Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product EA800 van de fabrikant Enviro
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D-011-0152 Electronic Multi-Zone Environ mental Alarm System Installati on/Owner’s Manual.
Limitations of the Alarm System or Device While your alar m system o r devic e is reli able and s ophisti cated, it does n ot offer gu aranteed protection a gainst burgl ary, fire o r other emergency . Any securi ty product, whether commerc ial or res idential , is sub ject to compr omise or failur e-to-warn for a va riety of reasons.
D - 011 - 0152 i Table of Contents Gene ral I nfor matio n . ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... ....... ...... ..... ....... .... ....... .... ........... .... ..... 1 Overv iew ..... ..... ...... ..... .....
ii D-011-015 2 Oper atio n ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ..... ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... ....... . ........ ...... ..... .... . 49 Moni tori ng En viro nmen tal C onditi ons .. ..... .
D - 011 - 0152 1 General Information Overview The Envir oAlert ® EA800 Mu lti-Zone Enviro nmental Al arm Syste m moni tors the env ironment al condit ions d etected by the se nsors connecte d to the .
2 D-011- 0152 How to Use This Manual How to Use This Manual This manu al is org anized in to sectio ns that guid e you thr ough the in stallati on process , then desc ribe how to u se the EA800 a nd change its pro grammed settin gs if nec essary.
General Inform ation D - 011 - 0152 3 Block Diagrams Figure 2 s hows a block dia gram of th e base unit inte rfaces and functi ons. The E A800 pro vides eigh t relays for indicati ng when a p rogram med ala rm limit h as been ex ceeded o r a warn ing condi tion e xists.
4 D-011- 0152 Symbols on the Product or Manual L abeling Symbols on the Product or Manual Labeling Symbol s appear ing on the produc t labelin g, pack aging, an d/or in t his manua l are shown and descr ibed in Tab le 1. Table 1 Symbols on Pro duct or Manual Symb ol De fini tio n Attenti on, consu lt accom panying documents or sta tements.
General Inform ation D - 011 - 0152 5 Monitoring Screens The EA 800 user in terface i s menu-bas ed. Duri ng normal system mo nitor ing, one of the follow ing three screen s is display ed depend ing on the curr ent state of the pro grammed s ensors: The MONITO RING (home) s creen is displayed when there are no activ e alarms.
6 D-011- 0152 Keys Keys Figure 4 shows th e base unit displa y and entry key s. The key s are de scribed i n Table 2. Figure 4 EA800 Base Unit Key s Table 2 Key Func tions Key Function F1 This key 's functi on change s as determin ed by the s oftware.
General Inform ation D - 011 - 0152 7 Base Unit Connect ions Figure 5 s hows the EA800 base uni t's connec tions an d Table 3 de scrib es the func tions of each con nection. Note: The bas e unit has four wire d sens or input s and f our wirele ss RF sens or inpu ts.
8 D-011- 0152 Acces s Contro l and Pas swords Access Control and Passwords The EA 800 base unit is normall y locked to prevent unautho rized use . The cu rrently ac tive fun ction of th e F1 soft key ( UNLOC K or LOCK ) is displ ayed abov e the key . The lo cked and unlock ed states are desc ribed bel ow.
General Inform ation D - 011 - 0152 9 System Configurat ion Parameters The EA 800 base u nit requi res ce rtain s ystem le vel info rmation a s outlin ed in Tab le 4.
10 D-011- 0152 Sensors Sensors A vari ety of s ensors m ay b e used with the EA80 0 base unit to provide envir onmental status and infor mation. These include th e foll owing: ■ Wired Sensors: Relays 1 through 4 are for us e with sen sors wir ed to the bas e unit.
General Inform ation D - 011 - 0152 11 Humidity Sensors Table 6 lists th e humidi ty senso rs availa ble for use with th e EA800 A larm Sys tem. 4-20 mA Sen sors Theory of Operation Industry s tandard 4 -20mA sensor s can b e used with th e EA800.
12 D-011- 0152 Sensors Power Supply / Senso r Voltage Sele c tion In order to deter mine the p ower sup ply vol tage neces sary to e nsure c orrect ful l-scale o perat ion, it is nece ssary to ident ify all v oltage dr ops with in the c urren t loop. Figures 6 and 7 s how an EA 800 drop o f 4.
General Inform ation D - 011 - 0152 13 Water Sensors Table 8 lists th e water sens ors avai lable for use with the EA800 Alarm S ystem. Use of wate r sensors r equires th at at le ast one s upervised water se nsor be us ed.
14 D-011- 0152 Sensors Sensor Param eter Descriptions This section provid es a desc riptio n of eac h senso r parame ter. Table 11 Sensor Para meter Descriptio ns Parameter Applicable to Sensors Descri ption Sensor Nam e All A nam e use d to identi fy the se nsor in the alarm system.
General Inform ation D - 011 - 0152 15 Relay Operation This sec tion des cribes the operatio n of the bas e unit's r elays. T he relay s must b e programm ed correc tly so t hat their ou tputs provi de the des ired si gnaling to the alar m panel.
16 D-011- 0152 Relay Op eration.
D - 011 - 0152 17 Preparation Before y ou begin install ation, ens ure that y ou prope rly plan th e alarm system. During th e plannin g phas e you will generate all the do cumen tation you need to success fully i nstall th e EA800 b ase un it and sen sors in th e alarm system .
18 D-011- 0152 5. Complete the co py of App endix B: Planning Workshee t for the f acility in which the EA80 0 system is to be instal led. Thi s must in clude all monit ored are as for the tota l secur ity system so tha t you know h ow many EA800 base units are needed.
Preparatio n D - 011 - 0152 19 Figure 9 Typ ical Alarm Loo p Wiring Configuration (E xternal Power) Figure 10 Typical Alarm Loop Wiri ng Configurati on (Self-Powered) Pow e r In Aux Pow e r Out J6 J5 .
20 D-011- 0152 12. Create an inter connec t wiring dia gram for the system . Identify the location of each s ensor An e xample of a syste m map is shown in Fi gure 11.
D - 011 - 0152 21 Installation Tools and Suppl ies Requir ed Ensure tha t you hav e the follo wing prior to s tarting the install ation: ■ Phil lips Sc rewdri ver ■ Mounting hardware for the EA8 0.
22 D-011- 0152 Install the Wired Sensors 2. Mount the moun ting pl ate as fol lows: ■ Mounting to 3-gang enc losure: Us e four (4) machi ne screws to sec ure the moun ting plate to the mating hol es in the 3-g ang enclo sure. ■ Mounting to drywa ll sur face: Pla ce the mou nting plat e in mount ing posi tion.
Installatio n D - 011 - 0152 23 Note: Verify tha t the wir eless sensors can c ommunica te with the base unit as out lined in the followi ng proc e- dure befo re permane ntly moun ting th em.
24 D-011- 0152 Connecting W ired Temperature, Cont act Closure , and Water Bug Sensors Note: It may ta ke a few minut es for the ba se unit to detect the wireless se nsors. At this poi nt the NEW WIREL ESS SENSOR screen is displa yed and an arrow move s from left to rig ht indicati ng that the EA800 i s waitin g to rece ive sen sor ID dat a.
Installatio n D - 011 - 0152 25 Connecting Wired HA-III+ Humid ity Sensors 1. Make ce rtain the sensor 's wiring is pass ed throu gh the open ing in the mou nting pla te. 2. Remove the adapte r from the c orrect in put co nnector headers by pulling the adap ter up an d off of the c ircuit board he ader connec tors.
26 D-011- 0152 Connecting W ired 4-20mA Sensors Connecting Wired 4-20mA Sensors 1. Make c ertain the s ensor's wir ing is pas sed through the ope ning in th e mountin g plate. 2. Remove t he adap ter from the correct i nput conn ector he aders by pu lling the adapte r up and o ff of the ci rcuit board h eader co nnecto rs.
Installatio n D - 011 - 0152 27 Connecting the EA800 Al arm Outputs 1. If alarm loops wil l be con trolled by the EA 800, inst all all r equire d wiring fr om alarm loops to the EA800 mounting loc ation. 2. Connect the a larm loop lead s to the termi nal block ad apter.
28 D-011- 0152 Programming Accessing the MAIN ME NU for Programming 1. If not alr eady pow ered up, a pply powe r to the E A800 bas e unit. Dur ing the bo ot proce ss: ■ The W inland Elec tronics s plash scr een is dis played. ■ The s ystem ve rifies fla sh memor y, as in dicated b y FLAS H BOO T at the bottom o f the screen.
Installatio n D - 011 - 0152 29 3. Enter the SY STEM me nu and then sele ct the CONFIGURATION menu as shown below. : 4. The default date forma t is MM/DD /YYYY. If you pref er DD/MM/Y YYY format , from the CONFIGURATION menu, set the DATE FORMAT as app ropriate fo r your region.
30 D-011- 0152 Programming 7. Press F3 to co nfirm your sel ectio n. When the CONFIGURATION menu is dis played, select a nd set BUZZ ER as shown be low. The BUZZER setting enab les/disabl es the aud ible ala rm buzz er. 8. Press F3 to confi rm your s electio n.
Installatio n D - 011 - 0152 31 Setting the Current Date Unlock t he EA800 to continu e programm ing if necessar y. See “ Accessi ng the MAIN MENU for P rogrammi ng” on page 28. F rom the MAIN ME NU , us e the a rrow keys t o sele ct SYSTEM , then sele ct Set Dat e and set the current d ate as shown below.
32 D-011- 0152 Programming Setting the Time Unlock the EA80 0 to co ntinue progr amming i f nece ssary. S ee “Acces sing the MAIN MENU for Prog ramming ” on page 28. From the MAIN MENU , use the a rrow keys to select SY STEM , t hen selec t Set Time a nd set the c urrent tim e as show n below.
Installatio n D - 011 - 0152 33 Adding Wireless Sensors Go to the appropr iate sect ion for t he wireless sensor t o be add ed: ■ Wirele ss Tem perature S ensor: S ee “Adding a Wirel ess Temp erat.
34 D-011- 0152 Adding Wirele ss Sensors Note: To ente r numeric values , use the a rrow keys . To adv ance the c ursor to the next di git when e ntering numeri c values, pr ess the NEXT sof t ke y ( F3 ). To return t o a previo us digit, press th e PREV sof t ke y ( F2 ).
Installatio n D - 011 - 0152 35 Adding a Wireless Multi-Function Se n sor Using a Wire d Temperature Sens or Wirele ss mult i-fun ction se nsors are physic ally conn ected t o wired sens ors lo cated els ewhere a nd pro vide a transmitter to send the signa ls monit ored by the wired sensor to the bas e unit.
36 D-011- 0152 Adding Wirele ss Sensors When se tting n umeric values, u se the arro w keys to change the valu e. Use the PREV and NEXT soft ke ys to mo ve the cur sor to the n ext or pr evious digit. Pre ss the ENTER key to ent er the value . This is the st art screen for t he next sensor to be added, if any.
Installatio n D - 011 - 0152 37 Adding a Wireless Humidity Sensor The Hyst eresis sett ing hel ps preven t alarms from being set an d reset con tinual ly if the environ ment is a t or near the ala rm set po int by prov idin g an acce ptable variance.
38 D-011- 0152 Adding Wirele ss Sensors Adding a Wireless Multi-Function Sens or Using a Wired WaterBug Sensor Wireles s multi- functio n sensors are phy sically con nected to wired se nsors l ocated el sewhere and provid e a transm itter to s end the s ignals m onitored by the wire d sensor to the base u nit.
Installatio n D - 011 - 0152 39 F3 This is the st art screen for the next sensor to be added, if any. Example shown, set values as appropriate for your system.
40 D-011- 0152 Adding Wirele ss Sensors Adding a Wireless Multi-Function Sensor Using a Wired Contact Closure Sensor Wireles s multi- functio n sensors are phy sically con nected to wired se nsors l ocated el sewhere and provid e a transm itter to s end the s ignals m onitored by the wire d sensor to the base u nit.
Installatio n D - 011 - 0152 41 F3 This is the st art screen for the next sensor to be added, if any. Selec t N.O. Cont act or N.C. Con tact as appropriate.
42 D-011- 0152 Adding Wirele ss Sensors Verify Wire less Signal Strength After te mporarily mounting the wirel ess se nsors in the desi red locati on, ve rify the si gnal str ength at the base unit by perfor ming the fo llowing procedure to verify t he signal strengt h of each p rogrammed wireles s sensor .
Installatio n D - 011 - 0152 43 Adding Wired Sensors ■ Low tem perature s ensors - Blue Th ermisto r Probes: See “Ad ding a Wired Tem peratur e Sensor” on pag e 43. ■ High tempe rature s ensors - Red Therm istor Probes : See “Addi ng a Wir ed Temper ature Se nsor” on p age 43.
44 D-011- 0152 Adding Wired Sensors Adding a Wired HA-III+ Humidity Sensor To add an H A-III+ hu midity s ensor per form the f ollowing procedure . F3 This is the start screen for the next sensor to b e added, if any. NOTE: The sensor number m ust match the input number (J6 ) u sed by the sensor or an alarm may result.
Installatio n D - 011 - 0152 45 Adding a Wired WaterBug Sensor To add a WaterBu g sensor p erform t he followi ng procedur e: Note: A supe rvised W aterBug sensor mu st be u sed. F3 This is the start screen for the next sensor to b e added, if any. NOTE: The sensor number must match the input number (J6 ) used by the sensor or an alarm may result.
46 D-011- 0152 Adding Wired Sensors Adding a Wired Contact Closure Sensor The fol lowing pr ocedure s hown ad ds a N.O. contact c losure s ensor but is the sam e for N.C. c ontact cl osure sensor. F3 This is the start screen for the next sensor to b e added, if any.
Installatio n D - 011 - 0152 47 Adding a 4-20mA Sensor To add a 4-20mA s ensor, perfor m the followi ng procedure . There are some addi tional par ameters to configure with this type of sensor, inc luding Un it of Measur e and Resol ution.
48 D-011- 0152 Configuring the Relays Configu ring the Relays When al l senso rs have been added , you mus t configu re the relays s o that th e outputs indicate the mon itored conditi ons corr ectly.
D - 011 - 0152 49 Ope ration This cha pter pro vides ins truction s for doi ng the following : ■ “Monitori ng Enviro nmental Condition s” on pa ge 49 ■ “Viewing S ensor Setti ngs” on page .
50 D-011- 0152 Viewing Se nsor Settin gs Viewing Sensor Settings You can view the readings of each installe d sensor o n the MONI TORING screen. T o view de tails of a s ensor’s progr ammed set tings and curren t read ings on o ne scr een perform the pr ocedure sh own bel ow.
Operat ion D - 011 - 0152 51 Viewing the Alarm Log This a larm log is a quick view of the 20 m ost recent alarms. Up to 10 0 alarms c an be rev iewed by selecti ng Dat a Log from the MA IN ME NU , th en selec ting Vi ew Alarm Log . To revi ew the alar m histo ry and rev iew a spe cific a larm stored i n the log, perform the follow ing proc edure.
52 D-011- 0152 Viewing L imit Settings Viewing Limit Settings To view the cur rent reading s and the limit s of a sensor that is not in an alarm sta te perform the following proc edure: Viewing the E vent Log The EA 800 Alar m Syste m logs up t o 100 even ts in its Event Log.
Operat ion D - 011 - 0152 53 Viewing the Sensor Log The sen sor log pr ovides a histor y of the e nvironm ental con dition s for all i nstalle d sensors at a glanc e.
54 D-011- 0152 Viewing RF Information Viewin g RF I nforma tion The ABOUT RF screen displ ays the EA 800 base u nit’s MA C addres s, the RF channel cu rrently in use, the RF commun ications pr otocol v ersion, a nd the RF s ubsystem’ s firm ware version .
D - 011 - 0152 55 Maintenance This cha pter cont ains instructio ns on performing the fol lowing ma intena nce task s: ■ Lock/unl ock the bas e unit : See “Lo cking and Un lock ing the E A800” o.
56 D-011- 0152 Pausing M onitoring a nd Cancelling Pause Pausing Monitor ing and Cancelling Pause To prev ent false alarms when perfo rming ma intena nce, pause s ensor m onitoring. P ausing stops mon itoring and ignore s active al arms fo r a 30-min ute perio d.
Mainten ance D - 011 - 0152 57 Adding a Sensor The proce dure for adding a senso r to an exi sting sy stem is the same as for a n ew system. See “Ins tall the Wir ed Sensor s” on page 22 or “I n.
58 D-011- 0152 Editing Sensor Parameters 5. If the dete cted new s ensor is not th e same ty pe as the replaced s ensor, t he INVALI D SENSOR TYP E s creen is display ed.
Mainten ance D - 011 - 0152 59 Reprogramming a Relay Note: Ensure that the system ’s Config uration W orksh eets are updated to document a ny ch anges. A Rela y can be reprogr ammed as desir ed at any t ime. P erform the p rocedur e outlin ed in “Con figurin g the Rel ays” on page 48 to repro gram any relay in the sys tem.
60 D-011- 0152 Changing the Date Format Changin g the Date Format Note: Update the system ’s Con figuration W orksh eets to doc ument any changes . Note: The defaul t date format is MM/DD/Y YYY.
Mainten ance D - 011 - 0152 61 Changing the Date or Time Setting To change t he date see “Se tting the Cu rrent Dat e” on pag e 31. If your reg ion uses Dayligh t Sav ings Time and yo u want th e EA800 t o displa y the c orrect ti me, yo u must ch ange the time s etting man ually wh en Daylig ht Savin gs Time s tarts and ends.
62 D-011- 0152 Chan ging the B uzzer Sett ing Changing the Buzzer Setting Note: Update the system ’s Con figuration W orksh eets to doc ument any changes . Note: The def ault buzz er confi guration is EN ABLED a nd the acti ve condi tion of the on-boa rd buzz er mirro rs what is assi gned to the Auxili ary Relay.
Mainten ance D - 011 - 0152 63 Changing the Password Note: Update t he system’ s Configu ration W orkshee ts to docume nt any changes . Note: If you do not ent er a valid passwor d you wi ll not be allow ed to chan ge the selecte d passwor d. The default passwor d (0800 ) canno t be chan ged or d eleted.
64 D-011- 0152 Clearing the Alarm Log Clearing the Alar m L og To cl ear all sto red a larm reco rds per form the following procedu re: Note: You ca nnot cl ear the E vent Log. Clearing the Sensor Log To cl ear all sto red sen sor records perfor m the foll owing pro cedure: Note: You ca nnot cl ear the E vent Log.
Mainten ance D - 011 - 0152 65 Updating the Fir mware Download th e latest f irmware from www.winl to your comp uter, then save it to a USB ju mp drive b efore performin g the proc edure fo r updatin g the firm ware as sho wn belo w.
66 D-011- 0152 Saving Config uration Settings Saving Configuration Settings You can ex port the co nfigurat ion setting s from the EA80 0 to serve as an archive f or the system or as a template for quick ly progra mming othe r systems . The c onfigurat ion data i s stored i n a machi ne-read able format.
Mainten ance D - 011 - 0152 67 Loading Configuration Settings You ca n load confi guratio n setting s from a prev iously in stalled E A800 to ser ve as the tem plate for th e system being install ed or up dated.
68 D-011- 0152 Exporting the Stored Logs Exporting the Stored Logs You can export the logs s tored i n the EA80 0 for archi ving or later rev iew. The ex port pr ocedure exports the alarm log, data log, a nd event log files.
Mainten ance D - 011 - 0152 69 Exported Event Data The foll owing is an examp le of expo rted event d ata: 12/24/2007 07:06:03 PM,Sensor deleted,1 12/24/2007 07:10:50 PM,Sensor added,1 12/25/2007 02:2.
70 D-011- 0152 Exporting the Stored Logs.
D - 011 - 0152 71 Troubleshooting Operating or setup errors a re indicat ed by f lashing data on the display. O ften, a pr ogrammi ng error a lso results in an alarm for the m isprogram med rel ay. The t able be low shows and desc ribes co mmon e rror disp lays, a long with corrective action.
72 D-011- 0152 Verifying RF Sig nal Strength Verifying RF Signal Strength Viewing Signal Strength for a Wirele ss Sensor To verify the RF signal strength re ceived by the EA 800 perform the following .
D-011-0152 73 Specifications Base Unit and Sens or Specifications The following table lists the specifications fo r the EA800 ba se unit, sensors, and accessories. Table 14 Specifications Item Specification Dimensions Approximately 230 mm x 199 mm x 55 mm(“9.
74 D-011-0152 Accessories Accessories Accessories availa ble for use with the EA80 0 Environmental Alar m System are listed belo w. Wired Wat er Presence Se nsor: 2-wire; ma ximum 304 m (1000 ft.) ca bling length Wired 4- 20mA Sensor EA800 loa d (160 Ohm s maximum) Relay Outputs (9) Form C with 3-termina l NC/COM/NO connections.
Appendix A: Scre en Maps D - 011 - 0152 75 Appendix A: Screen Maps The figu res in this Appe ndix il lustrate the flow of all E A800 scre ens. Figure 17.
76 D-011- 0152 Figure 18. Un locked Screen Map - Top Level See Figure 19 The displayed screen is dependent on whether an alarm is active or not. See Figure 22 See Figure 23 See Figure 24.
Appendix A: Scre en Maps D - 011 - 0152 77 Figure 19. Sensors Screen Map See Figure 20 See Figure 21.
78 D-011- 0152 Figure 20. Ad d New Sensor Screen Map Common Name screen is dependent on the s ensor being added. If multi-function only Parameter scr eens depend on the sensor being installed.
Appendix A: Scre en Maps D - 011 - 0152 79 Figure 21. Edit Sens or Screen Map Figure 22. Relay Screen Ma p Screen displayed is dependent on the sensor type.
80 D-011- 0152 Figure 23. Data Log Screen Map.
Appendix A: Scre en Maps D - 011 - 0152 81 Figure 24 . System Scr een Map Dependent on format See Figure 25.
82 D-011- 0152 Figure 25. Con figuration Screen M ap.
Appendix B: Pla nning Worksheet D - 011 - 0152 83 Appendix B: Planning Worksheet Note: Photocop y and complete a copy of this workshe et for eac h syste m.
84 D-011- 0152.
Appendix C: W iring Diagram D - 011 - 0152 85 Appendix C: Wiring Di agram Note: Photocop y and complete copy of th is diag ram for e ach EA8 00 to be in stalled i n the s ystem.
86 D-011- 0152.
Appendix D: Sys tem Configuration Record D - 011 - 0152 87 Appendix D: System Configuration Record Note: Photocop y this a ppendi x and com plete a c opy for e ach EA8 00 base un it in t he system.
88 D-011- 0152 Sensor 2 Settings Sensor Model Sensor Name Physical Location Parameter S ettings Unit of Measure: Operation al Param eters: Notes: Resolution : Low Sc aled Val ue: High Sc aled Val ue: .
Appendix D: Sys tem Configuration Record D - 011 - 0152 89 Sensor 4 Settin gs Sensor Model Sensor Name Physical Location Paramet er Settings Unit of Measur e: Operati onal Par ameters: Not es: Resolut.
90 D-011- 0152 Sensor 6 Se ttings (wirele ss) Sensor Model Sensor Name Physical Location Parameter S ettings Unit of Measure: Operation al Param eters: Installed L Q I (in b ars): MAC Address: Notes: .
Appendix D: Sys tem Configuration Record D - 011 - 0152 91 Sensor Model Sensor Name Physical Location Paramet er Settings Unit of Measur e: Operati onal Par ameters: Installed LQ I (in bars): MAC Addr.
92 D-011- 0152.
Warranty and Service Information Winland Electronics, In c. ("Winland") w arrants to the end user/purc haser that each product of it s manufac ture shall be fre e fro m defects in material a.
Manufactured in the U.S.A by Winland Electronics 1950 Excel Drive, Mankato, MN, 56001 Outside MN Phone: 1-800-635-4269 Phone: 507-625-7231 Fax: 507-387-2488 ©Winland Electronics, Inc.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Enviro EA800 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Enviro EA800 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Enviro EA800 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Enviro EA800 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Enviro EA800 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Enviro EA800 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Enviro EA800 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Enviro EA800 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.