Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product QR491A van de fabrikant HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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HP 3P AR S to r e Se r v 7 000 S tor age nl Ins tallati on Gui de Abstract This gui de is designed to instr uct qualifi ed technic ians who ar e author iz ed to install the HP 3P AR Stor eServ 7 000 Stor age sy stem and as soci ated hard war e components.
© Cop yr ight 20 1 3 He wlett-P ackar d Dev elopment Compan y , L.P . The inf ormation co ntained here in is subjec t to change w ithout notice . The only w arran ties for HP pr oducts and servi ces are se t forth in the expr ess war ranty state ments accompany ing such pr oducts and servi ces.
C ont ents 1 Getting St ar ted..........................................................................................6 T ools ..........................................................................................................................
7 Initiali zing the Serv ice Pr ocess or.................................................................46 Connec ting to a Virtual Serv ice Pr ocessor..................................................................................46 E stablishing the V ir tual Serv ice Pr ocessor IP A ddre ss.
D Installing HP 3P AR St or age Softw are W hen HP 3P AR Smar tS tart is Una vaila ble ................................................................................................ 92 La unching the SP Setu p Wi zar d...............................
1 Getting S tarted Bef or e you begin , r ead the follo wing gui delines to help y ou complet e the installation su ccessf ully . If y ou need assis tance with the installati on, co ntact HP Suppo r t or v isit http://www .
• Co ver w orks tations w ith appro ved st atic -dissipating mate rial . Use a w rist s tra p connected to the w ork surface , and prope rly gr ounded (earthed) tools and equipment . • K eep the wor k ar ea fr ee of nonconduc tiv e mater ials , such as or dinar y plasti c assembl y aids and foam pac king .
R edeeming and R egiste ring HP 3P AR Li censes HP 3P AR Stor eServ 7 000 produc ts include 3P AR licensing , whic h enables all s yst em functi onality .
2 Identify ing S tor age S y stem C ompone nts NO TE: The illu str ations in this c hapter ar e ex amples onl y and may no t accur atel y repr esent y our stor age sy stem co nfigur ation .
Figur e 2 HP M6 7 20 Drive Enclosur e (4U24) 3.5-inch LFF In the HP 3P AR Management C onsole or CLI , the enclosur es ar e display ed as f ollow s: D CS2 f or the 2U2 4 (M6 7 1 0) , DCS1 f or the 4U2 4 enclo sure (M6 7 20) , and DCN1 for the 7 200 or 7 400 contr oller node enclo sure .
Co ntr oller Node P CIe Slots and P orts T able 1 (page 11) desc ribe s default co nfigur ations f or the HP 3P AR Stor eS erv 7 000 Stor age s ys tem: T abl e 1 Stor age Sy stem Expansion Cards Nodes.
I/O Modules The I/O module s connect the contr oller nodes to the har d dri ve s using a S AS ca ble, ena bling the tr ansfer of data betw een the nodes , hard dr iv es, P CMs, and enc losure s. T he I/O modules ar e located at the r ear of the dr i ve enc losur e .
Figur e 9 PCM Number ing for HP 3P AR 7 400 (4U) Controller Node Enclosure In the HP 3P AR M6 7 20 Dri ve Enclo sur e, the tw o PCMs ar e located diagonall y fr om one another . The r emaining PCM slots ar e filled w ith blank panels (see F igure 1 0 (page 13) and Fi gur e 1 1 (page 13) ) .
F or mor e info rmatio n, see “C onnecting to a Ph ysical S ervice Pr ocessor ” (page 48) . P o w er Distr ibution U nits In each HP G3 r ack , t w o PDUs ar e mounted ho ri z ontall y at the bottom of the r ack , number ed 0–1 fr om bottom to top .
3 Se t ting Up a F acto r y-Integr ated St or age S y stem This c hapter de scr ibes the procedur es for s etting up a stor age s ys tem that is deli ver ed in a fac tory-integr ated HP cabinet w ith all of the componen ts installed .
NO TE: In a fo ur-n ode 7 400 s y stem , two cable manageme nt brac k ets hav e V elcr o stra ps to hold the cables . Y ou can r emov e and discard the se br ack ets, bu t HP recomme nds sav ing them for f utur e use . T o remo v e the cable management br ack ets, loose n the T orx scr e ws and unlatc h the V elcr o str aps to f ree the ca bling.
4. Attac h the brac k ets to the side r ails. Figur e 1 4 At taching th e Brack ets to the Sid e Rails 5 . Ti ghten the capti ve sc r ew s (see F igur e 1 5 (page 17) ) . NO TE: Mak e sure the br ack ets ar e aligned and le veled w ith the link connector s bef ore tight ening the capti ve sc r ew s.
R emo v ing the Brac ke ts R emov e the cable r estr aint shipping br ack ets only w hen the cabinet is in its f inal location . Procedur e 1 1 . R emov e the data cables f r om the hook and loop str aps . 2 . Loo sen the capti ve sc re ws (see F igur e 1 6 (page 18) ) .
4 Inst alling S tor age S y ste m Co mponen ts into a Rac k This c hapter de scr ibes the procedur es for ins talling stor age sy stem com ponents in an e xis ting rac k. Bef or e you s et up a sto rage s yste m, ensur e that all requir ements doc umented in the HP 3P AR Sto re Serv 7 000 St orage Site P lanning Manual hav e been met .
Mounting a 2U r ail shelf onto the r ack 1 . Deter mine the location of the dir ectional-s pecif ic r ail matches w ith the side of a r ack pos t. The f ollo w ing text is impr inted on both ends of the r ails: FRONT -R and FRONT -L .
5 . Install the mi ddle support brac k et bef ore tr ansporting: a . Align the middle su pport brac ke t holes w ith the top holes o f the rail(s). The or ien tation of the middle suppo r t br ack et is neutr al. b . Insert and tighten s cr e ws . Figur e 1 8 Installing th e Middle Suppor t Brack et 6 .
Inst alling PCIe A dapter s in the Co ntr oller Nodes P CIe adapters connec t the contr oller nodes to h ost compu ters and disk dr iv es. Inst alling or upgr ading P Cle adapter s inv olv es adding additional supported ty pes of adapter s or r eplacing e xis ting adapters .
1 . Deter mine that the enclo sure is or iented cor rec tly b y looking at the r ear of the enclo sur e. V erify the node number ing by r ev iew ing the contr oller node label on bo th edges of the enc losur e slot . Figur e 20 V erify Contr oller Nod e Numbering 2 .
8. R emov e the blank fille r panels befo re Ins talling disk dri ves int o the slots. 9 . T o ensur e pr oper thermal con trol , install blank fille r panels into an y empty slots.
Figur e 23 M6 7 20 Drive Enclosur e (4U24) Disk Driv e Placement Or der Guide lines fo r Allocating and L oading Or der (Mi xed SFF and LFF disk dr i v es) In a stor age sy stem w ith mix ed HP M6 7 1 0 and M6 7 20 Dri ve Enc losur es ther e is a minimum of thr ee pairs of dr i ves f or eac h dri ve e nclosur e.
Figur e 24 Installing a 2 .5 inch Disk Driv e Installing a 3 .5 inc h Disk Dri ve (LFF ) 1 . Pre ss the handle latc h to open the handle . 2. P ositio n the disk dri v e so the handle opens fr om the left, and sli de it into the enc losur e. 3. P ush f irmly un til the handle full y engages and c licks .
Inst alling the Serv ice Pr ocess or in the St or age S y stem The HP 3P AR Serv ice Pr ocesso r consists of the f ollo wing: • A standar d HP Ser v er • A 1U Rail K it for that spec ifi c server .
Figur e 2 6 Rail Kit Components In addition t o the supplied items , y ou may also need the f ollo w ing: • Sc re ws f it ting a thr eaded-hole r ack • Sc re wdr iv er • Optional ca ble manageme.
Figur e 2 7 Cable M anagement Arm W ARN ING! T o av oid r isk of injury or damage to the equipmen t, do n ot stac k anything on t op of r ail-mounted eq uipment or use it a s a wor k surface w hen it is ext ended fr om the r ack . CA UTION: Al wa y s plan the rac k lay out bef or e installing the equipme nt.
Figur e 28 Installing Cage Nuts and Rail Mounting P ins 3 . Ali gn the mounting r ail with the cage n uts, and f asten the mounting r ails to the rac k w ith the pr oper sc re ws.
Figur e 2 9 M ounting and Fastening the Mounting Rails 4. R epeat steps 1 thr ough 3 f or the other mounting r ail . W ARN ING! T o pre v ent the risk of inj ur y or equipmen t damage, ins pect the r ack to ensur e that it is adequatel y stab ili z ed befo re ins talling the servi ce pr ocessor .
5 . Install the si de rails o n each side o f the servi ce proce ssor b y aligning eac h side r ail to the componen t, and the n snapping it into place . Figur e 30 Installing the Ser vice Pr ocessor 6 . Slide the se r v ice pr ocesso r onto the mounting r ails and into the r ack .
7 . F asten the se r v ice pr ocesso r to the rac k. 8. (Optional) Ins tall the cable management ar m. S ee the instruc tions pr o vi ded in the kit. 9 . Use the str aps pr ov ided in the kit to sec ure all f iber and Etherne t cables. S ecur ing the cables pr ev ents an y impr oper disconnec tion or damage s during oper ation.
5 C abling the St or age S y st em F or mor e inf ormatio n about cabling dr i ve enc losur es (S AS) bef or e yo u continue to cable the s yst em, v isit ww w .hp .com/go/3par . Sc ro ll to Support , and cli ck HP 3P AR Stor eSe r v 7 000 Support and then Manuals .
onl y one networ k connecti on is acti ve at a time . If the acti v e networ k connectio n fails, the IP addr ess is aut omaticall y mov ed to the survi ving netw ork connec tion . • At a minimum , the stor age sy stem r equir es one F ibre Channe l (or iS CSI) connecti on fr om a hos t computer to a co ntr oller node .
NO TE: Bef or e inserting the pow er cords in to the PCMs , ve rify the PCM po wer s witc h is set to 0 (off). 2. R oute the main po wer cor ds to a pow er strip o r PDU . Ensur e the ro uted cor ds maintain pr oper serv ice c learance . 3. Ins ert each end of the po wer cor d into the pow er str ip/PDU and P CM.
6 V er if y ing Setup and P o w er ing On the St or age S y st em This s ectio n descr ibes the ver ificati on of pr ocedur es fo r setting up and po wer ing on all components in the stor age sy stem .
Acc limating the Stor age S y stem Bef or e pow ering on the s tor age sy stem, the s ys tem may r equire u p to 2 4 hours t o acclimati z e to the ne w operating e nv ir onment w hen outside- to -inside conditions v ary signifi cantl y .
V er if y ing LED St atus 1 . A t the fr ont of the st orage s yst em, v er if y the bez el and disk dri ve LEDs ar e illuminating green . NO TE: If an y module fault or disk dr iv e LEDs ar e not gr een, do not pr oceed until the pr oblem is r esol ved .
Figur e 36 Disk Dr ive LEDs T abl e 8 Identifying Disk Dri ve LEDs Description Item Amber LED indi cates a fault . 1 Gr een LED indicates the s ys tem is read y .
2 . At the r ear of the st orage s yst em, v er if y the contr oller node , I/O modules, and P CM LEDs ar e lit gr een. T he contr oller node LEDs sho uld be blinking green o nce per second . The gr een LED of eac h node w ill blink together w hen the stor age clu ster is pr operl y fo rmed .
Node Inte r connect P or ts The n ode inter connect ports ar e used onl y w ith 7 400 4 -Node s yst ems. Figur e 3 9 7 400 4 -Node LEDs T abl e 9 Node Interconnect P orts LEDs Description Item Gr een LED 1 Amber LED 2 Soli d (not flashing) gr een LEDs indicate nor mal oper ation .
Dr i ve Enc losur e LEDs Figur e 40 Driv e Enclosure PCM LEDs CA UTION: Do not pr oceed w ithout f irst cor r ecting all fa ult indications (e xcept f or P CM bat ter ies). The c lust er is not fo rmed until the st orage s yst em softwar e installation ha s been perfor med.
Identify ing Serv ice Pr ocess or LEDs The HP 3P AR SP (Proli ant DL3 20e) LEDs are located at the f ro nt and rear o f the SP . Figur e 4 1 Fr ont P anel LEDs T abl e 1 0 Front panel LEDs Description.
Figur e 4 2 Rear P an el LEDs T abl e 1 1 Rear panel LEDs Description Appearance LED Item Link Gr een NIC link 1 No link Off Acti vity Gr een or Fla shing Green NIC status 2 No acti vity Off Acti ve B.
7 Initi ali zing the Serv ice Pr ocess or The SP su pports all actions r equired f or mainte nance of the stor age sy stem . The s er v ice pr ocess or pr ov ides r eal- time , automated mo nitoring and r emote access t o HP 3P AR Support in or der to diagno se and r esol ve pot ential pr oblems.
2 . In the VMw are vS pher e Clien t windo w , selec t File > Deplo y OVF template . 3 . On the Source page , clic k Bro wse to locat e the OVF f ile on the D VD . 4. Selec t the OVF f ile , cli ck Open and then cli ck Ne xt . 5 . On the O VF T emplate Details page , ver ify the OVF t emplate is selec ted , and then cli ck Ne xt .
5 . Enter the de fault gate wa y addre ss and pr ess Enter . 6 . Enter Y t o confi gure the netw ork and pr ess Enter . 7 . R ev iew the co nfi gurati on confir mation and r ecord the VSP IP addr ess f or r efe rence dur ing subs equent setu p procedur es w ith HP 3P AR Smar tS tart or the SpSetu pWi z ard .
NO TE: The co nfigur ation pr ocedur es may v ary depending on the ver sion o f Mic ro soft W indow s, A pple Mac, or L inux O S in use . a . Select Contr ol P anel > Net work and Inter net > Net work and Shar ing Center , and clic k Change adapter set tings .
Figur e 45 Subnet Mask and Gatewa y Fields P opulated Y ou can c ustomi z e settings f or the Subnet Mask and Gatew ay if r equired . 7 . Se lect Next , r ev ie w the Summary scr een , and then select Ne xt whe n you ar e read y . The s ettings ar e applied .
8 Se t ting Up the Serv i ce Pr ocess or and St or age S y stem Bef or e you begin s etting up the stor age s ys tem, r ev ie w and complete the f ollo wing t asks: • Com plete the stor age sy stem ins tallation c hecklis t below . • V er if y Mi cr oso ft Windo ws 200 8 R2 or 20 1 2 is c urr entl y running .
T abl e 1 2 SP and Storage S ystem Software Installation Chec klist (continued) Date and time: Enter man ually Use NTP se r ver inf ormati on Time Z one New pa ssw ord to assi gn setupusr (for us e wi.
After co mpleting the chec klist , continue on t o “Launc hing HP 3P AR Smar tS tart” (page 53) . L aunc hing HP 3P AR Smar tS tar t T wo s eparat e Smar tS tart setup w iz ar ds assist w ith the .
NO TE: When conf iguring in a DHCP netw ork en v ironme nt , enter the VSP tempor ar y IP addr ess . Figur e 46 Set up s ystems P age 4. On the br ow ser w indow , enter setupusr in the User Name bo x, and lea ve the pas sw ord bo x blank. 5 . Cli ck OK .
• R emote support: ◦ Pr oxy s erver se t tings (opti onal) • Time and r egion: The c urr ent date and time or NTP se r ve r addre sses , if you plan t o use aut omatic date/time conf igur ation .
Figur e 48 Generating SP ID P age Co nfi gur e SP Netwo rking T o complete this s ection , use the complet ed installation chec klist f rom HP 3P AR Stor eS er v 7 000 Site P lanning Manual as r efer ence . NO TE: F or additio nal infor mation and help , use the HP 3P AR Smar tS tart online help (accessible b y pres sing F1 ) .
If y ou ar e setting up a ph ysi cal Servi ce Proce ssor , the IP addr ess f ield displa y s the permanent IP addr ess pr ev iousl y assigned in the S ervice Pr ocesso r IP Setup w i z ard .
fo r author i z ed HP 3P AR support personnel . An outbound connecti on enable s diagnos tic data tr ansfer suc h as alerts, S tor eS er v , SP log files , and conf igur ation f iles f or re mote diagno sis.
4. Cli ck Ne xt to continue the SP conf igur ation . This w iz ar d enables R emote Support upon completi on. Figur e 50 Remote Support P age S ys tem Support Inf or mation T o r ecei ve r emote techni cal support: 1 . Ent er the Installation Site Information : • Str eet • C it y • P ostal C ode • Stat e/Pro vince • Coun tr y 2 .
Figur e 5 1 S ystem Support Information P ag e T ime and Regi on On the Time and Region page , the Manual option is selec ted and automati cally populated w ith the c urr ent hos t W eb bro wse r time by def ault . If y ou select A utomatic , complete the NTP Server(s) f ield and cli ck T est to get the spec ifi ed NTP time.
Figur e 5 2 Time and Region P age Change P ass w or ds NO TE: All pas sw ords f or the setupusr and 3parcust us ernames m ust be betw een 7 and 3 2 char acters in le ngth and consist of alphan umeri c char acter s and the follo wing s peci al char acter s: per iod (.
Figur e 5 3 C hange P asswor ds P age 6 2 Setting Up the Servi ce Proces sor and Stor age Sy stem.
Summary The Summary page sho ws all the selec ted options and this page cannot be modifi ed. T o modif y the selec ted options , cli ck Pre v . T o proceed , clic k Next . Figur e 54 Summary P age Appl y ing Settings The Appl y Settings page sho ws the se tup proce ss and oper ation s tatus.
Figur e 5 5 Apply Settings F inish The F inish page desc ribe s the status o f the SP setup . Clic k Finish . Figur e 56 SP Setup F inish P ag e 64 Setting Up the Serv ice Pr ocessor and S torage S ys.
L aunc hing the HP 3P AR Stor age S ys tem Se tup W i z ar d The s etup w i z ard pr oceeds thro ugh the follo w ing steps: • W elcome • Enter S tor age S ys tem • V er if y Sto rage S ys tem .
W elcome The W elcome page sho ws the inf ormation that is r equir ed to complete the w i z ar d and set up the SP . F ollo w the instruc tions on eac h page , and then cli ck Next .
Figur e 5 9 Enter Serial Number P age NO TE: The f ollo w ing illustr ation po ints to the locatio n of the ser ial number w hich is situat ed on the side of the r ight r ear node enclo sur e PCM and adjace nt to the po wer s witc h. T he ser ial numbe r begins w ith 1 6 (for e xample , ser ial n umber: 1 6 2 46 3 5).
V er if y St or age S y stem On the V erify Storage S ystem page , ver if y all the s yst em infor mation is cor r ect , and then cli ck Next . Figur e 6 1 V erify Stor age Sy stem P age Co nfi gur e Netw orking On the Configure Networ king page , complet e the requir ed fie lds and clic k Next .
Figur e 6 2 Configure Networking P age Co nfi gur ing Time On the Configure T ime page , the Copy time options fr om th e Service Proces sor opti on is select ed b y default and is a utomaticall y populated w ith the time and date enter ed in the SP wi z ard .
Change P ass w or d This login pr ofile is u sed to add this sto rage s yste m to the Servi ce Pr ocessor and f or initial administr ati ve acces s to the stor age sy stem .
V er if y Co nfi gur ation The V erify Configuration page sho ws all the se lected optio ns and this page cannot be modif ied. T o modify the selected opti ons, c lic k Prev . T o proceed , clic k Next . Figur e 65 V erify Configur ation P age Pr ogre ss The Pr ogress page sh ow s the setup pr ocess and oper ation s tatus .
Figur e 66 Pr ogress P age R esults The R esults page confir ms the stor age s ys tem is r eady to us e. C lic k Finish . Figur e 6 7 Results P age 7 2 Setting Up the Servi ce Proces sor and Stor age .
P ost-Installati on S y ste m T asks The s tor age sy stem setup is n ow com plete . P erfor m the reco mmended tasks bef or e using the s ys tem: • V alidating R emote Support F or mor e info rmatio n, see “V alidating Re mote Support” (page 93) .
9 Suppo r t and Other Re sour ces C ontac ting HP F or w orld w ide tec hnical support inf ormati on, see the HP support w ebsite: http://www .hp .com/support Bef or e contacting HP , collect the f ol.
See: For inf ormation about : HP 3P AR-to -3P AR Stor age P eer Motion Guide Migr ating data fr om one HP 3P AR stor age sy stem to ano ther HP 3P AR Sec ure Serv ice Cu stodian C onfigur ation Utilit.
See: For inf ormation about : Planning f or HP 3P AR storage s ystem setup Hard war e spec ifi cations, ins tallation consi derati ons, po wer r equir ements, ne t wo rking options , and cabling infor.
T ypogr aphi c con v enti ons T abl e 1 4 Docum ent conv entions Element Conv ention Bold text • K e ys that y ou pres s • T ext y ou typed into a GUI eleme nt, suc h as a te xt box • GUI elemen.
1 0 Doc ument ation f eedbac k HP is committed to pr ov iding doc umentati on that meets y our needs. T o help us impr ov e the doc umentatio n, se nd any er r ors, sugge stions , or comments to Doc umentati on F eedback ( docsfeedback@hp.
A HP 3P AR St or e Serv 7 000 (C ontr oller and St or age) and M6 7 00 Se r ie s (St or age) Con ten ts L ist The f ollo w ing components ma y vary , depending on s yst em confi gurati on: • Appear .
Figur e 7 0 7 000 Series Controller Figur e 7 1 M6 7 00 Series I/O Module Figur e 7 2 7 000 Series PCM 80 HP 3P AR Stor eServ 7 000 (Contr oller and St orage) and M6 7 00 Ser ies (Stor age) Contents L.
Figur e 7 3 M6 7 00 Series P CM Figur e 7 4 SFF Dri ve Assembl y Blank Figur e 7 5 SFF Dri ve Assembl y HP 3P AR Stor eServ 7 000 and M6 7 00 Componen ts 8 1.
Figur e 7 6 LFF Driv e Assembly Blank Figur e 77 LFF Dr ive Assembl y Figur e 7 8 7 000 Series Battery (Installed in 7 000 Series PCM) 8 2 HP 3P AR Stor eServ 7 000 (Con troller and S torage) and M6 7.
Acce sso r y K its The f ollo w ing accessory kits can be included w ith your s yst em: • P ow er cor ds • S A S cables • Cable bundle ti es • Hook and loop str aps • Pr oduct doc umentati o.
Figur e 80 Right and Left 2U Rail Subassembl y (Right Subassembl y Show n) Figur e 8 1 Right and Left 4U Rail Subas sembly (Right Subas sembly Sho wn) Figur e 82 M5 Shoulder Scre w for Rack Mount Figu.
Figur e 84 Middle Suppor t Bracket Figur e 85 M5 Cage Nut Rail K its 8 5.
B Enhanc ing Sec ur it y w ith Data Enc r y ptio n HP 3P AR Data Encrypti on sec ur it y featur e allow s yo u to encry pt all spec ifi cally f ormatted har d dr iv es on the st orage s yst em with an a uthenticati on k ey and the u se of Self Enc rypting Dr iv es (SEDs) .
C A dding Disk Dr i v es and Expansi on Dr i v e Enc losur es HP 3P AR Stor eServ 7 000 produc ts include 3P AR licensing that enables all func tionality ass oci ated w ith the sy stem . A failur e to r egister the lice nse k ey ma y limit access and r estr ict upgr ading of y our s ys tem.
NO TE: S SDs hav e a limited number o f wr ites that can occ ur bef or e reac hing the S SD's wr ite endur ance limit . This limit is gener ally high eno ugh so wear o ut w ill not occur dur ing the expect ed serv ice life o f an HP 3P AR Stor eS erv under the great maj ority of conf igurati ons, IO patter ns, and w orkloads .
Adding Disk Dr i v es The re ar e fi ve pr ocesses f or adding hard dr i ves: • Chec king initial statu s • Inserting har d dri ves • Chec king status • Chec king pr ogres s • Com pleting the upgr ade Chec king Initial S tatus Under S ystems , selec t Phy sical Disks , and in the ri ght pane , select the Ph ysical Disks tab .
Figur e 89 Ne w State of Inserted Disk Drives W ithin 6 minutes (depending o n the sy stem load and the si z e of the upgr ade) , the State of the ne w disk dri v es changes t o Normal , and the s yst em starts to initiali z e the chunkle ts to read y fo r use .
Co mpleting the Upgr ade In the S ystems pane , select m yStorage Sy stem - Phy sical Disks , and then selec t the Phy sical Disks tab . On the Physical Disks tab , in the drop-do wn list , select Chunklet Usage .
D Installing HP 3P AR S tor age So ft w ar e When HP 3P AR SmartS tart is Una v ailable Use the f ollo w ing instruc tions to man ually launc h the setup w iz ards t o confi gure the SP and S tor eS er v fr om a bro wser if y ou ar e not using HP 3P AR SmartS tart or Smar t Start is unav ailable .
E V alidating R emote Su pport After making an y networ king changes o r if the Servi ce Proce ssor Se tup Wi z ard is una ble to ver if y r emote support connec tiv it y , use the SP Maint module in SPOC C to test the communicati on with r emote support .
Figur e 9 4 SP OCC Communication Results 6 . V er if y the Serv ice Pr ocesso r is transf err ing file s successf ully b y doing the f ollo wing s teps: a . Clic k Home to r eturn to the SP OCC ho me page. The T ransfer S tatus entry indicat es the o ver all statu s of SP file tr ansfer .
F T r oublesh ooting T r oubleshoo ting Duplicat e IP Addr ess Is sues If the w i z ard cann ot confi gure the per manent IP addr ess y ou enter ed because it is alr eady in us e: 1 . C lick S top to stop the A pply Settings pr ocess and r eturn to the S er v ice Pr ocess or Setup w i z ar d.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat HP (Hewlett-Packard) QR491A (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen HP (Hewlett-Packard) QR491A heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens HP (Hewlett-Packard) QR491A vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding HP (Hewlett-Packard) QR491A leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over HP (Hewlett-Packard) QR491A krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van HP (Hewlett-Packard) QR491A bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de HP (Hewlett-Packard) QR491A kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met HP (Hewlett-Packard) QR491A . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.