Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product DWL-G520+ van de fabrikant D-Link
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M a nual Building Network s f or People High-speed 2.4GHz D WL-G520+ D-Link Air Plus X TREME G+ TM Wireless PCI Ada pter.
2 Contents Pa ckage Contents ................................................................................. 3 Introduction ............................................................................................ 4 Wireless Ba sics .............
3 Contents of Pa ckage: D-Link Air Plus Xtre me G+ D WL-G520+ 2.4 GHz - 54Mbps Wireless PCI Ada pter Ma nual, W arranty a nd Drivers on CD Printed Quick Installation Guide Pa ck age Contents If a ny of the a bove items are missing, ple a se contact your reseller .
4 Introduction The D-Link Air Plus X treme G+ D WL-G520+ Wireless PCI Ada pter is a 802.1 1g high- perf orma nce, wireless a da pter that supports high-speed wireless networking at home, at work or in public pla ces.
5 Fe ature s WP A* (Wi Fi Protected Access) authorizes a nd identifies users ba sed on a secret key that cha nges automatically at a regular interval, f or exa mple: 802.
6 D-Link wireless products are ba sed on industry sta ndards to provide ea sy-to- use a nd compatible high-speed wireless connectivity within your home, busine ss or public a ccess wireless networks. D-Link wirele ss products will allow you a ccess to the data you wa nt, when a nd where you wa nt it.
7 Wirele ss Ba sics (continued) People use WLAN technology for ma ny different purposes: Mobility - Productivity increa se s when people have a ccess to data in any location within the operating ra nge of the WLAN. Ma n agement decisions ba sed on real-ti me information ca n significantly i mprove worker efficiency .
8 Sta ndards-Ba sed T e chnology The D WL-G520+ Wireless PCI Ada pter utilize s the 802.1 1g standard. The IEEE 802.1 1g sta ndard is a n extension of the 802.1 1b sta ndard. It increa se s the data rate up to 54 Mbps within the 2.4GHz ba nd, utilizing OF DM technology .
9 Wirele ss Ba sics (continued) Installation Considerations The D-Link Air Plus Xtreme G+ D WL-G520+ lets you a cce ss your network, using a wireless connection, from virtually a nywhere within its operating ra nge.
10 Getting Started Infra structure – using a n Access Point, or Wireless Router , such a s the DI-624+. Ad-Hoc – directly connecting to a nother computer , for peer-to- peer communication, using wireless network a da pters on ea ch computer , such a s two or more D WL-G520+ wireless network PCI ada pters.
11 Plea se rem ember that D-Link Air Plus Xtre me G + wireless devices are pre- configured to connect together, right out of the box, with their default settings.
12 Getting Started Setting up a W irele ss Ad Hoc Network Install the D-Link D WL-G520+ Wirele ss Network ada pter into one desktop computer. See the Quick Installation Guide included with the product for installation instructions . Install a nother D WL-G650+ into a la ptop computer .
13 Using the Configuration Utility Bef ore you use the configuration utility for the D WL-G520+, you must in stall the drivers a nd the configuration utility from the CD-ROM that ca me with the D WL- G520+. (Plea se see the Quick Installation Guide that ca me with the product.
14 Status: Displays the MAC Address of the Access Point that is a ssociated with the D WL-G520+. SSID: The Service Set Identif ier is the na me a ssigned to the wireless network.
15 To communicate on the network all devices must have the sa me settings f or the following propertie s: SSID - (Service Set Identifier) is a n a me that identifie s a wireless network. Access Points a nd wirele ss clients attempting to connect to a spe cific WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network) must use the sa me SSID.
16 Configuration Utility Encryption Data Encryption – enable Encryption by clicking on the box. Encryption is disabled a s the default setting. Authorization mode – choose one of the following mod.
17 A vaila ble Network s The top section of the window displays the A vaila ble Network s. Scroll up a nd down the list and highlight the network to which you wish to conne ct.
18 In this window you ca n configure all the properties of a profile in order to connect with a network of your choice. After you have entered your cha nges in this window , click OK to save the cha nges.
19 The ABOUT screen gives you inf ormation about the F irmware and Utility V ersions of the D WL-G520+. Configuration Utility About.
20 Using the Network Setup Wizard in Windows XP In this section you will learn how to establish a network at home or work, using Microsoft Windows XP. Note: Ple a se refer to websites such a s http://www a nd http://www for inf ormation a bout networking computers using Windows 2000, ME or 98SE.
21 Plea se follow all the instruction s in this window: Networking Ba sics Click Next In the following window, select the best description of your computer. If your computer connects to the internet through a gateway/router, select the second option a s shown.
22 Enter a Computer descri ption a nd a Computer na me (option al.) Networking Ba sics Click Next Enter a Workgroup na me. All computers on your network should have the sa me Workgroup n a me.
23 Plea se wait while the Network Setup Wizard a pplie s the cha nges. Networking Ba sics When the cha nges are complete, click Next . Plea se wait while the Network Setup Wizard configure s the computer .
24 Networking Ba sics In the window below , select the option that fits your needs. In this exa mple, Cre ate a Network Setup Dis k ha s been selected. Y ou will run this disk on ea ch of the computers on your network. Click Next . Insert a dis k into the Floppy Disk Drive, in this ca se drive A.
25 Networking Ba sics Plea se rea d the information under Here’s how in the screen below . After you complete the Network Setup Wizard you will use the Network Setup Disk to run the Network Setup Wizard once on ea ch of the computers on your network.
26 Networking Ba sics Plea se rea d the inf ormation on this screen, then click Finish to complete the Network Setup Wizard . The new settings will ta ke effect when you restart the computer . Click Yes to restart the computer. Y ou have completed configuring this computer .
27 Networking Ba sics Na ming your Computer T o na me your computer , plea se f ollow the se direction s:In W indows XP : Click Start (in the lower left corner of the screen) Right-click on My Computer Select Properties a nd click Select the Computer Na me T a b in the System Properties window.
28 Networking Ba sics Na ming your Computer Che cking the IP Addre ss in W indows XP The wireless ad a pter-equipped computers in your network must be in the sa me IP Ad- dress ra nge (see Getting Started in this ma nual f or a definition of IP Address Ra nge.
29 Networking Ba sics Che cking the IP Addre ss in W indows XP This window will a ppear . Click the Support tab Click Close Assigning a Static IP Addre ss in W indows XP/2000 Note: Re sidentia.
30 Networking Ba sics Assigning a Static IP Addre ss in W indows XP/2000 Double-click on Network Connections Double-click on Properties Right-click on Local Area Connections.
31 Networking Ba sics Assigning a Static IP Addre ss in Windows XP/2000 Y ou have completed the a ssign ment of a Static IP Address. (Y ou do not need to a ssign a Static IP Addre ss if you have a DHCP-ca pa ble Gateway/Router .) Click on Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Click Properties IP Address: e.
32 Networking Ba sics Che cking the Wirele ss Conne ction by Pinging in W indows XP a nd 2000 Che cking the Wirele ss Conne ction by Pinging in W indows ME a nd 98SE Go to Start > Run > type cmd . A window similar to this one will a ppear . T ype ping xxx.
33 1. Check that the drivers for the D WL-G520+ are installed properly . Click Device M a nager Select the Hardware Ta b T rouble shooting This cha pter provides solutions to problems that ca n occur during the installation a nd operation of the D WL-G520+.
34 T rouble shooting Double-click on Network Ada pters Right-click on D-Link D WL-G520+ Wireless PCI Ada pter Select Properties to check that the drivers are in- stalled properly Click.
35 2. I ca nnot connect to the a ccess point or the wirele ss router . 3. The D WL-G520+ Power a nd Link lights are not on. 4. I forgot my Encryption key. Ma ke sure that the D WL-G520+ Wireless Ada pter is properly seated in the computer’s PCI slot.
36 T rouble shooting A . U nder T ools > select Folder Option s …> sele ct View > under Hidden file s a nd f olders > select Show hidden file s and f olders B. U ncheck Hide extension f or known file type s > click on Apply C . Search for previously loaded driver files.
37 7. How ca n I trouble shoot dista nce issue s using the D WL-G520+. Move the D WL-G520+ and Acce ss Point or Wireless router into the sa me room a nd then test the wireless connection.
38 IEEE 802.1 1b IEEE 802.1 1g IEEE 802.1 1 Sta ndards T e chnical Specif ication s Power Network Diagnostic LED T e mperature Operating: 0ºC to 55ºC (32ºF to 131ºF) 95% ma.
39 PowerSave mode = 28mA T ra n smitter Output Power: T e chnical Specification s Data Rates: With Automatic Fallba ck 54Mbps; 48Mbps; 36Mbps; 24Mbps; 18Mbps; 12Mbps; 1 1Mbps; 9Mbps; 6Mbps; 5.
40 Conta cting T echnical Support Y ou can f ind software updates a nd user documentation on the D-Link website. D-Link provides free technical support f or customers within the U nited States a nd within Ca na da f or the duration of the warra nty period on this product.
41 Subject to the terms a nd conditions set forth herein, D-Link Systems, Inc. (“D-Link”) provides this Limited warra nty for its product only to the person or entity that originally purcha sed th.
42 After a n RMA number is issued, the defective product must be pa ckaged securely in the original or other suitable shi pping pa ckage to ensure that it will not be da maged in tra nsit, a nd the RMA number must be prominently marked on the outside of the pa ckage.
43 Governing Law : This Limited Warranty shall be governed by the laws of the State of California. Some states do not allow exclusion or li mitation of incidental or consequenti al da mages, or limitation s on how long a n implied warra nty la sts, so the foregoing limitation s a nd exclusions may not a pply .
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat D-Link DWL-G520+ (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen D-Link DWL-G520+ heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens D-Link DWL-G520+ vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding D-Link DWL-G520+ leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over D-Link DWL-G520+ krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van D-Link DWL-G520+ bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de D-Link DWL-G520+ kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met D-Link DWL-G520+ . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.