Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product FCS-0071 van de fabrikant LevelOne
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FCS - 0 07 1 U ser ’ s Manual F CS - 0071 2- Megapixel Fish - Eye PoE Network Camera User’s Manual Version: 1. 0 Date: 05 / 30/20 12.
FCS -0 071 U ser ’ s Ma nual 1 1 C onte nts General Public License ................................................................................................................................... 2 Notic es .......................................
FCS - 0 07 1 U ser ’ s Manual 2 2 Genera l Pu blic Licen se This pr oduct i ncorpor ates open s ource c ode into the s oftw are and ther efore fal ls under t he guidel ines gov erned by t he General Public Li cense (G PL) agreeme nt.
FCS - 0 07 1 U ser ’ s Manual 3 3 Notices This user ma nual is i ntended fo r adm ini strato rs and users o f the FCS - 0071 Network Camera, including instruc tions fo r usi ng an d managing the came ra on your ne twork . The us e of survei llance devic es m ay be prohi bited by law in y our coun try.
FCS - 0 07 1 U ser ’ s Manual 4 4 Introducti on FCS - 0 07 1 i s a 2 Meg a Pix el F ish - Eye Pano r a ma Netw ork Camera with H.264 - AV C p erform ance an d o ther rich f unctions.
FCS - 0 07 1 U ser ’ s Manual 5 5 Installa tion FCS - 0 07 1 – Ph ysical O verview.
FCS - 0 07 1 U ser ’ s Manual 6 6 T erm inal block f or I/O connecto rs Pin Function Description 1 DO_NO Digital output implement ation; Pin7 to COM (Pin6) i s a Photo - couple d re la y on Normal Ope n st atus. External device c an direc t ly c onnect to the terminals.
FCS - 0 07 1 U ser ’ s Manual 7 7 1. Hardw are Con nection 1. Prep are a PC with Ether net link to the ne two rk 2. Connec t LAN port ( RJ45) of the c amera to a ne twor k sw itch/hu b 3.
FCS - 0 07 1 U ser ’ s Manual 8 8 2. Software Ins t allation The f ollowing softw ar e is nece ssary f or the pro per displa y and use o f the FCS - 007 1 fr om the W eb site.
FCS - 0 07 1 U ser ’ s Manual 9 9 3. Netw ork Config ura tion IP Ins taller is a u tility tha t provid es an e asier , more e fficient w ay to configure the IP ad dr ess and netw ork se ttings o f the d evices .
FCS - 0 07 1 U ser ’ s Manual 10 10 4. Doub le click th e selec t it em to open the Property Pag e or right click the item to select the [Single Device Se t ti ng ] . 5. Modify the netw ork se tting s of the cam er a . 6. A fter fi l ling i n the pr opertie s, clic k [S et ] button to complete t he confi g uration settin gs .
FCS - 0 07 1 U ser ’ s Manual 11 11 7. Click th e [ Ba tch Devi ce S etting ] to se t sev eral devic es ..
FCS - 0 07 1 U ser ’ s Manual 12 12 8. Language s upport for Ch inese, Engl i sh and S panish ..
FCS - 0 07 1 U ser ’ s Manual 13 13 Ope n the W eb - base d UI of the s electe d camera 1. T o access th e W eb - ba sed UI of th e selec ted unit, r un the O p en W eb on the select item . 2. For fir st time user , there will b e a p r ompt to ins tall the A ctiveX con t r ol.
FCS - 0 07 1 U ser ’ s Manual 14 14 V erify and Comp let e the Ins tallati on fr om Y our Brow ser When br ows ing the H ome P age at the fir st ti me with the M icr osoft I nterne t Expl orer TM , .
FCS - 0 07 1 U ser ’ s Manual 15 15 Using the Web UI Star t your W eb br owser and ent er the U RL or IP a ddres s in the Addr ess fi eld. The Home pag e of t he camer a is now displa yed.
FCS - 0 07 1 U ser ’ s Manual 16 16 1. Liv e V iew Button Descr iption Click f or more ge neral/ adv an c e c amera se ttings Select languag es among English, tr aditional Chine se and simplify Chinese Selec t displ a y mode t o view t he dif fe ren t type o f the video la yout.
FCS - 0 07 1 U ser ’ s Manual 17 17 Button Descrip tion Full s creen Lis ten the a udio inpu t fro m local end T alk function R e c ord insta nt live video Snapshot the imag e.
FCS - 0 07 1 U ser ’ s Manual 18 18 Config ura tion P ages Li st V ideo Gener al Ad van ce Camer a General Advan ce Eve nt Event Ser ver Motio n Detec tion I/O por t s .
FCS - 0 07 1 U ser ’ s Manual 19 19 2. V ideo General OSD Setting: Enable OS D to displa y camer a name and dat e/time on the imag e . A lin e o f te xt message (e.g. Camer a N ame or Position) a nd the dat e/time string ar e av ai la ble to be selecte d for dis playing o r hiding on the imag es.
FCS - 0 07 1 U ser ’ s Manual 20 20 Double with source view PTZ c ontrol panel : 1 . St ep : Se tting the spee d of P an functio n . (1~10) 2 . Pa n Arr ow: Click t o c ont ro l P an functi on. 3 . Move th e c o ntrol panel. 4 . Clo se the control panel.
FCS - 0 07 1 U ser ’ s Manual 21 21 Tr i p l e & Qua d with sour ce & Double view PTZ cont rol pane l: 1 . Ch : Select the c hannel. (1~4) & (2~4) 2. S tep : Setting the speed of Pan/Tilt function . (1~10) 3. Pan T i lt Arrow : Click to c ontr ol P an/T ilt func tio n.
FCS - 0 07 1 U ser ’ s Manual 22 22 A dv anced Stre am 1 Se tting: RTSP P ath: It i s the s trea m ID use d f or RTSP clien t str e aming connec tion, suc h as VL C pla yer . (de fa ult v0 0) Re solution: 16 00 x 12 0 0 , 800x 600, 640x48 0.
FCS - 0 07 1 U ser ’ s Manual 23 23 3. Camer a General.
FCS - 0 07 1 U ser ’ s Manual 24 24 Camera General Set ting : Brightne ss: the luminance of imag e view . Hue: re fer to pur e c olor , it c an modify the dif fe ren t displa y of specific c olor su ch as red, gre en or blue . Satur a tion: i nte nsity of a specifi c c olor .
FCS - 0 07 1 U ser ’ s Manual 25 25 Adv a nce d White ba lance: A djustm ent to com pensate for diffe rent e nvironments i n terms of ligh t sour ce . Exposure: Anti - fli cker setting for image senso r to fit the frequenc y of lig ht (power) source.
FCS - 0 07 1 U ser ’ s Manual 26 26 Max Ex posure Ti me: R eferri ng t o the shu tter speed. Max Gain Control: T he amplification factor f or the incoming light. I nfrared (IR ) Cut Filte r : T he de fault i s aut omatica lly sw itched ac cording to ligh t intensity .
FCS - 0 07 1 U ser ’ s Manual 27 27 2. Br oad v iew: 3. Qua d w ith sourc e view: 4. T rip le vi ew: Cei li ng Mount: Choose Ceiling mount, G o b ac k to liv e view , ther e are 2 kinds o f video lay out to choose fro m; O riginal view , Q ua d view .
FCS - 0 07 1 U ser ’ s Manual 28 28 2 . Qua d vie w: W al l 720P Mount : Choose W all 7 20P m ount ty pe, Go ba ck t o Live vi ew , there a r e 3 kinds of n vi deo lay out to choose incl uding Br oad v iew 、 Double view 、 Do uble wit h sourc e vi ew 1.
FCS - 0 07 1 U ser ’ s Manual 29 29 2 . Doubl e view : 3 . Doubl e w ith source view :.
FCS - 0 07 1 U ser ’ s Manual 30 30 4 . Ev e nt E vent Server Click o n the [Ad d F TP] to e xpa nd FTP ser v er s etti ng . FTP Ser ver: Name: Give a n ame for t he FTP server Netw ork A dd.
FCS - 0 07 1 U ser ’ s Manual 31 31 Motion Detection T o a dd a moti on detection ar ea: 1. Click on [ Add] t o set up a detectio n are a . (Set up pa n el w i ll be e x pa nd ed ) 1.
FCS - 0 07 1 U ser ’ s Manual 32 32 2. Give a n ame to this window area . 3. Select the trigger l evel and sensitivity for this de tection window . (0~100, low~hig h ) 4. Select c olor for det ecti on wind ow . 5. Dr aw de tectio n windo w on the image .
FCS - 0 07 1 U ser ’ s Manual 33 33 6. O nce ev erythi ng is do ne, cli ck on [Sa ve] to s av e the c onfig ur a tion ma de. Confi gure d de tectio n window will be displ a ye d in motio n dete cti on lis t . (C ircl e d in bl ue) Note: 1. Maximum number o f dete ction windo w is 10.
FCS - 0 07 1 U ser ’ s Manual 34 34 E vent Configura ti on The Event C onfiguratio n is to assign th e actions res ponding to th e specified e v ents (Trigger Condi tions). The table lists th e configure d events. Click on “ Add…” or c hoose an event f rom the list to expend the panel for detail conf igurations.
FCS - 0 07 1 U ser ’ s Manual 35 35 “Send Emai l No t i f ic ation” and “ Se nd HTTP No tific ation t o ” and “ Sen d Mes sag e Notific ation ( TCP) ” .
FCS - 0 07 1 U ser ’ s Manual 36 36 5. Sche dule General Defi ne the da y (spec ifie d by day s of a week ) an d ti me (s pecifi ed by each si n gle hour) f or that w ill be rec ordi ng duri ng the s che dule d period. N ot e tha t only video da ta will be r ecor ded.
FCS - 0 07 1 U ser ’ s Manual 37 37 St orage Displa y the s tor age inf orma tion, inc lud es di sk s iz e inf o, type and sta tus. T he warni ng mes sag e show s when rec ordi ng is on pro cess; Mi cro S D car d should no t be r emov ed duri n g the recor d i ng process.
FCS - 0 07 1 U ser ’ s Manual 38 38 6 . Ne twork General Devic e IP con figur ation, includ es DH CP and S tatic IP s et ting. “E nable A RP /Ping ” e nable d evice to ac cep t ARP or ping pac ke ts from the ne twork . Disable t his optio n may prov ide e xtr a securi ty fr om in ten tional ping.
FCS - 0 07 1 U ser ’ s Manual 39 39 Adv a nce d Enable or con figure o ther ne twork functions. NTP: C onfigure a NTP (Net w o rk T i me Protocol) ser v e r , so that th e device sy stem date and ti me can be sy n c hroniz ed with a spec if ie d T ime Server or D HC P serv er .
FCS - 0 07 1 U ser ’ s Manual 40 40 SMTP (E -Mai l) Configur e an email host i n t he device t hat will send email on behalf o f the configur ed email accoun t in a circumstance li k e sending an email notice to a sp ecified mail a ddr ess (E vent Con figura tion).
FCS - 0 07 1 U ser ’ s Manual 41 41 DDNS Dynamic DNS con figur ati on; th e netw ork devi ce c an be as sig ned with a host name b y r egisterin g this ser vice (Internet access r e quire d ).
FCS - 0 07 1 U ser ’ s Manual 42 42 7 . Syste m Inf ormatio n L ists of Sy s tem an d Ne twork c onfigur atio ns.
FCS - 0 07 1 U ser ’ s Manual 43 43 Us e r Login us ers f or W eb acc ess and oper ations; authen tic atio n req uir ed. The Check bo x is for a non ymous logging on to the liv e view p age. Logging f or further con f ig urations will s ti ll r equire user name and passwo rd.
FCS - 0 07 1 U ser ’ s Manual 44 44 Date & T i me Sy stem da te /time con figur atio n. Op tions of sync hr onizing w ith PC and NTP serv er ar e pr ovide d f o r automa tic a djus tmen t.
FCS - 0 07 1 U ser ’ s Manual 45 45 Ser ver Maintenance This pag e pr ovides tool f or sy stem main tenance; R eboot and Loa d d efault se ttings, as w ell as functi onali tie s of la unching u pgr ade pr ocess, backup/ res tor e user se tti ngs a nd languag e defin es.
FCS - 0 07 1 U ser ’ s Manual 46 46 Log Ser vi ce Most sy stem oper atio ns and / o r proc ess w ill be k ept in a l og s ys tem. The link pr ovides the r eview o f these recor ds.
FCS - 0 07 1 U ser ’ s Manual 47 47 8 . C usto mize This p age pr ovid es the func tion of a djus ting the l ook of liv e view pag e. Ther e are tw o types o f la you t settings ; us e def ault look or use cus tom se ttings . U se Default Look: the de fa ult la yout o f live/ confi gura tion pag es .
FCS - 0 07 1 U ser ’ s Manual 48 48 U se Custom Settings: T he modifications all owe d ar e change of Bac kgr ou n d / T ex t Color , Backgr ound picture, T itle, De scription, Log o and et c.
FCS - 0 07 1 U ser ’ s Manual 49 49 FAQ Restore F a ctory Def au lt In some cases , system does not res pond to a ny operati on, this process ge ts the unit back to i nitial status , so tha t it c an be rec onfigurable for up a nd runnin g again. T o r est ore f acto ry def ault, ple ase f ollow t he step s: 1.
FCS - 0 07 1 U ser ’ s Manual 50 50 then click on “Upgra de” button . 5. The upg r ade s hould star t in minu te s, depe nding on file trans fe rri ng s tat us. The w eb w ill then be dir ecte d to the s ys tem writi ng prog res s. O ver all upgr ading proc ess t ak es ab out 5~10 minu t es.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat LevelOne FCS-0071 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen LevelOne FCS-0071 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens LevelOne FCS-0071 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding LevelOne FCS-0071 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over LevelOne FCS-0071 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van LevelOne FCS-0071 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de LevelOne FCS-0071 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met LevelOne FCS-0071 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.