Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product Zoom230 van de fabrikant Olympus
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Table o f contents Description o f controls Before y o u begin Loading the batteries Checking t he batteries Adjusting the viewfinder Attaching t h e strap Loading the film Unloading t h e f i l m Sim.
Thank yo u f o r purchasing t he OLYMPUS Infinity Z o o m 2 3 0 . Please read t h i s instruction manual carefully before u s i n g t h e camera. This camera w i l l no t operate unless th e batteries a r e l oaded a n d t h e power switch i s s e t O N .
Description o f controls Viewfinder Super macro button Z o o m buttons Shutter release button 3 Autofocus windows Steady g ri p Lens Dioptric correction lever P ow er switch L C D panel Flash reflecto.
Subject button Flash mo de button F i l m window Back cover Tripod socket Viewfinder B a c k cover release Battery compartment cover Remote control u n i t Rewind button 4.
Viewfinder display LC D panel (flash) indicator (orange) "AF" indicator (green) Close-up correction m a r k s Autofocus frame Flash mode Flash mode selection Exposure counter Auto-zoom Conti.
Before you begin... Remove battery cover o n t h e side o f t h e grip. *Before replacing th e batteries, s e t the power s w itch O F F . Insert t w o 3 V lithium batteries a s shown a nd replace t h e cover. U se Panasonic CR123A, Duracell DL123A, o r equivalent.
Checking t he batteries Turn power O N by sliding t h e power switch a s shown. T h e battery check indicator will b e displayed fo r 1 2 seconds. When i s displayed, batteries ar e OK. I f flashes, batteries ar e l o w, h a v e spares handy. I f i s displayed continuously, batteries s ho u ld b e replaced immediately.
Adjusting t h e viewfinder A dioptric correction lever o n t h e viewfinder eyepiece allows y o u t o a d j u s t t h e clarity o f t he v i ewfinder image.
Attaching t h e strap Stopper 9 Green m a r k f o r super macro photography ( s e e P.30).
Open t h e b a c k cover b y sliding t h e back cover release toward the to p o f t h e camera. Loading t he film This camera i s designed to use DX-coded 35 m m film. D X coding, u s e d b y virtually al l major f i l m manufacturers, allows t h e camera to identify a n d s e t t h e f i l m speed automatically.
Make s u r e t he film l i e s flat. Align t h e film leader w i t h t h e re d f i l m loading indicator. Unless t h e film leader m atches th e f i l m loading indicator, the f i l m may not b e loaded. * D o n o t t o u c h t h e lens inside th e body w i t h your fingers o r t he film l eader.
Close t h e back cover. T h e film automatically advances to th e first frame. S e t t h e power switch O N t o ma ke sure t h a t the exposure counter shows "1". I f f i l m i s improperly loaded, the L C D panel w i l l display a blinking " E " .
Unloading t h e film T h e c a m e r a automatically rewinds th e f i l m when y o u reach t h e en d of a roll. T h e exposure counter o n th e LCD panel counts d o w n a s t h e film i s rewinding. * T h e final reading o f t h e exposure counter before rewinding m a y b e m o r e than the number o f exposures specified f o r th e film.
O n c e t h e f i l m h a s b e e n rewound, a blinking " E " wil l b e displayed o n the L C D panel. Further operations a r e no t possible until t h e rewound film cartridge i s removed. Open t h e back cover, and remove the f i l m cartridge from the camera.
Whe n t h e power switch i s O N , the LC D panel lights. T he L C D panel g o e s o ut after 4 t o 5 minutes t o minimize battery drain. A f t e r 4 hours the power i s automatically turned O F F . T o resume operation, s e t t he power switch O F F a n d t hen O N again.
U s e t h e z o o m buttons t o adjust t h e size o f your subject in t h e frame. (telephoto o r wide-angle) T h e shutter r e l e a s e cannot b e operated w h i l e zooming. Press th e "T" ( T e l ephoto) button to zoom i n . (The maximum focal length in the " T " position is 90mm.
*Keep yo ur fingers and the strap away fr om t he lens, flash, autofocus windows a n d light sensor. Position y o u r subject within t h e autofocus frame i n t h e viewfinder. With t h e composition shown o n the right, t he background wi l l b e i n focus a s t he autofocus frame d o e s n o t c o ve r th e subject.
Press t h e shutter release button halfway t o focus. When correct focus h as b e en achieved, t h e " A F" indicator (green) w i l l light u p i n t h e viewfinder. I f t h e "AF" indicator i s blinking, correct focus h a s n ot been achieved.
If t he subject i s nearer than 0 . 6 m (2ft), t h e "AF" indicator (green) w il l blink and th e shutter will n o t release. However, the shutter may sometimes be released erroneously wh en the subject is extremely close t o t h e camera. Shooting range: from 0.
A u t o flash photography (1)Taking pictures in l o w light When the flash mo d e i s s e t to A U T O o r AUTO-S, t h e flash w il l fi re automatically in l o w light conditions. A s soon a s t h e shutter i s released, th e f il m will automatically advance t o t he next frame.
T h e shutter release cannot b e operated while t h e flash i s charging . It takes about 0.2—3.5 seconds after t he fi lm i s advanced to recharge the flash ( a t normal temperatures with n e w batteries). NOTE: T o significantly reduce red-eye phenomenon, u s e t h e AUTO-S flash m o d e (P.
Properly exposed (with soft f l ash). Flash working range: Color negative f i l m offers t h e widest exposure latitude, compensating for over and underexposure more readily than other films. T h e flash working range shown below i s optimal f o r color negative film.
Auto flash photography (2)Taking backlit subjects When the flash m o d e i s s e t to AUTO or AUTO-S, t h e flash will f i re automatically in backlit situations. Confirm flash charge by pressing th e shutter release button halfway. T h e indicator (orange) will light u p i n t h e viewfinder when t h e flash i s charged.
Whe n the main subject i s n o t in t h e autofocus frame, u s e t h e focus lock. Otherwise t h e camera w i l l focus o n th e background a nd th e subject w i l l not b e i n focus. Advanced shooting techniques Focus lock Using t he foc us lock, your subject w i l l b e i n focus ev en i f i t is not i n th e center o f the picture.
Position y o u r subject i n the autofocus frame a nd press t h e shutter release button halfway. T h e "AF" indicator (green) w i l l light u p i n the viewfinder a nd t h e focus will b e locked. *When focus is locked, exposure settings a r e al s o locked ( A E lock).
Remote control U s e the remote control unit t o take pictures when operating a t a distance f r o m th e camera. Using a coin, turn t h e screw to remove th e remo te control u n i t fro m t h e bottom o f the camera. When the remote control u n i t has b e e n removed f r o m t h e camera, b l i n k s o n th e L CD panel.
T h e camera should b e s e t firmly in position ( w i t h a tripod fo r example). While looking through t h e viewfinder, aim t h e camera at t h e subject. W i t h th e remote control u n i t i n yo ur hand, position yourself i n front of the camera and press the release button o n the unit's side.
T h e remote control can b e s e t t o release t h e shutter either l or 3 seconds after the release button i s pressed. Press t h e release button. T h e selftimer indicator w i l l b link rapidly until t h e shutter i s released.
After using the remote control unit, replace i t and lock i t i n place with a coin. NOTE: • T h e remote control u n i t w i ll operate fo r approximately 1 8 minutes after removing it from the camera. Outside o f this period t h e remote control unit cannot b e operated.
Press t h e super macro button. T h e lens will automatically extend to telephoto a n d w i l l b e displayed o n t h e L C D panel. * I n t h i s mode, t h e flash always fires regardless o f available light, though th e flash m o d e indicator i s s e t to AUTO.
Measure t h e distance o f 0 . 4 m (1.3ft) with t he green m a r k on t h e strap. *0utside o f 0 . 4 m ( 1 .3ft) t h e shutter will release, e v e n though correct focus has not b e e n achieved. * I n t h i s mode, t h e " A F " indicator (green) will n o t light up i n t h e viewfinder.
Spot mode When there i s strong backlight, your subject w i l l appear t o o dark. B y using the s p o t mode, your subject w i l l b e properly exposed. U s e t h e spot m o d e when you want t o limit light metering to a particular area of t h e composition.
Press t h e SUBJECT button until "SPOT" i s displayed on t h e L C D panel. W h e n correct focus ha s been achieved, t h e "AF" indicator (green) will light u p i n t h e viewfinder. T h e e x p osure a nd the focus w i l l b e locked i n t h e a u t ofocus frame.
While keeping the shutter release button pressed halfway, change t h e position o f your subject i n th e viewfinder t o achieve th e desired composition.
Press t h e SUBJECT button until i s displayed o n the L C D panel. Press t h e shutter r e l e a s e button. Th e lens w i l l automatically z o o m a n d after the appropriate subject size h a s been achieved the shutter w i l l b e released.
Auto-zoom mode working range: from 1.3m (4.3ft) t o 3 . l m (10.2ft). *Outside t h e range a s shown, auto- z oo m m a y n o t operate. *Even i n th e auto-zoom mode, i t is possible t o use th e z oo m b u t t o n s .
Press the S U BJ E C T button until " C " i s displayed o n t h e L C D panel. T h e c a m e r a will shoot repeatedly a s long a s t he shutter release button pressed. I f t h e subject g et s closer than 0.6m ( 2 f t ) the shutter will automatically stop.
Selftimer S e t t h e c a m e r a firmly i n position. Press t h e SUBJECT button until i s displayed o n th e L C D panel. Press t h e shutter release button halfway t o focus.
When correct focus has been achieved, the " A F " indicator (green) will light up in the viewfinder. * I n c as e y o u r s ub je ct is no t i n t h e center o f t he viewfinder, u s e the focus lock. (Refer t o p a g e 2 4 . ) P r e s s th e shutter release button fully t o start t h e selftimer.
AUTO-S flash photography AUTO-S flash significantly reduces "red-eye" phenomenon (when a subject's eyes appear red) in flash portraits an d group photos. Red-eye phenomenon i s m os t likely to occur i n v e r y l o w light, a n d a t longer focal lengths (telephoto).
*I n t h e super macro mode, AUTO-S mode w i l l b e canceled a n d t h e flash mo d e w i l l b e reset to AUTO. Press t h e FLASH button t o s e t th e flash m o d e t o O F F .
* I n l o w light conditions, t h e necessary shutter speed m a y be very slow ( u p to 2 seconds) to attain proper exposure. T o prevent blurred pictures resulting from camera shake, t h e camera should b e s e t firmly i n position (with a tripod f o r example).
B y using t he FILL-IN m o d e , t he subject will b e p r operly l i t by t h e flash. Press t h e FLASH button t o s e t t h e f la sh mo d e to FILL-IN. Night scene flash photography U s e the night scene flash to capture dimly l i t backgrounds, s uc h a s t h e sk y a t dusk, while properly lighting t h e foreground w i t h flash.
Press t h e FLASH button t o s e t t h e flash m o d e to * I n the night scene flash m o d e t he necessary shutter speed m a y be v e r y s l o w ( u p t o 2 seconds) t o attain proper exposure. T o prevent blurred pi ct ures resulting f r o m camera shake, the camera should b e s e t firmly i n position (with a tripod for example).
When the Softon i s used. Olympus offers t h e following optional filters. (Filter diameter: 35.5mm) ( 1 ) Skylight Prevents a blue to n e in color photographs taken o n f a i r weather days a n d provides a n overall more natural color tone. (2 ) Softon U s e this for portraits; i t softens the image f o r more "moody" pictures.
W he n th e Sunny C r o s s is used. Filter adaptor (optional) 46.
How to use the soft case (optional) M ak e s u r e t o s e t t h e power switch O F F before t h e camera is inserted into the c a s e . T he camera's neck strap can b e us ed to carry the camera after t he camera is properly inserted into t h e soft c a se .
Care a n d storage Never disassemble t h e camera; it contains a high-voltage circuit. D o n o t u s e thinner, benzine o r organic solvents to clean the camera. D o not to u c h t h e D X read-off contacts. D o n o t disassemble o r expose batteries t o excessive heat.
D o not expose the c a m e r a t o extreme heat (over 40°C/104°F), s u c h a s inside a car d u ring t h e h o t summer weather, o r t o extreme c o l d (below — 10 0 C/14°F). D o no t leave t h e camera n ea r magnetic fields, like o n t o p o f a T V set, or radio.
Questions a n d answers Q : What kind o f batteries should I u s e ? A : U s e t w o 3 V lithium batteries ( D L 123A o r CR 1 23A). D o n o t m i x new an d o l d batteries at t he sa me time.
Q : The camera fails t o operate in cold w eather. W h a t ca n I do? A: Generally, l o w temperatures will reduce the battery performance temporarily. T r y t o keep th e camera w a r m before using them. Q : T h e remote control d o e s not operate.
Specifications Type: Full-automatic 35mm autofocus lens-shutter camera with built-in 38 — 9 0 m m zoom lens. Film format: 35mm standard D X coded film ( 2 4 × 36mm) Lens: Olympus len s 3 8 — 90mm F4.5—7.2, 7 elements in 7 groups. Shutter: Programmed electronic shutter.
Flash: Built-in flash. Recycling time: approx 0.2—3.5 s e c . (a t normal temperature w i t h new batteries). Flash working range (ISO 1 0 0 color negative film): Wide-angle: 0.6m—4.3m (2ft—14.1ft), Telephoto: 0.6m—2.7m (2ft—8.9ft) Flash working range (ISO 4 0 0 color negative film): Wide-angle: 0.
OLYMPUS OPTICAL CO., LTD. San-Ei Building, 22-2, N i s h i Shinjuku 1-chome, S h i n j uku-ku, Tokyo, Japan. Te l . 03-3340-2211 OLYMPUS CORPORATION Crossways Park, Woodbury, New Y o r k 11797-2087, U.S A . Te l. 516-364-3000 OLYMPUS OPTICAL CO. (EUROPA) GMBH Postfach 104908, Wendenstrasse 14-16, 2000 Hamburg 1 , Germany.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Olympus Zoom230 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Olympus Zoom230 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Olympus Zoom230 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Olympus Zoom230 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Olympus Zoom230 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Olympus Zoom230 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Olympus Zoom230 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Olympus Zoom230 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.