Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product 900-588 van de fabrikant Lantronix
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Micro125 User Guide Part Num ber 900 - 588 Revision B March 201 3.
Copyright a nd Trademar k © 2013 Lant ronix, Inc . All rights reserved. N o part of th e contents of this book m ay be transm itted or repro duced in an y form or by an y means without t he written per mission of Lantronix , Inc . Lantronix® and Device Linx® are re gistered tra demark s of Lantronix , Inc .
Table of Conte nts Cop y right a nd Tradem ark ______________________________________________ 2 W arranty ___________________________________________________________ 2 Contacts _______________________.
Host List Configurati on _______________________________________________ 24 Retry Settin gs ___________________________________________________ 25 Host Inf ormation ___________________________________.
Send Char acters ________________________________________________ 54 DisConnT ime (Inacti vity Tim eout) ______________________________________ 54 Send Char acters ____________________________________.
A: Binary to Hexadecimal Conversions 73 Converti ng Binar y to Hexad ecimal ______________________________________ 73 Convers ion Table ________________________________________________ 73 Scien tific Ca lculat or ______________________________________________ 74 List of Figures Figure 3 - 1.
1. Using This Guide Purpose and Audie nc e This guid e covers the D eviceLinx M icro125 em bedded device server . It pro vides the inform ation needed to c onfigure, use , and upda te the Micro125 f irm w are and is int ended for OEMs and s ystem inte grators who ar e embeddi ng Micro125 i n their end pr od uc t desig ns .
1: Using Th is Guide Additi ona l Document ation Visit the Lantronix W eb site at www.lantronix .com/s upport/documentat ion for th e latest docum entation and the f ollowing a dditional d ocumentatio n .
2. Introduction This c hapter summ arizes the Micr o125 device s erver’s f eatures and the basic infor mation needed t o get started. Capabiliti es The Micr o125 device s erver has the followin g capabiliti es: Connects devices thr ough a T CP data channe l or through a Telnet conn ection to computer s or to anot her device ser ver.
2: Introduct ion Protoc ol Support The Micr o125 device s erver us es the Internet Pr otocol (IP) for net w ork communic a tions. It uses the T ransm ission Control Protocol (T CP) to assur e that no data is lost or dup licated, and that everything sen t to the con nection arriv es correctl y at t he target.
2: Introduct ion IP Address Every de vice connecte d to an IP ne twork m ust have a uni que IP address . This addr ess is used to r eference the s pecific unit . T he Micro12 5 is autom aticall y assig ned an IP a dd r ess on DHCP - enable d network s, as it is DH CP - enab led by de fault.
3. Gettin g S tarted This c hapter covers the s teps r equired to get an embedded device ph ysically connec ted . Physic a ll y Con necting t he Unit The f ollowing diagram shows a prop erly instal led Micro 125 . Other de vices conne ct in a sim ilar manner.
3: Getting Started IP Address Your de vice server m ust have a uniq ue IP addres s on your net work. The s y stem s adminis trator genera lly provides the IP addr ess and corr esponding subn et mask and gatewa y. The IP addr ess must be within a valid r ange, uni que to your net work, and in the same s ubnet as your P C.
4. Using D evi ceInstall er This c hapter covers the s teps f or getting the M icro125 devic e server onli ne and viewing its current c onfiguration . Note: DeviceInst aller is a fr ee utility pro gram provid ed by Lantronix that discover s, configures, upgrades, a nd manages Lantronix Device Ser vers.
4: Using Dev iceInstall er 4. Select A ssig n a specifi c IP address and clic k Next . 5. Enter the IP add re ss . The Subnet mask displa y s aut omaticall y based on the IP address; if desired, you ma y change it. On a local networ k, you can le ave the Default gate w ay blank (all zeros).
4: Using Dev iceInstall er Device Det ails Settings Description Comments Configurabl e field. Information about the M icro125 . Double - cl ick the field, type in the value , and press Enter to c omplete. Thi s description or comment is not visible on other PCs or laptop s using DeviceIn staller.
4: Using Dev iceInstall er Device Det ails Settings Description Firmware Upgradeable Non - config urable field . Display s True, in dicating th e Micro12 5 ’s firmw are i s upgradeab le as new er version s be come availab le. Supports Configurable Pins Non - config urable field .
5. Configur atio n Usi ng W eb M anager You mus t configure the unit so that it can com municate on a network w ith your serial dev ice. For exam ple, you m ust set the wa y the unit will res pond to ser ial and net work traffic, how it will hand le serial pack ets, and when t o start or c lose a c onnection.
5: Configur ation Usin g W eb Manager Figure 5-1. Web - Manager Login Win dow 7. P erform one of the fol lowing: If no T elnet/Web Manag er password h as been def ined (default), leave both f ields blank and click OK .
5: Configur ation Usin g W eb Manager Netw ork Conf igurati on The unit ’s network values displa y when you se lect Network from the main menu . T he following sect ions describe the conf igur ab le param eters on th e Network Settings page . Figure 5-3 .
5: Configur ation Usin g W eb Manager 3. Enter the f ollowing (as necessar y ): Dynamic IP Setting Descript ion BOOTP Select Ena ble to permit the Bootstrap Protocol (BOOT P). server to assig n the IP addre ss from a p ool of addresse s automa tical ly .
5: Configur ation Usin g W eb Manager Ethernet Configurat ion You mus t specify the s peed and direc tion of data t ransmis sion. To specify how data will be transmi tted: 1.
5: Configur ation Usin g W eb Manager Ser v er Conf i guration The unit ’s server values displa y when you sel ect Server from the m ain menu. T he following sections d escribe the c onfigurab le parameter s on the Server Settings page . Figure 5-4 .
5: Configur ation Usin g W eb Manager Advanced Advanced S ettings Description ARP Cache Timeout (secs) When the u nit communi cates w ith another dev ice on the netw ork, it adds an entr y into it s ARP tabl e. ARP Cach e timeout d efines the number of seconds (1 - 600) before it refreshe s this tab le.
5: Configur ation Usin g W eb Manager Figure 5-5 . Hostlist Setti ngs 2. Enter or m odif y t he followin g fields : Retry Settings Retry Settings Descripti on Retry C ounter Enter the v alue for t he number of times the Micro125 should attempt to retry con necting to t he host li st.
5: Configur ation Usin g W eb Manager Serial Settings To configure the c hannel’s seria l settings: 1. On the m ain menu, cl ick Serial Settings (under Ch annel 1 or Channel 2 ) to displa y th e S erial Settin gs windo w . Figure 5-6 . Chan nel Serial Settings 2.
5: Configur ation Usin g W eb Manager Port Settings Description Flow Control Flow contro l manage s data fl ow b etw een devices i n a net work to ensure it is processed efficient ly. T oo much data arr iving bef ore a device is prepared to m anage it ca u ses lost or retran smitted data .
5: Configur ation Usin g W eb Manager Flush Input Buffer (Seri al to Network) Flush Input Buf fer Settings Description With Activ e Connect Select Yes to c lear the input b uffer with a connectio n that is initiated from the dev ice to the netw ork. The default is No .
5: Configur ation Usin g W eb Manager Connection Setting s - TCP To configure a c hannel’s TCP settings: 1. On the main m enu, click Conne ction . T he Conn ection Se ttings wi ndow for the channel displa y s .
5: Configur ation Usin g W eb Manager 2. In the a vailable fields , enter or modif y the fol lowing info rmation: Connect Protocol Connect Proto col Setting Description Protocol From the dr op - dow n menu, s elec t TCP .
5: Configur ation Usin g W eb Manager Endpoint Configuration Endpoint Conf iguration Settings Description Local Port Enter the lo cal port number. Auto incr ement for active connec t Select to auto - incr ement the l ocal port n umber fo r new outg oing connection s.
5: Configur ation Usin g W eb Manager Disconnect M ode Settings D escription Check EOT ( Ct rl - D) Select Yes to dr op the conn ection w hen Ctrl -D or Hex 04 is detected. Both Telnet Com Port Cntrl and Check EOT (Ctrl+ D) must be enable d for Disconne ct with EOT to function properly .
5: Configur ation Usin g W eb Manager Connect Protocol Connection Pr otocol Descrip tion Protocol Select UDP from the drop - dow n menu. Datagram Mode Datagram Mode Settings Description Datagram Ty pe Configures the remot e IP or net work broad cast addre ss and the remote port .
5: Co nfigurat ion Using W eb Manager Figure 5-9 . A pply ing Settings A ppl y Defa ult s 1. Click the A pply Factory Defaul ts button to set the de vice server b ack to the d efault settings . For details s ee Default S ettings on p age 61 . 2. Click Yes to set f actory sett ings , or clic k No to canc el.
6. Configuration via T elne t or Serial Port (Setup Mode) You mus t configure the unit so that it can com municate on a network w ith your serial dev ice.
6: Configur ation via Te lnet or Seri al Port (Set up Mod e) To establish a Telnet connection: 1. From the W indows Start menu, click Run and type the f ollowing com mand, wh ere x.x.x.x is the IP address, and 9999 is the unit’s fixed network configuration por t number : W indows: telnet x.
6: Configur ation via Te lnet or Seri al Port (Set up Mod e) Note: The easiest w ay to enter S etup Mode is to hold down the x key at the termi nal (or emulation) while rese tting the unit. You mus t do this within three seconds of res etting the Micro125 .
7. Setup Mode : S erver Con f iguration This c hapter explains how to conf igure the net work sett ing s. Note: Current va lues appe ar in parentheses. Ser v er Conf i guration ( Option 0) The unit ’s basic net work param eters displa y whe n you select Server configuration (option 0 ).
7: Setup Mode: Serv er Con figur a tio n Set Ga te w ay IP Address The gate way address, or router, all ows comm unication to other LAN segm ents. T h e gate way address s hould be the I P address of the router c onnected t o the sam e LAN segment as the unit.
7: Setup Mode: Serv er Con figur a tio n Change Telne t /We b- Man ager Passwor d Setting the Telnet /W e b - Manager pass word prevents u nauthorize d access to th e setup m enu through a T elnet connec tion to por t 9999 or thro ugh web pages . The pas sword must ha ve 4 character s.
8. Setup Mode : Channel Co nfiguration This c hapter explains how to conf igure the ser ial port . Two channels may be conf igured in Micro125: C hannel 1 and Channel 2. Note: The directi ons for config uring Chann el 1 provide d below may a lso be used f or Channel 2.
8: Setup Mode: Cha nne l Configuratio n I/F (I nterface) Mode The Inter face (I/F) Mod e is a bit - c oded b yte entered in hexadec imal notat ion. I/F Mode (4C) ? _ T he following t able displa y s a.
8: Se tup Mode: Channe l Confi gurat io n Table 8-3 . I nterface Mode O ptions I/F Mode Option 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 RS - 422 4 - wire 0 1 RS - 485 2 - wire 1 1 Fl ow Flow con trol sets the local handsh aking m ethod for stopping s erial input /output. Flow (00) ? _ Use the follo wing table to s elect flo w control opti ons: Table 8-4 .
8: Setup Mode: Cha nne l Configuratio n Connect Mode Connect Mo de defines h ow the uni t makes a c onnection, an d how it reac ts to incom ing connecti ons over the network . ConnectMode (C0) ? _ Enter Con nect Mode opt ions in h exadecimal n otation.
8: Setup Mode: Cha nne l Configuratio n Connect Mode Option 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Modem Re sponse Only (V erbose) 0 0 1 1 1 0 a) Incom ing Connection Incoming Conne ction Mod e Description Never A ccept Incoming Rejects a ll external connectio n attempt s.
8: Setup Mode: Cha nne l Configuratio n Active Startup Mode Descriptio n If present, the port number mu st follow t he IP addres s, must be presented as a decimal number in t he range 1- 65535 , and must be preceded by a forw ard slash ( ASCII 0x 2F).
8: Setup Mode: Cha nne l Configuratio n Figure 8-2. Hostlist Option Baudrate (9600) ? I/F Mode (4C) ? Flow (00) ? Port No (10001) ? ConnectMode (25) ? Send '+++' in Modem Mode (Y) ? Auto increment source port (N) ? Hostlist : 01. IP : 172.019.
8: Setup Mode: Cha nne l Configuratio n d) Datagram T y pe Datagram Ty pe Description Directed UDP When select ing this op tion, yo u are prom pted for t he Datagr am type. Enter 01 for directed or broad cast UDP. Dat agrams of type 0 1 can be sent as a bro adcast by enablin g the Send a s Broadcast option.
8: Setup Mode: Cha nne l Configuratio n Table 8-9. Modem Mode Mes sag es Message Meani ng Full Verbose OK Command w as execute d without er ror. CONNECT A networ k connection h as been est ablished. NO CARRIER A networ k connection h as been cl osed. RING n.
8: Setup Mode: Channe l Configuratio n If this s equence is not f ollowed, t he unit rem ains in data trans fer m ode. Table 8- 10 . Mod em Mode Co mmand s Modem Mode Command Function ATDTx.x.x.x,pppp, ATDTx.x.x.x/pppp , or ATDTx.x.x.x: pppp Makes a co nnection t o an IP addr ess (x.
8: Setup Mode: Cha nne l Configuratio n Show I P addr a fter 'R I NG' Show IP addr after ‘RING’ (Y) ? Disable or enable th e Micro125 ' s abi lity to sho w the IP address af ter RING in Modem Mode. The def ault is Y (Yes), to s how the I P address.
8: Setup Mode: Cha nne l Configuratio n Table 8- 11 . Di sconnect Mod e Options Disconnect M ode Option 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Disconnect when Modem Co ntrol In is not a sserted (6) 1 Ignore Modem Control In.
8: Setup Mode: Cha nne l Configuratio n F lush Mode ( Buffer Fl ushing) Using this paramet er, you can contro l line hand ling and net work buff ers with connec tion startup a nd disconnec t. FlushMode (00) ? _ You can a lso select b etween t w o dif ferent pack ing algor ithms.
8: Setup Mode: Cha nne l Configuratio n Option 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Interval : 12ms 0 0 Interval : 52ms 0 1 Interval : 250ms 1 0 Interval : 5sec 1 1 Trailing Ch aracters None 0 0 One 0 1 Two 1 0 Send Chara.
8: Setup Mode: Cha nne l Configuratio n DisConnTime (00:00) ?: To disabl e the inacti vity timeout, ent er 00:00 . R ange is 0 (dis abled) to 5999 secon ds (99 minutes , 59 seconds) . Default is 0 . Send Charact ers E nter up t o two character s in hexadec imal repres entation i n sendchar .
9. Setup Mode : Advanced S etti ng s Exper t Settings (Option 5 ) Note: You can cha nge the Ena ble alterna te MAC setti ng using telnet or serial c onnections only. It is not availab le through t he Web - Manager. CAUTION : Only an expert shoul d change these paramete rs .
9: Setup Mode: Adv a nced Sett ings ARP Cache Timeou t in Seconds W henev er th e unit com municates with another dev ice on the n etwork, it adds an entr y int o its ARP table. The ARP Cac he timeout o ption allo w s you to define h ow many secon ds (1 - 600) the unit will wait before t iming out th is table.
9: Setup Mode: Adv a nced Sett ings Secur ity Settings ( Option 6) Note: You can cha nge security s ettings by means of T elnet or serial c onnections only, not on the Web - Manager . We recomm end that y ou set security over the de dicated netw ork or over the serial s etup to pr ev e nt eav esdr op pin g .
9: Setup Mode: Adv a nced Sett ings Disable TFTP Firmw are Upgrade This s etting defaults to the N (No) option. The Y ( Yes) option disables the use of TFT P to perform network f ir m ware upgrades. W ith this opt ion, you can do wnload firm ware upgra des over the ser ial port us ing DeviceIns taller’s Rec over Firm ware procedure .
9: Setup Mode: Adv a nced Sett ings To configure A ES encryption on the Micro125 : Enable Encryption (N) Y Key length in bits (0): 128 Change Keys (N) Y Enter Keys: **-**-**-**-**-**-**-**-**-**-**-**-**-**-**-**- 1. W hen prompted to en able encr yption, select Y .
9: Setup Mode: Adv a nced Sett ings Default Setting s (Opt ion 7) Select 7 to res et the un it’s c hannel config uration and ex pert settings t o the def ault settings. The s erver configurat ion settings for IP addres s, gatew ay IP address, a nd netm ask remain unchanged .
9: Setup Mode: Adv a nced Sett ings Security Settings Defaults Security Setting Def ault Configuration Disable SNMP No SNMP community name public Disable Teln et setup No Disable TFTP Firmware U pdate.
10. Firmware Upgrades Obtai ning Firmwar e You can o btain the m ost up - to - date fir mware and re lease notes for the un it from th e Lantr onix web site ( www.lantron /support/downl oads ) or b y us ing anon y m ous FT P ( ftp.lantron /pub ).
10 : Firm ware Upgr a des Figure 10 -1 . TFTP Windo w 6. Click the Upload Now button to transfer the f ile to the unit. The un it perform s a power reset af ter the firm ware has been l oaded and st ored. Using TFTP: Comm and Line Interface To downl oad new firm ware fr o m a computer : 1.
10 : Firm ware Upgr a des Recovering the Fir mware Using the Serial Po rt and DeviceInstall er If f or some reason t he firmware is d amaged, you can rec over the firm ware file by us ing DeviceInst aller to do wnload the *.R OM file over t he serial por t.
11. Monitor Mode Monitor M ode is a com mand - line interf ace used f or diagnostic purposes. There ar e two wa y s to e nter Monitor M ode: locall y u sing the s erial port or remotely us ing the network . Enter ing Monitor Mode Using the Serial Port To enter Monitor M ode lo ca lly : 1.
11 : Monitor Mod e Table 11 -1 . Monit or Mod e Com mands Command C ommand Name Function VS x.x.x. x Version Queries sof tware head er recor d (16 bytes) o f unit w ith IP ad dr ess x.x. x. x. GC x.x.x.x Get Config uration Gets confi guration of unit with IP address x.
11 : Monitor Mod e Note: Entering any of the c ommands liste d above gen erates one of the followi ng command response c odes: Table 11 -2 . Comma nd Respo nse Codes Response Meaning 0> OK; no erro.
12. T roubleshoo ting This c hapter discus ses how you can diagnose a nd fix errors quickly witho ut having to c ontact a dealer or Lantronix . It helps to con nect a term inal to the s erial port while diagno sing an error to v iew summ ary messages tha t ma y disp lay .
12 : Troubl eshooting Problem/ Message Reason Solution The device server may not be plugged into the netw or k properly . Make sure th at the L ink LED is lit. If the Link LED is not lit, then the device server is n ot proper ly plugged into the netw or k.
12 : Troubl eshooting Problem/ Message Reason Solution The device server appear s to be set up corr ectly, but you ar e not commun icating w ith your device attache d to the device server a cross the ne twork. If you are sure that th e serial port setti ng is corre ct, then yo u may not be connecting to the correct s ocket of th e device server.
12 : Troubl eshooting Technica l Support If y o u are exper iencing an error that is not described in this c hapter, or if y ou are unable to fix the error, you ha ve the foll owing optio ns : Technical S upport US C heck our online k nowledge base or send a ques tion to T echnical Support at http://www .
A: Binary to He xadecimal C onversion s Many of the unit’s co nfiguration pr ocedures requ ire assem bling a series of options (repres ented as bits) into a com plete comm and (represented as a byte). C onvert the res ulting binar y v alue to a hexadecim al representat ion.
A: Binary to H exadecim al Conversion s Scientific Calculato r Another sim ple wa y to con vert binar y to hexadecim als is to use a s cientific c alculator, s uch as the one available on W indows’ operati ng system s. For exam ple: 1. On the W indows’ Start m enu, click Programs A ccesso ries Calculato r .
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Lantronix 900-588 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Lantronix 900-588 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Lantronix 900-588 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Lantronix 900-588 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Lantronix 900-588 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Lantronix 900-588 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Lantronix 900-588 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Lantronix 900-588 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.