Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product NXC-ME260/64 van de fabrikant AMX
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WebConsole & Programming Guide NetLinx Integrated Controllers Last Revised: 4/24/2007 NI Series NetLinx Integrated Controllers NI-700/900 NI-2000/3000/4000 NI-2100/3100/4100 NXC-ME260/64.
AMX Limited Warranty and Disclaimer All products returned to AMX requ ire a Return Mate rial Authorization (RMA) number . The RMA number is obtained from the AMX RMA Department. The RMA number must be clear ly marked on the outside of each box. The RMA is valid for a 30-day period.
Table of Contents i NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Table of Contents Overview ...................... ...................................................................... ................ 1 NetLinx Integrated Controllers ...............
ii NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Table of Contents System Securi ty Access Options ....... ................... ................ ................. ................ ... 30 Accepting Changes ... ................ ................... .......
Table of Contents iii NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Exporting an SSL Certificate Reque st ..................... ................ ................ .................... .. 56 Importing an SSL Certificate ......................... ........
iv NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Table of Contents Input/Output Send_Commands ................. ........................ ......................... ............ 90 Terminal (Program Port/Telnet) Com mands .................... ...........
Table of Contents v NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide mkmAddTransport .......... ................ ................ .................... ................ ................ ....... 132 mkmAddTunnel ..... ................. ................ ....
vi NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Table of Contents.
Overview 1 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Overview NetLinx Integrated Controllers NetLinx Integrated Controllers (Masters) can be programmed to control RS-232/422/485, Relay , IR/ Serial, and Input/Output devices using the NetLinx Studio application (version 2.
Overview 2 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Related Documents For detailed descriptions of NI Controller hard ware, including specifications, port assignments, installation procedures, con.
Overview 3 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Update the On-board Maste r and Controller Firmware Before using your ne w NI unit, you must f irst update your NetLinx Studio to the most recent release.
Overview 4 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide.
Initial Configuration and Firmware Upgrade 5 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Initial Configuration and Firmware Upgrade This section describes using the NetLinx Studio softwa re application to perform the initial conf iguration of the Master , as w ell as upgrading the firmware for v arious Master components.
Initial Configuration and Firmware Upgrade 6 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide This action causes the *Not Active* message (in red) to display a W aiting...Pr ess Cancel to Quit message (in green). This message indicates that St udio is waiting to detect the de vice value of the NI Controller associated with the ID button.
Initial Configuration and Firmware Upgrade 7 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide 4. Note the obtained IP Address (r ead-only ). This information is later entered into the Master Communication Settings dialog and used by NetLinx Studio v 2.x to communic ate to the NI Controller via an IP .
Initial Configuration and Firmware Upgrade 8 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Assigning a Static IP to the NI Controller 1. In NetLinx Studio, select Diagnostics > Network Addresses from the Main menu to access the Network Addresses dialog (FIG.
Initial Configuration and Firmware Upgrade 9 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide 12. Complete the communication process by continuing on to the Communicating V ia an IP section on page 9.
Initial Configuration and Firmware Upgrade 10 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide 6. Click the Edit Settings button ( on the Communications Settings dialog ) to open the TCP/IP Settings dialog (FIG.
Initial Configuration and Firmware Upgrade 11 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Verifying the Firmware Version On the Master All NI Controllers contain both an on-board NI Master an d an Integrated Controller . If you are using an NI-4000 or NI-4100 with installed NXC cards, these will also sho w up within the Online T ree tab.
Initial Configuration and Firmware Upgrade 12 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Upgrading the On-board Master Firmware via an IP The on-board Master firmware Kit file is not the sa me as the Integrated Controller Kit file.
Initial Configuration and Firmware Upgrade 13 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide 7. In NetLinx Studio, select T ools > Firmware T ransfers > Send to NetLinx Device to open the Send to NetLinx Device dialog (FIG.
Initial Configuration and Firmware Upgrade 14 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide 12. After the last components fails to install, click Done. 13. Click Reboot (from the T ools > Reboot the Master Contr oller dialog ) and wait for the System Master to reboot.
Initial Configuration and Firmware Upgrade 15 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide 5. If the NI Controller f irmware being used is not current, download the latest Kit file b y first logging in to www .
Initial Configuration and Firmware Upgrade 16 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Do not use the 2105-03_NI_X00 Kit f ile on anything other than an NI-700/900 since each Kit f ile is specifically conf igured to function on a specific NI unit.
Initial Configuration and Firmware Upgrade 17 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide If The Connection Fails If the connection fails to establish, a Connection Failed dialog appears. T ry selec ting a different IP Address if communication fails.
Initial Configuration and Firmware Upgrade 18 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide 5. If the NXC card firmware being used is not current, download the firmw are f ile by f i rst logging in to www .
Initial Configuration and Firmware Upgrade 19 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide 16. Cycle power to the Master (unplug a nd reconnect power to the unit). 17. After Studio has establish a connection to target Master , click the OnLine T ree tab of the W orkspac e window to vie w the devices on the System.
Initial Configuration and Firmware Upgrade 20 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide.
Onboard WebConsole User Interface 21 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Onboard WebConsole User Interface WebConsole UI Overview NetLinx Masters hav e a built-in W ebConsole that allo ws you to make v a rious configuration settings via a web browser on an y PC that has access to the Master .
Onboard WebConsole User Inte rface 22 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Accessing the WebConsole From any PC that has access to the LAN that the tar get Master resides on: 1. Open a web browser nd type the IP Address of the target Master in the Address Bar .
Onboard WebConsole User Interface 23 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Device Network Settings Pages Click on the blue Information ( i ) icon next to any de vice listed in the Device T ree to acce ss the Network Settings page for the selected device (FIG.
Onboard WebConsole User Inte rface 24 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide.
WebConsole - WebControl Options 25 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide WebConsole - WebControl Options Manage WebControl Connections The W ebControl page is accessed by clicking on the W ebContr ol button (FIG. 15). This page allows you to view all touch panels running the G4W ebControl application.
WebConsole - WebControl Options 26 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide.
WebConsole - Security Options 27 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide WebConsole - Security Options Security Overview The Secu rity System Details page is accessed by clicking on the Security b utton.
WebConsole - Security Options 28 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Default Security Configuration By default, the NetLinx Master creates the followi ng accounts, access rights, directory associations, and security options: FTP Security is always enabled on the Masters.
WebConsole - Security Options 29 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide System Security - System Level System Le vel Security options provide authorized user s the ability to alter the current security options of the entire system assigned to the Master .
WebConsole - Security Options 30 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide System Security Access Options System Security Access Options Option Description Enabled: This option enables the Access options this page.
WebConsole - Security Options 31 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Accepting Changes Click the Accept button to sa ve changes on this page. Accepting changes is instantaneous and does not require a reboot.
WebConsole - Security Options 32 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Configuring Settings 1. Check the Enabled option to enable Security , and mak e the follo wing CRL Checking options av ailable (click the radio buttons to toggle on/of f): No CRL Checking : No CRL ( Certif icate Revocation List ) checking will be done.
WebConsole - Security Options 33 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide System Security - Group Level Select the Gr oup Level tab of the Security Page to access the Group Security Details page (FIG.
WebConsole - Security Options 34 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide 6. Click the Accept button to sa ve your changes to the target Master . If there are no errors w ithin any of the page parameters, a “ Gr oup added successfully ” is displayed at the top of the page.
WebConsole - Security Options 35 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Group and User Security Access Options (Cont.) Option Description T elnet Access: If selected, a valid username and password is required fo r T elnet Access. T elnet access allows communication over either the T elnet and/or SSH Ports.
WebConsole - Security Options 36 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Viewing Group Security Settings Details Click on any Group listed in the Gr oup Security Details page to expand the vie w to show details for the selected user Group (FIG. 23): Click the Edit button to e dit the Security Access options for the selected user group.
WebConsole - Security Options 37 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Any properties possessed by groups (ex: access rights, update rights, directory associations, etc.
WebConsole - Security Options 38 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide System Security - User Level Select the User Level tab of the Security P age to access the User Security Details page (FIG. 25). The options on this page allow authorized users to a dd/delete User acc ounts and configure User’ s Access rights.
WebConsole - Security Options 39 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide The password must be a unique alpha -numeric character string (4 - 20 c haracters), and is case sensitiv e. 6. Enable the security access rights yo u want to provide to the user .
WebConsole - Security Options 40 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide If you are not logged into the Master , you rec eiv e a reminder message: "Y ou must login befor e Security Settings can be changed" . In this case, log into the Mast er and repeat the previous steps.
WebConsole - System Options 41 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide WebConsole - System Options System Overview The Manage System page is accessed by clicking on the System button.
WebConsole - System Options 42 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Manage System - System Number The options on this page display the current System Nu mber assigned to the targ et Master (read-only), and allow you to c hange the system number (see FIG.
WebConsole - System Options 43 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Controlling or Emulating a System Device 1. Select the de vice that you want to Control or Emulate, via the De vice Tree: a. Click the Show Device T r ee option to show the De vice Tree windo w (if it is not already enabled).
WebConsole - System Options 44 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Select the On or Off buttons to Emulate Channel ON (CHON) and Channel OFF (CHOFF) messages for the specified <D:P:S>. 4. Select the Push b utton to Emulate a push/release on the specified channel (not displayed if the Contr ol option is selected).
WebConsole - System Options 45 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide 6. In the Command and String fields, enter an y cha racter strings that can be sent as either a String or Command, and press Send to transmit to the Master .
WebConsole - System Options 46 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Manage System - Diagnostics Options Click the Diagnostics link (in the Manage System tab) to access the Diagnostics Options page (FIG.
WebConsole - System Options 47 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide information on the selected device (including network configuration details). An example Network Settings page is sho wn in FIG. 32: c. Click on the Diagnostics link. This opens a Diagnostics Options page for the selected device (FIG.
WebConsole - System Options 48 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide 3. The de vice that you just enabled diagnostics for appears in the Diagnostics Options page (identified by its Number , Device and Port assignments at the top of the Diagnostics Optio n list), with the currently enabled diagnostics indicated with a green checkmark (FIG.
WebConsole - System Options 49 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Repeat steps 1-3. Alternati vely , you can click one of the Edit buttons to open the Edit Options window , and specify a System Number , De vice and Po r t for a known System Device.
WebConsole - System Options 50 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Disabling all Diagnostic Options For a Device There are two ways to disable all diagnostics for a de vice: In the Edit Options windo w , select Delete to re mov e the de vice from the Diagnostics Options page and disable all diagnostics.
WebConsole - System Options 51 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Manage System - Server Options Click the Serv er link (in the Manage System tab) to ac cess the Server Options page (FIG.
WebConsole - System Options 52 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Server Port Settings The following table describes each of the Port Settings pre sented on this page: Server Port Settings F eature Description Te l n e t : The port value used for T elnet communication to th e target Master .
WebConsole - System Options 53 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Once any of the server port settings hav e been modified, press the Acce pt button to sa ve these changes to the Master . Once these changes are saved, the follo wing me ssage appears: "Unit must be r ebooted for the change to take ef fect" .
WebConsole - System Options 54 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide 1. Click the Create SSL Certif ic ate link (under SSL Certificate Options ) to access the Cr eate SSL Certificate windo w (FIG. 37). 2. Fill out the information in this windo w , according to the descriptions in the SSL Certificate Entries section below .
WebConsole - System Options 55 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Displaying SSL Se rver Certificate Informatio n Click the Cr eate SSL Certificate link in the Server Options page to open the Create SSL Certificate window .
WebConsole - System Options 56 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide 4. Click Create SSL Certif icate to sav e the newly modif ied certificate information to the Master . Click Close to exit without making changes to the Master . Exporting an SSL Certificate Request 1.
WebConsole - System Options 57 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Importing an SSL Certificate Click the Import SSL Certificate link to import a CA server cer tificate. Before importing an SSL Certificate you must: First , ha ve a self-generated certificate installed onto your tar ge t Master .
WebConsole - System Options 58 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Manage System - Clock Manager Options Click the Clock Manager link (in the Manage System tab) to access the Clock Manag er Options page (FIG.
WebConsole - System Options 59 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide 2. Click Accept to sav e these settings to the Master . Setting Daylight Savings Rules 1. In the Daylight Savings tab (FIG. 41), enable Daylight Sa vings mode by clicking the On b utton.
WebConsole - System Options 60 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide 4. Use the Ends fields to specify when Daylight Sa vings should end. The Ends rules match the Start rules, and follow the same logic. Select Fixed or by Occurrence , and specify the End date/time information accordingly .
WebConsole - System Options 61 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Removing an NIST Server From the Li st 1. Click on the Remove (x) button to the right of a user-a dded NIST Server in the NIST Server Manager list. 2. Click Accept to sav e these settings to the Master .
WebConsole - System Options 62 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Example: AMX Meeting Manager and i!-V oting applications are examples of products that require both a Product serial number and a Master-specif ic key prior to usage. 4. Press the Accept b utton to save the information.
WebConsole - System Options 63 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide System - Manage NetLinx The Ma nage NetLinx tab displays a list of NetLinx device connected to the Master , and indicates device status (FIG. 45). The table on this page c onsists of fiv e columns: FIG.
WebConsole - System Options 64 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Refresh List : Click this b utton to regenerate the de vice listing by looking for broadcasting devices. This causes the Master to send out a message a sking devices to resend their NDP de vice announcements.
WebConsole - System Options 65 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide System - Manage Devices The Manage Devices tab (FIG. 46) contains links to sev eral di fferent de vice-related pages, as des.
WebConsole - System Options 66 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide 2. Press the Accept b utton to save your changes. Managing Device Modul es Use the Manage Device Modules set of options to archive or delete modules from the Master . All modules currently present on the Mast er are indicated in the Module list.
WebConsole - System Options 67 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide T o browse f or a Module file and then upload it to the Master: 1. Click the Br owse button next to the Select a module to upload te xt field to bro wse for Duet Modules on your PC/Network.
WebConsole - System Options 68 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Configuring Application-Defined Devic es Elements such as DUET_DEV_TYPE_DISC_DEVICE and DUET_DEV_POLLED are defined within the NetLinx.
WebConsole - System Options 69 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide This code giv es the Master a “heads-up” notification to look for those devices me eting the criteria outlined within the code.
WebConsole - System Options 70 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Each entry in the table has one of four b uttons to the right of the Physical Device D:P:S assignment: Static Bound appl.
WebConsole - System Options 71 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Manage Devices - User-Defined Devices Click the User -Defined Devices link (in the Manage De v ices tab) to access the User -Defined Devices page (FIG.
WebConsole - System Options 72 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide 2. Fill in the de vice information fields, as described in the follo wing table: FIG. 51 User-Defined D evices - Add User De fined Device User-Defined Device Information Fields Address: Enter the address of the physical device in the Address field.
WebConsole - System Options 73 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide 3. Once you are done creating the profile for the new de vice, click the Add Propert y button to access the Name and Va l u e fields property information for association with the new User Defined De vice.
WebConsole - System Options 74 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Unless the Disable Module Search via the Inte rnet option was selected in the Manage Devices page ( see the Manage Devic.
WebConsole - System Options 75 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Manage Devices - Manage Polled Ports Click the Pol le d Po rt s link (in the Manage Devices tab) to access the Manage Polled P orts page (FIG. 54). The options on this pa ge allow you to vie w/modify settings for all polled ports in the System.
WebConsole - System Options 76 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Use the drop-do wn menus to modify the Port settings. Click Reset to Default Set t ings to return this port to its def a ult conf iguration: FIG.
Programming 77 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Programming Overview This section describes the Se nd_Commands, Send_Strings, and Chann el commands you can use to program the Integrated Controller . The examples in this section require a declaration in the DEFINE_DEVICE section of your program to work correctly .
Programming 78 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Master IP Local Port Send_Commands These commands are specific to the Master and not th e Controller . These commands are sent to the DPS 0:1:0 (the Master). A de vice must first be def ined in the NetLinx programming language with values for the Device: Port: System.
Programming 79 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide LED Disable/Enable Send_Commands The following commands enable or disable the LEDs on the Integrated Controller . In the examples: <DEV> = Port 1 of the device. Sending to port 1 of the NI-700 (affects all ports).
Programming 80 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide RS-232/422/485 Send_Commands RS-232/422/485 Send_Commands Command Description B9MOFF Set the port's communication parameters for stop and data bits according to the sof tware settings on the RS-232 port (default).
Programming 81 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide RS-232/422/485 Send_C ommands (Cont.) Command Description GET BAUD Get the RS-232/422/485 port’s current communication par ame te rs. The port sends the parameters to the device that requested the information.
Programming 82 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide RS-232/422/485 Send_C ommands (Cont.) Command Description SET BAUD Set the RS-232/422/485 port's communication par ame te rs.
Programming 83 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide RS-232/422/485 Send_String Escape Sequences This device also has some special SEND_STRING escape sequen ces: If any of the 3 character combinations be lo w are found anywhere within a SEND_STRING program instruction, they will be treated as a command and not the literal characters.
Programming 84 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide IR / Serial Ports Channels IR RX Port Channels IR/Serial Send_Commands The following IR and IR/Serial Send_Commands generate control signals for external equipment. In these examples: <DEV> = device.
Programming 85 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide IR/Serial Send_Commands (Cont.) Command Description CH Send IR pulses for the selected channel. All channels below 100 are transmitted as two digits. If the IR code for ENTER (function #21) is loaded, an Enter will follow the number .
Programming 86 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide IR/Serial Send_Commands (Cont.) Command Description GET BAUD Get the IR port’s current DA T A mode communication par ame te rs. The port sends the parameters to the device that requested the information.
Programming 87 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide IR/Serial Send_Commands (Cont.) Command Description PON T urn On a device connected to an IR port based on the status of the corresponding I/O Link input.
Programming 88 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide IR/Serial Send_Commands (Cont.) Command Description SET BAUD Set the IR port's DA T A mode communication parameters.
Programming 89 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide IR/Serial Send_Commands (Cont.) Command Description XCH T ransmit the selected chan- nel IR codes in the format/ pattern set by the 'XCHM' send command. Syntax: SEND_COMMAND <DEV>,"'XCH <channel>'" V ariable: channel = 0 - 999.
Programming 90 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Input/Output Send_Commands The following Send_Commands program the I/O ports on the Integrated Controller . I/O ports: Port 4 (NI-700). Channels: 1 - 8 I/O channels. I/O Send Commands Command Description GET INPUT Get the active state for the selected channels.
Terminal (Program Port/Telnet) Commands 91 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Terminal (Program Port/Telnet) Commands Overview There are two types of terminal communications available on Net.
Terminal (Program Port/Telnet) Commands 92 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide 6. Click OK to complete the communication parameters and open a ne w T erminal windo w . 7. T ype echo on to vie w the characters while entering commands. If that does not work, press <Enter > key on your keyboard.
Terminal (Program Port/Telnet) Commands 93 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Login: User1 Password: ***** Login not authorized. Please try aga in.
Terminal (Program Port/Telnet) Commands 94 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Terminal Commands (Cont.) Command Description DNS LIST <D:P:S> Displays the DNS configuration of a specific device including : • Domain suffix· • Configured DNS IP Information Example: >DNS LIST [0:1:0] Domain suffix:amx.
Terminal (Program Port/Telnet) Commands 95 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Terminal Commands (Cont.) Command Description IP STATUS Provides information about the current NetLinx IP Connections.
Terminal (Program Port/Telnet) Commands 96 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Terminal Commands (Cont.) Command Description PASS [D:P:S or NAME] S e ts up a pass through mode to a device. In pass through mode, any string received by the device is di splayed on the screen, and anything typed is sent as a string to the device.
Terminal (Program Port/Telnet) Commands 97 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Terminal Commands (Cont.) Command Description REBOOT <D:P:S> Reboots the Master or specified device. Example: >REBOOT [0:1:0] Rebooting... RELEASE DHCP Releases the current DHCP lease for the Master .
Terminal (Program Port/Telnet) Commands 98 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Terminal Commands (Cont.) Command Description SET DNS <D:P:S> Sets up the DNS configuration of a device. This command prompts you to enter a Domain Name, DNS IP #1, DNS IP #2, and DNS IP #3.
Terminal (Program Port/Telnet) Commands 99 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Terminal Commands (Cont.) Command Description SET HTTPS PORT Sets the Master’s IP port listened to for HTT PS connections. Note : The Master must be rebooted to enable new settings.
Terminal (Program Port/Telnet) Commands 100 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Terminal Commands (Cont.) Command Description SET LOG COUNT Sets the number of entries allowed in the message log. Note : The Master must be rebooted to enable new settings.
Terminal (Program Port/Telnet) Commands 101 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Terminal Commands (Cont.) Command Description SET TELNET PORT Sets the Master ’s IP port listened to for T elnet connection s. Note : The Master must be rebooted to enable new settings.
Terminal (Program Port/Telnet) Commands 102 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Terminal Commands (Cont.) Command Description SET UDP BC RATE Sets the UDP broadcast rate. A broadcast message is sent by the Master to allow devices to discover the Master.
Terminal (Program Port/Telnet) Commands 103 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Terminal Commands (Cont.) Command Description SHOW DEVICE <D:P:S> Displays a list of devices pres ent on the bus, with their de vice attributes.
Terminal (Program Port/Telnet) Commands 104 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Terminal Commands (Cont.) Command Description SHOW MAX BUFFERS Displays a list of various message queues and the maximum number of message buffers that were ever present on the queue.
Terminal (Program Port/Telnet) Commands 105 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Terminal Commands (Cont.) Command Description SHOW ROUTE Displays information about how this NetLinx Master is connected to other NetLinx Masters (routing information).
Terminal (Program Port/Telnet) Commands 106 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide ESC Pass Codes There are 'escape' code s in the pass mode. These codes can switch the display mode or exit pass mode. The following 'escape' codes are def ined.
Terminal (Program Port/Telnet) Commands 107 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Accessing the Security Configuration Options The help security option is only a vailable to Program Port co nnections (see the Overview section on page 91). 1. In the T erminal session, type help security to view the av ailable security commands.
Terminal (Program Port/Telnet) Commands 108 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Setup Security Menu The Setup Security menu is described below: Setup Security Menu Command Description 1) Set system security options for NetLinx Master See the Security Options Menu section on page 109 for descriptions of each menu item.
Terminal (Program Port/Telnet) Commands 109 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Security Options Menu Select " Set system security " from the Setup Security Menu to access the Security Options menu , described below: Setup Security Menu (Cont.
Terminal (Program Port/Telnet) Commands 110 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Edit User Menu The Edit User Me nu is accessed whenev er y ou enter the Add user , or Edit user selections from the Setup Security menu.
Terminal (Program Port/Telnet) Commands 111 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Access Rights Menu The Access Rights Me nu is accessed whenever you select Change Access Rights (option 6 ) from the Edit User menu, or Change Access Rights from the Edit Group menu.
Terminal (Program Port/Telnet) Commands 112 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Edit Group Menu: Add Directory Association 1. At the Edit Group prompt, type 1 to add a new directory association.
Terminal (Program Port/Telnet) Commands 113 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Default Security Configuration By default, the NetLinx Master will create the follo wing accounts, access rights, directory assoc iations, and security options.
Terminal (Program Port/Telnet) Commands 114 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Notes on Specific Telnet/Terminal Clients T e lnet and terminal clients will hav e different beha vior s in some situ ations. This section states some of the known anomalies.
Appendix A: IPSec Configuration File 115 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Appendix A: IPSec Configuration File IPSec Config file The IPSec Conf iguration file contains user specified IPSec rule def initions to be applied to the running IPSec database.
Appendix A: IPSec Configuration File 116 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Internet Key Exchange (IKE) ikeAddPeerAuth ikeAddPeerAuth NAME ikeAddPeerAuth – add a peer's authentica tio.
Appendix A: IPSec Configuration File 117 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide ikeAddPeerAuth (Cont.) EXAMPLES Using a pre-shared key for IPv4: ikeAddPeerAuth=100.
Appendix A: IPSec Configuration File 118 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide ikeSetProp ikeSetProp NAME ikeSetProp – create a Phase 1 proposal SYNOPSIS ikeSetProp=configString DESCRIPTION This rule creates a Phase 1 proposal with previously defined Phas e 1 transform names.
Appendix A: IPSec Configuration File 119 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide ikeSetPropAttrib ikeSetPropAttrib NAME ikeSetPropAttrib – set attributes of an IKE Phase 1 proposal SYNOPSIS ikeSetPropAttrib=configString DESCRIPTION This rule sets the attributes for a previously defined IKE Phase 1 proposal.
Appendix A: IPSec Configuration File 120 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Security Policy Database (SPD) spdAddTransport spdAddTransport NAME sp dAddT ransport – add a tr ansport mode policy SYNOPSIS spdAddTransport=pConfStr DESCRIPTION This rule adds a transport mode policy .
Appendix A: IPSec Configuration File 121 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide SpdAddTunnel SpdAddTunnel NAME sp dAddT unnel – create a tunnel mode policy in the SPD SYNOPSIS spdAddTunnel=pConfStr DESCRIPTION This rule creates a tunnel mode policy in the SPD.
Appendix A: IPSec Configuration File 122 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide SpdAddBypass SpdAddBypas s NAME sp dAddBypass – create a bypass policy in the SPD SYNOPSIS spdAddBypass=pConfStr DESCRIPTION This rule creates a bypass policy in the SPD.
Appendix A: IPSec Configuration File 123 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide SpdAddDiscard SpdAddDiscard NAME sp dAddDiscard – create a discard policy in th e SPD SYNOPSIS spdAddDiscard=pConfStr DESCRIPTION This rule creates a discard policy in the SPD.
Appendix A: IPSec Configuration File 124 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide SpdSetProp SpdSetProp NAME sp dSetProp – add Phase 2 transforms to a Phase 2 proposal SYNOPSIS spdSetProp=pConfStr DESCRIPTION This rule adds one or more existing P hase 2 transforms to a Phase 2 proposal.
Appendix A: IPSec Configuration File 125 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide SpdSetProp (Cont.) esp_g1_transport=esp_3des_sha,esp_3de s_md5,esp_3des,esp_des_sha,esp_des_md5, esp_des,esp_null_.
Appendix A: IPSec Configuration File 126 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide SpdSetProp (Cont.) esp_des_sha=ESP_DES,SHA esp_des_md5=ESP_DES,MD5 esp_des_hmac_sha=ESP_DES,HMAC-SHA esp_des_hmac_.
Appendix A: IPSec Configuration File 127 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide SpdSetProp (Cont.) esp_aes_ctr_192_sha=ESP_AES-CTR,KEY_L ENGTH,192,SHA esp_aes_ctr_192_hmac_sha=ESP_AES-CTR, KEY_L.
Appendix A: IPSec Configuration File 128 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide SpdSetPropAttrib SpdSetPropAttrib NAME sp dSetPropAttrib – set attributes of an IKE Phase 2 p roposal SYNOPSIS spdSetPropAttrib=pConfStr DESCRIPTION This rule sets or modifies the attri butes of an existing IKE Phase 2 proposal.
Appendix A: IPSec Configuration File 129 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide spdSetSA SpdSetPropAttrib (Cont .) EXAMPLES spdSetPropAttrib=ah_default,DHGROUP,G2 spdSetPropAttrib=ah_default,ENC.
Appendix A: IPSec Configuration File 130 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Manual Key Manager (MKM) mkmAddBypass mkmAddBypass NAME mkmAddBypass – add a bypass Security Association SYNOPSIS mkmAddBypass=cptr_mkm_sa DESCRIPTION This rule adds a bypass Security Associat ion (SA).
Appendix A: IPSec Configuration File 131 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide mkmAddDiscard mkmAddDiscard NAME mkmAddDiscard – add a discard Secur ity Association SYNOPSIS mkmAddDiscard=cptr_mkm_sa DESCRIPTION This rule adds a discard Security Association (SA).
Appendix A: IPSec Configuration File 132 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide mkmAddTransport mkmAddTransport NAME mkmAddT ransport – a dd a transport mode Security Association SYNOPSIS mkmAddTransport=cptr_mkm_sa DESCRIPTION This rule adds a transport mode Security Association (SA).
Appendix A: IPSec Configuration File 133 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide mkmAddTunnel mkmAddTunnel NAME mk mAddT unnel – add a tunnel mode Security Association SYNOPSIS mkmAddTunnel=cptr_mkm_sa DESCRIPTION This rule adds a tunnel mode Security Associ ation (SA).
Appendix A: IPSec Configuration File 134 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide mkmSetInboundAH mkmSetInboundAH NAME mkmSetInbound AH – set the transform ID and key for an inbound AH SA SYNOPSIS mkmSetInboundAH=cptr_value_string DESCRIPTION This rule sets the transform ID and key for an inbound AH SA.
Appendix A: IPSec Configuration File 135 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide mkmSetInboundESP mkmSetInboundESP NAME mkmSetInbound ESP – set the transform ID and key for an inbound ESP SA SY.
Appendix A: IPSec Configuration File 136 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide mkmSetOutboundAH mkmSetOutboundAH NAME mkmSetOutbound AH – set the transform ID and key for an outbound AH SA SYNOPSIS mkmSetOutboundAH=cptr_value_string DESCRIPTION This rule sets the transform ID and key for an outbo und AH SA.
Appendix A: IPSec Configuration File 137 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide mkmSetOutboundESP mkmSetOutboundESP NAME mkmS e tOutbo undESP – set the transform ID and key for an outbound ESP.
Appendix A: IPSec Configuration File 138 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Sample IPSec Configuration File The following is a sample IPSec configuration file: ikeAddPeerAuth=,%LOCAL_ADDR%,mm_g2,RSA,new.key.pem,AMXCA, new.cert.
Appendix A: IPSec Configuration File 139 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide IPSec Web Configuration Interface Once the IPSec Config file for a system has been created on a PC, the configuration of IPSec on a master is accomplished via its W eb interf ace.
Appendix A: IPSec Configuration File 140 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide.
Appendix B: Clock Manager NetLinx Programming API 141 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Appendix B: Clock Manager NetLinx Programming API Types/Constants The NetLinx.
Appendix B: Clock Manager NetLinx Programming API 142 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide Library Calls The NetLinx.axi file that ships with NetLinx Studio includes the following Clock Manager -specific library calls: NetLinx.axi - Library Calls CLKMGR_IS_NETWORK_SOURCED () Returns F ALSE/0 or TRUE/1.
Appendix B: Clock Manager NetLinx Programming API 143 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide NetLinx.axi - Library Calls (Cont.) CLKMGR_GET_ST ART_DA YLIGHTSA VINGS_RULE() Gets a string representation of when Daylight Sav- ings is supposed to ST ART .
Appendix B: Clock Manager NetLinx Programming API 144 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide NetLinx.axi - Library Calls (Cont.) CLKMGR_GET_END_DA YLIGHTSA VINGS_RULE() Gets a string representation of when Daylight Sav- ings is supposed to END.
Terminal (Program Port/Telnet) Com mands 145 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide.
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Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat AMX NXC-ME260/64 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen AMX NXC-ME260/64 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens AMX NXC-ME260/64 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding AMX NXC-ME260/64 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over AMX NXC-ME260/64 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van AMX NXC-ME260/64 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de AMX NXC-ME260/64 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met AMX NXC-ME260/64 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.