Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product NetBotz Room Monitor 355 van de fabrikant APC
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NetBotz ® App lian ce Use r ’ s Gu ide NBRK0550 NBRK0450 NBWL 0455 NBWL 0456 NBWL 0355 NBWL 0356.
Cont ent s NetBotz Appl ia nc e User’s Guide i Preface ........... ....... ............ ............. ............ ............ .......... 1 U.S. Go vernment Rest r icted Rights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Misus e . . . . .
NetBotz Appl ia nc e User’s Guide ii Basic Vi ew: Setup .... ............ ............. ............ ............. .... 12 Ap plia nc e se tup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Se nso r s etu p . . .
NetBotz Appl ia nc e User’s Guide iii Viewin g Map s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 Viewin g G r aphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Advance d View: Pod/Sen sor Settings .
NetBotz Appl ia nc e User’s Guide iv Sensor Pods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Se tt ing s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
NetBotz Appl ia nc e User’s Guide v Proxy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Region . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
NetBotz Appl ia nc e User’s Guide vi BotzWare Macros ......... ...... ............. ............ ............ .... 115 Applia nce Macros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Loca tion Macros . . . . . . .
1 NetBotz Appl iance User’s Guide Preface U.S. G over nmen t Restr icted Rights Restricte d rights legend. Use , duplication, or disclosur e by the Government is subjec t to restr ictions as set forth in subpar agraph (c) (1) (ii) of the Right s in T e chnica l Da t a and Computer Softwar e clause at DF AR S 252.
2 NetBotz Appl iance User’s Guide Int r od uct io n The Americ an Power Conversion ( APC ® ) NetB otz ® Basic V iew and Advanced V iew each provide a software interf ace for m onitoring a nd co ntrolling y our NetBo tz se curity and environm ental monitor ing system.
3 NetBotz Appl iance User’s Guide SSL Suppor t By default, Sec ure S ockets La ye r ( S SL) is enable d on your NetBotz appl iance. All browser/a ppliance interacti on can be carr ied out us ing SSL b y connecting to the applia nc e using a UR L beginning with https ( for exa mple, h ttps:// IP_addr ess ).
4 NetBotz Appl iance User’s Guide Basic V iew: Getting S t arted Basic V iew is an HTM L-ba sed inte rface that allows you to vie w data about objects monitored by your applianc e.
5 NetBotz Appl iance User’s Guide Choosing a Lang ua ge Basic V iew suppor ts the follo w ing la nguages. Conf igure your brows e r or opera ting system for a n y of the supported la nguages.
6 NetBotz Appl iance User’s Guide Interf ac e Navig ation The Basic V iew interfa c e is divided into three regions: • The Navig at i on pane: Locate d in th e upper-le ft co r ner o f the i nterface, t he Naviga tion pane is used to se lect a devi c e for which t o view sensor data in the Sensor Data pane .
7 NetBotz Appl iance User’s Guide Sim plifi ed Bas ic View o n Y our P DA NetBotz applia nces support a simplif ied version of Basic V iew for that can be viewe d using a Personal Digital Assista nt (PDA).
8 NetBotz Appl iance User’s Guide Co nfig uring y our a pplia nc e. F rom the Navigat ion pane, s e lect the appl ia nce, pod, or other devi ce to configur e. In the Sensor Data pa ne for that device, se lect Se tup . The configurabl e settings are disp layed in the Configura tion pane.
9 NetBotz Appl iance User’s Guide Basic V iew: M onitori ng Y our Environment Basic V iew provides an applia nce m o nitoring interf ace that does not require the Advanced V iew applica tion and Java Runtime Environment.
10 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e V iewi ng aler t s T o vie w alert c onditions repor ted by a n applian c e, pods, or sensors: 1. Click the Al erts button f rom the Ac tion/Inf or ma tion pane. 2. Select the applia nce, pod, or other devic e from the Pods drop-down list to ch e ck for acti ve ale r t condition s.
11 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Vie w in g m aps Use the Map V iew to vie w user - cr eated maps that show the locatio n of your NetBotz appliance s, pods, and sensors. The status of all devi c es shown on the Map view is indicate d by a r ed backgr ound for an alert status and a green ba c kgroun d for a status of OK .
12 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Basic V iew: Setup Basic V iew displays sensor da ta, c amer a images, and ale rt conditions repo rted by an appliance and by pods or sensors conne c t e d to the applia nc e. Most applianc e, pod, an d sensor confi guration is perfor m ed using the Advanced V iew inter face.
13 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Adv anced V iew: Gettin g S t arte d Advanced V iew is a stand-alone Ja va applic ation that you can use to monitor an d configur e your applianc e and any camera.
14 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Syst em Re quireme nt s T o run the Advanced V iew softwar e applica tion, your persona l c omputer must meet thes e system requirement s: • 1 GHz or greater , .
15 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Adding Appliances Before using Advanced V iew to manage an applianc e, you must fir st add the a pp liance IP address or hostname to the Applian ce list. T o a dd an applian c e to the Ap pli anc e list: 1. Click Add Applian ce .
16 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Accessi ng an Ap plianc e Us ing Ad vance d View Select an applia nce from t he Ap pli ance li st. • If the applia nc e Gues t account is config ured with a Se .
17 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Interf ac e Navig ation The Advanced V iew int e rf ace is divide d into the Navigation pane, the Se nsor D ata pane, and the Acti on/ Informat ion pane.
18 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Lock ing a Navigation pane s electio n Y ou can lock th e Navigation pane so that only a specif ic device is sele cted. Once the Navig a tion pa ne is locked, Adva nc ed V iew automati c all y starts wit h the pane in the locked state.
19 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Advanc ed View M enus Advanced V iew feature s the foll owing menu bar: • File: Use this menu to add appl iances to or remove applian ces from the Appliance selec tion drop-down lis t and to exit the Advanced V iew applic ation.
20 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Using V iew Post-only Mode If you use InfraS truXure Centra l to monitor and manage a NetBotz applianc e that is loca ted behi nd a firewall, Infr aStruXur e Central may not be able to communicate directly with the appliance.
21 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Editin g P refe rence s Wi th Advanced V iew you can con f i gure preferences t hat apply to t he appea r ance and f unctional ity of the Advanced V iew user interf ace. These settings a re saved on your cli ent system, not on your applia nce.
22 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Adv anced V iew: Monit oring Y our Environment Use Advanced V iew to view se nsor readi ngs, view camera i m age s, gra ph collecte d sensor data , and vi ew active and resolv ed ale rt condit ions. Y ou can also c reat e, view , and delete m a ps for us e in the Map view .
23 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e S tanda r d came ra contr ols Con tr ol Des cri pti on Mo de T o ch ange the si ze of th e image , fro m the Mode drop-down list, choose di mensio ns (resoluti on) for th e image. T he dimensi ons 640x 480, for exa m ple, mean 640 p ixels wid e by 480 pixel s high.
24 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Pe lco P T Z came ra con trols The following are addit ional camera controls for the suppo r t e d Pelco P TZ (pan, tilt , z oo m ) cameras. Contr ol Name Descript ion Pan L eft Click a nd hold to pan the came ra left and right .
25 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Record ing Camera I mages Use Advanced V iew to record camera images and save them to a user -specifie d directory . By default, recorded camera im ages a re save d to a subdirectory wit h the same name as the camera po d, loca te d within a director y named camera in your H ome direc tory .
26 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e If additi onal alert-spe c i f ic data such as graphs, maps, or captur e d images is avai lable, it appe a rs on the Alert Details view a s entries in addi tional tabs. Double-cli ck entries on tabs to view addi tional data.
27 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e V iewing Graph s T o vie w a graph of the da ta collec ted by a sensor connected to your applia nc e: 1. Click the Graph View button in the A ction/I nformation pane .
28 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Adva n ce d View : Po d/ S ens o r S ett in gs Use the icons in the Pod/Sen sors Settings area of the Config ur ati on vie w to configure the pods and sensors co nnected to your applia nce and configur e t he aler t a cti ons and policies tha t are used when aler ts are re ported b y sensors.
29 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e • Send HT TP Post : Sends an HTTP post to a specifie d HTTP s e rver with i nformation about the aler t. The aler t notif ication post can include images captur e d by a camera pod, a graph, and a map of the senso r-spec ific data associ ated with the alert.
30 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Alert Pr ofile Use the Alert Profi le icon to c u stomize your applian c e default a lert notific a tion polic y , or to create additio nal alert notific ation polic ies. Alert polic ies define the notif ication act ions taken by the applianc e in response to ale r t s.
31 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Crea ti ng an alert prof ile T o create a new alert pr of ile or modify an exist ing a lert pr ofile: 1. Double-cli ck the Alert Pro file ic on. 2. Click Add... . Select an alert a c tion from the Ad d Al ert Act ions window a nd clic k OK .
32 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Suppre ssing a lert notifications Y ou can temporar ily suppress all al e rt noti fications ass ociated with a selecte d aler t profile global ly .
33 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Camera Pods T o con fi gur e a cam era : Note: From t he Navigati on pane, you ca n right- click a P elco camera a nd select Conn ect to ... to l a unch the Pelc o W e b int erface f or the camera. Thi s will al low access to addit ional configur ation se ttings.
34 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e When you finish updating t he camera settings , clic k OK . Clic k Cancel t o close this wind ow without saving any change s. Asso c iating re lay s o r swit ches wit h integ rat ed ca m eras an d cam e ra p ods .
35 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e T o associat e a rela y or switch with a camera, and inc lude but tons in the Camera V iew for the as soc iat e d relays: 1. Double-cli ck the Camera Pods icon. 2. A list of integrate d c amer a s and cameras connected to the applia nce a ppear s.
36 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Captur e settin gs Select a camera fr om the Camera Pods window and click Capt ure to open the Ca me ra C ap ture Set ti ngs wind ow . From thi s window you can c onfigure the foll owing settin gs: Note: Fi e lds displ ayed may vary dependi ng on the features of the camer a select ed.
37 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e I m age Qualit y The amount of com pression ap plied to capt ure d images. As compre ssion incre ases, file size s de crease bu t the qual ity of th e image decr eases as well. F or Pe lco cam eras, t his field doe s not appl y .
38 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e T ype the values in the appropr iate fields . T o see an example of an image capture using the update d settin gs, click A pply . The s a mple image in the Capt ur e window i s updated usi ng the new values. Whe n you are finishe d, click OK .
39 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Mask s ettin gs Sel ect a c am era from th e Camera Pods window and click Ma sk i ng . Masking is avail able only on the NetBotz Rack Monit or 550 or on appliances for whic h the Advanced Softwa r e Pack has bee n purchase d.
40 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Moti on mask t ab. The following c ontrols a re ava ilable: T o unmask a m aske d r egi on, click and drag in the image to draw a box ar ound the region you wa nt to unmask. C lick Unmask Selectio n t o remove the mask from the se lected r e gion.
41 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e V isual mode se ttin gs Use V isual Modes t o selec t the camer a imager m ode and to select th e window o f interest us ed when Pan an d Scan mode is acti ve . This window is not a va i lable for Pelco P TZ cameras.
42 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Sensor c onfigur ation Sel ect a cam er a from t he Ca mera Pods window a nd click Sen sor s . The Sensor Confi guration win dow displays a Sens ors list and a Thre shold s list. Select a sensor from the Sensor s list to display thr e sholds defined for th e sensor i n the Thresho lds list .
43 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Scanned Devic e s Note: The S canned Devices i con is only ava ilable wi th the pur chase of the 5- node Scan ner/ IPMI Pac k. For m ore informat ion, contac t your Ne tBotz author ized re seller or the Ne tBotz support tea m.
44 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Scanners gathe r the following info rma t ion a bout the network inte rfaces of all config ured SNMP targets in individua l sensor sets: • Ad min S tatus : Stat e se nsor that reports the admin s tatus of the interface.
45 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Adding , editi ng, an d re moving SN MP t ar get s 1. Double-cli ck the Sca nne d Dev ices icon. The SNM P T a r get window appear s. 2. T o remove SNM P ta rgets fro m t he SNMP T arg e t s list, select SNMP tar get entrie s and click Remove .
46 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Specifying g lobal S NMP s ettings Click Global SNMP Settings to c onfigure SNMP setti ngs f or scann e d devices for all SNMP target communicati ons.
47 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Sensor s ettings Select an SNMP targe t from the SNMP T argets view and click Se ns ors t o open the Sens or Configurat ion window . Monitor ed values a va ila ble fr om the SNMP tar get are li sted in the Sens ors list .
48 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e IPMI De vice s Note: The IPMI Devices icon is only avail able with the purchase of the 5-node Scanne r/ IPMI Pac k. For m ore informat ion, contac t your Ne tBotz author ized re seller or the Ne tBotz support tea m.
49 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Sensor s ettings Select a n IPMI-e nabled devic e from the IP M I Devic es view and cli c k Sen sor s to op en the Se nso r Configurat ion window . Once you select a sensor from the Sen sor s list, thr e sholds defined for t he selected se nsor appea r in the T hresh olds selection list.
50 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Output Contr ol Note: The Output Control ico n appears only when a supported Sea level I/O device or APC Swit ched Rack P DU has be en c o nne cted to the applian ce and c onfigured usi ng the Serial Device s icon.
51 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Output c ontrol external por t settings Sel ect a de vic e f rom the Output Contr ol Configuration wind ow and cl ick Ex te rnal P orts . T o m odify devices conne c t e d to your output control de vices: 1. Select the outpu t cont r ol action to a ssign to the corresponding port f r om Rela y Output T ype .
52 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e The followi ng output c ontrol a ctions a re a vailable when the output c ontrol de vice is wired between the NC (Normally Close d) and COM terminals on the appl iance: 2. In the Por t Label field, ty pe a label to id entify the device connec ted to the output c ontrol device port.
53 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Defi ning c u s t om output actio n types. Y ou can a dd c ustom output action t ypes by clicking Add Custom... Once cr e ated, cust om output action type s are a vailable f rom t he Rel ay Out put T ype li st . Note: Cus tom output a ctions can on ly be added or re m oved.
54 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e • S witch Relay acti ons cause the r elay devic e to swi tch fr om its cur r ent state ( On or Of f ) to its alter nate st ate. Once switched , the re lay remains in the new state u ntil another switch a ction change s its state aga in.
55 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Output c ontrol sensor settings After you select a n output co ntrol device from the Output Contr ol Configurat ion wind ow and cl ick Sen sors , the Sensor Configu ration windo w opens. Select a rela y from the Senso rs li st to display thresholds defined for the se lected se nsor in the Th resho lds li st.
56 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Periodic Re port s Configure your appli a nce to gener a t e sensor rea ding r eports and deliver them on a user -specified schedule . The se repo r t s contain readi ngs f or all sen sors conne cted to your appliance.
57 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e 3. T ype the appropri a t e values in the fields. 4. By default, al l Periodic Repor ts a re gener a ted accor ding to the I n terval you sp ecify . Y ou ca n specify that a Period ic Report b e active only duri ng specif ic time range s.
58 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Configu ring p eriod ic FTP reports T o config ure your appliance to peri odically g enerate a nd deliver s e nsor reports to a spec ified FTP server: 1. Select Period ic FTP Report from the Pe riodic Reports Con fig uration wind ow and c lic k Edit .
59 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e This window feature s Primary a nd Back up tabs, each of which has the same fi e l ds available . The settin gs on th e Primary tab are us e d by def ault for a ny peri odic FTP report s. The sett ings on the Bac kup tab a re u sed if communicati on with the Primar y server fails.
60 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Co nfiguring p eriod ic HT TP rep ort s T o configur e your appl iance to period ically gener a t e and post sensor reports to a speci fied HTTP server: 1. Select Period ic HTTP Report from the Per iodic Report s Configur ation window and click Edi t .
61 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Sensor Pods Use the information in this s e cti on to conf igure i ntegrated sensor p ods, NetBo tz sensor pods, NMEA-compliant GPS receive r, Rack Access PX-HI D, a nd any other non-camera devi c e associ ated with the applia nce.
62 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Senso rs Select a device from the Senso r Po ds window and click Sen s ors . Select a se nsor from the Se nso rs list to display thre sholds defined fo r that sensor in the Thres hol ds li s t. T o modify a sensor: 1.
63 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e External por ts Select a sensor pod fr om the S ens or Po ds windo w and click Ext ern al Po rts . If the device does not include ext ernal ports, the External Ports butto n will be unava ilable. Note: F or share d devices, a dial og box appe ars askin g if you would like to connect to the remote de vice.
64 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e • Define the cust om analog se nsor a. Se le ct Analog (0- 3.3V) or Analo g (0-5.0 V) , clic k OK to ope n the Add Analog Sensor window . This wi ndow features the fo llowing f ields a nd contro ls: b. Ent er the appropriate values f or the analog sensor hardwar e.
65 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e • Define the cust om dry contac t sensor a. Se le ct Dry Conta c t and click OK to disp la y the Add Dry Contact S e nsor window . This wi ndow features the fo llowing f ields a nd contro ls: b. T ype in the appropria te val ues for the dry cont act sensor hardware.
66 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e • Define the cust om 4-20mA sensor a. Se le ct 4-20mA sen sor and clic k OK to o pen the Add Custo m 4 - 20mA Se nsor window . This wi ndow features the fo llowing f ields a nd contro ls: b. T ype in the appropria te val ues for the analog sensor hard wa re .
67 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Adv anced V iew: Co nfiguring A ppliances The icons in the Applianc e Sett ings area of the Configuration view enable you to config ur e your applianc e. Creating and Ed iting Map s T o cre ate a ne w map for use in the Map V iew or to edit a map: 1.
68 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Backup Use the Backup i con to save yo ur a ppliance c onfiguration to a password-pr otected, encrypted file. This backup f ile inc ludes al l of the configu ration se ttings for your applianc e , i ncluding user ac c o unt settings , pod con figurations, aler t action s, and pr ofiles.
69 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Custom Audio Clip s Use the Custom Audio Clips icon to uploa d cust om audio clips (i n W A V or OGG format) to your applianc e or t o delete c lips from the applianc e . For more i nformation about the Play Custom Audio alert a ction, se e “Creati ng a play custo m audio alert acti on” on page 101.
70 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e DNS Use the Domain Name Server ( DNS) ic on to vi e w or change th e domain name serve r sett ings and to enable and c onfigure Dyna m ic DNS func tionality . Doubl e -clic k the DNS icon to ope n the DNS Setti ngs window .
71 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e E-m ai l Se rve r Double-cl ick the E-mail Server icon to open the E-Mail Serve r Configurat ion window . Configure the followin g fields and c lick OK .C l i c k T est E-m ai l S erv er t o test your e-mail se rver settings.
72 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Usi ng an ex tende d stor age syst em Note: Y ou cannot selec t the US B Drive option i f no USB po rt is connected to your applianc e. T o configur e your appl iance to use an Exten de d St orage System: 1. Click the External Storage i con to open the E xternal S torage win dow .
73 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Usi ng a Win d ows sh are Use the B ackup icon to ba ck up your appl ia nce c onfiguration before usi ng Externa l Stor age to conf igure the appl iance t o use a W indows S ha re. T o configur e your appl iance to use a W indows Share: 1.
74 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Usin g an N FS m oun t T o configur e your appl iance to use networ k-attached stor age for extended stor age purposes: 1. Use the Backup icon to back up your applia nc e config uration before using Exte r nal St or age to configure the appli a nce t o use a network file sys tem (NFS) mount.
75 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Rem o vi ng ex ter na l st orag e T o remove extern a l sto r age from your appl iance: 1. Double-cli ck the External S torage icon. Then cli ck St o p U s i n g . A conf irmation m e ssa ge notifies you tha t this action will caus e the appl iance to reboot .
76 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Locat ion Use the Location ico n to configur e addi tional sensor -specific location infor m ation to includ e in alert notifi cations genera ted by the applia nce. Locati on values can be as signed to the appli ance and to al l pods and exte rnal senso rs conne cted to the a pplia nce.
77 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e The following con trols and fields are displ ayed in the Ed it N e twork I nterfa c e window: Field Des crip tio n Ena ble I nte rface Se lect to e nable this net work interf ace.
78 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e PPP/ Mo de m Note: The PPP/Modem icon appears only when a support e d modem has been connect e d to the appl iance and configur ed using the Serial Devices ic on. For more informat ion on configur ing serial dev ices, see “Serial Devic e s” on page 87.
79 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e The foll owing controls appear i n the Advanced tab: Use the St a tu s t a b to view t he stat us of your PPP c onnecti on, or to re quest an immediate di al-out t o establish a PPP connection if none exists . C lic k Request Immediate D ial-Out to est a blish a c on ne cti on.
80 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Man aging your applianc e us ing a di a l-In PPP connection When dial-in supp ort is enabled, the appl iance places the externa l modem in a uto- a nswer mode. This allows you to initiate a dial-in c onnection to t he applia nc e through the externa l modem.
81 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Data t o FTP Server not ificati on method. I f too m any not ifications are de layed, some wil l not be sent. • S ensor Data Fails to Load: If the applia nce is transmitting a lar ge amount of data, atte m pts to load sensor data may f ail .
82 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Pod Sha ring Pod Sharing lets you selec t a single applia nce to m oni tor remot e devic e s distr ibuted througho ut your network. W ith pod sha r ing, the a pplia nce connects with and recei ve s data—inclu ding sensor data and camera im a g e s—directl y from remote devi ces.
83 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Any remote devices that are shared ap pear in the Navigation pane . P od sharing al lows you to m oni tor your s ystem withou t havi ng to cha nge the selected appliance in Advanc e d V iew or having t o switch t o another applic ation.
84 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e . T o des ignate sh ared s e nsor pods: 1. From the Appliance Sett ings area of the Configura tion view , double-c lick the Rack Access PX-HID Pod S haring i con. The Rack Acce ss PX-HID & Pod Shari ng Configur ation windo w opens.
85 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e 6. F o r each po d that you want t o centr ally mana ge , s elect the pod f rom the A vailabl e Pod s list (ignore any insta nces of Ba se En closu re in the list) and then click Share Remote Pod . T o des ignate sh ared IP c amera pods: 1.
86 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Pr oxy Use the Proxy icon to allow the applia nce to use an HTTP , S ocks V4, or V5 Proxy Server . When configur ed, the applia nce uses the proxy se r ver fo r all e -mail and HTTP Post communic a tions, allowing these communica tions to cross the fire wa l l.
87 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Restore Use the Restore i c on to restor e your a pplia nce conf iguration using a configura tion fil e crea ted using the Backup i con. For more informati on, see “Backup” on page 68. T o restore your appli a nce configu ration: 1.
88 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e SM S Use the SMS (Short Messaging Servic e) icon to view or change the SMS settings use d by your applianc e. For more informati on, see “Creating a send shor t m essage e-mai l a lert acti on” on page 1 10.
89 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e The following con trols and data appear in the A dvan c ed ta b : Field Des crip tio n Send deb ug messages to s yslog When che cked, debug mess ages are forwarde d to the sysl og host spe cified in the Configure Log Set tings window .
90 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e SNMP Use the SNMP icon to view or cha nge the applia nce S NMP setti ngs. Caution: For Advan c ed Us ers Only! This is an adva nc ed featur e of NetBotz app liances. It is f or use o nly by t echnically experi e nced u sers, such as network a dm inistr ators or networ k systems management c oordinators.
91 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Upgrade Use the Upgrade icon to check or upgrade Advanced V iew and BotzW are version insta lled on your applianc e. Double -click the Upgrade ico n to open the Applian c e Upgrade window . The Cu rrent Ve r s i o n of BotzW are is dis played.
92 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Users Use the Users icon to confi gure user accounts for perso nnel that are permitt ed ac ce ss to your appli a nce. Each use r account has a specific User name and Pas sword, as well a s an acc ount-specif ic Privil ege Set.
93 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e By default, your applia nce c omes pre-config ured with two User account s: • Gues t: A vailable to users that do not provide a User name and Password at login. By default, a Guest has an acce ss Privil ege Set of None .
94 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Los t pass w or d re co ve r y T o recover fro m a lost password: 1. Locate the reset switch on the applia nce. 2. Using a thin wir e such as a paperclip, press a nd hold down the reset swi tch for ten se conds. Thi s will cause the syste m to r eboot .
95 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Adv anced V iew: Definin g Thresh olds The appli ance us es analog s e nsor s and sta te sens or s . Ana log s ensors r eport s ensor re adings a s a value within a range of potenti al values defi ne d by a minimum and maximum value, such as temper a tur e or humidity readings.
96 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e If you i nstalled a n SMS-capable modem you c an deli ver alert notificati on to S M S-enable d devices by entering thre shold-specif ic addresses f or them in th.
97 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Defining S t ate Thr e sholds T o define a threshol d: 1. Double-cli ck the Cam er a Pods, Senso r Pods, or Scann e d Devices icon. 2. Click Sen sor s.. . to open the Sensor Configura t ion window . 3. T o define a threshold, select a sensor from the Sen sor s list.
98 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Advanced Thr eshold Settings All Advanced thre shold settings are optiona l. From the Advanced tab in the Add Threshold window: 1. In Return T o Normal D ela y , specify the number of seconds tha t must pass after this thr e s hold returns to normal be f ore the threshol d st a te is conside red normal.
99 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Adva nced V iew: Creating Aler t Actions The informati on tha t must be provided for an Alert Action de pends on which ale r t notif ication method you have select e d.
100 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Crea ti ng a call w e b serv ices aler t recei ver al ert act ion The Cal l W e b S ervices Alert R e ceive r alert a c tion is a n advanced functionali ty aler t acti on that is specifi cally designed for use with the BotzW a re W eb Services Interf a ce s.
101 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Crea ting a p lay cust om audi o ale rt act ion T o create an Alert Act ion to use Play Custom Audio alert noti ficatio n: 1. Double-cli ck the Alert Action s icon. 2. Click Add... to open the Add Alert Actio n window .
102 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Crea ting a se nd custo m HTTP GE T a lert act ion T o create an Alert Act ion to use Send Custom HTTP GET alert notif ication: 1. Double-cli ck the Alert Action s icon. 2. Click Add... to open the Add Alert Actio n window .
103 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Ex amp le target UR L s. When c r eating a Sen d Custom HTTP GET ale r t a ction, a data handling applica tion such as CGI script, ASP scri pt, or servle t, for example, must be invoked on the W eb host invoked in th e T arget URL, and data must be pa ssed to the application in the proper format.
104 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Crea ti ng a send cu stom te xt fi le to F T P serv er aler t actio n T o cre ate an Ale rt Act ion to use Send Custom T ext F ile to F TP S erver ale rt notif ication method: 1. Double-cli ck the Alert Action s icon.
105 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Crea ti ng a send- dat a-to- FTP- server alert acti on T o create an Alert Act ion to use the Send Data to FTP Server al ert notificatio n: 1. Double-cli ck the Alert Action s icon. 2. Click Add... to open the Add Alert Actio n window .
106 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e fil es with t his name, follo w ed b y the . n .jpg file ext ension, where n is the pi cture numbe r ( for example: 1, 2, 3). The T a rget D irectory and B as e Filename field s a cce pt Bo tzW are macr os. F or more infor mation on macros supporte d by BotzW are see “BotzW are Macros” on page 1 15.
107 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Crea ting a se nd e-mai l ale rt acti on T o create an Alert Act ion to use Send E-Mail ale rt notificat ion: 1. Double-cli ck the Alert Action s icon. 2. Click Add... to open the Add Alert Actio n window . 3. Select Se nd E- mail and clic k OK .
108 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e the Advanced tab and check Min im ize H ead er Us age . 15. T o specif y the format in whic h captured images are sent, selec t the Advanced tab and selec t the fo rma t fr om P ictu re Expo rt F orm at .
109 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Crea ting a se nd HTT P post ale rt acti on T o create an Alert Act ion to use Send HTTP Post alert notif ication: 1. Double-cli ck the Alert Action s icon. 2. Click Add... to open the Add Alert Actio n window . 3.
110 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Crea ting a se nd shor t messa ge e-ma il al ert ac tio n T o create an Alert Act ion to use Send Shor t M essage E-Mail al e rt noti fication: 1. Double-cli ck the Alert Action s icon. 2. Click Add... to open the Add Alert Actio n window .
111 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e 8. In the Advanced ta b : a. If you do not want e-mail notific ations se nt when se nsor r eadings retur n to a n ormal st a t e , chec k Do N ot Send Return- T o-Normal Mess ages .
112 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Crea ti ng a send SNMP v 3 info rm alert act ion T o create an Alert Act ion to use Send SNMP v3 Inform alert notif ication: 1. Double-cli ck the Alert Action s icon. 2. Click Add... to open the Add Alert Actio n window .
113 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e 6. Check th e al ert S everi ties that apply to buttons to be activa ted. 7. Select a switch r elay device gener ated by this a lert a ctio n from B eacon Output Devic e . A ll switch relay devi c es de f ined for use with thi s applia nc e appear in this sel e ctio n list.
114 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Crea ting a se t switc h out put st ate al ert act ion T o create an Alert Act ion to use the Set Switc h Output S tate alert notif ication : 1. Double-cli ck the Alert Actions icon to open the Alert Action window .
115 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Botz W are Macr os This appendix defin es the macros support e d by BotzW are. Note: Macros are case-se nsitive and must be ente r ed exactly a s shown.
116 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e ${ ROOM} The ro om (specif ie d i n the Locati on sett ings) for the a ppliance. C-100 ${ROOMROW} The row within the room (specifie d in the Loc at ion se ttings) for the appliance. AA $ {ROOMCOL} The co lumn wit hin the room (spe cifie d in the Loc a tion settin gs) fo r the a ppliance .
117 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Alert Mac ros Alert macros a ccess att r i butes partic ular to the a lert being pr ocessed at t he time the m ac r os are r esol ved.
118 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e ${A LERT_LEV EL } The n am e of the sp ec ific al ert sequ e nc e tha t ca us ed th e aler t t o be gene rated. Corr esponds wi th the Label va lue of the al ert se quence.
119 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e HTTP Post/FTP Dat a Deliver y Par ameters Common Parameter Definition s HTTP posts and FTP data files gener a t e d by NetBotz devic e s include a common set of paramete rs. These paramet e rs ide ntify the specific de vice gen e rating the alert or sensor noti fication.
120 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Common Alert Pa rame ter Defini tions HTTP posts and FTP data files ge nerated by NetBotz dev ic es f or aler t notifications conta in an addition a l set of parameter s. Alert notific ations that do not contain pictur e data will inc lude the Common Parameters a nd thes e parameter s.
121 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e ALER TTYPE The genera l type of condit ion being re ported through th e alert . Current ly defined type s include : • E RR OR - g eneral error • HIGHER R - v.
122 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e ALER TSENSOR V ALUEUNIT S The units use d for the se nsor val ue . C urrentl y defined units inc lude: • NONE - None • D EGREES C - De grees C •D E G R E E.
123 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e ALER TSENSORL OC_ROOMROW Row within room whe re the ala rm ing sens or is locat ed, if di ffer ent th an the NetB otz device . ALER TSENSORL OC_ROOMCOLUMN Column wit hin room whe re al arming sens or is l ocated, if di fferen t th an th e Net Bot z dev i ce.
124 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Pictu re Al ert Pa rameter Definitions HTTP posts and FTP da ta file s generated by Ne tBotz devices f or alert not ifications tha t include pi c tures include addi tional paramet e rs fo r encoding the pict ur es.
125 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e NO TIF YE M AI LS A co mma - sep ar at ed li st o f e-m ai l add ress es typ ic al ly no tif ied by the Net Botz dev ice. V alue co rresp ond s t o the Pri m ary E-m a i ls field, and m ust be less than 256 ch arac ters to tal.
126 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e SENS OR V ALUEUNITS_n The units used for the sensor val ue. Current ly de f ined un its includ e: • NONE - None • DEG RE ES C - Degre es C • DEGREESF - Deg.
127 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Periodic Sensor Notification c an optionally include the current pict ur e image associate d with the camera(s ) on the device .
128 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Example Dat a From HTTP Post s Aler t po st (n o p ict u re s) The followin g text is repre sentative of a typical alert po st (in this c ase, for a high te m peratu re alert) . The Alert Post URL setti ng was http: //192.
129 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e This post has the f ollowing correspondi ng att r ibute values: BOTZSERIAL=00:02:D3:12:34:56 BOTZIP= BOTZHOSTNAME=mikebot.
130 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e ------------------------------000000193AAD31E8 Content-Disposition: form-data; name= “ BOTZHOSTNAME ” mikesbot.
131 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e ------------------------------000000193AAD31E8 Content-Disposition: form-data; name= “ NUMBEROFPICS ” 2 ------------------------------000000193AAD31E8 Content-Disposition: form-data; name= “ ALERTPPIC_0 ” ; filename= “ campic1.
132 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e This post has the corr e sp onding attribut e values: BOTZSERIAL=00:02:D3:00:01:01 BOTZIP= BOTZHOSTNAME=mikesbot.
133 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Periodic sensor data post The following is an example of a periodic se nsor data post. The confi gured UR L was http:/ / 192.168. 1.218:81/senso rdata?use r p a rm=mydata , with no provided use r-ID or p ass word .
134 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e The cor responding parameters f or this post are: userparm=mydata BOTZSERIAL=00:02:D3:00:01:01 BOTZIP=192.168.1.
135 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e SENSORTYPE_4=DOOR SENSORVALUE_4=OPEN SENSORVALUEUNITS_4=NONE SENSORLABEL_4=Door NUMSENSORS=5 Example Dat a From FTP Dat a Delivery File s Alert no tification (i .
136 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e ALERTPPIC_1=campic2.jpg ALERTPICTIME_1=1001374737 ALERTPPIC_2=campic3.jpg ALERTPICTIME_2=1001374740 ALERTPPIC_3=campic4.jpg ALERTPICTIME_3=1001374743 ALERTPPIC_4=campic5.jpg ALERTPICTIME_4=1001374746 ALERTPPIC_5=campic6.
137 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Per io dic s ens or d ata no tifi ca tion The following te xt is representat ive of the content s of a typical FT P sensor data notif ication file . The name of the file is determ ined by the Base Filename val ue specif ie d in the Edit FTP Periodic Repor t window , wi th a f i letype o f .
139 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Overload ed Appliance s: Symp toms and Solutio ns Symptoms Some symptoms of an overloade d or busy applia nce include: • HTTP time-out erro rs that occur while submitti ng configurati on updates in Advanced V iew .
140 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Solutions If your applia nce has become overloa ded, the followin g configu ration adju stm ent s will he lp a l leviate the load o n the a ppliance: • If you are using the Scanned Dev ices functionali ty , incre a se the scan inte rval.
141 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e the applia nce is configure d to gener a te alert sta tes and send alert not ifications as effic iently as possible .
142 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e Camera Usag e Considera tions Use th e table be low t o hel p you choose camera settings. Note that a ctual im age f ile si z e is depend e nt on the amount of detail in a given image .
143 Net Botz Appliance User’s Guid e V erify ing Sign ed M-JPEG A VI Fi les NetBotz has incl uded a simpl e command line util ity that lets you verify tha t digitally signe d M -JP EG files hav e not been tampered wit h sinc e they were ge ne rate d by your NetBotz applia nce.
Radio Freque ncy Interference Changes or modifica tions to this unit not expre ssly approve d by the party r esponsible for com p lian ce could v oid t he user ’ s a u thor ity to o pera t e thi s eq uipm ent .
11 / 2 0 0 8 990- 3288 A *990-3 288A * APC W orldwide Customer Suppor t Customer suppor t for this or any other APC product is availa ble at no char ge in any of the following ways: • V isit t he APC W eb site to ac c ess documents in the APC Knowledg e B ase a nd to submit cus tomer suppor t requests.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat APC NetBotz Room Monitor 355 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen APC NetBotz Room Monitor 355 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens APC NetBotz Room Monitor 355 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding APC NetBotz Room Monitor 355 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over APC NetBotz Room Monitor 355 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van APC NetBotz Room Monitor 355 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de APC NetBotz Room Monitor 355 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met APC NetBotz Room Monitor 355 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.