Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product NetPorty II van de fabrikant I+ME ACTIA
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We l c o me t o I+ME ACT IA ! Before acquai nting you with y our new I+M E Hardware we would firs t like to th ank you fo r purc hasing our product. W e ar e extrem ely p leased that you have chosen to place your trust in I+ M E ACTIA and will do our best t o satisf y whatever needs you m ay have.
W hether your prof essiona l back ground is i nto in dustry- proces s-control or devel opment an d test too ls, we of fer six pr oduct groups to f ulfill yo ur sop histic ated needs . Tr ied and tested under th e m ost severe c onditions the autom otive industr y has t o offer , our produc ts have proved th em selves ag ain and a gain.
4 CAN S ystem Applicat ion Soft ware Enabl ing Real-T im e sy st em m odeling, testi ng of net worked s y s tem s as well as a pplicat ion support. O ffer ing basic s ervices for network c o m munic ation which is app licabl e for var ious proces sors and pr ogramm ing langua ges.
don’t h esitate to call us a nd benef it from I+ME’s extensi ve kno wledge - y our need is our des ire. Our m erger with the frenc h corporat ion ACT IA in 1995 allo w e d us to bec ome a powe rful s upplier f or the European autom otive in dustr y .
I+ME ACT IA Repr es enta ti ves SI-KW ADRAAT ACTI A SA Nuenen, N etherla nds Toulous e, Franc e T: +31 40 26311 85 T: +33 05 61176 161 F: +3 1 40 28380 92 F: +3 3 05 61554 231 NOHAU EL EK.
Manual NetPorty II Contents 1 Introduction ......................................... 1-1 1.1 Your I+ME N etPorty II ...................................... 1-2 1.2 System Requirem ents ...................................... 1-4 1.3 Deliver y Contents .
5 Glossary .............................................. 5-1 6 Literature ............................................. 6-1 A Lev elX A PI B Lev elX Demos C PcC A NCon trol Adminis t ration of Doc u m ent Document vers i on: 1.
1 Introducti on Your I+ME NetPort y II. O vervie w , System requirem ents, De liver y contents a nd s.o..
Introduct ion Your I+ME NetPor ty I I Versi on 1.03 1-2 1.1 Your I+M E NetPorty II The NetPorty II is an im prove d portab le net work adapter. It is des igned t o connect d evices with R S232 or Centro nic s i nterf ace to t he C AN bus.
Introduct ion Your I+ME NetP orty II Versi on 1.03 1-3 I+ME ACTIA is alwa y s eager t o full f ill the needs of our custom ers. If problem s should occ ur, please refer to Troubleshooting .
Introduct ion Syst em Requirem ents Versi on 1.03 1-4 1.2 Sy stem Requirements PC requ irements : • standard PC wit h RS232 or C entronic s (EPP 1.7 or 1.
Introduct ion Delivery Content s Versi on 1.03 1-5 1.3 Deliv ery C ontents 1.3.1 Standard Your N etPorty II del ivery pack age (Or der code: IME 1602401) includes : • 1 NetPorty II • 1 S y s tem u.
Introduct ion Technical S pecifications Versi on 1.03 1-6 1.4 Technical Spe cifications General Char acteristics of Net Porty II Proces sor 80C165, @3 6,84 MH z Protoco l Interf ace 1 x SJA 1000, @ 16.
Introduct ion Technical S pecifications Versi on 1.03 1-7 Options Mem ory 64 KB EPROM ins tead of f lash Ph y s ical interf ace: ISO Lo w Speed (I SO 115 19) Diagnos is Chan nel ISO 9141 physical inte.
2 Inst allat ion Installi ng your Net Porty II. Step b y step ins tallatio n procedur es for har dware a nd soft ware..
Installa tion Overview Versi on 1.03 2-2 2.1 Ov er v iew This chapter g ives detai led inf orm ation about i nstalli ng the NetP orty II hard ware and ab out the nec essar y sof tware driv ers which m ake NetPorty II a ccess possibl e. The NetPorty II is d elivered with acc ess driv er and applic ations f or W indows 95 and W indows NT.
Install at ion Instal ling the Hardw are Versi on 1.03 2-3 It is a lso necess ary to connec t the Net Porty II wi th a power su pply. Ther efore a n external power un it can be used to s upply the NetPorty II v ia the po wer connect or or via th e 9 Pin D- Sub CAN-c onnector.
Installa tion Instal ling the Soft w are Versi on 1.03 2-4 2.3 Installing th e Soft ware 2.3.1 If you st art at se rial port Driver inst allation: 1 Insert the CD. The set up program m w ill s tart autom atic, if not please st art the pr ogram “ST ART.
Install at ion Instal ling the Soft w are Versi on 1.03 2-5 Problems : It is p ossible y ou c hose an incorr ect COM p ort. Start PcCANC ontrol a gain and ch oose an o ther CO M port. 2.3.2 If you st art at p arallel po rt 1 Mak e sur e that your PC para llel port uses t he EPP- mode .
Installa tion Instal ling the Soft w are Versi on 1.03 2-6 This sof tware is a W in32- Console-App licat ion and r uns under W in95 an d W inNT. Usage: - Connec t your NetPorty I I with one s erial por t. - If y o u do n ot use COM1 please c hange it into the f ile L.
3 Hard w are The tec hnical c omponents , there s pecif ications an d the way they work together..
Hardware Micro cont roller Versi on 1.03 3-2 3.1 Micro controller The I+ ME NetPorty II inc ludes the 16-b it Siem ens 80C165 m icro c ontroller on a pigg y bac k. T he control ler’s cl ock f requenc y is 36,84 MHz. The f ollowing r ecours es are use d: Port 2.
Hardware Mem ory Versi on 1.03 3-3 3.2 Memory The I+ ME NetPorty II is equipp ed with Flash (CS 0) 128 KB yte (x 8 b it) SRAM (CS 1) 512 KB yte (x 16 b it) Optional it can b e equippe d with Flash 512 KB yte (x 8 b it) and RAM 128 Kb yte (x 16 b it) 3.
Hardware Protoc ol I nterf ace Versi on 1.03 3-4 3.3 Protocol Interface The pr oduct has t wo CAN pr otocol ch ips at a f requenc y of 16 MH z. The SJ A1000 c hip is connec ted to the 9 pin D-SUB co nnector with the C iA pinni ng. T he optional 82527 is also co nnected t o the 9 pin D-Su b connec tor without ph y s ical line dr i ver.
Hardware Physi cal Inte r fa ce Versi on 1.03 3-5 3.4 Phy sical Interface NetPorty II h as the tr ansceiver chip 8 2C251 (acc ording to ISO 11898) as ph y s ic al int er f ac e. It is not galva nic disconn ect. T he standar d phys ical int erfac e is linked t o the SJ A1000, the Output Co ntrol Re gister m ust be set to 0xFA.
Hardware Connector Versi on 1.03 3-6 3.6 Connector 3.6.1 9pol sub- min-D male 1 C A N Ch annel The CAN c onnector is based on the CiA standar d if only one CAN c hannel is used .
Hardware Connector Versi on 1.03 3-7 Pin Signal Des cription 1 nc not connec ted 2 CAN_L CAN_L bus li ne (dom inant low) 3 CAN_GND CAN groun d (connec ted on the ca ble shie l d) 4 nc not connec ted 5.
Hardware Connector Versi on 1.03 3-8 More t han 1 C A N Channel The pinn ing is diff erent if m ore than on e CAN cha nnel is used. Figure 3- 2 Pinning for more than 1 C AN chann el.
Hardware Connector Versi on 1.03 3-9 Pin Signal Des cription 1 Uni_Out2 Connected t o Port 6. 7 2 CAN_L CAN_L bus li ne (dom inant low) 3 CAN_GND CAN groun d (connec ted on the ca ble shie l d) 4 Uni_Out0 Connected t o Port 6.
Hardware Connector Versi on 1.03 3-10 3.6.2 25pol sub- min-D male To conne ct the NetP orty II with the PC it i s possible to use the Centronics (LPT) port dire ctly or t o use the a dapter cable to use the RS 232 (COM ) port. In both cases the pinn ing of the 25pol sub-m in-D male is the sa me.
Hardware Connector Versi on 1.03 3-11 3.6.3 Cable set for seri al connect ion Cable leng th: 30cm 25 pin f em ale 9 pin f ema le Signa l 23 1 CD 20 2 Rx 19 3 Tx 16 4 DT R 18 5 GND 24 6 DSR 21 7 RT S 2.
Hardware Connector Versi on 1.03 3-12 3.6. 4 Power S upply The NetPorty II can b e powere d by an exter nal po wer suppl y Therefor e the conn ector is s pecif ied for the power su pply jac k belo w : The po wer connec tor is a DC 3.5/1.3 m m t y pe. T hat m eans the inter nal diam eter is 1.
4 T roubleshooti ng & T echn. Suppor t Comm on problem s and how to solve th em . How to get in touc h with our after-s ales suppor t experts if y ou s o desire.
Troubleshoot ing & Techn. Su pport W hat to do if you have problems Versi on 1.03 4-2 4.1 What to do if you have problems First and f orem ost, please read Install ation very clos e ly and m ake s ure that you perf ormed your insta llation exactl y as describ ed.
Troubleshoot ing & Techn. Su pport W hat to do if you have problems Versi on 1.03 4-3 4.1.1 Solutions for all pa rts ... The system crashes a fte r c hoose the hardw are at PcCANControl: The sel ected me mory area is not free , or the selected interr upt is be ing use d by anoth er applic ation.
Troubleshoot ing & Techn. Su pport W hat to do if you have problems Versi on 1.03 4-4 4.1.2 Solutio ns for PCM CIA Th e sy ste m crashe s after t he insta llation of t he Key client: The sel ected me mory area i s not free , or the selected interr upt is be ing use d by anoth er applic ation.
Troubleshoot ing & Techn. Su pport W hat to do if you have problems Versi on 1.03 4-5 Th e Key is inserted and Pc C A NContro l start s wit h the mess age: I+M E CARD not available o r drive no t ready. Some aspec t of the res ource al locatio n is wrong.
Troubleshoot ing & Techn. Su pport W hat to do if you have problems Versi on 1.03 4-6 4.1.3 Solutio ns for N etPorty II You start P cC A NControl but the connection doesn’t w ork correct: For par allel p ort usage it is ne cessar y to have th e EPP-lo ader - f ir mware (BOO T LOAD .
Troubleshoot ing & Techn. Su pport W hat to do if you have problems Versi on 1.03 4-7 The NetPorty II doesn’t work under parallel port: Use the r ight EPP mode on BIOS. It can be on ly one of th e EPP m odes work with one W in-Sys tem together. I n past we f ind out that EPP 1.
Troubleshoot ing & Techn. Su pport W hat to do if you have problems Versi on 1.03 4-8 If y o u enc ounter dif ficulties which ar e not d iscuss ed in the m anual, or if you nee d m ore help tha n is of fered in Installation and T rouble shooting , p lease cal l our after- sales ser vice.
5 Glossary For bett er unders tandin g....
Glossar y 5-2 Glossary Ad a p t e r A piece of hardware which contai n s one or m ore PCMCIA sockets .The Adapter cont ains the int erfac e between the Socket Cont rol ler and the Host Syste m.
Glossar y V 1.00 5-3 Socket-Controller A PC s ystem hardware component that manages the operation of PCMCIA sock ets in conjunct ion with system sof twa re.
6 Literature For m ore inf ormations ....
Literatur e 6-2 Literature [1] SAB 80C16 7CR User Manua l Siem ens AG. [2] SAB C167C R Descript ion of the On-c hip CAN-Mo dule Siem ens AG. [3] CiA DS 102- 1CAN in Autom ation e.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat I+ME ACTIA I+ME ACTIA NetPorty II (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen I+ME ACTIA I+ME ACTIA NetPorty II heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens I+ME ACTIA I+ME ACTIA NetPorty II vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding I+ME ACTIA I+ME ACTIA NetPorty II leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over I+ME ACTIA I+ME ACTIA NetPorty II krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van I+ME ACTIA I+ME ACTIA NetPorty II bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de I+ME ACTIA I+ME ACTIA NetPorty II kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met I+ME ACTIA I+ME ACTIA NetPorty II . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.