Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product R2601 van de fabrikant Gossen
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Interface description R2600 / R2601 DIN Draft 19244 Interface 3-348-815-15 6/11.03.
CONTENTS Page Page GOSSEN METRAWATT GMBH 3 1 General ...................................................................................... 4 1.1 Interface hardware ............................................................. 4 1.2 Communications protocol .
GOSSEN METRAWATT GMBH 4 1 General 1.1 Interface hardware T o communicate with a host computer , an SPS, etc., the controller s R2600 / 01 must be equipped with marking F1.
GOSSEN METRAWATT GMBH 5 1.3 How to connect the interface 1.3.1 RS-232 connection When using the a RS-232 interface, only one R260 0/01 can be conne cted to a master ( e.g. PC), for example, for pre-loading the u nit with user -specific data. Depending upon the driver software, the jumpers on the master side can be omitte d and/or can be diff erent.
GOSSEN METRAWATT GMBH 6 1.3.2 RS-485 connection When using a RS-485 interface, as many as 32 equipm ent (R2600/01 and others) can be connected to the bus. Thereby , all terminals A, B and/or C are inte rconnected in parallel. The wiring must be made from equipment to equipment and m u st not be a sta r con- nection.
GOSSEN METRAWATT GMBH 7 Following, the master may only become active again, when – it receives a reply telegram fr om the addressed equip ment and the specified wait time after a reply telegram (t aw) has elapse d, or – the maximum specified response delay time (t av ) has elapsed.
GOSSEN METRAWATT GMBH 8 2 T elegr am structure All telegrams consist of one of 3 sets in both request and reply direction, they differ in their princip al structure. Their use is fixed for each interface function of the R2600/01. Structure and use of the set types are describ ed as follows.
GOSSEN METRAWATT GMBH 9 2.2 Control set The R2600/01 uses control sets on the request side only. They se rve to request all equipment data that cannot be requested via a short set because a detailed specification is required for them. Principal construction control set Character No.
GOSSEN METRAWATT GMBH 10 2.3 Long set The R2600/01 uses long sets to transmit instructions and parame ters to the equipment and to receive data from the equipment.
GOSSEN METRAWATT GMBH 11 2.4 Function and value range of the format characters 2.4.1 Equipment address • 0 ... 250 Range for individual equipme nt addresses = interface address Addr • 255 All equipment connected to a bus can simultaneously be addressed under this address.
GOSSEN METRAWATT GMBH 12 Function coding of the function field (FF) in response direction Bit No. Function Valu e Meaning 0 ... 2 Reserved 0, 0, 0 (fixed) 3 Request disable 0 1 Instruction exe.
GOSSEN METRAWATT GMBH 13 2.4.3 Parameter index (PI) The type of the data to be tran smitted is defined via the pa rameter index. The "PI" charac ter is inte rprete d as follows: Functionally used data and/or setting para meters of an equipment are combined in the main parameter groups.
GOSSEN METRAWATT GMBH 14 2.5 Criteria for the validity of a r equest telegram The R2600/01 checks the characters of the telegrams received in accordance with the following tables: If incorrect values are received for FF, PI and PS, the R2600/0 1 responds with a short set with set transmission error bit.
GOSSEN METRAWATT GMBH 15 3 T elegr am contents R2600/0 1 3.1 Equipment reset The addressed equipment performs a hardwa re reset same as in the case of a sh ort interruption of the au xiliary voltage.
GOSSEN METRAWATT GMBH 16 3.3 Request for cycle data You will get the most important measuring and output values of the controller in one data package. Cyclic requests of these values are thus made possible in compact form (short set request. Example: Equipment address = 2 See 2.
GOSSEN METRAWATT GMBH 17 3.4 Request for event data The event date, combined in 2 words, contain al l erro r messages and al arms of the equ ipment. They can be called up via short se t to iden tify a special error.
GOSSEN METRAWATT GMBH 18 Character Bit No. Meaning Display on equipment Rem ark 1. 0 Sensor breakage measuring circuit 2 Status error word 1 (control loop) 1 Wrong polarity m easuring circuit 2 2 Anal.
GOSSEN METRAWATT GMBH 19 3. 0 Sensor error position readback Error status word 2 (heating current monitor , equipment) 1 Sensor error heating current 2 3 4 Heating current not "off" with po .
GOSSEN METRAWATT GMBH 20 3.5 Request data from R2600/01 This communication makes it possible to request all values, parameters, c onfigur ations, states and equipment markings. Thereby , the data is indi vidually addressed per para meter index. See section 4 for the comp lete list of all parameter indices.
GOSSEN METRAWATT GMBH 21 3.5.2 Request for a temperature param eter , for example The parameter index is not 3xh, thus the characters "from/to channel" and "receipt No.
GOSSEN METRAWATT GMBH 22 3.6 Send data to R2600/01 This communication makes it possible to set all parameters, configurations and operati ng states which can be changed via operat ion. Thereb y , the data is individually addressed per pa rameter index.
GOSSEN METRAWATT GMBH 23 See for the contents of the function field (FF) The first character of the data block is th e configuration "sensor type". The second character (B ma rking) cannot be stored, bu t a cha racter (an y , e.g. 00h) must be sent.
GOSSEN METRAWATT GMBH 24 4 Parameter indices of the equipment paramete rs For a request and/or transmission of data from and/or to the R2600/01, not only the parameter index for the individual data but also the format and thus the length of the data block in th e long set are of interest.
GOSSEN METRAWATT GMBH 25 03h Second set point ± 15 bits (4.1.2) SP L ... SP H 04h High limit for relay A2 ± 15 bits (4.1.2) Same as PI = 01h Same as PI = 01h 05h Low limit for relay A2 ± 15 bits (4.1.2) Same as PI = 01h Same as PI = 01h 06h Low set point ± 15 bits (4.
GOSSEN METRAWATT GMBH 26 4.1.2 Unit of the temperature parameters The unit of the temperature parameters depends upon – the range marking B1 ... B5 of the equipment (see PI = 33h), – the configured sensor type (see PI = 33h) and – the configured unit of the sensor (see PI = 32h).
GOSSEN METRAWATT GMBH 27 4.1.3 T able of measuring ranges Sensor type Lower range limit X1 Upper range limit X2 Range span MBU Code Kind Ty p e in °C in °F in °C in °F in °C in °F 0 TC J –18 0.
GOSSEN METRAWATT GMBH 28 4.2 Control parameters The control parameters are listed in the main parameter index group 1. 4.2.1 T able of the control parameters PI Parameter Display Format Unit Setting range Remarks 10h Proportional band Heat 16 bits 0.1 % 1 .
GOSSEN METRAWATT GMBH 29 4.3 Control instructions The control instructions in main group 2 of the parame ter index define the control action of the equipment 4.3.1 T able of the control instructions PI Parameter Format Unit Setting r ange Remarks Contents 20h Control status control channel 16 bits Bit field See 4.
GOSSEN METRAWATT GMBH 30 4.3.2 Control status controll er channel (PI = 20h): Bit No. Value Meaning Re marks 2 - 0 000 001 010 011 Controller type = Limit monitor Positioner Two-state controller Heat .
GOSSEN METRAWATT GMBH 31 4.3.3 Configuration of the 2nd signal input (PI = 22) Function signal input 2 Stand ard signal 2 Code B3 B4 B5 B4, B5 0 Fixed value controller (internal set point) 0 ... 20 mA 0 ... 10 V 1 Differential controller Fixed valu e controller Differential controller 2 – Slave controller 3 – 4 – Fixed value controller 4 .
GOSSEN METRAWATT GMBH 32 4.4 Equipment specifications The equipment specifications in main gro up 3 of the parameter index among others in clude markin g identifi cation, software versi on and some configurations.
GOSSEN METRAWATT GMBH 33 4.4.2 Marking identifications (PI = 31h) Bit No. Valu e Meaning Remark 2 ... 0 001 100 101 111 A4 A1 A2 A3 5 ... 3 010 011 100 101 111 B2 B1 B5 B4 B3 Different from PI = 33h 6.
GOSSEN METRAWATT GMBH 34 4.4.3 Configuration: Sensor unit, continuous output (PI = 32h) Code Sensor unit 1) 1) W hen switching-ove r , the physical quantity of the temp erature paramete r is preserved Continuous output Code Function Note Output range Output quantity 0Dh The current setting 2) is stored as a user defined default setting.
GOSSEN METRAWATT GMBH 35 4.4.4 Sensor type , B marking (PI = 33h) 1st character = sensor type: 2nd character = B marking: Code Sensor type 1) 1) A change influences th e presentatio n of the temper at.
GOSSEN METRAWATT GMBH 36 4.4.5 Configuration of alarms 1 / 2 (PI = 36h) Bit No. Alarms 1 3 ... 0 Code 1) Start-up suppression Contact Heating circuit monitor 0 Relative Inac tive NOC Inactive 1 Absolu.
GOSSEN METRAWATT GMBH 37 4.5 Heating current monitor Main group 6 of the parame ter index includes the parameters for heat ing current monitoring. 4.5.
GOSSEN METRAWATT GMBH 38 5 Storage operations T o store all parameter and configuration da ta of an equipment, it is not required to address all data individually v ia paramete r indices. It is possibl e instead to directly read and/or write all data stored in the non-volati le data memor y (EEPROM) in one record.
GOSSEN METRAWATT GMBH 39 5.2 Send a record The long set for sending to the R2600/01 can prac tically only be generated from the rece ived long set at the request of a recor d. The function field (6th character) in 69h (write data) must be changed for that purpose.
Edited in Germany • Subject to change without notice • A pdf version is available on the int ernet GOSSEN METRAWA TT GMBH Thomas-Mann-Str . 16-20 90471 Nürnberg, Germany Phone +49-(0)-911-8602-0 Fax +49-(0)-911-8602-669 E-Mail: info@gmc-inst ruments.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Gossen R2601 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Gossen R2601 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Gossen R2601 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Gossen R2601 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Gossen R2601 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Gossen R2601 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Gossen R2601 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Gossen R2601 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.