Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product PP338PT van de fabrikant Poulan
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ENGLISH ESP AÑOL FRANÇAIS W ARNING: Read and follow all Safety Rules and Oper ating Inst ruc tions bef ore using th is product . F ailure t o do so ca n result in serious inj ury . ADVERTENCIA: Lea el manual de instrucc iones y s iga t odas las ad vert encias e instr ucciones de s eguridad.
2 ID ENTIF ICA TIO N OF SA FETY SYMB OLS WAR N I NG : This unit can be dangerous ! C areless or improper use c an caus e ser ious injury. Read the operat or ’s manual before us e. Failure to follow instr uctions could r esult in serious injur y. Save operat or’s manual.
3 ID ENTIF ICA TIO N OF SA FETY SYMB OLS Haz ard z one. Keep childr en, bys tanders , and animals a minimum of 50 feet (15 m eters ) aw ay f rom the wor k area. D o not allow other people or animals to be near when s tarting or operating the pruner. Caref ully plan your pruning operation in advanc e.
4 ID ENTIF ICA TIO N OF SA FETY SYMB OLS WA R N I N G : Fir e hazar d. Nev er mix , pour , or s tore gas oline or use t he unit near a flame or spark s ( including s mok ing, open flames , or work that can c aus e spar ks ). Us e unleaded gas oline and two - - s trok e oil mix ed at a rat io of 40:1 (2.
5 SAFE TY RU LE S WAR N I NG : Alway s disc onnec t sp ark plug wir e and plac e wir e wher e it c annot contac t spar k plug to pr event ac c idental sta rting w hen set ting up, tra nspor ting, adjus ting or mak ing re- pairs ex cep t car buret or adjus tments .
6 MA INT AIN YO UR U NIT IN G OOD WORKING ORDER WAR N I NG : Dis connec t the spark plug before perfor ming maintenance except car buretor adjustments . S Look for and replac e damaged or loose parts before eac h us e. Look for and repair fuel leak s before us e.
7 S Do not attempt c uts s tarting wit h the t ip of the bar (plunge c uts ). S Watch for s hift ing of wood or other forc es that could c los e a c ut and pinch or fall into chain. S Us e the Reduc ed - - Kic k back G uide B ar and Low - - Kic k bac k C hain sp ecif ied for yo ur unit.
8 handlebar , a handlebar acc es sor y k it (#530071451) is av ailable from y our autho- riz ed serv ic e dealer . Handlebar EDGER SAFETY WAR N I NG : Inspec t t he area to be edged before eac h use. R emove objec ts (roc ks , br oken glas s, nails, w ire, et c.
9 S Throw away and replac e blades t hat are bent, warped, c rac ked, br oken or damaged in any other w ay . S Install r equired s hield properly before us ing the unit. U se the metal s hield for all metal blade use. WAR N I NG : Only use brushcutt er at- tachment s that pr ovide a metal shield w ith probos cis nos e.
10 S Direc t material dis c harge away fr om glass enclos ures , automobiles, etc . S Do not r un engine at high speed w hile not removing s now. S Be attentiv e when us ing the s nowthrower, and stay alert f or holes in the ter rain and other hidden hazar ds.
11 SHOULDER STRAP ASSEMBL Y WAR N I NG : Proper s houlder st rap adjustments mus t be made with the engine completely s topped before us ing unit. 1. Try on s houlder str ap and adjus t for f it and balance befor e star ting the engine or beginning a cutting operat ion .
12 OPER A TION KNOW YOUR PRUNER READ THIS INSTRUCTIO N MANUAL AND SAFETY RULES BEFORE OPERA TING YO UR UNIT . Compare t he illus trations w ith y our unit to familiarize y ours elf with the loca tion of the vari ous contr ols and adjus tments . Sav e this manu al for fu ture r eferenc e.
13 CAUTION : Ne ver u se str ai ght g aso lin e in your unit. This w ill caus e perman ent engine damage and v oid the limite d warr anty. FUEL REQUIREMENTS This engine r equires the us e of minimum 87 octane [ R+M]/2 c lean gasoline.
14 WAR N I NG : Alway s stop unit and dis - connec t s park plug before removing or instal- ling attachments . REMOVING PRUNER A TT ACH - MENT , LIN E TRIMMER A T T ACH - MENT , OR O THER OP TIONAL A T - TA C H M E N T S CAUTION : When remov ing or inst alling at - tac hments , plac e the unit on a flat sur fac e for sta bility.
15 S Keep shoulder s trap pad c entered on your left shoulder and danger s ign c entered on your bac k . S Maintain full w eight of tool on y our lef t shoulder. Alway s r eleas e the thr ottle t rigger and allow t he engine to re turn to idle s peed when not pruning.
16 TR IMM ER L INE A DV ANC E The trimmer line will adv ance approx imately 2 inches (5 c m) each t ime the bottom of the trimmer head is t apped on the ground w ith the engine running at full throttle. The most efficient line length is the max imum length allowed by t he line limiter .
17 MAINTE NANCE WAR N I NG : Dis connec t the spark plug before perfor ming maintenance except for car buretor adjustments . HE LPFUL T IP IMPO R T AN T : Hav e all repairs other than the r ec - ommended maintenance desc ribed in the instruc tion manual performed by an authoriz ed serv ic e dealer.
18 1. C lean the cov er and the ar ea around it to keep dir t from falling into the carbur etor chamber w hen the cov er is remov ed. 2. Loos en k nob by turning c ountercloc k - w i s e.
19 TO SHARPEN CHAI N: 1. D isc onnect s park plug. 2. C heck c hain for proper tens ion. Adjust chain tens ion if nec ess ary. See C HEC K CH AIN TEN SION s ec tion. 3. Shar pen cutter s . S T o shar pen the cutt ers , pos ition the file holder lev el (90 ˚ ) s o that it r ests on the top edges of the c utter and depth gauge.
20 CUTTE RS MUS T F ACE I N DIRE CTIO N OF RO T A TI ON Tip o f Bar Cutter Drivelin k Cut te rs Depth Gauge Drive Links 8. Plac e c hain ov er s proc ket, fitting the driv e links in t he spr ock et. 9. Fit bottom of drive link s between the teeth in the spr ock et in the nos e of the guide bar .
21 Slot 7. With y our finger betw een the lines, wrap the lines evenly and fir mly around the spool in a c lock wis e direc tion. 8. Pos ition the lines in t he guide s lots. Guide s lot Guide s lot 9. Plac e the s pool in the cov er as s hown below .
22 CARBURETO R IDLE SPEED ADJUSTMENT WAR N I NG : Keep others away when making idle s peed adjustment s. The c hain will be mov ing during most of this pr ocedur e. Wear your protec tive equipment and obs erv e all safety precaut ions. Aft er making adjust- ments, the c hain must not mov e at idle speed.
23 ENGINE S Remov e spark plug and pour 1 t easpoon of 40 :1 , 2- cycle engine oil (air cooled) t hrough the spar k plug opening. Slow ly pull the star ter rope 8 to 10 times to dis tribut e oil. S Replac e spark plug with new one of r ecom- mended type and heat range.
24 LIMI TED WA RRANTY Poulan PRO , a div ision of Hus qvar na Cons um - er Outdoor P roduc ts N.A ., Inc. , war rants to the original co nsumer purc has er that e ach new Poulan PRO bra nd gas oline t.
25 s m a l lo f f - - r o a de n g i n et oa nP o u l a nP R Oa u t h o - riz ed repair c enter a s s oon as a problem exis ts . Warranty r epairs s hould be co mpleted in a re a- sonab le amount of time, n ot to ex ceed 30 days .
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Poulan PP338PT (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Poulan PP338PT heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Poulan PP338PT vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Poulan PP338PT leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Poulan PP338PT krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Poulan PP338PT bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Poulan PP338PT kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Poulan PP338PT . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.