Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product SSU-300 van de fabrikant Quatech
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CONNECT WITH RELIABILITY QUATECH, INC. 5675 Hudson Indu strial Parkway Hudson, Ohio 4423 6-5012 Toll free: 1- 800-553- 1170 TEL: ( 330) 655- 9000 FAX: ( 330) 6 55-9010 http://www.
Copyright Copyright © 1998 - 2004, Quat ech, Inc. All rights are res erved. The information contain ed in this document cannot be repr oduced in any form without the written cons ent of Quatech, Inc.
Quatech Freedom USB Adapt er User’s Manual Table of contents T able of contents Introduction ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
Table of Contents Quatech Freed om USB-1/2/300 User’s Manual Figures Figure 1 - Win XP Found new hardware prompt .................................................................................... .. 4 Figure 2 - Win XP Choose your search and installation op tions prompt .
Quatech Freedom USB Adapt er User’s Manual Table of contents Figure 50 - Win XP/2000 USB serial port, Driver file details box.......................................................... 39 Figure 51 - Win 98/98SE/Me USB serial port properties, Gene ral tab .
Quatech Freedom USB Adapter User’s Manual Introduction Introduction This Users Manual desc ribes how to setup and in stall your Quatech Freedom USB Adapt er. Note: These products com ply fully with USB Specification version 1.1 and are fully supported under Windows 98/ME/XP/2000/NT4.
Introduction Quatech Freedom USB Adapter User’s Manual System requirements Quatech’s serial USB adapters require the Windows 98/Me/XP/2000 /NT4 operating system and an IBM or IBM-com patible PC with a standard USB port or an add-in USB host adapt er.
Quatech Freedom USB Adapt er User’s Manual Installing t he software Installing the Freedom USB This section explains ho w to install the Fre edom USB under differ ent operating systems. P lease locate and follow the pr ocedure for yo ur computer’s operatin g system.
Installing t he software Quatech Freedom USB Adapt er User’s Manual Figure 1 - Win XP Found new hardware pr ompt Step Procedure Description Step 4 Insert the Quatech insta llation CD int o your CD-ROM dri ve. This is the CD that shipped with the Freedom USB.
Quatech Freedom USB Adapt er User’s Manual Installing t he software Step Procedure Description Step 6 Select Search remova ble media (floppy, CD-ROM). If necessary, you can also select the Include this location in the search: option and browse to the location with the Freedom USB drivers.
Installing t he software Quatech Freedom USB Adapt er User’s Manual Figure 4 - Win XP software logo warnin g Figure 4 shows the Windows X P Logo testing warning. This indicates only that Windo ws has not certified t he Freedom USB. Rest assured that Quatech’s drivers work properly with Windows XP.
Quatech Freedom USB Adapt er User’s Manual Installing t he software Figure 6 - Win XP Finished instal ling prompt Figure 6 shows the Win XP Finished installing prompt. It indicates that the serial USB adapter has been succes sfully installed. Step Procedure Description Step 11 Press the Finish butt on to continue.
Installing t he software Quatech Freedom USB Adapt er User’s Manual Step Procedure Description Step 12 Make sure that the Quatech CD is in your CD-ROM drive. This is the CD that shipped with your Freedom USB adapter. Step 13 Select the Install the soft ware automatically (R ecommended ) option.
Quatech Freedom USB Adapt er User’s Manual Installing t he software Figure 9 - Win XP Installation co mplete promp t Figure 9 displays wh en the file copying process is finished.
Installing t he software Quatech Freedom USB Adapt er User’s Manual Installing under Windows 2000 Follow these steps to install th e Freedom USB under Windows 2000. Step Procedure Description Step 1 Turn on the power to your computer system. This is the system in which the Freedom USB is to be installed.
Quatech Freedom USB Adapt er User’s Manual Installing t he software Figure 11 - Win 20 00 Search for or di splay drivers prom pt Figure 11 shows the Win 2000 Search for or display drivers prompt. Step Procedure Description Step 5 Insert the Quatech insta llation CD int o your CD-ROM dri ve.
Installing t he software Quatech Freedom USB Adapt er User’s Manual Step Procedure Description Step 8 Select CD-ROM drives. If necessary, you can also select Specify a location: and browse to the desired location with the Freedom USB drivers. The complete path is E:Serial Port AdaptersDriversWindows 95, 98, Me, 2000, XP for USB Enhanced.
Quatech Freedom USB Adapt er User’s Manual Installing t he software Figure 14 - Win 20 00 Software logo warnin g Figure 14 shows t he Windows 2000 Logo test warnin g. This indicates only that Windo ws has not certified t he Freedom USB. Rest assured that Quatech’s drivers work properly with Windows 2000.
Installing t he software Quatech Freedom USB Adapt er User’s Manual Figure 16 - Win 20 00 Install software for USB s erial port prompt Figure 16 indicates that t he wizard has detected and is ready to install the USB port s. Step Procedure Description Step 15 Make sure that the Quatech C D is still in your CD-ROM dri ve.
Quatech Freedom USB Adapt er User’s Manual Installing t he software Step Procedure Description Step 17 Select Search for a suitable driver for my device (recom mended) Step 18 Click the Next button.
Installing t he software Quatech Freedom USB Adapt er User’s Manual Figure 19 - Win 20 00 Finished searc hing for driver f iles prompt Figure 19 illustrates t he Win 2000 Finished searchi n g for driver files prompt. Step Procedure Description Step 21 Click the Next button.
Quatech Freedom USB Adapt er User’s Manual Installing t he software Step Procedure Description Step 22 Click the Finish button. The Wizard briefly displays a series of Unknown hardware found and Installing messages as it installs each serial USB port.
Installing t he software Quatech Freedom USB Adapt er User’s Manual Installing under Windows Me Follow these steps to inst all the Freedom USB und er Windows Me. Step Procedure Description Step 1 Turn on the power to your computer system. This is the system in which the Freedom USB is to be installed.
Quatech Freedom USB Adapt er User’s Manual Installing t he software Figure 22 - Win Me Driver fi le search prompt Figure 22 shows th e Win Me Driver file search prompt. If Windows finds the files for y ou automatically, t his screen notifies you that Windows is installing the software.
Installing t he software Quatech Freedom USB Adapt er User’s Manual Figure 24 - Win Me Rea dy to install prompt Figure 24 shows th e Win Me Found new hardware prom pt. You can choose to either have Windows automatically search for a driver or to specify the location of the driver you want to use.
Quatech Freedom USB Adapt er User’s Manual Installing t he software Figure 26 - Win Me Fin ished install ing prompt Figure 26 shows th e Win Me Fin is he d installing prompt. Thi s pro mpt displays at the end o f the installation p rocess. Step Procedure Description Step 10 Click the Finish button.
Installing t he software Quatech Freedom USB Adapt er User’s Manual Installing under Windows 98/98SE Follow these steps to inst all your Freedom USB in Win dows 98/98SE. Step Procedure Description Step 1 Turn on the power to your computer system.
Quatech Freedom USB Adapt er User’s Manual Installing t he software Figure 28 - Win 98 /98SE Search or s elect prompt Step Procedure Description Step 5 Select Search for the best driver for your device (Re commended); then click the Next button.
Installing t he software Quatech Freedom USB Adapt er User’s Manual Step Procedure Description Step 7 Insert the Quatech insta llation CD int o your CD-ROM dri ve. This is the CD that shipped with the Freedom USB. Step 8 Browse or use the down a rrow to map to the correct driver l ocation.
Quatech Freedom USB Adapt er User’s Manual Installing t he software Figure 31 - Win 98 /98SE Finished installing softw are prompt Step Procedure Description Step 11 Click the Finish button. Windows tells you that it has found new hardware and launches the Add New Hardware Wizard to install the serial ports.
Installing t he software Quatech Freedom USB Adapt er User’s Manual Figure 33 - Win 98 /98SE Search or dis play prompt Figure 33 shows the 98/98SE Search or display prompt. Step Procedure Description Step 13 Select Search for the best driver for your device; then click the Next button.
Quatech Freedom USB Adapt er User’s Manual Installing t he software Step Procedure Description Step 15 Make sure that the Quatech inst allation CD is still in your CD-R OM drive. This is the CD that shipped with the Freedom USB. Step 16 If necessary, browse or us e the down arrow to map to the correct driver location.
Installing t he software Quatech Freedom USB Adapt er User’s Manual Figure 36 - Win 98 /98SE Finished installing prom pt Figure 36 indi cates that Windows ha s finish ed installi ng the software for the US B serial port. Step Procedure Description Step 18 Click Finish.
Quatech Freedom USB Adapt er User’s Manual Making external connections Making external connections RS-232 serial connections The Freedom USB-100 RS-232 adapt ers all come with standard male DB-9 connectors. T he figure below shows th e pin designations.
Making external connect ions Quatec h Freedom USB Adapter User’s Manu al See Figure 39 on the fo llowing page fo r a typical null mo dem cable. Figure 39 - Cablin g requirements for RS-232C devices RS-422/485 serial connections The Freedom USB-200/300 RS-422/485 adap ters all come with standard female DB-9 connectors.
Quatech Freedom USB Adapt er User’s Manual Making external connections All ports RS-422/485 signal description DB-9 Auxiliary Input (AuxIn–) 9 Configuring termination resistors Factory installed resistor s allow fo r Freedom USB-200/300 signal line termination in compliance with RS-42 2 and RS-485 standards.
Making external connect ions Quatec h Freedom USB Adapter User’s Manu al (Pins 5&9) Port 1 J2 J3 Port 2 J4 J5 Port 3 J6 J7 Port 4 J8 J9 Testing DB-9 serial ports in HyperTerminal This section explains how to test th e functi onality of your US B serial adapter using Hypert erminal.
Quatech Freedom USB Adapt er User’s Manual Making external connections Testing RS-422/485 ports Making a loopback Step Procedure Description Step 1 Turn off the comput er. Step 2 Connect the foll owing signals on s erial port 1. Repeat for each serial port.
Using configuration utilities Quat ech Freedom USB-1/ 2/300 User’s Manual Using Device Manager This section explains how to use Devic e Manager to view the properties of the ser ial ports enumerated by the Freed om USB. Accessing Device Manager Win XP and 2000 Step Procedure Description Step 1 Select Start – Control Panel.
Quatech Freedom USB Adapter User’s Manu al Using conf igura tion utilit ies Figure 44 - Win X P/2000 Device Ma nager USB serial port properties, General t ab Figure 44 illustrates the In Win XP/2000.
Using configuration utilities Quat ech Freedom USB-1/ 2/300 User’s Manual Figure 46 - Win X P/2000 RS-232 Advanc ed Options dialog w indow Step Procedure Description Step 4 The RS-232 USB Seria l Port Advanced Options dialog box lets you set the data rate multiplier and r e store the defau lt settings.
Quatech Freedom USB Adapter User’s Manu al Using conf igura tion utilit ies Figure 47 - Win XP /2000 USB serial port, Port settings box Step Procedure Description Step 9 This Port Settings tab a.
Using configuration utilities Quat ech Freedom USB-1/ 2/300 User’s Manual Step Procedure Description Step 12 Click the Driver tab to view the driver information and update t he driver.
Quatech Freedom USB Adapter User’s Manu al Using conf igura tion utilit ies Figure 50 - Win XP /2000 USB serial port, Driver file details b ox Step Procedure Description Step 15 The Driver File .
Using configuration utilities Quat ech Freedom USB-1/ 2/300 User’s Manual Figure 51 - Win 98 /98SE/Me USB serial port properties, Gener al tab Figure 51 illustrates the Win 98/98SE/Me General tab, w.
Quatech Freedom USB Adapter User’s Manu al Using conf igura tion utilit ies Step Procedure Description Step 4 The USB Serial Port Settings tab a llows you to set default values for the following: Bits per second Data bits Parity Stop bits Flow cont rol The Port Settings window can set defaults for the selected port.
Using configuration utilities Quat ech Freedom USB-1/ 2/300 User’s Manual Step Procedure Description Step 6 Click Cancel to return to t he USB Serial Port Settings properti es dialog box. Step 7 You have three addi tional options: Click the Restore Defau lts button to restore th e selected port t o the defau lt settings.
Quatech Freedom USB Adapter User’s Manu al Using conf igura tion utilit ies Figure 56 - Win 98 /98SE/Me USB Serial port, Driver file det ails box Figure 56 illustrates the Win 98/98SE/Me USB Ser ial Ports Driver Details box, which tells you the name and location of the driv er files, the provider, fi le version, and copyright date.
Using configuration utilities Quat ech Freedom USB-1/ 2/300 User’s Manual Setting advanced options Notes: Changing any setting in the advanced options window affects all ports on the Freedom USB adapter. The Freedom USB port pr operties can only b e altered from the Device Manager window.
Quatech Freedom USB Adapter User’s Manu al Using conf igura tion utilit ies All Loopback (default) Select this radio button w hen only transmit and receive data signaling is required. Each UART's RTS output is inter nally looped back to its CTS input.
Using configuration utilities Quat ech Freedom USB-1/ 2/300 User’s Manual This option is valid for baud rates in the range of 2400 bps t o 115200 bps. If this box is not checked, the software application is respons ible for manually switching RTS or DTR as n eeded.
Quatech Freedom USB Adapter User’s Manu al Using conf igura tion utilit ies T roubleshooting Note: Any unauthorized repairs or modifications will void the Freedom USB's warranty. This section lists some comm on problems and their causes. If the information below does not prov ide a solution, contact Quat ech technical support.
Appendix A Quatech Freedom USB Adapt er User’s Manual Appendix A Specifications Bus interface USB Specification 1.1 Data rates Number of simultaneously operating ports 1-, 2-, 3-port adapters (232 and 422) 8-, 16-port adapters (232 and 422) 1, 2 230k bps* 230k bps 3, 4 115k bps 115k bps 5+ N/A 57 – 115k bps * 460.
Quatech Freedom USB Adapt er User’s Manual Appendix A Connectors SSU/DSU/QSU/ESU/HSU-100 DB-9 Male Connectors DSU/QSU/ESU/HSU-200-300 DB-9 Female Connectors Dimensions 3.6” L x 1.7” W x 1.0” H (SSU) 7.2” L x 4.3” W x 1.0” H (DSU/QSU) 9.3” L x 6.
Appendix B Quatech Freedom USB Adapt er User’s Manual Appendix B Warranty information Quatech, Inc. warrants the SSU/ DSU/QSU/ESU/H SU- 100/200/300 to be free of defec ts for five (5) years from the date of pu rchase.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Quatech SSU-300 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Quatech SSU-300 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Quatech SSU-300 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Quatech SSU-300 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Quatech SSU-300 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Quatech SSU-300 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Quatech SSU-300 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Quatech SSU-300 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.