Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product VR-N100U van de fabrikant JVC
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VR-N100U Video Disc Recorder Users Manual v1.0.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 2 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 Copyright © 1998-2004 xStor e. All rights reserved All other companies and prod uct names ar e trademarks of their respective holders. Contact Information Please contact your VR-N100U reseller for all sales, service and technical support issues.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 3 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRO DUCTION ..................................................................................................................
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 4 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 • Camera Name .................................................................................................................... ................
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 5 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 Edit/Delet e Vie w ............................................................................................................... ..................
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 6 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 • Advanced Setti ngs for VN-C10U .................................................................................................. ...............
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 7 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 1. INTRODUCTION Since the terrorist attack on the United States back on September 11 th of 2001, security has been placed as the most important topic for most individua ls and organizations.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 8 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 1.1. Manual Organization The VR-N100U User ’s Manual documents the newest network se curit y appliance. It features the new VR-N100U Securit y Technology on the VR-N 100U industrial server board.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 9 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 1.3.3. Digital Video Recorders (DVR’s) Digital Video Recorders or better known as “DVR’s” is the first attempt for companies to offer an alternative s olution to the traditional analog s ystems.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 10 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 2. INST ALLING VR-N100U This chapter covers all asp ects for the VR-N100U instal lati on, from the VR-N100U r ackmount configuration to m anually acquiring an IP address.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 11 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 2.3. VR-N100U Hardware Overview The VR-N100U comes pre configured in a 19” 1U Ra ckmount en closure.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 12 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 2.3.2 Embedded Industrial Server The engine th at runs the VR-N100U secu rity appliance is based on the c ustom designed fourth generation embedde d industrial server motherboard.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 13 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 Keypad Each key has a different function, illus trated by a directional arrow just above and to the left of the key. From left to right, the first key is the Up key.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 14 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 10/100 : The Network Sp eed LED will be either solid amber, or solid green. Ambe r indicates the LAN1 front cha nnel network speed is 10 Mbps. Green indic ates the LAN1 fr ont channel net work speed is 100 Mbps.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 15 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 2.4. Installing VR-N 100U on the Network BEFORE YOU BEGIN As the Installer and/or Administrator of the VR-N100U, you are assumed to have a working knowledge of TCP/IP and yo ur network.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 16 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 Also, you can utilize the Web Connect page to log into the VR-N100U t o setup the IP address. Details regar ding this is listed in section 3.4.2 Static IP Setup .
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 17 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 Each key has a different function, illustrated by a dire ctional arrow just above and to the left of the key. Up Down Back Enter From left to right, the first key is the Up key.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 18 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 5. The next screen inquires if you want to Enable Static IP Setting and the other addresses you j ust entered. If you select the Y , the addresses w ill be saved.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 19 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 2. Reboot your workstation 3. Open your web browser 4. Type (remember, t hat’s VR-N100U’s assumed IP addre ss) in the address/location field.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 20 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 3. Proceed to se lect the pertinent settings option and fi ll in the necessar y information. At the very least, you need to change the IP addre ss under Change the Static IP Address Settings link which will bring you to the following page.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 21 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 2.4.5. Step 4: Setting Up the Backchannel Once VR-N100U has been successful i nstalled onto your net work , the next step is to configure the “back chann el” (also referred as the camera or video channel) alo ng with the networked cameras.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 22 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 You can now proceed to connect the VR-N100U su pported networked cameras to the backcha nnel switch. For a list of supported camer as, you can refer to section 5.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 23 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 9. If all of the n etworked cameras are recognized a nd viewable by VR-N100U, you may power off e.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 24 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 3. VR-N100U OVERVIEW This chapter describes the functionalit y an d features of VR-N10 0U and how th ey are managed using the VR-N100U web browser interface.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 25 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 3.1. Getting to the VR-N 100U Web Browser Interface You can use an y web browser, such as those from Microso ft IE or Netscape, to acc ess the VR-N1 00U web bro wser interface.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 26 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 3.2.1. Server Name Let’s have a look at the VR- N100U Setup Wizard.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 27 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 3.3. The Administrati on “System” Utilities Using your standard web browser or via the VDRView Web Connect, the VR-N100U administrator ca n easily and securely navigate to the various System Utilities P ages.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 28 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 3.3.2. General Settings The General page allows the VR-N100U a dministrator to easily cha nge the security applianc e’s Server Name as well as update the admin Passw ord settings.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 29 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 If you want to change a user ’s Full Name , VR-N100U Password , or admin rights, or assign the user to a gro up or rem ove the name from a group, click on t he user’s name .
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 30 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 3.3.4. Time Keeper The Time/Date page allo ws the administrator to easily ch ange or setu p the curre nt Date, T ime and specif y the local tim e zone for the VR-N100U.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 31 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 1. Select the Yes option from the drop-down Enable Alerts list when you are ready to activate Alerts. 2. Enter the IP address of your organizat io n’s S MTP Server in the next field.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 32 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 3.4. The Administration “Networks” Utilities Proceed to select the Administration icon on the VR-N100U T oolbar to get back to the main Administration Utilities page.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 33 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 3.4.3. DHCP Server Option Your VR-N100U can als o be configured as a DH CP Server to aut omatically distribute IP addresses to Windows client s that request them via LAN2.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 34 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 3.5. The Administrati on “Cameras” Utilities Proceed to select the Administration icon on the VR-N100U T oolbar to get back to the main Administration Utilities page.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 35 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 If it was unavailable, then “Searching…” would be replaced with “No Rec ording Found for Specified Interval” message.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 36 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 3.5.2. Camera View s (2, 4, 8, 16) Each user may have their own prefer ence in regards the simu ltan eous viewing of network ca meras.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 37 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 Details All cameras will displ ay the Details link at the b ottom center. By clicking on this link , it will take you to the Camera Configure page where vario us setting ca n be c hange d on eac h camera.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 38 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 use of a Preset setting programmed on the c amera, creating/editing presets, and abil ity set the Auto-pan. These parameters and options may slightly differ b as ed on the m ake and model of the PTZ camera.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 39 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 Configure Cameras th at were not recognized by VR-N100U or did n ot exist will only d isplay “Not Configured – please c lick ‘Configure’ below ” on the center of the window.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 40 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 3.5.4. Motion Log Network IP cameras are becoming more advanc ed, as some hav e incorporated motion detection support within the device.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 41 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 VR-N100U will track each ISO image creation a nd store these log files (vi deo clips) that can be easily accessed by clic king on the ISO Files button.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 42 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 View er Le vel For administrators who wish to offer the minimum access to any camera, they would assign a user Viewer level security.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 43 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 3.6. VR-N100U’s Toolbar Most of this chapter has b een about the features of VR-N100U that ar e managed by the utilities of the Administration Toolbox .
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 44 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 3.6.3. Appliances List Icon The A ppliances List will allow you to bring up a list of all VR-N100U sec u rity appliances that are discov ered ov er the net work, whether locally on your LAN or remotely over your WAN.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 45 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 4. MANAGING VR-N100U WITH VDRVIEW Overview: This chapter describes the features of the VDRVie w enterprise vide o application an d ho w it can be used to manage thousands of VR-N100U secu rity appliances and cameras.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 46 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 4.1.2. Minimum Configuration VDRView will also function on a system that meets the mini mum speci.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 47 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 4.3. Discovering VR-N100U Appliances When you start up VDRVie w, a splash screen appears. The sp lash screen stays up until VDRVi ew discovers all the VR- N100Us on the same segment of the subnet as your workstation.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 48 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 N100U security ap pliances are admin f or both. During this process, the stat us of the authentic ation will be displaye d at the bottom of the dialog box.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 49 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 4.5. Definition of Toolbar Icons VDRView provides many toolb ar icons to allo w any user to e asily navi gate within th is Enterprise Uti lit y program for VR- N10 0U.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 50 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 Reflash Firmware on Zerv er… This icon allows the administrator to update the VR-N1 00U firmware by reflashing the firm ware on the security applia nce.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 51 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 New View VDRView offers the abilit y to function as an unlimited “v irtual” Multiplexer for all of the cameras. Within the Monitor Cameras page, yo u have the abilit y to create your own customized views usin g the provided templates.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 52 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 Edit/Delete View If you wish to edit or edit an existing view , simply click on this ic on to open the list of saved views. Within this window, you can choose to remove a n y associated camera s from any of the views or simply delete the view.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 53 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 From within this window, you can control the ma jor functions of each i ndividual camera similar to t hose with in th e VR-N100U page.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 54 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 Back to Previous Page When utilizing the Web Connect page in VDRView, you ar e able to navig ate directly within the VR-N100U web server to access the various S ystems , Network and Cameras util ity pages.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 55 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 4.6. Definition of Menus Like most software applic ation, VDRView provides pull- down menus for users to access vario us features and functions. This section will go into detail regar ding all of the available option s provid ed by the menu bar.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 56 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 4.6.3. VR-N100Us Under the VR-N100Us pull-do wn menu, functions re lated to the camera and recording are listed. Load Camera List This function is applicabl e to only the VR-N100Us , Mo nitor Cameras , and Search/Playback pages.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 57 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 4.6.4. Camera Views Camera Views commands ar e only available for use on the Monitor Cameras p age.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 58 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 Enable Discovery via Remote Serv er List… This is the second option that accommodates discovery of remote VR-N100Us. T hese VR-N100Us cannot be discovered by the conv entional means of subn et broadcasting and Mi croso ft browsing.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 59 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 1. To add or delete a remote Zer v er, select Edit Remote Zer ver List from the Options menu. 2. Click on the Add button to a dd an entry to the list.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 60 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 Refresh (F5) Regardless of whether you u tilize the Auto Refresh func tion, you can manually refre sh the VDRView list by clicking on the F5 function key to discover VR-N100Us o n the netwo rk.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 61 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 4.7. Definition of Navigation Tabs In addition to t he toolbar icon shortcuts, VD RView has organized t he main utility pages using tabs.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 62 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 NOTE : You can also log directly into VR-N10 0U via t he web browser using the IP addr ess or ser ver name. 4.7.2. VR-N100Us Management and configurati on of all camera s across VR-N100 Us can be easily accompl ished within the VR-N100U page.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 63 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 Filter Camera List VDRView can also filter the c amera list based on type (PTZ, MD or all) t o make viewing the cameras easier for the user.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 64 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 The editable fields are Camera Name , Video Storage (# of days ) , and Frame Rate (fps) for all camera models whil e Angle S tep , Zoom Step and Auto Pan Frequency apply o nly to PTZ type c ameras.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 65 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 Once logged directly into the VR-N100U web server, close out the VR-N100U List di alog box and proceed to admin ister the VR-N100U. Refer to Chapter 3 VR-N100U Overview for details.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 66 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 4. On the left side of the page, click on Load Camera List button to open the Camera List dialog box.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 67 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 identify/specify which c amera is disp laye d o n the lar ger pr evie w windo w, enable or d isable the auto s witching, specify the time interval between the switching, as well as clear preview window.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 68 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 2. Now locate the camera fro m which you want to sear ch t he archive on. Y ou can do this by either double-clicki ng the camera from the camera list or inputting the camera name in the corresponding fiel d.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 69 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 2. As you can see, a comp lete list of captured motion logs in chronological order is presented for that particular VR- N100U. A motion threshold level indic ator is also presented for eac h motion log.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 70 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 3. Select the Brow se button to open up a Choose File dialo g box. Locate the VR- N100U .BIN firmware file that you downloaded from the web site, select the file and c lick on the Open b utton.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 71 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 5. SUPPORTED DEVICES The following sections will prov ide information surrou nding the vari ous VR-N10 0U supported devices. 5.1. Hard Disk Drive Specifications VR-N100U supports onboar d RAID to offer data integrity for the captured vid eo.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 72 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 5.2. Network IP Cameras VR-N100U is designed to sup port the latest I P cameras from JV C. Unfortunately, each make as well as model utiliz es different protocols, and offer slightly different features and functions.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 73 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 Advanced Settings for V N-C11 U JVC VN-C11U Configura tion (Fixed Motion Netw ork Camera) Resolut.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 74 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 5.2.1. Testing Network IP Cameras If the network IP camera that you are using with VR-N100U is not being recognized or is not functio ning correctly, please verif y the following: 1.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 75 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 5.3. Network Enablers VR-N100U is designe d to support the latest net work enablers fo r analog cameras (a.k.a. video serv er or encoder devices) from major manufacturers.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 76 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 5.4. Switches VR-N100U’s architecture all ows the networked securit y appliance to be a com pletely non-evasive system.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 77 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 6. TECHNICAL TIPS AND TROUBLESHOOTING This section is designate d for trained technical pers onnel onl y. Do not attempt to make any changes unless you have be en instructed by Technical Support perso nnel.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 78 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 6.1.1. Processor Due to the optimized and multi-threaded Op er ating S ystem that is insta lle d .
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 79 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 NOTE1: “*” The default SCSI ID for the onbo ard Ad aptec LVD160 Ch ipset is ID #7 with both Parity and Termi natio n Enabled.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 80 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 6.2. Jumper Settings The Industrial Server B oard utilizes multiple defau lt jumper settings for us e with the VR-N100 U security appliance and they are outlined in the following sections.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 81 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 6.2.2. JP2: SCSI Termination Options Settings Disable 1-2: Short Enable 1-2: Open (default) For t.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 82 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 6.2.6. CN22: Software Reset Pin Signal 1 Reset 2 GND The software reset is a means to manually reset the ap pliance temporarily b ack to manu facturer’s defa ult settings.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 83 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 6.5. LED Panel with Ke ypad and LED Indicators The VR-N100U applia nce is designed to utilize the LCD Displ ay Panel, Keypad an d LED Indicators.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 84 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 6.5.3. LED Indicators The LEDs are identified by a ke yword abov e each light on the u nit and by the comp lete name of the LED in the following graphic.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 85 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 10/100 The Netw ork Speed LED will be either solid am ber, or solid green. Amber i ndicates the LAN1 camera backchannel net work speed is 10 Mbps. Green in dicates the LAN1 camera backc hannel network spee d is 100 Mbps.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 86 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 3. If you select the N , you will be returned to the Set Server Name screen. If you select the Y , the VR-N100U will reboot. The LCD Panel will keep you informed about what is happe ning.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 87 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 CMOS failure NIC failure SCSI failure LED RED GREEN DESCRIPTION On Off POST (Power On Self-Test) .
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 88 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 7. GLOSSAR Y OF TERMS 10BaseT A version of Et hernet in which wo rkstations are attached by t wis ted pair cable, the traditional cables used for telephone lines.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 89 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 CD burn Slang for the process of recording a CD-R, a CD-recordable medium. CD-R Compact Disc Recordable - A recordab le CD-ROM, whic h can be read by normal CD -ROM drives.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 90 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 & a nonprofit organization. T here has been a push recently to add more categori es for classifying domains. Download To transfer data from a remote computer to your computer via a network connectio n.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 91 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 FTP File Transfer Protocol - A high level protocol that suppor ts file copying from one s ystem to another over a TCP/IP connection. FT P requires client and server components.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 92 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 to different organizations, which distribute t hem to their users either dynam icall y or as permanently assigned IP addresses. IP operates the gate ways that move data within an organization and to regions a nd then around the world.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 93 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 backup browser. MIME Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension - MIME is used to extend the power of Web bro wsers to handle graphics, sound, vid eo, etc.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 94 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 tools and effects available to Photoshop im ag e editor in the Plug-ins folder.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 95 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 Socket A bidirectional pipe for incomi ng an d outgoing data that allows an applic ati on program to access the TCP/IP protocols. Source Volume The CD/DVD volume that supplies attributes to a Target Volume.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 96 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 connection. URL Uniform (Universal) Resour ce Locator - A way of naming net work resources, URLs are the Internet equivalent of street addresses. Like tr aditional addresses, the y go from the gen eral to the specific.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 97 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 8. REGULA T OR Y NOTICES, LICENSE AND W ARRANTY 8.
VR-N100U USERS MANUAL Page 98 of 98 All Items Are Subje ct To Change Without No tice Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0 8.3. License Provisions This manual and the pr oduct descri bed in it have been protected internationa lly by c opyright and other applicable laws with all rights reserved.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat JVC VR-N100U (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen JVC VR-N100U heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens JVC VR-N100U vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding JVC VR-N100U leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over JVC VR-N100U krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van JVC VR-N100U bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de JVC VR-N100U kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met JVC VR-N100U . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.