Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product BH7800 van de fabrikant HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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HP Bl ade Ser ver bh78 00 Site Prepa ration Guide J une 20 02 Manuf a ctur in g P ar t Num ber: V ersi on : Thir d Ed itio n USA © C opyright 2002.
ii Legal Noti ces The i nform ation i n this docu me nt is su bject to cha nge wi thou t not ice. Hewlet t-P ac kard makes no warranty of an y kind wit h regard to th is manua l, inclu ding , but not l imited to , th e impl ied warranti es of merc hanta b i lity and fitnes s for a par ticular pu rpose .
Con t en ts iii 1. H P Blade S erver b h7800 Ove rview Dis pla y P anel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Sys tem Ba ckpla ne . . . . . . . .
Con tents iv Co rd Set Desc ripti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 C. C onver sion F actors and F ormulas Co nversion F act ors . . . . . . . . . . .
Fig ur e s v Fi gure 1-1. LCD Displa y P a nel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Fi gure 1-2. bh7800 Backp lane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fig ur e s vi.
Ta b l e s vii T able 1. P ublicati on History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 T able 1- 1. b h7 800 Server W eights and Dimensi ons as Shipped on a P allet . . . . . .
Ta b l e s viii.
Pref ace Befor e pr e pa ring your si te for the HP Blad e Server bh780 0, familiarize your self with th e compo nents th at compri se th e bh7800 . Use t he follow ing reference to deter mine wher e to start.
10 Bo ok La you t • Chapte r 1 – pr ovides an overvi ew of t h e bh7800 component s , c oolin g a ir flow , shipping dimension s and weigh t and CFM valu e. • Chapt er 2 – provides spec ific inform ation ensuri n g the sit e is ready when th e bh7800 arr ives .
Chapter 1 11 1 HP Blade Serv er b h 78 00 Over view The HP Blad e Serve r bh7 800 provides custom ers with a single chas sis that can house up to 16 function ally separ ate s ervers , c ontrol led by on e management blade. The form factor for al l th e blades uses the CompactP CI stand ar d.
Chapter 1 HP B lade Ser v er bh7800 Ov erv i e w 12 col umn style r ack. Hewl ett-P ac kard Company offe rs kit s for eit her type rac k. Th e chas sis provides slot s in the front and rear for installatio n of server blades, and n et work blades. Each side accommo dates 18 blades and can house u p to eight s erver b lades pe r s ide .
Chapter 1 HP B lade Server bh7800 O v erview Displa y Pa nel 13 Dis pl ay P anel The b h7800 disp lay pan el provid es the controls and indic ators c ommonly used w hen o pe ratin g the bh7800. There ar e t wo L CD display asse mblies on the bh 7800. Remote c ont r ol ove r a n e two r k is an other met hod used to opera te th e bh7800.
Chapter 1 HP B lade Ser v er bh7800 Ov erv i e w System B ackplane 14 Sys tem Backpl ane The p assive syste m backplane is centrally lo cated in t he bh7800 to ac c om modate fr o nt an d rear car d cages. 1 8 Compact PCI s lots are ava ilable on each side with u p t o five connector s per s lot.
Chapter 1 HP B lade Server bh7800 O v erview P ower Suppl ies 15 Po w e r S u p p l i e s Each powe r sup ply us es tw o D C co nnectors that plug into the b ackpl ane, and an AC c onnecto r br ings l ine power into the u nit. Two power s upplies a nd tw o power c ords ship wi th t he syst em.
Chapter 1 HP B lade Ser v er bh7800 Ov erv i e w HP S erver bc1100 16 H P Serve r bc11 00 Up to 16 1 slot IA-32 server blades c a n be inserted in the bh7800 c hassis .
Chapter 1 HP B lade Server bh7800 O v erview Net w or k Bl ade 17 Net work Bl ade The network blade is a 24-port 10/100 swit ch with a gigabit uplin k connecti on. Th e b l ade pro vides 16 of t he 24 por ts to th e backplan e , and 8 rem aining p o rts out to th e bulkh ead.
Chapter 1 HP B lade Ser v er bh7800 Ov erv i e w Manageme nt LAN Blade 18 Manage ment LA N Blade The t wo Rear Tr ansition Mo dules (RTMs ) are unique in the bh 7800 produ ct. The RT M is a pseudo s tandard CompactPCI solution. Each RTM i s a 3U blade rather than a 6U blade.
Chapter 1 HP B lade Server bh7800 O v erview Manageme nt Blade 19 Manage ment Blade The bh 7800 includ es a man agement blade th at allows r emote an d local m anageme n t of the in dividua l server and n etwork blade s. The blade monitors the chass is envi ronment such as power , te mperature , and ov erall serve r blade health.
Chapter 1 HP B lade Ser v er bh7800 Ov erv i e w F an Modu les 20 Fa n M o d u l e s There are two fan mo dule assemblies in the bh 7800. They are ho t swap modu les.
Chapter 1 HP B lade Server bh7800 O v erview Slot Bloc ker Assembly 21 Slot Bl ocker A ssembl y The bh 7800 uses a c losed, pressu rized cooling s ystem.
Chapter 1 HP B lade Ser v er bh7800 Ov erv i e w Cabl e Manageme nt T ray 22 Cabl e Management Tr ay The ½ EIA uni t high (1/2U) cable man agement t ray provide s a c hannel for c ables an d helps prevent the acci dental discon nection of cab les fr om thei r respec tive blades .
Chapter 1 HP B lade Server bh7800 O v erview Front Vie w 23 Fro n t Vie w The c omponents av ai lable at t he front of this 13 EIA u nit high (13U) serv e r are • Eighteen individua l CompactPCI slo.
Chapter 1 HP B lade Ser v er bh7800 Ov erv i e w Rear View 24 Rear Vie w The c omponents avai lable at t he rear of this 13 EIA uni t high (13U) server are • Two hot swap N+1 p ower supplies • Two.
Chapter 1 HP B lade Server bh7800 O v erview Ai r Fl ow 25 Air Flow Fi gure 1-13 b h7800 Cooling Airflow (Chassis Rear V iew) The b h7800 u tilizes a f ro nt to bac k c ooling scheme. F our 150mm d iameter 48 V D C fans c ool t he syst e m, one in each power sup ply and two in in d ep enden t carr iers.
Chapter 1 HP B lade Ser v er bh7800 Ov erv i e w Ai r F low 26 suppl ies and up through the front card cage. Air t hen passes over the top of the backplan e, thro ugh the top re ar fa ns a nd down t hro ugh the re a r car d cage . It tr av els thro ugh the rea r sec t ions of t he p o wer s uppl ies and out thr ough the re ar power supp ly fans.
Chapter 1 HP B lade Server bh7800 O v erview Shipping Di mensions and W eights 27 Shippin g Dimen sions and W eights T ab le 1-1 lists the dime nsions and we ig h ts o f the bh 7800 server with the shipp ing pa llet.
Chapter 1 HP B lade Ser v er bh7800 Ov erv i e w Sh ippi ng Dimensions and W ei ght s 28.
Chapter 2 29 2 General Sys tem and F ac ility Guidelines This ch apter provides ge neral com puter fa c ilit y guideli nes for pla nning an d preparing t he site. Car eful site plan ning and preparati on ensures troubl e-free inst allation and r elia b l e operat ion of HP servers.
Chapter 2 Gener al Syst em and F ac ili ty Guidelines Elect rical F actor s 30 Elect rical F act ors NO TE Electric al p ractices an d sugges tions in this guid e are based on No r th Amer ican pr actices . F or countr ies a nd areas outs ide North Am erica, local elec trical codes will tak e pr ecedenc e over Nort h American electr ical codes .
Chapter 2 General S ystem and F acili ty Guidelines Electrical F actors 31 Sources of V oltage Fluc tuations V olta ge flu ctuations, someti mes called g litch es , affect the qual ity of electri cal power .
Chapter 2 Gener al Syst em and F ac ili ty Guidelines Elect rical F actor s 32 Racewa y Systems (Electrical Conduits) LAHJ Racew ays (elect rical conduits) form part of t he prot ective g round pat h for pe r s onnel and equipmen t. Racew ays pr otect the wiring fr om accident a l damage and also provide a heatsin k fo r the w ires .
Chapter 2 General S ystem and F acili ty Guidelines Electrical F actors 33 Dual Power Source Groun di ng When dual power so urces ar e utilize d, s tr on g cons ideration should be g iven to measur e vol tage pot e n tials.
Chapter 2 Gener al Syst em and F ac ili ty Guidelines Elect rical F actor s 34 Equi pme nt Groun ding I mplem enta t ion De tails Conn ect all Hew le t t-P ackard equ ipment cabi nets to the site gro und gri d as follo ws: 1. Attach one end of each ground strap to the appli cable cabinet gr ound lug .
Chapter 2 General S ystem and F acili ty Guidelines Electrical F actors 35 System Inst a llation Guidelines This section c onta ins infor mation about in stallatio n prac tices. Some c o mm on pitf alls a re high lighted. Wir i ng conne ctions and d ata c om munic ations cable inst allations are discussed.
Chapter 2 Gener al Syst em and F ac ili ty Guidelines En vi r onmental F act ors 36 Envi ronm ental F actors The enviro nmental factor s discussed i n t h is section a re: • Comput er Room Preparat .
Chapter 2 General S ystem and F acili ty Guidelines En vi r onmental F act ors 37 Deliv e ry p lans should inc lude the pos sible removal of walls or doors. The ph ysical dimen s ion s for applic able compu ters and peripheral equ ipment are summarized i n Appendix A .
Chapter 2 Gener al Syst em and F ac ili ty Guidelines En vi r onmental F act ors 38 Fl oor Lo ad ing The co mputer room floor must be able t o s uppor t the total weig ht of the ins talled co mputer sys tem as well as the weig ht of the ind ividual cabin ets as they are move d into positio n.
Chapter 2 General S ystem and F acili ty Guidelines En vi r onmental F act ors 39 Co olin g Re qui remen ts Air conditionin g eq uipmen t re quireme nts and recom mendation s are describe d in t he follow ing se ctions. App e nd ix A summar izes air conditio ning requ iremen ts for t his HP server .
Chapter 2 Gener al Syst em and F ac ili ty Guidelines En vi r onmental F act ors 40 • Chil le d water p ac kag e unit with rem ote chilled water plan t. The se systems ar e av ai lable with up or dow n disc harge and are usually loc ated in the co mputer r oom.
Chapter 2 General S ystem and F acili ty Guidelines En vi r onmental F act ors 41 Ba si c A ir D ist ri bu tio n S yst em s A basic air distr ibution syst e m in cludes su p pl y ai r and retu rn air .
Chapter 2 Gener al Syst em and F ac ili ty Guidelines En vi r onmental F act ors 42 Air Co nditi o ning Ducts Use s epa rate co mput er ro om ai r condit io ning du ctwo rk. If i t i s no t s epa rate f rom the rest o f the b uil din g , it migh t be diff icult to contr ol co o ling an d air pre ssure leve ls .
Chapter 2 General S ystem and F acili ty Guidelines En vi r onmental F act ors 43 • Eatin g or drinkin g—Esta blish a no e ating or drinkin g polic y . S pilled liqu ids can cau se short circuits in equi pment such as keyboa rds . • Tile floor s—Use a d ust-a b s orbent clot h mop rather than a dry mop t o c lean tile floor s.
Chapter 2 Gener al Syst em and F ac ili ty Guidelines En vi r onmental F act ors 44 Acoustics (noise reduction) Computer equ ipment and air condi tionin g blowers cause comput er rooms to be noisy .
Chapter 3 45 3 HP Bl ade Server bh7800 P ower This c h apter provide s par t number s for a ll the c ord sets (power c or d s) available for the bh 7800 ser ver . Basic power up an d power dow n is covered. The power distribu tion unit i nformati on and cord set part numbers comple te the chapter .
Chapter 3 HP B lade Ser v er bh7800 P ower HP Blade Ser ver Initi al P ower- Up 46 HP B lade S er ver I niti al P ow er -Up Before applying power to the bh7800, verify that t he te rmin al (a PC with a termi nal emulat o r inst alled will suffi ce) is connected to t he man a g ement b lade an d turned on .
Chapter 3 HP Blade Serv er bh7800 P ow er HP Blade Server I ni t ial P ow e r - Up 47 HP S erver P ower-Up Step 1. Locat e the server blade i n slot F1 (s erve r front, slot 1) and plug in a VG A monit or to t he monitor port . Step 2. Pl ug i n a keyboar d to one of the two USB ports o n the same serve r blade in slot F1.
Chapter 3 HP B lade Ser v er bh7800 P ower Connect ing A C P ower usi ng a PDU 48 Conne ct ing AC P ower usi ng a PDU The b h7800 tem porarily draws a large inrush c u r rent, when first conn ected to an AC power source.
Appendi x A 49 A Syst em Spec ifications a nd Requi rements This appendix contains specific p aramete r s applicable to t h e b h7800 s e r v er . T e mperature, p ow er requirem ents, an d power diss ipation figures ar e prov ided.
A ppe ndix A System Speci f ications and Requirements System Sp ecificatio ns 50 Sy stem S pecifi ca tio ns NO TE The M ar ke d Electrical for the bh7800 ser v e r i s 16 A.
Appendi x A System Specificati ons and Requi rements System Specifications 51 Fi gure A-1 P ower Supply Label.
A ppe ndix A System Speci f ications and Requirements System Sp ecificatio ns 52 T ab le A-2 Envir onmental C ondition s P a ra meter s Co ndit ions Te m p e r a t u r e Opera tin g 68 °F to 77 °F (20 °C to 25 °C) Recommended 41 °F to 95 °F (5 ° C to 35 °C) up to 5000 feet a a.
Appendi x A System Specificati ons and Requi rements System Specifications 53 This tabl e can be copied and us e d to plan your air con d itio n ing requ irements for your serv er(s). Us e the footn otes at the botto m of this pag e to assist in cal culating the va lues.
A ppe ndix A System Speci f ications and Requirements System Sp ecificatio ns 54 T o illustra te how to us e T able A -5, le t us assu me t hat we have a single chassis s erver loaded with 10 HP serve r bc1100 blad es , one network blade, one managem ent blade, and two manage ment LAN blade s .
Appendi x B 57 B P ower Pl ug C onfiguration There are seve ral differen t cord se ts (power cables) desig n ed for the bh7800 . The coun try or area destinati o n will d etermin e which c ord set ships w ith th e bh7800.
A ppe ndix B P ower P lug Configur ation Cor d Set Description 58 Cord Set Descri ption The pow er cables (cord sets) shipping w ith the bh7800 wil l be 4.5 meter o r 2. 5 me t e r lo n g c ables. The cor d set below s hows a 5-20P pl ug on one en d and th e C19 fe male pl ug on the ot her end.
Appendi x B P ower P lug Configur ation Cor d Set Description 59 M ale En d of Cor d Set Depe nding on th e country o r area the b h7800 is sh ipped to, the m ale plug o n the other en d of the po w er cable will va ry .
A ppe ndix B P ower P lug Configur ation Cor d Set Description 60.
Appendi x C 61 C Conv ersion F act or s and F ormulas Conv ersion fact ors a nd formula s fo r data c alcula tions for systems not c onformin g specif ical ly to the conf igurati ons listed in this Site Pr eparati on G u ide are provided. Conversion factor s used in this document are pr ovid ed.
A ppe ndix C Conv ersion F actors and Formul as Con versi on Factor s 62 Co nve rsion F ac tor s Refrigerati on • 1 wat t = kc al /h • 1 wat t = 3.412 Btu/h • 1 wat t = 2.843 x 10 -4 tons • 1 t on = 200 Bt u/m in • 1 ton = 12, 000 B tu /h • 1 t on = 3 , 517 .
Glossa ry 63 Glos sar y A-B Appa rent po wer A value of power for AC circ uits that is calculat ed as t he produ ct of RMS curren t times R MS volta ge , withou t t aking the po wer facto r into ac c oun t.
Glossary Latent coo ling cap acity Glossar y 64 64 L-N Latent coolin g cap acit y An ai r co ndit io nin g syste m's capabilit y to remo ve heat from th e air . Leak age curre nt A te rm rel at ing t o cu rre nt flowi ng between the AC supply w ires an d earth grou nd.
Gl os sa r y Wa tt Glossa ry 65 U-Z USB USB is a ser ial bus u sed for hu man in terface devices as w ell as lo w-band width multim e dia devic es. It is fully plug and play and h o t pluggable .
Glossary Wa tt Glossar y 66 66.
65 Index A acoustic al noise red u c tion , 44 ai r co ndit io ning duct s , 42 air distri bution systems , three t ypes of , 41 air flow rea r v iew , 25 side vie w , 26 air in take tem pera ture , 2.
Index 66 static cha rge con trib utor s , 43 precau tions , 43 sta tic pr otection measu res , 43 suppl y a i r temperat ure , 41 V voltag e fluctuatio n sour ces , 31 W wi rin g sel ect ion , 31 Z zi.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat HP (Hewlett-Packard) BH7800 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen HP (Hewlett-Packard) BH7800 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens HP (Hewlett-Packard) BH7800 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding HP (Hewlett-Packard) BH7800 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over HP (Hewlett-Packard) BH7800 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van HP (Hewlett-Packard) BH7800 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de HP (Hewlett-Packard) BH7800 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met HP (Hewlett-Packard) BH7800 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.