Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product 600TTM van de fabrikant Liebert
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P OWER P ROT ECTION Ser ies 600T™ U PS Multi-M odule Th ree P hase 500 kV A to 750 kV A, 60 Hz Inst allation Man ual.
The follo wing W ARNING ap plies to all battery ca binet s suppli ed with UPS sys te ms: INTERNAL BA TTER Y S TR A P PING MUST BE VERIFIED BY MANU- F ACTURER PRIOR TO MO VING A B A TTE R Y CABINET . Ba tt er y cab in et s c ont ain no n- spil l abl e b at ter ie s.
i T abl e of C o ntent s 1.0 S AFETY P RECAUTIONS ...... ............. ...... ............. ............. ....... ... 3 2.0 I NSTALLATION C ONSIDERATIONS ..... ...... ............. ...... ............. ....... ... 4 2 . 1 T y p e so fS y s t e mC o n t r o lC a b i n e t s .
iii Lis t o f Figur es F i g u r e1 U P S M u l t i - M o d u l eU n i t B l o c kD i a g r a m . ...... ............. ....... ............. ... 5 F i g u r e2 S y s t e mC o n t r o lC a b i n e t s ....... ...... ............. ...... ............. .
iv F i g u r e4 8 O p t i o nW i r i n g ,B a t t e r yT e m p e r a t u r eS e n s o r ............. ...... ............. ...... 6 9 F i g u r e4 9 O p t i o nW i r i n g ,S N M P I n t e r f a c e .... ...... ............. ............. ...... .....
1 I MPORT ANT S AF ETY I NST RUCT IO NS Save T he se Ins tru ction s. Th is ma nu al c ont ai ns im p ort a nt i nst ru ct io n s tha t sho ul d be fol l ow ed dur i ng in st al l ati on o f yo ur Series 600T UPS a nd batterie s.
2 If you r equire assist ance for any r eason, call the to ll-free Lie be rt Global Se rvices n umber; 1-800- 543-237 8. For LG S to as sist you e xpedient ly, pleas e have t he follow ing in f orm ation av ailable: WARNI NG LOCATE CENTE R O F GRAVITY SYMBOLS AND D ETERM INE UNI T WEIGH T BEF OR E HANDL ING CABI NE T.
Safet y Precaut ions 3 1.0 S AFETY P RE CAUT I ONS Read th is manual tho rough ly, pa ying spec ial attentio n to the se ctions that app ly to you, befor e workin g with t he UP S. Retain this manual for use by insta lling person nel. Under t ypical ope rat ion and wit h all UPS d oors closed, on ly nor mal safet y precauti ons are neces- sary.
4 Inst all atio n Co nsider ations 2.0 I NST ALL ATIO N C ONSIDERAT IONS Install your Serie s 600T UP S in ac cord ance with the submittal dra wing package and the follow- in g pro ced ure s . A Lie bert a uth orized r eprese ntativ e mus t pe rform t he i nitia l system ch eck- out and star t-up to ensur e proper system oper ation.
Inst alla tion Consi derat ions 5 Figu re 1 UP S Multi-M od ule Unit Bl ock Dia gram.
6 Inst all atio n Co nsider ations Figure 2 System C ontrol Cab inets 2. 1 T y pes of System Contr ol Cabin et s 1. SCCT is a stan d-alo ne cabin et conta inin g sys tem co ntrol logi c for u p to six UP S m odules, static byp ass swit ch, manu ally op erated d isconnec ts for the static b ypass sw itch, an d two motor -operat ed system break ers.
Unloadi ng and Handli ng 7 3.0 U NLOA DING AN D H ANDLI NG The UP S mo dule is shipp ed in one c abinet t o allow e asy hand ling a t the site . B e caus e the w eight dist ribution in th e cabinet is uneven, use extr eme care durin g h an dling and transpo rt.
8 In spe c ti ons 4.0 I NSPECTIO NS 4. 1 Exte rnal I nspe ctio ns 1. W hile the U PS syste m is stil l on th e truc k, inspe ct the e quip ment an d ship ping c ontaine r(s) for any sig ns o f dama ge or m ishan dling . Do not attem pt to i nsta ll the s ystem if dam age is appare nt.
Equipment Locat ion 9 5.0 E QU IPMENT L OC ATION 1. Ha ndle cabin et(s) in accordan ce with the Section 1.0 Safety Precauti ons and 3.0 Unl oa ding & H and ling . Use a su itable ma terial handli ng device to mov e cabinet to its final locat ion. Exercise ex treme c are be cause of th e uneven wei ght distr ibution.
10 Batt ery I nst allat i on 6.0 B ATTE RY I NS T ALLATI ON 6. 1 Batter y Sa fety P recau tio ns Ser vicing of bat teries shou ld be perfor med or supervi sed by person nel knowled geable of b atteri es and t he r equired pr ecaut ions. Keep unaut horized personnel away from b atteri es.
Ba tter y Ins tal latio n 1 1 Battery Saf ety Precautions in Fre nch Per CSA Requirement s Instruc tions Import ant es Concernant La Sécurit é Con s er ve r Ce s I nst ruc t io ns ADV ER TIS SEM EN T DES PIEC ES SOU S ALIMEN TATIO N SERONT LA ISS EES SANS PROTECTION DURANT CES PROCEDURES D’ENTRETIEN.
12 Batt ery I nst allat i on Les a c cumu lat e urs p lo mb- aci de p rés en ten t un ri sq ue d ’i nc end ie parce qu ’il s génèrent d es gaz à l ’hydrogè ne. Les pro cédures suiva ntes devront être r e spectées . 1. NE PAS FUMER lorsque pr ès des ac cumulateur s.
Ba tter y Ins tal latio n 1 3 6. 2 Match ing Batt ery Cab inet s Two sizes of optional batt ery cabinets are ava ilable. Refer to Figur e 16 to Figure 18. The battery ca bin et ce ll s ran ge fro m 90 to 150 A mpere - hours . Th e same mo del ba tt ery ca bin et may be p ara l- leled in mu ltiple cabi net strings f or additio nal cap acity.
14 Configur ing Y our Neutral and Ground Con nect ions 7.0 C ONFI GU RING Y OU R N EUTRAL AND G RO UND C ON NECTION S Imp roper groun ding is t he largest sin gle cause of U PS insta llation and s tart- up probl e ms .
Config uring Your Neu tral and Ground Conn ect ions 15 7. 1 Pre fer re d Grou nd ing Con fig ur atio n, 480 or 600 V A C Inpu t and Out pu t, Isolat ed Powe r Distr ibution Unit s , Wye-Co nnecte d Se.
16 Configur ing Y our Neutral and Ground Con nect ions 7.2 Gro un din g Co nfi gura ti on , 4 80 or 60 0 V AC In put an d Outp ut , Del t a Sou rce Figu re 4 Gro undi ng Co nfigur atio n with U ngrou nd ed Del t a Sou rce Inpu t As prev iously men tioned, S eri es 600T UPS sys tems requ ire a by pass input netrual f or sensi ng and monit oring.
Config uring Your Neu tral and Ground Conn ect ions 17 7. 3 Prefer red Ground ing Config uratio n with Power -Tie S wi tch gear Figu re 5 Pref erred Gro und ing Con figura tion , Power- Tie System s Multi- Module Sy stems ca n be use d with Po wer-Tie sw itchge ar to p rovide d ual critic al load bu sses .
18 Configur ing Y our Neutral and Ground Con nect ions 7. 4 Grou nding C onfig uratio ns , Battery System s Figu re 6 Batt ery Cabi net G roundi ng Conf igu ration Large , open- rack bat tery sy stems ar e normally ei ther locall y ground ed or lef t ungrou nded, dependin g on local code requiremen ts.
Wiri ng Consider ation s 19 8.0 W IRING C ONSIDE RAT IONS Refer to Ap pend ix A - Site Plann in g Dat a and i nsta llation d rawin gs (Fi gure 8 thr ough Figure 58). Determine AC currents for your system (kVA, voltag e, and options). Also refer to equi pment nameplate f or the model number, rati ng, and voltage.
20 Wiring Cons ide rati ons 8. 1 Powe r W iring 1. P o w er wiring m ust b e run in in dividu al, separate c ondu its or cable tr ays. R efer to the Ou tline and Ter mina l D etails dra wings ( Figure 8 to Figure 15 an d Figure 29 to Figure 32 )f o r loca tions of the various pow er connection s w it hin the UPS and S CC.
Wiri ng Consider ation s 21 8. 2 Co ntrol W ir ing Contr ol w iring mus t b e strande d a nd tin ned an d run in i ndivi dual se para te steel con duits .
22 Wiring Cons ide rati ons 8. 3 Batter y Wi rin g Power wirin g to the Battery Cabine t c onn ects posit ive, negativ e, and ground power cables from the Batter y Cabinet to the associate d UPS. Conn ection of the UPS to the Battery Ca binet ser ves to both charge and discharg e t he batteries (when n e ede d).
Wiri ng Consider ation s 23 Figu re 7 T yp ica l Multi- Modu le Co nfigur atio ns I R #2 UPS CB1 CB2 I R #1 UPS CB1 System Cont rols I R #3 UPS CB1 CB I I I 2 RIB RIB C B 2 S K R U RIB BF B MIB Output.
24 Wiring Cons ide rati ons Figu re 7 T yp ica l Multi- Modu le Co nfigur atio ns (con tin ued) I R CB2 Out pu t SBB I R I R CB2 CB2 #2 UPS CB1 #1 UPS CB1 #3 UPS CB1 RI B RI B BI B RIB SCCI SCCI / S C.
Wiring Conn ection s 25 9.0 W IRING C ONNECT ION S Ref er to the dra wings in th is manu al and a ny other d rawin gs prov ided by L iebert f or thi s i nstalla- tion . Make all of the following co nnection s: 1. AC power cables from input power source circ uit breaker (RIB) to UPS Modul e Input .
26 Wiri ng Connect ions 5. The UPS System Output Neutral is connected to one common point an d solidl y grounded per req uiremen ts of the Nation al Electric al Code. The grou nd connection ins ide the UPS SCC cabinet m ay be require d by the power w iring configur ation at your sit e.
Wiri ng Inspect ion 27 10.0 W IRIN G I NSPECT ION 1. Veri fy all power connection s are tight. 2. Verify all control wi re termin ations ar e tight. 3. Veri fy all power wires an d connectio ns have proper s pacing between expos ed sur faces, phase- to-p hase and phas e-t o-groun d.
28 Wiri ng Inspec tion Ta b l e 3 Ta b l e 3 1 0 - 1 6 Allow able Ampacit ies of Insulated Cond uctors Rated 0- 2000 Volt s, 6 0° to 90°C (140° to 1 94°F ) 1 No t Mo re t ha n Thr ee C ond uc tor .
Inst all ation Dra wings 29 11 . 0 I N STALLA TI ON D RA WING S Figu re 8 Ou t li ne Draw ing, 50 0 kV A Mul ti-M odule UP S, 6-Pul se Rect ifier.
30 Ins tal lation Drawi ngs Fig ure 9 O ut line Dr awing , 500 kV A Mult i-Mo dul e UPS, 12 -Puls e Rec tif ier.
Inst all ation Dra wings 31 Figure 10 Outline Draw ing, 625-750 kV A Multi-Module U P S, 6-Pu lse Rectifi er.
32 Ins tal lation Drawi ngs Figu re 1 1 Ou t li ne Draw ing, 62 5-750 kV A M ult i-Mod ule UPS , 12 -Pu lse Rec tifie r.
Inst all ation Dra wings 33 Figure 12 Outline Draw ing, System Con trol Cabinet (SCCT), 200-1200 Amps.
34 Ins tal lation Drawi ngs Figure 13 Outline Draw ing, System Con trol Cabinet (SCCT), 1600-2500 Amps.
Inst all ation Dra wings 35 Figure 14 Ou tline Draw ing, System Con trol Cabinet (SCCT), 300 0 Amps.
36 Ins tal lation Drawi ngs Figure 15 Outline Draw ing, System Control Cabinet (SCCT) 4000 Am p s.
Inst all ation Dra wings 37 Figure 16 Battery Powe r Pack , Size A.
38 Ins tal lation Drawi ngs Figure 17 Battery Powe r Pack , Size B.
Inst all ation Dra wings 39 Figure 18 Battery Powe r Pack , Three-Pack System.
40 Ins tal lation Drawi ngs Figure 19 Base Mounting Patterns, 500 kV A M odule, 12-Pulse Rectifier.
Inst all ation Dra wings 41 Figure 20 Base Mounting Patte rns, 625-750 kV A Module, 6-Pulse.
42 Ins tal lation Drawi ngs Figure 21 Base Mounting Patterns, 625-750 kV A Mo dule, 12-Pulse Rectifier.
Inst all ation Dra wings 43 Figure 22 Base Mounting Patterns, System Control Cab i net s (SCCT) 200-12 00 Am p s.
44 Ins tal lation Drawi ngs Figure 23 Base Mounting Patterns, System Control Cab i net (SCCT), 1600-2500 Amps.
Inst all ation Dra wings 45 Figu re 24 Base M oun ting P atterns ( SCC T), 300 0 A mps.
46 Ins tal lation Drawi ngs Figu re 25 Base M oun ting P atterns ( SCC T), 400 0 A mps.
Inst all ation Dra wings 47 Figu re 26 Shi pping Sp lit De t ail, 500 kV A Multi-M od ule UPS , 12-Pu lse Rec tifi er.
48 Ins tal lation Drawi ngs Figure 27 Shipping Split Detail, 625-750 kV A Multi-Module UPS , 6-P ulse R ectifier.
Inst all ation Dra wings 49 Figure 28 Shipping Split Detail, 625-750 kV A Multi-Module UPS , 12-P ulse Rectifier.
50 Ins tal lation Drawi ngs Figure 29 T erm inal Details, 500 k V A Mod ule, 6-Pulse Rectifier.
Inst all ation Dra wings 51 Figure 30 T ermin al Det ails, 500 k V A Mod ule, 12-Pulse Rectifier.
52 Ins tal lation Drawi ngs Figure 31 T erm inal Details, 625 & 750 kV A Modu l es , 6-Pulse and 12-P ulse.
Inst all ation Dra wings 53 Figure 32 T erm inal Det ails, 750 kV A/675 kW Std . and 750 kV A/600 kW wi th Optional Input Bus Bars.
54 Ins tal lation Drawi ngs Figu re 33 C ontrol W iring , Ex ternal In tercon ne ctions , St an dard UPS Mo du le.
Inst all ation Dra wings 55 Figure 34 Con trol Conn ection Location , 500 kV A Modules.
56 Ins tal lation Drawi ngs Figure 35 Control Conn ection Location Diagr am, 625 & 750 kV A M odules.
Inst all ation Dra wings 57 Figure 36 Control Co nnection Locati on Diagram , SCCC & SCCI.
58 Ins tal lation Drawi ngs Figure 37 Con trol Connecti on Location Di agram, SCCT.
Inst all ation Dra wings 59 Figu re 38 Con trol Wi re Li st, Ex tern al Interc onn ectio ns, Standa rd UP S Mod ule.
60 Ins tal lation Drawi ngs Figure 39 Control Wire List, Extern al Interconnections, System Co ntrol Cabinet, Part 1 o f 3.
Inst all ation Dra wings 61 Figure 40 Con trol Wire List, E xternal Interco nnections, St a ndard System Control Cab inet, Part 2 of 3.
62 Ins tal lation Drawi ngs Figure 41 Con trol Wire List, E xternal Interco nnections, St a ndard System Control Cab inet, Part 3 of 3.
Inst all ation Dra wings 63 Figure 42 Con trol Wire List, E xternal Interco nnections, Alar m St atus Contact s.
64 Ins tal lation Drawi ngs Figure 43 Op t io n W iring , Maintenance Bypass Interlock.
Inst all ation Dra wings 65 Figure 44 Optio n W iring , Remote St atus Panel Interface.
66 Ins tal lation Drawi ngs Figu re 45 Op tion Wiring , Int ernal M ode m.
Inst all ation Dra wings 67 Figure 46 Option Wiring, Cus tomer Ala rm Interface, S CC wi t h M omentary-Duty St atic Sw itch.
68 Ins tal lation Drawi ngs Figure 47 Optio n W iring , Customer Alarm Inter face, SCC with Continu ous-Duty St atic Switch.
Inst all ation Dra wings 69 Figure 48 Op t io n W iring , Battery T emperatu re Sensor.
70 Ins tal lation Drawi ngs Figure 49 Option Wiring, S NMP Interface.
Inst all ation Dra wings 71 Figu re 50 Ext erna l I nt erco nnect ions, Mo dule 1 /SCC, C able Gro ups 21 and 22.
72 Ins tal lation Drawi ngs Figu re 51 Ext erna l I nt erco nnect ions, Mo dule 2 /SCC, C able Gro ups 21 and 22.
Inst all ation Dra wings 73 Figu re 52 Wirin g Confi gur ation s, UP S V ideo D isp lay T er min al.
74 Ins tal lation Drawi ngs Figure 53 Module Battery Disco nnect, 600-1200 Amps, without Input Isolation T ran sforme r.
Inst all ation Dra wings 75 Figure 54 Module Battery Disco nnect, 300-1200 Amps, with I nput Isolation T ransformer.
76 Ins tal lation Drawi ngs Figu re 55 Rem ote Status Pane l, Su rface Mo unt.
Inst all ation Dra wings 77 Figure 56 Circuit Breaker Schedule, Mul ti -Mod ule UPS, 300-750 kV A.
78 Ins tal lation Drawi ngs Figure 57 Cir cuit Breaker S chedule, M erlin-Gerin B reakers, S CCT , 2 00-4000 Amps.
Inst all ation Dra wings 79 Figure 58 Cir cuit Breaker S chedule, Gener al Electric Brea kers, SCCT , 20 0-4000 Am p s.
80 Appendi x A - Site Pla nning Dat a 12.0 A PPENDIX A- S ITE P LANN IN G D AT A 500-75 0kV A Multi-Module Syste ms 12.1 N otes 1. Nomina l recti fier AC input curr ent (cons idered cont inuous) is bas ed on full rated o utput load .
Appendix A - Si te Planning Dat a 81 T able 4 S eries 600T Multi-Modu l e Systems , 500-750 kV A - 480 V olt Input UPS Rat ing AC Out put Vol tag e Opti ons R ect if ier AC Input Curr ent Inver ter or.
82 Appendi x A - Site Pla nning Dat a T able 5 S eries 600T Multi-Modu l e Systems , 500-750 kV A - 600 V olt Input UPS Rat ing AC Out put Vol tag e Opti ons Rectif ie r AC Input Cu rr ent Inver ter o.
Appendix B - Field Sup plied Lug s 83 13.0 A PPENDIX B- F IELD S UPPLIED L UGS T abl e 6 One -H o le Lu gs T&B 1 Lug S t y le Wi re Size Bolt Si ze (Inche s) Tongue W idth (Inches ) T&B 1 P/N Liebert P/N 1 Stak -On 1/0 AW G 3/8 0.88 J973 12-714 255-56 2 2/0 AW G 3/8 1.
84 Appendi x B - Field Supp lied Lug s.
Revised: D ecember 2000 Se ri es 60 0T™ UPS Mul ti - Modu le T hr ee P ha se 500 kV A to 750kV A; 60 Hz T echni cal Su ppo rt Th e Co mp a n y Be hi nd T he Pr od uct s With more than 500, 000 installati ons around t he globe, L iebert is the wo rld lead er in c omp uter protect ion system s.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Liebert 600TTM (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Liebert 600TTM heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Liebert 600TTM vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Liebert 600TTM leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Liebert 600TTM krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Liebert 600TTM bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Liebert 600TTM kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Liebert 600TTM . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.