Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product 675422-001 van de fabrikant HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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HP Pr oL ian t DL3 20e Gen8 S er v er Us er Gui de Abstract This document is for the person who installs, administers, and troubles hoots servers and storage systems. This document is in tended for experienced IT professionals or end -users with no or prior hardware setup experie nce.
© Copyright 2012 Hewlett- Pa ckard Development Company, L. P. The information contained herei n is subject to change without notice. The only warr anties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanyin g such products and services.
Contents 3 Con tents Component identification ............................................................................................................... 7 Front panel co mponents ...................................................................
Contents 4 Hardwar e options installation ....................................................................................................... 32 Introduction .........................................................................................
Contents 5 Array Conf iguratio n Utility .............................................................................................................. 69 Option ROM Configuration for Arrays ............................................................
Contents 6 Support and other res ources ........................................................................................................ 88 Before you contact HP .................................................................................
Component ident ification 7 C om ponen t i dentif i cati on F ront panel comp onents • Four - bay LFF drive model Item Description 1 Optical drive 2 Serial label pull tab 3 USB connectors 4 LFF driv.
Component ident ification 8 F ront panel LEDs and buttons Item Description Status 1 UID LED/button Blue = Identification is activated. Flashing blue = System is being managed rem otely. Off = Ident ification is de activated. 2 Power On/Standb y button and system power LED Green = System is on.
Component ident ificatio n 9 Item Description 1 Slot 2 PCIe x16 (16, 8, 4, 1) * 2 Slot 1 PCIe x8 (4, 1)* 3 Power supply 1 4 Power supply 2 5 Dedicated iLO ma nagement port (optio nal) 6 UID LED button.
Component ident ification 10 S ystem board c omponents Item Description 1 PCI riser conne ctors* 2 SD card slot 3 System maintenance switch 4 NMI header 5 SATA connector 6 Mini - SAS connector 7 4- pi.
Component ident ification 11 DIMM slot locations DIMM slots a re numbered sequen tially (1 th rough 4) for the pr ocessor. The supp orted AMP mod es use the letter assig nm ents for population guid elines P CIe riser board slot definitions The transfer r ate of the PCIe rise r board slot 2 depend s on the processor model installed.
Component ident ification 12 Switch Default Function 6 Off Off = No function On = ROM reads configuration a s invalid 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 — Reserved When the system maintenance switch position 6 is s et to the On position, the system is prepared to erase all system configuration settings from both CMOS and NVRAM.
Component ident ification 13 Item Description Status 2 Power supply 1 fa ilure Red = Power supply failure Off = Normal 3 Power supply 2 fa ilure Red = Power supply failure Off = Normal 4 Auxiliary pow.
Component ident ification 14 Item LED Status Definition Flashing blue The drive carrier firmware is being update d or requires an up date. 2 Activity ring Rotat ing green Drive act ivity Off No drive activit y 3 Do not remove S olid white Do not re move the drive.
Component ident ification 15 1 - Amber 2 - Green 3 - G reen Interpre tation Off On On The cache mo dule is idle, the c apacitor pack i s charged, and the cach e contains data th at has not yet been written to the d rives. Off Flashing 1 Hz Off A backup is in progress.
Component ident ification 16 T-10/T-15 Torx screwdriver The ser ver includes a T - 10/T - 15 Torx screwdrive r located beside the capacito r pack holder.
Operations 17 Oper ati ons Power up the server 1. Connect ea ch power cord to the server. 2. Connect each power cord to the power source. 3. Press the Power On/Standby button. The ser ver exits stan dby mode and ap plies full power to the system. The syst em power LED chan ges from amber to gree n.
Operations 18 IMPORTANT: The requirement of ex tending or rem oving the server from the rack wh en performing installation and maintenance procedures depends on the rail sys tem used: • If using a ball - bearing rail system, you can perf orm most installations and mainte nance by simply extending the server from the rack.
Operations 19 IMPORTANT: The requirement of ex tending or rem oving the server from the rack wh en performing installation and maintenance procedures depends on the rail sys tem used: • If using a ball - bearing rail system, you can pe rform most installations and main tenance by simply e xtending the server from the r ack.
Operations 20 a. Disconnect each power cord from the p ower source. b. Disconne ct each power cor d from the server. 3. Do one of the followin g: o Extend the server from the rack (on pag e 17 ).
Operations 21 5. Remove the a ir baffle. I nstall the air ba ffle 1. Place the air baffle on top of the server. 2. Install the access panel (on page 20 ). 3. Do one of the followin g: o Slide the server into the rack. o Install the server into the rack (" Installing the s erver into the rack " on page 28 ).
Operations 22 1. Power down the serv er (on page 17 ). 2. Remove all power: a. Disconnect ea ch power cord from the power sour ce. b. Disconne ct each power cor d from the server. 3. Do one of the followin g: o Extend the server from the rack (on pag e 17 ).
Operations 23 2. Tighten the PCI ris er cage thumbscrews. 3. Install the access panel (on page 20 ). 4. Do one of the followin g: o Slide the server into the rack. o Install the server into the rack (" Installing the se rver into the rack " on page 28 ).
Setup 24 Setup O ptional installa tion services Delivered b y experienced, certified engin eers, HP Care Pack services help y ou keep your serve rs up and running with support packages tailored specifically for HP ProLiant systems. HP Care Packs let you integrate both hardware and so ftware support into a single package .
Setup 25 S pace and airflow requirements To allow for servicing a nd adequate airflow, observ e the following spa ce and airflow requirements when deciding where to insta ll a rack: • Leave a minimum cl earance of 63.5 cm (25 inches ) in front of the rack.
Setup 26 P ower require ments Installation of this eq uipment must comply wit h local and regional electri cal regulations governin g the installatio n of information technology equipment by licensed electricians.
Setup 27 WARNI NG: This server is v ery heavy. To redu ce the risk of pers onal injury or da mage to the equipment: • Observe local oc cupational health and safety r equirements and guidelines for manual material handling.
Setup 28 WARNING: When installing a server in a tel c o rack, be sure that the rack frame is adequately secured at the top and bottom to the bui lding structure. I dentifying the c ontents of the server ship ping carton Unpack the server shipping carton and locate the materials and documentation necessary for installing the server.
Setup 29 WARNING: This server is ver y heavy. To reduce t he risk of persona l injury or da mage to the equipment: • Observe local oc cupational health and safety r equirements and guidelines for manual material handling.
Setup 30 WARNING: To reduce the risk of electric shock or damage to the equipment: • Do not disable the power cord grounding plug. The g rounding plug is an imp ortant safety feature. • Plug the power cord int o a grounded (earthed ) electrical outlet that is eas ily accessible at all times.
Setup 31 o To modify the server configu ration ROM default settings, press F9 when prompted from the start up sequence to enter the RBSU. By default, RBSU runs i n the English lang uage. o If you do not need to modify the server configuration and are ready to i nstall the system software, press F10 to access Intelligent Prov isioning.
Hardware options installation 32 H ar d w ar e optio ns ins tallati on Introduction If more than one opt ion is being installed, read the installation instr uctions for all the hard ware options and identify simila r steps to streamline the ins tallation process.
Hardware options installation 33 D rive installation guid elines When addin g drives to the ser ver, observe t he following genera l guidelines: • The system automati cally sets all device numbe rs. • Populate drive bays based on the drive nu mbering sequence.
Hardware options installation 34 5. Install the drive in the carrier. 6. Install the drive. 7. Connect ea ch power cord to the server. 8. Connect each power cord to the power source. 9. Power up th e server (on page 17 ). 10. Determin e the status of the d rive from the driv e LED definitions (on page 13 ).
Hardware options installation 35 1. Remove the drive blan k. 2. Prepare the drive. 3. Install the drive. 4. Determine the status of the drive fro m the drive LED def initions (on page 13 ). M ini - SAS cable option To connect the cable option: 1. Power down the ser ver (on page 17 ).
Hardware options installation 36 o Extend the server fro m the rack (on page 17 ). o Remove the s erver from the rack (on page 18 ). 4. Remove th e access panel (on page 19 ). 5. Remove the P CI riser cage (on page 21 ). 6. Connect the Mini - SAS c able to the storage controller.
Hardware options installation 37 o Low - profile co ntroll er connection 9. Secure the excess length of the Mini - SAS cable i n the cable clip. 10. Connect the rest of the drive cables required in this drive co nfiguration. For more information, see " Storage cabling (on pag e 55 ).
Hardware options installation 38 16. Power up th e server (on page 17 ). C ontroller options The server ships wi th an embedded Smart Array B1 20i controller. For mor e information about the controller and its featur es, see the HP Dynamic Smart Array RAID Contr oller User Guide on the HP webs ite ( http://www.
Hardware options installation 39 1. Power down the serv er (on page 17 ). 2. Remove all power: a. Disconnect ea ch power cord from the power sour ce. b. Disconne ct each power cor d from the server. 3. Do one of the followin g: o Extend the server from the rack (on pag e 17 ).
Hardware options installation 40 o Remove the s erver from the rack (on page 18 ). 4. Remove the a ccess panel (on page 19 ). 5. Remove the P CI riser cage (on page 21 ). CAUTION: When connecting or disc onnecting the capacitor pack cable, the connectors on the cache module and cable ar e susceptible to damage.
Hardware options installation 41 b. Press the op posite end of th e capacitor pa ck in the holder. 11. Install the access panel (on page 20 ). 12. Do one of the followin g: o Slide the server into the rack. o Install the server into the rack (" Installing the s erver into the rack " on page 28 ).
Hardware options installation 42 4. Remove the optical dri ve blank. Retain the blank for future use. 5. Remove the a ccess panel (on page 19 ). 6. If you are install ing the optical drive in an LFF driv e model, do the following: a. Thread the optical drive cable through the opti cal drive bay.
Hardware options installation 43 o Four - bay LFF drive model o Eight - bay SFF drive mode l 8. If you are inst alling the optical drive in an SFF drive mo del, connect the opti cal drive cable to the optical drive. 9. Connect the optical dr ive cable: a.
Hardware options installation 44 — Four - bay LFF drive model — Eight - bay SFF drive mode l 10. Install the access panel (on page 20 ). 11. Do one of the followin g: o Slide the server into the rack. o Install the server into the rack (" Installing the s erver into the rack " on page 28 ).
Hardware options installation 45 IMPORTANT: This server does not suppor t mixing LRDIMMs, RDIMM s, or UDIMMs. Attempt ing to mix any combinat ion of these DIMMs can cause th e server to halt during BIOS initialization. The ser ver memory sub system supp orts UDIMMs only .
Hardware options installation 46 Item Description Definition 3 Data width x4 = 4 - bit x8 = 8 - bit 4 Voltage rating L = Low voltage (1.35V) U = Ultra low voltage (1.
Hardware options installation 47 o Memory chan nel 1 consists of the two DIMMs th at are closest t o the processor. o Memory chan nel 2 consists of the two DIMMs th at are located fart hest from the p rocessor. • White DIMM slot indicate the first slot of a channel (3 - A, 1 -B).
Hardware options installation 48 7. Install the DIMM. 8. Install the air b affle (on p age 21 ). 9. Install the access panel (on page 20 ). 10. Do one of the followin g: o Slide the server into the rack. o Install the server into the rack (" Installing the s erver into the rack " on page 28 ).
Hardware options installation 49 6. Identify the expansion slot compatible with the new option, and then rem ove the cover o pposite that slot. 7. Install the expansion board. 8. Install the PCI riser cage (on page 22 ). IMPORTANT: The server does not p ower up if the PCI riser cage is not sea ted properly.
Hardware options installation 50 o Extend the server from the rack (on pag e 17 ). o Remove the s erver from the rack (on page 18 ). 4. Remove the a ccess panel (on page 19 ). 5. Using a flat scre wdriver, toggle the knoc kout to loosen it, and then pull it out of the chassis.
Hardware options installation 51 E nabling the dedicated iLO management po rt The onboard NIC 1/shared iLO connector is set as the default syst em iLO port. To enable the instal led dedicated iLO module: 1. During the ser ver startup se quence after mod ule installation , to access iLO RBS U, press the F8 key.
Hardware options installation 52 • HP is not liable for blocke d data access caused by improper TPM use. Fo r operating instructions, see the encryption technology feature documentation provided by the operating sys tem.
Hardware options installation 53 6. Install the TPM security rivet by pressing the rivet fi rmly into the system board. 7. Install the access panel (on page 20 ). 8. Do one of the followin g: o Slide the server into the rack. o Install the server into the rack (" Installing the s erver into the rack " on page 28 ).
Hardware options installation 54 6. Press the Esc key to exit the current menu, or press the F10 key to exit RBSU. 7. Reboot the se rver. 8. Enable the TPM in the OS.
Cabling 55 C abling C abling overview This section provid es guidelines that help you make informed decis ions abo ut cabling the server and hardware options to optimize performance. For information on cabling peripheral comp onents, refer to the white pa per on high - density deployment at the HP website ( http://w ww.
Cabling 56 • Mini - SAS cable connect ed to a storage controller in the full - height expa nsion slot Item Description 1 Power cable 2 Capacitor pack cable 3 700 - mm Mini - SAS cable for non - hot .
Cabling 57 F our - bay LFF hot - plug drive cage cabling • Mini - SAS cable connec ted to the system board Item Description 1 Power cable 2 560 - mm Mini - SAS cable • Mini - SAS cable connect ed .
Cabling 58 • Mini - SAS cable connec ted to a storage controller in the low - profile expansion slot Item Description 1 Power cable 2 Capacitor pack cable 3 890 - mm Mini - SAS cable E ight - bay SF.
Cabling 59 Item Description 3 Power cable 4 Capacitor pack cable O ptical driv e cabling • LFF drive cage mode l Item Description 1 Optical drive p ower cable 2 Optical dri ve SATA cable • SFF dri.
Cabling 60 Item Description 1 Optical drive p ower cable 2 Optical drive SATA cable P ower su pply cabling N onredundant power supply cabling Item Description 1 24 - pin power supply c able 2 4- pin p.
Cabling 61 R edundant power supply cabling Item Description 1 24 - pin power supply c able 2 26 - pin RPS c able 3 4- pin power supply cable CAUTION: The defau lt and redundant power supplies in the server must have the same output power capacity. Verif y that all power supplies have the same part number and labe l color.
Software and conf iguration utilities 62 S o f t w ar e and conf igur ati on u tilitie s Server mode The software and config uration utilities pres ented in this section operat e in online mode, offline mode, or in both modes.
Software and conf iguration utilities 63 iLO enables and manage s the Active Health System (on page 63 ) and also features Ag entless Mana gement. All key intern al subsystems a re monitored by iLO. SNMP alerts are sent directly by iLO regard less of the host operating sy stem or even if n o host operating sy stem is installed .
Software and conf iguration utilities 64 The data that is collected is managed ac cording to the HP Data Pr ivacy policy. Fo r more information see the HP website ( http://w ww.
Software and conf iguration utilities 65 H P Insight Diagnostics HP Insight Diagnostic s is a proactive server management tool, available in b oth offline and online versions, that provides diag nosti.
Software and conf iguration utilities 66 H P Insight Remote Suppor t software HP strongly recommends that you install HP Insight Remote Suppor t software to complete the installation or upgrade of your product and to enable enhance d delivery of your HP Warranty , HP Care Pack Servic e, or HP contractual support agreement.
Software and conf iguration utilities 67 H P Service Pac k for Pro Liant SPP is a release set t hat contains a com prehensive colle ction of firmwa re and system softwa re compone nts, all tested tog ether as a singl e solution stack fo r HP ProLiant ser vers, their opti ons, BladeS ystem enclosures, and limited HP external storage.
Software and conf iguration utilities 68 • Configuring memory optio ns • Language sel ection For more informat ion on RBSU, see the HP ROM - Based Setup Utilit y User Guid e on the Do cumentation CD or the HP website ( ).
Software and conf iguration utilities 69 Bo ot options Near the end of the boot proces s, the boot option s screen is displa yed. This scr een is visible for several seconds before the system attempts to bo ot from a supported bo ot device. Duri ng this time, you can do th e following: • Access RBSU b y pressing the F9 key.
Software and conf iguration utilities 70 o Advanced Capacity Expans ion (SATA to SAS and SAS to SATA) o Offline Split Mirr or o RAID 6 and RAID 60 o RAID 1 (ADM) and RAID 10 (AD M) o HP Drive Erase o .
Software and conf iguration utilities 71 For more information about the controller and its features, see the HP Smart Array Controllers for HP ProLiant Servers User Guid e on the HP website ( http://www.
Software and conf iguration utilities 72 NOTE: The serv er ships with t he same version prog rammed on eac h side of the ROM. S afety and security benefits When you fla sh the system ROM, ROMPaq write.
Software and con figuration util ities 73 For more informa tion about version control t ools, see th e HP Systems Insight Manager U ser Guide, the HP Version Contr ol Agent User Guide , and the HP Version Cont rol Repository User Guide on the HP websi te ( http://www.
Troubleshootin g 74 T r ouble shoo ting T roubleshooting resources The H P ProLiant Gen8 Tr oubleshooting Guide, V olume I: Trouble shooting pr ovides procedur es for resolving common problems an d co.
System battery replacement 75 S y st em batter y r ep lacemen t If the server no longer au tomatically displays the correct date and time, you might have to replace the battery that provides powe r to the real - time clock. Under norm al use, battery life is 5 to 10 years.
System battery replacement 76 IMPORTANT: Replacing the syst em board batter y resets the system RO M to its default configuration. After replacing the battery, reconfigure the sys tem through RBSU. To replace th e component, rev erse the remova l procedure.
Regulatory comp liance notices 77 R egulator y com plian ce noti ces R egulatory comp liance identifica tion numbers For the purpose of regulato ry compliance certificati ons and identification, t his product has been assigned a unique regulatory mo del number.
Regulatory comp liance notices 78 radio communicat ions. However, ther e is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.
Regulatory comp liance notices 79 This Class A digital apparatus meets all requirements of the C anadian Interference - Causing Equipment Regul ations. Cet appareil numérique de la classe A resp ecte toutes les ex igences du R èglement sur le matériel brouille ur du Canada.
Regulatory comp liance notices 80 This symbol on the product or on its packagi ng indicates that this product must not be di sposed of with your other househ old waste.
Regulatory comp liance notices 81 Class B equipment C hinese notice Class A equipment Vietnam complianc e marking notice This marking is for app licable products only. Ukraine not ice L aser compl iance This product may be pro vided with an optical s torage device (that is, CD or DV D drive) and/or fiber o ptic transceiver.
Regulatory comp liance notices 82 WARNING: Use of controls or a djustments or p erformance of pr ocedures other th an those specified herein or in the laser product's installation guide may resu lt in hazardous radiation exposure. T o reduce the risk of ex posure to hazardous radiation: • Do not try to open the module enclosure.
Regulatory comp liance notices 83 Acoustics statemen t for Germany (Geräuschemission) Schalldruckpegel L pA < 70 dB(A) Zuschauerposit ionen (bystander position s), Normaler Bet rieb (normal operat.
Electrostatic dis charge 84 E lectr os tati c disc har ge P reventing elect rostatic disc harge To prevent damaging the system, be aware of the precautions you need to follow when setting up the system or handling parts.
Specifications 85 S pec if icati ons E nvironmental spec ifications Specification Value Temperature range* Operating 10 ° C to 35 ° C (50 ° F to 95 ° F) Nonoperating - 30 ° C to 60 ° C (- 22 ° F to 14 0 ° F) Relative humidity (noncondensing) Operating, maximum wet bul b temperature of 28°C (82.
Specifications 86 Rated input cu rrent 6 A Rated input po wer 430 W at 115 V 430 W at 230 V Power supply output — Efficiency Not less than 8 2% at 100% load Not less than 85% at 50% load Not less th.
Specifications 87 Rated steady - state output power 460 W at 100 V to 120 V AC output 460 W at 200 V to 240 V AC output Maximum peak power 460 W at 100 V to 120 V AC output 460 W at 200 V to 240 V AC .
Support and other resources 88 S uppo r t and othe r r es our ce s B efore you contact HP Be sure to have the follo wing information available before you call HP : • Active Health System log Download and have av ailable an Active He alth System log for 3 day s before the failu re was detected.
Support and other resources 89 providers or service partners) identifies that the repair can be a ccomplished by the use of a CSR part, HP wil l ship that part directly to you for re placement. There are two categories of CSR parts: • Mandatory — Parts for which customer self repair i s mandatory.
Support and other resources 90 Pour plus d'inform ations sur le progra mm e CSR de HP, conta ctez votre Maint eneur Agrée local. Pour plus d'informat ions sur ce progr amme en Amériq ue du Nord, consu ltez le site Web HP ( http://www.h ).
Support and other resources 91 HINWEIS : Einige Teile sind nicht für Customer Se lf Repair ausgeleg t. Um den Garan tieanspruc h des Kunden zu erf üllen, muss da s Teil von einem HP Servicepartne r ersetzt werden. Im illustriert en Teilekatalo g sind diese Tei le mit „No“ bzw.
Suppo rt and other resources 92 sustitucion es que lleve a ca bo el cliente, H P se hará cargo de todos l os gastos de env ío y devolución d e componentes y esco gerá la emp resa de tran sporte que se util ice para dicho serv icio.
Support and other resources 93 Opcional – Peças cujo reparo feito pelo cliente é opcional. Essas peças também são projetadas para o reparo feito pelo cliente. No entan to, se desejar que a HP as substitua, pode haver ou n ão a cobrança de taxa adicional, depe ndendo do tipo de ser viço de garantia destinado ao produ to.
Support and other resources 94.
Support and other resources 95.
Acronyms and ab breviations 96 A c ro ny m s and abbr e v iati ons ABEND abnormal end ACU Array Configuration Utility AMP Advanced Memory Protec tion ASR Automatic Server R ecovery BMC baseboard manag.
Acronyms and ab breviations 97 FCC Federal Communi cations Commission HP CS HP Common Slot (p ower supply) HP SIM HP Systems Insight Manager HP SUM HP Smart Update Manag er IEC International Electrote.
Acronyms and ab breviations 98 PDU power distribution unit POST Power - On Self Test PXE preboot execution environ ment RBSU ROM - Based Setup Utility RDIMM registered dual in - line memory mod ule RD.
Acronyms and ab breviations 99 TMRA recommended ambient ope rating temperature TPM Trusted Platform Modu le UDIMM unregistered dua l in - line memory mo dule UID unit identification USB universal seri.
Documentation feedback 100 Doc ument ati on f eedbac k HP is committed to pro viding documentation that meets your needs. To help us improve the documentation, send any erro rs, suggestion s, or comments to Documentation Feedback ( mailto:docsf eedback@hp.
Index 101 A access panel 19, 20 Activ e Health System 62, 63 ACU (Array Config uration Utility) 62, 69 air baffle 20, 21 airflow requir ements 24, 25 Array Configuration Utility (ACU) 69 ASR (Automati.
Index 102 front panel buttons 8 front panel components 7 front panel LEDs 8 G grounding method s 84 grounding requirem ents 26 H hard drives, dete rmining status of 13 hard drives, inst alling 32, 33 .
Index 103 recommended ambient ope rating temperature (TMRA) 25 recovery key 53 redun dant ROM 71 registerin g the server 31 regulatory com pliance notices 77, 79 removing server from rack 18 required .
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat HP (Hewlett-Packard) 675422-001 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen HP (Hewlett-Packard) 675422-001 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens HP (Hewlett-Packard) 675422-001 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding HP (Hewlett-Packard) 675422-001 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over HP (Hewlett-Packard) 675422-001 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van HP (Hewlett-Packard) 675422-001 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de HP (Hewlett-Packard) 675422-001 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met HP (Hewlett-Packard) 675422-001 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.