Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product Contivity Secure IP Services Gateway 2700 van de fabrikant Nortel
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Version 7.05.300 NN46110-311 02.0 1 314708-F Rev 01 November 2007 Standard 600 Technology Park Drive Billerica, MA 01821-4130 Nor tel VPN Router Installation — VPN Router 2700.
2 NN46110-311 02.0 1 Copyright © 2007 Nortel Ne tworks. All rights reserved. The information in this document is subj ect to change without notice. The statements, config urations, technical data, and recommendations in this docume nt are believ ed to be accura te and reliable, but are presen ted without e xpress or implied warranty .
3 Nortel VPN Router Installation — VPN Router 27 00 Wa r n i n g : This is a Class A product. In a domestic en vironmen t, this product may cause ra dio interference, in which case, the user may be required to take appropriate measures. Achtung: Dieses ist ein Gerät der Funkstörgrenzwertklasse A.
4 NN46110-311 02.0 1 Canada requirements only Canadian Department of Communicat ions Radio Interf erence Regulations This digital apparatus (VPN Router 2700) does not exceed th e Class A limits for radio- noise emissions from digital apparatus as set out in the Radio In terference Regulations of the Canadi an Depa rtment of Comm unicat ions.
5 Nortel VPN Router Installation — VPN Router 27 00 provide support of any kind for the Softw a re. Some jurisdictions do not allo w ex cl usion of implied w a rranties, and, in such ev ent, the above e x clusions may not apply . 3. Limitation of Remedies.
6 NN46110-311 02.0 1.
7 Nortel VPN Router Installation — VPN Router 27 00 Contents New in this release . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8 Contents NN46110-311 02.0 1 Installing the chassis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Installing the chassis on a flat surface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Contents 9 Nortel VPN Router Installa tio n — VPN Router 2700 Chapter 4 Installing option car ds and DIMMs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Shutting down the system t o add or replace hardware . . . . . . . . . . . .
10 Contents NN46110-311 02.0 1.
11 Nortel VPN Router Installation — VPN Router 27 00 Figures Figure 1 Front view o f the VPN R out er 2700 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Figure 2 Placement of rubber feet on the bottom of the chassis . . . . . . . . . .
12 Figures NN46110-311 02.0 1 Figure 30 VPN Router Security Acce lerator card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Figure 31 SSL VPN Module 1000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Figure 32 10/100BASE-T X Etherne t interfac e card .
13 Nortel VPN Router Installation — VPN Router 27 00 Ta b l e s T able 1 Items shipped with the V PN Router 2700 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 T a ble 2 Interfaces and ca bles for the VPN Router 2700 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
14 Tables NN46110-311 02.0 1 T able 30 T1/E1 CSU/DSU cable pinout s for straight-through connection . . . . . . . . 94 T able 31 V .90 modem cable pinouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 T able 32 V .35 c able pinouts .
15 Nortel VPN Router Installation — VPN Router 27 00 Ne w in this release The follo wing section details what’ s new in Nortel VPN Router Installation— VPN Router 2700 (NN461 10-311) for Release 7.
16 New in this release NN46110-311 02.0 1.
17 Nortel VPN Router Installation — VPN Router 27 00 Ho w to ge t help This chapter expl ains ho w to get help for Nortel products and services. Finding the latest updates on the Nor tel W eb site The content of this documentatio n was current at the time the product w as released.
18 How to get help NN46110-311 02.0 1 This site provides quick access to softw are, documentation, bulletins, and tools to address issues with Nortel prod ucts.
How to get help 19 Nortel VPN Router Installa tio n — VPN Router 2700 Getting help thr o ugh a Nor tel distrib utor or reseller If you purchased a service contract for you r Nortel product from a distrib utor or authorized reseller , contact the technica l support staff for that distrib utor or reseller .
20 How to get help NN46110-311 02.0 1.
21 Nortel VPN Router Installation — VPN Router 27 00 Preface The VPN Router 2700 is part of the Nortel VPN Router product f amily . Nortel VPN Router 2700 suppor ts secure, relia ble IP VPNs in a single, integrated hardware de vice. Throughout this guid e, the VPN Router 2700 is also referred to as the gateway .
22 Pref ace NN46110-311 02.0 1 T e xt con ventions This guide uses the follo wing text con ventions: Acr onyms This guide uses the follo wing acronyms: bold Courier text Indicates command names an d options and te xt that you need to enter . Example: Use the show health command.
Preface 23 Nortel VPN Router Installa tio n — VPN Router 2700 Related publications For complete information about conf igur ing, monitoring, and managing the VPN Router 2700, formerly kno wn as the .
24 Pref ace NN46110-311 02.0 1 • Nortel VPN Router Co nfigurat ion — Routing (NN46110-504) provid es instructions for conf iguring RIP , OSPF , and VRRP , as well as instructions for conf iguring ECMP , routing policy services, and client address redistribu tion.
25 Nortel VPN Router Installation — VPN Router 27 00 Chapter 1 Installing the Nor tel VPN Router 2700 chassis This chapter describes how to install the VPN Router 2700 chassis.
26 Chapter 1 Installing the No rtel VPN Router 2700 chassis NN46110-311 02.0 1 Figure 1 sho ws the front vie w of the VP N Router 2700. Figure 1 Front view of the VPN Router 2700 The VPN Router 2700 c.
Chapter 1 Installin g the Nortel VPN Router 2700 chas sis 27 Nortel VPN Router Installa tio n — VPN Router 2700 Shipment content s In addition to the gate way and this guid e, the shipping container for the VPN Router 2700 contains a number of hardware accessories and other items.
28 Chapter 1 Installing the No rtel VPN Router 2700 chassis NN46110-311 02.0 1 Additional equipme nt Y ou need items that are not included in the VPN Router 2700 shipping container . Before you be gin the installation, ensure that you ha ve all the cables, tool s, and other equipment that you need.
Chapter 1 Installin g the Nortel VPN Router 2700 chas sis 29 Nortel VPN Router Installa tio n — VPN Router 2700 Installing the chassis T o install the VPN Router 27 00 , do one of the following: • Position the chassis on a flat, sturdy , horizontal surface.
30 Chapter 1 Installing the No rtel VPN Router 2700 chassis NN46110-311 02.0 1 Installing the chassis in an equipment rac k T o mount the VPN Router 2700 in an equipment rack, you need the follo wing .
Chapter 1 Installin g the Nortel VPN Router 2700 chas sis 31 Nortel VPN Router Installa tio n — VPN Router 2700 Figure 3 Attaching the cage nuts to the rack 2 Position the rack-mount shelf in side the rack as sho wn in Figure 4 . 3 Align the holes in the shel f with holes in the front of the rack.
32 Chapter 1 Installing the No rtel VPN Router 2700 chassis NN46110-311 02.0 1 Mounting the chassis in the equipment rac k Nortel recommends that two people install the chassis in the rack. T o install the VPN Router 27 00 in the equipment rack: 1 Set the VPN Router 2700 on the rack-mount shelf.
Chapter 1 Installin g the Nortel VPN Router 2700 chas sis 33 Nortel VPN Router Installa tio n — VPN Router 2700 3 Insert one of the supplied panhead scre ws through the bottom hole on each side of the shelf into the hole in the rack, and tighten the scre ws ( Figure 4 on page 31 ).
34 Chapter 1 Installing the No rtel VPN Router 2700 chassis NN46110-311 02.0 1.
35 Nortel VPN Router Installation — VPN Router 27 00 Chapter 2 Cabling the VPN Router and turning the po wer on This chapter provides information abou t ho w to connect communications cables and the po wer cord to the VPN Router 2700.
36 Chapter 2 Cabling th e VPN Router and turn ing the power on NN46110-311 02.0 1 Connecting comm unications cables Gather the ca bles that you must attach to the VPN Router 2700. Ta b l e 2 lists the system ports and the port s pro vided on the optional interface cards that you can install in t he VPN Router 2700.
Chapter 2 Cabling the VPN Router and turning the power on 37 Nortel VPN Router Installa tio n — VPN Router 2700 Figure 7 sho ws the back of the VPN Router 2700.
38 Chapter 2 Cabling th e VPN Router and turn ing the power on NN46110-311 02.0 1 Connecting the po wer cord Y ou must order the po wer cord for the VPN Router 270 0 separately .
Chapter 2 Cabling the VPN Router and turning the power on 39 Nortel VPN Router Installa tio n — VPN Router 2700 V erifying a successful installation After you connect the ga te way to the po wer source and turn it on, yo u can verify a successful installation by checkin g the LEDs on the fro nt panel ( Figure 8 on page 40 ).
40 Chapter 2 Cabling th e VPN Router and turn ing the power on NN46110-311 02.0 1 Under standing the LEDs This section describes the LEDs on the front panel of the VPN Rou ter 2700 and on the interface cards that ha ve LEDs. Y ou can confirm that the LAN and W AN interfaces are cabled properly by examining the LEDs.
Chapter 2 Cabling the VPN Router and turning the power on 41 Nortel VPN Router Installa tio n — VPN Router 2700 LEDs on the system 10/100B ASE-T X Ethernet por t Figure 9 sho ws the LEDs for the 10/100B ASE-TX Ethernet port located on the rear of the VPN Router 2700.
42 Chapter 2 Cabling th e VPN Router and turn ing the power on NN46110-311 02.0 1 10/100B ASE-TX Ethernet interface card LEDs Figure 10 shows the LEDs on the 10/100B A SE-TX Ethernet interface card. Figure 10 LEDs on the 10/100BASE-TX Ethernet interface card Ta b l e 6 describes the LEDs on the 10/100 B ASE-TX Ethernet interface card.
Chapter 2 Cabling the VPN Router and turning the power on 43 Nortel VPN Router Installa tio n — VPN Router 2700 The follo wing table describes th e LEDs on the 1000B ASE-T (1000 GT) Ethernet interface card. 1000B ASE-T (1000 MT) Ethe rnet interface card LEDs Figure 12 shows the LEDs on the 1000B ASE-T (1000 MT) Ethernet interface card.
44 Chapter 2 Cabling th e VPN Router and turn ing the power on NN46110-311 02.0 1 1000B ASE-SX Ethernet interface card LED Figure 13 shows the LED on the 1000B ASE-SX Ethernet inte rface card. Figure 13 LED on the 1000BASE-SX Ethernet interface card Ta b l e 9 describes the LED on the 1000 B A SE-SX Ethernet interface card.
Chapter 2 Cabling the VPN Router and turning the power on 45 Nortel VPN Router Installa tio n — VPN Router 2700 56/64K CSU/DSU W AN interface card LEDs Figure 14 shows the LEDs on the 56/64K CSU/DSU W AN interface card.
46 Chapter 2 Cabling th e VPN Router and turn ing the power on NN46110-311 02.0 1 ADSL W AN interface card LEDs Figure 15 shows the LEDs on the ADSL W AN interface card. Figure 15 LEDs on the ADSL W AN interface card Ta b l e 1 1 describes the LEDs on the ADSL W AN interf ace card.
Chapter 2 Cabling the VPN Router and turning the power on 47 Nortel VPN Router Installa tio n — VPN Router 2700 T1/E1 CSU/DSU W AN interface card LEDs Figure 16 shows the LEDs on the T1/E1 CSU/DSU W AN interf ace card.
48 Chapter 2 Cabling th e VPN Router and turn ing the power on NN46110-311 02.0 1 Quad T1/E1 CSU/DSU W AN interface card LEDs Figure 17 shows the LEDs on the quad T1 /E1 CSU/DSU W AN interf ace card. Figure 17 LEDs on the quad T1/E1 CSU/DSU W AN interface card Ta b l e 1 3 describes the LEDs on the quad T1/E1 CSU/DSU W AN interface card.
Chapter 2 Cabling the VPN Router and turning the power on 49 Nortel VPN Router Installa tio n — VPN Router 2700 Single V .35/X.21 W AN interface car d LEDs Figure 18 shows the LEDs on the single V .35/X.21 W AN interface card. Figure 18 LEDs on the single V .
50 Chapter 2 Cabling th e VPN Router and turn ing the power on NN46110-311 02.0 1 SSL VPN Module 1000 LEDs Figure 19 sho ws the LEDs on the SSL VPN Module 1000. Figure 19 LEDs on the SSL VPN Module 1000 Ta b l e 1 5 describes the LEDs on the SSL VPN Module 1000.
51 Nortel VPN Router Installation — VPN Router 27 00 Chapter 3 Configuring the mana g ement IP interface This chapter describes ho w to configure a management IP addres s, subnet mask, and default gate way address on a ne wly installed VPN Router 2700 .
52 Chapter 3 Configu ring the manag ement IP inter face NN46110-311 02.0 1 Required inf ormation Before you conf igure the management interface, collect this information: • IP address for the management interf ace The management IP address must be accessible from one of the pri v ate physical interfaces on the VPN Router 2700.
Chapter 3 Configurin g the management IP interface 53 Nortel VPN Router Installa tio n — VPN Router 2700 Configuring the management IP address Y ou use the serial interface to assign the VPN Router 2 700 a management IP address and subnet mask so that you can then use a W eb bro wser for management.
54 Chapter 3 Configu ring the manag ement IP inter face NN46110-311 02.0 1 The serial main menu appears. Main Menu: System is currently in NORMAL mode.
Chapter 3 Configurin g the management IP interface 55 Nortel VPN Router Installa tio n — VPN Router 2700 6 Ty p e 0 , and press Enter to conf igure the IP address. The IP address prompt appea rs. 0) Slot 0, Port 2, Public LAN IP Address = Subnet Mask = 0.
56 Chapter 3 Configu ring the manag ement IP inter face NN46110-311 02.0 1 Ty p e R , and press Enter to return to the serial main menu. 10 T o conf igure the management IP address, type 0 and press Enter .
Chapter 3 Configurin g the management IP interface 57 Nortel VPN Router Installa tio n — VPN Router 2700 For detailed information about conf iguri ng and managing the VPN Router 2700, refer to the documentation on the VPN Router software CD.
58 Chapter 3 Configu ring the manag ement IP inter face NN46110-311 02.0 1 3 Go to Nortel VPN Router Conf iguration — Basic Featur es (NN46110-500) for information about conf iguring the VPN Router 270 0.
59 Nortel VPN Router Installation — VPN Router 27 00 Chapter 4 Installing option car ds and DIMMs This chapter provides instructions on ho w to install and replace the follo wing field replaceable u.
60 Chapter 4 Installin g option cards and DIMMs NN46110-311 02.0 1 Shutting do wn the system to add or replace har dware T o install or replace an op tion card or a DIMM, you must first shut do w n the VPN Router 2700 and un plug it.
Chapter 4 Insta lling option cards and DIMMs 61 Nortel VPN Router Installa tio n — VPN Router 2700 Remo ving the front bezel and top co ver T o install option cards or DIMMs, yo u must remov e the front bezel and th e top cov er from the gatew ay .
62 Chapter 4 Installin g option cards and DIMMs NN46110-311 02.0 1 The f irst se veral times that you remov e the front bezel, the bezel can stick because the ball st uds and so cket clips are ne w . T o r e move t he t o p c over : 1 If the gate way is in an equipmen t rack, remov e it from the rack.
Chapter 4 Insta lling option cards and DIMMs 63 Nortel VPN Router Installa tio n — VPN Router 2700 4 Lift the lid 2 or 3 inches, and pull it off t h e chassis. The VPN Router 2700 system board is n o w expo sed. Figure 22 sho ws the location of the option card slots and th e DIMMs on the system board .
64 Chapter 4 Installin g option cards and DIMMs NN46110-311 02.0 1 Attaching the antistatic wrist strap Nortel ships the VPN Rout er 2700 with an antistatic wrist st rap. The antistatic wrist strap directs the dischar ge of static electricity from your body to the chassis of the gate way to a void damage to sensiti ve electronic components.
Chapter 4 Insta lling option cards and DIMMs 65 Nortel VPN Router Installa tio n — VPN Router 2700 Installing and replacing option car ds The VPN Router 2700 has four slo ts for option cards ( Figure 22 on page 63 ).
66 Chapter 4 Installin g option cards and DIMMs NN46110-311 02.0 1 Ta b l e 1 7 provides additional guidelines for option card installation when an SSL VPN Module 1000 is installed in slot 1. V .90 modem interface 4 If an SSL VPN Module 1000 is in slot 1, do not insta ll the V .
Chapter 4 Insta lling option cards and DIMMs 67 Nortel VPN Router Installa tio n — VPN Router 2700 T o install or replace an interface card or a VPN Accelerator card (VPN Router Security Accelerator.
68 Chapter 4 Installin g option cards and DIMMs NN46110-311 02.0 1 6 Remov e the filler panel scre w , and pull out the f iller panel (or the option card that you are replacing) from the slo t (Figure 24) . Figure 24 Installing and removing an option card 7 Lo wer the new option card into the slot, and gently press the connector into the slot.
Chapter 4 Insta lling option cards and DIMMs 69 Nortel VPN Router Installa tio n — VPN Router 2700 b Insert the four scre ws that secure the cover to the chassis, and use a scre wdri ver to tighten them. 10 Do the follo wing to mount the VPN Ro uter 2700 in an equipment rack: a Set the VPN Router 2700 on the rack-mount shelf in the rack.
70 Chapter 4 Installin g option cards and DIMMs NN46110-311 02.0 1 Installing and replacing DIMMs The VPN Router 2700 has two slots for dual inline memory modules (DIMMs) ( Figure 22 on page 63 ). Unless you ordered additional memory , Nortelships the VPN Router 2700 with one 2 56 MB DIMM installed.
Chapter 4 Insta lling option cards and DIMMs 71 Nortel VPN Router Installa tio n — VPN Router 2700 4 Attach the antistatic wrist strap that was shipped with the VPN Router 2700 (see “ Attaching the antistatic wrist strap” on page 64 ).
72 Chapter 4 Installin g option cards and DIMMs NN46110-311 02.0 1 Figure 26 Installing and removing a DIMM 10 Replace the top cov er on the chassis ( Figure 21 on page 62 ). a Hold the co ver at an angle, and slide it onto th e chassis. b Insert the four scre ws that secure the cover to the chassis, and use a scre wdri ver to tighten the scre ws.
Chapter 4 Insta lling option cards and DIMMs 73 Nortel VPN Router Installa tio n — VPN Router 2700 12 Replace the front bezel ( Figure 25 on pag e 69 ). a Hold the bezel by the tw o handles , and push it onto the chassis. b Use the scre wdriv er to tighten the two scre ws that secure the bezel to the chassis.
74 Chapter 4 Installin g option cards and DIMMs NN46110-311 02.0 1.
75 Nortel VPN Router Installation — VPN Router 27 00 Appendix A T echnical specifications This appendix pro vides technical specif ications for the VPN Router 2700 chassis and the VPN Router 2700 interfaces. Chassis specifications Ta b l e 1 8 lists physical, electrical, and en vironmental specifications for the chassis.
76 Appendix A Technical specifications NN46110-311 02.0 1 System por ts The VPN Router 2700 system board p rovides the follo wing built -in interfaces: • 10/100B ASE-TX Ethernet LAN port •s e r i a l p o r t This section provides in formation about the 10/100B ASE-TX Ethernet LAN port and the serial port on the system board.
Appendix A Technical specificatio ns 77 Nortel VPN Router Installa tio n — VPN Router 2700 Figure 27 10/100BASE-TX Ether net connector Ta b l e 1 9 provides the 10 /100B ASE-TX Ethernet port pinouts. Serial por t The syst em board pr ovide s a serial p ort on the rear of the chassis to enable out-of-band management.
78 Appendix A Technical specifications NN46110-311 02.0 1 Figure 28 Serial cable (9-pin D-sub plug to RS-232-C modem plug) Ta b l e 2 0 provides the multiple DB9/DB25 serial interface cable pinouts. Modem cable specifications If you need to conn ect a modem to a VPN Router 27 00, you must obtain an appropriat e modem cable.
Appendix A Technical specificatio ns 79 Nortel VPN Router Installa tio n — VPN Router 2700 Figure 29 Modem cable (9-pin D-su b plug to RS-232-C modem plug) Ta b l e 2 1 provides the modem cable pinouts.
80 Appendix A Technical specifications NN46110-311 02.0 1 • 10/100/1000B ASE-X Ethernet interf ace card (RoHS-compliant) • 1000B ASE-T Ethernet interface card • 1000B ASE-SX Ethernet interface c.
Appendix A Technical specificatio ns 81 Nortel VPN Router Installa tio n — VPN Router 2700 The VPN Router Se curity Accelerator card is the successor to the Hardware Accelerator card. The Hardware Acce lerator Hifn 7811 card has been discontinued ef fecti ve January 2006 although Nortel stil l supports this card.
82 Appendix A Technical specifications NN46110-311 02.0 1 The SSL VPN Modu le 1000 is supported on the VPN Router 5000, 270 0, 2750, and 1740 gate ways ru nning VPN Router V ersion 5 .0 software. Y ou must install the SSL VPN Module 10 00 in slot 1 of the VPN Router 5000, 2700, 2750, or 1740.
Appendix A Technical specificatio ns 83 Nortel VPN Router Installa tio n — VPN Router 2700 1000B ASE-T (1000 GT) Et hernet interface card The 1000B ASE-T (1000 GT) Ethernet card replaces the 10 /100B ASE-TX Ethernet card (see the pre vious section).
84 Appendix A Technical specifications NN46110-311 02.0 1 Figure 33 1000BASE-T (1000 G T) Ether net interface card Select cables for this card as follo ws. K eep in mind that this card is auto-negotiating and uses the highest possible data rate: • For 1000B ASE-T operation, use Category 5 four -pair Ethernet wiring.
Appendix A Technical specificatio ns 85 Nortel VPN Router Installa tio n — VPN Router 2700 1000B ASE-T (1000 MT) Et hernet interface car d Use the 1000B ASE-T (1000 MT) Ethernet interface card to connect to Gigabit Ethernet interfaces on other devices in your n etwork, as well as to provide increased throughp ut.
86 Appendix A Technical specifications NN46110-311 02.0 1 7T P 3 + 8T P 3 - T able 23 1000BASE-T (1000 MT)Eth ernet port pinout s Pin Description.
Appendix A Technical specificatio ns 87 Nortel VPN Router Installa tio n — VPN Router 2700 1000B ASE-SX Ethern et interface card The 1000B ASE-SX Ethernet interface card implements sho rt-wa velength (850 nm) laser transmissions.
88 Appendix A Technical specifications NN46110-311 02.0 1 56/64K CSU/DSU W AN interface card The 56/64K CSU/DSU W AN interface card has a single RJ-48 connector that pro vides the sign als needed to interface to network equipment. Figure 36 sh o ws the 56/64K CSU/DSU W AN interf ace card.
Appendix A Technical specificatio ns 89 Nortel VPN Router Installa tio n — VPN Router 2700 The cable operates properly if y ou do not connect pins 3, 4, 5, and 6 . Ta b l e 2 5 provides the 56/64K CSU/DSU cable pinouts for a straight-through connection.
90 Appendix A Technical specifications NN46110-311 02.0 1 ADSL W AN interface card The ADSL Anne x A and Anne x B W AN interf ace cards hav e a single RJ-11 connector that provides the signals needed to interf ace to the digital subscriber line access multiplexer (DSLAM) and to telephone equipment.
Appendix A Technical specificatio ns 91 Nortel VPN Router Installa tio n — VPN Router 2700 ISDN BRI interface car d The ISDN BRI S/T and ISDN BRI U inte rface cards ha ve a single RJ-45 connector that provides the signals need ed to interface to ISDN equipment.
92 Appendix A Technical specifications NN46110-311 02.0 1 Ta b l e 2 8 provides the ISDN BRI U cable pinouts. T1/E1 CSU/DSU W AN interface card The T1/E1 CSU/DSU W AN interface card has a single connector that provides the signals needed to interface to T1 or E1 eq uipment.
Appendix A Technical specificatio ns 93 Nortel VPN Router Installa tio n — VPN Router 2700 Figure 40 T1/E1 CSU/DSU W AN interface card (full-height card) The connec tor on the T1/E1 CSU/DSU W AN interface accommodates an 8-pin RJ-48 modular patch cord.
94 Appendix A Technical specifications NN46110-311 02.0 1 The cable operates properly if y ou do not connect pins 3, 6, 7, and 8 . Ta b l e 3 0 provides the T1/E1 CSU/DSU cable p inouts for a straight-through connection.
Appendix A Technical specificatio ns 95 Nortel VPN Router Installa tio n — VPN Router 2700 Quad T1/E1 CSU/DSU W AN interface card The quad T1/ E1 CSU/DSU W AN interface card has fou r connectors that pro vide the signals needed to interf a ce to T1 or E1 equipment.
96 Appendix A Technical specifications NN46110-311 02.0 1 V .90 modem interface car d The V . 90 modem interf ace card has two RJ-11 conn ectors that pro vide the signals needed to interface to an incomi ng tele phone line and to telephone equipment. Figure 42 shows the V .
Appendix A Technical specificatio ns 97 Nortel VPN Router Installa tio n — VPN Router 2700 Y ou need a DSU/ CSU (digita l service unit/ channel se rvice unit) between the W AN connection and the gate way . Y o u can orde r a V .35 or X.21 cable to attach to the connector .
98 Appendix A Technical specifications NN46110-311 02.0 1 The following notes apply to the single V .35 DTE cable: 1. The term “no conn” means the w ire is not connected to a pin in the 34-pin connect or . 2. Wires 12B, 13A, and 14B connect to pin B in the 34-pin connector .
Appendix A Technical specificatio ns 99 Nortel VPN Router Installa tio n — VPN Router 2700 The following notes apply to the single X.21 cable: 1. Wires of pair 4 connect to wires of pair 5, but not to any pins in the DA-15. 2. The term “no conn” means the w ire is not connected to a pin in the 15-pin connect or .
100 Appendix A Technical specifications NN46110-311 02.0 1 HSSI W AN interface card The HSSI W AN interf ace card has a 50 -pin SCSI II female connector that provides the signals needed to interface to a T3 modem or modem eliminator . Figure 44 shows the HSSI W AN interface card.
Appendix A Technical specifications 101 Nortel VPN Router Installa tio n — VPN Router 2700 26 GND 26 27 RCA 27 28 CAA 28 29 RDA 29 30 LCA 30 31 ST A 31 32 GND 32 33 T AA 33 34 TT A 34 35 LAA 35 36 T.
102 Appendix A Technical specifications NN46110-311 02.0 1.
Nortel VPN Router Installation — VPN Router 27 00 103 Inde x Numerics 10/100B ASE Ethernet interface card installing 65 10/100B ASE-TX Ethern et interface card cable specifications 76 connector 76 d.
104 Index NN46110-311 02.0 1 1000B A SE-T connector 85 100B ASE-TX conn ector 76 10B ASE-T connector 76 56/64K CSU/DSU W AN interface 88 ADSL W AN interface 90 HSSI W AN interface 100 ISDN BRI interface 91 modem 78 quad T1/E1 CSU/DSU W AN interface 95 serial interface 77 single V .
Index 105 Nortel VPN Router Installa tio n — VPN Router 2700 Gigabit Ethernet interface cards installing 65 specifica tions 1000B A SE-SX 87 1000B A SE-T 85 GUI, W eb-based 57 H Hardware Accelerator.
106 Index NN46110-311 02.0 1 used to verify correct installation 39 M main menu, serial interface 54 management IP address configuring 53 defined 52 troubleshooting configuration of 58 verifying 57 ma.
Index 107 Nortel VPN Router Installa tio n — VPN Router 2700 serial interface cards installing 65 specifica tions ISDN BRI 91 V .90 modem 96 serial main menu 54 shelf for rack-moun t installation 30 shipment content s 27 shutting down the gatew ay 60 single V .
108 Index NN46110-311 02.0 1 supported in VPN Router 2700 65 VPN Router Security Accelerator card described 80 installing 65 W W AN interface cards installing 65 LEDs 56/64K CSU/DSU 45 ADSL 46 quad T1/E1 CSU/DSU 48 single V .35/X.21 49 T1/E1 CSU/DSU 47 specifica tions 56/64K CSU/DSU 88 ADSL 90 HSSI 100 quad T1/E1 CSU/DSU 95 single V .
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Nortel Nortel Contivity Secure IP Services Gateway 2700 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Nortel Nortel Contivity Secure IP Services Gateway 2700 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Nortel Nortel Contivity Secure IP Services Gateway 2700 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Nortel Nortel Contivity Secure IP Services Gateway 2700 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Nortel Nortel Contivity Secure IP Services Gateway 2700 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Nortel Nortel Contivity Secure IP Services Gateway 2700 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Nortel Nortel Contivity Secure IP Services Gateway 2700 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Nortel Nortel Contivity Secure IP Services Gateway 2700 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.