Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product KX-TG1861NZ van de fabrikant Panasonic
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This unit is Caller ID comp a tible. T o display the c aller ’ s phone number , you must subscr ibe to Caller ID se rvice. Charge the batteries for about 7 hours before initia l use. Please read thes e oper ating inst ruction s before using the uni t and sav e them for future referenc e.
Introd uction 2 Introduction Thank you for purchas ing a new Panas onic dig ital cordless phone. For your future re ference Attach or keep o riginal receipt t o assist with an y repai r under w arranty . Note: L In the ev ent of problems , you sho uld co ntact your equi pment supplier in the first inst ance.
T able of Contents 3 Preparation Accessory inform ation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Import ant in formation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Displays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Preparation 4 Accessory information Included access ories *1 The hand set c over comes atta ched to t he hand set. Additiona l/replace ment acces sories Please c ont act your n earest Panasoni c deal er for sale s informa tion.
Preparation 5 Impo rtant info rma tion General L Use onl y the AC adapt or included with this product, noted o n page 4. L Do not conne ct the AC adaptor to any AC outlet ot her than a sta ndard 2 20–240 V AC ou tlet . L This pro duct is u nable to make cal ls when : – the port able ha ndset battery(ies ) need rechargi ng or ha ve faile d.
Preparation 6 L Disc onne ct th e te lec om co nne ction bef ore discon necting the po wer connec tion prior to reloca ting th e equipm ent, an d reconnec t the power first. L No “1 1 1” or othe r call s can be made from this dev ice duri ng a main s power failure.
Preparation 7 Base unit A Charge cont act B {x} (Page) C Ringer Displays Display icon s Menu ico ns When in st andby m ode, pressing the middle soft key re veals th e hand set’s mai n menu. From here you can ac cess vari ous features and set tings. Sof t keys The hand set fe atures 3 soft keys.
Preparation 8 Sof t key icons Connections When co nnect ing the AC adaptor to the base un it, a shor t beep will be heard. If it is not he ar d, che ck th e con necti ons . Note: L Neve r insta ll tel ephone w iring duri ng a light nin g s tor m. L The AC adaptor mu st rem ain conn ected at all tim es.
Preparation 9 If you subs cribe to an ADSL s ervice L Plea se at tach a noi se fi lter (c ontac t you r ADSL provid er) to the te lephon e line betwee n the base unit a nd the tel ephone line jac k in the event of the f ollowing: – Noise is heard during convers ations.
Preparation 10 Note: L It is norm al for the handset to feel warm duri ng ch argi ng. L If you wan t to us e the unit immedia tely , charge th e batterie s for at least 15 minute s. L Clean the charg e cont act s of the hand set and bas e unit w ith a s oft, dry clot h once a month, o therwise the ba tteries m ay not charge p roperly .
Preparation 11 Display language 1 {ih} i " (mi ddle sof t ke y) 2 Select N by pressing {^} , {V} , { < } , or { > } . i # (middl e soft ke y) 3 Press {^} or {V} to select “ Display Setup ” . i # 4 Press {^} or {V} to select “ Select Language ” .
C Making/Answering Calls 12 Making calls 1 Lift the hand set an d dial the phone numbe r . L T o correct a digit, press { C/ T } , then enter the c orrect number . 2 {C} 3 When f inished t alk ing, pr ess {ih} or place th e hands et on the base unit. Speak erphone 1 Dur ing a con vers ati on, pre ss {s} to turn on the s peaker phone.
C Making/Answering Calls 13 Other feat ures V oice enh ancer Y ou can chan ge the ton e qual ity of the receive r while y ou are on a call. 1 Press " during a call.
C Making/Answering Calls 14 Handset locator Using thi s featu re, you ca n locate the handset if it ha s been m ispla ced. 1 Press {x} on the base uni t.
k Phonebook 15 Handset phonebook The hands et phone book allo ws you to make calls w ithout h aving to dial m anually . Y ou can add 200 names a nd pho ne numb ers to the hands et pho nebook, a ssign e ach handset pho nebook entry to the desired category .
k Phonebook 16 4 Press {^} or {V} to scroll th rough t he phoneboo k if necess ary . Editing entries in the handset phonebook Changing a n ame, pho ne numb er , category 1 Find the desire d entry (page 15). i " 2 “ Edit ” i # 3 Edit the n ame if nec essary (16 char act ers max .
k Phonebook 17 Chain dial This fea ture all ows yo u to dial phone numbers in the handset p honebook while you ar e on a ca ll. Thi s feat ure can be used , for e xamp le, to d ial a cal lin g card acce ss number o r bank account P IN tha t you hav e stored in the ha ndset pho nebook, w ithout having t o dial manua lly .
N Handset Settings 18 Handset settings L When cu stomi sing t he handse t, the c urrent item or se tting is h ighlighte d. T o customise the han dset: 1 " (mid dle s oft ke y) 2 Select N by pressing {^} , {V} , { < } , or { > } . i # (midd le s oft ke y) 3 Press {^} or {V} to select th e desired item in th e hand set setti ngs menu .
N Handset Settings 19 Other Options Keytones — Keytones on/of f ( “ On ” ) Auto Talk — Auto t alk on/off ( “ Off ” ) *5 *1 When the ringer vo lume is t urned of f, U is di splay ed.
N Handset Settings 20 T ime settings Alarm An alarm will sound fo r 3 minutes a t the set time onc e or da ily . Set the date and t ime beforehan d (p age 1 1). 1 " (mid dle s oft ke y) i N i # 2 “ Time Settings ” i # 3 “ Alarm ” i # 2 t imes 4 Select an alarm mode.
N Handset Settings 21 Setting the ring delay f or night mode This se tting al lows th e handse t to ring during night mo de if th e caller wait s long enough. After th e sele cted amo unt of tim e pass es, the hands et will ring. I f you sel ect “ No Ringing ” , the h andset w ill not ri ng during night mode.
L Base Unit Set tings 22 Base unit settings L Use th e handset to cus tomise the bas e unit. L When cu stomi sing the b ase u nit, the c urrent it em or sett ing is hi ghlig hted. T o c ust omis e th e ba se uni t: 1 " (mid dle s oft ke y) 2 Select L by press ing {^} , {V} , { < } , or { > } .
L Base Unit Settings 23 Call options Selecting area codes to be deleted automatic ally In some situa tions, pho ne numbers sto red automati cally in the Caller ID list (page 2 5) will inc lude area cod es.
j Ca ller I D S ervic e 24 Using Caller ID service Import ant: L This uni t is Calle r ID comp atible. T o use Caller ID feature s (such as displ aying caller p hone n umbers), you must subscri be to Ca ller ID serv ice. Cons ult your se rvice provi der/teleph one com pa ny for det ails.
j Caller ID Serv ice 25 3 Select a catego ry . i # 4 Select th e current s etting of th e category ringtone. i # 5 Select th e desired rington e. i # i {ih} Changing cat egory dis play colours If you se lect “ Display C olour ” , the u nit will u se the dis play co lour you s et on page 18 when calls f rom thi s catego ry are receive d.
j Ca ller I D S ervic e 26 For T e lecom Call M inder or T elstraClear Message Mailbox service subscribers T o recei ve Call Min der or M essage M ailbox messag es, pleas e note the follo wing: “Call Min der” and “Messag e Mailbo x” are automati c answ ering serv ices of fered b y your serv ice prov ider/te lephone c ompa ny .
Mult i-un it Op era tion 27 Operating add itional u nit s Additional handset s Up to 6 handset s can b e regis tered to a single b ase u nit. Additi onal h andset s will give yo u the fre edom to, for examp le, have an int ercom cal l with an other hand set whil e a third ha ndset is on an outsid e call.
Multi-uni t Operation 28 3 “ Register H.set ” i # 4 Select a base unit numbe r . i # L This nu mber is u sed by th e hand set as a refe rence onl y . 5 Pre ss and hold {x} on th e ba se un it for about 3 second s, until the regi stratio n tone sou nds.
Mult i-un it Op era tion 29 Increasing the range of the base unit Y ou can incr ease t he signal range of the base uni t by usin g a DECT repeate r . Ple ase use only the Panas onic DE CT repeater note d on page 4. C ons ult your P an asoni c dealer for det ails.
Multi-uni t Operation 30 Copying pho nebook entries Y ou can cop y handse t phon ebook ent ries to the hands et pho nebook o f anoth er com patibl e Pa naso nic hands et.
Useful Informat ion 31 Character entry The dial keys are used to enter ch aracte rs and numbers. Each dial key h as multi ple characte rs as signed to it. Th e availa ble chara cter entry modes a re Alph abet (ABC), Numeric (0-9), Greek ( F ), Exten ded 1 ( G ), Extended 2 ( H ), and Cy rillic ( I ).
Useful Informati on 32 Extended 1 character t able ( N ) L The follo wing are used for both up percase a nd lowe rcase: Extended 2 character t able ( O ) L The follo wing are used for both up percase a nd lowe rcase: Cyrillic charac ter t able ( P ) TG1861NZ(e).
Useful Informat ion 33 Error messages T roubleshooting If you st ill ha ve dif ficul ties af ter fol lowing the instru ctions in this section, disconn ect the AC adaptor an d turn off the hands et, then re connec t the AC adaptor an d turn o n the hand set.
Useful Informati on 34 I have ch anged the displ ay language to a la nguage I c annot read. L Change t he displa y lan guage (p age 1 1). I cannot m ake o r receive calls. L The AC ada ptor or tele phone line cord is not connecte d. Check the con nections .
Useful Informat ion 35 The hands et stop s work ing whil e being used. L Disconnec t the AC ada ptor and turn of f the handset. C onnect the AC ad aptor , turn on the handset a nd try a gain. Pressing B does not dis play/dia l the last number dia lled.
Useful Informati on 36 Speci fications ■ St andard: GAP (Generic Access Profile) ■ Number of cha nnels: 120 Dup lex Ch annels ■ Frequency ra nge: 1.
Index 37 Index A Addi ti onal b ase u nits: 27 Addi ti onal han dse ts: 27 Alarm: 20 Answe ring calls: 13 Auto ta lk: 13 , 19 B Base unit Cancel ling: 28 Selectin g: 28 Sett in gs: 22 Battery Charge: .
38 Notes TG1861NZ(e).book Page 38 Thursday, June 1, 2006 4:54 PM.
39 Notes TG1861NZ(e).book Page 39 Thursday, June 1, 2006 4:54 PM.
PQQX1 5517ZA CC0606DC0 Sales Dep artment: Panasonic Ne w Zealand Lt d. 350 T e Iri rangi Dr ive East T amaki Private Bag 1491 1 Panm ure Aucklan d NEW ZEALAND Panasonic Co mmunica tions Zhuhai Co.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Panasonic KX-TG1861NZ (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Panasonic KX-TG1861NZ heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Panasonic KX-TG1861NZ vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Panasonic KX-TG1861NZ leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Panasonic KX-TG1861NZ krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Panasonic KX-TG1861NZ bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Panasonic KX-TG1861NZ kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Panasonic KX-TG1861NZ . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.