Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product SC-ALL3 van de fabrikant Panasonic
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SQT0179 Owner ’ s Manual <Full version> Wireless S peaker System Model No. SC-ALL8 SC-ALL3 Than k yo u fo r purc hasi ng t his prod uct. Please read these in structions ca refully bef ore using thi s prod u ct, and save this manua l for future use.
- 2 - T able of cont ent s Accessories ............... .............. ................... .............. .................. ............. 3 Unit care ............... ................... ................... . ............. .............. ..............
- 3 - Accessories ≥ Do not us e AC power supply cord (AC mains lead) with ot her equi pment. ≥ Product n um bers provided in this owner ’s manual are correct a s of May 2014.
- 4 - Unit care Clean this unit with a soft, dry cloth. ≥ When cleaning t he speaker covers, use a fine cloth. Do not use tissue s or other mat erials that c an fall apar t. Small pieces may get stuck inside t he speaker c over . ≥ Never use alcohol, p aint thinner or benzine to clean this uni t.
- 5 - Control refere nce guide 1 WPS pair ing swit ch [-W PS] Enter WPS p airing mode ( l 17 ) / firmware update mode ( l 24) 2 Sele ctor sw itch [AU X] Select AUX a s the audio source ( l 23) 3 V olume contr ol switch [VOL –]/[VOL + ] 4 S tandby /on swit ch [ Í /I] T ouc h to switch the unit from on to stan dby mode or vice ver sa.
- 6 - Indicator illumi nation The indicator patterns illustrat ed below are displaye d during n orma l operation al conditions. Indicator Description Operation indicator (a mber) Blinks once ≥ The uni t det ects th e sw itch touc hed. Blinks tw ice ≥ The unit de tects a valid operation perf ormed by touch ing and h olding the switch.
- 7 - Indicator Description Network indicat or (blue/red) Blinks alte rnately ≥ The u nit is carry ing o ut an intern al process. – W ait for approximately 60 sec onds before t he blinking stop s. – Do not di sconnect the AC power supply cord (AC mains le ad).
- 8 - Indicator Description Network indicator (blue) Light s up ≥ The unit is con nected to th e network. Network indicator (red) Blinks ≥ The unit is con necting to the network. – When th e network connecti on cannot be est ablished, the b linking keeps going.
- 9 - Inst allation This uni t can be inst alled eith er vertically or horizont ally . Insta ll the unit with the speaker fee t side down as shown b elow . ≥ The output sound will be automat ically adjust ed depending on th e i nstallati on sty le.
- 10 - Connectio ns ≥ This unit consumes a small amount of AC power ( l 33, 38) even when tu rned off. ≥ For the purpose of power conservation, the unit can be disconne cted if you wil l not be u sing it f or extended period of time. ≥ These speakers do not have magnetic shi elding.
- 11 - ≥ For det ails, r efer to the ope rating inst ructions of the device. Connec tion of an ex ternal de vice Audio cabl e (not sup plied) Plug t ype: ‰ 3.
- 12 - Network set tings Y ou can stream music from a device o n the network by using the Qualcomm ® AllPla y™ smart media plat form or DLNA feature. T o use these fe atures, this unit m ust join the sam e network as the dev ice . Choose a network setting me thod from the following.
- 13 - ≥ The foll owing steps are based on a sm artphone. ≥ Do not connect a L AN cable. Doing so will disable the Wi-Fi ® func tio n. 1 T urn this unit on. 2 Go to W i-Fi ® settings on the device. ≥ Proceed to t he next step aft er the network indicator changes fr om blinking in blue and red to blinki ng in blue.
- 14 - 4 St art the Inter net browser on the dev ice to display the settin g s pa g e . ≥ [iOS] : The sett ings page w ill be automatically displayed. ≥ [Except _iOS] : Once you open the Internet browser , the settings p age will b e displaye d – If t he settings p age is not displayed, type “ http://172.
- 15 - 6 Select your network n ame (SSID) and type the p assword. ≥ Check the wireless rout er for t he network name (SSID) and the p assword. ≥ A list of network names ( SSIDs) will be appeared when you sel ec t t he “Net work N ame ” box . ≥ T o show the charac ters typed in t he “Password” bo x, select “ Sho w Password”.
- 16 - 8 Make sure the device is connected to your network . ≥ Enable Jav a and cookies i n your browser set tings. ∫ Network st andby This unit will tu rn on automa tically from standby mode when you select the unit as th e output speaker s. T ouch and hold both [-WPS] and [VOL +] unti l the mode indicator (amber) b links.
- 17 - ≥ Do not connect a LAN ca ble. Doing so will d isable the Wi-Fi fun ction. 1 T urn this unit on. ≥ Proceed to t he next step aft er the network indicator changes fr om blinking in blue and red to blinki ng in blue. – The b linking in bl ue start s after approximately 60 seconds.
- 18 - 1 Disconnect the AC power supply cord (AC mains lea d). 2 Conn ec t th is un it t o a b road ban d rou ter , e tc . usi ng a LAN cabl e . 3 Connect the AC power supply cord (AC mains lead) to this unit, and turn t he unit on. ≥ When the conn ection is es tablished, the network in dicator (blue ) lights up.
- 19 - Y ou can change this unit’ s name on the network, an d use specifi c IP addre ss, subnet mask, de fault gateway , primary DN S, etc. Prep aration ≥ Complete the network settings. 1 Check this unit ’s IP address ( l 26), an d note it down.
- 20 - Enjoying music Y ou can enjoy music o n your hom e networ k, online mu sic services , and an exter nal device (AU X input). T o stream mu sic from the device on the network to this un it as AllPlay/ DLNA spe akers, you ne ed to downl oad the app “ Panasonic Musi c S treaming” (free of cha rge), etc.
- 21 - 5 [iOS] : From “ ”, select thi s unit as the output sp eakers. [Android] : From “Select Speaker”, select this unit as the output speakers. ≥ If you have multiple Al lPlay speakers, you c an enjoy synchr oniz ed sound from them. Sel ect “ ” and then sel ect the speakers to group.
- 22 - This unit is comp atible with several music services. Visit t he following website for the compatibility informatio n. www .panas o meav/a llseries/service Prep aration ≥ Make su re that the ne twork is connecte d to the Intern et.
- 23 - ∫ Using onli ne music services other than Spotify After step 2 3 From “ ”, select this unit as the output spe akers. ≥ Depending on the service, you might need to open full scre en pl ayer to display “ ”. ≥ If you have multiple Al lPlay speakers, you c an enjoy synchr oniz ed sound from the m .
- 24 - Firmware up dates Occasionally , Panaso nic may release upda ted firmware for this u nit that may add or improv e the way a fea ture oper ates. These up dates ar e availa ble free of c har ge. Prep aration ≥ Connect t his unit to the netwo r k.
- 25 - Others Y ou can turn the b eep sound on /off. T ouch and hold both [-WPS] and [VOL –] until the mode indica tor (amber) b links. The in dicator blinks once: on (d efault) The indicator blin ks twice: off ≥ If t he network indicat or is blinki ng in blue an d red, wait unt i l the bli nking stops.
- 26 - T o check the unit’ s IP address a nd the MAC addre ss. Prep aration ≥ Dow nload the app “Panasoni c Music S treaming”. ( l 20) 1 St art the app “Panasonic M usic Streaming ”. 2 [iOS] : Select “ ”. [Android] : Select “Se lect Speaker ”.
- 27 - Att aching to a wall (optional) Consul t a qu alified buildin g cont ractor when at taching the un it to a wall. Prep aration ≥ T urn the unit o ff and disconnect th e A C power supply co rd (AC m ains lead) f rom the AC out l et. ≥ Make su r e the lo cation to place the unit has a s table Wi-F i con nectio n.
- 28 - 2 Att ach the fall preve ntion cord to the un it. ≥ Use a cord that is capabl e of supporting over 50 k g (1 1 0 l b s ) w i t h a d i a m e t e r of about 1.5 mm ( 1 / 16 q ). 3 Att ach the wall mount bracket s to the wall, and then h ook the unit securely onto them.
- 29 - 4 Drive a scre w to sec ure the safety holder o nto the wall. ≥ Refer t o step 3 for requi rements before screwing. 5 Att ach the fall preve ntion cord to the wall.
- 30 - T roubles hooting Before requ esting service, make the f ollowing checks. If the pr oblem remains un resolved, consult yo ur dealer for inst ructions. Refer to the limit ed warra nty on the “ Owner ’s Ma nual <Set up>”. T o return all settings to the fac tory defaults 1 T urn this unit on.
- 31 - The mode indicator (a mbe r) keep s blinking twice . ≥ This unit is no t connected to th e network. T ouch any switch, an d then check the network connection. ( l 12 ) The mode indi cator (amber) keep s blinking three t imes. ≥ The upd ate has been fa il ed.
- 32 - Cannot select this unit as t he output speakers . ≥ Make su re that the de vices are conne cted to the sa me network a s this unit. ≥ Reconnect the devices to t he network. ≥ T urn off and then on the wireless ro uter . ≥ T urn off “Network st andby” ( l 16), and turn this un it off and on.
- 33 - S pecifications ∫ GENERAL Power supply AC 120 V , 60 Hz AC 220 V to 240 V , 50 Hz Power consumption 22 W Power consumption in s tandby mode Approx.
- 34 - Dimensions (W k H k D) 373 m m k 224 mm k 138 mm (14 11 / 16 qk 8 13 / 16 qk 5 7 / 16 q ) Mass (W eight) Approx. 4.2 k g (9.26 lbs) Operating temperature range 0 o C to r 40 o C ( r 32 o F to r.
- 35 - ∫ FRONT SPEA KER (L/ R) Sp eaker unit(s) 1. W oofer 8c m( 3 1 / 8 q ) cone type k 2 2. T weeter 2.5 c m (1 q ) s emi-dom e ty pe k 2 Impedance 8 ≠ ∫ SUBWOOFER Sp eaker unit(s) 1. Subwoofer 12 cm (4 3 / 4 q ) con e type k 1 Impedance 4 ≠ ∫ Wi-Fi S ECTI ON WLAN St and ard IEEE802.
- 36 - ∫ Audio support for mat (AllPlay) MP3/AAC Sampling frequency 32/44 .1/48 k Hz Audio word size 16 bit Channel count 2c h Bit-rate 8- 320 kb ps FLAC/ALAC Sampling frequency 32/44.1/ 48/88.2/96/ 176.4/192 kH z Audio word size 16 bit, 24 bit Channel count 2c h WA V Sampling frequency 32/44.
- 37 - ≥ S pecifications are subject to change wit hout notice. ≥ Mass and di mensions are approxi mate. ≥ T otal harmon ic distortion is measured by a digital spectrum ana lyze r . ≥ Uncompress ed FLAC files may not operate correct ly . ≥ High sampling audio format (abov e 88.
- 38 - ∫ GENERAL Power supply AC 120 V , 60 Hz AC 220 V to 240 V , 50 Hz Power consumption 14 W Power consumption in s tandby mode Approx. 0.2 W (When “Network st andby” i s on) Approx.
- 39 - ∫ AMPLIFIER SECTION RMS output power Front Ch (both ch driven) 20 W per channe l (8 ≠ ), 1 kHz, 10 % THD To t a l p o w e r 40 W FTC output power Front Ch (both ch driven) 13 W per ch annel (8 ≠ ), 80 Hz to 20 kHz, 1.0 % THD To t a l p o w e r 26 W ∫ FRONT SPEA KER (L/ R) Sp eaker unit(s) 1.
- 40 - ∫ Audio support for mat (AllPlay) MP3/AAC Sampling frequency 32/44 .1/48 k Hz Audio word size 16 bit Channel count 2c h Bit-rate 8- 320 kb ps FLAC/ALAC Sampling frequency 32/44.1/ 48/88.2/96/ 176.4/192 kH z Audio word size 16 bit, 24 bit Channel count 2c h WA V Sampling frequency 32/44.
- 41 - ≥ S pecifications are subject to change wit hout notice. ≥ Mass and di mensions are approxi mate. ≥ T otal harmon ic distortion is measured by a digital spectrum ana lyze r . ≥ Uncompress ed FLAC files may not operate correct ly . ≥ High sampling audio format (abov e 88.
- 42 - Qualco mm ® AllP lay™ smart me dia pl atform is a produc t of Qual comm Conn ect ed Experien ces, I nc. Qualco mm is a trademark of Qualcomm Incor porated, regi stered in the United St ates, and other countries and used with pe rmission . AllPla y and the AllP lay ico n are tr ademark s of Qual comm Con nect ed Experienc es, Inc.
- 43 - Sales a nd Support Information Customer Communication s Centre ≥ For custo mers within the UK: 0844 844 3899 ≥ For custo mers within Ireland: 01 289 8333 ≥ Monda y–Friday 9:00 am – 5:00 p m (Excludin g public holid ays). ≥ For furth er support on yo ur product, ple ase visit our website : www .
Manufactured by: Panasonic Corporati on Kadoma, Osaka, Japan Import er for E urope: Panason ic Mark eting E urope G mbH Pana sonic Testi ng Cen tre Winsber gring 15, 22525 Ham burg, Germany Panasonic Corporation of North Amer ica T wo River front Plaza , Newark, NJ 07102- 5490 http:// www .
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Panasonic SC-ALL3 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Panasonic SC-ALL3 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Panasonic SC-ALL3 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Panasonic SC-ALL3 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Panasonic SC-ALL3 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Panasonic SC-ALL3 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Panasonic SC-ALL3 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Panasonic SC-ALL3 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.