Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product CallPilot 201i van de fabrikant Nortel
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CallPilot R eleas e 4. 0 Document Number: 555 - 71 0 1 - 220 Document V ersion : S tandar d 1.07 Nov ember 2006 2 01i S erv er Har dw are Ins t allation.
Standard 1.07 2 CallP ilot Cop yright © 2006 Nor tel Netw orks. All Rights Reserved. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. The statements, configurations, technical data, and recommendations in this document are believ ed to be accur ate and reliab le, but are presented without express or implied warranty.
November 2006 201i Server Hardware Instal lation 3 CRYSTAL REPORTS is a trademark of Seaga te Software Inc. EUDORA and QUALCOMM are tra demarks of Qualcomm, Inc. ETRUST and INOCULATEIT are trade marks of Computer Associates Think Inc. DIRECTX, EXCHANGE.
Standard 1.07 4 CallP ilot SONY is a trademark of Sony Corporation. SYBASE is a trademark of Sybase, Inc. TEAC is a trademark of TEAC Corporation. US ROBOTICS, the US ROBOTICS logo, and SPORTSTER are trademarks of US Robotics. WINZIP is a trademark of Nico Mark Computing, Inc.
201i Server Hardware Instal lation 5 Publication history November 2006 Standard 1.0 7 of 201i Server Har dwar e Installation is released for CallPilot 4.0 general a v ailability . October 2006 Standard 1.0 6 of 201i Server Har dwar e Installation is released for CallPilot 4.
6 CallP ilot Publication history Standard 1.07 Septem ber 2002 Standard 1.0 of CallPil ot Installation and Conf igur ation, P a rt 2: 201i Server Har dwar e Installation is released for CallPilot 2.
November 2006 Publication history 201i Server Hardware Instal lation 7 . Fundamentals CallPilot F u ndamentals G u ide (555-7101-010) Plannin g and En g ineerin g Data N et w orking for V oice o v er .
8 CallP ilot Publication history Standard 1.07.
201i Server Hardware Instal lation 9 Task List To unpac k the 201i s erver ............ ............. ............. ............. ............ 41 To prepare th e 201i server for installa tion in a Meridian 1 switch .. . 52 To position the 201i s erver on th e switch shelf .
Task List Standard 1.07 10 CallP ilot.
201i Server Hardware Instal lation 11 Contents 1 How to get help 13 2 About the 201i server 15 201i server description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Network connectivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Contents Standard 1.07 12 CallP ilot 6 Installing the 201i server in the Succession 1000 system 95 Succession 1000 description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 Removing the Medi a Gateway or Media Gateway Expansion cover .
201i Server Hardware Instal lation 13 Chapter 1 Ho w to g et help This section explains ho w to get help for Nortel products and services . Getting Help fr om the Nor tel W eb site The best way to get technical su pport fo r Nortel products is from the Nortel T echnical Support W eb site: http://www .
How to get help Standard 1.07 14 CallP ilot Outside North America, go to the follo wing W eb site to obtain the phone number for your re gion: http://www .
201i Server Hardware Instal lation 15 Chapter 2 About the 201i ser ver In this chapter 201i ser v er description 16 Network connectivity 24 P er ipheral connectivit y 31.
About the 201i server Standard 1.07 16 CallP ilot 201i server description Intr oduction The 201i server is a fle x ible multimedia telephon y server designed to integrate wit h Nortel Meridian 1 * and Succession * 1000 products. The 201i serv er occupies two slots of a Meridian 1 shelf or Succession 1000 Media Gate way or Media Gate way Expans ion.
November 2006 About the 201i server 201i Server Hardware Instal lation 17 T wo Ethernet con trollers on the 201i serv er motherboard provide Ethernet capability . These controllers pro vide th e network interf aces for both the embedded LAN (ELAN) and customer LAN (CLAN).
About the 201i server Standard 1.07 1 8 Call Pilot The follo wing diagram sho ws the 201i server components:. Heat sink Hard drive pow er cable Hard drive data cab le Secondar y backplane connector pin Secondar y backplane connector 3.
November 2006 About the 201i server 201i Server Hardware Instal lation 19 F aceplate The follo wing diagram sho ws the 201i server f aceplate. The faceplate provides LEDs, MPC card slots, and connecto.
About the 201i server Standard 1.07 20 CallP ilot The follo wing table describes each faceplate feature : F acep late feature Description Mouse conn ector The mous e connector is a st andard PS/2 conn ector and is hot-plugg able.
November 2006 About the 201i server 201i Server Hardware Instal lation 21 MPC card status LEDs (continued) On, then of f: The MPC card has been successfully po wered do wn.
About the 201i server Standard 1.07 22 CallP ilot En vir onmental specifications T emperatures Relative humidity Network and driv e acti vity LEDs (labeled as E, C, I, and S) The E and C LEDs indicate the presence of network acti vity for both the ELAN and CLAN interf aces (respecti vely).
November 2006 About the 201i server 201i Server Hardware Instal lation 23 Absolute RH 20% to 80% RH (non condensing) Long-term storage RH 5% to 95% RH [at –40 ° C (-40 ° F) to 70 ° C (158 ° F) r.
About the 201i server Standard 1.07 24 CallP ilot Netw ork connectivity Intr oduction This section sho ws how Cal lPilot and the Meridian 1 or Succession 1000 system are inte grated into your network. It also describes what is required in the network for correct CallPilot operation.
November 2006 About the 201i server 201i Server Hardware Instal lation 25 G101631 T elephony LAN/Customer LAN (10/100BaseT or 100BaseT) W eb-enabled administrativ e PC W eb-enabled administrativ e PC .
About the 201i server Standard 1.07 26 CallP ilot Sample netw ork setup: Succession 1000 The follo wing diagram sho ws an example of ho w th e 201i server can be integrated with the Succession 1000 sy.
November 2006 About the 201i server 201i Server Hardware Instal lation 27 In the illustration on page 26, the telephon y LAN (TLAN) provides IP connecti vity between the Succession 10 00 system and the i2004 Internet phonesets.
About the 201i server Standard 1.07 2 8 Call Pilot Netw ork requirements Appropriate netw orking equipment must be a v ailable for both the CLAN and ELAN. The CLAN and E LAN must be proper ly conf igured for correct CallPilot operation . T o ensure correct conf iguration, Nortel recommends that you consult a network specialist.
November 2006 About the 201i server 201i Server Hardware Instal lation 29 The follo wing table identifies the purpose of each connector on the NTRH0912 1 multi I/O cable.
About the 201i server Standard 1.07 30 CallP ilot RS-232 COM1 (male DB-9) This connector pro vides the connection to an ex ternal modem. The mo dem allo ws administra tors and technical support pers onnel to admi nister the 201i server from a remote location.
November 2006 About the 201i server 201i Server Hardware Instal lation 31 P eripheral connectivity Intr oduction Peripheral equipment is attached to th e 201i serv er on the server faceplate.
About the 201i server Standard 1.07 32 CallP ilot MPC-8 car d The MPC-8 card looks like a T ype II PC card, and supports the multimedia telephony services on the 201i serv er . Four specially-designed card slots are a v ailable for the MPC-8. All are locat ed on the 201i server faceplate.
November 2006 About the 201i server 201i Server Hardware Instal lation 33 Note: The CD-R OM driv e is not hot-pluggable . Y ou must power of f the server to connect or disconnect the dri ve. T ape drive (NTRH9038) An external SCSI t ape dri ve is used to b ack up and restore data.
About the 201i server Standard 1.07 34 CallP ilot Note: The mouse connector o n the 201i f aceplate is a PS/2 connector . If you plan to use a USB mouse with USB-to-PS/2 c on verter , you must also use the Nortel-supplied 101 mm (4-in) PS/2 e x tension cable (A0855616).
201i Server Hardware Instal lation 35 Chapter 3 Preparing f or installation In this chapter Installation ov er vie w 36 Unpacking and ins pecting th e 201i ser v er 41 Switch and netwo rk req uirement.
Preparing for install ation Standard 1.07 36 CallP ilot Installation o verview Intr oduction This section prov ides a high-le vel ov ervie w of the requirements and procedure for installing the 201i server . Fo r a list of CallPilot docu mentation, see the document map on page 7 .
November 2006 Preparing fo r installation 201i Server Hardware Instal lation 37 Installation chec klist The follo wing checklist identifies the step s required to install the 201i server and peripheral de vices. For more de tails, see Chapter 8, “Connecting peripheral de vices to the 201i server .
Preparing for install ation Standard 1.07 3 8 Call Pilot 2 Famil iarize yourself with the “Switch and network requirements” on pa ge 44 of this guide .
November 2006 Preparing fo r installation 201i Server Hardware Instal lation 39 6 Set the follo wing: SCSI IDs on the CD-R OM and tape dri ves (see pages 126 an d 128) DIP switches on the CD-R.
Preparing for install ation Standard 1.07 40 CallP ilot 9 Connect the 201 i server and de vices as follo ws: Connect the monitor , ke yboa rd, and mouse to the 201i server f aceplate (see page 142). ❒ Connect the CD-R OM and ta pe dri ves to the intermediate SCSI cable (see page 144).
November 2006 Preparing fo r installation 201i Server Hardware Instal lation 41 Unpac king and inspecting the 201i ser ver Intr oduction This section describes ho w to: unpack the 201i server and peripherals inspect the 201i serv er for damage It also describes what to do if y ou de termine that the 201i serv er is faulty .
Preparing for install ation Standard 1.07 42 CallP ilot T o inspect the 201i ser ver for shipping dama g e Before proceeding with the installation, visually inspect the 201i serv er for any damage that might ha ve occurred during shipping.
November 2006 Preparing fo r installation 201i Server Hardware Instal lation 43 What’ s next? Re vie w the “Swi tch and network requir ements” on page 44.
Preparing for install ation Standard 1.07 44 CallP ilot Switc h and netw ork requirements Intr oduction The information in this section will help you plan your 201i serv er installation. Meridian 1 or Succession 1000 slot requirements The 201i server occupies two ph ysical and electrical slots.
November 2006 Preparing fo r installation 201i Server Hardware Instal lation 45 Meridian 1 I/O panel connections On larg e Meridian 1 systems (such as Option 51C), the 201i serv er requires two connections from the slot s to the I/O panel on the rear of the switch, as follo ws: One connection is for the multi I/O cable.
Preparing for install ation Standard 1.07 46 CallP ilot If the LAN is to be netw orked with the 201i serv er , you need a network specialist to ensure proper conf iguration. What’ s next? Install the 201i server i n the Meridian 1 switch or Successio n 1000 system.
201i Server Hardware Instal lation 47 Chapter 4 Installing the 201i ser ver in a lar g e Meridian 1 system In this chapter Ov er v iew 4 8 Repositioning the secon dar y backplane conn ector 50 Install.
Installing the 201i server in a large Meridian 1 syste m Standard 1.07 4 8 Call Pilot Over vie w Intr oduction This section describes ho w to install the 201i serv er in a Meridian 1 switch.
November 2006 Installing the 201i server in a large Meridian 1 system 201i Server Hardware Instal lation 49 Bac kplane (tip and ring) cable The backp lane (tip and rin g) cable supp lied with the 201i s erver (NTRH3501) provides 100Base-T Ethernet CLAN operation.
Installing the 201i server in a large Meridian 1 syste m Standard 1.07 50 CallP ilot Repositioning the secondar y bac kplane connector Intr oduction The secondary backplane (DS 30X) connector on the 201i serv er connects the server to the second slot on the shel f, thereby providing access to the v oice chan nels pro vided by that slot.
November 2006 Installing the 201i server in a large Meridian 1 system 201i Server Hardware Instal lation 51 Secondary backplane con nector description The secondary backplane connector is attache d to the backplane edge of the 201i serv er .
Installing the 201i server in a large Meridian 1 syste m Standard 1.07 52 CallP ilot Required equipment T o mov e the secondary backplane c onnector , you need a Phillips No. 1 scre wdri ver . A pair of needle-nosed pliers can also be helpful for remo ving the pin connector .
November 2006 Installing the 201i server in a large Meridian 1 system 201i Server Hardware Instal lation 53 See the follo wing diagram: 5 Replace the pin connector so the pins protrude through bo th connectors . Ensure that the connectors ar e correctl y aligned as sho wn in the diag ram belo w .
Installing the 201i server in a large Meridian 1 syste m Standard 1.07 54 CallP ilot G101442 A B.
November 2006 Installing the 201i server in a large Meridian 1 system 201i Server Hardware Instal lation 55 6 Gently pr ess the p in connec tor into the sock et until it is fully seated. 7 Remov e the y ello w bac kplane w ar ning label from the top lock latch on the 201i serv er .
Installing the 201i server in a large Meridian 1 syste m Standard 1.07 56 CallP ilot Installing the 201i ser ver in the lar ge Meridian 1 s witch Intr oduction The 201i serv er occupies two slots. Y ou can install the 201i serv er in slots 0 through 14.
November 2006 Installing the 201i server in a large Meridian 1 system 201i Server Hardware Instal lation 57 What’ s next? Continue with “Remo ving the backplane (tip and ring) cabl es” on page 58.
Installing the 201i server in a large Meridian 1 syste m Standard 1.07 5 8 Call Pilot Remo ving the bac kplane (tip and ring) cab les Intr oduction Y ou must remove the Meridian 1 backpl ane (tip and .
November 2006 Installing the 201i server in a large Meridian 1 system 201i Server Hardware Instal lation 59 T o remo ve the bac kplane cables 1 Remov e the I/O panel cover from the rea r of the Meri dian 1 switch. 2 Remov e the prot ectiv e plate fro m the rear of the Me ridia n 1 s wit ch.
Installing the 201i server in a large Meridian 1 syste m Standard 1.07 60 CallP ilot Remov e the tie wrap s where applicab le to free the ca ble . c. Remov e the co nnector , I/O filter assem b ly , and all m ounting hardw are from the inside of th e I/O panel so the slot is complete ly va c a t e d .
November 2006 Installing the 201i server in a large Meridian 1 system 201i Server Hardware Instal lation 61 The f ollowing diag ram sho ws an e xample using slots 3 and 4: What’ s next? Continue with “Installing the NTRH35 01 backplane cable” on pag e 62.
Installing the 201i server in a large Meridian 1 syste m Standard 1.07 62 CallP ilot Installing the NTRH3501 bac kplane cable Intr oduction Y ou must connect the backplan e (tip and ring) cable supplied with the 201i server (NTRH3501) for 100Base-T Ethe rnet CLAN operation.
November 2006 Installing the 201i server in a large Meridian 1 system 201i Server Hardware Instal lation 63 Bef ore y ou begin Before you can install th e NTRH3501 cable, you must remov e the e xisting backplane cable from the back of the switch. See “Removing the backplane (tip and ring) cables” on page 58.
Installing the 201i server in a large Meridian 1 syste m Standard 1.07 64 CallP ilot See the follo wing diagram: What’ s next? Continue with “Installing the SCSI cables for Meridian 1” on page 65.
November 2006 Installing the 201i server in a large Meridian 1 system 201i Server Hardware Instal lation 65 Installing the SCSI cab les f or Meridian 1 Intr oduction Before you can connect a CD-R OM or tape dri ve to the 201i serv er , you must install the SCSI cables.
Installing the 201i server in a large Meridian 1 syste m Standard 1.07 66 CallP ilot The conn ector on th e intermediate SCSI cable th at attaches to the 201i server faceplate is a lo w-profi le right-angle connector . This allo ws the cable to be attached with the Meridian 1 cabinet cov er on.
November 2006 Installing the 201i server in a large Meridian 1 system 201i Server Hardware Instal lation 67 In this diagram, the CD-R OM dri ve is the f irst devi ce. The tape dri ve is the last de vice. Note: Alternate SCSI device connection s cenarios are supported, but are not depicted in this gu ide.
Installing the 201i server in a large Meridian 1 syste m Standard 1.07 6 8 Call Pilot T o install the SCSI cab les f or Meridian 1 1 Thread the SCSI connector end of th e NTRH140 8 cab le from the front of the Meridian 1 along the bottom of the shelf to either the left or the right access channel.
November 2006 Installing the 201i server in a large Meridian 1 system 201i Server Hardware Instal lation 69 See the follo wing diagram: Note: The bac kplane connectors f or the right slot are not re quired and, therefore , are lef t v acant.
Installing the 201i server in a large Meridian 1 syste m Standard 1.07 70 CallP ilot 7 Replace the prot ectiv e plate . 8 Replace the I/O panel cov er . 9 P ow er up the shelf . What’ s next? Prepare the modem, CD-R OM driv e, an d tape dri ve for connection to the 201i serv er .
201i Server Hardware Instal lation 71 Chapter 5 Installing the 201i ser ver in an Option 11C or Option 11C Mini In this chapter Installing the 201i ser ver in the Option 11C or Option 11C Mini s witch.
Installing the 201i server in an Op ti on 11C or Op tion 11C Mini Standard 1.07 72 CallP ilot Installing the 201i ser ver in the Option 11C or Option 11C Mini s witch Intr oduction The 201i server occupies physical and ele ctrical slots.
November 2006 Installing the 201i se rver in an Option 11C or Op tion 11C Mini 201i Server Hardware Instal lation 73 See the follo wing diagram: 2 Ensure that no cab les are connected to the slots in which you are installing the 201i ser ver . 3 Open the lock latches at the top and b ottom of the 2 01i ser v er f aceplate .
Installing the 201i server in an Op ti on 11C or Op tion 11C Mini Standard 1.07 74 CallP ilot 4 Slide the 201i ser v er into an unoccupi ed pair of slots . Ensure that the 20 1i ser ver is positione d correctly betw een the slots . Note: W hen cor rectly inser ted in the Opt ion 11C M ini, the to p of the 201i ser v er is on the left.
November 2006 Installing the 201i se rver in an Option 11C or Op tion 11C Mini 201i Server Hardware Instal lation 75 What’ s next? Continue with installin g the cables.
Installing the 201i server in an Op ti on 11C or Op tion 11C Mini Standard 1.07 76 CallP ilot.
November 2006 Installing the 201i se rver in an Option 11C or Op tion 11C Mini 201i Server Hardware Instal lation 77 Section A: Installing Option 11C cab les In this section Installing the inter media.
Installing the 201i server in an Op ti on 11C or Op tion 11C Mini Standard 1.07 7 8 Call Pilot Installing the intermediate SCSI cab le f or Option 11C Intr oduction Before you can connect an external CD-R OM or tape driv e to the 201i server , Option 11C requires an inte rmediate SCSI cable (NTRH1407).
November 2006 Installing the 201i se rver in an Option 11C or Op tion 11C Mini 201i Server Hardware Instal lation 79 What the completed i nstallation looks like The follo wing diagram sho ws how the intermediate SCSI cable, CD-R OM dri ve, an d tape dri ve a re connecte d to the Option 11C.
Installing the 201i server in an Op ti on 11C or Op tion 11C Mini Standard 1.07 8 0 Call Pilot Note: Alternate SCSI device connection s cenarios are supported, but are not depicted in this gu ide. If you want to use a connection scenario that is not described in this guide, ensure that you use appropriate cabling for each de vice .
November 2006 Installing the 201i se rver in an Option 11C or Op tion 11C Mini 201i Server Hardware Instal lation 8 1 T o install the cab le 1 Attach th e brac k et assemb ly and cab le as f ollo ws: a. Below the card ca ge, temporarily remov e the ha rdware that secu res cab le connectio ns to the Opti on 11C .
Installing the 201i server in an Op ti on 11C or Op tion 11C Mini Standard 1.07 8 2 Call Pilot See the follo wing diagram: 2 Thread the cable up th rough the card cage . Note: W hen rout ing the SCSI cable t hrough the card cage , ensure the second cab le ferrite is placed halfw a y through th e opening.
November 2006 Installing the 201i se rver in an Option 11C or Op tion 11C Mini 201i Server Hardware Instal lation 8 3 4 Lea ve the lo w-profile r i ght-angle SCSI connector loose f or now . Y ou will connect it lat er to the 2 01i ser v er f aceplate .
Installing the 201i server in an Op ti on 11C or Op tion 11C Mini Standard 1.07 8 4 Call Pilot 5 Replace all cab ling and hardw a re that y ou remov ed in step 1. 6 Restore any ser vic es that you took out of ser vic e in step 1. What’ s next? Prepare the modem, CD-R OM driv e, an d tape dri ve for connection to the 201i serv er .
November 2006 Installing the 201i se rver in an Option 11C or Op tion 11C Mini 201i Server Hardware Instal lation 8 5 Section B: Installing Option 11C Mini cab les In this section Installing the NTRH3.
Installing the 201i server in an Op ti on 11C or Op tion 11C Mini Standard 1.07 8 6 Call Pilot Installing the NTRH3502 SCSI cab le f or Option 11C Mini Intr oduction Before you can connect a CD-R OM or tape dri ve to the 201i serv er , you must install the NTRH3502 S CSI cable.
November 2006 Installing the 201i se rver in an Option 11C or Op tion 11C Mini 201i Server Hardware Instal lation 8 7 Note: Alternate SCSI device connection s cenarios are supported, but are not depicted in this gu ide.
Installing the 201i server in an Op ti on 11C or Op tion 11C Mini Standard 1.07 88 CallP ilot T o install the NTRH3502 SCSI cab le 1 If y our Option 11C Mini is equip ped with a Fiber Routing Guide , temporarily remov e it. Note: F or detailed instr uctions, ref er to the Option 1 1C and Option 1 1C Mini Expansion Guide (NTP 553-3021-20 8 ).
November 2006 Installing the 201i se rver in an Option 11C or Op tion 11C Mini 201i Server Hardware Instal lation 8 9 See the follo wing diagram: 3 Ref asten the inner SCSI brac ket scre ws in their original locations inside the cabine t. Y ou will use the top scre w later to f asten the NTRH3502 SCSI cab le drain wire .
Installing the 201i server in an Op ti on 11C or Op tion 11C Mini Standard 1.07 90 CallP ilot SCSI cable installation to accommodate the Fiber Routing Guide 6 If required, reinstall the Fiber Routing Guide . Note: F or detailed instr uctions, ref er to the Option 1 1C and Option 1 1C Mini Expansion Guide (NTP 553-3021-20 8 ).
November 2006 Installing the 201i se rver in an Option 11C or Op tion 11C Mini 201i Server Hardware Instal lation 91 See the follo wing diagram: 7 Replace the cabin et cov er . What’ s next? Continue with “Installing cables on the back of the Option 11C Mini cabinet” on page 92.
Installing the 201i server in an Op ti on 11C or Op tion 11C Mini Standard 1.07 92 CallP ilot Installing cables on the bac k of the Option 11C Mini cabinet Intr oduction The follo wing items connect t.
November 2006 Installing the 201i se rver in an Option 11C or Op tion 11C Mini 201i Server Hardware Instal lation 93 The f ollowing diag ram sho ws how to secur e the multi I/O cab le connection: 3 Attach th e multi I/O cab le drain wire to a scre w on the cabinet.
Installing the 201i server in an Op ti on 11C or Op tion 11C Mini Standard 1.07 94 CallP ilot See the follo wing diagram: What’ s next? Prepare the modem, CD-R OM driv e, an d tape dri ve for connection to the 201i serv er . For instructions, see Chap ter 7, “Preparing peripheral devices.
201i Server Hardware Instal lation 95 Chapter 6 Installing the 201i ser ver in the Succession 1000 system In this chapter Succession 1000 d escr iption 96 Removing the M edia Gatewa y or Media Gat e w.
Installing the 201i server in th e Succession 10 00 system Standard 1.07 96 CallP ilot Succession 1000 description Intr oduction The Succession 1000 system is an IP PBX that provides telephony and data capabilities ov er an IP network.
November 2006 Installing the 201i server in the Successio n 1000 system 201i Server Hardware Instal lation 97 one A C power cord connector and On/Of f switch The follo wing diagram sho ws the Call.
Installing the 201i server in th e Succession 10 00 system Standard 1.07 9 8 Call Pilot The follo wing table identifies th e Media Gate way and Media Gateway Expansion slots into which you can install.
November 2006 Installing the 201i server in the Successio n 1000 system 201i Server Hardware Instal lation 99 6 Not supported 6 Not supporte d Media G ate way Expans ion Media Gateway Expansion 71 7 7.
Installing the 201i server in th e Succession 10 00 system Standard 1.07 100 CallPil ot Bac k panel connector s The follo wing table describes the connec tors that are located on the back of each Medi.
November 2006 Installing the 201i server in the Successio n 1000 system 201i Server Hardware Instal lation 101 The follo wing diagram sho ws the Media Gate way: One 10Base-T Ethernet connector that .
Installing the 201i server in th e Succession 10 00 system Standard 1.07 102 CallPil ot Note: Except for the back p anel connec tors, the Media Gate way Expansion is similar in e xternal app earance to the Media Gatew ay . Succession 1000 software Fo r the 201i server , the Succession 1000 system must be running Suc cession Release 3.
November 2006 Installing the 201i server in the Successio n 1000 system 201i Server Hardware Instal lation 103 Succession 1000 documentation If you need to refer to the follo wing Succes sion 1000 te .
Installing the 201i server in th e Succession 10 00 system Standard 1.07 104 CallPil ot Remo ving the Media Gatewa y or Media Gate wa y Expansion co ver Intr oduction T o access the interior of the Media Gatew ay or Media Gate way Expansion, you must remov e the front bezel an d inside front cov er plate.
November 2006 Installing the 201i server in the Successio n 1000 system 201i Server Hardware Instal lation 105 a. Use a slot screwdriver to gently pr y off the SUCCESSION label.
Installing the 201i server in th e Succession 10 00 system Standard 1.07 106 CallPil ot 2 Remov e the inside fro nt cov er plate as f ollows: a. Use a scre wdriver to loosen each scre w on the top of the inside front cov er plate by three tur ns.
November 2006 Installing the 201i server in the Successio n 1000 system 201i Server Hardware Instal lation 107 Installing the 201i ser ver Intr oduction This section describes ho w to insta ll the 201i serv er inside the Media Gate way or Media Gate way Expansion.
Installing the 201i server in th e Succession 10 00 system Standard 1.07 10 8 CallPil ot T o install the 201i server inside the Media Gate wa y or Media Gate wa y Expansion 1 Ensure that no cab les are connected to the slots in which you are installing the 201i ser ver .
November 2006 Installing the 201i server in the Successio n 1000 system 201i Server Hardware Instal lation 109 What’ s next? Continue with “Installing the NTRH35 02 SCSI cable for Succession 1000” on page 110. A TTENTION Do not push the 201 i ser ver into place against the backplane until you are ready to obser v e the star tup cycle.
Installing the 201i server in th e Succession 10 00 system Standard 1.07 110 CallPil ot Installing the NTRH3502 SCSI cab le f or Succession 1000 Intr oduction Before you can connect a CD-R OM or tape dri ve to the 201i serv er , you must install the NTRH3502 SCSI cable.
November 2006 Installing the 201i server in the Successio n 1000 system 201i Server Hardware Instal lation 111 Note: Alterna te connection scenarios are su pported, b ut are not depicted in this guide. If you wa nt to use a connec tion scenario that is not described in this guide, ensure that you us e appropriate cabling for each de vice.
Installing the 201i server in th e Succession 10 00 system Standard 1.07 112 CallPil ot 2 Ref asten the inner SCSI brac ket scre ws in their original locations inside the Media Ga te wa y or Media Gatewa y Expan sion. Y ou will use one of the screws later to f asten the NTRH3502 SC SI cab le drain wire .
November 2006 Installing the 201i server in the Successio n 1000 system 201i Server Hardware Instal lation 113 5 Replace the inside fr ont cov er plate. F or instructions , see “T o replace the inside front co ver plate” on page 114. 6 Replace the fro nt bezel.
Installing the 201i server in th e Succession 10 00 system Standard 1.07 114 CallPil ot Replacing the Media Gate wa y or Media Gate wa y Expansion co ver Intr oduction This section describe s ho w to replace the front bezel and inside front co ver plate on the Med ia Gate way or Media Gate way Expansio n.
November 2006 Installing the 201i server in the Successio n 1000 system 201i Server Hardware Instal lation 115 1 Inser t the bo ttom tabs o f the front cov er plate inside the bottom rail. 2 Align the screw holes on the front cov er pla te ov er the scre w head s on the Media Ga te wa y or Media Gatewa y Expan sion.
Installing the 201i server in th e Succession 10 00 system Standard 1.07 116 CallPil ot T o replace the fr ont bezel 1 Align the tw o posts and th e lock ing tab on the re ar of the fron t bez el with the slots on the inside front co ver plate . 2 Push the bez el tow ard the Media Gate wa y or Media Gatew a y Expansion until it snaps into place.
November 2006 Installing the 201i server in the Successio n 1000 system 201i Server Hardware Instal lation 117 Connecting cables to the Succession 1000 system Intr oduction The follo wing items are co.
Installing the 201i server in th e Succession 10 00 system Standard 1.07 11 8 CallPil ot c. Secure the connecti on by ti ghtening the reta ining scre w and V elcro f astenin g strap of the c onductor .
November 2006 Installing the 201i server in the Successio n 1000 system 201i Server Hardware Instal lation 119 4 Connect the po wer cord to the Media Gate wa y or Media Gate wa y Expansion. What’ s next? Prepare the modem, CD-R OM driv e, an d tape dri ve for connection to the 201i serv er .
Installing the 201i server in th e Succession 10 00 system Standard 1.07 120 CallPil ot.
201i Server Hardware Instal lation 121 Chapter 7 Preparing peripheral de vices In this chapter Ov er view 122 Setting the modem DIP s witches 124 Setting the CD-R OM dr iv e SCSI ID and DIP s witches .
Preparing periph eral devices Standard 1.07 122 CallPil ot Over vie w Intr oduction Y ou can connect a modem and one or more SCSI de vices to the 201i serv er . The modem is connected to the 20 1i server by the multi I/O cable. The SCSI de vices are connected to the 20 1i server by the intermediate SCSI cable.
November 2006 Preparing peripheral devi ces 201i Server Hardware Instal lation 123 tape dri ve (NTRH9 038): T andberg SLR5 tape dri ve Note: This is currently the on ly supported tape dri ve.
Preparing periph eral devices Standard 1.07 124 CallPil ot Setting the modem DIP s witches Intr oduction Set the modem DIP switches to their defa ult settings. This section describes ho w to set the modem DIP swi tches if they ha ve been changed from the defaul t settings.
November 2006 Preparing peripheral devi ces 201i Server Hardware Instal lation 125 4 OFF Command mode local echo supp ression OFF: Displays k eyboard co mmands ON: Suppresses echo 5 ON Auto an.
Preparing periph eral devices Standard 1.07 126 CallPil ot Setting the CD-R OM drive SCSI ID and DIP sw i t c h e s Intr oduction This section describes ho w to set the CD-R OM dri ve SCSI ID and DIP switches. Note: The CD-R OM driv e discussed in this section is the external SCSI CD-R OM dri ve (NTRH9105).
November 2006 Preparing peripheral devi ces 201i Server Hardware Instal lation 127 T o set the CD-R OM drive DIP switc hes Set the CD-R OM dri ve DIP switches as described in the follo wing table: Wha.
Preparing periph eral devices Standard 1.07 12 8 CallPil ot Setting the tape drive SCSI ID Intr oduction This section describes ho w to set the tape dri ve SCSI ID. Note: The tape driv e discussed in this se ction is the T andberg SLR5 tape dri v e (NTRH9038).
November 2006 Preparing peripheral devi ces 201i Server Hardware Instal lation 129 T o change the SCSI ID, use the blade of a scre wdri ver to press either the plus (+) or minus (–) b utton on the SCSI ID switch. Set the SCSI ID to 5. G1011 8 3 A C power receptacle Note: The appearance and size of the tape drive is subject to change .
Preparing periph eral devices Standard 1.07 130 CallPil ot Setting SCSI de vice termination Intr oduction If you w ant to connect SCSI devices in a daisy chain, the last de vice in the daisy chain must be terminated. This section describes ho w to terminate the SCSI devices.
November 2006 Preparing peripheral devi ces 201i Server Hardware Instal lation 131 Meridian 1 Fo r more information about the cablin g requirements, see “Installing the SCSI cables for Meridia n 1” on page 65.
Preparing periph eral devices Standard 1.07 132 CallPil ot Option 11C, Option 11C Mini Fo r more information about the cab ling requirements, see one of the follo wing: “Installing the intermed .
November 2006 Preparing peripheral devi ces 201i Server Hardware Instal lation 133 Succession 1000 Fo r more information about the cablin g requirements, see “Installing the NTRH3502 SCSI cable for Succes sion 1000” on page 110.
Preparing periph eral devices Standard 1.07 134 CallPil ot What’ s next? Complete the 201i serv er installa tion in the switch. See Chapter 8, “Connecting peripheral de vices to the 201i serv er . ” a tape dri ve only do nothing. External terminati on is not required because the driv e is already interna lly terminated.
201i Server Hardware Instal lation 135 Chapter 8 Connecting peripheral de vices to the 201i ser ver In this chapter Ov er view 136 Installing the MPCs 140 Installing the monitor , k eyboard, and mouse.
Connecting perip heral devices to the 201i server Standard 1.07 136 CallPil ot Over vie w Intr oduction This section describes installing the 20 1i serv er in the switch, connec ting peripheral devices, and starting the 201i se rv er .
November 2006 Connecting peripheral devi ces to the 201i server 201i Server Hardware Instal lation 137 Monitor , key board, and mo use Connect the monitor , keyboard, and mouse to the 201i serv er faceplate so that you can: observe the 201i server startup process.
Connecting perip heral devices to the 201i server Standard 1.07 13 8 CallPil ot 201i server faceplate and peripheral de vice connectors The follo wing diagram identif ies the pe ripheral de vice conne.
November 2006 Connecting peripheral devi ces to the 201i server 201i Server Hardware Instal lation 139 Star ting the 201i server When you lock the 201i into positio n against the switch backplane, the server starts automatically . Y ou can ob serve the startup process on both the monitor and t he 201i server f aceplate.
Connecting perip heral devices to the 201i server Standard 1.07 140 CallPil ot Installing the MPCs Intr oduction T wo MPCs are prei nstalled at the fact ory .
November 2006 Connecting peripheral devi ces to the 201i server 201i Server Hardware Instal lation 141 f acing to the r ight if the 201 i ser ver is inser ted into the 201i shelf (see the f o llowing diag ram) 3 Inser t the card into the slot, and gently push it until it is firmly in place and the ejector b utton pops bac k out.
Connecting perip heral devices to the 201i server Standard 1.07 142 CallPil ot Installing the monitor , ke yboar d, and mouse Intr oduction Y ou must connect the monitor , keyboard , and mouse to the 201i server so that you can: observe the 201i server startup process.
November 2006 Connecting peripheral devi ces to the 201i server 201i Server Hardware Instal lation 143 PS/2 ex tension cable The follo wing diagram sho ws the PS/2 e xtension cable connected between the 201i server and the USB mouse with USB-to-PS/2 con verter .
Connecting perip heral devices to the 201i server Standard 1.07 144 CallPil ot Connecting the CD-R OM and tape drives Intr oduction Y ou can connect the CD-R OM, tape driv e, or both to the intermediate SCSI cable that you installed earlier .
November 2006 Connecting peripheral devi ces to the 201i server 201i Server Hardware Instal lation 145 Selecting the pr ocedure for y our switc h T o connect the CD-R OM and tape drives to the 201i server (Meridian 1) Note: If you are connecti ng the SCSI de vices to the Option 11 C, go to page 147.
Connecting perip heral devices to the 201i server Standard 1.07 146 CallPil ot 3 Connect the lo w-profile right-angle SCSI cab le connector to the SCSI connector on the 20 1i ser v er f aceplate . 4 Connect an addition al de vice in a daisy chain, if required , using either the SCSI cab le supplied with the de vice or an NTRH3502 cab le.
November 2006 Connecting peripheral devi ces to the 201i server 201i Server Hardware Instal lation 147 that is no t descr ibed in t his guide, ensu re that you use ap propr iate cab ling f or each SCSI de vice. 5 Connect the po wer cord fo r each de vice.
Connecting perip heral devices to the 201i server Standard 1.07 14 8 CallPil ot The f ollowing diagr am shows cab le connections , where the CD-R OM drive is the first de vice: Note: Alternate SCSI de vice connection scenarios are supp or ted, b ut are not depicted in this guide.
November 2006 Connecting peripheral devi ces to the 201i server 201i Server Hardware Instal lation 149 T o connect the CD-R OM and tape drives to the 201i server (Option 11C Mini) 1 Connect the firs t SCSI de vice .
Connecting perip heral devices to the 201i server Standard 1.07 150 CallPil ot Note: Alternate SCSI de vice connection scenarios are supp or ted, b ut are not depicted in this guide. If y ou want to use a connection scenar io that is no t descr ibed in t his guide, ensu re that you use ap propr iate cab ling f or each SCSI de vice.
November 2006 Connecting peripheral devi ces to the 201i server 201i Server Hardware Instal lation 151 T o connect the CD-R OM and tape drives to the 201i server (Succession 1000) 1 Connect the firs t SCSI de vice .
Connecting perip heral devices to the 201i server Standard 1.07 152 CallPil ot The f ollowing diagr am shows cab le connections , where the CD-R OM drive is the first de vice: Note: Alternate SCSI de vice connection scenarios are supp or ted, b ut are not depicted in this guide.
November 2006 Connecting peripheral devi ces to the 201i server 201i Server Hardware Instal lation 153 Connecting the 201i ser ver to the s witch, ELAN, and CLAN Intr oduction The CLAN and E LAN connections are established by u sing the 201i serv er multi I/O cable.
Connecting perip heral devices to the 201i server Standard 1.07 154 CallPil ot Note: Ensure that the cab le is securely f ast ened. 2 If y ou ha v e not already done so , connect the ampheno l connect.
November 2006 Connecting peripheral devi ces to the 201i server 201i Server Hardware Instal lation 155 Option 11C Min i or Succession 1000 to a scre w on the bac k of the cabinet 3 Connect the connect or on the multi I/O cable that is lab eled as ELAN t o the switch networ k hub .
Connecting perip heral devices to the 201i server Standard 1.07 156 CallPil ot Connecting the modem Intr oduction Y ou must connect the modem to the 201i server if: you w ant to administer the 2 01i server from a remote location. you need assistance from Nortel technical support.
November 2006 Connecting peripheral devi ces to the 201i server 201i Server Hardware Instal lation 157 2 Attach th e serial cable as f ollows: a. Connect the 25- pin male end of the serial cab le to the modem. b. Attach the 0.2 5-inch nuts to the thumb screws on the 9-pin f emale connector on th e serial cable .
Connecting perip heral devices to the 201i server Standard 1.07 15 8 CallPil ot 6 P ower on the m odem. Note: Ensure that t he modem is receiving po wer b y chec king that at least one LED on its front panel is lit. 7 Place the modem in an are a where it cannot be accid entally damaged or where people cann ot trip ov er attach ed cords.
November 2006 Connecting peripheral devi ces to the 201i server 201i Server Hardware Instal lation 159 Completing the installation Intr oduction T o complete the installatio n of th e 201i serv er , lock the 201i into position . The server starts up automatically .
Connecting perip heral devices to the 201i server Standard 1.07 160 CallPil ot Result: The oper ating system boot seque nce begins , and communication with the s w itch occurs . The HEX display sho ws NT (f or about 30 seco nds), f ollow ed b y OK. Note: The system re boots more than once .
November 2006 Connecting peripheral devi ces to the 201i server 201i Server Hardware Instal lation 161 6 Ensure that the op erating system log on window appe ars on the monitor .
Connecting perip heral devices to the 201i server Standard 1.07 162 CallPil ot.
201i Server Hardware Instal lation 163 Appendix A RoHS p art conversion t able In this appendix RoHS part co nversion table 16 4.
RoHS part conversion table Standard 1.07 164 CallPil ot RoHS p art conversion t able This appendix provides a mapping of RoHS-compliant parts to the equivalent non-RoHS-compl iant parts for the 201i server . Nortel is phasin g in RoHS-compliant 201i se rvers in countries af fected by the EUED (European Union En vironmental Directiv e s).
November 2006 RoHS part conversion table 201i Server Hardware Instal lation 165 T able 1: RoHS part con version table Ty p e RoHS par t description (The non-RoHS p art description is in cluded bel ow .
RoHS part conversion table Standard 1.07 166 Call Pilot T able 1: RoHS part con version table (cont’ d) Ty p e RoHS par t description (The non-RoHS p art description is in cluded bel ow in parenthes.
November 2006 RoHS part conversion table 201i Server Hardware Instal lation 167 T able 1: RoHS part con version table (cont’ d) Ty p e RoHS par t description (The non-RoHS p art description is in cl.
RoHS part conversion table Standard 1.07 16 8 CallPil ot.
201i Server Hardware Instal lation 169 Inde x Numerics 201i server components, diagram 18 damaged, what to do 42 faceplate connections 31 description 20 diagram 19 , 138 inspecting 42 installation che.
Index Standard 1.07 170 CallPil ot connectors CLAN 29 ELAN 29 RS-232 30 switch 29 diagram 28 installi ng lar ge Meridian 1 system 153 Option 11C 153 Option 11C Mini 92 , 154 Succession 1000 154 cable,.
November 2006 Index 201i Server Hardware Instal lation 171 ke yboard 20 , 31 monitor 20 , 31 mouse 20 , 31 SCSI 32 SCSI de vice 21 switch, multi I/O cable 29 copyright 2 cove r , r em ov in g small Me.
Index Standard 1.07 172 CallPil ot CD-R OM driv e 127 modem 124 documentation, Su ccession 1000 103 drain wire, connecting Opti on 11C 154 Option 11 C Mini 155 Succession 1000 155 E ejector b uttons, .
November 2006 Index 201i Server Hardware Instal lation 173 L latches, l ock 20 LEDs CLAN 22 ELAN 22 hard dri ve 22 MPC status 20 – 21 po wer status 20 SCSI dri ve 22 lock latches 20 M Media Gatew ay.
Index Standard 1.07 174 CallPil ot installation di agram 68 installi ng 68 NTRH1410 cable 66 installation di agram 68 installi ng 68 NTRH3501 cable 58 diagram 62 installi ng 63 NTRH3502 cable 86 , 110.
November 2006 Index 201i Server Hardware Instal lation 175 daisy chain scenarios Meridian 1 131 Option 11C 132 Option 11C Mini 132 Succession 1000 133 installation, atten tion 126 , 128 , 130 supporte.
Index Standard 1.07 176 CallPil ot connecting Meridian 1 145 Option 11C 147 Option 11C Mini 149 Succession 1000 151 description 33 de vice terminati on, setting 134 installation, atten tion 126 , 128 .
20 1i Se r ver H a rd w a re I ns ta ll a t i o n CallPilot Re le a se 4.0 Document Number: 55 5- 7101- 220 Document V ersion : St andard 1. 07 Nov ember 2006 All Rights Reserved. T o provide feedback or report a problem in this document, go to www .nortel.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Nortel Nortel CallPilot 201i (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Nortel Nortel CallPilot 201i heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Nortel Nortel CallPilot 201i vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Nortel Nortel CallPilot 201i leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Nortel Nortel CallPilot 201i krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Nortel Nortel CallPilot 201i bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Nortel Nortel CallPilot 201i kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Nortel Nortel CallPilot 201i . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.