Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product 5230 van de fabrikant Mitel
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NOTICE The info rmation c ont ained in t his docu ment is bel ieved to b e accura te in all r espect s but is not warrante d by Mi tel Net works™ Corp oration . The informa tion is s ubjec t to chang e without notice and should not be construed in any wa y as a c ommitme nt by Mit el Networks or any of i ts affili ates or subsid iaries.
Revision B i CONTENTS About Your 5230 IP Appliance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 About Th is User Gui de . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ii Revisio n B 5230 IP App liance User Guide Callback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Campon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Revision B iii Appendix B — Using the 5230 IP Appliance Without a PDA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Customiz ing the 52 30 IP Applia nce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Display Con trast .
iv Revisio n B 5230 IP App liance User Guide.
About Your 5230 IP Appliance Revision B 1 About Your 5230 IP Appliance The Mite l Networks 5230 IP Ap pliance uses your Personal Digital Assi stant (PDA) as an intuitiv e interfa ce to the M itel Networ ks teleph one sys tem.
2 Revisio n B 5230 IP App liance User Guide The 5230 IP Appliance Front View 5230 IP Appliance with PDA 5230 IP Ap pliance wit hout PDA Audio Devic e Controls Handsfree Speaker (see pag e 47) Volu.
About Your 5230 IP Appliance Revision B 3 Back View 5230 IP Appliance Connectors Display Two-lin e disp lay. Softkeys Used t o access c ontext-se nsitive features. Stylus hol der To hold y our PDA s tylus. Call Ind icator Light Flashes when you have an i ncoming ca ll.
4 Revisio n B 5230 IP App liance User Guide Components The 5230 IP Appli ance has thr ee main compo nents: • the 5230 IP Applian ce set. • the Pe rsonality Module. • the 5230 A pplicati ons on your PDA. The 5230 I P Appliance S et On its own, t he 5230 IP Appli ance provi des bas ic call ma king feat ures.
About Your 5230 IP Appliance Revision B 5 User Types There ar e two basic u ser types : • Desk Phone user (stationary user) : Has a dedicat ed phone at their des k. Calls to that user ’ s extensi on number always ring at that phone . • Hot Desk user ( mobile u ser): Has a dedicat ed extens ion numbe r , but no dedicate d phone.
6 Revisio n B 5230 IP App liance User Guide Tips for Your Comfort and Safety Don ’ t Crad le th e Hands et! Prolong ed use of the handse t can lea d to neck, shoulder o r back di scomfort, es pecial ly if you cr adle the ha ndset betw een your ear and sho ulder .
Getting Star ted Revision B 7 Getting Started This sec tion sho ws you how to set up and sta rt using yo ur 5230 I P Applia nce. The basic steps are: 1. Install the 5 230 Ap plicatio ns (page 8). 2. Dock yo ur PDA i n your 5230 IP App liance (page 8 ).
8 Revisio n B 5230 IP App liance User Guide Installing the 5230 IP Applia nce PDA Applic ations The 5230 Applica tions are i nstalled f rom your co mputer , wit h your P DA in its sy nchroniza tion cradle (NOT in t he 5230 IP Applianc e).
Getting Star ted Revision B 9 Exploring the 5230 Applicatio ns The PDA Phone Application This is the main 52 30 IP App liance PD A applica tion. Use i t to: • make and receiv e calls • access othe.
10 Rev ision B 5230 IP App liance User Guide Making and Receivin g Calls Y ou use t he PDA Phon e applica tion and the keys on th e 5230 IP Ap pliance to make calls . They fu nction the same way as any standard Mitel N etworks IP Phone. See “ Making a nd Receiv ing Calls ” on page 45 fo r more information .
Getting Star ted Revision B 1 1 Changing PDA Phone Displ ay Options From t h e View menu, you can s how or hid e the followi ng (a check mar k beside the o ption indicat es that it is disp lay ed ): .
12 Rev ision B 5230 IP App liance User Guide PDA Phone Application — Tools Menu Launch, Ca ll Notificati on and Hot Desk preference s • Connections settings: • Notify me when PDA is co nnected to a guest ph one.
Getting Star ted Revision B 13 User T ype Settings If you do not set y our user type , every time you doc k your PDA in a 5230 IP Appli ance, you will get a me ssage as king you to set your user type. So me feature s are not avai lable unti l you set you r user type.
14 Rev ision B 5230 IP App liance User Guide Using a Hot Desk Phone T o Log in a Hot Desk 5230 IP Appliance 1. Dock yo ur PDA i n a Hot Des k 5230 IP Appliance, and tap C onnect PDA .
Using the 5230 Featur e Keys Appli cation Revision B 15 Using the 5230 Feature Keys Application The Featur e Keys Applicati on provi des one t ouch acces s to phon e numbers, c all forw ard settings and a var iety of tel ephony fea tures.
16 Rev ision B 5230 IP App liance User Guide Applic ation Modes The Featur e Keys applicat ion has two operat ing modes : • Edit : U sed to progr am/edit Fea ture Key s. Y ou ca n edit Fe ature Keys in offline mod e. • Run : Used to i nvoke featur es.
Using the 5230 Featur e Keys Appli cation Revision B 17 Category Pages With cat egory pages , you ca n have lo gical Feat ure Key groups. Y ou c an have u p to 15 categor y pages, with 10 Featur e Keys per page. Category p ages are listed in the orde r they are create d.
18 Rev ision B 5230 IP App liance User Guide T o rename a ca tegory p a ge 1. S tart the F eature K eys appli catio n (see “ S tartin g the 5 230 PDA P hone App licatio n ” on pag e 8) . 2. T ap o n the name o f the curre nt category page ( top right).
Using the 5230 Featur e Keys Appli cation Revision B 19 OR - Cal l Forwa rd Busy fo r internal caller s, and/or - Cal l Forwar d Busy for external c allers, an d/or - Cal l Forwar d No Answe r for in .
20 Rev ision B 5230 IP App liance User Guide 6. Enter a label for this call forward pr ofi le (for ex amp le, “ Forw ard to ce llphone ” ). 7. T ap De fine Forward ing Settings … . The f orwarding s ettings window open s. Define Call Forward Setting Window 8.
Using the 5230 Featur e Keys Appli cation Revision B 21 Other Cal l Forward Setti ng s • Call Forward End Chaining (CF-End Ch aining) : Use this fea ture to prev ent the station to whi ch you are for warding your calls from forwardi ng the call to another station .
22 Rev ision B 5230 IP App liance User Guide 7. If required , enter th e number f rom/to which your call s will be fo rwarded . T o im port a nu mber from y our PDA ’ s Contacts applica tion: • T ap th e … box.
Using the 5230 Featur e Keys Appli cation Revision B 23 Speed Dial Window 6. Enter a label for this S peed Dial Featur e Key ( for ex ample: “ Joh n Mohamme d ” , “ Home ” , “ Dentist ” ). 7. Enter the ph one number (20 c haracters max imum).
24 Rev ision B 5230 IP App liance User Guide Account Codes Accoun t codes are used to tr ack incomi ng and outgoin g calls. Acco unt codes ar e three digits in le ngth, from 000 to 999 . Y ou can progr am a Fe ature Key wi th an accoun t code for conveni ence.
Using the 5230 Featur e Keys Appli cation Revision B 25 4. T ap th e Feature K ey you want t o progr am as a Call Park. 5. In the d rop-down me nu, se lect CP-Rmt Retrieve , then tap OK : 6. If desired, enter a l abel for this Feature K ey . 7. T ap OK .
26 Rev ision B 5230 IP App liance User Guide • Choose/en ter a dia ling prefix if needed . • Ta p Import . 8. T ap OK . Y o ur Call Pic kup Featu re Key i s now avail able for us e. Callback Callback notifies you as soon as th e internal extensio n number yo u are trying to reach is free.
Using the 5230 Featur e Keys Appli cation Revision B 27 5. In the d rop-down me nu, selec t the des ired Callba ck setti ng, then tap OK : • Callback-S etup : used to send a Ca llback r equest. • CB-Cancel Indiv : used to c ancel a spe cific Call back reque st.
28 Rev ision B 5230 IP App liance User Guide 5. In the d rop-down me nu, selec t the desi red Camp on setting , then tap OK : • Camp On-Setup : used to se nd a Cam pon reques t. • Call Privac y : used to silence Ca mpon tones when on a c all. 6. If desired, enter a l abel for this Featur e Key .
Using the 5230 Featur e Keys Appli cation Revision B 29 4. T ap th e desir ed Do Not Dis turb F eature Ke y: • T o en able Do Not D isturb, tap the Do N ot Disturb Feature K ey . • T o disa ble Do Not Disturb, tap th e DND-Cancel Featur e Key . T o enable/disab le Do Not Distu rb for a r emote station 1.
30 Rev ision B 5230 IP App liance User Guide Headset Use this fea ture to ena ble and di sable heads et opera tion. T o enable/di sable your he adset 1. S tart the F eature K eys appli catio n (see “ S tartin g the 5 230 PDA P hone App licatio n ” on pag e 8) .
Using the Other 5230 Applications Revision B 31 Using the Other 5230 Applications This se ction show s how to use the 5230 IP Appliance App licatio ns, except for the Feature Keys A pplication (see page 15 ). The App lication s are pres ented in alphabeti cal order .
32 Rev ision B 5230 IP App liance User Guide Updating Your Call History The tel ephone s witch keeps data on all the calls y ou make and receive. When you upd ate your Ca ll Histo ry , y ou get th e inform ation on t he ca lls you ’ ve made since you las t updated your Ca ll Histo ry .
Using the Other 5230 Applications Revision B 33 T o view your Cal l History 1. S tart the Ca ll Histor y applicat ion (see “ T o st art the C all H istor y appl icati on ” on page 31). Call History — Main Wi ndow The icon o n the left indi cates the type of c all: incom ing call ( ), out going call ( ), missed call ( ).
34 Rev ision B 5230 IP App liance User Guide T o view Contact informa tion for a ca ller/re cipient 1. S tart the Call Hist ory applic ation (see “ S tarting the 523 0 PDA Pho ne Applic ation ” on pag e 8) . 2. T ap a call to sel ect it. 3. In the T ools menu, s elect View Contact … .
Using the Other 5230 Applications Revision B 35 Contacts Tools The 5230 Applic ation adds th e follo wing tools to your P DA ’ s Contacts applic ation: • Import Num ber • Add to Send It • Dial.
36 Rev ision B 5230 IP App liance User Guide T o dial by cont act s 1. S tart yo ur Contacts applic ation. OR S tart the Dial by C ontacts applica tion (s ee ” To st art the D ial by Cont act s app l ication ” above ) .
Using the Other 5230 Applications Revision B 37 Send It While o n a cal l, you can sen d data to ano ther PDA docke d in a 5 230 IP A pplianc e on you r network. Sending a file does not interr upt the ca ll, but y ou cannot use PDA a pplication s while the file is bei ng trans mitted.
38 Rev ision B 5230 IP App liance User Guide • T o add a con tact to the Send It outbox , open your Contacts, tap and hold the des ired contact, and s elect Add to Send It (also avai lable in the T ools m enu). T he co ntact is copied to your S end It outb ox.
Using the Other 5230 Applications Revision B 39 Visual Voice Mail The Visual Voice Mail app licatio n provi des a visu al inte rface to your voic e mailb ox. Y ou can view a li st of your voice mai ls from you r PDA, an d manipula te and l isten to your voice mai ls when do cked in a 5230 IP A ppliance.
40 Rev ision B 5230 IP App liance User Guide T o set your Visual V oice Mail prefe rences 1. S t art the Visual V oice Mail a pplicati on (see “ T o start the Visual V oice Mail appl ication ” on page 39). 2. In the T ools menu, s elect Properties … .
Using the Other 5230 Applications Revision B 41 Viewing and Lis tening to Voice Mails T o view your lis t of voice mails 1. S t art the Visual V oice Mail a pplicati on (see “ T o start the Visual V oice Mail a pplication ” on page 39). 2. The list o f voice mails is d isplayed.
42 Rev ision B 5230 IP App liance User Guide T o listen to a voice mail 1. T ap a call to sel ect it. 2. In the Mess ages menu, select Play … (you can a lso double- tap the call , or tap and hold the call and select Pla y … ).
Using the Other 5230 Applications Revision B 43 T o view a cal ler ’ s Cont act information 1. S elect a ca ll. 2. In the Mess ages menu, select View C ont act … . 3. The Contacts detail wi ndow for th at caller is displayed . 4. T o re turn to the Visu al V oic e Mail a pplication, tap OK .
44 Rev ision B 5230 IP App liance User Guide.
Making and Receiving Calls Revision B 45 Making and Receiving Calls This se ction sho ws the basic telephony functions of the 52 30 IP Appli ance, and is or ganized as follow s: • Operation of the 5.
46 Rev ision B 5230 IP App liance User Guide T o rece ive a call 1. When a ne w call s tarts ringing, the dis play shows which l ine is ri nging, with the name/numb er of the calle r (if available ). The ringing li ne button on the PDA fl ashes red. 2.
Making and Receiving Calls Revision B 47 Conferenc e Call T o add a party to a ca ll already in progress 1. While on a call, press t he key . The c all is put o n hold . 2. Call the par ty you wan t to add to th e call (us e any call making feature). 3.
48 Rev ision B 5230 IP App liance User Guide T o rece ive a call in hands fre e mode 1. Press the ke y . OR T ap t he flashing line butto n (docked P DA only ). The key ligh ts up to indi cate the ha ndsfree microphone is on. T o end a call i n handsfree mode 1.
Making and Receiving Calls Revision B 49 Hold T o put a call on hold • Press t he k ey . Th e call is put on hold, the key lights up, and the ass ociated line ic on flashe s on the P DA. T o retrieve a call from ho ld • Pick u p the hands et or hea dset, and pre ss the key .
50 Rev ision B 5230 IP App liance User Guide 3. Do one of the followin g: • T o di splay the ti me the mes sage was sent, pres s/tap the More softke y . • T o ca ll the sende r , pre ss/tap the Call so ftkey . • T o de lete the me ssage, pr ess/tap the Er ase so ftke y .
Making and Receiving Calls Revision B 51 Record a Call This feat ure uses your voi ce mail sys tem to automatic ally recor d incoming c all (your sy stem must be p rogrammed t o automati cally record i ncoming tr unk calls). T o Pause Recording • T ap th e Pause softkey .
52 Rev ision B 5230 IP App liance User Guide Swap While on a two- party call, you can call a third party , and switc h from one call to an other . At no time du ring the use of thi s feature ca n the two parti es converse togethe r . T o call anothe r party while on a call 1.
Appendix A — Additional Information Revision A 53 Appendix A — Additional Information Using Your PDA with th e 5230 IP Appliance Charging the PD A Y ou ca n connec t your PDA ch arger t o the 5230 IP Appl iance (s ee the i llustratio n “ 5230 IP Appl ia nce Con nec tor s ” on page 3).
54 Rev ision A 5230 IP App liance User Guide T o synchroni ze your P DA from a 52 30 IP Appli ance 1. Once the 5230 PDA Phone app lication is conn ected with the networ k (date a nd time shown on d isplay ), open th e ActiveSy nc appl ication. 2. T ap Sync .
Appendix A — Additional Information Revision A 55 Changing the Personality Module If you chan ge your PDA to another mod el, or if you i nherit a 523 0 IP Applianc e from someon e with a different PDA m odel, yo u will proba bly n eed a new P ersonality Module before yo u can use the your PDA with your 5 230 IP Appliance.
56 Rev ision A 5230 IP App liance User Guide T o connect a local power supply 1. Plug the power sup ply in a su itable pow er outlet. 2. Connect an RJ -45 (Ethernet) c able between the LAN connector at the back of the 52 30 IP Applianc e and the phon e con nector of the power su ppl y .
Appendix A — Additional Information Revision A 57 About Canonical Format The can onical a ddress forma t is a uni versal te lephone nu mber standa rd for M icrosoft operatin g syste ms. A num ber in cano nical fo rmat looks like thi s: +CC NDD (AC) SC • + r epl aces the Int ern ation al D irec t Dial ing prefix .
58 Rev ision A 5230 IP App liance User Guide.
Appendix B — Using the 5230 IP Appliance Without a PDA Revision B 59 Appendix B — Using the 5230 IP Appliance Without a PDA Customizing the 5230 IP Appli ance Display Contrast When usi ng the 5230 witho ut a PDA, y ou can a djust the contras t of the 523 0 IP Appl iance display .
60 Rev ision B 5230 IP App liance User Guide T o access the Desktop T ool 1. Open Inte rnet Explore r (5.5 or gre ater). 2. Enter the Desktop T ool URL in the Address field ( see your Admi nistrat or for this UR L), then press the Ent er ke y . 3. Enter y our user n ame and passwor d in the l ogin screen, t hen se lect OK .
Appendix B — Using the 5230 IP Appliance Without a PDA Revision B 61 T o change the 5230 IP Appliance displa y langua ge 1. Access t he Deskto p T ool . 2. In the f eature drop-d own menu , select Edi t Pref eren ces . 3. In the f eature list box, sel ect Change Set Language .
62 Rev ision B 5230 IP App liance User Guide Hot Desking T o Log in a Hot Desk Phone 1. Press the HotDesk softkey . 2. Press the Login softke y . 3. Enter your Hot Desk Us er Extensi on Number 4. Press the OK sof t key . T o Log Out of a Hot Desk 5230 IP Appliance 1.
Appendix B — Using the 5230 IP Appliance Without a PDA Revision B 63 Call Forward Over ride Use this feature to prevent yo ur call fr om being forwarde d by another station. T o override a remote station ’ s call forw ard 1. Dial the Ca ll Forwar d Overrid e F AC.
64 Rev ision B 5230 IP App liance User Guide Hold T o retrieve a call on ho ld from an other station • Dial the Ca ll Hold Re mote Retriev e F AC, then the number of the statio n that put th e call on hold. Personal Speed Dial Y ou admi nistrator can all ocate you up to 100 P ersonal Speed Dials, in sets of 10 .
Appendix B — Using the 5230 IP Appliance Without a PDA Revision B 65 Trunk Flash Use this feature to access Ce ntrex feat ures (if av ailable) wh ile on an outside call. T o flash a trunk while on an outside call 1. T ap/pr ess the key . 2. For a sin gle flash, d ial the Trunk Single Flash F AC.
66 Rev ision B 5230 IP App liance User Guide.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Mitel 5230 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Mitel 5230 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Mitel 5230 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Mitel 5230 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Mitel 5230 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Mitel 5230 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Mitel 5230 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Mitel 5230 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.