Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product VISTA-21IPSIA van de fabrikant Honeywell
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ADEMCO VISTA SERIES VISTA-21iP / VISTA-21iPSIA Security Syst ems User Guid e K14490V1 7/10 R ev. A.
– 2 – IMPORTANT! PROP ER IN T RUS ION P ROT ECT ION For proper intrus ion covera ge, sens ors should b e loca ted at every p ossible p oint of entry to a hom e or comm ercial prem ises. T his would inc lude an y sk y lights that may be prese nt, and the upper wind ows in a m ulti- level bui lding.
– 3 – Table of Contents System Over view ................................................................................................................ ...................... 5 Introductio n ......................................................
– 4 – Table of Contents (cont inued) Macro K ey Programming & Usage .................................................................................................. ...... 27 About Macro Keys .................................................
– 5 – System Overview Introduction Congratu lati ons on your o wnership of a Honeyw ell Securi ty Syst em. You'v e made a wise d ecisi on in ch oosing i t, for it repr esent s the la test in secur ity pr otect ion technolo gy toda y.
– 6 – System Overview (cont’d) Zones and Partitions • Th e sys tem sen sing d evice s have b een as signed to va rious “zone s,” whic h are specific areas of pr otecti on (e.g ., fron t door , kitc hen w indow, e tc.). • Z one number s are di splay ed at the k eypad w hen an alarm or trou ble c ondition occurs on a sensor.
– 7 – System Overview (cont’d) Function Keys • Th e “A, ” “B,” “ C,” and “D” keys can b e prog ramm ed to perf orm v ariou s fun ction s.
– 8 – About The Keypad s General Information Your keypads allo w you to control all system functions and feature t he following: • A tel ephon e style ( digita l) keypad • Liquid Crystal Displ ays ( LCD) that show th e na ture and l ocation of all occur rences • Built-in sounder that so unds durin g alarms and troubl es.
– 9 – About The Keypad s (cont’ d) 1 OFF 4 MAX 7 INSTANT READY 2 AWAY 5 TEST 8 CODE 0 3 STAY 6 BYPASS 9 CHIME # ARMED READY 6150-00-001-V0 Standard Fixed-Word D isplay Keypad 1 OFF 4 MAX 7 INSTA.
– 10 – About The Keypad s (Cont’ d) FIXED-WORD DISPLAY KEYPAD AW AY : All burglary z ones, int erior and perimeter, are armed. ST A Y: Perimeter burglary zones, such as prot ected w indow s and d oors, are armed.
– 12 – Functions of the Keypad s (cont’d) NOTE: The functions pri nted directly on the keys indicate their primary purpose; the functi ons printed under some of the keys (s hown in brackets under the respe ctive key), in dicate their al ternate or s econdar y purpose.
– 13 – Functions of the Keypad s (cont’d) 11. # This key can be used for "Quick Armin g" of the syst em wi thout u se of a security code (i f programmed). [ FUNCTION ] On V oice k eypads, enable s the d esired v oice or volum e functi on.
– 14 – Entry/Exit Delays Entry Delay Entry Delays give yo u time to disa rm the system when yo u re-ente r through the design ated entranc e door .
– 15 – Entry/Exit Delays (cont’d) Exit A larms Exit Error Conditions When ever y ou arm the sy stem, the ex it dela y begi ns. If an entry /exit d oor or inter ior zone is faul ted befo re exit dela y expires and re mains faulted (e .g., exit door left o pen), the sy stem soun ds an alar m and start s the entry delay timer.
– 16 – Checking For Open Zones Using the [ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ] Key to Display and Announce Sy stem Status B efore ar ming your syste m, all pr otect ed door s, win dows an d oth er pr otecti on zon es must be c losed or bypasse d; otherwi se the k eypad will di splay a "Not Ready " message.
– 17 – Arming the System STA Y Mo de: A rms Perimeter On ly , Entry Delay On • U sed wh en you wan t to ar m the sy stem w ith per sons s taying in side ( or if you have pets that are moving t hroughout the premises). • Th e perim eter sensor s are arm ed, but interi or sens ors ar e left di sarm ed.
– 18 – Arming the System (cont’d) A rming Commands Before arming, close all perimeter doo rs and windows and make sure the Ready to Arm message is displayed.
– 19 – Arming the System (cont’d) Single Button Arming The “A” , “B”, “C ”, and/or “D” k eys on y our keyp ad may have be en progr ammed for single-button arming.
– 20 – Keyswitc h Using the Ke y switc h Your system may be equip ped with a keysw itch f or use w hen arm ing an d disa rming . Red and green lights on th e keysw itch p late in dicate the st atus of y our sy stem as follows : Green Light: Lights wh en the sys tem is disarmed and ready to be armed (no open z ones).
– 21 – Disarming and Silencing Alarms Using the [OFF] key The OFF key is used t o disarm the sy stem, silence a larm and trou ble sou nds, and clear alarm memories. IMPORTANT : If you return and the main burgla ry sounder is on, DO NOT ENTER, but CONTAC T THE POLICE from a n earby safe locati on.
– 22 – Bypassing Protection Zo nes Using the BYP A SS Key Use t his key wh en you want to arm your system w ith one or more z ones inten tionally u npr otected .
– 23 – Bypassing Protection Zo nes (cont’d) Quick By pass If programmed, "Quick Bypass" allo ws you to easil y bypass all open (fa ulted) zones without having to enter zone numbers individually. This feature is useful if, for exampl e, you r outin ely lea ve cer tain wind ows open when ar ming a t night.
– 24 – Chime Mode Using the Chime Mode CHIME mode a lerts y ou t o the op ening of a p erimet er door or win dow w hile th e system is di sarmed. When Chime m ode is ac tiv ated: • Th ree ton es s ound at the key pad wh enever a p erimet er door or win dow is ope ned.
– 25 – Date and Time Viewing the Current Date and Time The m aster u sers ca n vie w the sy stem tim e and d ate se tting on an alph a keyp ad. Other user s can vi ew th e tim e/date if a fun ction key h as been progra mmed to do s o.
– 26 – Panic Keys Using Panic Key s Your system may hav e be en progr ammed to us e spe cial keys to manu ally ac tivate emerg ency ( panic) f uncti ons a s follow s: This Function Sends This Sign.
– 27 – Macro Key P rogramming & Usage A bout Macro Ke y s The “A” , “B”, “C ” or “D ” keys can be used to aut omatic ally activa te a seri es of comman ds of u p to 16 keystr okes , if prog rammed for this fu nction . These keys trokes, as a gr oup, ar e call ed “ma cros” an d are stored in the system' s mem ory.
– 28 – Macro Key P rogramming & Usage (cont’d) The keypad beeps to ac knowled ge your inpu t and di splays th e comm and you entered (foll owed by “F”). 4. Enter the nex t comm and, foll owed by p ress/h olding the “D” k ey for at least tw o second s.
– 29 – Using Device Commands A bout De vice Commands Your sy stem m ay be set up so that it can c ontrol c ertain l ights or other d evice s. • Som e dev ices may be aut omatica lly turn ed on or off by the system . • You may be abl e to override automatically controlled devices using the com man ds des cri bed below.
– 30 – Paging Feature A bout Automatic Paging Your system may be set up to automatically send messages to up to four pagers as certain conditions occur in your system. • Th e follow ing ev ents can be p rogram med by your in staller to be s ent to th e pag ers: arming and dis arming † , alar ms , and tro ub le co ndi tion s.
– 31 – Paging Feature (cont’d) A bout Manual Paging Your system may be set up so you can manually send a message to up to four pagers. • You r ins taller pr ogram s th e paging functi on key and th e pag er phon e numb ers. • Pressing the pagi ng keys sends t he message 999 – 9999 to the selected pager .
– 32 – Security Co des & Authority Levels A bout Securit y Codes Your installer assign ed a master c ode tha t is us ed to per form all syst em fun ctions . In addition, yo u can assign up to 47 diffe rent security codes for use by othe r users.
– 33 – Security Co des & Authority Levels (cont’d) How to A ssign Secur ity Codes and At tributes The f ollowing lists the var ious comm and s trings f or ad ding secu rity c odes an d attri.
– 34 – Accessing Other Par titions A bout A ccessing Par titions (GOTO Command and Multi-Partition Arming) Each keypad is ass igned a defaul t partition fo r display purposes, a nd will show only that par tition's in formatio n.
– 35 – Accessing Other Par titions (cont’d) Using the GoTo Command If the u ser is auth orized, a keypad in on e partiti on c an be us ed to p erform syst em func tions in th e oth er part ition by using th e GOTO command. • You must us e an Alph a keypad to access an other pa rtition.
– 36 – Accessing Other Par titions (cont’d) Common Zone Operation Ask your ins taller i f a "commo n zone" w as assigned. If so, ch eck this box Your system may ha ve been set up to use a common zone, which is an area shared by us ers of bo th partiti ons, such as a foyer or lobby.
– 37 – Scheduling A bout Scheduling The sy stem p rovid es to 16 end-u ser sch edul es (pr ogramm able by mast er/insta ller only) , which can control various types of events. • Each schedule ca uses a defined e vent to start and stop (whe n appropriate ) at a specifi ed time .
– 38 – Scheduling (cont’d ) 5. For event numb er “02,” en ter the ac cess grou p numb er . Othe rwis e, t his prom pt is ski pped. Press [ ∗ ] to c ontinu e to th e “Sta rt” prom pt b elow. GROUP NUMB ER X 6. For ev ent numb ers “03- 07,” en ter the partiti on number to be arm ed or disarmed.
– 39 – Event Logging Procedures A bout E vent Logging The sy stem record s vari ous ev ents in a hist ory log, whic h can b e view ed by th e mast er user on an Alpha Di splay keypad. • The Ev ent Log holds up to 100 events . • Events are displayed in chronological orde r, from most recent to oldes t.
– 40 – Event Logging Procedures (cont’d) Code Definition 143 Alarm, Expans ion Module 145 ECP M odule cover tamper 146 Silent Burglary 150 Alarm, 24-Hour Auxiliary/M onitor zone 162 Carbon Monox ide 301 AC Power 302 Low Sy stem Battery/Battery Test F ail 305 System Re set (Log only) 321 Bell/Siren Trouble 333 Trouble, Ex pansion M od.
– 41 – Testing the System A bout Testing the Sy stem Using th e Te st mode allow s each pr otecti on poin t to be c heck ed for pr oper operat ion. Testing should be cond ucted weekly to ensure proper operation . • The key pad s ounds a single b eep ab out ev ery 30 secon ds as a r emind er that th e system is in th e Te st mode.
– 42 – Trouble Cond itions "Check" and "Batte ry " Dis play s T he word CHECK on th e keyp ad's displ ay, accomp anied by a "beeping " at th e keypad , indic ates a tr ouble c onditio n in the sy stem. To silence the beep ing for these conditions, press any key.
– 43 – Trouble Cond itions (cont’d) Word s or let ters in p aren thes es ( ) ar e tho se that a re di splayed on Fixed -Wor d Display keypads . Other Trouble Displays * Any “beeping” th at a.
– 44 – Trouble Conditions (cont’d) Other Trouble Displays (Continued ) AC LOSS The sy stem is opera ting o n battery power (or NO AC ) only due to an AC power fail ure. If only some lig hts ar e out on the premises, check circuit breakers and fuses an d reset or replac e as nece ssary.
– 45 – Maintaining Your System Taking Care of Your System The c omponen ts of your secu rity sys tem ar e design ed to be as maintenance-fr ee as possi ble. However, to m ake sure th at your system is in reliab le worki ng conditi on, do th e foll owing: 1.
– 46 – Fire Alarm System THIS SECTION APPLIES ONLY TO RESIDENTIAL SYSTEMS Genera l Your fir e alarm system (if installed) is on 24 hours a d ay, for continu ous pr otect ion.
– 47 – Fire Alarm System (cont’d) THIS SECTION APPLIES ONLY TO RESIDENTIAL SYSTEMS Manually Initia ting a Fire A larm 1. Sh ould y ou beco me awar e of a f ire em ergen cy bef ore y our smok e o.
– 48 – Fire Alarm System (cont’d) THIS SECTION APPLIES ONLY TO RESIDENTIAL SYSTEMS National Fire Protec tion Associatio n Recommenda tions on Smoke Detec tors With r egard to the n umbe r and p .
– 49 – Fire Alarm System (cont’d) THIS SECTION APPLIES ONLY TO RESIDENTIAL SYSTEMS Emergency Eva cuation 2nd FLOOR BACK FRONT floor_plan-002-V0 BATH CLOSET BEDROOM BEDROOM BEDROOM 1st FLOOR BATH KITCHEN BEDROOM BEDROOM PORCH BA CK DOOR Establish an d regularly practic e a plan of escape in t he event of fir e.
– 50 – Quick Guide to Basic System Functions FUNCTION PROCEDURE COMMENTS Check Zone s Press READY key. View faulted zon es when syste m not read y. Arm Sys tem Ente r code. P ress armin g ke y de sired: (AWAY, STAY, NIGHT-STAY, MAXIMUM, INSTANT) Arms sys tem in mode se lecte d.
– 51 – Summary of Audible/Visual Notificatio ns Fixed-Word Display Keypads SOUND CAUSE DISPLAY LOUD, INTERRUPTED * Keypad & Ext. FIRE ALARM or CO ALARM (CO: keypad/d etector only; not ex ternal sounder) FIRE or ALARM (for CO) is displayed; zone number of zo ne in alarm i s displaye d.
– 52 – Summary of A/V Notifications (cont’d) A lpha Displa y Keypads SOUND CAUSE DISPL A Y LOUD, INTERRUPTED* Keypad & Ext. FIRE ALARM or CO ALARM (CO: key pad/detector only ; not external sounder) FIRE or ALARM (for CO) is displayed; descriptor of zone in alarm is displ ayed.
– 53 – Regulatory Statem ents and Warnings FEDERAL COMM UNICA TIONS CO MMISSION (FCC) PART 15 STATEMENTS The us er sha ll n ot make a ny ch anges or mod ifi cati ons t o th e eq uipme nt un less auth or ized b y t he Ins tall ati on Instru ctions or User 's Manual.
– 54 – Regulatory Statem ents (cont’d) Repairs to cer tified equipmen t shoul d be coordin ated by a repre sentative designated by the supplie r.
– 55 – System Features Log Features Comments Exit Delay Part. 1: Par t. 2: Entry Dela y 1 Part. 1: Par t. 2: Entry Dela y 2 Part. 1: Par t. 2: NIG HT- STAY Zo nes Zones: Quick Ar m yes no Quick By.
– 56 – System Features Log (cont’d) User Setup The f ollowing ch art will h elp ke ep track of syst em users. C opies should be dist ributed t o the partition 1 and par tition 2 (if app licable) m asters f or their records. To pr ogram a user a ttribu te: Enter sy stem/p artiti on* mast er cod e + [8] + user n o.
– 57 – System Features Log (cont’d ) User Se tup (cont’d) Enter system /parti tion ma ster c ode + [8] + user no. + “#” comm and list ed in c olumn heading. User No. * User Name User’s Part(s). (sy stem mast er only ) [#] [3] + part(s) + [#] Security Code enter new code Au t h.
– 58 – System Features Log (cont’d ) Schedules*: master code + [#] + [6] [4] No. Event Device No. Group No. Partition Start Stop Repeat Random (see list belo w) for “ 01 ” events: for “ 02.
– 59 – OWNER’S INSURANCE PREMIUM CRE DIT REQUEST This form should be comp leted and forwarded to y our homeown er’s ins urance carri er for possibl e premium credit. A. GENERAL INFOR MATION: Insured’s Name and Address: Insurance C ompany: Policy No.
– 60 – OWNER’S INSURANCE PREMIUM CRE DIT REQUEST (cont.) E. SMOKE DETECTOR LOCATIONS Furnace Room Kitchen Bedrooms Attic Basement Living Room Dining Ro om Hall F.
– 61 – – – – – No te s Notes Notes Notes – – – –.
– 62 – – – – – No te s Notes Notes Notes – – – –.
– 63 – LIMITATIONS OF THIS SYSTEM WARNING! THE LIMITATIO NS OF THIS ALARM SYSTEM While this system is an advanced design security system , it does not offer guaranteed protect ion against b urglary or other emergency. Any alarm system, whether commercial or residential, is subject to compromise or failure to warn for a variety of reasons.
TWO YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY Honeywe ll Intern ationa l Inc., acting t hrough it s Sec urity & C ommunicat ions business (“Seller ”), 2 Co rporate C enter Dr ive, Me lvi lle, New York 11747 warra.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Honeywell VISTA-21IPSIA (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Honeywell VISTA-21IPSIA heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Honeywell VISTA-21IPSIA vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Honeywell VISTA-21IPSIA leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Honeywell VISTA-21IPSIA krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Honeywell VISTA-21IPSIA bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Honeywell VISTA-21IPSIA kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Honeywell VISTA-21IPSIA . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.