapter . Selec t P roperties to check that the drivers are installed pr oper ly . Look under Device Sta tus to check that the device is working properly .
43 D-Link DW A-566 User Manual Section 5 - T roubleshooting • Make sure that the SSID on the DW A-566 Desktop PCI Express Adapt er is exac tly the same as the SSID on the Ac cess P oint or wireless r outer . • Mov e th e DW A-566 and Ac ce ss P oin t or Wir eles s ro uter in to t he same r oom and th en te st th e wir eles s conne c ti on.
44 D-Link DW A-566 User Manual Section 5 - T roubleshooting • Make sure that the DW A-566 Wir eless Adapter is properly seated in the c omputer ’ s PCI Expr ess slot. • If Windo ws does not detect the hardwa re upon inser tion of the adapt er , make sur e to c omplet ely remo ve driv ers that wer e previously loaded.
45 D-Link DW A-566 User Manual Section 5 - T roubleshooting • In Infrastructure mode, make sure the same Ser vice Set Identier (SSID) is specied on the settings for the wireless clients and ac cess points. The SSID factor y default setting for D-Link products is default.
46 D-Link DW A-566 User Manual Section 5 - T roubleshooting W indow s® 7 T r oubleshooting Go to Start > Computer > P roperties. Selec t the Devic e Manager.
47 D-Link DW A-566 User Manual Section 5 - T roubleshooting Click the + sign next to Networ k Adapt ers. Right- click on D-Link DW A-566 Desktop PCI Expr ess Adapter . Selec t Properties to check that the drivers are installed pr operly . Look under Device Status t o check that the device is w ork ing properly .
48 D-Link DW A-566 User Manual Appendix A - Wir eless Basics D -L in k wi rel es s p rod uc ts a re b as ed o n i ndu st r y s tan da rds t o pro vi de e as y-t o -u se an d c omp at ib le h ig h- spe ed w ire le ss connectivity within y our home, business or public access wireless networks .
49 D-Link DW A-566 User Manual Appendix A - Wir eless Basics Wha t is W ireless? Wir eless or Wi-F i technology is another way of connecting y our c omputer to the network without using wires. Wi-F i uses radio frequency to connect wirelessly , so you have the fr eedom to connect computers anywhere in y our home or oce network.
50 D-Link DW A-566 User Manual Appendix A - Wir eless Basics Bluetooth is the industr y standard wireless technology used for WP AN. Bluetooth devices in WP AN operate in a range up to 30 feet a way .
51 D-Link DW A-566 User Manual Appendix A - Wir eless Basics Wher e is wireless used? Wir eless technology is expanding ever ywhere not just at home or oce. P eople like the freedom of mobility and it ’ s becoming so popular that more and mor e public facilitie s now provide wire less ac cess to attract people .
52 D-Link DW A-566 User Manual Appendix B - Networking Basics Networking B asics Check y our IP address After you install your new D-Link wireless adapt er and have established a wir eless connec tion, b y default, the TCP/IP settings should be set to obtain an IP addr ess from a DHCP ser ver (i.
53 D-Link DW A-566 User Manual Appendix B - Networking Basics Sta tically Assign an IP addr ess If you are not using a DHCP capable gat eway/router , or y ou need to assign a static IP address , please follow the steps below: W indow s® XP/2000 Users • W indows® XP - Click on Start > Contr ol Panel .
54 D-Link DW A-566 User Manual Appendix B - Networking Basics W indow s® 7/Vista® U sers • Click on Star t > C ontrol Panel (make sure you are in Classic View). Double - click on the Network and S haring Cent er ic on. If you are using Windo ws Vista®, click on Manage network connections along the lef t panel in the window .
55 D-Link DW A-566 User Manual Appendix C - T echnical Specications T echnical Specica tions Standards* • IEEE 802.11g • IEEE 802.11n • IEEE 802.
56 D-Link DW A-566 User Manual Appendix D - Contacting T echnical Suppor t C ontac ting T echnical Suppor t U .S. and Canadian customers can contact D-Link technical suppor t through our web sit e or by phone. Befor e you con tac t technical suppor t, please ha ve the following r eady : • Model number of the product (e.
57 D-Link DW A-566 User Manual Appendix E - W arranty W arran t y Subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein, D-Link Systems, Inc. (“D-Link ”) pr ovides this Limited Warran t y: • Only.
58 D-Link DW A-566 User Manual Appendix E - W arranty Limited Soft war e W arranty: D-Link warrants that the soft ware portion of the product (“Software ”) will substantially conform to D -Link’.
59 D-Link DW A-566 User Manual Appendix E - W arranty • After an RMA number is issued , the defective pr oduct must be packaged secur ely in the original or other suitab le shipping package to ensure that it will not be damaged in transit, and the RMA number must be prominently marked on the outside of the package.
60 D-Link DW A-566 User Manual Appendix E - W arranty • The customer is r esponsible f or all in-bound shipping charges to D-Link . No Cash on Deliver y (“COD”) is allowed . Pr oduc ts sent COD will be rejected by D-Link. Pr oduc ts shall be fully insured by the customer and shipped to D-Link Networks, Inc.
62 D-Link DW A-566 User Manual Appendix E - W arranty FC C Statement: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to par t 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provid e reasonabl e protection against harmful interferenc e in a residential instal lation.
63 D-Link DW A-566 User Manual Appendix E - W arranty Industr y C anada Notice: This device complies with RSS-210 of the Industr y Canada Rules . Operation is subject to the following two conditions: .
64 D-Link DW A-566 User Manual Appendix F - Registration V ersion 1.0 August 31, 2011 Pr oduc t reg istration is entirely volun tar y and failure to complete or r eturn this form will not diminish your warranty rights.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat D-Link DWA-566 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen D-Link DWA-566 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens D-Link DWA-566 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding D-Link DWA-566 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over D-Link DWA-566 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van D-Link DWA-566 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de D-Link DWA-566 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met D-Link DWA-566 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.