Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product KX-TDA15 van de fabrikant Panasonic
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Thank you f or purchasing the P anasonic Hybrid IP-PBX, KX-TDA15/KX-TD A30/KX-TD A100/KX-TD A200. Please read this manual carefully bef ore using this product and sav e this manual for future use . KX-TD A15/KX-TD A30/KX-TDA100/KX-TD A200: V ersion 1.
2 User Manual Feature Hi ghlights 1.8 Utilis ing the Ca ll Cen tre (P ag e 109) 1.9.3 If a V oice Proc essin g System is Connected (P age 119) Appendix (P ag e 177) Consult your dea ler 1.
User Manual 3 In This M anual, • Propr ietar y T elephone i s abbreviated as "PT". Single Line T e lephone i s abbreviated as "SL T ". P or ta ble Station is abbre v iated as "PS". Propr ietar y T elephone with a Display is abbr e v i ated as " Display PT".
User Manual 5 The KX-TD A15E/KX-TD A30E, the KX-TDA15NE/KX-TD A30NE, the KX- TD A15GR/KX-TD A30GR, and the KX-TDA30CE are designed to interw or k with the: • Analogue Public Switched T elephone Netw.
6 User Manual Attention • If there is any tr ouble, disconne ct the unit fr om th e telepho ne li ne. Plug the tele phone directl y into the tele phone lin e. If the telepho ne operat es proper ly , do not reconne ct the u nit to the l ine until the problem has been repai red by a cer tified P ana sonic de aler .
User Manual 7 T able of Contents 1 Opera tion ..... ....... ..... ....... ..... ....... ..... ....... ..... ....... ..... .... ........ .... ...... 1 1 1.1 Bef ore Operating the T elephones ....... .. . ............. .. ............... ............ ..
8 User Manual 1.7.6 Prev enting Y our Number Being Displa yed on the Called P ar ty’ s T elephone (Calling Line Identifi cat ion Restriction [CLIR]) ...... ............. .. ............. .. ............ ............. ....... 101 1.7.7 Prev enting Other P eople from Joining Y our Conv ersation (Ex ecutiv e Busy Over r ide Deny) .
User Manual 9 4.3 What is Thi s T one? ..... ............. . ............ .............. ............. ............... ............. ........ 190 4.3. 1 What is Th i s T on e? ... ... .. .. ..... .. .... .. ..... .. .. ..... .. .... .. ..... .. .. ...
10 User Manual.
User Manual 11 Section 1 Operation This chapter shows you step by ste p how to use each feature. Read this chap ter to bec ome familiar with t he many usefu l f ea tures of this PBX .
1.1 Bef ore Operating the T elephones 12 User Manual 1.1 Bef ore Operating th e T elephones 1.1.1 Before Operating the T elephones What Kind of T ele p hone Ca n Be Use d? Y ou c an use a s ingle li ne teleph one (SL T ), such as a rotar y pulse t elepho ne or a Panasonic propr ietar y telephon e (PT) s uch as t he KX-T76 36.
1.1 Befo re Operating the T elephones User Manual 13 T one Y ou will hear variou s tone s, durin g or after an operatio n, for confir mation. Refer to "4.3.1 Wha t is Thi s T one ?" (App endix). Display In this m anual, you wil l see "th e display .
1.1 Bef ore Operating the T elephones 14 User Manual Examples The di splays and the i llustrations s hown as examples are from a telephone conne cted to the KX- TD A2 00. Re stric tions Some features may be res tri cted at your extension unde r the sy stem pro gramming.
1.1 Befo re Operating the T elephones User Manual 15 When Y ou Use a Panasonic Proprietary T e lephone If you use a Panasonic propr ieta r y telepho ne and the Consol e, they ma y have some of the u seful f e ature buttons d escri bed be low . For a PS us er , refer to "Opera ting Instr u ctions" for PS.
1.1 Bef ore Operating the T elephones 16 User Manual INTERCOM : Used to m ake or rece ive intercom calls . Soft Buttons : Used to selec t the item displayed on the botto m of the display . MONI T OR : Used for hands-fre e dialli ng. Y ou c an monitor the par ty ’ s voice in hands-fre e mode.
1.1 Befo re Operating the T elephones User Manual 17 FLASH/RECALL : Used to discon nect the curr ent call and make another call wit hout han ging u p . This button also fu nctions as a CANCEL button while on-ho ok. CONF (Con ference) : Used to es tablish a multipl e par ty conv ers ation.
1.1 Bef ore Operating the T elephones 18 User Manual Customised Buttons If the te rm is in par entheses like (Accoun t) in this se ction , it mean s a flexible b utt on has b een made into an " Accoun t" button. T o cus tomise, refer to "3.
1.1 Befo re Operating the T elephones User Manual 19 Single-CO ( S-CO) Used to access a sp ecified o utsid e line for making o r rece iving outside call s. Direc t Station Selectio n (DS S) Used to ac cess an extension with o ne-tou ch. It is also p ossible to be chang ed to the other feature button.
1.1 Bef ore Operating the T elephones 20 User Manual Time Ser vice (Day/Night/ Lunch /Break) Us ed to switch the time ser vic e mode. Answer Used to an sw e r an incomi ng ca ll. Release Used to disconne ct the line dur ing or afte r a conv ersation or to complete a Call T ransfer .
1.1 Befo re Operating the T elephones User Manual 21 How to F ollow the Step s An example of sy stem operation i s shown below . Calling Another Extension To another extension (Intercom Call) The DSS b utton ligh t shows th e current s tatus as fol lows: Off: The extension is idle .
1.1 Bef ore Operating the T elephones 22 User Manual Connection Example This dia gram shows you a conn ection example. Doorphone & Door Opener External Music Source Pager/ Speaker Batteries (KX-TD.
1.2 Makin g Cal ls User Manual 23 1.2 Makin g Call s 1.2.1 Basic Calling Calling An other Extensio n T o another e xtension (Inter com Call) — Calling Ano the r Extensi on — Calling an Out side Pa.
1.2 Maki ng Calls 24 User Manual T o an operator ( Operator Call ) Y ou can c all an extension o r a group ass igned as the operator . Calli ng an Out side P ar ty Y ou have to seize an outsi de line before dialling an outs ide phon e number because extern al calls are made via your PBX.
1.2 Makin g Cal ls User Manual 25 T o select the specified outside li ne Making a Call to a Priv ate Networ k (TIE Line Access) When your PBX is conn ected to a pr ivate network, you c an access it. T o call • Each of the S-CO button or G-CO button li ght shows the current s tatus as follows: Off : The line is id le.
1.2 Maki ng Calls 26 User Manual Using an Account Co de (Account Code En try) Y ou may give a specifie d accoun t code to extension u sers a nd check thei r teleph one usage. Y ou c an specif y an accou nt code for each client an d check the cal l duration.
1.2 Makin g Cal ls User Manual 27 1.2.2 E asy Dialling This is convenient f or frequentl y diall ed phone numb ers. With a One T ouch Butto n (One-touch Dialling) Using Num ber s Stored at Y o ur Extensio n (P ersonal Speed Dialling) Y ou can s tore number s at your e x tension f o r your personal use.
1.2 Maki ng Calls 28 User Manual T o dial Using Number s Stored in t h e PBX (System Speed Dialling) Y ou c an make calls us ing spe ed diall ing numbers s tored in the PB X. T o a Preset Numb er b y Going Off-hook (Hot Line) Y ou c an make an outs ide call simply by goi ng off-hoo k if you have preprogrammed your phon e.
1.2 Makin g Cal ls User Manual 29 T o set/cancel T o dial Using a Pr epr ogrammed Number (Q uic k Dialling) Y ou can make a call si mply by press ing the pr eprogrammed nu mber for quick dialling .
1.2 Maki ng Calls 30 User Manual 1.2.3 Redial This is conv en ient wh en calling the sam e outsid e par ty again. Redialling the Last Number Y ou Dialled (Last Number Redial) — Rediall ing th e Last Numb er Y ou Dialled (La st Numb er Redia l) • Up to 32 digits can be stored and redi alled.
1.2 Makin g Cal ls User Manual 31 1.2.4 W hen the Dialled Line is Busy or There is N o Answer Reserving a Busy Line (A utomati c Callback Busy) Y ou can set the te lephon e to rece ive callback ring ing: • when a d ialled extensio n becomes idle. • when your desi red outs ide line that is i n use by anoth er extension becom es id le.
1.2 Maki ng Calls 32 User Manual T o answer the callbac k ringing from an idle outsi de line T o canc e l ca ll ba ck rin g i n g (Autom at ic Call back B usy Cancel) Setting Callback on an ISDN Li ne.
1.2 Makin g Cal ls User Manual 33 T o answer while heari ng a callbac k ringing T o cancel (CCBS Cancel) Sending a Call W aiting T one (Call W a iti ng) Y ou can inf orm the called par ty that your call is waiting. This feature is also known as Busy S tation Signall ing (BS S).
1.2 Maki ng Calls 34 User Manual Leaving a Messa g e W aiting Indication/Calling Bac k the Caller Who Left an Indication (Message W aiting) For a cal ler T o leave a message waiting indi cation T o le.
1.2 Makin g Cal ls User Manual 35 For a called e xte nsion T o chec k the left message and call back T o call back T o clear messa g e waiting indicat ions left on y our extensio n While on-hook PT/PS Press MESSAGE until the desired extension appears.
1.2 Maki ng Calls 36 User Manual • The Messag e button light o r Messa ge/Ringer Lamp shows t he curr ent status as follows: Off : No mess age Red on : Y ou have a message. • The disp la y shows t he message s star ting with the mo st recent c all.
1.2 Makin g Cal ls User Manual 37 Joining an Existing Call (Executi ve B usy Override) The prepro grammed e x tension can c all someo ne who is busy on the telep hone and es tablish a three- par t y conversation.
1.2 Maki ng Calls 38 User Manual Monito ring Another Extension (Cal l Monitor) The prep rogrammed extension c an monitor another ex te nsion. T o monitor T o a n Exte nsion Re fusi ng th e Call (DND O verrid e) The prepro grammed e x te nsion can c all someon e who has set the DND feature.
1.2 Makin g Cal ls User Manual 39 1.2.5 Acce ssing the ISDN Service (ISDN Service Acces s) T o access Y ou can ac cess s er vice s provided by the ISDN. • A vailability of features depe nds on the ISDN ser v ice of your tele phone c ompany . Customising Y our Phone • 3.
1.2 Maki ng Calls 40 User Manual 1.2.6 Alterna ting th e Calling Method (Alternate Callin g— Ring/V oice) T o change the met hod The call er can a lter nate the aler ting method, e ither r ing or voice, when maki ng an inte rcom c all.
1.2 Makin g Cal ls User Manual 41 1.2.7 Callin g without Re strictions Using Y our Calling Privileg es at Another Extension (Remote CO S Access) Y ou can use your call ing pr ivile ges (Cl ass of Se r vic e) at ano ther extension. Y o u ma y o verr ide restr ictio ns which ha ve been set.
1.2 Maki ng Calls 42 User Manual 1.2.8 T o Access Ano ther P ar ty Directly fr o m Outside (Direct Inwar d System A ccess [DISA]) Calli ng through DISA T o call an e xtension — Callin g through DISA.
1.2 Makin g Cal ls User Manual 43 T o call an outsid e party T o re try In No Security Mode Dial DISA phone number . In T runk Security Mode/All Security Mode From Outside T elephone DISA phone no. Off-hook. Off-hook. 7 4 Enter 47 . Seize outside line before dialling outside phone number.
1.2 Maki ng Calls 44 User Manual • W ARN ING When you enable the Outside-to-Outside Ca ll feature of DISA, and a third party disco vers the passw ord (verified c ode PIN/e x tension PIN) of the PBX, th ere will be a risk that the y will make fraudulent phone calls using the telephone line, and the cost will be charged to your ow n a ccount.
1.2 Makin g Cal ls User Manual 45 1.2.9 S etting Y our T e lephone from Another Exten sion or thr ough D ISA (Remot e Setting) Y ou can s et the following f ea tures on your telepho ne from an other extension or through DISA.
1.3 Receiv ing Calls 46 User Manual 1.3 Receiv ing Calls 1.3.1 Answering Calls • The ICD G roup button light s hows the cur rent sta tus as follows: Off: Idle Green on : The l ine is i n use. (Y ou are u sing the line.) Red on : Y ou r e xten sion is in Lo g-out mod e from the incomin g call di str ibution group.
1.3 Re ceiving Calls User Manual 47 1.3.2 An swering Hands-free (Hands-free An sw erb ac k) T o set/cancel Y ou can answ er an inco ming cal l with out going o ff-hook a s soon a s the l ine is conne cted. When an inte rcom cal l arrives, y ou wil l hear the call er talkin g without the phone r ing ing.
1.3 Receiv ing Calls 48 User Manual 1.3.3 Answering a Call Ringin g at Another T elep hone (Call Pic kup) Answering a C all from Another T elephone (Call Pickup) Y ou c an answer an incomin g call th at is r ingin g at anothe r extension or group from your phone with out leaving your desk.
1.3 Re ceiving Calls User Manual 49 1.3.4 An swering a Call via an External Speaker (T runk Answer Fr om Any Station [T AF AS]) Y ou can be notifi ed of in coming o utside c alls thr ough an exter nal s peaker . These calls can be answered from any extension.
1.3 Receiv ing Calls 50 User Manual 1.3.5 Using the ANSWER/RELEA SE Button T o answer T o transfer a call T o talk t o a waiting cal ler The AN SWER and RELEA SE buttons are c onv en ient for operators u sing headset s. With the ANSW ER button, you can an sw er a ll incom ing cal ls.
1.3 Re ceiving Calls User Manual 51 T o transfer an outside call to an ex t ension with a one-touch operation T o end a con versation Customising Y our Phone • 3.1.3 Custom ising th e Butto ns Create or edi t an Answer bu tton or a Relea se button. Press DSS .
1.3 Receiv ing Calls 52 User Manual 1.3.6 Ident ifying Malicious Calling P ar t ies (Malicious Call Identification [MCID ]) Y ou ca n ask your telepho ne com pany to trace a malic ious ca lling par ty dur ing a conversation or af ter the cal ling par ty hangs up.
1.4 During a Con versation User Manual 53 1.4 During a Con ver sation 1.4.1 T ransferring a Call (Call T r ansfer) T ransfer r i ng to an Extension on the PBX T o transfer — T rans ferring to an Ext.
1.4 Duri ng a Con versati on 54 User Manual T o transfer with one-touch ( One-touch T ransfer) T ransferr ing to an Outside P ar ty Using the PBX Service Some extensio ns may be restr icted f rom pe rf or m ing this f e ature. • Even if the transferred par t y does no t answer , you can g o on-hook .
1.4 During a Con versation User Manual 55 • Time limit Both the c aller an d the transferred par ty will hear an alar m tone f ifteen sec onds b ef ore a speci fied time p eri od. • T o retu rn to the h eld call before the dest ination an swers, pr ess the TRAN SFER button, correspon ding CO, ICD Group or INTERCOM button, or th e hookswitch.
1.4 Duri ng a Con versati on 56 User Manual T ransferr ing a Call Using the ISDN Service (Call T ransfer [CT]— b y ISDN) • T o r etriev e t he held call, pre ss the TRAN SFER button, Recal l/hookswitch. • Even if y ou go on-hook while transferrin g a call, it is transferred.
1.4 During a Con versation User Manual 57 1.4.2 Ho lding a Call Holding There are two types of hold. The difference between them is that o ther peopl e can retr iev e your held call ( Regular H old) or not (Ex clusive Call Hold) . As they can be alter nate d, ask your manager w hat the cu rrent mode is.
1.4 Duri ng a Con versati on 58 User Manual T o retrie ve a call (Cal l Hold Retri eve) • The CO or IN TERCOM button light shows the cu rrent statu s as follows: — Regular Hold m ode Flashing gree.
1.4 During a Con versation User Manual 59 Holding in a System P a r king Zone (Call Park) Y ou can put a cal l on hold in a comm on par king zone of the P BX so th at any extension can retri e ve the par ked call. Y o u can use this feature as a tran sferring feature.
1.4 Duri ng a Con versati on 60 User Manual T o re t rieve (C a l l Park Retr iev e ) • If a call is par ked automati cally , conf ir m the p arking zone number on the di splay . • If y ou hear a reorde r tone when retrievi ng a parked call, there is no held cal l.
1.4 During a Con versation User Manual 61 1.4.3 T alking to T w o P ar ties Alternately (Call Splitting) When talk ing t o one par ty while the other par ty is on h old, you can swap the call s back and for th (al ter nat ely). T o alternate between the parties leaving one party on hold temporaril y PT/PS During a conversation Press TRANSFER .
1.4 Duri ng a Con versati on 62 User Manual T o leave t he con versation and then let the two par ties talk PT/PS Press DSS or dial the other party's extension number . Talk to the other party. During a conversation Press TRANSFER . extension no.
1.4 During a Con versation User Manual 63 1.4.4 An swering Call W ait ing Answering Ca ll W ait ing in the PBX Duri ng a conversation, a c all waiting ton e or voice ann ouncemen t throu gh the spea ker or the hands et occurs wh en an o utside call ha s been received or ano ther extension is lettin g you know a ca ll is waiting.
1.4 Duri ng a Con versati on 64 User Manual After talking to the new pa rty (second call), you can di sconnect (2.1) or hold (2.2) it and the n retrie ve the fir st call.
1.4 During a Con versation User Manual 65 • Depending on your telephone, the "Off-ho ok Call Ann ouncement (OHCA) " and the "Whisper OHCA" features can b e used.
1.4 Duri ng a Con versati on 66 User Manual Answering Call W a iting from the T elephone C ompany This is an opt ional telephone compa ny ser vice. Y ou can r eceive a ca ll waiting ton e and th e caller ’ s informat ion. For details, consult your tel ephone company .
1.4 During a Con versation User Manual 67 1.4.5 M ultiple P a r ty Con versation Adding Other P ar ties during a Con versati o n (Conf erence) Y ou can add one or more pa r tie s to your co nv ers ation.
1.4 Duri ng a Con versati on 68 User Manual T o add four or more parties to a conference Dial desired phone number . desired phone no. SLT Talk with multiple parties. Enter 3 . Press Recall/ hookswitch . Talk to the new party. 3 During a conversation Seize outside line before dialling outside phone number.
1.4 During a Con versation User Manual 69 T o talk to two parties alternatel y in a three-party con versation T o disconnect one par ty and then talk to the other in a three-party con versa ti on • * In this cas e, the FLASH/RE CALL button on a propr ietar y telephone must be in the F lash/ Recall mod e.
1.4 Duri ng a Con versati on 70 User Manual Leaving a Conf ere nce (Unattended Conference) The oth er par ties can co ntinue their conv ers ation. T o leave a conference T o re tu rn w h il e ot he rs ar e ta l kin g T o complete a con versa tion • Time limit Both p ar ties will he ar an a lar m ton e before a spe cified t imeout.
1.4 During a Con versation User Manual 71 Leaving a Confer ence (Lea ving Three-par ty Conference) The othe r two par ties can c ontinue t heir conversation . T o lea ve a conferenc e T o complete a con ver sati on During a three-party conference PT/PS Press TRANSFER .
1.4 Duri ng a Con versati on 72 User Manual Letting a Third P ar ty Join Y our Call (Priv acy Release) T o set Y ou c an let a thi rd par ty join your curre nt outside call. • Only an S- CO button can be u sed for this operatio n. Press green S-CO .
1.4 During a Con versation User Manual 73 Adding a Third P ar ty during a Con versation Using the ISDN Service (Three-party Conference [ 3PTY]—by ISDN) Press CONF . Dial desired phone number . Seize outside line before dialling outside phone number.
1.4 Duri ng a Con versati on 74 User Manual T o complete a con versa tion Customising Y our Phone • 3.1.3 Cust omi si ng the But tons Create or e dit an I SDN-Hold b ut ton. Dial desired phone number . desired phone no. SLT Talk with multiple parties.
1.4 During a Con versation User Manual 75 1.4.6 Mute T o set/cancel Y ou can disable the m icrophone o r the handset to cons ult pr ivately with o thers in the roo m while lis tening to th e other par ty on the phon e throu gh the speaker or the ha ndset.
1.4 Duri ng a Con versati on 76 User Manual 1.4.7 Letting Other P eople Listen to the Con versation (Off- hook Mo nitor) T o set/cancel Y ou c an let other p eople in the roo m listen to the conversatio n through the speaker while continuing the co nv ersa tion using the hand set.
1.4 During a Con versation User Manual 77 1.4.8 Usin g the Headset (Headset Operation) T o talk using the headset T o use the handset during a con versa tion using the headset T o talk in hands-free mode during a con versati on using the headset Y ou can hav e a c onv er sation us ing a headset.
1.4 Duri ng a Con versati on 78 User Manual Customising Y our Phone • 3.1.2 S ettings o n the Pro gramming Mode— Hea dset Op eration Sele ct the equi pment t o use.
1.5 B efore Leavi n g Y our Des k User Manual 79 1.5 Bef ore Lea ving Y our Desk 1.5.1 Fo rwarding Calls Forwarding Y ou r Calls (Call For war ding [FWD]) — F o rwarding Y our Calls ( Call Forwardin.
1.5 Bef ore Lea ving Y our D esk 80 User Manual T o set/cancel T o set fr om another e xtension • When usi ng a prop riet ar y teleph one, you can set o r cancel Ca ll Forw ar ding by press ing the FWD/DN D button (fixed button) inst ead of " 710".
1.5 B efore Leavi n g Y our Des k User Manual 81 T o set the timer f or "No Answer" and "Busy/No Answ er" T o set/cancel (Cal l Forwarding [FWD] f or your Incoming Call Dist ribution Gr oup) • The FWD/DND button lig ht shows the current stat us as follows: Off : Both features are n ot set.
1.5 Bef ore Lea ving Y our D esk 82 User Manual • The system has two mo des: (1) FWD/DND Cycle S witch Mode an d (2) FWD/DND Setting Mode. Ask your mana ger what m ode your system i s in if you are not s ure.
1.5 B efore Leavi n g Y our Des k User Manual 83 Forwarding Y our C alls Using IS DN S ervic e (Cal l Forwa rding [CF]—b y ISDN) All cal ls are forwarded to an outside par ty using I SDN. The following types of call f o rwarding are pr ovi de d by th e I SD N se r v ic e.
1.5 Bef ore Lea ving Y our D esk 84 User Manual T o confirm the con dition PT/PS Off-hook. Enter 7 5 . On-hook. 7 5 your MSN Enter your multiple subscriber number (MSN) . Enter # . # C.Tone outside line no. Enter # . # Enter outside line number . Enter 1 .
1.5 B efore Leavi n g Y our Des k User Manual 85 1.5.2 S howing a Message o n the Caller’ s T eleph one Display (Absent Messag e) Y ou can s how the reason you do not answer , if the c aller use s a P a nasonic display propr ietar y telephone. T here are ei ght prepr ogrammed mess ages and o ne for y o ur persona l mes sage (16 characters ).
1.5 Bef ore Lea ving Y our D esk 86 User Manual • Enter the desired value in the " %" positi ons. Y ou must enter the c orrect numb er of characters as repres ented by the "%" using 0 to 9 or . • The default mess ages can be ch anged.
1.5 B efore Leavi n g Y our Des k User Manual 87 1.5.3 P reventing Other P eople f r om Using Y our T eleph one (Extension Lock) Y ou can lock y o ur extension s o that ot her users cannot m ake inappropr iate outside calls. This feature is also known as Electron ic St ation Lockout.
1.6 Maki ng/Answering an An nouncement 88 User Manual 1.6 Making /Answeri ng an Announcement 1.6.1 P aging Group P aging Y ou can m ake a voice announc ement to pr opr ietar y te lephon es or exter nal speakers or b oth in the prese t group simultane ously .
1.6 Mak ing/Answerin g an Announcement User Manual 89 • After you go on- hook, the caller can talk to the per son who a nswers the page..
1.6 Maki ng/Answering an An nouncement 90 User Manual 1.6.2 Answering/Denying a P aging Announce ment T o answer T o allow/den y a paging announcement (P a ging Deny) • The follo wing are extensions.
1.6 Mak ing/Answerin g an Announcement User Manual 91 1.6.3 M aking an Announcement and Having a Multiple P ar ty Con versation (Broadcasting)(KX-TD A30/KX-TD A100/ KX-TD A200 only) Y ou can call multipl e par ties assigne d in th e group and m ake a voice announc ement.
1.6 Maki ng/Answering an An nouncement 92 User Manual T o make a con versat ion with a party in t he group’ s preassigned order T o end a con versation with a specific party • In this c ase, FLASH/RECALL button is in the Flash/ Recall mode. PT Press CONF .
1.6 Mak ing/Answerin g an Announcement User Manual 93 For a called e xte nsion T o send a notificati on tone to the caller and join a con versat io n • A conversation can be established w ith a ma ximum of 4 p ar ti es (incl uding the c aller). Talk.
1.7 Setting t he T elephone Ac cording to Y our Needs 94 User Manual 1.7 Setting the T elephone Accor ding to Y our Needs 1.7.1 Setting th e Alarm (Timed Reminder) Y ou can r eceive an alar m at your telephone to remind you of a meeting , appointme nt or as a wake- up call .
1.7 Setting the T elephone According to Y our Needs User Manual 95 T o confirm • Y ou ca n also c onfir m the T imed Rem inder by using the so ft button. • The alar m k e eps rin ging for preprogrammed s econds. • If y ou r eceive an incoming call during ringback, the ring ing star ts after the ring back stops .
1.7 Setting t he T elephone Ac cording to Y our Needs 96 User Manual 1.7.2 Refu sing Incomin g Calls (Do Not Disturb [ DND]) Y ou m ay set this f eatur e when y ou are in a meet ing or b usy .
1.7 Setting the T elephone According to Y our Needs User Manual 97 • When interc om calls are set to be hand led differently from outs ide calls (DND set/cancel ), we recommend e stablishing buttons.
1.7 Setting t he T elephone Ac cording to Y our Needs 98 User Manual 1.7.3 Receivin g Call W aiti ng (Call W aiting/Off-hook C all Announ cement [OH CA]/Whisper OHCA ) Dur ing a conversation, you ca n be in f or med of a c all waiting wi th a ton e or voice announ cemen t through your b u ilt-in s peaker or handse t.
1.7 Setting the T elephone According to Y our Needs User Manual 99 1.7.4 Disp la yin g Y our T eleph one Number o n the Called P ar ty and Caller’ s T elep hone (Calling /Connected Line Identification Presen tation [CLIP/COLP]) CLIP: When maki ng an outside call, you can prese nt your preprogrammed tele phone number to the cal led par t y .
1.7 Setting t he T elephone Ac cording to Y our Needs 100 User Manual 1.7.5 Preventing Y our T elep hon e Number Being Display ed on the Caller’ s T elephone (Connected L ine Identification Restriction [COL R]) When re ceivin g an outs ide call , you can selec t whethe r the caller can see your tel ephone numb er or not.
1.7 Setting the T elephone According to Y our Needs User Manual 101 1.7.6 P re venting Y o ur Number Being Disp la yed on the Called P ar t y’ s T elephone (Calli ng Line I dentification Restriction [CLIR]) When m aking an ou tside ca ll, you can sel ect whether the ca lled par ty can se e your telephon e number or not.
1.7 Setting t he T elephone Ac cording to Y our Needs 102 User Manual 1.7.7 Preventing Other P eopl e fr o m Joining Y our Con versation (Executive Busy Override Den y) • Some extensions may be prohi bited fr om performin g this feature. Off-hook. On-hook.
1.7 Setting the T elephone According to Y our Needs User Manual 103 1.7. 8 T urning on t he Bac kgr ound Music (BGM) T o select and set/cancel <KX-TD A100/KX-TD A20 0> <KX-T D A15/K X-TDA30> Y ou can listen t o the ba ckgr o und musi c throug h your teleph one sp eaker while on-hook .
1.7 Setting t he T elephone Ac cording to Y our Needs 104 User Manual 1.7.9 Protecting Y our L ine against Notification T ones (Data Line Se curity) Y ou can p rotect th e line against a udible notific ation ton es, such as a call waiting t one dur ing a conv e rsation .
1.7 Setting the T elephone According to Y our Needs User Manual 105 1.7.10 Ch ec king the T ime Service Status Y ou can c heck the current s tatus of th e Time S er vice on t he disp lay .
1.7 Setting t he T elephone Ac cording to Y our Needs 106 User Manual 1.7.11 Setting th e P arallelled T elephone to Ring ( P arallelled T e lephone) In the c ase wh ere a sing le li ne telepho ne is .
1.7 Setting the T elephone According to Y our Needs User Manual 107 1.7.12 Usin g Y our PS in P arallel with a Wired T elephone (Wireless XDP P arallel Mod e) Y our PS can be us ed in parallel with a PT o r SL T . When in t his m ode, incomin g calls to a wired telep hone also r ing the pa ired PS.
1.7 Setting t he T elephone Ac cording to Y our Needs 108 User Manual 1.7.13 Clearing Features Set at Y our Extension (Extension Feature Clear) Y ou c an rese t the set tings of the following features on your extensi on to the default settin gs with o ne operation .
1.8 Utilising the Call Centre User Manual 109 1.8 Utili si ng th e Ca ll Cen t re 1.8.1 Le aving an Incoming Call Distribution Gr oup (Lo g-in/ Log-ou t, Wrap- up) T o set Log-in/Log-out Y ou can control your sta tus in an incom ing c all distr ibution group.
1.8 Utili sing the Call Centr e 110 User Manual T o enter/leave the Not Read y mode T o set/cancel the Not Ready mode or to leave the Wrap-up mode (T o enter the Ready mode) While on-hook PT/PS Press Log-in/Log-out . (Log-in/Log-out) Specified OR All ICD Group extension no.
1.8 Utilising the Call Centre User Manual 111 • * The st atus wil l be as follows: Ready Not Ready Not Ready Ready Wrap-up N ot Ready • The Log -in/Log-ou t of a spec ified grou p button light sho.
1.8 Utili sing the Call Centr e 112 User Manual 1.8.2 Monit oring and Co ntrolling the Call Status of an Incoming Call Distribution Group (Incoming C all Distri buti on Gr oup Monit or) The extension as signed a s a Supe r visor extension can moni tor and c ontrol t he status of other extensions in an inc omin g call dis tri bution group.
1.8 Utilising the Call Centre User Manual 113 T o m onitor T o c lear Call Log History Monitoring and Changing the Log-in/Log-out Status of Extensions The Sup er visor extension c an mon itor the Log-in/Log- out st atus of the incomin g call di str ibution group membe rs by the DSS button light.
1.8 Utili sing the Call Centr e 114 User Manual T o change the Log-i n /Log-out mode • The DSS button light sh ows the cur rent st atus as follows: Off : The extension is not in th e group . Green on : Log-i n (Ready ) mode Flashing green : Log-in (Not Ready ) mode Red on : Log- out mode Press desired DSS .
1.8 Utilising the Call Centre User Manual 115 1.8.3 Fo rwarding a W aiting Call (Manual Queue Red irection) When your in comin g call di str ibution group is b u sy an d other out side cal ls arr ive, the arri ving cal ls are put in a waiting q ueue.
1.9 Using Use r-supplied E quipment 116 User Manual 1.9 Using User -supplied Equipment 1.9.1 If a Doorph one/Door Op ener is Connected Y ou ca n talk to a pers on at the d oor through th e door ph one. Preprogrammed extensions or an outs ide par ty can recei ve the calls f rom th e door p hone.
1.9 Using Us er-supplied Equipment User Manual 117 Opening a Door (Door Open ) Some extensions m a y be proh ibited fr om using this feature. From a specified e xtension From an y ext ension while talki ng to the doorphone • The doo r open wi ll be tr igger ed for a specif ied time p er iod.
1.9 Using Use r-supplied E quipment 118 User Manual 1.9.2 If a Host PBX is C onnected Accessing External Services (External Feature Access [EF A]) Y ou c an access special features (e.g., Call W aiti ng) offered by a host PBX o r telepho ne compa ny .
1.9 Using Us er-supplied Equipment User Manual 119 1.9.3 If a V oice Pr ocessin g System is Connected Y ou or an o utsid e par ty can acces s the V o ice Proc essing S ystem fr om a t elepho ne. If your PBX has a Panasonic V oi ce Proce ssing S ystem conn ected ( e.
1.9 Using Use r-supplied E quipment 120 User Manual T o transfer a call to a mail box T o listen to messages *Indica tion tone a fter off- hook • Y ou can access a voice mail wit h one- touch. Customising Y our Phone • 3.1.3 Cust omi si ng the But tons Create or edit a V oi ce Mail T ransf e r button or a Mes sage button.
1.9 Using Us er-supplied Equipment User Manual 121 Screening Calls (Live Call Screening [LCS] ) While a c aller is l ea v ing a mes sage in your mail box, y ou c an monitor the call witho ut answering. If you so desi re, you can answer the call wh ile moni tori ng.
1.9 Using Use r-supplied E quipment 122 User Manual Operation Fl owchart The ope rations in the shad ed areas ca n be do ne hand s-free. • The Live Call Sc reening (L CS) button lig ht shows the feature s tatus as f o llows: Off: LCS is off. Flashing green rapidl y: Aler ti ng in the Pr ivate mode.
1.9 Using Us er-supplied Equipment User Manual 123 Recor ding a Con ver sation (T wo-wa y Record) T o recor d into your mailbo x T o record into another mailb ox (T w o-wa y T r ansf er) T o recor d into another mailbo x with one-touch (One-touc h T w o-wa y T ransfer ) Y ou can record a conversation into a mail box while talking o n the ph one.
1.9 Using Use r-supplied E quipment 124 User Manual • Note: When you rec ord your T wo-way telephone c onv er sations, you sho uld in f o rm the oth er par ty th at the conversation is being r ecorded .
1.10 After Mo ving to a New L ocation in the Office User Manual 125 1.10 After Mo ving to a Ne w Loca tion in the Of fice 1.10.1 Usin g the Same Settings as Y our Previous Extension (W alkin g Extensio n) Y ou can us e the sam e features assi gned on your pre v ious extension ev e n if you move to another ex te nsion in the offi ce.
1.11 Using a Display Pr oprietary T elephone 126 User Manual 1.11 Usin g a Disp la y Pro prietary T elephone 1.11.1 Using the Call L og This is av aila ble f or display propr ietar y telep hones and por t able statio ns.
1.11 Using a Display Pr oprietary T elephone User Manual 127 T o clear t he log inf ormation T o call T o store the caller’ s information in per sonal speed dialling Display PT While confirming the log information Press Call Log , or Up or Down until desired party appears.
1.11 Using a Display Pr oprietary T elephone 128 User Manual Calli ng wi th the Outg oing Call Log Y ou c an redial us ing the o utgoing call lo g. T o call T o ca ll wi th t he RE DIA L butto n • The Call Log button ligh t shows the curren t statu s as follows: Off: No incoming call .
1.11 Using a Display Pr oprietary T elephone User Manual 129 T o store the caller’ s information in per sonal speed dialling • Y ou c an lock your call log by using an extension P IN (P ersonal Id entifi cation Nu mber), so that you can p rohibit access to your logged i nformatio n.
1.11 Using a Display Pr oprietary T elephone 130 User Manual 1.11.2 Using the Directo ries Y ou can c all usi ng the dir ector ies ( P e rsonal Sp eed Dial ling Dir ector y , Syste m Speed Di alling Director y and Exte nsion Num ber Direc tor y ). Only per sonal di rector ies can be s tored, edi ted or de leted o n your e xten sion .
1.11 Using a Display Pr oprietary T elephone User Manual 131 Entering Character s Y ou ca n enter the following cha racters. The t ables show you the charac ters available f or each button.
1.11 Using a Display Pr oprietary T elephone 132 User Manual T able 1 (Sta ndard mode) Times Buttons 123 1 456789 2 ! 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 # A D G J M P T $ ?1 " BC a bc2 E Fdef3 HIgh i 4 K L jkl5 NOmn 6 o QRSpqrs7 UV t 8 uv .
1.11 Using a Display Pr oprietary T elephone User Manual 133 T able 2 (Option mode ) Times Buttons 123 1 456789 2 ! 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 # A D G J M P T W $ ?ä " BC a bcÀ E FdefÐ HIgh i Ì K L jkl5 NOmn Ñ o QRSpqrs UV t uv XY wxy 9 .
1.11 Using a Display Pr oprietary T elephone 134 User Manual T able 2 (Option mode f or CE model) Times Buttons 123 1 456789 2 ! 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 # A D G J M P T W $ ?ä " BC a bc E Fdef Ð HIgh i K L jkl 5 NOmno QRSpqrs UV t uv XY wxy 9 .
1.11 Using a Display Pr oprietary T elephone User Manual 135 T able 2 (Option mode f or GR model) Times Buttons 123 1 456789 2 ! 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 # A ∆ H K N Π T X $ ?1 " B Γ 2 E Z3 Θ I4 Λ M 5 Ξ O6 P Σ 7 Y Φ 8 ΨΩ 9 .
1.11 Using a Display Pr oprietary T elephone 136 User Manual T able 2 (Option mode f or RU model) Times Buttons 123 1 456789 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 # 0 10 $%&@() # /+—=<> (Space) 11.
1.11 Using a Display Pr oprietary T elephone User Manual 137 1.11.3 Acce ssing System Features (System Feature Access) Y ou can access a feature with the "Feature Acces s" menu. T o access "Featur e Access" menu and sel ect the feature Feat u re s R efe r to A u tomatic Callback Bus y Cancel 1.
1.11 Using a Display Pr oprietary T elephone 138 User Manual.
User Manual 139 Section 2 Manager Operation This chapter sh ows the man ager how to co ntrol the other extensions or the PBX ..
2.1 Con trol Feat ures 140 User Manual 2.1 Contr ol Feat ures 2.1.1 Extension C ontr ol The ma nager extension can con trol t he setting s of ot her extensions. Changing the Settings of Other Extensions T o lock/u nlock other extensions (Remote Extension Loc k) This feature is also kn own as Remo te Station Lock Control.
2.1 Contr ol Features User Manual 141 2.1.2 Ti me Servic e Mode Control The mana ger extension or the preprogramm ed extension can c hange t he time mo de (Day , Lunch, Break or Night). There ar e two method s (Automatic o r Manual) of c hanging t he time mod es.
2.1 Con trol Feat ures 142 User Manual • Besides the time m ode, there is Holiday mode. It can change mo de onc e on a spe cified date. • The Time Ser vice (Da y/Ni ght/Lunch /Break) button lig ht.
2.1 Contr ol Features User Manual 143 2.1.3 Restrictio n Level Contro l (D ial T one T ransfer) The man ager extension ca n cha nge the re str iction l ev el, p er mitting a n extension to make a call . • The re str iction level is ch anged to the prep rogrammed l ev el o f T oll Restr iction /Call Ba rri ng button.
2.1 Con trol Feat ures 144 User Manual 2.1.4 T urning o n the External Backgr ound Music (BGM) The ma nager extension can sel ect and br oadcas t background music in the o ffice thr ough exter nal speakers. T o select and star t/stop the bac kground m usic <KX-TD A100/KX-T D A200> <KX-TD A15 /KX-TD A30> PT/SLT/PS Off-hook.
2.1 Contr ol Features User Manual 145 2.1.5 Reco r di ng Outgoing Messages (OGM) The mana ger extension can record th ree kind s of greeting m essages (OGM) as follows: All mes sages have their own extension number s. Y ou can se lect th e desir ed messag e.
2.1 Con trol Feat ures 146 User Manual T o record from an e xternal BGM ( M OH) por t <KX-TD A100/KX-T D A200> <KX-TD A15 /KX-TD A30> PT On-hook. Off-hook. Enter 36 . Enter 3 . 3 Press STORE . When the time limit passes, it stops automatically.
2.1 Contr ol Features User Manual 147 T o c lear the message • Record v oice messa ges only ; av oid t he recordi ng of music . PT Off-hook. 0 Enter 36 . Enter 0 . On-hook. 6 3 Progress Tone & C.Tone Enter OGM floating extension number . OGM floating extension no.
2.1 Con trol Feat ures 148 User Manual.
User Manual 149 Section 3 Customising Y our Phone & System This chapter shows you how to cust omise your indiv idual tel ephone or PBX ac cording to your needs.
3.1 Cus tomising Y our Phone (P erson al Programmin g) 150 User Manual 3.1 C ust om i si ng Y our Ph on e (P ersonal Pr ogramming) 3.1.1 Cust omising Y our Phone (P ersonal Programming) Y ou c an custo mise your te lephone features. For e x ample, you can c hange the initi al setti ngs or button features acco rding to your needs.
3.1 Customis ing Y our Phone (P ers onal Programming ) User Manual 151 T o cancel • W ARNING When a third part y discovers the passwor d (extension PIN) of the PBX, ther e will be a risk that they will make fraudulent phone cal ls using the telephone line , and the cost will be charged to y our own account.
3.1 Cus tomising Y our Phone (P erson al Programmin g) 152 User Manual 3.1.2 Settings o n the Pr o gramming Mode Y ou can p rogramme features usi ng the pro gramming mode. Setting Features The default se ttings ar e shown in bold lette rs. F or later r ef erence, place a check mar k in the box es below to indi cate your cust omised sett ing.
3.1 Customis ing Y our Phone (P ers onal Programming ) User Manual 153 Which disp lay language d o you prefer? (Display Langua ge Select ion) English 2nd Language 3rd Language 4th Language 5th Languag.
3.1 Cus tomising Y our Phone (P erson al Programmin g) 154 User Manual Which d o you prefer to seize when you go off-hook to make calls? (Pref erred Line Assign ment—Outg oing) No line An idle outsi de line + CO button no .
3.1 Customis ing Y our Phone (P ers onal Programming ) User Manual 155 Do you prefer to answer a call w ithout going o ff-hook rega rdless of the A UT O ANS b utton s tatus? (F orce d Ans werba ck Sel.
3.1 Cus tomising Y our Phone (P erson al Programmin g) 156 User Manual Creating your personal message. (P ersonal Absent Message ) message (max. 16 c haracters) Where are your incoming calls forwarded.
3.1 Customis ing Y our Phone (Pers onal Program ming) User Manual 157 Do you want back ground music thro ugh your telepho ne spe aker while on-hoo k? (Background M usic [BGM])* 1 No—Off KX-TDA100/KX- TD A200: + BGM no .
3.1 Cus tomising Y our Phone (P erson al Programmin g) 158 User Manual T o store the names and numbers in personal speed dialling * 2 : CO button numbers (25-36) a re av ail able only when the A dd-on Ke y Module i s set up to your tele phone.
3.1 Customis ing Y our Phone (P ers onal Programming ) User Manual 159 T o edit the names and n umbers of per sonal speed dialli ng Press PROGRAM or PAUSE . Enter personal speed dialling number (2 digits). personal speed dialling no. PROGRAM PAUSE OR Enter 10 and then press ENTER .
3.1 Cus tomising Y our Phone (P erson al Programmin g) 160 User Manual Clearing Fe atures Y ou can c lear or change t o features as follows: Feat u re s Defa ul t Se tt i n g Disp lay Switchin g M ode.
3.1 Customis ing Y our Phone (P ers onal Programming ) User Manual 161 T o set • If you do not de sire that th e Call Waiting, FWD/DND or Hot Line to be clear ed by this feature, please ask your dealer . Press PROGRAM or PAUSE . Enter ## . Press PROGRAM or PAUSE .
3.1 Cus tomising Y our Phone (P erson al Programmin g) 162 User Manual 3.1.3 C ustomis i ng the Button s Y ou can c hange the flexible CO buttons/DSS buttons, and programmable feature (PF) buttons on PTs, DSS Consol es, Add-on K ey Module s, and PSs to the follo wi ng feature b uttons.
3.1 Customis ing Y our Phone (P ers onal Programming ) User Manual 163 Group FWD —Both c alls + Incomi ng ca ll distr ibution gro up extension no. Group FWD—O utside c alls + Incomi ng ca ll distr ibution gro up extension no. Group FWD —Inter com calls + Incoming call di stri bution group extension no.
3.1 Cus tomising Y our Phone (P erson al Programmin g) 164 User Manual Release* 3 T oll Res tri ction /Cal l Barr in g + T oll Rest ric tion/Ca ll Barr ing Le v el (1-7 ) ISDN Se r vic e* 5 + Desire d no .
3.1 Customis ing Y our Phone (P ers onal Programming ) User Manual 165 T o distin guish the ringing tones for each CO , INTERCOM or ICD Grou p b ut ton (Digital propri etary telephone only) T o c lear the b utton •* 2 F o r a PF button , "2" is not requi red to en ter before the des ired numbe r .
3.2 Mana ger Programmin g 166 User Manual 3.2 Mana g er Pr ogramming 3.2.1 Programming Inf o rmation The ma nager ca n programme t he follo wing items.
3.2 Mana ger Programming User Manual 167 3.2.2 Man ager Pr ogramm ing Changin g Call Charges and Extension Control Item Pr ogramming Input Changing the ma nager pas s word . + + P assword (max. 10 digits ) + Viewing e x ten si on cal l ch arges. + + Extensi on no .
3.2 Mana ger Programmin g 168 User Manual Clea ring th e PIN an d PIN loc k f or ve rified codes. + + V eri fied cod e + Setting th e verified code PIN.
3.3 Customis ing Y our System (System Programming ) User Manual 169 3.3 Customising Y o ur Syst em (System Pr ogramming) 3.3.1 P r ogramm ing Information Y ou can c ustomi se your system a ccording to your requir ements. [Y our sy stem alread y has default settin gs (factor y insta lled).
3.3 Cus tomising Y our System (Syste m Program ming) 170 User Manual Icon Descr iptions Fixed Buttons Function T7600 T7200/ T7400/T 7500 PREVIOUS (PREV) NEXT ST OR E (E NTER) None Back to Previous Men.
3.3 Customis ing Y our System (System Programming ) User Manual 171 Pr ocedur e The bas ic steps a re sh own below . 1. Entering the pr ogramming mode 2. Pr ogramming Y ou ca n enter e ach programm e number ( 3 digits ). 3. Exiting the mode • T o exit the pr ogramming mode at any time, lift the h andset.
3.3 Cus tomising Y our System (Syste m Program ming) 172 User Manual 3.3.2 Sys tem Programming Date & Time [000] The prop r ietar y tel ephones d isplay the curr ent date and time w hile on- hook. [In 12-hour Format] [In 24-hour Format] Enter 000 .
3.3 Customis ing Y our System (System Programming ) User Manual 173 System Speed Dialli ng Number [001] Y ou can s tore the ph one numbe rs of frequ ently dia lled number s. • After changing the de s ired v alues, you can pr ess the ENTER button. Y ou do not ha v e to perform t he rest o f the s teps.
3.3 Cus tomising Y our System (Syste m Program ming) 174 User Manual System S p eed Dialling Name [ 002] Y ou can sto re the na me associat ed with the spe ed dialli ng number . These nam es are displayed when making call s usi ng the displ ay operation.
3.3 Customis ing Y our System (System Programming ) User Manual 175 Extension Name [0 04] Y ou can stor e the name of an e xtens ion user. T his is useful if you want to know who is calling, or who you are callin g when m aking an interc om call u sing the directo r y .
3.3 Cus tomising Y our System (Syste m Program ming) 176 User Manual.
User Manual 177 Section 4 Appendix This chapter provides the T roubleshooti ng, the F eat ure Numb er T able and T one List. Check the T r oubleshootin g sectio n before consul ting your dealer.
4.1 T rouble shooting 178 User Manual 4.1 T r oubleshootin g 4.1.1 T roubleshooting T rou ble shooti ng Problem Remedy The telephone does not w ork properl y . • Consult your de aler . I cannot use the telephone. • The telephone is locked. Unlock your telepho ne.
4.1 T roubl eshooting User Manual 179 My proprieta r y telephone does not have a feature b utton. • Some models do not have the feature b utton. Change a flexible button to the desir ed button. ( 3. 1.3 Cust omising the Button s) Enter the spec ified feature number in stead of the feature button.
4.1 T rouble shooting 180 User Manual I cannot send a call waiting tone to the dialled extension. • The other party has not set the Call W a iting featu re .
4.2 Feat ure Num ber T able User Manual 181 4.2 Feature Nu mber T able 4.2.1 Fe ature Number T able Numbers listed b elow are the d efault settings. There are flexib l e feature numbers and fixed f ea ture numbers. If you ch ange th e flexible f eature numbers, fi ll in your as signed numbers (new) in the l ist for future reference.
4.2 Featur e Number T able 182 User Manual 1.2 .4 When the D ialled Li ne is Busy or The re is No Answer T o cancel ca llback r inging (A utomatic Ca llback Busy C ancel) /T o cancel ( CCBS Can cel) 4.
4.2 Feat ure Num ber T able User Manual 183 Denying Oth er P eople the Possibility of Picking Up Y our Ca lls (Ca ll Pickup Deny) 720 () – T o den y 1 – T o allo w 0 1.3.4 An s wer ing a Call vi a an Exter nal Sp eaker (T runk Answer F r om Any Stati on [T A F AS]) – Calls through an extern al speaker 42 () KX-TDA100/KX-TDA200: speaker no.
4.2 Featur e Number T able 184 User Manual 1.5.1 Forwarding Calls F or warding Y our Calls (Call Forwarding [FW D])/ 1.7.2 Refu sing Inco ming Calls ( Do Not Distur b [DND]) – Both Cal ls 710 () 0 (Can cel)/ – Outsi de Calls 711 () 1 (Do Not Di sturb [DND]) / – Interc om Calls 712 () 2 (All calls) + phone no .
4.2 Feat ure Num ber T able User Manual 185 1.5.3 Pr e venting Other P eople from Usin g Y our T e lephone (Exten sion Lock) 77 () – T o loc k 1 – T o unl ock 0 + e xtensi on PIN 1.6.1 P agi ng Group Paging 33 () paging group no . ( 2 digits ) 1.6.
4.2 Featur e Number T able 186 User Manual 1.7.5 Prev e nting Y our T elephone Number Bei ng Display e d on the Cal ler’ s T ele phone (Connecte d Line Ide ntificati on Restr icti on [COLR]) 70 () – T o show 0 – T o prev ent 1 1.
4.2 Feat ure Num ber T able User Manual 187 1.8.1 Leaving an Incomi ng Call Dist r ibution Group ( Log-in/Lo g-out, W rap-up) Log-in 736 () 1 + ICD G roup extension no./ Log-out 0 + ICD Gr oup extension no./ T o enter/ leav e the Not Ready mode 735 () 1 (Not Re ady)/0 (Re ady) * 2 1.
4.2 Featur e Number T able 188 User Manual 2.1.1 Exte nsion Con trol * 1 T o lock/unlock other e xte nsions ( Remote Ext ension Lock) – T o unlock 78 2 () ex te nsion no. – T o lock 783 () ex te nsion no. * 1 2.1.2 T ime Ser vic e Mode Control 780 () – Day/Night/Lunch /Break 0/1/2/3 * 1 2.
4.2 Feat ure Num ber T able User Manual 189 Feature (While bus y , D ND or call tone is heard) Default 1.2.4 When the Di alled Li ne is Bu sy or Th ere is No Answer Sending a Call W a iting T one (Ca .
4.3 Wh at is This T one? 190 User Manual 4.3 What is This T one? 4.3.1 Wh at is This T o ne? While on-hook When goi ng off -hook Ring T ones The following tones are programmable allowing recogn ition of cal l type (Outsid e, Intercom or Door phone ).
4.3 What i s This T one? User Manual 191 When y ou make calls T one 2 Any one of the f ollowing f e atures is set: • Absen t Message • Background Music • Call F orw ardin g • Call P ickup Deny.
4.3 Wh at is This T one? 192 User Manual While off-hook When talking to an outside par ty When setting the features or pr ogramming Ringbac k T one 2 Specia l ring back tone f or DISA call Do Not Distu rb (DND) T one The di alled extension is refusi ng incom ing c alls.
4.3 What i s This T one? User Manual 193 T one 4 Esta blish ing or le avin g a conference T one 5 A call h as been p ut on ho ld. 1 s.
4.4 Re vision History 194 User Manual 4.4 Re visio n History 4.4.1 KX-TD A1 00/KX-TD A200 V ersion 1.1 New Contents • 1.4.5 Multi ple P a r ty Conversation • 1.6.3 Maki ng an A nnouncem ent and Having a Multi ple P a r ty Conv e rsation (B roadca sting)(K X- TD A30/ KX-TDA100/KX-TDA200 only ) Changed Co ntents • 1.
4.4 Re vision History User Manual 195 4.4.2 KX-TD A30 V ersion 1.1 New Contents • 1.4.5 Multip le P ar ty Conv ers ati on • 1.6.3 Making an Announc ement a nd Having a Mul tiple Par ty Conversation (B roadcastin g)(KX - TD A3 0/K X- TDA100/KX-TDA200 only) Changed Contents • 1.
4.4 Re vision History 196 User Manual.
User Manual 197 Inde x.
Index 198 User Manual A Absent Messa g e 85, 155, 184 Accessing External Services (Extern al Feature Access [EFA]) 118 Accessing Syste m Features (System Feature Access) 137 Accessing the ISDN Service.
Index User Manual 199 Displaying Your Teleph one Num ber on the Ca lled Party and Call er’s Teleph one (C alling/ Connect ed L ine Iden tifica tion P resenta tion [CLIP/CO LP]) 99 DND Override 38, 1.
Index 200 User Manual Makin g an Anno unce me nt and Having a M ult ip le Party Conv ers a tion (Broadcasting)( KX-TDA30/KX-TDA100/KX-TDA200 only) 91 Making Ca lls 23 Making/ A ns weri ng an Announ ce.
Index User Manual 201 Storing Name s and Num b ers 130 System Al arm 19, 163 System Fe ature Ac c ess 137 System Pa sswo rd 169 System Progra mming 169, 172 System S pee d Diallin g 28, 18 1 System Sp.
P anasonic Communications Co., Ltd. 1-62, 4-chome, Minoshima, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka 812-8531, J apan PSQX2635V A Copyright: This manual is copyrighted by Panasonic Communications Co., Ltd. (PCC). You may print out this manual solely for internal use with this model.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Panasonic KX-TDA15 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Panasonic KX-TDA15 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Panasonic KX-TDA15 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Panasonic KX-TDA15 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Panasonic KX-TDA15 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Panasonic KX-TDA15 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Panasonic KX-TDA15 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Panasonic KX-TDA15 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.