Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product BF500 van de fabrikant Omron
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BF500 Body Composition Monitor • Instruction Manual • Mode d’emploi • Gebrau chsanweisung • Manuale di istruzioni • Manual de instrucciones • Gebruik saanwijzing • РУКОВ О ДС ТВ О ПО ЭК СПЛУ А Т АЦИИ EN FR DE IT ES NL Thank you for purchasi ng the OMRON Body Composition Monitor .
2 Before using the unit Content s Before using the unit Not es on Safe ty ..... ..... ....... ..... ....... ..... ....... ..... ....... ........ .... ........ .... ...... 3 Features of the Product ....... ....... ..... ....... ....... ....... ..... ..
3 Notes on Safety EN Notes on Safety Dang er : Never use this uni t in combinatio n with medical elect ronic devices suc h as: (1) Medical elec tronic impl ants such as p acemakers . (2) Elect ronic li fe s upport syst ems such as an ar tifici al heart /lung.
4 Notes on Safety • Do not pull the co rd of t he disp lay unit atta ched to the mai n unit wi th fo rce. • As this unit i s a pr ecision i nstrument, do not drop, vi brate, or apply stro ng shock. • Disposal of used bat teries s hould be car ried out in ac cordance wit h the nati onal regulati ons for the disposa l of batterie s.
5 Feat ures of t he Pr oduct EN Features of the Product More accura te me asureme nt of the entire body As measurement i s conducted between bot h upper and lowe r limbs, the measurement values are le ss af fected by the vari ation of physique a s comp ared to t raditional body fat monitors.
6 What You Sh ould Kn ow When Using T his Unit What Y ou Sho uld Know W hen Usin g This Un it Principle of body compositio n calculation Body fat has low ele ctric conductivity The BF500 estimates the bod y fat percent age by the Bioelectr ical Imped ance (BI) method.
7 What Y ou Should Kn ow W hen Using This Un it EN Skelet al Muscle Percent age: This is based on MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) analysis, whi ch uses nuclear magnetic resonance that t ake non-intrus ive images of th e body . This mak es it pos sible to calcul ate the amount of skelet al muscle i n the body .
8 What You Sh ould Kn ow When Using T his Unit Recommended meas urement times Understand ing t he normal changes in your bod y fat per centage can hel p you in preventing or reducing obesi ty .
9 What Y ou Should Kn ow W hen Using This Un it EN Long-term planning for successful w eight loss Ignoring a balanced diet and simply reducing food int ake to lose weight can lead to a decline in muscle and bone. This may resul t in weight loss but not in the r eduction in fat level s.
10 1.Know Yo ur Unit Oper ating instr uctions 1. Know Y our Unit A. Grip Elec trodes B. Displ ay C. Personal Pro file Number Button D. SET Button Use thi s button t o confi rm the pers onal da ta or move to the n ext item afte r conf irming the set item.
11 1.Know Your Un it EN Display P . Weight Indi cator Q. Guest Indica tor R. Per sonal Prof ile Number S. We ight Result s T . Di splay Mo de Indicato r U. Body Com position Results V . Bo dy Fat Pe rcent age and BMI Assessment 12 Levels B ar W .Body Fat Per cent age and BMI Classification Indicator X.
12 1.Know Yo ur Unit St oring the Di splay U nit Extend the cord and sto re the display unit as de scribed below . 1. Coil the cord in to the di splay un it hold er . Not e: Make su re that the cord doe s not stick out of the holder and that th e cord i s coiled ev enly .
13 2.In serting a nd Repla cing the Batte ries EN 2. I nserting and Repla cing th e Ba tteries 1. Remove the batte ry cover on the rear side of the main unit . 1) Press the t ab of the battery cover in the directi on of the arrow to releas e the cover .
14 3.How to Set the Date a nd Time 3. How to Set th e Da te and T ime When the power is turned on for the fi rst time, it is necessar y to set the date and time. 1. Press the power switch to turn th e unit on. If this is the firs t time that t he unit has turned o n, the yea r settin g flashes .
15 3.How to Se t the Date a nd Tim e EN 5. Press the SET butt on. The m onth se tting is confirm ed and t he day fla shes on the displa y . [TO SET THE DA Y] 6. Press the or button to adjust the day setting to the desi red d ay . 7. Press the SET butt on.
16 4.Setting and Stori ng Persona l Data 4. Se tting and S toring Personal Dat a For the measurement of body fat percent age and v isceral f at le vel, it is necessar y to set your personal data (age, gender , height ). This section descr ibes sett ing the personal pr ofile setting for number 1 as an example.
17 4.S etting and Storing Pers onal Data EN 3. Selec t the perso nal prof ile numb er to store the per sonal data. 1) Press the personal profile numbe r button to select a personal p rofile number . The dis play of the selected persona l profil e numb er flashes.
18 4.Setting and Stori ng Persona l Data 6. [TO SET HEIGHT] Setting range: 10 0.0 to 1 99.5 cm (D isplay r ange in i nch displa y mode : 3 ' 4" to 6 ' 6 3/4" ) 1) Press the or butto n to adjust th e height set ting to the desired height.
19 4.S etting and Storing Pers onal Data EN 2) Modify the gender set ting. a) P ress the or button to adjust the gender setting to th e desired gender . b) Press the SET button. The ge nder set ting i s confir med, and t he heig ht sett ing blin ks on the display .
20 5.Taking a Mea surement 5. T akin g a Me asuremen t How to Measure Body Composition Please see S tep 4 on t his se ction for corr ect postur e. 1. T u rn on th e power , by pressing th e pow er switc h. “CAL” blink s on the di splay , then the disp lay chang es to 0.
21 5.Taking a Meas urement EN 3. Select th e person al pro file n umber but ton or the Guest/Mem ory but ton. If you have personal dat a (Personal p rofile number) store d on the unit: Press the stor ed personal profile num ber button w hile hold ing the displa y unit .
22 5.Taking a Mea surement 4. S tart m easurem ent. 1) S tep on the main unit and place your fee t on the foot electrodes wit h your weight evenly dist ribute d. 2) When “ST ART” appears on the display extend y our arms straight at a 90° angle to your body .
23 5.Taking a Meas urement EN Correct Posture for Measurement When taking a measurement usi ng a personal pro file number , you need to store the personal dat a before hand. (Refer to Section 4 .) Af ter mea suri n g your weigh t. The arm is horizont ally raised , and the el bow is extended straight.
24 5.Taking a Mea surement POSTURES TO A V OID DURING MEASUREME NT Incorrect post ure may result in inaccu rate measurement of body composi tion. Movement during measur ement Arms ben t Arms t oo lo w or h igh Displ ay facin g upw ards Knees b ent S tan ding on edge of uni t HBF500-E.
25 5.Taking a Meas urement EN 5. Check the measu rement r esult s. Press the approp riate but ton to vie w the desi red measur ement resul ts. For an explan ation of th e body composi tion res ults, see “ Understandi ng the R esults”. Wei gh t Body Fat Percentage Body Fat Percen tage Clas sifica tion Exampl e of di spla y: • Weight: 73.
26 5.Taking a Mea surement Interpreti ng the BMI Resul t The ab ove-ment ioned ind ices ref er to the v alues fo r obesity judgme nt propos ed by th e WHO, th e World H ealth Organizati on. Interpreti ng the Body Fat Percent age Result Interpreti ng the V is ceral Fat Result 6.
27 6.Meas urin g Weig ht Only EN 6. Measur ing W eight Only 1. T u rn on th e power , by pressing th e pow er switc h. “CAL” blink s on the di splay , then the disp lay chang es to 0.0 kg. Notes: • If you step onto t he unit before 0.0 kg appea rs on the display , an error mes sage “ Err” will a ppear .
28 7.Usin g the Mem ory Func tion 7. Using the Me mo ry Func tion Measurement resul ts are aut omatically stored i n memory when you t ake a measurement using a personal profile n umber button.
29 7.Using the Me mory Func tion EN 2. Press the Guest/M emory b utton on ce to co mp are with the res ult from t he previous d ay . 3. Press the Guest/M emory b utton ag ain to comp are it wi th the result from 7 da ys ag o. 4. Press the Guest/M emory b utton a t hird ti me to compare wit h the res ult from 30 days ag o.
30 7.Usin g the Mem ory Func tion Notes: • If there are no result s for a selecte d memory , “- - - -” i s displayed for that i tem. • T o view previo us resul ts for other ite ms, press the button for the desir ed item. The results for the select ed item are disp laye d.
31 7.Using the Me mory Func tion EN V iewing Previous Measureme nt Resul ts Foll ow this proc edure i f you just wa nt to view and co mpare previou s measure ment res ults, without taki ng a m easurement. 1. T u rn on th e power , by pressing th e pow er switc h.
32 7.Usin g the Mem ory Func tion 4. Vi ew the p reviou s meas urement r esult s. 1) Press the Guest/Memory button once. The re sults for th e previous day are disp layed. 2) Press the Guest/Memory button to cycl e thro ugh the result s fr om “1 d ay”, “7 days”, “30 days”, and “90 days” ago .
33 8.Error Dis plays EN Care and mainte nance 8. Error Displa ys Error Display Cause Correction Y our pa lms o r sol es ar e not in fi rm contact with the elec trodes. Pres s your palm s or so les f irmly t o the elec trodes, then meas ure. (Refer to Section 5 .
34 9.Trou bleshooti ng 9. T rouble shoo ting Problem Cause Correction The di splaye d value o f body compos itio n is abno rmally hi gh or lo w . Refer to “The reas on calc ulated r esults may differ from ac tual body fat percentage” an d “Recom mended mea suremen t times” in “ What Y o u Should Know W hen Using This Unit” .
35 10.How to Care and Store th e Unit EN 10.Ho w to Care and Store the Unit How to Clea n the Unit • Always keep the unit clean before use. • Wipe the main unit with a soft dry cloth. If necessary , use a cloth moistened with water or detergent and squeez e it well before wiping the unit , then wipe dry with a dry cloth.
36 11.Techn ical Data 1 1.T echnical Dat a Note: Subject to tech nical modific ation without prior notice . Please re ad the ins tructio n manual car efully befo re using the device .
37 11.Techni cal D ata EN Correct Disposal of This Product (Wast e Electrical & Electronic Equipment) This ma rking sho wn on the pr oduct or i ts literature, indicate s that it shoul d not be dis posed of , with other hou sehold wa stes at th e end of its working l ife.
38 11.Techn ical Data Made in Ch ina Manufacturer OMRON HEAL THCARE CO., L TD. 24, Y aman ouchi Y amano shita-cho , Ukyo-k u, Kyoto , 615-008 4, Japan EU-repr esentative OMRON HEAL THCARE EUROPE B.V . Kruisweg 577, 213 2 NA Hoofdd orp, The Netherlands www .
Content s Weight & BMI ......... ........ .... ........ ....... ....... ..... ....... ....... ....... ..... ....... .... 40 Body Fat Ratio & Vi sceral Fat Level .......... ............ ............ ............ .. 42 Rest ing Me t abolism & Ske letal Musc le .
40 WEIGHT & BMI BMI & IDEAL W EIGHT Everybody is concer ned about their weight . But what is the basis for deter mining your ideal weight? The key is BMI. What is BMI? BMI is short for Body Mass Index . This index uses the following simple for mula to indi cate the rati o between wei ght and hei ght of a person.
41 Weight & BM I EN Hidden Fat Not Revealed by BMI Although BMI calculat es a si mple obes ity level, ther e is also hidden fat leve ls that is not revealed by a BMI designati on. The examples below sho w two cases that were reveal ed by OMRON’ s rese arch.
42 BODY FAT RATIO & VISCERAL FAT LEVEL BODY F A T ANAL YSIS Body fat is classif ied as subcut aneous fat and viscer al fat etc. , depending on where it is lo cated in the body . In p articul ar , visceral f at level is known t o have a close connection t o susceptibil ity common diseases.
43 Body Fat Ratio & Vi sceral Fa t Leve l EN Visceral fat ar ea (0 - Ap prox. 30 0 cm 2 , 1 inc h=2.5 4 cm) dist ri buti on 30 lev els. Examp le level determi ned 0: 1 - 9 lev el +: 10 - 30 level * The data referenced by Omron Healthcare.
44 RESTING MET ABOLISM & SKELET AL MUSCLE INCREASING SKELET A L MUSCLE THROUGH EXERCISE Skelet al muscle is muscl e tha t is conn ected t o bone and used t o move p art s of the body . The maintenance and incr ease of this skelet al muscle is clos ely linked to resti ng metaboli sm.
45 Resting Metabol ism & Skeletal M uscle EN What is Skelet al Muscle? Muscle is divi ded into t wo types, muscle in i nternal or gans, such as t he heart , and muscle att ached to bones that is used to mov e the body . Skelet al muscle can be increased through exerci se and other activi ty .
46 Restin g Meta bolism & Skelet al Mu scle Page 46 Friday, October 24, 2008 10:41 AM.
47 Resting Metabol ism & Skeletal M uscle EN Quick Referen ce Usage Guide Use this as a quick refer ence guide only . If you are using this device for the fi rst time, please c arefully read the full i nstruc tion manual. 1. Insert the batte ries.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Omron BF500 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Omron BF500 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Omron BF500 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Omron BF500 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Omron BF500 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Omron BF500 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Omron BF500 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Omron BF500 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.