Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product BL870C I2 van de fabrikant HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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HP In tegr it y BL8 6 0c i2 , BL8 7 0c i2 & BL8 9 0c i2 Se r v er Blade U s er S erv i ce Gui de Abstract This doc ument contains spec ifi c info rmati on that is intended f or use rs of this HP pr oduct.
© Cop yr ight 20 1 0, 20 1 3 Hew lett-P ackar d Developmen t Compan y , L.P . The inf ormati on contained he r ein is sub ject to c hange w ithout no tice . The o nly w arr anties for HP pr oducts and servi ces ar e set f orth in the expr ess war r anty statements acco mpan y ing such pr oducts and servi ces.
C on ten ts 1 Ov erv ie w..................................................................................................8 Serv er blade o v ervi e w....................................................................................................
Booting HP -UX fr om the UEFI Shell...................................................................................34 Booting HP -UX in single -user mode....................................................................................... 34 Booting HP -UX in L VM-maintenance mode.
W arr anty r egistr ation................................................................................................79 Support .......................................................................................................................
R emo v ing the Blade L ink f or BL8 7 0c i2 or BL8 90c i2 co nf igur ations...................................110 R eplac ing the Blade L ink f or BL8 7 0c i2 or BL8 90c i2 co nfi guratio ns...................................111 Blade L ink fo r BL8 60c i2 conf igur ations.
Set Boot Ne xt V alue.........................................................................................................148 Set T ime Out V alue.....................................................................................................
1 Ov er v ie w The HP In tegr it y BL8 6 0c i2 Serve r Blade is a dense , low-co st , Intel® Itanium® pr ocesso r serv er blade . Using a Blade L ink hard war e assembl y , multiple BL8 60c i2 S erver Blades can be conj oined to c r eate dual-blade , four s ock et and quad-blade , eight s ock et var iants .
Serv er blade componen ts 8 ICH mezz anine connector 1 CP U0 2 CP U0 po w er connec tor 9 Mezz anine connector 3 (ty pe 1 or 2) 1 0 CPU1 po wer connec tor 3 Mezz anine connector 1 (ty pe 1 ) 4 Mezz an.
2 Site pr epar atio n The HP In tegr it y BL8 6 0c i2 Serve r Blade does not ha ve cooling or po wer s ys tems . Cooling and po w er is pr ov ided by the c -Class enc losure .
20% to 80% Oper ating 5% to 9 5% Non-operating 1 All tem per ature r atings sho wn ar e for sea le vel . An altitude der ating of 1°C per 304.8 m ( 1 .8°F per 1 000 ft) to 304 8 m ( 1 0,000 ft) is appli cable . No direct sunli ght allo w ed. Uppe r oper ating limit is 3, 048 m ( 1 0, 000 f t) or 7 0 Kpa/1 0.
T able 4 Site Inspection C hecklist (continued) Comment or Date Check eit her Y es or No. If No, include comment number or date . Is a netwo rk line a vaila ble? 8. Is a telephone line a v ailable? 9 . Ar e c ustomer -supplied per ipher al cables and LAN cables av ailable and of the pr oper t y pe? 1 0.
T able 4 Site Inspection C hecklist (continued) Comment or Date Check eit her Y es or No. If No, include comment number or date . No Y es Ar ea or Condition Number Ar e cabinets av ailable f or tape and dis c media? 3 1 . Is shelv ing availa ble for doc umentation? 3 2 .
V er if y ing site pr epar ation V erify ing site pr eparati on is an es sen tial f acto r of a succes sf ul serv er blade installati on, and inc ludes the fo llo w ing tasks: • Gather LAN infor mation . Determine the tw o IP addr ess es f or the iL O 3 MP L AN and the serve r blade LAN.
3 Inst alling the se rv er blade int o the enc losur e Inst allatio n seq uence and c hecklis t Completed Description Step P erfor m site pr eparation (s ee “Site pr eparation” (page 10) f or more inf ormati on) . 1 Unpac k and inspect the s erver shipp ing container and the n inv entory the contents u sing the packing slip .
2 . R emo v e the thr ee adjacent blanks. R emo ving a c7 000 dev ice bay di v ider 1 . Slide the de vi ce bay she lf locking t ab to the le ft to open it .
3 . L ift the left side of the de vi ce ba y shelf to dise ngage the thr ee tab s fr om the div ider w all , and then r emov e it fr om the enc losur e. R emo ving a c3 000 de v ice ba y mini-div ider or de vi ce bay di v ider 1 . Slide the loc king tab do wn .
2 . R emo v e the mini-di v ider o r di v ide r : • c3000 mini-di vi der : P ush the div ider to war d the back of the enc losur e until the di v ide r dr ops ou t of the enc losur e. • c3000 di vi der a . P ush the di vi der to war d the back of the enc losure un til it stop s.
Inter connect ba y numbering and de vi ce mapp ing • HP Blade S yst em c7 000 Enclo sur e • HP Blade S yst em c3000 Enc losur e T o support networ k connecti ons for spec ifi c signals, inst all an inter connect module in the ba y corr esponding t o the embedded NIC or mezz anine signals.
Interconnect bay labels c3000 interconnect bay c7 000 interconnect bay Server blade signal 3 and 4 5 and 6 Mezz anine 2 3 and 4 7 and 8 3 and 4 5 and 6 Mezz anine 3 3 and 4 7 and 8 F or detailed port .
3 . Install the s erver blade . The s erve r blade should come u p to standb y pow er . The s erve r blade is at standb y pow er if the blade po w er LED is amber . Serv er blade po w er st ates The s erve r blade has thr ee pow er states: s tandb y po wer , full po wer , and off .
T able 5 P ower S tates DC P ower Applied? S tandby P ower Applied? Fr ont P anel P ow er Button Activated? Server Blade Installed in Enclosure? P ower S tates No Y es No Y es Standb y pow er Y es Y e.
NO TE: Befor e installing the Blade L ink for BL8 7 0c i2 or BL8 90c i2 , mak e sur e the f ollo wing state ments ar e true: • All blades ha ve the same CP U SKU s • All blades ha ve the same har .
P ar tner blade half-height ba y number / Server blade full-height bay number P ar tner blade support? Blade location rules Supported enclosures Number of conjoined blades Blade Link part number Class N/A No Bays 2&3 w ith Monar ch blade in c3000 onl y 2 (BL8 7 0c i2) AD3 99-6 7 0 1 1 ev en bay using full-he ight n umber ing.
1 2 . Log in to iL O 3 on the Monar c h blade . F or mor e inf or mation , see the HP Integr it y iL O3 Oper ations Guide . 1 3. In iL O 3, go to the Co mmand Menu and e xec ute xd -r to reboo t all of the iL O 3s in the conjo ined set . 1 4. Still in the iL O 3 Command Men u , pow er on the Monar ch blade w ith the PC -on -nc command .
Using iL O 3, yo u can: • R emotel y pow er on, po we r off , or r eboot the ho st s erver . • Send alerts fr om iL O 3 r egar dles s of the st ate of the ho st s erver . • Acces s ad vanced tr oublesh ooting featur es thr ough the iL O 3 interface .
UEFI F r ont P age If y ou ar e at the UEFI shell pr ompt , enter exit to get t o the UEFI Fr ont P ag e . T o vie w boot options , or launch a spec ifi c boot option , pr es s B or b to launc h the Boot Manager .
T o configur e spec ific de vi ces , pr es s D or d to launc h the Dev ice Manage r . This is an ad vanced featur e and should onl y be perf ormed w hen dir ected . T o perform main tenance on the s ys tem su ch a s adding , deleting , or reor dering boot options , pr es s M or m to launc h the Boot Maintenance Manager .
Oper ating s y st em is loaded ont o the serv er blade If the O S is loaded on y our server blade , normall y UEFI will a utomati call y boot to the O S. If the UEFI F ron t P age is loaded, pr ess ENTER to st art auto boot , or B or b to selec t a spec ifi c boot optio n fo r y our O S .
4 Oper ating s y ste m pr ocedur es Oper ating s ys tems supported on the s erv er blade • HP -UX 1 1i v3 HWE 1 003 • HP OpenVM S v8.4 • Mi cr oso ft Windo ws S erver 200 8 Itanium E dition R2 Inst alling the oper ating s ys te m onto the s er v er blade The f ollow ing pr ocedur es desc r ibe gener aliz ed operating s yst em inst allation .
5 . Locat e the de v ice y ou wan t to boot f r om. a . F or U SB D VD , locate the dev ice: i . Use the map co mmand to list all de vi ce names f r om the UEFI Shell pr ompt .
F or mor e info rmati on r egarding loading the O S with vMedi a, s ee the vMedia C hapter o f the HP Integr it y Integr ated Li ghts- Out Managemen t Pr ocessor Oper ations Gui de . NO TE: After the O S is loaded , mak e sur e to sav e your n on v olatile memory settings t o pr ese rve boot entr ies in case o f blade failur e .
1 . Acces s the UEFI Shell en vir onment . a. L og in to iL O 3 for Integr it y and ent er CO to acces s the s yste m console . When acce ssing the cons ole , confir m that y ou are at the UEFI F ront P age . If y ou ar e at another UEFI menu , then choos e the Ex it option or pr ess X or x t o e x it the menu .
7 . Ex it the conso le and iL O 3 MP interf aces . 8. Pr es s Ctrl–B to e xit the s ys tem cons ole and r eturn to the MP Main Menu . T o ex it the MP M ain Menu , pre ss X or x . Booting HP -UX fr om the UEFI Shell 1 . Acces s the UEFI Shell . 2 . F rom the UEFI F ront P age , pre ss S or s to la unch the UEFI she ll .
2 . Issue the shutdown command w ith the appr opr iat e command-line optio ns. The co mmand-line options y ou spec if y deter mines the wa y in whic h HP -UX shuts do wn and w hether the se rver is r ebooted.
Booting OpenVM S T o boot OpenVMS , us e either o f the f ollo wing pr ocedure s: • “Booting OpenVM S fr om the UEFI Boot Manager ” (page 36) • “Booting HP OpenVM S fr om the UEFI Shell” (page 36) Booting OpenVM S fr om the UEFI Boot Manager 1 .
%SMP-I-CPUTRN, CPU #5 has joined the active set. %SMP-I-CPUTRN, CPU #9 has joined the active set. %SMP-I-CPUTRN, CPU #1 has joined the active set. %SMP-I-CPUTRN, CPU #11 has joined the active set. %SMP-I-CPUTRN, CPU #13 has joined the active set. %STDRV-I-STARTUP, OpenVMS startup begun at 11-AUG-2010 06:15:29.
1 . Acces s the UEFI Shell en vir onment . a . Log on t o iL O 3 for In tegr it y and enter CO t o access the s ys tem cons ole . When acce ssing the cons ole , confir m that y ou are at the UEFI F ront P age . If y ou ar e at another UEFI menu , then ch oose the Ex it option or pr ess X or x to e xit the menu .
Booting the Mi cr oso ft W indo ws oper ating sy stem Use UEFI Boot Manager menu to ch oose the appr opri ate Windo ws item f r om the boot options lis t . See “Shu tting dow n Mic ros oft W indo ws ” (page 39) for mo r e inf ormati on on shutting do w n the W indo w s oper ating sy stem.
Y ou can use this meth od whe n using a gr aphical int erface to the s erve r . • Issue the shutdown command f r om the Windo ws command line . Y ou can issue this command fr om a command pr ompt thr ough the Spec ial Adminis tr atio n Cons ole or f r om any othe r command line .
5 Opti onal com ponen ts If y our se rver blade has n o additional co mponen ts to install , go to “Installing and po wer ing on the serv er blade ” (page 15) .
Hot-plug S AS disk dr iv es The s erve r blade supports up to tw o hot -plug S AS dr iv es. CA UTION: T o pre ven t impr oper cooling and thermal damage , do not oper ate the server blade or the enc losur e unless all har d dri ve and de v ice ba ys ar e populated w ith either a com ponent o r a blank.
4. Clo se the le v er to loc k the dri v e into place . Inst alling inte r nal compo nents R emo v ing the access pane l 1 . L ift the access panel lat ch . 2 . Slide the acces s panel bac kw ards appr o x imatel y 2 cm (0.7 5 in) . 3 . R emo v e the access pane l b y lifting it str aight u p and off the s erver blade .
Pr ocess or and heatsink module Pr ocessor load or der Obse rve the f ollo wing gui delines w hen installing additio nal pr oces sor s: • In a BL8 60c i2 , CP U0 is installed be fo r e CP U1 . • In a BL8 7 0c i2 or BL8 90c i2 , each blade m ust ha ve CP U0 inst alled.
2 . T ransf er the dupli cate part/ser ial numbers la bel fr om the pr ocessor module to the pr ocesso r heatsink . a . Remo ve the dupli cate tear -aw ay label that lis ts the part and ser ial n umbers f rom the pr oces sor module . b . P lace the label on the top o f the heatsink .
CA UTION: Dur ing installation , after re mo v ing the pr otecti v e co v er fr om the heatsink: • Do not tou ch o r come into co ntac t w ith the ther mal interf ace mater ial.
CA UTION: T o pre ven t thermal ins tab ility and damage to the serv er blade , do not separ ate the pr oces sor module f r om the proces sor's heatsink after the y hav e been coupled .
6 . Sec ure the heatsink to the pr ocesso r a . Slide both plas tic loc king tabs into place . (See callout 1 in the f ollo wing f igur e) . b . Gra sp and r otate the latc h do w n w ar d .
IMPORT ANT: If y ou ar e adding an additional pr ocessor to y our serve r blade , the DIMMs in the serv er blade mu st be r econfi gur ed to suppo rt both CPU s.
T able 6 DIMM pair load order (continued) CPU1 CPU0 7A 1A — — 2nd — — 1 0B 9B 3rd 1 0B 6B — — 4th — — 6C 1C 5th 9C 3C — — 6th — — 1 2D 7D 7th 1 2D 4D — — 8th — — 5E 2E .
NO TE: The serv er blade ships w ith at least tw o DIMMs installed in slots 3A and 4A. 3 . Ensur e the DIMM slot latc hes are ope n. CA UTION: Us e onl y HP lo w pro f ile DIMMs. DIMMs f r om other s our ces might ad vers el y affec t data integr ity .
4. Insert a DIMM in a slot and push do wn f irmly un til the latc hes c lic k shut . Mezz anine car ds Optional mezz anine cards ena ble additio nal netw ork co nnecti vity and pr o v ide F ibr e Channe l support . F or mezz anine card locati ons , see “Se rver blade com ponents ” (page 9) .
4. Ali gn the mezz anine connector on the opti on card w ith the mezz anine connect or on the s yst em boar d . 5 . Pr es s do w n on the connec tor to s eat the car d . CA UTION: T o pre ven t damage to the serv er blade , apply pr essur e ov er the mezz anine connect or w hen inst alling the mezz anine card .
5 P7 00m contr oller board 3 1 1 .5 inc h (2 9 .2 cm) bat tery cable 1 BB WC battery 2 6 Battery mounting br ack et Mezz anine card blank 4 5 1 2 cache module IMPORT ANT: T his pr oduct u se s the 4 5 2 34 8-B2 1 battery kit, als o called the HP S A P -S er ie s L o w Pr of ile Bat tery .
4 3 1 Mezz anine foot C-hook Battery re str aining clips 2 Mezz anine post loop Installing the C ontr oller Boar d When u sed w ith the MS A2000sa G2 stor age arr a y (and ther efor e with out the opti onal battery kit) this car d is supported in slots 1 , 2 , and 3 on the Integr it y BL8 60c i2 , BL8 7 0c i2 , and BL89 0c i2 serv er blades .
2 1 Slot 1 Slot 3 NO TE: When a mi x ed conf igur ation of BL8 60c i2 , BL8 7 0c i2 , and BL8 90c i2 blade(s) and other c -Class s erver blade s ar e in the same enc losure , the pr ef er r ed locatio n fo r the P7 00m cards is slot 3 .
NO TE: If the P7 00m contr oller is in mezz anine 1 , r oute the battery cable bac k o ve r the car d and under the DIMM latc hes , doubling bac k to war ds slot 3, sliding the cable under the inner mezz anine post f or slot 3 . 8. R eplace the battery mounting brac ket .
NO TE: If you ar e installing the p7 00m into slot 1 , slide the br ack et loop ov er the mezz anine 2 post that s tic ks up thro ugh the notc h in the edge of the mezz anine car d or mezz anine car d blank. 6 . Pr es s the br ack et thumbs cr ew c lip ov er the th umbsc re w close st to the mezz anine post .
5 . If it is not alr eady connec ted , plug the battery cable cache module plug in to the cac he module battery connector . P ush the battery cable's plug int o the battery connector un til it snaps in to place . NO TE: The lip of the battery cable's cac he module plug has thr ee tiny tab s that should f ace do w n .
R emo ving upgr ade componen ts R emo v ing the 5 1 2MB cache module CA UTION: Onl y r emo ve/r eplace the cache module w hen it is installed in the blade , so as not to bend the contr oller boar d. 1 . If y ou ar e also going to be r emov ing the BB WC battery: a .
4. R emo v e an y mezz anine card ins talled in slot 2 ( “Mezz anine cards ” (page 123) ) . 5 . If installed , remo ve the BB W C bat tery ( “Re mo v ing the BB WC batte ry” ) .
8. P ush the battery plug out of the battery connector . HP Smart Ar r a y P7 1 1m Co ntr oller The HP Smart Ar r a y P7 1 1mis a PCIe car d supporting direc t attach and shar ed S AS St or age. T his car d is supported in slots 1 , 2 , and 3 on the Integr it y BL8 60c i2 , BL8 7 0c i2 , and BL89 0c i2 server blades .
4 3 1 Mezz anine foot C-hook Cable r estr aining clips 2 Mezz anine post loop Installing the Su per cap mounting br ack et 1 . P ow er off the se rver blade and r emov e it fr om the se rver blade enc losur e ( “Pr epar ing the serv er blade f or serv ic ing ” ).
8. R eplace an y mezz anine cards that y ou had to r emov e fr om mezz anine slot 2 ( “Mezz anine car ds ” (page 123) ) . Installing the P7 1 1m contr oller boar d This car d is supported in slots 1 , 2 , and 3 on the Integr ity BL8 60c i2 , BL8 7 0c i2 , and BL8 90c i2 serv er blades .
NO TE: The mounting br ack et is installed either o n top of a mezz anine card in slot 1 , or the mezz anine blank in slot 1 , depending upon the c ustome r's conf igur ation . If no car d is used in slot 1 , the mezz anine car d blank mus t be inst alled fo r the br ack et to c lip onto .
Upgr ading a conjo ined conf igur ation This s ecti on con tains inf or mation r equir ed to com plete an upgr ade of a BL8 60c i2 , BL8 7 0c i2 , or BL8 90c i2 serv er blade . T his doc ument e xpands on the infor matio n pr o v ided in the Read T his F irst doc ument w hich is inc luded in the upgrade kit .
Bef ore getting st arted IMPORT ANT: • Do not inst all or us e the upgr ade Blade Link until e xplic itly called fo r in the upgr ade procedur e. F or mor e info rmati on , see “Blade link and sy stem inf or mation par ameters ” (page 80) .
IMPORT ANT: T he Oper ating S ys tem ma y need to be re installed o n the upgr aded server . This w ill be e xplained later . IMPORT ANT: If y ou w ill be using HP -UX, re vi e w the HP -UX err ata documen tatio n that is listed at the fo llo w ing url: http://bi zsupport2 .
X: Exit Connection [ilo002264fee2de] hpiLO-> cm (Use Ctrl-B to return to MP main menu.) [ilo002264fee2de] CM:hpiLO-> sr SYSREV Revisions Active Pending Bay 5 Bay 6 --------------------------------------------------------- iLO FW : 01.41.01 01.41.
Product Name : BladeSystem c7000 Onboard Administrator Part Number : 412142-B21 Spare Part No.: 414055-001 Serial Number : O985MP8457 UUID : 09O985MP8457 Manufacturer : HP Firmware Ver.
V CM Use o ne of the f ollo wing meth ods to deter mine the cur r ent V CM fir m w ar e versi on: • O A GUI — Select the Inter connect Bay 1 dev ice and then se lect the Infor mation tab .
• V C Support Utility — Launc h V C Support Utilit y – Inte r acti ve and ent er version . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HP BladeSystem c-Class Virtual Connect Support Utility Version 1.
pr oces sor o f each blade (b y enclo sur e ba y number ) can be cho sen indi vi dually and the info rmati on displa yed w ill include the inf ormati on needed for compar ison . F or mor e info rmati on , see “Proce ss or and heatsink module ” (page 44) , and “ CPU and heatsink module ” (page 118) .
2 . If a V C conf igurati on is used and the upgr ade requir es mo v ing to a ne w enclosur e , then setu p the tar get VC s erver pr of ile on the ne w enclosur e no w using the V CM domain and the designat ed Monar ch Serv er V C pro file o n the c urr ent s yste m fo r guidance .
c. P lace the pr oduct number porti on fr om the F ield Upgr ade Only label on t op of the old pr oduct n umber and bar code on the label carr ier car d fr om the Monar ch Serv er . IMPORT ANT: Do not co ver the se r ial numbe r on the label car rier car d.
1 5. Enter sr t o v ie w the sy stem r ev isio n inf ormati on. A sample o utput f or a BL8 90c i2 is sh o w n belo w . The BL8 90c i2 w ill show f our blades compo sing the serv e blade , a BL8 7 0c i2 will sho w t w o .
a . Log int o the Monar ch iL O 3 MP , enter the C ommand Men u , and ex ec ute the command sysset . This w ill list the s y stem info rmati on par ameters st or ed in the Upgrade Blade L ink (Pr imary) and those st or ed on the server blade (Seco ndary) .
d . After the iL O 3 MP r eset (le ss than one min ute), log back into the iL O 3 MP , go to the Command Me nu , and enter sysset again t o ve r ify that the sy stem inf or mation par ameters hav e been set f or cor r ectl y for both Pr imar y and Secondary .
c. Ex ec ute the UEFI shell command map – r t o mak e sur e that all of the expec ted disks ar e mapped . d . Exec ute the UEFI shell command cpuconfig to mak e sure that all o f the e xpected pr oces sor s ar e there and indi cate acti ve .
The pr oof of pur chas e should be a s canned cop y or f ax of a sale s r eceipt o r in v oi ce fr om HP or an autho r i zed r eseller . It can also be an or der confir mati on , shipping r eceipt , or r eseller bas ed pur c hase/shipp ing conf irmation that con tains the f ollo wing: • The pur chas e or shipp ing date .
The r e ar e two s ets of par ameters sh o w n: • Pr imary values ar e stor ed on the Blade Link . • Secondary value s ar e thos e sto r ed on the se rver blades .
Upgr ade scenar io s w hic h do not r equir e a r eins tall of the ope r ating s ys tem OS reinstall r equired? HP Virtual Machin es Virtual Connect Operating sy stem no HPVM HPVM no V C VC NO 1 X X H.
4) , that had not bee n mapped to an y ports prio r to the upgr ade, w ill be mapped to FC HB A ports on the au xiliary blade in the upgr aded server .
on the Monar ch blade . The r esulting s et of Ether net connection e ntr ie s in the pr ofile w ould be as fo llo w s. Mapping to BL8 7 0c i2 ports V CM assigned MAC addr ess Assigned network Prof il.
P ortable Image pr oduct is ins talled and ena bled on the blade serv er bef ore the upgr ade . After the upgr ade, P I w ill automaticall y modif y the HP -UX netwo rk ins tance number s of the new har dw are en v ir onment so that the y match the pr e -upgr ade env ironme nt .
Y ou should see the f ollow ing: Tunable Value Expression Changes gio_portable_image (before) 1 1 Immed (now) 0 0 3. T he networ king should be c heck ed to mak e sure that the or iginal s y st em netw ork ins tance s func tio n corr ectl y . If the HP -UX boot repo rts a L AN interf ace conf igur ation f ailur e , then chec k the /etc/r c.
6 T r oublesh ooting This c hapter pr ov ide s str ategies , pr ocedur es, and tools f or tro ubleshoo ting serv er blade er r or and fa ult conditio ns.
NO TE: Alw ay s e x amine the iL O 3 MP SEL in the case of a blinking y ello w or red f r ont panel health LED , befor e r eplac ing an y hard w ar e . Ex ec uting r ecommended tr oubleshooting me thodolog y The r ecommended methodolog y for tr oubleshooting a s erve r blade err or or fa ult is as f ollo ws: 1 .
T able 9 Basic Low End T roubleshooting (continued) Action Condition Step 4. If the po we r button ’s integrated LED on f r ont panel r emains off , then re seat the serv er blade . 5 . As a last r esort, r eplace the server blade . This issue is fi xed w hen the fr ont panel LED states ar e as follo ws: blade health is stead y gr een .
T able 9 Basic Low End T roubleshooting (continued) Action Condition Step 2 . Sear ch f or the boot disk path using the UEFI shell ( map-r ) command . 3 .
T able 1 0 Advanced Low End T roubleshooting Action S ymptom/Condition Step SEL logging has stopped (health is s teady gr een and pow er is steady gr een). Cannot r ead SEL fr om the s y stem console . 6 1 . Examine cons ole mess ages fo r an y UEFI err ors or w arnings a bout oper ation or co mmunicati ons.
Co ntr ols and ports F ron t panel v ie w 9 P ar titi on Identif ier 5 Monar ch po w er button 1 Monar ch blade indicat or 2 UID LED 1 0 Phy sical Pr ese nce Button 6 HDD bay 1 7 HDD bay 2 3 Blade hea.
R ear panel v iew 2 1 GBX signal connec tor s P ow er connect ors Serv er blade LEDs F ron t panel LEDs Status Description Item Gr een = Blade is acting as Monar ch blade Monar ch blade indi cator 1 O.
Status Description Item Gr een = Netw ork link ed NICs 1 , 2 , 3, 4 4 Gr een flashing = Netwo rk acti vity Off = No link or acti vity Gr een = Blade is acting as Monar ch and is po we r ed on Monar ch.
S AS disk dr iv e LEDs The r e ar e t w o disk dr i v es on the BL8 60c i2 S erver Blade . The y hav e ide ntical LEDs that dis pla y the dr i v e statu s.
Interpretation Fault/UID LED (amber/blue) Online/activity LED (green) The dr ive is ac ti ve , and it is operating normall y . Off F lashing irr egularly A cr itical fault conditi on has been identif ied for this dr ive , and the Steadil y amber Off contr oller has placed it offline .
• L OCA T OR • P O WER T able 1 1 Indications f or the iL O 3 TUI LEDs V alue Indicati ons E qui vale nt P urpose VFP LED Health of the partition and the health of one or mor e blades within the p.
The s yste m/partition is iden tifi ed. On Identifi es the s ys tem/partition and w ill L OCA T OR UID LED on the fro nt panel of the indi vi dual blade • S y stem/partiti on is not ide ntif ied and no fir m w are u pdate is acti vel y wr iting to any of the s y stem R OMs Off blink while a f irmw are update is in pr ogress .
S UV Cable and P orts The S UV port on the fr ont of the serv er blade is used in co njunc tio n w ith an S UV cable to connec t the serv er to e xternal de v ice s suc h as a ter minal emulator or monito r . In a conjoined s erver , only the S UV port on the Monar ch Serv er is acti ve .
Diagn os tic s A suite of o ffline and o nline support tools ar e av ailable to ena ble tr oubleshooting s erver blade issues . In general , if the operating s ys tem (HP -UX) is alread y running , HP does not r ecommend shutting do wn the serv er blade .
F ault managemen t o v er v ie w The goal o f f ault managemen t and monitor ing is to incr ease serv er blade a v ailability , by mo v ing fr om a r eacti ve fa ult detec tion , diagnosis , and repair str ategy t o a pr oactiv e fault detec tio n , diagno sis, and r epair str ateg y .
• Ev ents ar e cr eated by f irm w ar e or the OS and ar e stor ed in eithe r or both of the SEL and fo rwar d progr ess e vent logs . • The iL O 3 MP displa y s the SEL e ve nt logs . Ev ent log u sage T o consult the ev ent logs: 1 . C onnect t o the s y ste m console .
1 . Log in w ith the pr oper us er name and pass wor d. NO TE: the default login and pa ss wor d are: login = Administrator pass wo r d = R andomly ge ner ated pass w ord f ound on the iL O 3 Netwo rk pull t ab located on the r ight si de of the Monar ch blade .
4. Enter sl t o displa y the statu s logs . T he statu s logs consis t of: • S yst em Ev ent • F orwar d Pr ogres s • Cur rent Boo t • Pr e v io us Boot • L i v e Ev ents • Clear SELs 5 . Enter Ctr l–B to r eturn to the MP Main Menu . SEL r ev ie w 1 .
3 ILO 1 2 4080230D00E10004 0000000000000000 FW_UPDATE_START 07 Jan 2010 22:31:23 2 ILO 1 2 408022E200E10002 0000000000000000 ENTER_MFG_MODE 4. Selec t a , then a thr eshold f ilter numbe r to f ilter e vents t o desir ed lev el .
Pr obable f irm w ar e failur e ar eas ar e: • Unsupported f irm w ar e installati on • Cor rupt f irm war e installatio n T o trou bleshoot f irm w ar e issues: 1 . V erify that all serv er blade f irm war e components ar e fr om the same r eleas e (use the MP sysrev command).
T able 1 2 Ser ver blade env ironmental specifications Non- Operating Range Maximum Rate of Change Recommended Operating Range Operating Range P arameter - 40°C t o 60°C (-40°F to 1 40°F) 1 0°C (.
7 R emo v ing and r eplac ing compone nts Serv er blade componen ts list NO TE: P art numbers ar e found b y using the part nomenclatur e fr om this list to selec t the cor r ect part fr om HP P artsurfer ( http://www .partsurfer m/sear ch .asp x ) .
T able 1 3 CRU L ist (continued) Boards and Car ds 4 5 6 9 7 8-00 1 HP Dual P or t 8Gbps F ibre C hannel HB A Mezzanine C ar d (Emule x) (part number 4 56 9 7 2 -B2 1 ) 4 5 5 8 6 9-00 1 HP Dual P ort .
1 The heatsink m ust be or dered along w ith the proces sor . Y ou cannot r eplace a pr ocess or w ithout also r eplac ing the heatsink. Pr epar ing the serv er blade fo r serv ic ing T o servi ce an inter nal server blade compo nent , pow er off the se rver blade and r emov e it fr om the serv er blade enc losur e.
5 . P lace a plasti c protec tor ov er the connector on the bac k of the Blade Link and place it in an antist atic bag . NO TE: Plas tic pr otect ors ar e only pr ov ided w ith replacemen t Blade L inks .
1 2 . Log in to iL O 3 on the Monar c h blade . F or mor e inf or mation , see the HP Integr it y iL O3 Oper ations Guide . 1 3. In iL O 3, go to the Co mmand Menu and e xec ute xd -r to reboo t all of the iL O 3s in the conjo ined set . 1 4. Still in the iL O 3 Command Men u , pow er on the Monar ch blade w ith the PC -on -nc command .
Serv er blade CA UTION: A fter y ou pre ss the r elease button , the serv er blade is unloc k ed fr om the enclo sur e. Use bo th hands to suppo rt the server blade w hen yo u r emo ve it fr om the r ack . The serv er blade w ei ghs appr ox imately 9 k g (20 lb).
Disk dr iv e blanks The s erve r blade has tw o disk dr i v e ba y s. If y ou only pur cha sed one har d disk, then y our serve r blade has a har d dri v e blank inst alled. Har d dri ve blanks maint ain pr oper airflo w thr oughou t the serv er blade .
F or the location of the S AS disk LEDs, s ee “S AS disk dr iv e LEDs ” (page 95) . T o asses s har d dr i v e statu s, ob serv e the S AS disk dr i v e statu s LEDs. F or an explanati on of the se LEDs, s ee “F ron t panel LEDs ” (page 93) . IMPORT ANT: Bef ore r emov ing a S A S disk dr i v e , perform a co mplete dat a back up .
3 . P ull the D IMM baff le str aight up and ou t . T o replace the com ponent , re ver se the r emov al procedur e. DIMMs The me mory subs yst em supports onl y DDR3 SDR AM tec hnolog y using industry-standar d 1 .
6 . R emo v e the DIMM fr om the slot . IMPORT ANT: DIMMs do not seat f ully if turned the w rong w ay . T o replace the com ponent , re ver se the r emov al procedur e. CP U baffle CA UTION: T o pre ven t damage to the serv er blade , nev er pow er on a serv er blade w ithout a CP U baffle or CP U in each CP U soc k et.
3 . P ull the CPU baff le str aight up and out . T o replace the com ponent , re ver se the r emov al procedur e. CP U and heatsink module The BL8 60c i2 S erver Blade con tains a pr ocessor su bs yst em accommodating one or tw o Intel Itanium pr ocessor module s.
2 . R emo v e the access pane l ( “ Acce ss panel” (page 113) ). 3 . Disconnec t the po wer cor d (see 1 belo w) 4. R otate the CP U locking handle up and bac k until it reac hes a hard s top (see.
7 . If the CP U is not be ing r eplaced, install a CP U baffle ( “ CP U baffle ” (page 117) ) . CA UTION: T o av oid damage to CP U sock et pins and ensur e proper s ys tem coo ling, ins tall a CP U baffle in an em pty CPU s ock et . The r eplacement CP U module is shipped fr om HP w ithout a heatsink .
W ARNI NG! DO NO T SEP AR A TE THE HEA TSINK FROM THE P ROCES SOR MODULE. Damage to the ass embl y w ill occ ur! Only F actory-Repair is au thor iz ed to separ ate ass embl y . R eturn the a sse mbly in the heatsink bo x using the pr ocessor's de fec ti v e r etur n label .
3 . R emo v e the disk dr i v es or disk dr iv e blanks ( “Disk dr iv es ” (page 114) or “Disk dr i v e blanks ” (page 114) ) . 4. L ift the S A S bac k plane str aight out of the s erver b y the backplane handle . T o replace the com ponent , re ver se the r emov al procedur e.
3 . R emo v e the battery . T o replace the com ponent , re ver se the r emov al procedur e. Mezz anine car ds The I/O su bs yste m is compo sed of e mbedded cor e I/O and up to thr ee mezz anine cards .
ICH mezz anine board The ICH mezz anine card ho use s the fo llo w ing components: • Intel ICH1 0 South Br idge • A TI/AMD RN5 0/E S1 000 Video C ontr oller • Embedded TP M 1 .2 • Inter nal USB port — NO T SUP P ORTED F OR USE One ICH mezz anine board is r equir ed per s yst em .
• The ICH mezz anine board ( “ ICH mezz anine boar d” (page 124) ) • The har d disk dri ves ( “Disk dr iv es ” (page 114) ) R emo v e these it ems fr om the r eplacemen t base unit and pla.
2 . Use the inde nt to pull the door ope n . F or mor e info rmati on see “Ins talling the Blade L ink for BL8 7 0c i2 or BL8 90c i2 co nf igur ations ” (page 22) 1 2 6 R emov ing and r eplac ing .
8 Support and other r es our ces C ont acting HP Bef or e y ou contac t HP Be sur e to ha v e the f ollo wing inf ormation a vailable bef ore y ou call contac t HP: • T echni cal support r egistr at.
HP Insigh t R emote Support So ftwar e HP str ongly r ecommends that y ou inst all HP Insigh t Re mote Suppo rt softwar e to complete the installati on or u pgr ade of y our produ ct and to ena ble impr ov ed deliv er y of y our HP W arr ant y , HP Car e P ack S ervi ce or HP con tr actual su pport agree ment .
User input Commands and othe r te xt that y ou t y pe . Variable The name o f a placeholde r in a command , func tio n, o r other s y ntax dis play that y ou r eplace w ith an actual value .
S tandar d ter ms, a bbr e v iati ons , and ac r on y ms A ASIC Applicati on -spec ific int egr ated c irc uit Au xiliary An y blade in a conjoined s erve r other than the lo west-number ed blade B BB.
L LD AP L ightw eight dir ectory access pr otocol L VM Logical v olume manager M Monarch Designate s a single -blade serv er , or lo w est-number ed blade in a conjo ined serv er MP Management pr oces.
TUI T ext us er inte rface U UAR T Univ er sal as ynchr onous r ecei v er -transmitter UEFI Unif ied Exte nsible F irmw are Int erface , replaces EFI .
A Utilitie s C onf igur ing a Smar t Ar r a y C ontr oller Using the saupdate command The saupdate co mmand is used t o query or c hange the mode of the Smart Ar r a y P4 1 0i and Smart Arr ay P4 1 1 contro llers t o HB A or R AID . Quer y ing or c hanging modes is n ot supported f or other con tr oller s.
set_mode IMPORT ANT: If y ou are u sing HB A mode, do no t install an y disk that has pr e v io usl y been a part of a RAID volume in to the s yst em .
1 . At the UEFI shell , use the drivers command . 2 . F ind the SA S Host Bu s Adapt er in the list o f dr i v ers , and make a not e of the Dr i ver ID fr om the left column . 3 . Use the drvcfg co mmand. 4. F ind the SA S Host Bu s Adapt er’s Dr iv er ID in the list , and mak e a note o f the corr esponding Ctr l ID .
The OR CA main menu contains the f ollow ing options: • Cr eate L ogical Dri ve • Vi ew L ogical Dr iv e • Delete L ogical Dr iv e NO TE: If you ar e confi gur ing the HP Smart Arr ay P7 00m/5 1.
6 . T o sav e the conf igurati on, pr ess F8 . 7 . T o ackno wledge that the conf igur ation w as sa ved and r eturn to the OR CA Main Menu , pr ess Enter . Deleting a logi cal dr i ve W ARNI NG! Bac k up all neces sary data bef ore dele ting the logical dr iv e.
3 . F3 to delete the logical dr iv e. 4. T o ackno wledge that the conf igur ation w as sa ved and r eturn to the OR CA Main Menu , pr ess Enter . Us ef ul UEFI command c hecks saupdate.efi list Use saupdate.efi list to lis t contr oller info rmati on suc h as the contr oller v ersion .
pci – i <path> Use pci – i <path> to f ind vendor inf ormatio n. UEFI UEFI is an O S and platfo rm-independe nt boot and pr eboot interface . UEFI re side s betwee n the O S and platfo rm f irm w ar e , allow ing the OS to boo t w ithout ha ving det ails about the unde rl ying har d w ar e and f irm war e.
T able 1 5 UEFI Shell Commands (continued) Definition UEFI Shell Command Cop ies one o r mor e file s or dir ector ies to another locati on cp Deconfi gur e/Reco nfi gur e pr ocess or soc k ets and th.
T able 1 5 UEFI Shell Commands (continued) Definition UEFI Shell Command Displa ys a lis t of f iles and subdir ector ies in a dir ectory ls Displa ys o r def ines mapp ings map Set/V ie w memor y con.
Dr iv e paths in UEFI Dev ices in the s erver blade ar e repr esen ted b y de v ice paths in the UEFI shell . Eac h internal S AS dr i v e could be conf igured e ither as: • RAID mode • HB A (ra w.
Boot Opti ons the Boot Optio ns menu con tains the f ollo wing opti ons: • Add Boot Opti on • Delete Boot Opti on • Change Boot Or der Add Boot Opti on Use this opti on to add items to the Boot Opti ons list .
1 . Selec t a boot de v ice ty pe . 2 . Use the F ile Explorer me nu to locat e the corr ect boot de vice . NO TE: File Explo r er w ill load with the appr opri ate dev ices fo r the selec ted boot de vice . Delete Boot Opti on Use this opti on to r emo v e boot optio ns fr om the Boot Optio ns list .
1 . Pr es s spacebar to toggle the c hec kbo x f or eac h boot optio ns that y ou w ant to delete . 2 . Selec t Commit Changes and Exit to sa ve the ne w settings and r eturn to the Boot Maint enance Manager . Change Boot Or der Use this opti on to change the or der of boot optio ns.
Dr i ver Opti ons The Dr iv er Options men u contains the f ollow ing options: • Add Dr iv er Opti on • Delete Dr iv er Opti on • Change Dr iv er Or der Add Dr iv er Option Use this opti on to add dri ver opti ons. T o add a dri v er opti on: 1 .
2 . Use the F ile Explorer me nu to locat e the corr ect dr i v er . Delete Dr iv er Option Use this opti on to r emov e dri ver optio ns. NO TE: This does no t delete an y files , applicatio ns or dr i v er s fr om y our serv er . T o remo ve dr iv er opti ons: 1 .
1 . Selec t a boot de v ice ty pe . 2 . Use the F ile Explorer me nu to locat e the corr ect dr i v er or f ile. Set Boo t Ne xt V alue Use this opti on to run the selec ted boot opti on immediat el y upon en ter ing the main Boot Manager menu .
R es et S ys tem Use this opti on to perfor m a sy stem r ese t . iL O 3 MP The iL O 3 MP is an independent su pport sy stem f or the se rver . It pr o v ides a w ay f or y ou to connect to a serv er and perf or m administr ation or monitor ing tasks f or the serv er har dw ar e .
Inde x A access pane l r emo v ing , 1 1 3 r eplac ing , 6 5 , 1 1 3 adding Windo ws to the boo t options lis t , 3 7 antistati c wris t str ap, 1 3 autoboo t , 3 2 B battery mounting br ack et parts,.
HDD see S AS disk dr i ve HDD backplane see S AS bac kplane heatsink module installing , 44 r emo v ing , 1 1 8 HP Smart Arr ay P7 00m/5 1 2 Contr oller , 5 3 , 6 2 5 1 2MB cache module r emo v al, 6 .
ICH Mezz anine board , 1 2 4 r eplac ing , 1 1 1 S AS backplane , 1 2 1 S AS disk dr iv e, 1 1 5 serv er battery , 1 2 2 serv er blade access pane l, 1 1 3 serv er blade fr om enclo sur e , 1 1 3 r ep.
booting , 3 9 shutting do wn, 3 9 shutting do wn fr om the command line , 40 Spec ial Administr ation Co nsole , 3 9 wr ist str ap , antistatic , 1 3 1 5 3.
Inde x A access pane l r emo v ing , 1 1 3 r eplac ing , 6 5 , 1 1 3 adding Windo ws to the boo t options lis t , 3 7 antistati c wris t str ap, 1 3 autoboo t , 3 2 B battery mounting br ack et parts,.
HDD see S AS disk dr i ve HDD backplane see S AS bac kplane heatsink module installing , 44 r emo v ing , 1 1 8 HP Smart Arr ay P7 00m/5 1 2 Contr oller , 5 3 , 6 2 5 1 2MB cache module r emo v al, 6 .
ICH Mezz anine board , 1 2 4 r eplac ing , 1 1 1 S AS backplane , 1 2 1 S AS disk dr iv e, 1 1 5 serv er battery , 1 2 2 serv er blade access pane l, 1 1 3 serv er blade fr om enclo sur e , 1 1 3 r ep.
booting , 3 9 shutting do wn, 3 9 shutting do wn fr om the command line , 40 Spec ial Administr ation Co nsole , 3 9 wr ist str ap , antistatic , 1 3 1 5 7.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat HP (Hewlett-Packard) BL870C I2 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen HP (Hewlett-Packard) BL870C I2 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens HP (Hewlett-Packard) BL870C I2 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding HP (Hewlett-Packard) BL870C I2 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over HP (Hewlett-Packard) BL870C I2 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van HP (Hewlett-Packard) BL870C I2 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de HP (Hewlett-Packard) BL870C I2 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met HP (Hewlett-Packard) BL870C I2 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.