Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product KX-TD816 van de fabrikant Panasonic
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KX-TD816 Model KX-TD1232 Digital Super Hybrid System User Manual Please read this manual bef ore using Digital Super Hybrid System. D1232 DIGITAL SUPER HYBRID SYSTEM Panasonic Panasonic D816 DIGITAL S.
2 User Manual Thank you for purchasing the Panasonic T elephone System..
System Compon ents User Manual 3 System Component s Model No. Descript ion Service Unit KX-TD816 KX-TD1232 Digi tal Su per H ybrid System (Ma in Unit ) T elephone KX-T7220 KX-T7230 KX-T7235 KX-T7250 K.
Attention 4 User Manual Attention When using the KX-T7200 and KX-T7400 series, ke ep the following conditions in mind: • If ther e is any tr ouble, unplug the exten sion line a nd connect a k nown working phone . If the known working pho ne operates properly , have the defect ive phone repai red by a specifi ed Panasonic Factory Servi ce Center .
Attention User Manual 5 W :Whit e B:Bla ck.
Introductio n 6 User Manual Introduction Who Should Use This Manual This manual is designed for users of Digi tal Super Hybr id System KX-TD816 a nd KX- TD1232.
Introduc tion User Manual 7 Cal l Log, I ncom ing (— Optio n) allows you t o confirm the incoming out side call information on the dis play . Y ou can al so call back the call er by select ing one of the memorized numbe rs. This feat ure is avai lable only fo r the KX-T7230, KX-T7 235, KX-T7433 and KX-T7436.
Introductio n 8 User Manual describ e each operatio n and illustrat ion. Use the new pr ogrammed number if you have changed a flexibl e feature number .
T abl e of Cont ents User Manual 9 T able of Content s 1 DP T Overview 1.1 Configuration ........................... .................................... ........................... ..................... .1 4 1.1.1 Configurati on .....................
T able of Con tents 10 User Manual 4.3.4 Answering, Dir ect Outside Line [P T only] ........................ ........................... ............ 107 4.3.5 Automatic Callb ack Busy (Camp-On) .............................. .........................
T abl e of Cont ents User Manual 11 4.3.53 Live Call Scr eening (LCS) [P T only] ....................... ........................... .................... 199 4.3.54 Lockou t ........................ .................................... ...............
T able of Con tents 12 User Manual 4.5.1 Special Dis play Features ........................ ........................... .................................... ... 312 4.5.2 Call For warding / Do Not Dist urb (KX-T7436 / KX- T7235 only) .................
DP T Overvie w User Manual 13 Section 1 DPT Overview Note : All il lustr ation s used in the initia l sett ing are based on mo del KX-T7235..
DP T Overview 14 User Manual 1.1 Con figurati on 1.1.1 Config uratio n Panasonic Digital Pr oprietary T elephone s (DP T s) are availabl e to utilize various fea tures of the KX-TD816 and KX-TD1 232 System, in addition to supporting ba sic telephon e servic es (makin g and rece iving calls ).
DP T Overvie w User Manual 15 1.1.2 Location o f Controls KX-T7420 REDIAL Button HOLD Button SP-PHONE Button Microphone PROGRAM Button FWD/DND Button CONF Button INTERCOM Button Flexible CO Buttons (O.
DP T Overview 16 User Manual KX-T7425 AUTO DIAL/STORE Button RINGER Volume Selector Used to adjust the ringer volume. AUTO ANSWER/MUTE Button FLASH/RCL Button Jog Dial EDIAL Button OLD Button P-PHONE .
DP T Overvie w User Manual 17 KX-T7431 AUTO DIAL/STORE Button AUTO ANSWER/MUTE Button FLASH/RCL Button Jog Dial REDIAL Button HOLD Button SP-PHONE Button Microphone Flexible CO Buttons (Outside lines .
DP T Overview 18 User Manual KX-T7433 AUTO DIAL/STORE Button AUTO ANSWER/MUTE Button FLASH/RCL Button Jog Dial EDIAL Button OLD Button P-PHONE Button Microphone Flexible CO Buttons (Outside lines 01 t.
DP T Overvie w User Manual 19 KX-T7436 REDIAL Button HOLD Button SP-PHONE Button Microphone Function Buttons (F1 through F5) Flexible CO Buttons (Outside lines 01 through 24) PROGRAM Button FWD/DND Bu.
DP T Overview 20 User Manual KX-T7220 TRANSFER Button PROGRAM Button VOLUME Control Button AUTO DIAL/STORE Button AUTO ANSWER/MUTE Button EDIAL Button LASH Button OLD Button icrophone SP-PHONE Button .
DP T Overvie w User Manual 21 KX-T7230 PROGRAM Button Flexible CO Buttons (Outside lines 01 through 24) MESSAGE Button FWD/DND Button CONF Button INTERCOM Button R EDIAL Button F LASH Button H OLD But.
DP T Overview 22 User Manual KX-T7235 To lift or set down the display: – To lift the display 1 Press the LCD ADJ button. 2 Lift up the display . – To set down the display 1 Press the LCD ADJ button.
DP T Overvie w User Manual 23 KX-T7250 PROGRAM Button VOLUME Control Button AUTO DIAL/STORE Button TRANSFER Button Flexible CO Buttons (Outside lines 01 through 06) INTERCOM Button R EDIAL Button F LA.
DP T Overview 24 User Manual 1.1.3 Connect ion Connect as shown. KX-T7400 Seri es DP T s → Connect to the KX-TD816/KX-TD1232 System. → Connect to a single line telephone jack, T elephone Answering Machine, or F AX for XDP* or parallel connections.
DP T Overvie w User Manual 25 KX-T7200 Serie s DPT s Connect to a single line telephone jack, Telephone Answering Machine, or F AX for XDP* or parallel connections.
DP T Overview 26 User Manual 1.1.4 Featur e Buttons Digital proprietar y telephones (DP T s) have t he following types of Fe ature Button s: • Fixed Bu ttons • Flexible Buttons Fixed Bu ttons Fixed but tons have spec ific fun ctions permane ntly assign ed to them.
DP T Overvie w User Manual 27 " " indic ates the butt on is ava ilable. Usage AUTO ANSWER/MUTE Button Used for Han ds-free a nswer back; or it turns t he microphone of f during a conv ersation. AUTO DIAL/ST ORE Button Used for Sys tem Speed Dia ling or storin g program change s.
DP T Overview 28 User Manual REDIAL Button Used for th e Las t Num ber Re dial . SELECT Button Used to se lect the displayed fu nction or to call the di splayed phone n umber . SHIFT Button Used to ac cess the sec ond and third l evel of Soft Button functi ons.
DP T Overvie w User Manual 29 Flexible B uttons Flexible Buttons do n ot have spe cific featur es permanen tly assigned to them. Features are assigned to Flexible Bu ttons thr ough System or S tation P rogramming. "Fle xible Button Assignment" is addresse d in "St ation Progr amming".
DP T Overview 30 User Manual " " indicat es that the featu re is avail able. Line Access Buttons The fol lowing three types of CO buttons can be used to s eize a out side li ne when makin g a call.
DP T Overvie w User Manual 31 Gr oup-CO (G-CO) button T o support ef ficient ut ilizatio n of outsid e lines, a grou p of outsid e lines (out side line gro up) can be assign ed to a CO button. This button i s referred to a s Group-CO (G-CO) bu tton. Any incoming ca lls from any ou tside li ne in the same trunk group ar rive at the G-CO button.
DP T Overview 32 User Manual 1.1.5 Initial Setting f or KX-T7400 Series The Jog Di al can b e used for the display contrast and the vo lume contr ol. Rotate t he Jog Dia l in eith er direc tion as desi red. The contra st or the volume level will change as follows.
DP T Overvie w User Manual 33 When using the headset The Panasoni c Digital Sup er Hybrid Sy stem supports the use of a headset wit h a propriet ary telephone (P T). When yo u use the heads et (optiona l), you sho uld switch the selecti on mode first.
DP T Overview 34 User Manual T o adjust the headset vol ume T o adjust the ringer vol ume SP-PHONE Display PT Press SP-PHONE . Rotate Jog Dial in the desired direction. <PT Display Example> Headset: *** (-volume le vel 3) Be sur e the headset is connnected.
DP T Overvie w User Manual 35 T o ad just the spea ker vo lum e MODE 7431 Press MODE five times . Rotate Jog Dial in the desired direction. <PT Display Example> Ringer: *** (-volume le vel 3) While the telephone is idle and on-hook; The telephone will stop ringing in about 4 seconds.
DP T Overview 36 User Manual Conditions • If the ri nger volume of t he KX-T7431 is set to OFF , the displa y while on-hook i s as follows. • By pressi ng " ", the disp lay changes t o show your ex tension nu mber and name.
DP T Overvie w User Manual 37 1.1.6 Initial Setting fo r KX-T7200 Series Display Contrast Adjustment (KX-T7230 and KX-T7235 only) A Soft butt on and the VOLUME Contro l button are used to adjus t the displa y contrast. Th e contrast level is indicat ed on the di splay by the number of asteri sks.
DP T Overview 38 User Manual If your digital p roprietary telephon e is provide d with a display (di splay DP T), the volume lev el is indi cated on the d isplay by the number of as terisks. For ringer v olume adjust ment, three levels (OFF/LOW/HIGH) are av ailable wit h the KX-T7220 and KX- T7250.
DP T Overvie w User Manual 39 T o adjust the ring er volume V OLUME 7230 / 7235 <PT Display Example> Ringer: *** (-volume le vel 3) While the telephone is ringing; Press V OLUME (UP /DOWN ) Control b utton. V OLUME S 1 S 2 S 3 RING 7230 / 7235 Press RING (S2) .
DP T Overview 40 User Manual T o ad just t he sp eaker v olum e SP-PHONE V OLUME MONITOR 72XX Press SP-PHONE or MONIT OR . <PT Display Example> SP: ************ (-volume le vel 12) Y ou may also.
DP T Overvie w User Manual 41 1.1.7 LED I ndication The Light Emi tting Diode ( LED) buttons indicate t he line condi tions with li ghting patt erns. Flashing l ight patterns LED Indication on the INTERCOM Button The table below shows t he lighting patterns fo r interc om line condit ions.
DP T Overview 42 User Manual BLF on DSS Button The Busy Lamp Field (BLF) indicat or button is red when the correspondi ng extension is bus y . This is ava ilable for Direc t Station Sele ction (DSS) butto ns on DSS c onso les an d for f lexib le CO buttons assigned as DSS b uttons on p roprietary telephones.
Sta tion Progra mming User Manual 43 Section 2 S tation Programming Note : All il lustr ation s use d in th is sec tion ar e ba sed o n model KX-T7 235.
Statio n Progr amming 44 User Manual 2.1 S tati on Pr ogram ming Instru ctions 2.1.1 S tation Pro gramming Instructions S tation Programmin g allows you , the proprie tary teleph one (P T) users, to progr am certain featur es from your te lephone i ndividually .
Sta tion Progra mming User Manual 45 Exiting S tation Progra mming mode PT Press PROGRAM or lift the handset. PROGRAM T o exit the Station Programming mode, press PR OGRAM.
Statio n Progr amming 46 User Manual Confirming t he assigne d function data — Be sure tha t you are in t he St ation Progra mming mode: Press [ PROGRAM] [9] [9]. — T o exit the S tation Pro gramming mode: Press [PROGRAM] or li ft the handse t. — If you wis h to change the dat a, follow th e programming proc edure explaine d in this se ction.
Sta tion Progra mming User Manual 47 Confirming t he assigned data on the Flexibl e button — Be sure that you are in t he St ation Programmi ng mode: Press [ PROGRAM] [9] [9]. — T o exit S tation Programming mode: Press [PROGRAM] or lift the h andset.
Statio n Progr amming 48 User Manual S tation Pr ogramming [Fle xible Button Ass ignment] (Station Pr ogramming) Direct Station Selection (DSS) Button One-T ouch Dialing Button Message W aiting (MESSA.
Sta tion Progra mming User Manual 49 S tation Pro gramming [Funct ion Assignment] (Preferred Line Assignment - Outgoing) (Preferred Line Assignment - Incoming) (Full One-T ouch Dialing Assignment) (In.
Statio n Progr amming 50 User Manual 2.2 S tation Pr ogram ming 2.2.1 Initial Settings The orig inal set ting are s hown in bold l etters in the shad ed boxes. F ind and mark y our desir ed select ions for p rogramming. — Be sure tha t you are in t he Stat ion Progra mming mode : Press [PROGRAM] [9] [9].
Sta tion Progra mming User Manual 51 — T o exit the S tation Progr amming mode: Press [PROGRAM] or lift t he handset. Initial Display Selection Which display do you prefer when a call is receiv ed? .
Statio n Progr amming 52 User Manual 2.2.2 Flexible Button Assignment — Be sure tha t you are in t he St ation Progra mming mode: Press [ PROGRAM] [9] [9].
Sta tion Progra mming User Manual 53 Conditi ons •* 1 " ", "#", FLASH or FLASH/RCL, P AUSE, SECRET (INTERCOM) and — (CONF) can also be stored. – If you do not want to display the stor ed number , press the SECRET (INTERCOM) button before a nd after the numbers you wish to conceal.
Statio n Progr amming 54 User Manual 2.2.3 P hantom Extension Ringing On/Off Set Allows you t o assign a r inging On/Of f funct ion on a Phanto m button (de fault: On). — Be sure tha t you are in t he St ation Progra mming mode: Press [ PROGRAM] [9] [9].
Sta tion Progra mming User Manual 55 2.2.4 Ringing T o ne Selection for CO Buttons Allows you t o assign a ri nger frequen cy to each CO ( default: t one type 2). — Be sure that you are in t he St ation Programmi ng mode: Press [ PROGRAM] [9] [9]. — T o exit the S tation Progr amming mode: Press [PROGRAM] or lift t he handset.
Statio n Progr amming 56 User Manual 2.2.5 Ri nging T one Sele ction for Intercom Calls Allows you t o assign a r inger freque ncy for in tercom cal l (default : tone type 3) . — Be sure tha t you are in t he St ation Progra mming mode: Press [ PROGRAM] [9] [9].
Sta tion Progra mming User Manual 57 2.2.6 Self-Extension Number Confirmation Allows you t o display your extension por t physic al number and ext ension number . — Be sure that you are in t he Stati on Programmi ng mode: Press [ PROGRAM] [9] [9]. — T o exit the S tation Progr amming mode: Press [PROGRAM] or lift t he handset.
Statio n Progr amming 58 User Manual 2.2.7 S tatio n Programming Data Default Set Allows you t o return ea ch of the fol lowing items as signed by S tation Programming t o their default settin gs.
Sta tion Progra mming User Manual 59 2.2.8 S tat ion Speed Di aling Number/Na me Assignm ent [KX-T7 235/ KX-T7431/KX- T7433/KX-T74 36 only] Allows you t o assign frequently dialed nu mbers and na mes to each Func tion but ton on your P T .
Statio n Progr amming 60 User Manual T o store a name — Be sure tha t you are in t he St ation Progra mming mode: Press [ PROGRAM] [9] [9]. Refer to the Combinatio n T ables 1 and 2 in 2.2.8 S tation Sp eed Dialing Numbe r/Name Assignment [KX-T7235/KX-T7431/ KX-T7433/KX-T7436 onl y] for info rmation on how to ente r each charac ter .
Sta tion Progra mming User Manual 61 For KX-T7431 and KX-T7433 users T o store a number — Be sure that you are in t he St ation Programmi ng mode: Press [ PROGRAM] [9] [9]. — T o exit the S tation Progr amming mode: Press [PROGRAM] or lift t he handset.
Statio n Progr amming 62 User Manual T o store a name — Be sure tha t you are in t he St ation Progra mming mode: Press [ PROGRAM] [9] [9]. Refer to the Combinatio n T ables 1 and 2 in 2.2.8 S tation Sp eed Dialing Numbe r/Name Assignment [KX-T7235/KX-T7431/ KX-T7433/KX-T7436 onl y] for info rmation on how to ente r each charac ter .
Sta tion Progra mming User Manual 63 Combination T able 2 sh ows the combinat ion of keys an d the number o f pulses to move the Jog Dial (c lick tone s) to the righ t. T o enter a charact er , find the key and number pu lses to rota te the Jog Dia l.
Statio n Progr amming 64 User Manual <Exampl e> — Using th e SELECT button; See Combina tion T able 1. 1) Press 6 and then pres s the SELECT butto n once to en ter "M". 2) Press 4 and then pres s the SELECT butto n six times to enter "i" .
Sta tion Progra mming User Manual 65 OR 1) Press 2 and then ro tate the Jog Dial unti l "M"appea rs. 2) Press 2 and then ro tate the Jog Dial unti l "i"appea rs. 3) Press 2 and then ro tate the Jog Dial unti l "k"appear s.
Statio n Progr amming 66 User Manual.
User Programming User Manual 67 Section 3 User Programming.
User Prog rammi ng 68 User Manual 3.1 U ser Pr ogramming Instructions 3.1.1 Gener al Programming Instructions User Progr amming allows you , any extensio n user who kno ws the User Prog ramming Password, t o program the f ollowing syst em features from your telephon e individ ually .
User Programming User Manual 69 Using the Over lay A programmi ng overlay is packed with t he telephone a t the fa ctory . This overlay shou ld be used at al l times in t he programmi ng mode since the functions of the teleph one keys change during pr ogramming.
User Programming User Manual 71 Before entering the user pr ogr amming mode Before ent ering the us er progra mming mode, confi rm that: • Y our telep hone is on-hook , and • No call s are on hold a t your tel ephone.
User Prog rammi ng 72 User Manual 3.1.2 Pr ogramming Methods Advancing to the next stage When "USR-PGM NO? " is displaye d, you can sele ct one of the following: • T o go to program [000] , press th e NEXT button. • T o go to another program, enter the 3- digit progr am address.
User Programming User Manual 73 Making another selection within the same pr ogram address • T o go to th e next selec tion, press NEXT . • T o go to th e previous se lection, pre ss PREV . • T o make a spe cific select ion, press SELECT an d then ente r the n umber .
User Prog rammi ng 74 User Manual 3.2 U ser Pr ogramming 3.2.1 [000] Date and T ime Set Notice It is a ssumed that you have read S ection 3.1 "Use r Programmin g Instructions ". Soft but ton usage is e xplained i n that secti on, therefor e no reference s will be made to t hem in the fo llowing instru ctions.
User Programming User Manual 75 Programming Display PT Dial 000 . Enter the year (last 2 digits). 0 0 0 year <Date Setting> <Time Setting> Press NEXT . NEXT Press → . K eep pressing SELECT until the desired month is display ed. SELECT K eep pressing SELECT until the desired day of the w eek is display ed.
User Prog rammi ng 76 User Manual Conditions • After ch anging an e ntry , you can pres s STOR E . Y ou do not have to perform t he rest of t he steps. • T o return to t he previou s field, press in steps 4 through 9 and steps 13 t hrough 18. • If you hea r an alarm af ter pressi ng STORE , check t hat the date is valid.
User Programming User Manual 77 3.2.2 [001] System Speed Dialing Number Set Description Used to pro gram the Syst em Speed Dial ing numbers. The se numbers ar e availabl e for any extensio n user in the system. Select ion • Speed dial numbe rs: 000 thr ough 499 • T elephone number : 24 digits (max.
User Prog rammi ng 78 User Manual Pr ogramming Conditions • Each speed dial number has a maximum of 24 digits. The va lid charact ers are 0 thr ough 9, , and # keys, and t he FLASH or FLASH/RCL, P AUSE, SECRET and "–"(hyphen) buttons. — T o store the flash si gnal, press FLASH or FLASH/RCL .
User Programming User Manual 79 — T o store a paus e, press P AUSE . (Refer to Pulse to T one Conversion in the Featur es Guide) — T o store a fea ture number to convert p ulse sign als to DTMF (Dua l T one Multi- Frequency) signals, press the and # k eys.
User Prog rammi ng 80 User Manual 3.2.3 [002] System Speed Dialing Name Set Description Assigns na mes to the sys tem speed dial number s assigned i n program [001] "System Speed Dialing Numbe r Set." The KX-T7431, KX-T743 3, KX-T7235 and KX-T74 36 show the store d name durin g System Speed Dialing.
User Programming User Manual 81 Programming Conditions • Speed dial numbe rs are progr ammed in program [0 01] "System Spee d Dialing Number Set." • Each name has a maxi mum of 10 charact ers. • For entering ch aracters, se e 2.2.8 S tation Speed Di aling Number/N ame Assignment [KX- T7235/KX-T7431/ KX-T7433/KX-T74 36 only].
User Prog rammi ng 82 User Manual User Manual References 4.3.80 Syst em Speed Dialin g 4.5.8 KX-T7235 Display Featu res - Call Di rectory 4.5.1 1 KX-T7431 / KX-T7433 / KX-T7436 Display Features - Ca l.
User Programming User Manual 83 3.2.4 [003] Extension Number Set Description Assigns an extension numbe r to each e xtension. Select ion • Jack number: KX-TD816 - 01 thro ugh 16 (-1 / -2) KX-TD1232 .
User Prog rammi ng 84 User Manual Pr ogramming Conditions • There is a maxi mum of 32 extension nu mbers for KX-TD816, and 128 ext ension numbers for KX-TD1232. Each extens ion number can b e two, three, or four digit s, consisting of 0 thr ough 9 .
User Programming User Manual 85 If one digit i s assigned as the leading d igit, s ome extension s have tw o digits and some have three dig its. If two d igits are a ssigned, some have three d igits and some have four d igits. • T wo extensi on numbers can b e assigned per jack.
User Prog rammi ng 86 User Manual 3.2.5 [004] Exte nsion Name Set Description Assigns na mes to the extension number s programmed in program [003] Extensi on Number Set.
User Programming User Manual 87 Programming Conditions • There is a maximu m of 32 names for KX-TD 816 and 128 names f or KX-TD1232. Each name has a maximum of 10 c haracters. • For entering characters , see Section 2 .2.8 Stat ion Speed Dial ing Number/Name Assignment [ KX-T7235/KX-T743 1/KX-T7433/KX-T7436 only].
User Prog rammi ng 88 User Manual • For the KX- TD1232, Jack n umbers 01 throu gh 32 are f or the Master System and 33 through 64 are fo r the Slav e, if availa ble. • For an expl anation o f jack numbering, s ee "3.1.2 Prog ramming Methods ".
User Programming User Manual 89 3.2.6 [017] DISA User Codes Description Assigns t he Direct I nward System Acc ess (DISA) Use r Codes an d a Class of Service (COS) to each code. T he code COS det ermines th e toll rest riction le vel of the DI SA caller .
User Prog rammi ng 90 User Manual Pr ogramming Conditions • This sett ing is requi red if T runk (Outsid e line) Secur ity mode is sel ected in p rogram [809] DISA Securi ty T ype. • Each code shoul d be unique and compo sed of four throug h ten numerica l digits, 0 thr ough 9 .
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 91 Section 4 S tation Features a nd Operation (DPT/SLT).
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 92 User Manual 4.1 Before Operating 4.1.1 Befor e Operating What kind of telephone do you us e? In this manual, you wi ll find your way to operate the featur e depending on the telep hone you use. Plea se use the proper opera tion for your telephon e.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 93 Operation S tep Box In this s ection, op erations for extensi on users are d escribed using the fol lowing Oper ation S tep Box. Note • If your tele phone is not not ed in the o perating st ep box (ex.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 94 User Manual Flash th e hookswitc h on a single l ine telepho ne. T ones which vary depending o n the conditi on (Refer to 6.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 95 4.2 Basic Operations 4.2.1 Making Calls Inter com Calling Y ou can make a cal l to another extensi on. Outward Dialing Y ou can make a cal l to an outsi de party usi ng one of t he following lin e access metho ds.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 96 User Manual Conditions <P T> • There are fou r types of Line Pre ference for out going calls (— Idle Lin e/No Line/Pr ime Line/Pri me INTERCOM Line). Each pr eference can be select ed by St ation or S ystem Programming.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 97 4.2.2 Receiving Calls Conditi ons <P T> • The re ar e th ree t ypes of L ine P ref erenc e for inco ming call s (— No Line /Prim e Ou tside Line/Ri nging Line). Ea ch preferenc e can be selec ted by S tation Pro gramming.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 98 User Manual 4.3 S tati on Featur es and Opera tion 4.3.1 Absent Message Capability Y ou can selec t one of nine pre-programmed Ab sent Messages ( 1-9) for your ex tension. Th e display P T users ca lling you r extension see the message you select.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 99 Note Enter the desired val ue in the "%" s pace. Y ou must make an e ntry in all of the %s usin g 0 through 9, " #" or " ". Any T elephone D ISPLA Y M ESSA GE P ARAMETER 1 W ill Return Soon None None None M ESSA GE N O .
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 100 User Manual Canceling the abse nt message Conditions • All nine me ssages can be p rogrammed eithe r by User or Sys tem Programming. <display P T> • The messa ge you select is shown on the display of yo ur P T whenever you go of f-hook.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 101 4.3.2 Account Code Entry An Account Code is used to id entify outs ide calls f or accounting and bill ing purposes. Th e account co de is appe nded to the " Stat ion Message Detail Record ing (SMDR)" call record.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 102 User Manual Entering a ccount codes before di aling 7230 / 7235 / 7433 / 7436 Confirmation tone and dial tone Off-hook. Dial the phone number . Press CO . Press A CCNT (S3) . Dial # . CO ACCNT S1 S2 S3 account code Enter an account code (10 digits max.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 103 Entering ac count codes du ring or after a conversation During a con versati on or within 15 seconds afte r the oth er party hangs up; Conditi ons • In V erified - All Calls mode , you must always enter a pre- assigned acc ount code whe n making an y of the foll owing call s.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 104 User Manual <P T> • Press ing the Account button ( flexible but ton) while e ntering a n account code cancels the entry .
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 105 4.3.3 Alternate Calling — Ring / V oice Y ou can voice-ann ounce your inter com call or have the cal led extension ring. When you make an inter com call by vo ice-announce ment, the ot her party he ars your v oice over the built-i n speaker of P T and can spe ak in the hand s-free mode.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 106 User Manual Alternat ing (to Ring-Cal ling mode) Conditions • V oic e-sig nalin g is not avai lable in the fo llow ing c ases: — if the other exten sion is an SL T . — if the other exten sion is busy on another cal l.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 107 4.3.4 Answering, Direct Outside Line [P T only] Y ou can answer an outsid e call by pressing a flashing a CO button dir ectly . Y ou do not have to lift t he handset or p ress the SP-PHONE/ MONITOR button.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 108 User Manual 4.3.5 Automatic Callback Busy (Ca mp-On) Allows you t o set to rec eive callba ck ringing whe n the dialed l ine becomes i dle. When you answer th e callba ck ringing; For an exte nsion : The c alled extens ion starts ringing with out dialing.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 109 Answering an i nter com recall Ans weri ng an o utsid e line recall Canceling PT and SL T If you hear the telephone ringing; Lift the handset or press SP-PHONE/MONIT OR.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 11 0 User Manual Conditions • If you do n ot answer the recall rin ging withi n 10 seconds (f our callbac k ring si gnals), this feature will be a utomatica lly canceled .
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 111 4.3.6 Background Music ( BGM) [P T o nly] Y ou can hear bac kground music t hrough the bui lt-in speak er of your P T . An external musi c sour ce, su ch as a ra dio, must be conn ected . The music st ops whenev er a call come s in o r when you go off-h ook.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 11 2 User Manual 4.3.7 Busy S tation Signaling (BSS) Y ou can promp t a busy exten sion (ringi ng or during a call) to ans wer your call . The other extensi on hears t hree beeps and knows that you are waiti ng.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 11 3 • T o answer the s ignal from t he calling ex tension, s ee 4.3.27 Call W aiting. • If "BSS" is n ot displayed or you hear a reorder t one when you set t his featur e, this feat ure will not be set at the c alled party .
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 11 4 User Manual 4.3.8 Call Forwarding — SUMM AR Y Automatic ally trans fers in coming calls to another extension or to a n external destina tion. The followi ng types are a vailable : Note Y o u can a lso se t V oice Mail as the forw ardin g destin ation .
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 11 5 • T wo extensio ns can set each o ther as the dest ination exten sion. In this case, an interco m call to the other party while he/ she is absent will not be forwarded bac k to the origi nal extension.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 11 6 User Manual 4.3.9 Call Forwarding — All Calls All of ca lls coming to your exten sion are for warded to the p re-assigned extensio n automa tically . Setting PT and SL T Lift the handset or press SP-PHONE/MONIT OR.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 11 7 4.3.10 Call Forwa rding — Busy Y ou can forward calls to ano ther ext ension when your extensio n is busy . Sett ing PT and SL T Lift the handset or press SP-PHONE/MONIT OR. For PT : Press FWD/DND .
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 11 8 User Manual 4.3.1 1 Call Forwarding — No Answer Y our calls a re forwarded to anothe r extensi on when you do not answer the call within a pre- determ ined time. Setting PT and SL T Lift the handset or press SP-PHONE/MONIT OR.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 11 9 Conditi ons • The number of ri ngs before a call is f orwarded can be changed fo r each extens ion (excep t ISDN extensi ons / T1 extens ions) with pr ogram "[619] E xtension Call Forwarding — No Answer T ime.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 120 User Manual 4.3.12 Call Forwarding — Busy / No Answer Y ou can forw ard your cal ls to another extension whe n your exte nsion is busy or you do not answer th e call wit hin a pre-de termined t ime.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 121 Conditi ons • The number of ri ngs before a call is f orwarded can be changed fo r each extens ion (excep t ISDN extensi ons / T1 extens ions) with pr ogram "[619] E xtension Call Forwarding — No Answer T ime".
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 122 User Manual 4.3.13 Call Forwar ding — to Outside Line Y ou can fo rward all in coming calls t o your ext ension to an outside p arty via a CO or TIE line. The tele phone number o f the outsid e party must be pre-programmed.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 123 Conditi ons • Up to 16 digits (includi ng a line ac cess code) ca n be progra mmed. • V alid digit s are "0 through 9", " ". P AUSE (pausing time) can be stor ed by dialin g .
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 124 User Manual 4.3.14 Call Forwarding — Follow Me Y ou can set the "Call Forwa rding" feature from the des tination ext ension. Thi s is useful i f you for get to set " Call Forwardi ng — All Call s" before you le ave your de sk.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 125 Conditi ons • This feature can be can celed either at your o wn extension or at the de stination e xtension. • Class of se rvice Class of s ervice pr ogramming deter mines the exte nsions th at can perfor m this fea ture.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 126 User Manual 4.3.15 Call F orwarding — CA NCEL There ar e two can celing method s for "Cal l Forwarding" .
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 127 Cancelin g Call Fo rwarding at the dest ination ext ension — "Follow Me ( All Calls)" only PT and SL T • Y ou may press the flexible button assigned as the FWD/DND button instead.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 128 User Manual 4.3.16 Call Hold Allows yo u to place an inter com or outsi de call on hold. Whi le the ca ll is on hold, you can make and re ceiv e othe r calls . T o place a call on hold Retr ievin g a ca ll on h old Conditions • T o retrieve a call on ho ld at another extension, r efer to 4.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 129 • Automatic Dis connection If a call (outside, e xtension) pl aced on hold i s not retri eved within 30 minutes, it i s automatic ally disconne cted. <P T> • W ith outside calls, you c an put mult iple call s on hold.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 130 User Manual 4.3.17 Call Hold, Exclusive [P T only] Allows you t o prevent ot her extensio n users from r etrieving yo ur held call . A call put on exclusi ve hold can only be retr ieved fro m the extensio n that pl aced it on hol d.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 131 Features Guide Re ferences Hold Recall User Manual References 4.3.16 Call Hold.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 132 User Manual 4.3.18 Call Hold Retrieve Allows you t o retrieve a c all that ha s been placed o n hold at othe r extensions .
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 133 <ISDN T elephone> • This fe ature is not availabl e for ISDN tel ephones. Programming Guide Refer ences [990] System Additiona l Informa tion User Manual References 4.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 134 User Manual 4.3.19 Call Park Allows you to plac e a held cal l into a system par king area . Y ou can b e releas ed from the parked call t o perform other ope rations . The parked cal l can be retri eved from any ext ension.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 135 Retrievin g a parked cal l Conditi ons • Call Park Reca ll If a p arked call is not re triev ed in a specifi c peri od of t ime (d efau lt: 12 rings), "Call Park Recall" oc curs.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 136 User Manual 4.3.20 Call P ickup, Directed Allows you t o answer an in coming call ri nging at any other ext ension. Conditions • Doorphone c alls can b e picked up fr om extensions t hat are not programmed to answer doorphone c alls.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 137 4.3.21 Call Pickup, Gr oup Allows you t o answer a cal l that is r inging at anot her telepho ne within your extension gr oup. Conditi ons • Con firma tion t one A confirmat ion tone is a udible when the call is pi cked up.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 138 User Manual 4.3.22 Call P ickup, Outside Line Allows you t o answer an in coming outside call tha t is ringing at another extension. Conditions • Confirmati on T one A confirmat ion tone is audible when t he call is pi cked up.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 139 4.3.23 Call Pickup Deny Allows you t o prevent another exte nsion from pick ing up your cal ls with the " Call Pic kup" featu re.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 140 User Manual 4.3.24 Call Splitting Allows you to have t wo callers on a line and a lternate b etween them. If a call comes in whi le you are a lready on the line, you c an place the c urrent cal l (1st call ) on hold a nd have a conversa tion with the other par ty (2nd call ).
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 141 Features Guide Re ferences Consultat ion Hold User Manual References 4.3.16 Call Hold 4.3.17 Call Hold , Exclusive [P T only].
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 142 User Manual 4.3.25 Call T ransfer — to Extension Allows you t o transfer the call you received to another e xtension. T here are two way s. Screen ed Call T r ansf er: Th e des tinati on co nfir ms the t ran sfer b efore you se nd it.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 143 Call T ransfer using a DSS bu tton Allows P T users to per form Screened or Unscreened Call T ransfe r by using a DSS bu tton. There are two operation s, dependin g on whether or not One-T ouch T ransfe r *1 is set.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 144 User Manual <P T> • The destina tion extensio n shows the Caller ID and the extension numbe r from where the call w as tra nsfe rred o n the d ispla y . <Example> The Caller ID numbe r "123456789" is transfe rred from extensi on 101.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 145 4.3.26 Call T ransfer — to Outs ide Line Y ou can transf er a call ( intercom, outs ide) to a n outside par ty via outsi de line. Scre ened Call T ransfer Conditi ons • Class of Ser vice Class of Se rvice pro gramming dete rmines th e extensi ons that can p erform thi s feature.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 146 User Manual • If you wa nt to re turn to the held ca ll, pres s the TRANSFER butt on or co rresponding CO or INTERCOM button before the d estination party answers .
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 147 4.3.27 Call W aiting During a ca ll, a Call W aiting tone informs you th at there is another c all waiting for you. Y ou can answ er the second call by di sconnecting or placin g the current call on hol d.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 148 User Manual T o talk to the ne w party by term inating the cur rent call T o talk to the ne w party by hold ing the curr ent cal l Conditions • BSS .
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 149 • The call waiting tone is gener ated when an outsi de call, a doo rphone cal l is received, or when an exte nsion caller executes Busy S tation Signali ng.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 150 User Manual 4.3.28 Call W aiting fr om Central Office During a c onversation, a call wai ting tone of fered b y the local Ce ntral Of fice signal s your extensi on that t here is ano ther cal l waiting.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 151 Conditi ons • This is an option al telephone company serv ice. For m ore in form ation , cons ult t he local tele phone comp any . <P T> • Y ou can ret urn to the ori ginal part y by pressing t he FLASH or FLASH/RCL or EF A (S2) button aga in.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 152 User Manual 4.3.29 Calling Line Ide ntification Presentation (CLIP) When you make an outside cal l through a Pr ime Rate Inter face (PRI) I SDN line, you can l et the othe r party see y our pre-a ssigned ident ificatio n number .
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 153 a) CLIP numb er as signe d to t he outs ide li ne The nu mber stored i n program [418] Outside Lin e Number Assignment for PRI CLIP .
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 154 User Manual 4.3.30 Calling Line Ide ntification Restr iction (CLIR) When makin g an outside c all through a n ISDN line, you c an prevent th e other part y from seeing y our identif ication numbe r . Y ou can c hange the setting at any time fo r a partic ular call, temporar ily or conti nuously .
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 155 T o tem porarily change the setting at any time for a particular call Conditi ons • If the prese ntation is enabled, t he other pa rty can chec k the call er ’ s number befor e answ erin g the c all.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 156 User Manual 4.3.31 Camp-On T ransfer to Phantom Ext ension Allows you t o transfer a c all to busy ph antom extensions.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 157 <P T> • If you mi sdial, press the FLASH or FLASH/RCL butto n, and re-e nter the number . <SL T> • If you wa nt to retur n to the he ld call, flash the hookswi tch before the de stinati on exten sion a nswe rs.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 158 User Manual 4.3.32 Confer ence During a t wo-party conve rsation , you can add a t hird part y to make a thre e-party conf erence. The members of a conference on a line may be three exte nsions, one ext ension and two outside lines, o r two exten sions and one o utside li ne.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 159 T o le ave th e con ference T o te rmin ate one part y and talk to the ot her T o talk to the thi rd party while holding the original part y PT and SL T Hang up or press SP-PHONE/MONIT OR. The other two parties may continue their con versation.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 160 User Manual T o tal k to the origi nal p arty w hile h olding the th ird pa rty T o put both partie s on hold Conditions • Up to six c onference calls are a llowed simu ltaneously .
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 161 Programming Guide Refer ences [990] System Additiona l Informa tion User Manual References 2.2.2 Flexibl e Button Assignme nt 4.3.33 Conferen ce, Unattended [P T only] 4.3.42 Executi ve Busy Override — Extension 4.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 162 User Manual 4.3.33 Confer ence, Unattended [P T only] When you are in a confe rence with two outside part ies, you c an leave the t hree-party confere nce allowi ng the other t wo partie s to continue their c onversation.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 163 Programming Guide Refer ences [206] Outside-to-Ou tside Lin e Call Durati on T ime [503] Ca ll T ransfer t o Outside Line [601] Class of Servi ce Features Guide Re ferences Hold Recall User Manual References 4.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 164 User Manual 4.3.34 CTI (Computer T elephony Integration) Code Entry If a CTI Se rvice is use d, a CTI Code (max. 16 digits) can be sent from the KX-TD816/KX- TD1 232 to t he CT I appl icati on. T he co de is in terpr eted b y the appli catio n for s uitab le acti on.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 165 4.3.35 Data L ine Securi ty Y our extensi on is p rotected a gainst int erruptions from the " Call W aiting," "Hol d Recall ," and "Executi ve Busy Override " featu res.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 166 User Manual 4.5.9 KX-T7235 Display Featu res - System Fe ature Access Men u 4.5.12 KX-T743 1 / KX-T7433 / KX- T7436 Display Fe atures - Sys tem Featur.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 167 4.3.36 Direct Inward System Access (DISA) *1 Allows an out side call er to access s pecific system featur es as if th e caller is a n extensio n in the system. A DI SA outgoing message is u sed to give outside ca llers assi stance, such as li sting the extensio n numbers in the system.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 168 User Manual Calling an outside party Exte nding the ca ll du ratio n whil e calli ng an o utsid e lin e From Outside T elephone Dial the DISA phone number . DISA outgoing message Ringback tone DISA phone no.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 169 Re-try Conditi ons Call ing an exte nsion • Y ou can choos e Non Security o r All Security mod e. In All Secur ity mode, the ca ller must ent er a pre-ass igned DISA user code to make int ercom calls.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 170 User Manual The DISA buil t-in auto at tendant n umber may be the s ame as the first digit of ot her numbers (e xtension number , Floati ng Number , etc.). T o avoid con fusion, th e system waits for the second di git for a pr e-programme d amount of time (default: 1 s).
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 171 4.3.37 Do Not Distu rb (DND) Allows you t o prevent other parti es from distu rbing you. Y our ext ension will no t receive intercom a nd outside calls. Sett ing Canceling 7235 / 7436 <PT Display Example> Do Not Disturb FWD/DND Lift the handset or press SP-PHONE.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 172 User Manual Setting / Cancel ing Conditions • DND also works for an in coming call fr om a doorphone.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 173 <7250> • A flexi ble button on the KX- T7250 (no FWD/ DND button provi ded) can be assigne d as the FWD/DND but ton. <ISDN T elephone> • This fe ature is not availabl e for ISDN tel ephones.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 174 User Manual 4.3.38 Do Not Disturb (DND) Override Y ou can overr ide the "Do Not Disturb (DND)" f eature set on the othe r extension , if permitted by System Pr ogramming before hand.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 175 — Whisper OHCA — E xecuti ve Bu sy Ov errid e <ISDN T elephone> • This fe ature is not availabl e for ISDN tel ephones. Programming Guide Refer ences [507] Do Not Distur b Overri de [601] Class of Servi ce User Manual References 4.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 176 User Manual 4.3.39 Doorphone Call Allows you t o have a conver sation with a visitor a t your door phone.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 177 T o unloc k the door f rom an assi gned extension T o unlock the doo r while talkin g to the vi sitor at the doorphone fr om any ext ension Conditi ons • An optional Door phone Card an d a doorphon e are necessa ry for th is feature .
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 178 User Manual • <When KX-TD161 is installed > Doorphone 1 and Doorphone 2 cannot esta blish convers ations simul taneously . When one is in use, an ext ension user cann ot have a convers ation with the other .
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 179 [820] Doorphone Ringing T ime [990] System Additiona l Informa tion User Manual References 2.2.2 Flexibl e Button Assignme nt 4.5.9 KX-T7235 Displ ay Features - System Fea ture Access Menu 4.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 180 User Manual 4.3.40 Elect r onic S t ation Lockout Allows you t o lock your ex tension s o that other users cann ot make outgoing outside cal ls from your exte nsion.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 181 <SL T> • If anot her user tr ies to ac cess an outsi de line fro m a looked ext ension, the u ser hears a reorde r tone. • W ith the KX-T7431, KX-T 7433, KX-T7436 or KX- T7235, you can exec ute this feature using t he displa y operation.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 182 User Manual 4.3.41 Emergency Call Allows you t o dial out a pre-assi gned emer gency number after seiz ing an outs ide line regardl ess of the res trictions impose d on your extensi on. Up to 10 emer gency dial numbers can be store d in the syst em.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 183 4.3.42 Executive Busy Override — Extension Y ou can inter rupt an existin g extensi on call (eit her between t wo inside part ies or betwe en an outside p arty and an in side part y) by dialin g "2".
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 184 User Manual • Executive Busy Override Deny It is po ssible for extension users (if a llowed by Class of Service Pr ogramming) to pr event this fe ature fr om being execut ed by another e xtension user .
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 185 4.3.43 Executive Busy Override — Outside Line [P T only] Allow you to connect to an existing out side call or add a third party to your existing conversat ion.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 186 User Manual Pr ogramming Guide Refe r ences [505] Exe cutive Busy Over ride [601] Cla ss of Serv ice [990] Sys tem Additional In formation User Manual Ref erences 4.3.32 Confere nce 4.3.35 Data Line Security 4.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 187 4.3.44 Executive Busy Override Deny Allows you t o prevent other extens ion users fr om interru pting your te lephone co nversation. Conditi ons • Class of Ser vice "Class of Service" pr ogramming deter mines the exte nsions that can perform th is featu re.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 188 User Manual 4.3.45 External Featur e Access Allows you t o access spe cial features (e.g., Call W aiting) off ered by a host PBX, Centrex or Cent ral Offi ce. T his fe ature is e f fe ctiv e onl y duri ng an outsi de ca ll.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 189 Conditi ons • Flash T ime The flash ti me must be ass igned as requir ed by the Centr ex, host PBX or out side line.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 190 User Manual 4.3.46 External Modem Contr ol [P T only] Allows yo u to cont rol the e xternal modem, connec ted to t he system with a RS-2 32C cable, by sending a pre-assign ed A T Command (for enabling Auto matic Answer , etc.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 191 4.3. 47 F lash [P T only] Y ou can disconn ect the cu rrent call and make another call wit hout hanging u p. Conditi ons • A disconnecti on signal mu st be select ed by System Prog ramming in order to execute t his feature.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 192 User Manual 4.3.48 Full One-T ouch Dialing [P T only] The hands- free spe akerphone is a utomatica lly activat ed. Y ou can ente r a phone nu mber or access a system fea ture wit h the touch of a button.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 193 4.3.49 Handset Micr ophone Mute [P T only] Allow you to turn of f the hands et microphone so you can co nsult priva tely with oth ers in the room. Y ou will st ill be able to hear the othe r party .
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 194 User Manual 4.3.50 Hands-fr ee Answerback [P T only] Y ou can answ er an interc om call without lifting the handset. Setting Canceling Conditions • Ring /V o ice In terco m Aler tin g Mo de Ove rri de This fea ture overri des the "Al ternate Cal ling — Ring/V oice" featur e.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 195 4.3.51 Hands-free Opera tion [P T only] Y ou can answer a n interco m call without lifting t he handset.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 196 User Manual Helpfu l hints • Use this unit in a quiet room for best perfor mance. • If the o ther party ha s dif ficulty h earing you, dec rease the volume. • If you and the other party speak at the sa me time, parts o f your conve rsation will be lost .
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 197 4.3. 52 In tercom Calling Y ou can make a cal l to another extensi on user within the syst em or a tenant.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 198 User Manual • Call Dir ectory - Ex tension Diali ng W ith th e KX-T7431, KX-T 7433, KX-T7436, or KX-T7235, you can make a n extension call usi ng the "Call Directory - Extension Dial ing" dis play operati on.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 199 4.3.53 Live C all Screening (LCS) [ P T only] *1 When you ha ve set a V oice Mail extension as the Call Forwar ding destina tion and have activat ed the LCS featu re, you can monito r a message while a c aller is lea ving the messa ge in your mailbo x.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 200 User Manual Flowchart o f the Live Call Scre ening (LCS) Featur e Setting the pass word Note In order to change the password, c ancel the curre nt password and then set a new password. Press LCS button.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 201 Can celin g the p assw ord Sett ing Liv e Ca ll Screeni ng Canceling Li ve Call Scr eening PT Lift the handset or press SP-PHONE/MONIT OR. Hang up or press SP-PHONE/MONIT OR. Enter the same passw ord you used to set.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 202 User Manual In the Hands- free mode ; When calle rs are co nnected to you r voice mailbo x, the message r ecording is mon itored automati cally t hrough your extensi on speaker . While moni toring i n the Hands -free mod e, the LCS indica tor light f lashes green slowly .
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 203 Monitori ng the re cording messa ge Having a c onversation wit h a party During a conve rsation with an other party; When the ext ension user is ha ving a conver sation, a call wai ting tone is se nt.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 204 User Manual Having a conve rsation with a party - If you want to hol d the current call Monitoring Having a conve rsation with t he party Conditions • The LCS in dicator shows the feature status a s follows.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 205 • During Keep Recor ding mode, if you want to st op recording t he conversat ion, press t he T wo-W ay Recording butt on.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 206 User Manual 4.3.54 Lo ckout If one party in a conversa tion goes on- hook, they bo th are d isconnected from the spe ech path automati cally . A reorder ton e is sent to the of f-hook part y before it is discon nected.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 207 4.3. 55 L og-In / Log -Out Allows you t o assign the Lo g-In mode or Log-Out mode within a hunt ing, ring or UCD (Uniform Cal l Distribut ion) gro up. When in the Log- Out mode, you ca n leave the g roup tempora rily , p reventing h unting cal ls from being sent to yo ur exte nsion.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 208 User Manual Log-In / Log -Out (Using the f eature number) Conditions • By defa ult, all ext ensions in t he group ar e in "Log-In " mode. • When exte nsions are l ogged out, call s directed t o the above mentioned group do not come in on their e xten sion.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 209 4.3.56 Mess age W ait ing When the called exte nsion or phantom extensi on is busy or does not answer your c all, you c an leave a no tificat ion so that the call ed party may cal l you back.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 210 User Manual Canceling Checking and Se lecting a message notif ication by the rece iver Call ing bac k the mess age no tifica tion send er PT and SL T extension no. Lift the handset or press SP-PHONE/MONIT OR.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 21 1 Clea ring all m essag e not ifica tions left o n you r exte nsio n Conditi ons • The system suppor ts a maximum of 128 simultaneous messages. Exc ept these, up to 128 phantom messa ges can be reco rded.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 212 User Manual • Even if the MESSAGE butt ons are nei ther provide d nor ass igned, dial tone 4 *1 aft er going off -hook informs you if a messag e has been r eceived at y our extension . For singl e line telephon e users, a special ri ng tone can be pr ovided as notificat ion.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 213 4.3.57 Microphone M ute [P T on ly] During a con versation i n the hands -free mode, you can turn of f your P T's micro phone so that you can cons ult priv ately with ot hers in the room.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 214 User Manual 4.3.58 Night / Day (Lunch / Br eak) Service This syst em supports bot h the night a nd day modes o f operation. The day mode incl udes the lunch and break modes. The system opera tion for ori ginating an d receivi ng calls can be changed d epending o n the mode.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 215 Switching t he mode (Display o peration) Switching Day /Night mode (Displ ay operation) Hang up or press SP-PHONE. Night Mode Day Mode Enter the desired mode number ( 0 to 3 ). 0 1 Press MODE until "Feature Access" is displayed.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 216 User Manual Switching Day/Night mode (Nig ht button ope ration) Switching Day/Night modes (Fe ature number operation) Confirming t he curr ent mode PT Lift the handset or press SP-PHONE/MONIT OR. Hang up or press SP-PHONE/MONIT OR.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 217 Conditi ons • The following i tems have sepa rate day and n ight progr amming. a) Outgoing Permitted Outs ide Line Assi gnment b) Direct I.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 218 User Manual Dire ct In L ines ( DIL) Integ rat ed Se rvice s Digi tal Ne twor k (ISD N) — Basic Rate Interf ace (B RI) Integ rat ed Se rvice s Digi .
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 219 4.3.59 Off-Hook Call Announcem ent (OHCA) Allows you to signa l a busy extensi on on a handset call that your call is wait ing. Y our voice is heard thr ough the buil t-in speaker of the call ed party's P T (KX-T7235 or KX-T7436).
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 220 User Manual Executing T o tal k to the third part y Any T elephone Dial 1 . If you hear a busy tone after making an inter com call; Confirmation tone 1 Wait for an ans w er and talk.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 221 T o ta lk to t he th ird par ty by termin atin g the c urrent c all in hands -free mod e T o talk to the thi rd party afte r placing th e cu.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 222 User Manual Conditions • BSS / OHC A / Wh isper OHCA If an exten sion user dials "1" while hea ring a busy tone, BSS or OHCA or Whisper OHCA will be a ctivated at the call ed extension . This is d etermined by t he following c onditions.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 223 4.3.60 Off-Hook Call Announcement (OHCA) —Whispe r [P T on ly] This is a version of the OHCA fe ature. The diffe rence is, OHCA provide s two-way communicati on between tw o extensions but this fea ture provide s one-way co mmunication.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 224 User Manual Executing Rece ivin g a voi ce an noun cemen t T o talk to the t hird party by te rminating t he curr ent call in hands-fre e mode Wait for an ans w er and talk.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 225 T o talk to the thi rd party afte r placing th e curren t call on ho ld Conditi ons • This feature can be ena bled to any P T s (other than KX-T7400 series P T) by System Programmi ng. • If the Whisper OHCA sender does n ot use a KX-T7400 series t elephone, Whisp er OHCA works as OHCA.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 226 User Manual 4.3.27 Call W aiting 4.3.59 Of f-Hook Call Announcement (OHCA).
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 227 4.3. 61 O ff-Hook Monitor [ P T only] While you ar e on a handset call, you r call can be monit ored by the others in the room throug h SP-PHONE. This feat ure is only a vailable fo r the KX-T743 1, KX-T7433 and KX-T7436 telephone users.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 228 User Manual Conditions • Making a n OHCA call is n ot availabl e if the ot her ext ension is in Off-Hook Monitor mode. • This fea ture is only available du ring a con versation wit h the hand set. Pr ogramming Guide Refe r ences [148] Of f-Hook Monit or User Manual Ref erences 4.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 229 4.3.62 One- T ouch Diali ng [P T only] Allows you to make a call ( interco m or outside) or access a s ystem feature with the to uch of a button. This is done by st oring an exten sion number , telephon e number or fea ture number (up to 16 digi ts) in a One-T ouch Dialing but ton.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 230 User Manual 4.3.63 Operator Call Allows yo u to cal l an oper ator within the sy stem. T wo extensi ons can be assigne d as Operato r 1 and 2. Conditions • If no ope rator i s assigned, t his featur e is not ava ilable and you will h ear a re order tone a fter dialing the feat ure number .
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 231 4.3.64 Outward Dialing, L ine Access — SUMMAR Y A CO line can b e accessed i n the followi ng ways. Conditi ons • The CO button assi gnment on you r telephone c an be re-arr anged as requ ired.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 232 User Manual —The exte nsion has been locked by t he owner (El ectronic S tation Lo ckout) or the opera tor / m anag er (Re mot e Station Lock C ontro l).
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 233 Conditi ons • Y ou may press the L-CO b utton direct ly without f irst going o ff-hook . Line Access, Individual [P T only] Y ou can get an i dle outside line for making a call by simply pres sing a CO but ton (Single- CO) dire ctly .
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 234 User Manual 4.3.65 Paging — SUMMAR Y Allows you to make a voice announcement to several peo ple at th e same time. Y our message is anno unced over the built -in spe akers of p roprietary telepho nes (P T) and/ or exter nal speaker s (Extern al Pagers) .
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 235 Paging — All Allows you t o make a voice announcement to all exte nsions. Y our message is announce d over the built -in speaker s of the p roprietary telephones ( P T) and exter nal pagers.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 236 User Manual T o access a particular pager Conditions • If the d esignated pag er is in use, a busy tone is heard.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 237 Paging — Gr oup Y ou can make a pagi ng announce ment by select ing a partic ular pagi ng group. Y ou can select a maximum of 8 paging g roups simulta neously . The announce ment can onl y be heard thr ough the buil t-in speaker s of P T s.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 238 User Manual 4.3.66 Paging — ANSWER Allows you t o answer an ann ounced page at any extens ion within th e system.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 239 4.3.67 Paging — Deny [P T only ] Allows you t o deny rece iving paging a nnouncement through the bu ilt-in speakers of y our telephone . Sett ing Canceling Conditi ons • W ith the KX-T743 1, KX-T7433, KX-T7436 or KX-T7235, you can exe cute this feat ure using the display op eration.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 240 User Manual 4.3.68 Paging and T ransfer Y ou can trans fer a call after making a paging announc ement via Pa ging — All, Pagi ng — External, or Paging — Group. Using Paging — All PT and SL T Dial tone Confirmation tone (optional) Confirmation tone (optional) Announce.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 241 Using Paging — External: to all external pagers Using Paging — Ext ernal: to a par ticular ext ernal pager PT and SL T Dial tone Confirmation tone (optional) Confirmation tone (optional) Announce.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 242 User Manual Using Paging — Group: t o all paging gr oups Using Paging — Group: t o a particular pagi ng gro up PT and SL T Dial tone Confirmation tone (optional) Confirmation tone (optional) Announce.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 243 Conditi ons • A confirmation tone is audi ble before maki ng the voice announcement . Eliminati ng the tone i s programmable.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 244 User Manual 4.3.69 Paralleled T ele phone Connection A Propriet ary T elephone (P T) can be connected in parallel wit h a single line te lephone (SL T). This feat ure allows you to enab le or disable SL T ringing.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 245 <P T> • W ith the KX-T7431, KX-T7433 , KX-T7436, or KX-T72 35, you can execut e this fea ture using t he displa y operation. <ISDN T elephone> • This fe ature is not availabl e for ISDN tel ephones.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 246 User Manual 4.3.70 Phanto m Extension Allows you to route calls t o a phantom exten sion. The call ar rives at the e xtension who ha s the corresp onding Phanto m button. A flexible CO button can be assigne d as the Phantom but ton.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 247 T o tr ansf er a ca ll to a phanto m ex tensi on (S creened C all T ra nsfer ) Dial tone Ringback tone Confirmation tone Flash the hookswitch. Announce. W ait for an answ er . During a con versation; Hang up .
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 248 User Manual T o transfer a ca ll to a phantom extension (Uns cree ned Call T ransfer) T o answer a phantom extension c all Confirmation tone During a con versation; Flash the hookswitch. Dial tone Ringback tone Hang up .
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 249 Conditi ons • A phantom number must be assigned by System Programming before assi gning the Phantom Exten sion button by Statio n Programming or Sy stem Progra mming. • If several extensions ha ve the same phan tom extension n umber , they wil l ring simult aneously .
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 250 User Manual 4.3.71 Pic kup Dialing (Hot Line) Y ou can make a call to th e pre-pro grammed party simply by going off -hook.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 251 <ISDN T elephone> • This fe ature is not availabl e for ISDN tel ephones. Programming Guide Refer ences [204] Pic kup Dial W aiting T ime User Manual References 4.5.9 KX-T7235 Displ ay Features - System Fea ture Access Menu 4.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 252 User Manual 4.3.72 Privacy Relea se [P T only] Allows you t o establis h a three-pa rty conferen ce call whil e connected t o an existing call. Setting T o leave the conf ere nce T o terminate one pa rty and tal k to the other PT Press the corresponding CO .
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 253 Conditi ons • The CO button pressed to join the conver sation needs to be assigned as a Si ngle-CO (S-CO) button. • After the user presse s the CO button, t he CO indica tor light o f the othe r extension flashes rapidly f or only 5 se conds.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 254 User Manual 4.3.73 Pulse to T one Conversion Y ou can change the diali ng mode from Puls e to T one temporaril y to access s ervices suc h as com puter telep hone se rvice s, V o ice Ma il, et c., tha t requ ire a to ne.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 255 4.3.74 Quick Dialing Allows you to make a quick dial cal l by dialing a pr e-assigned qui ck dial number . For example, Quick Diali ng is conv enient for r oom service calls in a hotel. Dialing Conditi ons • Up to eight qui ck dial numbers can be store d by System Pr ogramming.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 256 User Manual 4.3.75 Redial, Last Number Automatic ally sav es the last outsid e call number you dial ed so that you can make a call t o the same part y later with a simple opera tion. Conditions • Up to 2 4 digits ca n be stor ed and redia led; th is does no t include a n outside line acces s code.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 257 4.3.76 Redial, Saved Numbe r [P T only] Allows you t o store a tel ephone number du ring the c onversation , so that you ca n redial the same party later with a simple operat ion. The saved number can be redialed unt il another number is s tored.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 258 User Manual 4.3.77 Secret Dialing [ P T only] Allows you t o conceal al l or part(s ) of a "Syst em Speed Dialing" or "One-T ouch Dialing " number a ssigned to a fl exible button on your P T and DSS consol e which normally a ppears on the disp lay .
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 259 4.3.78 S tation P r ogra m Clear Allo ws yo u to r eset th e foll owin g stat ion fe ature s to th e defa ult se ttings .
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 260 User Manual Clearing t he curr ent featur e setti ngs Conditions • W ith the KX-T7431, KX-T7433, KX-T74 36 or KX-T7235, y ou can execute this featu re using the display operation. User Manual Ref erences 4.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 261 4.3.79 S tation S peed Dialing Allows you to s tore up to 10 speed dial numbers at your extensi on.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 262 User Manual <SL T> • The SL T may be replaced wi th a P T temporaril y to store o ne-touch dial ing into memory . The Functi on Buttons (F1 t hrough F10) cor respond to sp eed dial n umbers as foll ows: User Manual Ref erences 2.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 263 4.3.80 System Speed Dialing Allows you t o make a call us ing speed dia l numbers progr ammed previousl y . This system supports five hundr ed spee d dial numbers wh ich are avai lable to all extensi on users.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 264 User Manual User Manual Ref erences 3.2.2 [001 ] System Speed Dia ling Number Set 3.2.3 [002 ] System Speed Dia ling Name Set 4.3.84 T oll Rest riction Over ride for Sys tem Speed Diali ng 4.5.8 KX-T7235 Display Featu res - Call Di rectory 4.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 265 4.3.81 Timed Reminder Allows you t o set your extension to sound an al arm once or dai ly at a pr eset time. Each tele phone can b e set to gene rate an alarm tone at a preset t ime as a remind er .
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 266 User Manual Checkin g the setting time S topping the ala rm Conditions • Syst em Time The s yst em cl ock mu st be set be for e the a larm is se t. • If you are con nected to a KX-TD1232 Syst em, T imed Reminder mes sage can be record ed by the Ma nager or an Oper ator .
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 267 • S tatio n Messa ge Deta il Reco rding (SMDR ) SM DR aut omati cally r ecord s the d etail ed Timed Rem inder infor matio n (data , tim e, extension number , start/no answe r).
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 268 User Manual 4.3.82 T oll Restriction Override — SUMMAR Y Ther e are tw o typ es of toll re stri ction overr ide: • T oll Rest riction Overr ide by.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 269 4.3.83 T oll Rest riction Override by Account Code Entry Allows you t o temporari ly override toll re striction and make a to ll call fr om a toll- restrict ed telephone . Y ou can carry out this fea ture by en tering an app ropriat e account code before dialing t he telephone number .
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 270 User Manual 4.3.84 T oll Restriction Override f or System Speed D ialing Allo ws yo u to canc el toll rest rictio n in "S ystem S peed Dialin g.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 271 4.3.85 T ru nk Answer From An y S t ation (T AF AS) Allows you t o answer an inc oming outside c all, paged th rough an exter nal pager , from any extensio n.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 272 User Manual 4.3.86 T wo-W ay Recording into V oice Mail *1 [P T only ] Allows you t o record a co nversation i nto your mailb ox or the desi red mailbox.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 273 Recording i nto the mail box of another ex tension S topping rec ording Conditi ons • A flexible CO and DSS bu tton can be ass igned as a T wo-W ay Record but ton or a T wo-W ay T ransfer button.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 274 User Manual 4.3.87 Unif orm Call Distribution (UCD) Allows inc oming calls t o be distri buted unif ormly to a spec ific group o f extensions called an UCD group. Call s to an UCD group s earch for an idle extensi on in a circ ular way .
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 275 4.3. 88 V oice Mail Int egration Allows you t o have your calls forwar ded to your V oice Processing System mailbox. I f your telephone has a MESSAGE button, t he button light turns on and lets y ou know you have messages.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 276 User Manual Canceling Listening to a stored message Y ou can list en to the mes sages store d in your mai lbox easily . There ar e two opera tions to play back mess ages. Using the M essage W aiting (MESSAGE) butto n Manual diali ng Any T elephone For PT :Press FWD/DND .
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 277 Conditi ons • Outside call ers can leav e their mes sages in your mailbox. When a n incoming outs ide call arrives, the Operat or answers th e call an d transfers it to your e xtension. An d.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 278 User Manual 4.3.89 V oice Mail T ransfer [P T only] Y o u can t ran sfer th e call s to th e V o ice Proces sin g Syste m so t hat ca ller s can l eave their messages i n a desired e xtension ma ilbox.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 279 User Manual References 2.2.2 Flexibl e Button Assignme nt 4.3 .88 V oic e M ail I ntegr atio n.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 280 User Manual 4.3.90 W alking COS Allows you t o use your cal ling privi leges (Class of Service) at anothe r extension.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 281 h) Accoun t Code Entry opera tion – verifi ed – all calls / verified – to toll restri ction over ride / opti on i) Of f-Hook Call Anno.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 282 User Manual 4.4 O perator / Manager Service Featur es 4.4.1 Operator/Manager Service Features The syste m supports u p to two operat ors and one mana ger .
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 283 4.4.2 Background Musi c (BGM) — Exter nal Allows the Manager and t he Operators to broadca st background music (BGM) in the offi ce through t he externa l pagers. Sett ing / Ca ncel ing 7235 / 7436 Hang up or press SP-PHONE.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 284 User Manual Setting / Cancel ing Hang up or press SP-PHONE. Press MODE until " Feature Access " is displayed. Rotate Jog Dial until "Ext-BGM On/Off " is displayed. Press SELECT . Confirmation tone Pressing this button alternates between "On" and "Off" modes.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 285 Sett ing / Ca ncel ing Conditi ons • T o make BGM-Exter nal possible , you must enab le BGM and select a music source in [313] ARS T ime (Sy stem Programmi ng).
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 286 User Manual 4.4.3 Call Log Lock Contr ol, Incoming The Manag er and the Oper ators can ca ncel the "C all Log Lock, I ncoming" feat ure set at a ny other ex tension.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 287 4.4.4 Hotel Applicatio n — Room S tatus (operato r only) Allows the operator to handle t he front/o perator s ervice o f checking t he room st atus, ready o r not ready , with t he DSS button on t he DSS Console pai red to a KX-T7436 o r KX-T7235.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 288 User Manual T o change the r oom status at a telephone in a guest r oom 7235 / 7436 Hang up or press SP-PHONE. Press Features . Rotate Jog Dial or press NEXT until the following is displayed. Press Room Status Ready .
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 289 Conditi ons • Even if the ro om status i s changed at a telephone i n a guest r oom, DSS button indi cation will not b e changed au tomatically . It is renewed whe n the operator enters the checking mode again.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 290 User Manual 4.4.5 Live Call Screening Pa ssword Contr o l *1 The Manag er and the Oper ators can cl ear the Li ve Call Scree ning password o f any exte nsion.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 291 4.4. 6 Out going Mes sage (OGM) *1 The Manager a nd the Operator s can record and play ba ck outgoing voice messages . The follo wing three typ es of outgo ing messages ca n be recor ded. DISA message: This message is played whe n an outside cal ler acce sses the syst em via DISA line.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 292 User Manual Recording a message 7235 / 7436 Record a message. OGM no. Enter OGM number (1 through 4). AUTO DIAL STORE Press STORE or wait until a maximum recording time has elapsed. Press Features . Confirmation tone AUTO DIAL STORE Press STORE or wait until playback is finished.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 293 Recording a mes sage Record a message. OGM no. Enter OGM number (1 through 4). AUTO DIAL STORE Press STORE or wait until a maximum recording time has elapsed. Press MODE until "Feature Access" is displayed.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 294 User Manual Recording a message Record a message. AUTO DIAL STORE Press STORE or wait until a maximum recording time has elapsed. Confirmation tone AUTO DIAL STORE Press STORE or wait until playback is finished.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 295 Recording a mes sage Any T elephone Lift the handset or press SP-PHONE/MONIT OR . Enter OGM number (1 through 4). Record a message. Confirmation tone Confirmation tone Press ST ORE or wait until playbac k is finished Confir mation tone Dial 361.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 296 User Manual Playing bac k a message 7235 / 7436 Enter OGM number (1 through 4). AUTO DIAL STORE Press STORE or wait until playback is finished. Press Features . Rotate Jog Dial or press NEXT until the following is displayed.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 297 Playing back a message Enter OGM number (1 through 4). AUTO DIAL STORE Press STORE or wait until playback is finished. Press MODE until "Feature Access" is displayed. Rotate Jog Dial until "OGM Play" is displayed.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 298 User Manual Playing bac k a message AUTO DIAL STORE Press STORE or wait until playback is finished. Confirmation tone Confirmation tone <PT Display Example> Time counter (seconds) The STORE indicator lights.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 299 Playing back a message Conditi ons • OGM T ype 1: for DISA Mes sage 1 or UCD Message 1 2: for DISA Mes sage 2 or UCD Message 2 3: for T im.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 300 User Manual 4.4.7 Remote S tation Lock Contr ol The Manag er and the Oper ators can re motely loc k or unlock any extension . T o lock an extensi on, you can s elect to loc k outside calls or in tercom cal ls.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 301 4.4.8 System W orking Report The operat or or manage r can print o r clear the system working r eport. For de tails about the recorded contents, please co nsult with you r dealer . 7235 / 7436 Hang up or press SP-PHONE.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 302 User Manual Conditions • A p rinte r conne cted to the S erial Interf ace (RS-23 2C) c onnec tor ca n be us ed to p rint t he recorded data. • If the r ecorded data is cleared, new data wil l be recorde d.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 303 Features Guide Re ferences Sys tem W ork ing R epor t.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 304 User Manual 4.4.9 Timed Reminder , Remote (W ake-Up Call) The Manager and the Ope rators can remotely set or cance l the T imed Reminder t o the des ired extensi on. Setting 7235 / 7436 Dial the desired extension number or press DSS (flexible button).
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 305 Sett ing Hang up or press SP-PHONE. Enter the minute (00 through 59). hour minute For AM: Dial 0 . For PM: Dial 1 . Confirmation tone and dial tone Enter the hour (01 through 12). For one time alarm * 1 : Dial 0 .
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 306 User Manual Setting Dial the desired extension number or press DSS (flexible button). Hang up or press SP-PHONE. Enter the minute (00 through 59). hour minute For AM: Dial 0 . For PM: Dial 1 . For one time alarm * 1 : Dial 0 .
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 307 Sett ing Any T elephone Lift the handset or press SP-PHONE/MONIT OR . Dial the desired extension number or press DSS . (DSS) Hang up or press SP-PHONE/MONIT OR . Enter the minute (00 through 59).
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 308 User Manual Canceling 7235 / 7436 S 1 S 2 S 3 CLR extension no. (DSS) Dial the desired extension number or press DSS on which you have set the T imed Reminder . Confirmation tone Press CLR (S2) . Press NEXT (S3) .
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 309 Canceling extension no. (DSS) Dial the desired extension number or press DSS on which you have set the T imed Reminder . Confirmation tone and dial tone 0 Dial 0 . Hang up or press the SP-PHONE.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 310 User Manual Canceling 0 Dial 0 . extension no. (DSS) Dial the desired extension number or press DSS on which you have set the T imed Reminder . Confirmation tone and dial tone Hang up or press the SP-PHONE.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 31 1 Checking th e time sett ing Conditi ons • The system cloc k must be set co rrectly bef orehand. • There is no li mit to the numbe r of the ext ensions who c an set the T imed Reminder a t the same time.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 312 User Manual 4.5 Special Dis play Featur es 4.5.1 Special Display Featur es W ith the display tele phone, KX-T7230, KX-T7235 , KX-T7431, KX-T7433 or KX-T74 36, you can easi ly access several fe atures. The displ ay telephones have the a bility to p erform the fo llowing feat ures.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 313 4.5.2 Call Forwarding / Do Not Disturb (KX-T7436 / KX-T723 5 only) Y ou can set or cancel the Cal l Forwarding a nd Do Not Dist urb feature s using the di splay .
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 314 User Manual Second Display PREV NEXT MENU FWD-BSY/NA ( → ext) FWD-CO Line ( → dial) FWD-From ( → ext) FWD-From Cancel ( → ext) Cancel Set Call Forwarding – Follow Me Sets or cancels "Call Forwarding – All Calls" from the destination extension.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 315 4.5.3 Call L og, Inco ming ( KX-T743 6 / KX- T7433 / KX-T 7235 / K X- T7230 only) If you do no t answer an incoming outsi de call, your extensi on automatical ly recor ds the call info rmat ion f rom th e Ca ller I D se rvice *1 , and the SHIFT butt on indicator li ghts.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 316 User Manual Logging a ca ll informat ion while tal king KX-T7433 / KX-T7230 While recei ving an i ncoming outside call, th e display s hows the cal ler ’ s telephon e number and name.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 317 Confirming and calling back When the S HIFT indicator is red, ther e are calls logged. KX-T7433 / KX- T7230 Second Display NEW5 OLD7 WED Jan. 1 03:00P 01:011111111 INFO NEXT CLR Sequence number (01-30) and caller's number is displayed.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 318 User Manual Operating sequence 1. Press t he SHIF T button. 2. Press t he OLD (S1) or NEW (S2) button to see the co nfirm ed or unco nfirm ed in form ation . 3. Press t he NEXT (S3) or PREV (S3) button to see oth er calle r ’ s informat ion.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 319 KX-T7436 / KX- T7235 SHIFT SHIFT To return to the initial display outside line number/name caller's telephone number caller's name date and time sequence number (01-30)/ number of times called (15 times max.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 320 User Manual Conditions • If a Dire ct In Lines (DI L) 1 : 1 call i s forwarded by Call Forwardi ng, the data wil l be logged at both t he forwar ding and forwar ded extens ion. • Y ou can lock t he displa y so that inc oming call i nformation i s not shown o n the displa y .
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 321 4.5.4 Call Log Lock, Incoming (KX-T7 436 / KX-T7433 / KX-T7235 / KX-T7230 only) Allows you t o lock the dis play of your e xtension so t hat the "Cal l Log, Incoming" feature is not shown on t he display , if you d o not want others t o see the inf ormation.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 322 User Manual User Manual Ref erences • 4.4.3 Call Log Lo ck Control, In coming • 4.5.3 Call Log, Incoming (KX-T7436 / KX-T7433 / KX-T7235 / KX-T7230 only) • 4.5.9 KX-T7235 Disp lay Features - System Featu re Access Menu • 4.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 323 4.5.5 Call Log, Ou tgoing (KX-T7436 / KX-T7235 only) Last five CO call s you made are automati cally logged. Y ou can make a call usi ng the call log. Making a c all using a call log 1. Press th e Call Log (F5) b utton.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 324 User Manual 4.5.6 Call Monitoring in S tation Hunting (KX-T74 36 / KX-T7235 only) Y ou can monitor t he informa tion of incomin g outside call s waiting in t he extensi on groups and confirm h ow the call s have been tr eated.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 325 •* 2 When set by Sys tem Programming, " MNTR"will be displaye d. For more detai ls, consult your manager or dealer . Hel pful hi nts • T o return to the init ial display , press the MENU (S1) button or go off- hook and on- hook.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 326 User Manual 4.5.7 KX-T723 5 Display Fea tures The KX-T7235 t elephone all ows you to make a c all or opera te the fe atures usin g the display message wit h the Functi on buttons.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 327 Programming Guide Refer ences • [001] System Spe ed Dialing Number Set • [002] System Spe ed Dialing Name Se t • [003] Extensi on Numb.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 328 User Manual 4.5.8 KX-T7235 Dis play Featur es - Call Dir ectory Y ou can make a call using the call dir ectory b y pressing th e desired but ton which i s corresp onding to th e display mes sage. The exa mple operati ons are show n below .
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 329 4.5.9 KX-T7235 Display Features - System Feature Access Menu Y ou can access var ious featu res using the mess ages which are di splayed in alpha betical orde r .
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 330 User Manual Features on the First Display First Display PREV NEXT MENU Absent MSG Off Absent MSG On ( → 1-9) Busy Ovrd Deny ( → 1/0) C.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 331 Features on the Second Display Second Display PREV NEXT MENU C.Pickup Direct ( → ext) C.Pickup Group C.Waiting ( → 0-3) Call Park ( → 0-9) Callback Busy Cancel Call Pickup, Directed Picks up a specified extension's call.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 332 User Manual Features on the Third Dis play Third Display PREV NEXT MENU Data Line On/Off ( → 1/0) Door Open ( → 1-8) Doorphone Call ( → 1-8) Extrn BGM On/Off Extrn MODEM CTRL ( → 1-5) Door Opener Unlocks the door.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 333 Features on the Fourth Display Fourth Display PREV NEXT MENU LCS Password ( → abcabc) Log Lock Call ( → abcabc) Log Ovrt On/Off ( → 1/0) Login/Logout ( → 1/0) Message Off ( → ext) Call Log Lock, Incoming Denies or allows other people from seeing your incoming call log.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 334 User Manual Features on the Fifth Display Fifth Display PREV NEXT MENU Message On ( → ext) Night Mode ( → 0-3) OGM Playback ( → 1-4) OGM Recording ( → 1-4) Page Deny On/Off ( → 1/0) See the next page.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 335 Features on the Si xth Display Sixth Display PREV NEXT MENU Page-Ext Answer ( → 1-4) Page-GRP Answer Paging Group ( → 0-8) Paging External ( → 0-4) Parallel On/Off ( → 1/0) Paging – Group Pages to all or particular extension group.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 336 User Manual Features on the Seventh Display Seventh Display PREV NEXT MENU Pickup Dialing ( → 1/0) Pickup DL Prg ( → .
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 337 Features on the Ei ghth Display Eighth Display PREV NEXT MENU Station Program Clear SWR Printout ( → 1/0) Timed Reminder Walking COS ( → code+ext) Returns to the first display. PREV NEXT MENU On-hook.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 338 User Manual 4.5.10 KX-T7431 / KX-T 7433 / KX-T7436 Display Feat ures The KX-T7431, KX-T7433 and KX-T7436 telephone s allow you to make a ca ll or operate the featur es using the d isplay mess age.
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 339 3) Hotel Application (KX-T7436 only) The displa y message fo r the Hote l Applicatio n appears only when it is enabled in s ystem programming. Jog Dial Operation Y ou can search for desired items on th e correspondi ng display menu by using t he Jog Dial.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 340 User Manual — KX-T7433 The J og Di al ope ratio n is av ailab le in th e thir d disp lay . Wh ile id le, th e botto m line of the display changes by pre ssing the SHIFT b utton as fol lows. — KX-T7436 The J og Dial o perat ion is a vaila ble in t he init ial and third displa y .
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 341 4.5.1 1 KX-T74 31 / KX-T7433 / KX-T7436 Display Featur es - Call Dir ectory The re are t hre e Call Direc tory featu res as f oll ows. T o use the Call Di rectory , you may shif t the displa y to the Jog Di al Operati on display by pressing the SHIFT or MODE button first.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 342 User Manual KX-T7431 Syst em Spee d Diali ng / S tation Spee d Dialing / Exten sion Dialing 1. Rotate t he Jog Dial unti l the desir ed item is displa yed. 2. Press t he SELECT but ton or go off- hook .
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 343 KX-T7433 System Speed Dial ing 1. Rotate th e Jog Dial until the desire d item is at the ar row . 2. Press th e CALL (S3) butt on or go off- hook . S tation Speed Dialing / Extens ion Dialing 1.
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 344 User Manual KX-T7436 Extension Dialing / S tation Speed Di aling / Syste m Spee d Dialing 1. Press t he Extensi on (F3), ST A Speed (F8) or SYS S peed (F9) button. 2. Rotate t he Jog Dial unti l the des ired item is at the arr ow .
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 345 — Using the Soft button or r otating Jog Dial dir ectly — System Speed Dial ing 1. Rotate th e Jog Dial until the desire d item is at the ar row . 2. Press th e CALL (S3) butt on or go off- hook .
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 346 User Manual 4.5.12 KX-T7431 / KX-T 7433 / KX-T7436 Display Feat ures - System Feature Access Menu Y ou can acc ess the feat ures whic h are displa yed in alphabe tical order .
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 347 System Featur e List Y ou can access the foll owing feature s which are di splayed in al phabetical order .
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 348 User Manual C.Pickup Direct ( ext) C.PickupDRT ext Pi ck up a spec ific ex tens ion’ s call . C.Pickup Group C.Pickup GRP Pick up a call withi n your exte nsion group. C.Waiting ( 0-3) C.Waiting 0-3 Can cel or set t he Call W ait ing fe ature (Call W aiting, OHCA or Whisp er OHCA).
Station Feature s and Operation (DP T/SL T) User Manual 349 Page-Ext Answer( 1-4) Page-E ANS 1-4 Answer the pag e through a speaker . Page-GRP Answer Page-GRP ANS Answer the page thro ugh a telephon e in the s ame paging group . Paging External ( 0-4) Page Extrn 0-4 Page through the speaker .
Station Featu res and Operati on (DP T/S L T) 350 User Manual.
DSS Cons ole Featur es User Manual 351 Section 5 DSS Console Features Note: Al l illustra tions of the DPT (pair ed telephon e) used in t hese operatin g instruct ions ar e based on model KX-T7235.
DSS C onsole Fe atures 352 User Manual 5.1 Con figurati on 5.1.1 Config uratio n W ith a Di rected S tation Se lection (DSS) Console, you can make or tr ansfer call s and access system fe atures with the touch o f a button. The DSS Console must be connected to the Panasonic Digital Supe r Hybrid Syste m and paired wit h a DP T .
DSS Cons ole Featur es User Manual 353 5.1.2 Location o f Controls KX-T7240 DSS Buttons with Busy Lamp Field (BLF) (01 through 32): Used to access extensions. The BLF indicates the busy or idle status of each corresponding extension in the system. These buttons can also be changed to other function buttons.
DSS C onsole Fe atures 354 User Manual Connection KX-T7440 KX-T7441 DSS Buttons with Busy Lamp Field (BLF) (01 through 66) DSS Buttons with Busy Lamp Field (BLF) (01 through 48) ANSWER Button RELEASE Button → Connect to the Panasonic Digital Super Hybrid System.
DSS Cons ole Featur es User Manual 355 5.1. 3 Feature Butto ns DSS Consoles h ave the fo llowing types of Featur e Buttons: DSS Buttons wit h Busy Lamp Field (BLF) Used to acc ess exten sions. The BLF indi cates the b usy or idle st atus of e ach extensio n in the system.
DSS C onsole Fe atures 356 User Manual 5.2 S tation Pr ogram ming 5.2.1 S tation Pro gramming Instructions PF buttons are provided with no defaul t settings , while each DSS bu tton has a def ault sett ing as foll ows. DSS 01-32: extension numbe rs 101-132 (DSS 3 3-66: not stored).
DSS Cons ole Featur es User Manual 357 " " i ndica tes th at the fe ature is ava ilable . • When the ST ORE button is pressed afte r programming, you will hear b eep tones as fo llows. – One beep: Th e entry i s changed from on e that was st ored previous ly .
DSS C onsole Fe atures 358 User Manual 5.2.2 Extension Number Assignment Y ou can assig n the desi red extensio n number to a DSS but ton. – Be sure t hat you are i n the St ation Progra mming mode: Pres s [PROGRAM] [9] [9]. – T o exit the S tation Programming mode : Press [PROGRAM] or l ift the han dset.
DSS Cons ole Featur es User Manual 359 5.2.3 One-T ouch Dialing Assignm ent Y ou can assign a DSS or PF button a s a One-T ouch Dialing button. The numbe r can be an extensio n number or a te lephone numbe r . Up to 16 digits can be stor ed into each memory locatio n.
DSS C onsole Fe atures 360 User Manual 5.2.4 One- T ouch Access Assignment for System Features Y ou can assig n the desi red feature number to a DSS or PF butto n. — Be sure tha t you are in t he St ation Progra mming mode: Press [ PROGRAM] [9] [9].
DSS Cons ole Featur es User Manual 361 5.3 DSS Console Features 5.3.1 Direct S t ation Dialing An extensi on can b e called a nd accessed, simply by pressing a DSS butto n. The BLF shows if the exten sion is bu sy . PT and DSS Console Lift the handset or press SP-PHONE/MONIT OR.
DSS C onsole Fe atures 362 User Manual 5.3.2 One-T ouch Dialing The store d number is dialed automat ically by pressing a programmed DSS or PF button. PT and DSS Console Lift the handset or press SP-PHONE/MONIT OR.
DSS Cons ole Featur es User Manual 363 5.3.3 One-T ouch Access for System Features Y ou can access system featur es by pressi ng a programmed DSS or PF button. PT and DSS Console Lift the handset or press SP-PHONE/MONIT OR. Press the desired DSS or PF button.
DSS C onsole Fe atures 364 User Manual 5.3.4 Call T ransfer A call ca n be transfe rred to an ext ension by usi ng the DSS but ton. One-T ouch T ransfer An outside call ca n be transfer red to an ext ension wit h an One-T ouch operat ion. The One-T ouch T ransfer fun ction must be s et through Sys tem Programming.
DSS Cons ole Featur es User Manual 365 5.3.5 ANSWER and RELEASE Buttons Operation [KX-T7441 only] The DSS Console for Attendant KX-T7441 is prov ided with the ANSWER button and the RELEASE button whi ch are useful f or operat ors who use head sets. For othe r DSS Consoles , ANSWER button and RELEASE bu tton can b e assigned to a DSS or PF button.
DSS C onsole Fe atures 366 User Manual Pr ogramming Guide Refe r ences [108] Aut omatic Hold by CO / DSS Button.
APPENDIX User Manual 367 Section 6 APPENDIX.
APPENDIX 368 User Manual 6.1 APPEN DIX 6.1.1 Dis play Examples Due to the Bi lingual Disp lay Select ion Feature, y ou can select the display i n English or Fr ench.
APPENDIX User Manual 369 Account COMPTE Confirm key p rogramming on the Account button. Alarm 10:15AM AVERT. 10:15AM Com plete to set or called b y "T imed Reminder" ( one-time mode). Confirm "T imed Reminder" programming . Alarm 10:15AM* AVERT.
APPENDIX 370 User Manual CO 01 CO 01 Idle outside li ne is capture d. Called by an outsid e line. CO 01 0:01 ’ 15 LR 01 0:01 ’ 15 Duration time of incomi ng outside cal l. CO 01 & CO 02 LR 01 & LR 02 Conference with two outside lines. Called by hold recall .
APPENDIX User Manual 371 External BGM On MUS. EXT. : OUI Start BGM t hrough extern al pager . — "Background Music (BGM) — Exter nal" Extrnl Page All RECH EXT. - TOUS Access to " Paging — Ex ternal" (- to all exte rnal p agers) .
APPENDIX 372 User Manual In a Meeting In a M eeting Absent Message 6. Log Locked :123 REG FERME : 123 Co mplete to set "Call Lo g Lock , Inc oming ". Complete t o set "El ectronic Stati on Lockout ". Lunch Mode MODE PAUSE-CAFE Co mplete to set "L unch Mo de".
APPENDIX User Manual 373 Examples — in S tation Pr ogramming mode Restricted RESTREINT An outgoing cal l is restric ted. Ringer : *** SONN. : *** V olume Control — ringer on idle status . SP:************ HP:************ V olume Cont rol — speaker on hands-fr ee mode.
APPENDIX 374 User Manual Conditions • If the d isplayed char acters exceed sixte en digits, " &" is shown at t he right-ha nd edge. • The durat ion time disp lay is onl y shown when you mak e or receive an outside c all. Count start t ime for ou tgoing calls can be pro grammed as des ired.
APPENDIX User Manual 375 6.1.2 Featur e Number List Num bers liste d belo w ar e the i niti al fac tory s ettin gs ( defau lt va lue). Ther e are flexib le fea tur e numbers and f ixed featur e numbers. T o change th e flexible f eature numbers, Sy stem Programmi ng is requir ed.
APPENDIX 376 User Manual Doorphone Cal l calling / door open 31 / 55 1-4 (for KX-TD81 6); 1-8 (for KX-TD12 32) Electro nic Stat ion Lockout set 77 000-999 twice Electro nic Stat ion Lockout cancel 77 .
APPENDIX User Manual 377 Stat ion Speed Di aling 3 0- 9 Stat ion Speed Di aling progra mming 30 (0-9)+ phone no. +# System Speed Di aling (for SL T) 000-499 System W orking Report pr int out / cl ear .
APPENDIX 378 User Manual Conditions • Extensio n numbers can be t hree or four digits in leng th. Any number can be set as the leading first or se cond digit .
APPENDIX User Manual 379 6.1. 3 T one Lis t 1 s Confirmation T one 1 Confirmation T one 2 Confirmation T one 3 Confirmation T one 4 Dial T one 1 Dial T one 2 Dial T one 4 Busy T one Ringback T one 1 R.
APPENDIX 380 User Manual Hold Recall <TONE> Call W aiting T one 1 <RING TONE> 1 s Outside Calls / Outside Call Hold Recall Intercom Calls / Intercom Hold Recall Doorphone Calls / T imed Re.
APPENDIX User Manual 381 6.1.4 T r oublesho oting If a power failure sho uld occur ... Y our System enabl es conversat ions betw een specific outside li nes and extens ions (Power Failure T ransfer ), and support s system data b ackup. Power Failure T ransfer Specific extensions a re automat ically conne cted straight to specif ic outside lines.
APPENDIX 382 User Manual The unit d oes not ring. • The outsi de number is not programmed. • The Ringer V olume is set to "O FF". • For programmi ng outside num bers, refer t o the Inst alla tion M anua l. • Increase the Ringer V olume.
Index 383 Section 7 Index.
Index 384 A Absen t Mess age Ca pabili ty 98 ACCOUNT 29 Account Code Entry 101 Alternate Calling — Ring / Voice 105 ANS WER 355 ANSWER an d RELEASE Buttons Operation 365 Answering, Direct Outside Li.
Index 385 H Handset Micro phone Mute 193 Handset/Headset Select ion 51 Hands-free Answerb ack 19 4 Hands- free mode 199 Hands-free Operation 19 5 HOLD 26 Hotel Application — Room Status 287 I Initia.
Index 386 Singl e-CO 29 Soft butto ns 26 Special Display F eatures 31 2 SP-PHONE 27 Station Message Detail Record ing (SMDR) 267 Station Pr ogram Clear 259 Station Pr ogramming Data Defaul t Set 58 St.
Index 387.
PSQX2579Y A KA0801HK1052 Panasonic Consumer Electr onics Company , Division of Matsushita Electric Corporation of America One Panasonic W ay , Secaucus, Ne w Jersey 07094 www Panasonic Sales Company ( “ PSC ” ), Division of Matsushita Electric of Puerto Rico, Inc.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Panasonic KX-TD816 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Panasonic KX-TD816 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Panasonic KX-TD816 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Panasonic KX-TD816 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Panasonic KX-TD816 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Panasonic KX-TD816 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Panasonic KX-TD816 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Panasonic KX-TD816 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.