Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product High Performance Storage System HPSS van de fabrikant IBM
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HPSS Installation Guide High Performance Storage System Release 6.2 July 2008 (Re vision 2.0) HPSS Installation Guide July 2008 Release 6.2 (Revision 2.
© Copyright (C) 1992, 2008 International Business Machines Corporation, The Regents of the University of California, Los A lamos National Security , LL C, Lawrenc e L iverm ore National Sec urity , L LC, Sandia Corporation, and UT-Battelle. All right s reserved.
Ta ble of C ont ent s Chapter 1. Release 6.2.................................................................................................... .... ... 15 1.1.New Feat ures.............................................................................
2.3.3.HPSS Storage Subsystem s.................................................................................................... .... ... .... ..44 2.3.4.HPSS Infrastructure ........................................................................... L40, STK SL500, STK SL8500............................................................................. .... ... .... ..63 PVR..................................................................................................................... ... .... ... ...88 3.7.7.Mover ......................................................................................
3.10.4.File Families................................................................................................................................. ..112 3.11.HPSS Performance Considerations........................................................ ..
5.1.4.Installation Target Directory Preparation................................................................. .... .... ... .... ... .... .136 5.2.Inst all Prerequisite Software.......................................................................
Chapter 6. Upgrading to HPSS Release 6.2 ....................................................... .... ... .... ... 179 6.1.Special Instruct ions for Upgrading to HPSS 6.2.2................................... .... ... .... .... .... 179 6.2.Planning for the HPSS 6.
6.3.16.Enable DB2 Backup..................................................................................................................... .215 6.3.17.Perform the DCE Export: hpss_dce_export..........................................................
D.6. Transfer Age nt Stanza.................................................................... .... .... ... .... .... .... ... 287 D.7. Stanzas Reserved for Future Use ................................................................. .... .... ... .
Lis t of F igur es Figure 1. File Migra tion and Stage Operations....................................................... ... .... .... 37 Figure 2. Class of Service / Hierarchy / Storage Class................................................. .... ..38 Figure 3.
Lis t of T able s Table 1. HPSS Client Interface and Mover Platforms.......................................................49 Table 2. Supported Platform/Driver/Tape Drive Combinations...................... .... .... .... ... .64 Table 3. Cartridge/Drive Affinity Table.
Pre fa ce About thi s book The HPSS Installation Guide is for use both at system install ation time as well a s throughout the lifeti me of the s y stem. It will guide sy ste m administrator s through t he planning and installa tion of a new HPSS system.
Cha pte r 1. Re leas e 6. 2 This chapter sum marizes HPSS changes for Release 6.2 into four categories : new feat ures, ret ired features, deferred features, and changed f eatures. Changes since release 4.5 and 5.1 are described. 1.1 . New Fe atu re s This section describes the new HPSS feat ures added to Release 6.
• Storage Class (but not subsystem-specific storage class options) • Global conf iguration • Accounting pol icy • Location policy • All server configuration. Newly supported options include Core Server, Gatekeeper, Location Server, Log Daemon, Migration/ Purge Server, PVL, all P VRs, and SSM.
1.1 .1 2. Dr ive P oo ls HPSS provides HPSS end clients the abili ty to direct tape read I/O requests to a predef ined group of tape dr ives referred to as a Drive Pool. This abilit y helps HPSS administra tors m anage t ape drive scheduli ng and thus avai labilit y .
1.1 .1 8. Move r Enh an cem ent Multipl e Movers for one or more HPSS inst ances can now be configure d to run on the same machine. The - c <altern ate var path> flag i s added to the Mover entr y in the inet d configurat ion fil e to specif y an alterna te " /var/hpss" path to be used by the Mover.
Core Server's memory image • Modifie d the DMG ta ble. In support of the new HPSS RPC li brary, the TCP port was eliminated and the Program and Version num bers were added to DMG specifi c configur ation. • Modifie d the DMGFILESET tabl e. The TCP port was eliminated and the TCP hostname and RPC endpoint information was added.
files y stems do not support mirrored namespaces, fields which were specific to managing mirrored fil esets are also no longer availabl e. This includes the fol lowing configurati on options: · Globa.
1.4 .4 . SSM C han ges Significant changes were m ade in SSM between Releases 4.5 and 5.1 and agai n between 5. 1 and 6.2. For the reader's convenience, all changes between 4.5 and 6.2 are summarized in Sec tion 3.3. 4.1: Changes Affe cting Sites Upgradin g Directly from 4.
Changes since 4.5 Server GUI ADM The SSM client scripts now use an inte rnal poll ing mechanism for getting window upda tes (as opposed to be ing notified of the updat e by the server).
Changes since 4.5 Server GUI ADM The SSM client scripts can use ports exempted by the network administrato r as fi rewall exc eptions. See the -n option on the hpssadm/hpssgui man pages. The port on which t he Sy stem Manager will listen m ay be controll ed by setting t he $HPSS_SSM_SERVER_LISTEN_PORT environment variable .
Changes since 4.5 Server GUI ADM The abil ity to see which users are logged into SSM, referred to i n HPSS 4.5 as a li st of SSM "consoles", is availabl e in 6.2 as part of the System Manager Stat istics window from both t he hpssgui and hpss adm .
Changes since 4.5 Server GUI ADM Column ordering is now controlled by dragging columns to the desired location. The modified order i s preserved aut om atic ally in the user prefere nces a cross hpssgui restarts. n When messages have been written to the stat us bar, the most recent messages can be viewed in the st atus bar's toolt ip.
Changes since 4.5 Server GUI ADM The HPSS 4.5 hpssadm comm ands • pvr_cartridge • pvl_volume • ss_pv • ss_map • ss_vv have been replaced by a single com mand "volume".
Changes since 4.5 Server GUI ADM The hpssad m config comm and now support s the additional structur es: • Class of Service Config • Storage Class (but not subsystem-specific storage class options).
Changes since 5.1 Server GUI ADM Options to the hpssgui and hpssadm startup scripts have changed significant ly . See the man pages for detail s. Following are some highlights: n n The scri pts are dependent upon an ssm configurati on file (ssm.conf), crea ted by mkhpss, which cont ains some site-spec ific configurati on values.
Changes since 5.1 Server GUI ADM The SSM client script options f or connecting to the System Manager across a Virtual Private Network connection (VPN) have changed.
Changes since 5.1 Server GUI ADM The m enu bar has been re organized slightly. The "Data Server Stat istics " menu item has be en replaced by the "System Manager Stat istics" menu item, availabl e from the Moni tor->SSM Information menu path.
Changes since 5.1 Server GUI ADM The m echanism f or selecti ng columns to be di splayed in e ach list window has moved from the list 's Preferences window to the "Column View" menu of the li st window itself. See the desc ription of the "Col umn View" menu item in Secti on 3.
Changes since 5.1 Server GUI ADM Since SSM now represents the thr ee Core Server volume structures as a single st ructure, the types specif ied t o the hpssad m volum e comm and have changed. The 5.1 types: • Disk Storage Map Inform ation • Disk Phy sic al Vol ume Inform ation • Disk Virtua l Volu m e Information have been repl aced in 6.
Changes since 5.1 Server GUI ADM A new subcommand “update” has been added to the hpssadm device comm and f or updating the m over device and pvl drive obje cts.
HPSS Installation Guide July 2008 Release 6.2 (Revision 2.0) 34.
Cha pte r 2. HPSS Bas ics 2.1 . In tr odu ct ion The High Performance Storage Sy stem (HPSS) provides hierarc hical storage management and services for very large storage environments.
2.2 .4 . Ba sed o n S tan da rd Co mpo nen ts HPSS runs on UNIX and is written in ANSI C and Java. It uses remote proc edure call s, a selec table securit y service (Ker beros or UNIX), UN IX or LDAP for user configura tion inf ormation, and DB2 as the basis for it s portable, distribu ted, t ransaction-base d architec ture.
2.3 . HPS S Com pon ent s The com ponents of HPSS include files, filese ts, junc tions, virtual volumes, physical volumes, storage segments, metadata, servers, infr astructur e, user interface s, a management interfac e, and policies.
Figure 2. Class of Service / Hierarchy / Storage C lass 2.3 .1 . HPS S Fi les, Fi lese ts , V olum es , St ora ge S egm ent s an d R ela te d Met ada ta The various metadata const ructs used to descri be t he HPSS namespace and HPSS storage are describe d below: • Files (Bitf iles ) .
recorded on these t apes. HPSS support s grouping fil es on tape volum es onl y . Famili es can only be specifi ed by associ ating the family with a fil eset. Al l files created in the fi leset be long to the family . When one of these fil es is migrated from disk to tape, it is re corded on a tape with ot her files in the sa m e famil y .
• Class of Service (COS) . Each bitfile has an at tribute called Class Of Service. The COS defines a set of parameters as sociated with operati onal and performance chara cterist ics of a bitfile . The COS results in the bi tfile being stored in a storage hie rarchy suit able for its anticipa ted and actual s ize and usage charact eristi cs.
consisti ng of direct ories, files, and links. These name space obj ects m ay exist within f ilesets that are connected via juncti ons. Second, t he Core Server pr ovides the abst raction of logical bitfil es to i ts clients . A bitfil e is identifi ed by a Core Server generated name called a bitfile ID.
The purpose of t ape file m igration is to make an additi onal copy (or multiple additional copies) of a file , in a ta pe storage cl ass, to a l ower level i n the hierar chy. It is also possible to move files downwards instead of copy ing them. In this case t here is no duplicate copy maintained.
• Physical V olum e Reposit ory (PVR) . PVRs manage HPSS cartridges. Though an HPSS sy ste m may contain multiple PVRs, each cartridge is managed by only one. PVRs provide APIs for clients to request cartridge mounts and dis m ounts and query the sta tus of cartridges.
2.3 .3 . HPS S Sto ra ge Su bsy st em s The goal of storage s ubsy stems (or just “subsystems”) is to increas e the scalabili ty of HPSS by allowing multiple Core Servers to be used within a single HPSS system. Every HPSS system is partiti oned int o one or more subs y stems.
HPSS Core Server performs most of the HPSS m etadat a changes using the trans action managem ent tools provided by DB2. For the most part , these m etadat a trans actions are managed entirel y within the Core Server.
HPSS. A delog functio n is pr ovided to extr act and f orm at log records fro m a central or archived log fi le. Delog opti ons support filter ing by time interval , record t y pe, se rver, and user.
GUI. The hpssgui simplifie s the m anagement of HPSS by organizing a broad range of technical data into a series of easy -to-read graphic displa y s. The hpssgui allows monitoring and control of virtuall y all HPSS pr ocesses and resources from windows that can easil y be added, delete d, moved, or overlapped as desired.
HPSS provides f acilitie s for rec ording infor m ation about a uthenticat ion and object (file/di recto ry ) creation, deleti on, access, and authoriz ation events. The se curity audit policy for each server deter m ines the records that each individua l server wil l generate.
The following matrix il lustrat es which platforms support HPSS interfa ces. Tab le 1 . H PSS C lie nt I nte rf ace and M ove r Pla tf orms Platfor m PFTP Client Client API HPSS Mover HPSS VFS Client FTP Clients IBM AIX X X X Any platform running standard FTP cli ents.
HPSS Installation Guide July 2008 Release 6.2 (Revision 2.0) 50.
Cha pte r 3. HPSS Pla nnin g 3.1 . Ov er view This chapter provides HPSS planning guidelines a nd considerat ions to help the adm inist rator effectivel y plan, and m ake key decisions about, an HPSS sy stem.
Figure 4. HPSS Generic Configurati on 3.1 .2 . HPS S Con fig ur at ion Plan nin g Before be ginning the planning process, t here is an im portan t i ssue to consider . HPSS was de signed to optimize the transfer of large fil es at the expense of some small file transfer performance.
aggregate the indi vidual fi les into large individual files before moving them into t he HPSS name space. The following planning steps must be carefully consi dered for the HPSS infra structur e confi guration and the HPSS configuration phases: 1.
more information about confi guring families. • Plan for filesets and ju nctions, if any. Refer to Chapter 10: Fileset s and Junct ions in the HPSS Manage ment Guide for more information. • Plan for HPSS storage clas ses. Refer to Section 3.10.1: St orage Class on page 102 for more information on the stor age class configuration.
3.1 .4 . HPS S Ope rat io na l Pla nni ng The following planning steps must be carefully consi dered for the HPSS operat ional phase: 1. Define the site guidelines for the HPSS users and SSM users.
guide that the HPSS support /deploym ent tea m uses to monitor a nd check the progress of an installa tion. 3.2 . Req uir eme nt s an d Int end ed U ses f or HPS S This section provides some guidance for the administ rator to identif y the sit e’s require m ents and expectat ions of HPSS.
3.2 .5 . Dup lic at e Fi le Po lic y The policy on duplicat ing user data fil es impacts the amount of data stored and the amount of dat a moved. If all user file s are dupl icated, the system will require twice as m uch tape storage. If users perform their own duplicat ion of files, the system may consum e a smaller amount of storage space.
authenti cation and authoriza tion (subj ect to certain caveats – See FTP documentati on for details). The pftp_clien t binar y m ust be built using the distri buted source code. However, it is the site's responsibi lity to obtain the necessar y Kerberos c om ponents.
If UNIX authentication will be used, thi s product is not requir ed. 3.3 .1 .3 . LDA P and I BM Ker ber os HPSS can be c onfigured to use an LDAP director y to store its aut horization information such as users' names, UIDs, GID s, and home direct ories.
• IBM ATL: atldd. driver and Atape.driver (if planning to cont rol the IBM tape librar y and drives from this node) 3.3 .2 .1 .2 . Lin ux R equi rem en ts Each Linux server node mus.
• 1 GB RAM 3.3 .2 .2 .3 . Sola ri s Re qu irem ent s Each Solar is Mover node m ust have the foll owing prerequisi tes: • Solaris UltraSPARC bas ed processor • Solaris 8+ (32-bit or 64-bit) • C compiler: Forte Developer 7 C 5.4 2002/03/ 09 (if pl anning to recompile Mover code) 3.
• xfsdump-2.2.25-0.2 or higher • xfsprogs-2.6.25-0.2 or higher 3.4 . Har dwa re Co nsid er at io ns This section describes the hardware infrastr ucture needed to operate HPSS and includes considera tions about infrast ructure instal lation and operati on that may impact HPSS.
• STK SL500 and SL8500 • STK Tape Librari es t hat support ACSLS • ADIC i500 • ADIC A ML (s upported b y special bid onl y ) 3.4 .2 .1 . IBM 3 494 The 3494 PVR supports Ethernet and RS-232 (TTY) attached robots. If appropriatel y configured, multiple robots can be accessibl e from a single node.
9840C drives should not be used in conjunction with eit her 9840A or 9840B drives. Tab le 2 . Su pp or ted Pla tfo rm /Dr ive r/T ap e Dr ive C ombi na tio ns Platform Driver Device(s) AIX IBM 3580 (G.
(LTO) Gen4 drive can read 3580 (LTO) Gen4, 3580 (LTO) Gen3, and 3580 (LTO) Gen2 c artridges, but can only write 3580 (LTO) Gen4 and 3580 (LTO) Gen3 cartridges) , HPSS will m ount a 3580 (LTO) Gen2 car.
Tab le 3 . C artr id ge /Dri ve A ffi nit y Ta bl e Cartridge Ty pe Drive Prefere nce List AMPEX DST-312 AMPEX DST-312 AMPEX DST-314 AMPEX DST-314 AMPEX DST-314 Single-Length 3590 Single-Length 3590 D.
3580 (LTO) Gen 4 3580 (LTO) Gen 4 3592 J1A Short Tape 3592 J1A Standard Ta pe 3592 J1A 3592 EO5 3592 EO6 3592 EO5 JJ Short Tape 3592 EO5 JA Standard Ta pe 3592 EO5 JB XL Tape 3592 EO5 3592 EO6 3592 EO.
Fibre Channe l. For t hese devices, operating system disk parti tions of the desi red size must be created (e.g., AIX logical volume or Linux/ Solaris /IRIX disk partition ), and the raw device name must be used when cr eating the Mover Device configurat ion (see Section 7.
Starting with HPSS 6.2 the re are many enhancements to the stor age system to take advantage of Storage Area Networks. Though sepa rated in Figure 4, in real ity there is usual ly only one SAN at an installa tion and all the resources are att ached t o it.
Figure 5. Basic HPSS Metadata & Filesystem Allocation On the left hand side of the diagram , t he raw physical volumes are shown at tached t o the disk arra y controll er.
mirrored log components will nee d to be deter mined by HPSS and the customer based on transacti on performance requirements. Potentiall y , disk resource s primaril y allocated for HPSS disk cache can be used or the sit e may want to dedicat e a second disk array for t his purpose to prevent an y possible interfer ence.
to create a sit e policy confi guration file, usual ly named /var/hpss/ gk/gksite policy . The size of this file depends on the si te-im plemented gatekeeping polic y . If the Gat ekeeper Service is not used, there is a m inimal amount of disk space used in this director y .
3.5 .3 .7 . /db 2/ ba cku ps /s ub sys 1 & su bs ysX Similar t o /db2/backups/ cfg , the /db2/backups/ subsys1 filesystem temporaril y stores backup images of the subs y stem archived logs and database as they are generat ed. The backup files are then transfer red to long- term media, suc h as tape, using a backup file m anager such as TSM.
Section Install HPSS Documentati on and DB2 Software on page 141. The ta bles and i ndexes are separat ed i nto separate logical volum es/pa rtiti ons to ease future expansion of the databa se and to maxim ize performance of dat abase operations.
disk devices. The “6.2 Sizing Spreadsheet” input tab is shown bel ow. Based on t he input, the resulti ng output is show below: HPSS Installation Guide July 2008 Release 6.
Definiti ons for the DB2 table s are as follows: Bitf ile Disk Allocatio n Maps . (BFDISKALLOCREC) For each bitfi le stor ed on disk, one or more rows will be created in the Disk Allocation Maps t able.
by tes. Disk Storage Segments . (STORAGESEGDISK) Expect t he size of the disk storage segm ent metadata table to be quite vola tile. As f iles ar e added to HPSS, dis k storage segments will be create d, and as fil es are m igrated to tape and purged from disk, the y w ill be delete d.
created will r equire approxi mately 10MB of di sk space in a files y stem that should be used only for database home directori es and other DB2 home direct ories (suc h as the DB2 Adm inist ration Server and Fenced User).
The am ount of m emory for nodes running HPSS Movers, and no DB2 servers, is dependent on the number and t y pes of devices configured on the Mover node, the expect ed usages of those devices , and the configuration of the M overs .
Class of Service and Accounting Code i nformation. In addition, the chgrp , chmod , and chown comm ands are supporte d as quote site options. The FTP daemon is bui lt on top of the Clie nt API and m ust be run on a node that support s Kerbe ros clients.
3.7 .1 . Cor e Ser ver The Core Server is responsible for managing the HPSS name space (files, directori es, li nks, etc.), bitfile s, and storage (physical volumes, virtual volumes, etc. ) for a si ngle subsystem. Each of these areas of responsibi lity are outlined in greater detail be low.
Figure 6. The Relationship of Various Server Data Structures Disk Storage Allocati on Each Core Server manages disk storage units for HPSS. It m aps each disk storage unit onto an HPSS disk Phy sic al Volume (PV) a nd records c onfiguration data for the PV.
The Core Server is designed to sca le up its ability to m anage t apes as the number of tapes increases. As long as suffic ient m emory and CPU capaci ty exist, threads ca n be added t o the server to increase its throughput . Additio nal subs y stems can also be a dded to a s y stem, increa sing concurre ncy even further.
metadata updates and can impose extra overhead on DB2. Also, unpredictab le purge behavior may be observed if the purge recor d ordering i s changed with e xisting purge recor ds in the sy ste m until thes e existing records are cleared. A purge run ends when either t he supply of purge records is exhausted or the purge t arget is reached.
Sites can choose to configure zero (0) or more Gatekeepers per HPSS system. Gatekee pers are associat ed with storage subsystems. Eac h storage subs y stem can have zero or one Gate keeper associat ed with it and each Gatekeeper can support one or more storage s ubsy stems.
requests from a particu lar host or user. T he Site Interfaces will be locat ed in a shared librar y that i s linked int o the Gatekeeper . It is important that the Site Interfa ces return a status in a timely fas hion.
PVL. It is possi ble for m ulti ple HPSS PVRs to manage a single robot . This is done if it is necessary to organize the tape dr ives in the robot into partitions . Each ta pe drive in the robot is assigned to exactl y one PVR. Addition ally, each cartridge is assigned to only one PVR.
3.7 .6 .3 . 349 4 P VR The 3494 PVR can manage an IBM 3494 tape robot att ached via Ethernet or SCSI. The PVR will create a process to receive asy nchr onous notifi cation s from the robot . At least one PVR should be create d for every robot managed by HPSS.
3.7 .7 . Mov er The Mover configuration is largel y dictated by the hardware configuration of the HPSS system. Each Mover can handl e both disk and tape devi ces and must run on the node to which the storage devices are atta ched.
Driver has a built-in confi guration t able for al l HPSS supported tape drives. This configurati on provides vari able block size for most HPSS supported drives. In order to override the built-in configurati on, device inf ormation can be supplied in the /dev/kernel /st.
HBAs with a 7000 series chip set, uncomm ent the following l ines in the " .conf ig " fil e and fol low the procedure for rebui lding your Linux kernel . CONFIG_SCSI_AIC7XXX=y CONFIG_AIC7XXX_CMDS_PER_DEVICE=253 CONFIG_AIC7XXX_RESET_DELAY_MS=15000 3.
3.7 .9 . St art up D aem on The Startup Daemon is responsible for start ing, monitoring, and stopping the HPSS servers. The Daemon responds onl y to requests from the SSM Sy stem Manage r. It shares respons ibilit y with each HPSS server for ensuring that only one copy of the server runs at a given time.
values may need to be overridden in env.conf. Key SM Envir onment Variabl es Variable Default Value Functionali ty HPSS_SM_SRV_CONNECT_FAIL_COUNT 3 Connection Fail Count: number of connecti on failur .
Variable Default Value Functionali ty HPSS_SM_SRV_MAX_CON NECTIONS 50 Num ber of HPSS server conne ctions to maintain at once. If this num ber of connecti ons is exc eeded, then old connecti ons will be closed to m aint ain this num ber of connections * The SM attempts to throttl e the connection attempts to other servers.
Disk migration is controlled by several parameters . By default, these pa rameters are the same across all subs y stems. However, subsystem -speci fic poli cies m ay be creat ed which override all of these values. For a list of these para meters, refer to Secti on 6.
storage cl ass by periodic ally extract ing this information from the HPSS Core Se rver. Based upon parameters in the purge policy, a purge run will be sta rted when appropriate.
out of the hpssGECOS fiel d, it does not exist in UNIX. It only exists i n LDAP. The m etadat a for ea ch file and director y in an HPSS system contai ns an Account field, which determines how the stora ge will be charged. Each user has at l east one defa ult account index, which is put into the Account fiel d of all new files and director ies .
the princi pal's LDAP hpssGECOS at tribute, then Site-style accounting wil l be used. Otherwise UNIX-sty le account ing will be used. To keep t he accounting information cons istent, it is i m portant to set up all users in the HPSS Authorization services with the sam e st y le of accounti ng (i.
3.9 .4 .5 . Se curi ty Aud it HPSS provides t he abilit y to record information about authenti cation, file creation, deletion, access, and authoriza tion event s. The sec urity audit polic y in each HPSS server de termines what audit records a server will generate.
Gatekeeper configured in its storage subsy ste m . If one is found, t he Core Server asks the Gatekeeper for its monitor types by cal ling the gk_GetMoni torTypes function which cal ls the loca lly implemented gk_sit e_GetMonitor Types funct ion whic h determines which types of requests t o monitor.
DOWN or when the user appl ication is abort ed. NOTES: 1. All open requests to the Core Server wil l call the Gatekeeping Servi ce open API ( gk_Open ). This include s opens that end up invoking a stage. 2. Any stage cal l that is invoked on behal f of open wil l NOT cal l the Gateke eping Service stage API ( gk_Stage ).
(VVs). Each VV contains one or more PVs. The VV character istic s descri bed by a Storage Clas s include the VV Block Size and VV Stripe Width. If PVs are grouped one at a time, so t hat their Stripe Width i s one, they are still defined as VVs. A number of addit ional parameters ar e defined in Storage Clas ses.
SSM provides the capabil ity to defi ne storage classes and to add and delete virtual volumes to and from the defi ned stora ge classes. A storage class is identif ied by a storage class ID and i ts associat ed attribut es. For detailed descriptio ns of e ach attribut e ass ociated with a storage class, see Section 6.
utilit y programs copy data fro m one tape VV to another, so the number of available tape drives of the appropriat e t y pe must be at least twice the tape Stri pe Width, for thes e programs to functi on.
streaming to m aximize performance. For recommended values for various m edia ty pes, see Section Some Recommended Paramet er Values for Supported Storage Media on page 106. 3.1 0. 1. 6. Min im um St ora ge Se gme nt S ize S ele ct ion (d isk o nly ) The Core Server maps disk fil es onto a series of disk storage s egm ents.
3.1 0. 1. 8. Ma xim um VV s to Wr ite (ta pe on ly) This parameter res tricts the number of tape VVs, per Storage Class, that can be conc urrentl y written by the Core Server. Its purpose is to minimize the number of tape mounts and to limit the number of tape VV s being writ ten, to prevent files from being scattere d over a num ber of tapes.
3.1 0. 1. 12. 1. Dis k Me dia Pa ram ete rs Table 7 contains attribut es s ettings for the supported disk storage m edia ty pes. Tab le 6 . Su gg es te d Blo ck S ize s for D isk Disk Ty pe Media Bloc.
Tab le 7 . S ugg es te d Bl ock S ize s fo r Tap e Tape Ty pe Media Block Size Blocks Between Tape Marks Estimated Physical Volume Size Am pex DST-312 1 MB 1024 50, 150, 330 GB Am pex DST-314 1 MB 102.
StorageTek T10000A 256 KB 2560 500 GB StorageTek T10000B 256 KB 2560 1000 GB In the above table: • Media Block Size is the block size to use in the St orage Class definition. This is the size of the data bl ocks written to tape. Note that for tape devices , the Mover configuration does not contain the Media Block Size.
3.1 0. 3. Cl as s of Se rv ice Each HPSS fil e belongs to a single Clas s of Service ( COS) which is selected when the fil e is creat ed. It is select ed via Class of Service Hint s infor m ation passed to the Core Se rver when the bitfile is created.
guaranteed that the file i s completely and s uccessfull y staged before it is rea d. If the stage operat ion fails, the open wil l return with an error. Guideline 3: Select the Stage on Open Async option if y ou wish to stage the entire file to the top level in the hierarc hy and do not want the Client API open to block.
Latency fi eld from the Storage Class at the t op level in the hierarch y . 3.1 0. 3. 6. Se lec ti ng T ran sf er Rat e This field can be used via t he COS Hints mechanism t o affect COS selection.
· Maximum users and applicatio ns connecte d to DB2 · Nature of usage: read or update • Database logging · Hardware or software m irrori ng · Disk speed and reliabil ity: sele ct the fastest, mo.
directl y to tape, the buffer size used by the FTP server and the virtual volum e block size defined for the Storage Class bei ng written to will have a significant im pact . If the buffer size used by the FTP server is not a multiple of the virtual volume block size, each buffer written will resul t in a distinct storage segment on the tape.
3.1 1. 5. Cl ien t AP I The Client API provides the capabilit y to perfor m data transfer of any size ( the size being pa ram eter s supplied by the client to the read and writ e inter faces). The size of the data transfers can have a significant impact on the performance of HPSS.
stage reques ts. The site policy could li mit the maximum num ber of non-Authorized Caller requests allowed at once by either delaying or de ny ing pa rticular requests. To dela y the request, the si te polic y may return a spec ial re try status along with the num ber of seconds to wait before the Cli ent API retries the request .
3.1 2. HP SS M eta dat a Bac ku p Con sid er at ion s This section contains guidel ines for proper maintena nce of t he HPSS metadata stored in DB2. The polici es descri bed should be fully understood and implemented to protect the HPSS metadata. Failure t o follow thes e polici es can lead to unrecove rable data loss.
HPSS Installation Guide July 2008 Release 6.2 (Revision 2.0) 118.
Cha pte r 4. Sy ste m Pre par at ion This section covers the st eps that m ust be taken to appropri ately prepa re your system for installat ion and configurat ion of HPSS and its infr astructur e. • General setup (Sect ion 4.1) • Setup fi lesystems (Section 4.
• Configure the Perl pre requisite software on HPSS nodes. • Configure the SSH prerequisi te software on the core HPSS server node (at a minimum ) a nd configure SSH to accept connections from IBM Houston. Include the Houston subnet IP addresses 192.
/db2/mirror-backups/subsys1 4.2 .2 . HPS S Fi lesy st em Configure /var/ hpss as a separate file sy stem on each HPSS server node. This filesystem will store HPSS configurat ion fil es, log files , MPS reports, and other HPSS related files. It is recommended that this file system be at least 1GB in si ze.
(SMC) li brary device on the node that will run the HPSS LTO PVR, and verif y that it i s operation al. To configur e the l ibrary: root% cfgmgr root% lsdev -Cc tape | grep smc smc0 Available 40-58-00.
To start the lmcp daemon: root% /etc/methods/startatl To test whether lmcp daemon is configured and working correctly: % mtlib -l<lmcpDevice> -qL where lmcpDe vice is usually /dev/ lmcp0 .
For AML tape librarie s: • If using an AML PVR, c onfigure the I nsert/Eject ports using the configura tion fi les /var/ hpss/ etc/AML_Ejec tPort .conf and /var/hpss/ etc/AM L_InsertPo rt.conf . Refer t o Section AML PVR Specific Configuration of the HPSS Management Guide for m ore information.
To measure read perfor mance on drive rmt1 using the previously-written unco m pressed and compressed f iles: % iocheck -r -t 20 -b 1mb /dev/rmt1.1 % iocheck -r -t 20 -b 1mb /dev/rmt1.1 To unload a tape: % tctl -f <device> rewoffl Repeat t he above steps for each t ape drive.
4.4 .3 . IRI X On each Tape Mover node, verify that ea ch tape drive has the vari able-length block size opt ion enabled. To deter mine if t he variable block size option is enabled, the foll owing sh.
4.5 .1 . AIX • Verif y that the correct num ber and ty pe of disk devices are availabl e on each DB2 and Disk Mover node. The disk devices sect ion of the lsnode report displa y s al l available disk devices.
Use the iocheck.ksh sc ript fr om the deploym ent tools pa ckage to show the perf ormance of one or more i ndividual disk devi ces and the peak aggregate performance of concurrent I/O across m ulti ple disks (e. g., to show the pe ak performance of adapters).
4.6 . Se tup N etw ork P ara me ter s • Install and configure all network interfa ces a nd corresponding network connection s. Refer t o IBM's internal network te chnologies home page for resources on configuri ng and tuning networks and TCP/IP.
will be used. For Linux, a similar change should be made t o /etc/nssw itch.con f : hosts: nis dns files • For each AIX ethernet net work interface, verify that the en0 and et0 interfa ces a re not both configured at the sa m e ti m e (we recomm end onl y using en0 unless the other nodes in the network are all using the 802.
... ccs0 64k 64k On -- -- ccs0 64k 32k On -- -- ... You are l ooking for the best values possibl e for e ach network connecti on. Thes e values wi ll be used by H PSS to optimize its dat a transfer s. This example i s, by no m eans, a complete picture of what c ontrols net work performance.
udp_recvspace Controls the default size of the receive buffe r for UPD/IP sockets. A value that is too small can cause server RPC sockets to be overrun. tcp_recvspace, tcp_sendspac e Controls the default size for the receive and send buffers for TCP/IP sockets.
4.6 .2 . SP/ x Sw it ch D evic e Bu ff er Dr iv er Bu ff er Po ols IBM SP/x systems provide the capabili ty to tune the buffer pool allocat ion i n the switch device driver. Two variables can be changed: rpoolsize, which is the size of the buffer pool for incoming data, and spoolsize which is the buffer pool size for outgoi ng data.
HPSS Installation Guide July 2008 Release 6.2 (Revision 2.0) 134.
Cha pte r 5. HPSS Ins ta lla ti on a nd In fr ast ru ct ur e Con fig ur at ion This chapter provides instruc tions and supporting information f or installi ng the HPSS prer equisite software, the HPSS and DB2 software fr om the HPSS distribut ion media, and performing the HPSS infrastr ucture configurati on.
Tab le 9 . In st all at ion Pa cka ge S ize s an d Dis k Req uir eme nt s Platfor m HPSS Package Name Pa ckage Size /opt/hps s Space Requirement s Package Descriptio n AIX HPSSServer- < 65MB 450 MB All HPSS Com ponents HPSSClientMover-6.
• The disk, where the installat ion targe t director y resides, has enough space to hold all the HPSS packages to be ins talled on this node. • WARNING: Do not use NFS mounted di rectories for i nstalling nor allocati ng space for HPSS related components.
If UNIX authori zation will be used, this product is not required. LDAP authoriza tion is supported on AIX only. If LDAP will be used for HPSS authori zation, download the IBM Tivoli Director y Server from http:/ / Search for "IBM Tivoli Direct ory Server" on the site to find the download page.
XFS uses the Linux udev daem on to dy namical ly configure the DMAPI device node. Use the chkconfig comm and to m ake sure that boot. udev is "on". Note that if a cha nge is require d, then t he machine needs to be reboot ed in orde r for i t to take eff ect.
5. From the " Root Subsystem Machine" submenu, cli ck on the 'Pre-Ins tall Config' icon in the left panel. mkhpss will dis play the fol lowing screen: 6. Veri fy that the default values are correct for the given insta llation and modify if necessary.
scripts to verify/cre ate the 'hpss' account and group, set up the /var/ hpss (defaul t locat ion) director y with the r equired subdi rectorie s and initiali ze the HPSS environ m ent file, env.
DB2 software will be installed in the /usr/opt/db 2_08_01 ( AIX) or /opt/IBM/db2/v8.1 (Linux) directory. 2. For 6.2. 0, the HPSS software and documentati on should already be i nstalled according t o the installa tion step in section 5.3. 1.1. Installing from CD will be an opti on starting in 6.
% su - % cd /usr/opt/db2_08_01/adm % ./db2licm -a <path name to the DB2 generic license file> The generic DB2 lice nse file (*/db2/li cense/db2e se.lic) can be found on the DB2 Installation CD or image. It can also be obtained b y contacting your HPSS Support Representa tive.
3. Using the scrollbar, move the right-panel displa y until the "Authorizat ion Service " information is seen. It should look like the following: HPSS Installation Guide July 2008 Release 6.
4. Select the "Configur e Authorizat ion Servi ce" checkbox. Set the "Author ization Service" to "Unix and config files".
configurati on step. Other HPSS util ities are availabl e to administ er these HPSS configurati on files. See sect ion 2.2.2: Security Mechanisms in the HPSS Management Gui de for more inf orm ati on. To use the HPSS configur ation fi les, s elect the "Enable local Unix Passwd File s" checkbox.
• KDC Directory . The pathname of t he KDC director y . This directory should be set to /var/ hpss/krb5kdc. • Master Passw ord. The Kerberos administrat ion password. Be sure to remember t his password to be able to administer the Kerbe ros environment later.
5. Select the "Configur e Authorizat ion Servi ce" checkbox. Set the "Author ization Service" to "Unix and config files". 6. Review and modify (if necessar y ) the following authorization fields: • Local Sit e Name. The value is usual ly set to the full host name of the local host.
8. Select the "Configur e Server accounts" checkbox to create UNIX accounts for HPSS servers. 9. Click on the "Configure Securit y Services" button at the bottom of the s creen to perform the specifie d securi ty configurati on. 10.
4. Select the "Configur e Authorizat ion Servi ce" checkbox. Set the "Author ization Service" to "LDAP". 5. Review and modify (if necessar y ) the following authenticat ion f ields: • Kerberos Install Path. The pathname where Kerberos is inst alled.
• Authenticati on Type. Th ere are two supported options: Keytab Fi le or Password. The Key tab File option all ows HPSS servers or utilit ies to read a keytab fil e to authenti cate. The Password option r equires a password to be supplied each time an HPSS server or utility is invoked.
Unix Passwd Files" checkbox as shown in the example above. The default names for t he files should be used as displa y ed. 8. Select the "Configur e Server accounts" checkbox to create accounts for HPSS server s.
3. Review and modify (if necessar y ) the following fields: • Instance Owner . The name of the DB2 insta nce owner, normally 'hpssdb'. • Schema Name . The name of the DB2 schema cont aining the HPSS m etadat a tabl e, normally 'hpss'.
• Create Subsy s Database . Sele ct this checkbox to crea te the "subsys1" databa se. • Subsyste m Database Alias . The "re al" da tabase is configured as 'hsubsy s1', while the databas e al ias is the name used by HPSS servers a nd utiliti es t o reference the database.
B. On the “Tablespa ce Config” window, set t he Tablespa ce T y pe from the drop down menu. For the USERSPACE1 tablespac e, select “SMS” System Managed Space. For the remaining tablespace entries, select Tables pace Type to "DMS" Database Managed Space.
HPSS Installation Guide July 2008 Release 6.2 (Revision 2.0) 156.
F. Select the "Add" button to add "raw devices" to Containe r Path list. The "raw devices" m ust already exist . For AIX, the logica l volumes must have already been cre ated and t he "raw" for m be specified (i.
a variable named DB2_USE_LOCAL_RESYNC set to the value of 'true' when star ting DB2 in order for the aforementioned fileset operations to complete successful ly: csh & tcsh: setenv DB2_USE_LOCAL_RESYNC true sh & bash: export DB2_USE_LOCAL_RESYNC=true 5.
4. After exiting mkhpss , verify permissions on the generat ed fil es. In particular, note the permissions on the keytab file s. The hpss.key tab is used by HPSS servers to es tablish credenti als. Th e mm .keytab is used by hpss utili ty programs. The kadm 5.
5.3 .2 . In st all and Co nfi gu re H PSS – S eco nda ry S ubs ys te m Mac hin e For the secondary subs y stem machine, the following configuration steps must be performed: • Pre-installat ion Con.
3. Veri fy that the default values are as desired. Modify them, if necessary. Cli ck the 'Configure' button to perfor m the pre-instal lation setup.
This panel allows y ou to install the DB2 software, HPSS sof tware (opt ion start ing in 6.2. 1), and HPSS documentation. Perform the following steps to inst all t he software: 1.
% su - % cd /usr/opt/db2_08_01/adm % ./db2licm -a <path name to the DB2 generic license file> The generic DB2 lice nse file (*/db2/li cense/db2e se.lic) can be found on the DB2 Installation CD or image. It can also be obtained b y contacting your HPSS Support Representa tive.
5.3 .2 .5 . Con fig ur e HPS S Sec uri ty Ser vic es This section describes the procedure to confi gure a Kerbe ros or UNIX Securit y Client on the secondary subs y stem machine. The se curity cli ent must match the security mechanis m on the root machine.
• Configure server accounts . Thi s checkbox is flagged when the server accounts should be created on the local machine. This is usuall y not require d when the Kerbero s server has already been configured with the HPSS server accounts.
2. Using the scrollbar, move the right-hand panel until you see the followi ng screen: 3. Review and modify (if necessar y ) the following fields: • Instance Owner . The name of the insta nce owner HPSS will use. Should use the default value of 'hpssdb' in most cases.
• Authenticati on Type . Current ly there is only one authenticati on type a llowed. • User Name . The UNIX userid to be used f or DB2 authenti cation. This userid must have a valid UNIX account before running this configuration option. • Passw ord and Verify Passwor d .
"Configurati on" icon and then the "Other Services" icon. The following window wil l be shown: 2. Click on the "Configure Other Service s" button to complete the configurat ion of t he Secondary Subsystem Machin e.
Source Tre e to obtain t he source code from the root machine and i nstall on the Mover/Cli ent machine. 5.3 .3 .2 . In st all Conf igu ra tio n Bu nd le The configuration bundle is created on the root s ubsy ste m and contains configuration files used by the root, Mover/Client and subsystem m achines.
/opt/hps s/config/ <HPSS configuration scripts > /opt/hps s/stk/<STK fil es> /opt/hps s/src/<HP SS source files> Included only if the hpss-src package is installed.
bundle t he HTML fi les for delivery to t he hpssgui host m achine. The reco mm ended i nstallati on location for t he HTML fi les on each hpssgui host i s /var/hpss/d oc for AIX and Linux platforms a nd c:hpssdoc for Windows platforms. 5.5 .2 . Man ua l Page Se tu p Perform the following steps to set up HPSS manual pages: 1.
wishing to l earn more about DB2 tuning are ref erred to the HPSS DB2 Tuning Guide , avail able from y our support representati ve, the DB2 Adminis trati ve Guide: Performance , available on-line from the IBM DB2 website, the IBM DB2 Tuning Redbook , and the many IBM and after-market books available on this subject.
1. Log on as hpss. 2. Change dire ctory to /opt /hpss/bin. 3. Run the following command: % hpss_db2_bindall.ksh 5.8 .2 . Con st ru ct a nd Bui ld t he HPS S Mov er/ Cl ien t So urc e Tr ee This section describes the procedure s to ext ract the Mover/Client code f rom the HPSS base sour ce tree and to build the Mover/Cli ent bi naries.
5.8 .3 . Con st ru ct a nd Bui ld t he HPS S HDM Sou rc e Tre e XFS is not supported in HPSS 6.2. XFS refer ences hav e been le ft in the HPSS documentation to support the option of re- enabling XFS in future releases.
Unix authent icati on with LDAP aut horization is not support ed at this ti m e, so it only makes sense to do this if y ou are using Unix authorizati on.
serverinterfaces where server_id = (select server_id from server where desc_name = 'SSM System Manager') and descriptive_name = 'Administrative Client Interface' AUTHN_MECH_SET_NUM_MECHS AUTHN_MECH_SET_MECHS1 ------------------------ --------------------- 1 0 1 record(s) selected.
HPSS Installation Guide July 2008 Release 6.2 (Revision 2.0) 178.
Cha pte r 6. Upg rad ing t o HPS S Rele as e 6.2 This chapter is only intended for sites upgrading HPSS from eit her version 4.5 or 5.1 to versi on 6.2. Sites wishing to upgrade from prior HPSS rel eases must fi rst upgrade to HPSS 4.5 or HPSS 5.1. Sites that are going to install and configur e HPSS 6.
6.2 . Pla nn ing for t he HPS S 6. 2 U pgr ade This section provides information necessar y to plan t he upgrade of an HPSS 4.5 or HPSS 5.1 s y stem to HPSS 6.2. It is i m portant that all pla nning information be reviewed caref ully befor e performing the upgrade.
• Modific ation of NFS metadata. In support of new authenti cation mechanisms, eliminati on of credenti al obje ct Id. Change privile ged caller principal length fr om 15 to 255 character s. NFS is no longer supported. The NFS tabl e contai ns converted m etadat a, but will be rena med to PRE62_NFS to pr event use.
information. New index defi nition for table. The metadat a conversion is perfor m ed b y the hpss_51_62_se rver conversion program. • New SERVERINTERFACES table. This t able i s populated by the hpss_51_62_server conversion with default server i nterface information.
hpss_ldap_i mport to convert DCE authorizat ion infor mation into LDAP. • Kerbero s authenti cation and Unix aut horization. In this case, t he site determines on i ts own how to convert DCE authenticat ion i nformation into Kerberos. The site will then use hpss_unix_import to convert DCE authorizat ion information into Unix.
• The hpss_dce_export and hpss_unix_i mport util ities are provided to convert DCE authorizati on infor m ati on. LDAP: • Configuring LDAP is m ore com plex than Unix. • Managing LDAP is f airly simple and does not re quire regular m ainte nance.
three m inute s, and the subsy stem conversion took approxi mately 40 minutes. 6.2 .6 .1 . Run nin g Tim e f or t he Lon g Run nin g Meta da ta Co nve rs ion Ut ilit ie s (fo r 4 .
running the m etadat a conversion. This director y will be used to store one text-based r estart file, various text -based db2 output files, and other te xt file s. Prior t o performing the m etadata conversion, become familiar with the conversion program output for the HPSS 4.
% DB2 UPDATE DB CFG FOR <Database Name> USING <Setting> <Value> To reset to defa ult set tings, execut e: % DB2 RESET DB CFG FOR <Database Name> Review and update the fol lowin.
attribut es per tinent to authorizati on are ret ained in HPSS 6.2. The program also opti onally supports Unix authenti cation in HPSS 6.2 by obtaini ng each HPSS users ’ password from DCE and prese.
load i nto the new ta ble. • db_convert_nsobj ect - This program converts the name server ob ject m etadata from the HPSS 4.5 nsobj ects SFS file to the HPSS 6.2 DB2 NSOBJECT and NSACL tabl es by reading records from SFS and performing DB2 loads into the new tables .
hpss_md_convert_51. This progra m will rename the HPSS 5.1 tables by prepending the original table name with PRE62_ so that the original m etadata in HPSS 5.1 is preserved. The hpss_ m d_convert_51 utilit y calls the following programs to perform the conversion: • hpss_51_62_dmg – Reads the 5.
• Acquire Kerberos or LDAP software, as needed. See Section 6.2.3: New Aut henticati on and Authorizat ion Mechan isms on page 182 for a l ist of vali d authenticat ion a nd authorizati on combinations. See Section 5.2: Instal l Prerequi site Software on page 137 for more information on obtaining MIT or IBM Kerberos and LDAP.
instance (e.g. . /home/hpssl dap/sqlli b/db2profi le) 7. Setup DB2 instance for LDAP: % /opt/IBM/ldap/V6.0/sbin/idsicrt –n -e <random string> -I <ldap instance name> -t <user name> -l <dir for ldap instance> e.g. % /opt/IBM/ldap/V6.
% /opt/IBM/ldap/V6.0/bin/idsldapmodify –c –i /opt/hpss/config/ HPSS_ldap_schema.ldif –D “cn=hpssldap” –w <password> -v Note: where passwd is the password for the DN. In the example above, it would be the hpssldap user’s password since hps sldap is the DN used above and configure d with LDAP on this system.
6.3 .5 . Upg rad e AIX This step cannot be perf ormed whil e the HPSS 4. 5 or 5.1 system is running. This section applies t o site that are upgrading to HPSS 6.2 from both HPSS 4.5 and HPSS 5.1. See Section 3. 3.2: Prerequi site Summary By HPSS Node Type on page 59 for the the appropria te versi on of AIX required for HPSS 6.
6.3 .8 .1 . In st all HPSS 6.2 Di st rib ut ion Im age This step can be performe d while the HPSS 4.5 or 5.1 system i s running. Prior t o install ing the HPSS 6.
code. Check $HPSS_ROOT/bin/ convert62 to ensure the conversion programs com piled properl y . The conversion utiliti es must include several Encina SFS fi les to com pile and link usi ng /usr/lpp/enc ina a s the default pathna m e.
Next, use m khpss and se lect t he Configuration option and then Other Services opti on to conf igure the IEEE address for HPSS. This wi ll create the /var/hps s/etc/i eee_802_ad dr fil e. This is only used b y HPSS and will not affect other services on t his system.
Environment variable s are no longer kept in t he $HPSS_ROOT/config subdirector y . Many are now kept in /var/ hpss/etc/ env.conf. The m khpss ut ilit y will assist in creat ing the env.conf file and HPSS specific environment varia bles can be added to it.
• MKHPSS_ROOT – set to the path of HPSS 6.2 code (e.g. "/opt /hpss") • HPSS_DB_INSTANCE_OWNER – the Unix User ID of the DB2 HPSS instanc e (e.g. "hpssdb") • HPSS_LDAP_BIND_TYPE – should corre spond wit h the type of bindi ngs allowed for LDAP (e.
HPSS_PRIMARY_AUTHN_MECH=krb5 HPSS_PRIMARY_AUTHENTICATOR=/krb5/hpss.keytabs Valid settings for unix aut henticat ion are: HPSS_PRIMARY_AUTHN_MECH=unix HPSS_PRIMARY_AUTHENTICATOR=/etc/passwd The new authorizati on is perf ormed based on t he contents of /var/hpss/ etc/s ite.
Using the scr ollbar, m ove the r ight-panel scrollba r until the "Author ization Service" infor mation is seen. It should look like the f ollowing: HPSS Installation Guide July 2008 Release 6.
6.3 .1 1. Pr e- Con ver sio n S yst em C hec k • I t is strongl y recommended that a test conver sion be perf ormed pri or to running the conversion on a productio n system.
6.3 .1 2. T ake a fu ll ba ck up of SF S or DB2 This st ep should not be performed while t he HPSS 4.5 or 5.1 system is running. The SFS or DB2 backup should be performed on the root and each non-root subsytem.
The first program used in the 4.5 conve rsion is the information collecti on util ity, db_convert_col lect_inf o. This utilit y will gather configuration related information based on input provided about the 4.5 HPSS sy stem. The program will save the information to several text fi les located in the /va r/hpss/convert/ 6.
subsystem Id of the sub y stem being conver ted as the comm and line arguments. For example, % su – root % db_subsys_convert /.:/encina/sfs/hpss/globalconfig 1 This program provides an option to change al l partial ly written HPSS 4.5 tapes to be read-only.
-db /var/hpss/convert/6.2/Convert.DB.Names -ss /var/hpss/convert/6.2/Convert.SS.Server.Ids -sub 1 % db_convert_bitfile –g /.:/encina/sfs/hpss/globalconfig -db /var/hpss/convert/6.2/Convert.DB.Names -sub 1 % db_convert_nsobject –g /.:/encina/sfs/hpss/globalconfig -db /var/hpss/convert/6.
root 1456 2034 0 16:04:08 pts/13 0:00 db_convert_bitfile ... root 1567 1456 0 16:04:08 pts/13 0:00 ksh db2 load ... Next, iss ue a 'kill -15 1381', sending a SIGTERM (kill -l, will list all .
-db /var/hpss/convert/6.2/Convert.DB.Names -sub 1 -restart When given the ‘-restart’ fl ag, the program will first at tempt to det ermine that no other conver sions or DB2 loads are currentl y running on the specific table.
error occurs while reading metadata. A restart from a user t ermination (C TRL-C) works well 90% of the time. Som etimes a user terminati on can cause DB2 to out put many sy stem l og errors (usua lly means the db2as, administrat ive server di ed). If the program is unabl e to pe rform a restart (i.
environment variables to HPSS 4. 5 values. Example s foll ow: • HPSS_PRINCIPAL_SSM=hpss _ssm • HPSS_PRINCIPAL_FTPD=hpss_f tp • HPSS_PRINCIPAL_MPS=hpss_ mps • HPSS_PRINCIPAL_NDCG=hpss_ndcg • HPSS_PRINCIPAL_NFSD=hpss_nf s • HPSS_PRINCIPAL_DMG=hpss_ dmg This al lows the db_c onvert_dce_c ds program to add proper DCE principals from HPSS 4.
machine to enable t he HPSS 6.2 system to work properl y. On several test machines, we had to open world access to the devic es used by the HPSS Core Server and PVL in order for them to initi alize properly.
ensure t hat the site has SFS and DB2 configured as expected. This program is not able to check the Name Server Object s (NSOBJECT ) or ACLs (NSACL) table. The object count between two sy ste m s does not m atch because ob jects associated with delet ed bitfi les are not convert ed.
check every bitfil e descri ptor in the 6.2 s y stem. The -f and -l options check onl y the first and last number of bitf ile des criptors provided with these opt ions.
Option 1 – Rename old tables [ renaming LSPOLICY table to PRE62_LSPOLICY ] [ renaming SERVER table to PRE62_SERVER ] [ renaming DMG table to PRE62_DMG ] [ renaming GATEKEEPER table to PRE62_GATEKEEP.
6.3 .1 6. En ab le DB2 Bac ku p Set up the DB2 backup process for HPSS metadata. Ensure that an init ial backup of all HPSS database s are avail able at this point. Perform this step on each root and non-root subsystem. 6.3 .1 7. Pe rf orm t he DC E Ex po rt : h pss _d ce_ ex po rt This step applies to upgrades for both HPSS 4.
5.1, set the non-default server principal values using the appropri ate envi ronm ent variable nam es: • HPSS_PRE62_PRINCIPA L_CORE • HPSS_PRE62_PRINCIPA L_DMG • HPSS_PRE62_PRINCIPA L_FTPD • H.
The conversion program that imports DCE authori zation i nformation i nto LDAP is called hpss_ldap_i mport. Usage: hpss_ldap_import <input dir> -realmname <realm> % hpss_ldap_import /var/hpss/convert/6.2 -realmname "" Where t he real m name option should use the name of the realm desired in LDAP.
6.3 .1 9. 1. Tu ne DB2 f or nor ma l ope rat ion s Refer t o Section 5.7: Tune DB2 on page 171 . Perform this step on each root and non-root subsy ste m .
that each caller of the interface is given. Run the hps s_init_ser ver_acls program as follows: % /opt/hpss/bin/convert62/hpss_init_server_acls Error in stat of Keytab File, /var/hpss/etc/mm.keytab, 2 Note: The error is expected and does not indicate that the hpss_ini t_server_acl s program did not complete succe ssfull y . hpssgui.vbs hpss.jar login.conf The - ssmclientpkg option creates a tar fil e and pl aces it in the speci fied director y (e.g. /tmp/ssmclient pkg.tar) which wi ll contain the f ollowing files : • hpss.ja r – Java executables for running the SSM GUI • hpssgui.
6.3 .2 0. 1. In vo ke t he SSM S ys tem M ana ger , St art up D aem on and pre req uis it e s of twar e Perform this step on t he root subs y stem onl y . Use the rc.hpss script to invoke the Start up Daemon, SSM System Manager and the prerequ isite software.
The default na m e of the SSM configurat ion fil e is s sm .conf. Its default location is the cur rent director y or, if not there, i n $HPSS_PATH_SSM (/var /hpss/ssm by defaul t). The name and locat ion may be overridden by the -m option t o the hpssgui.
MPS 10 10 5 20 PVL 50 10 1 2 PVR 30 20 5 30 Mover 20 20 1 5 Startup Daem on 10 10 0 2 SSM System Manager 100 100 5 20 4. Review and update the Core Server(s ) other c onfiguration parameters, i f necessar y 5. For 4.5 upgrades only: Review all migration policies to ensure that the y were converted correctl y In pre-5.
fields will displ ay the current value. Change the accounting bits suc h that if the init ial value is 1 then the new value will be 2 and conversely if the initi al value is 2 then t he new value will be 1. At this point, the HPSS sy ste m has no accounti ng m etada ta for existing files.
• Using the GUI, m ark the MPS configuration executab le and start it • Verify t hat Migrat ion and Purge are working correctl y • Repack and recl aim tape volumes 6.
in tape mount errors for read operat ions Once it is determined that it ’s safe to revert back to Release 6.2, perform the steps as foll ows. Note that t his procedure assumes that the upgrade stopped after the 6.2 servers are up but before changes were made t hat may aff ect the 4.
the "PRE62_". Next, beginni ng with step 4, follow t he procedures in Section Rev ert the HPSS 6.2 System to Version 4.5 on page 225. The site will al so have to revert the operati ng sy ste m software and any other upgraded software back to the HPSS 4.
6.4 .1 .2 . db_ co nf ig_ co nve rt , db_s ub sy s_ co nve rt , and db _lr _c on ver t Err or s and W arn ings 1SQL3304N The table does not exist . => T he program is atte mpting to inser t data into a tabl e that has not been created under t he database name and schema it i s running under.
Resolution: Check that the table exists in the sche m a and that the db_convert_colle ct_inf o utili ty has been run recently. The empty table s cripts pul l their information about which schema to use fr om the text file /var/hpss/ convert /6.2/Convert.
Resolution: Either the wrong filena me or the wrong subs y stem Id for t hat filena me was entered. Rerun the conversion program with the correc t subsystem Id and filena m e.
Error: w rite_bi tfil e_to_ASC fa iled to write to pipe, fd is - 1, errno = 9 => This er ror resul ts when running a l ong running conversion program that cannot write to /var/hpss/conver t/6.2 and create a file called asc_fifo_bi tfile (the nam ed pipe for the C program to comm unicat e with the DB2 load).
trying to ins ert the converted metadata. If this resul ted from previousl y running the metadat a conversion, and the metadata should be re-converted, then identify the table nam e (e .
through several syslogd error messages output to the monitor or a failed attempt at r estarting the failed conversion progra m . Should DB2 be placed in an inconsi stent state, the tablespac e will likely have to be dropped and recr eated al ong with the t able being conver ted.
The output displa y s “Re-running” which indicat es t hat the uti lity is performing a restart . When performing a rest art and there are already rows in the DB2 tabl e, rows committed should still equal rows submitted to the load.
$ db_config_convert /.:/encina/sfs/hpss/globalconfig Logged into DCE as hpss_ssm. Emptying all configuration tables in global database... All config tables emptied in global database, under schema hpss. Running db_convert_global utility... Converting SFS file /.
Running db_convert_gatekeeper utility... Converting SFS file /.:/encina/sfs/hpss/gkconfig Converted 1 records successfully from /.:/encina/sfs/hpss/gkconfig db_convert_gatekeeper complete, inserted 1 records into DB2 gatekeeper table Running db_convert_logclient utility.
/.:/encina/sfs/hpss/cartridge_stk Converting SFS file /.:/encina/sfs/hpss/cartridge_stk_rait Converted 4 records successfully from /.:/encina/sfs/hpss/cartridge_stk_rait db_convert_cartridge complete, inserted 32 records into DB2 cartridge table Running db_convert_cos utility.
Running db_convert_purgepol utility... Converting SFS file /.:/encina/sfs/hpss/purgepolicy Converted 1 records successfully from /.:/encina/sfs/hpss/purgepolicy db_convert_purgepol complete, inserted 1 records into DB2 purgepol table Running db_convert_pvldrive utility.
$ db_subsys_convert /.:/encina/sfs/hpss/globalconfig 1 Logged into DCE as hpss_ssm. Emptying all subsystem tables in subsys1 database... All subsystem tables emptied in subsys1 database, under schema hpss. Running db_convert_acctlog utility... Converting SFS file /.
Converted 600 records successfully from /.:/encina/sfs/hpss/bfmigrrec.1 db_convert_bfmigrec complete, inserted 600 records into DB2 bfmigrec table for subsystem 1 Running db_convert_bfpurgerec utility... Converting SFS file /.:/encina/sfs/hpss/bfpurgerec.
table for subsystem 1 Running db_convert_storagemapdisk utility... Converting SFS file /.:/encina/sfs/hpss/storagemapdisk.1 Converted 3 records successfully from /.
Converting SFS file /.:/encina/sfs/hpss/bftapesegment.1 Converted 1159 records successfully from /.:/encina/sfs/hpss/bftapesegment.1 lr_db_convert_bftapeseg complete, submitted 1159 records to DB2 bftapeseg load for subsystem 1, 1596 operations per sec, 0.
Converting SFS file /.:/encina/sfs/hpss/nstext.1 Converted 408 records successfully from /.:/encina/sfs/hpss/nstext.1 lr_db_convert_nstext complete, submitted 408 records to DB2 nstext load for subsystem 1, 1233 operations per sec, 1.
HPSS Installation Guide July 2008 Release 6.2 (Revision 2.0) 244.
App end ix A . Glos sa ry o f Ter ms an d A cro nym s ACI Auto matic Media L ibrary Client Interfac e ACL Access C ontrol List ACSLS Auto mated Cartridge Sy stem L ibrary Soft ware (Science Technology.
Bitfile Service Portion of the HPSS Core Server that provides a logical abstraction of bitfiles to its clients. BMUX Block Multiplexer Channe l bytes between tape marks The number of data bytes that are writte n to a tape virtual volume before a tape mark is re quired on the physical me dia.
device A phy sical piece of hardwa re, usually a ssociated with a dr ive, that is capable of reading or writi ng data. directory An HPSS object that can contain fi les, sy mbolic links, har d links, and other directories.
Gatekeeping Service A registered interface in the Gateke eper that provides a site the mecha nism to create local policy on how to throttle or deny create, open and stage requests and whi ch of these request types to moni tor. Gatekeeping Site Inter face The APIs of the gatekee ping site policy code.
I/O I nput/Output IOD/IOR Input/Ou tput Descriptor / Input/Output Reply . Structures used to send control inform ation about data move ment requests in HPSS and about the success or failure of the requests. IP Internet Protocol IRIX SGI ’s impleme ntation of UNI X junction A mo unt point for an HP SS fileset.
LS Location Server LTO Linear Tape-Open. A ha lf-inc h open tape technology developed by I BM, HP and Seagate. MAC Mandatory Acc ess Control managed o bject A program ming data struc ture that represents an HPSS sy stem resource. The resource can be monitored and controlled by operations on the ma nage d object.
notification A notice fro m one server to another about a notewort hy occur rence. HPSS notifications i nclude notices sent fro m other servers to SSM of cha nges in manag ed object attributes, cha nges in tape mou nt inform ation, and log messa ges that are alarm, e vent, and status log r ecord mess age ty pes.
RAM Random A ccess Memory reclaim T he act of ma king empty tape v irtual volum es available for reuse. Reclaime d tape virtual volu mes are assig ned a new Virt ual Volume I D, but retain the rest of their previous c haracteristics.
SS HPSS Storage Service SSA Serial Storage Arch itecture SSM Storage Sy stem Manag ement SSM session The environ ment in which an SSM user inter acts with the SSM Sy stem Manage r to m on itor and control HPSS.
stripe length The number of by tes that mus t be writte n to span all the phy sical storage media (phy sical volum es) that are groupe d t ogether to form the logical storag e media (virt ual volume) . The stripe l eng th equals the virtua l volume block size multi plied by the nu mber of phy sical volu mes in the str ipe group (i.
HPSS Installation Guide July 2008 Release 6.2 (Revision 2.0) 255.
App end ix B . Refe ren ces 4. 3580 Ultri um Tape Drive Setup, Operator and Service Guide GA32-0415 -00 5. 3584 UltraScal able Tape Library Planning and Operat or Guide GA32-0408-01 6. 3584 UltraScal able Tape Library SCSI Reference WB1108-00 7. AIX Perform ance Tuning Guide 8.
Storage System (HPSS), ” f rom the 1995 IEEE MSS Sy mposium, c ourtesy of the IEEE Computer Societ y Press. 33. T.W. T y ler and D.S. Fisher , “ Using Dist ributed OLTP Technology in a High- Perform ance Storage System, ” from the 1995 IEEE MSS Sym posi um, courtes y of the IEEE Com puter Society Press .
App end ix C . Deve lope r Ac kn owle dg men ts HPSS is a product of a governm ent-industry colla boratio n. The project approach is based on the premise that no single c om pany, government laborato .
App end ix D . HPSS. co nf C onf ig ura tio n F ile The HPSS.conf configurati on file contains tuning options to be used by HPSS clients and servers. For additio nal i nformation, plea se see the HPSS.
Stanza (CMPD) PFTP Client = { E.g. PFTP Client = { Optional Reserved Stanz a specifier. Must be terminated wit h a matching “}” SubStanza SYSLOG Faci lity = <value> Values: DAEMON , LOCAL0 .
SubStanza Auto Parallel Size = <value> Value: Size - May be specified as a deci mal number or “ x MB” sty le notation. E.g. Auto Parallel Size = 4MB Optional SubStanza specif y ing the m inimum fil e size to star t using the “auto-parallel ” featur es of the PFTP Clie nt.
SubStanza No SAN3P E.g. No SAN3P Optional SubStanza specif y ing not to use SAN3P even if it is avai lable. Default is to use SAN3P if available. SubStanza No Transfer Agent Support E.g. No Transfer Agent Support Optional Substanza specif y ing to NOT use t he Transfer Agent.
The pftp_client automaticall y performs conversi on of get and put commands to thei r parall el equivalents, pget and pput . Some sites have reported degraded performance as a result of thi s substitu tion occur ring with sm all file t ransfers. To accommodate thi s problem, the Auto Parall el Size = value s ubstanza may be specified in the HPSS.
; Transfer Buffer Size = 1MB ; Socket Buffer Size = 16MB # PFTP sets an Artificial (Compiled in) Maximum of 250GB MAX Ptran Size = 10GB # Disable SAN3P ; No SAN3P # Disable Transfer Agent ; No Transfer Agent Supported # Disable 64-bit Protocol - Default is on ; No 64-bit Support # Special Features ; Special Features Enabled } D.
SubSection <Name> or <Dotted IP Address> Name: Valid Inter face Name Dotted IP Address: E.g. eth0 132.175.1. 1 Optional parameter contai ning the nam e or Dot Notation IP Address specificat ion f or the inte rface on the local host ( PFTP Client) to use to connect to the Mover(s) associa ted wi th the specif ied PFTP Daemon.
PFTP Client Interfaces Stanza Exam ple: ; PFTP Client Interfaces = { # PFTP Client Host Name(s) ; water = { # Next Specification is the PFTP Daemon Host # water has 3 specific .
Configuration Ty pe Description Stanza (CMPD) Multinode Table = { E.g. Multinode Table = { Optional Reserved Stanz a specifier. Must be terminated wit h a matching “}” SubStanza Sleep for Debugger = values Value: Time in seconds .
superdaemon ( /etc/ine td.conf and /etc/ services ) to ini tiate the multinoded. The sections m ay be eit her a simple section or a valued secti on. A simple s ubstanza is a single name/Dot Notation IP Address to be used for bot h “Control” connection and “Data” connectio n.
Destinat ion IP address “m asked” b y the NetMask value. The calli ng applicati on (PFTP Client, Client API, or Mover) will appl y the value of t he NetMask speci ficati on in the configuration file entry to the specifie d destinat ion addr ess.
Section (CMPD) <Destinati on IP Address> = { E.g. = { Optional SubStanza speci fy ing a dotted deci mal address of the destinat ion int erface. Only one address is al lowed; however, networks and sub-networks may be chosen by appropriate specific ation of the NetMask.
SubSection Tc pNoDelay = <value> Values: 0, 1 E.g. TcpNoDelay = 1 Optional parameter Indicates whether the TCP Dela y option should be disabled (0) or enabled (any othe r value) SendSpace & RecvSpace Control s the size of the receive and send buffers for TCP/IP sockets.
• Multipl e Secti ons may be included in any SubStanza. A “Default” Destinati on Interface Name Section may be specifi ed. NOTE: Do not incl ude the quotes when spe cify ing Default. • The NetMask must be specif ied in Decimal Dot IP Address Notati on • All SubSect ions must be spec ified in every Section.
Default = { NetMask = RFC1323 = 1 SendSpace = 256KB RecvSpace = 128KB WriteSize = 512KB TCPNoDelay = 0 } } } D.5 . PFTP D aem on Sta nz a A large number of opt ions are available for configuri ng the PFTP dae m on and tuning its performance.
SubStanza SYSLOG Faci lity = <value> Value: DAEMON, LOCAL0 ... LOCAL7 E.g. SYSLOG Faci lity = LOCAL0 Replaces -s<string> opt ion. Optional SubStanza s pecif y ing the sy slog facilit y for the HPSS PFTPD. The defaul t syslog fac ility is LOG_DAEMON (reference: / usr/ include/sy s/sysl og.
SubStanza FTP Access Fil e = <value> Value: filena me E.g. FTP Access File = my ftpacce ss Replaces -F<string> option. Optional SubStanza setti ng the { FTP_Ft pAccess File }. Default: ftpaccess . Located in the directory {FTP BaseDi r}/etc .
SubStanza FTP Principal Keytab Fil e = <value> Value: Pathname/F ilen ame E.g. FTP Pr incipal Keytab Fi le = /var/hpss/et c/hpss.key tabs Optional SubStanza specif y ing the key tab containing the FTP pr incipal. SubStanza All ow Passive Connectio ns E.
SubStanza PFTP IO Buffer Size = <value> E.g. PFTP IO Buff er Size = 4MB Replaces -b<string> opt ion. Optional SubStanza setti ng the preferr ed IO Buffer Size for the PFTP Server SubStanza Debug Val ue = <value> E.g. Debug Value = 3 Replaces -d option(s).
SubStanza Cli ent API Verbose Value = <value> E.g. Client API Verbose Value = 1 Replaces -v option(s). Optional SubStanza specif y ing the level of HPSS Client API Logging to use (1-3).
SubStanza Maxi m um Time Out = <value> Value: Time in seconds E.g. Maximum Ti me Out = 86400 Replaces -T option and hpss_option MTO time in ftpac cess . Optional SubStanza specif y ing the m aximum timeout in seconds. SubStanza Use UDP ONLY E.g.
SubStanza Port Range = <value> E.g. PortRange = ncadg_ip_udp[10100- 12100]:ncacn _ip_tcp[10 100-12100] Optional SubStanza specif y ing the port range to be used f or the non-HPSS parallel FTP daemon which is neces sary for paral lel tr ansfers. NOTE: This is ignored for passive listi ngs, etc.
SubSection COS = <value> E.g. COS = 2 Optional SubSection speci fying the Cla ss of Service to be used based on file size. 0 m eans allow the Core Server t o determine t he optimal COS. (Has no meaning for t he Non-HPSS PFTD daemon.) SubStanza <nodena me> Service Name = <c anonicalname> E.
SubStanza PFTP Group File = <value> Value: Pathname /Filename E.g. PFTP Group File = /var/hpss/ etc/pft p_groups Optional Substanza used to specify the file cont aining the group information for PFTP clients.
SubSection Mapfi le Speci fier = <value> Values: Pathname/f ilen ame E.g. Mapfile Specif ier = /var/hpss/et c/Mapf ileName Optional Substanza used to specify a fi le contain ing username mappings. A different file can exist for each Authenticati on Type.
sizes in the range [1MB, 2MB). PFTP Daem on Stanza Exam ple: PFTP Daemon = { # Allow the Daemon to take Core Dumps ; Allow Core Files # Directory to put core files in (Default = .) ; Core File Directory = /var/hpss/adm/core # Specify the SYSLOG facility to use for all syslog messages # except Authentication Messages.
; Default Time Out = 1500 # Specify (in octal) the Default umask ; Default Umask = 077 # Specification of the Level of HPSS Client API logging to use ( 0 - 3 ) ; Client API Verbose Value = 0 # Do NOT .
; 100MB = { ; BlockSize = 4MB ; StripeWidth= 0 ; COS = 0 ; } ; 1GB = { ; BlockSize = 8MB ; StripeWidth= 0 ; COS = 0 ; } ; } # Use the System Password file routines (TRUE or FALSE) # The Default for PF.
; GSI = { ; Mapfile Specifier = LDAP:/var/hpss/etc/KRB2UnixMapfile ; Use Site Auth Method = CryptoCard ; Default Authorization Mechanism = LDAP ; } ; IDENT = { ; Mapfile Specifier = FILE:/var/hpss/etc.
SubStanza Nodeset File = <value> Value: Pathname/ file name E.g. Nodeset File = / var/hpss/et c/PMTA_Node Sets Optional Substanzaused to specify the location of the Tr ansfer Agent file containi ng Nodesets. SubStanza Node Affinity Fil e = <value> Value: Pathname/ file name E.
SubStanza Debug Lo gfile = <value> Value: Pathname/ file name E.g. Debug Logfi le = /var/ hpss/log/ PMTA_Debugf ile Optional Substanzaused to specify the location of the Tr ansfer Agent Debugging File. Substanza SYSLOG Facilit y = <value> Values: DAEMON , LOCAL0 .
# Parallel Multinode Transfer Agent (PMTA) Section Transfer Agent = { # The (optional) NodeSet File contains named sets of # Nodes that can be referred to via the "SET:setname" # notation.
D.7 . Stan za s Res er ve d for F utu re Use The following stanza nam es ( specifier s) are reserved for future implementat ion in HPSS and should not be used by application developers. • Transfe r Agent (Part ially Implemented) • Pipe Fi le • Local Fi le Path • PSI HPSS Installation Guide July 2008 Release 6.
HPSS Installation Guide July 2008 Release 6.2 (Revision 2.0) 292.
App end ix E . hpss _e nv_ de fs .h The HPSS environment variables are define d in /opt /hpss/incl ude/hpss _env_defs.h. These environment variabl es can be overridden in /var/hpss/etc /env.
{ "HPSS_GRP_NAME_CLIENT", "hpss_client", NULL}, /* ************************************************************************** * * HPSS Server Principal names * * HPSS_PRINCIPAL - P.
* HPSS_PRINCIPAL_MPS_UID - Principal UID for Migration/Purge Server * HPSS_PRINCIPAL_MVR_UID - Principal UID for Mover * HPSS_PRINCIPAL_NFSD_UID - Principal UID for NFS Daemon * HPSS_PRINCIPAL_NS_UID .
* HPSS_EXEC_PVR_SCSI - executable name for PVR SCSI * HPSS_EXEC_SSMSM - executable name for SSM Storage Manager * ************************************************************************** * */ { &quo.
* HPSS_EXEC_DELOG - Pathname for the delog utility * HPSS_EXEC_RECLAIM - Pathname for the reclaim utility * HPSS_EXEC_REPACK - Pathname for the repack utility * ***************************************.
* HPSS_UNIX_NFS_CHECKPOINT - checkpoint * HPSS_NFS_DISABLE_JUNCTIONS - disable traversal of junctions * HPSS_MNT_DISABLE_JUNCTIONS - disable mounting junctions ****************************************.
*/ { "HPSS_HOST_TMP", "%H", NULL}, { "HPSS_DESC_CORE", "Core Server", NULL}, { "HPSS_DESC_DMG", "DMAP Gateway", NULL}, { "HPSS_DESC_FTP.
updates * HPSSSSM_UI_MO_RATE - Time the GUI will wait between MO update tries * HPSSSSM_UI_LIST_RATE - Time the GUI will wait between List update tries * HPSSSSM_UI_ALARM_RATE - Time the GUI will wait.
* to maintain at once. If this number of connections is * exceeded, then old connections will be close to * maintain this number of connections * ******************************************************.
* HPSS_API_MAX_CONN - Defines the number of connections that * are supported by the Client API within * a single client process * HPSS_API_DEBUG - Used to enable debug messages * HPSS_API_RETRIES - Us.
* [ stdout | syslog ] * HPSS_CONFIG_CAT_NAME - HPSS config message catalog full pathname * HPSS_INFRA_LOG_TYPES - Default types of infrastructure messages * to be logged * HPSS_INFRA_LOG_CONF - The in.
* HPSS_AUTHZ_TYPES - Supported authorization types * HPSS_SITE_LOCATION - Site Location * KRB5_INSTALL_PATH - Kerberos installation path * no default - platform dependent * KRB5_KDC_DIR - Kerberos dir.
* HPSS_PATH_CORE - Path where subsystem core files are placed * HPSS_PATH_TMP - Path where temporary files are placed * HPSS_PATH_ETC - Path where runtime config files are placed * HPSS_ENV_CONF - The.
App end ix F . /var/hpss files The /var/hpss dir ectory tree is the default l ocation of a number of HPSS confi guration f iles, log fi les, and other files needed by the server s. The directories and confi guration f iles can be created with the mkhpss utili ty or hand created.
authorizati on mechanism and aut horization URL to utilize . • rc.db2 . Created by mkhpss. Script for starting DB2. • rc.krb . Create d by mkhpss. Script for starting the Kerber os servers. • passwd. Created by mkhpss. A local HPSS-only password file for use wit h Unix authenticat ion and authorizati on.
of the HPSS servers it brought up in the node. HPSS may also write diagnostic log files and disk allocati on maps in t his directo ry , when configure d to do so. The lock fil es are very sm all, but the log files and maps can be very large. HPSS Installation Guide July 2008 Release 6.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat IBM High Performance Storage System HPSS (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen IBM High Performance Storage System HPSS heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens IBM High Performance Storage System HPSS vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding IBM High Performance Storage System HPSS leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over IBM High Performance Storage System HPSS krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van IBM High Performance Storage System HPSS bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de IBM High Performance Storage System HPSS kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met IBM High Performance Storage System HPSS . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.