Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product Network Management System van de fabrikant MegaVision
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MegaVision Network Management System User Manual MRV Communications, Inc. URL : htt p:/ /www.m m.
WARRANTY The software described in this document is subject to change without notice. The information in this d ocume nt is su bject to ch ange w ithout n otice an d sh ould n ot be co nstrued as a commitment by the seller. The seller reserves t he right to revise this publication without obliga tion to provi de notificat ion of such revis ions.
Contents 1. Overview 2. Quick start 3. Logging in 4. Using passwords 5. Main Window 6. Adding Background Im ages 7. Device Main Window 8. Contro l windows 9. Graphics support 10. Alarms 11. SNMP MIB Browser 12. Interfaces monitoring 13. RMON support 14.
Over vi ew MegaVisio n is a ne twork man age ment applica tion. Its main fu nction is managing a spec ific set of support ed devices, however, i t can dis cover and perform many functions with virtual ly any vendor SNM P or TCP/IP devi ces.
MegaVision Features MegaVision hel ps you to quickly confi gure the network. It detects net work problems, provid es device and port co ntrol, and o ffers real- time and his torical graph ical and stati stical displays .
Quick Start 1. Always rebo ot MS- Window s before installing Meg aVision- WEB. Make sure that no other MegaVisi on version is runni ng. 2. Install MegaVisi on-W EB by running "…/DISK1/setup.exe" from MegaVision-WEB CD or Insta llation Kit via "Sta rt"/"Run" functi on of MS Windows .
Please, no te the "passwo rd" is the same "p asswor d" which is use d in the MegaVision-W EB Login screen. B y default, aft er installati on the supervis or's passwor d is Empty String , so y ou may just pre ss the "Login" but ton.
e. Clos e the Internet Expl orer and enter it agai n. You should not see t his error any more. 11. IMPORTANT T R OBLESHOOTING INFO!!! If you do not succeed to see a ny independent windo w (only HTM L-bas ed screens inside your WE B-browser mai n window) it ma y mean that your W EB-browser does not support Ja va.
80 by default) ente r: "http://a. b.c.d/”; b2. If y ou reconfigured the HTTP port value (e.g. port=200 0) ente r: "http:// a.b.c.d: 2000/" c) Use "Too ls"/ "WEB br owse r"/" Managem ent P age" in o rde r to ge t GUI ac cess to all supported devices .
Logging In When you sta rt MegaVision, you can log in as us er or s upervisor. As a user, you can view network configurat ion and device st atus, but you cannot make any cha nges in the network. As a supervisor, you ca n view network configurat ion and device stat us, a nd change configu rations and p arameters o f netw ork dev ices.
MegaVisi on allows the net work manager t o switch between SUPE RVIS OR and USER modes while the program is running. To change modes, select Logi n from t he Options menu, change modes, then choos e OK. If you choos e Cancel, the L ogin window clos es and no changes ar e made.
Using Passwords In its defa ult configuration, MegaVision req ui res a password to logi n. You can also set up the Password wi ndow to start the progra m without a password.. To Ch ange Passw ord Set tings As A User O r Supe rvisor 1. From the Opt ions menu, choos e Passwor d.
Main Wind o w The MegaV ision main window is the major gatewa y t o all monit oring and control funct ions of devices on your network . The main wi ndow contains the map/submap - t he graphical representat ion of your network. E ach device that has been correctl y added to the map appears a s an icon with its d evice n ame.
5. Copy the selected device to buffer (f or later paste) 6. Cut: copy and remove the select ed device from the map. 7. Paste previ ous ly cut/copi ed devi ce. 8. Open the Describ e window for the select ed device. 9. Open the SNMP Device Identify wi ndow for the select ed device.
Adding Background I mages You may ad d a bac kgrou nd image to the main m ap by sele cting Se lec t Bac k gr ound Im age fro m the Map menu it em. Some bitmaps ar e included with MegaV ision, or you may s peci fy your own bitma p (only the .bmp forma t is supported).
Device Main Window Each device on t he MegaVisi on map has a main window that di splays the front pa nel of that device. From thi s panel you can quickly monit or the device’s operat ions in real time. LEDs on the port image buttons indicate activity, collisions, and flow control for each port on the device.
Control Wi ndows The Device Ma in Window provides access to a set of C ontrol Windows, through which the Network Manager can perform remote control operat ions on the managed devices, change the device parameters.
Graphics Support You can graphi cally view counters data as s peedometer, li ne, or bar gra phs. These alt ernate views o f data make it easie r to an alyze and compare s tatistic s at a gl ance. A tilin g optio n allows you to neatly lin e up s everal graphi c windows on the screen.
Speedometers This type of display shows the insta ntaneous value of a selected counter in a speedometer- like window. The window contains a moving indicator, the counter category, and the current value.
Line Graphs The line gra ph feature provides a wide variet y of options for moni toring and compari ng data. In its sim ple st form , one graph for each counter is displayed in separate windows showing current act ivity.
in a new window. Figure 11b. M ultiple Line Graphs. For some s tatistic- to-grap h conve rsions, y ou will ne ed to use the mu ltiply coefficients to properly scal e graph lines , especiall y when you use two counter ca tegories, where values might have large differences.
Figure 1 2. Graph Op tions Dialog. 1. Polling Interva l Changes the val ue for the Lines graph main window a nd its parent (see fi gure 8.) 2. Min Y, Max Y , Min t, Ma x t Chang es th e sc aling rang es for th e Y- axis an d X (t) axis. If you check Auto matic Chan ge of Ranges, chang es are made automat ically.
In additi on to Line and Speedomet er Gra phs, MegaVisi on also supports bar graphs. You can display d ata fro m any co unter w ith bar s. Yo u can add data fr om a cou nter to an ex isting bar graph (d efault), o r gene rate a new graph Use bar graphs fo r comparing th e relativ e amount s of two or more values .
Al a r m s Alarms are ac tivated by sta tus chan ges in n etwor k device s. Whe n Me gaVisio n dete cts a change in a device , it generate s an alar m.
A larms Confi guration Window You can change the severity level of any situation that calls for an alarm. You can choose to record or not record an alarm in the Alarm Log.
Figure 17. E-mail Configuration window . After setting the neces sary E-mail Confi gura tion parameters you may send t he control E- mail in ord er to m ake su re th at e-m al no tificatio n wo rks. Click on th e Send E- mail but ton to open Send E-mail window.
Figur e 19. Remote M egaVision-WEB GU I interface..
SNMP Management Info rmation Base ( MIB) Bro w ser MegaVi si on provides an S NMP MIB browser. F rom the Main Window menu Control item, select MIB V i ew . You can carry out any SNMP operati on on the value of an ob ject from any MIB listed in the MIB file s list.
Add, Remove, Change , and Compile button s are use d to add ne w MIBs t o the Mib V iew window. It i s recommended to plac e the MIB file i n the applica tion’s MIBS di rectory. Important: There is no guarant ee that new MIBs wil l be compil ed properly.
Interfaces Monitoring MegaVisi on provides extens ive monitoring performa nce of any SNMP devices int erfaces, whether they bel ong to the support ed set of devices or not . Interfaces monitoring may be accessed th rough th e Moni tor men u item o n the main menu bar.
• Operational St atus of the Interf ace (up/down/testing) – the current operational stat e of the interfa ce. The t est ing state in dicates that no opera tional pa ckets can be passed.
The info rmation i s based o n the if Tab (R FC1213, MIB-II). Th e coun ters are de scribed the re as follow s: • Input B y tes - the to tal num ber of oc tets rece ived on the interf ace, inc luding framing characters. • Input U n icas t Pa ckets - the number of sub n et work-unicast packets delivered t o a higher-layer prot ocol .
Figure 2 3. Statistics and Graphs per Counter window Interfaces Utilization Window . You may enter t his window from: 1. The Main Menu Bar (under Monitor) 2. The Utiliz ation button in the Interface s Table windo w 3. From the device wi ndow menu bar of certa in devices.
Figu re 24. Interface s Utilization window The but tons at th e bottom of the gra phs have th e sa me function as t hose in the l ine graphs windo w. This win dow sh ows the inte rface’s u tilizatio n in pe rcent (rig ht bar g raph s) and the interface’s errors per s econd (left trend graph).
RMON Support MegaVisio n suppo rts RMON Grou ps 1,2, 3,9 for any R MON- capable de vice, w hich supp orts the sa me groups via SNMP. RMON Group 1 S tatist ics Windo w You can enter this wi ndow from: 1. The Main Window M enu Ba r ( under Moni tor: RMON Group 1 Statist ics ) 2.
• This window shows the C ontrol Table i n the upper left corner. T he table pres ents control entri es for RMON Group 1. Each entry corresponds to one of the device’s interface s. Usually th is tab le con tains entrie s for a ll of the interface s on th e monitored device.
RMON Group 2 (H istory ) Wind o w You can enter this wi ndow from 1. The Main Window M enu Ba r ( Mo nitor: R MON Gro up 2 ) 2. From the device window menu bar for certain devices . Figure 30. RM ON Group 2 Window. Information pres ented in the window i ncludes: The History Control Table.
Figure 31. Add RMON Group 2 Control Entry Window. You are re quired to e nter some informatio n, which d escr ibes how to collect statis tics for reporting: 1. The desi red Interface Number . 2. The Owne r String to identi fy the entry owner (not required); 3.
When you open RMON Group 2 Window or sel ect any Hist ory Control Tabl e Entry, two Trend Graph W indows open (in addi tion to the ma in window) to reflect the H istory Table Inf ormation gr aphically: • Interface Errors per interval (right window).
interface s, but may be empty as we ll (this is the defau lt ). If th is tab le is emp ty, it is due to one of the followi ng reas ons: • RMON Group 3 is not supported on t his device. • RMON Group 3 is s upported but t here are no control t hreshold ent ries.
• Rising Event Index: The Index from th e E vents Tabl e (see below) whic h corresponds to Rising Event. • Falling Eve nt Index : The Index from the Event s Tabl e (see below), which corres ponds to Falling Ev ent. • Star t U p: The start-u p alarm, i.
• Event Description • Community: A valu e fo r the trap being sent w hen th e ev ent is tr igge red. N ote th at all the traps are reflected in the A larms Log. You ma y view the Alarms L og by selecting t he Monitor : Alarm Log main menu item. • Owner String: A string to ide ntify th e entr y own er (u sually no t requir ed).
A dding and Deleting Dev ice s. Describe Windo w. Before you can manage a device, you must first define t he device, provide parameters to establish communication, and select an interface. Only the SUPERVISOR may add devices and modify thei r attribut es.
Figure 36. Describe Window . 4. In the Name field, type a map name for t he device. 5. In the SNMP Community Names section, type a Community Name for GET and a Community Name for SE T. (The default values are “public” for Get operat ions and “private ” for Se t o peratio ns.
9. In the IP Address field, ent er the IP Address for t he interface. Select an interface from the Interface Type list . Choose Ethernet when this inte rface is co nnecte d to the Ethernet LAN. Choose SLIP when the interface is connected to the seri al line.
Figur e 38. A m ap with a submap. There are t wo ways t o create a subma p. 1. The first w ay w ill create a submap and place the submap ico n on th e map. Sele ct Add from the Main Window menu Edit item. The Devices Types window opens. Choose SUM BAP in order to add a new map/submap t o the current ma p.
The newly creat ed map opens immedi ately after you cli ck OK in the New Map window. Note that you may also use t h e Op en M ap wi ndow to delete maps or open any of the previous ly created maps .
Autodiscover y The aut odiscovery process allows you to ea sily add network devices wit hout knowing thei r IP addresses . MegaVision polls each IP address within the given ra nge and adds devices automatic ally. To star t the auto discov ery proc ess, sele ct Autodiscovery from the Mai n Window menu Map item.
Links To help you vis ua lize your network confi guration, you may add l inks between devices on t he map. Links are added manually. T o add a link, select Add Link from the Main Wi ndow menu Edit item (picture d below ). The curre nt link is highlig hted (p 3p4 in th e figure ).
General Device Inform ation: SNMP Dev ice Identify Window The SN MP De vi ce Identi fy window provides you with a quick look at basi c information about a device — i tems such a s product type, up ti me, device lo cation, and contac t. The information is retrie ved v ia SNMP according to MIB-2 (R FC-1213) spec ification .
Generic SNMP and TCP/IP Devices, Monitoring services Generic SNM P Device. The Generic SNM P Device type all ows you to mana ge any SNMP complia nt device. The Generic SNM P Device window opens when you double cli ck on a Generic device i con. This windo w is similar to the SNMP De vice I denti fy window.
Figure 4 5. TCPIP d evice i con and TCPIP d evice main w indow Monitoring Services. MegaVision allows to monitor performance of business -critical Layer 7 network services, such as e- mail, HTTP , FTP, D NS, e tc. The se rvices are le arned auto matic ally fo r any dev ice, which is loca ted o n the map .
directory contains information how to see/modify t he full list of monitored services. You can use the s tandard MegaVis ion Graphics Support (s ee the Graphics Su pport se ction) in o rder to view the corres ponding services performance graphs. You can configure Mega Vi sion to collect t he history performance data into a file for later analysis.
A lias Manager MegaVi sion allows you t o assign ali as es to MAC addres s es, easing i d ent ificati on of network devices and stations. Each network device (a workstation, switch, hub, printer, etc) has it’s own unique 12 hexa decimal digit M AC-Address.
If there is only a vendor part of M AC address, Mega Vision will a ppend the remaini ng digits. If there is no co rrespon ding alias entry j ust the MAC add ress w ill be d isplaye d. Plea se, no te that there a re some other windows (besi des Alias Manager ), which allow assign ing al iases to MAC Addresses, e .
TereScope™ Management I n order to optimally integra te the Tere Scope™ Wirele ss Optical links into complete network solutions, the TereScope™ products are SNMP manageable. Each of the two transceiver units of the wireless optical link is equipped with a separate management 10 Base T i nterface.
On/Off Status W ire Link Status Communication status via wire data Port. Air Link Status Communication status via La ser Data Ray . W ire Link Port The ty pe of the W ire Link Data Port. Management Link Status Communication status via the management port.
Running M egaVisi on as a plug-in appli cati on for differ ent NMS platforms There some di fferences between the way MegaVi sion-WE B and MegaVision Cl assic work unde r standar d N MS Platf orms. Mega Visio n-WEB uses its Jav a-ba sed WEB inter face to access its GU I fro m diff eren t platfo rms.
MegaVision C lassic und er HP Op enV iew Window s The following directions des cribe how to install a MegaVision for HP OpenView for MS- Windows. Following that are instructions for adding a device, which is necess ary before you can access the device with MegaVision.
MegaVision Clas sic under Castle Rock SNMPc Network Manager SNMPc version mus t be 4.x or SNM Pc for Win-NT (5.x). Please no te that Meg aVision has two different opti ons for SNMP c 4.x and SNMPc NT (5.x). There is some Network Management products, that are bas ed on SNMPc, e.
MegaVision C lassic und er Spec trum 4.0 fo r Windows NT MegaVision Clas si c can function as an applicati on for Cabletron Spectrum 4.0 rev. 1 and higher, running on Windows NT 3.
1. Check t hat the current image repres ents an SNMP devi ce. The “Mega Vis ion” item should not appear wi thin non-SNMP devices. 2. In the DOS prompt or SpectroSHELL prompt, change your working d.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat MegaVision Network Management System (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen MegaVision Network Management System heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens MegaVision Network Management System vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding MegaVision Network Management System leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over MegaVision Network Management System krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van MegaVision Network Management System bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de MegaVision Network Management System kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met MegaVision Network Management System . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.