Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product IPmux-1 van de fabrikant RAD Data Communications
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IPmux-1, IPmux-1E TDMoIP Gateways Installation and Operation Manual Notice T h i s m a n u a l c o n t a i n s i n f o r m a t i o n t h a t i s p r o p r i e t a r y t o R A D D a t a C o m m u n i c a t i o n s .
Warranty This RAD product is warranted against defects in material and workmanship for a period of one year from date of shipment. Durin g the warranty per iod, RAD will, at its op tion, either repair o r replace products w hich pr ove to be defe ctive.
Safety Warnings The exclamation point withi n a triangle is intend ed to warn the operat or or service personn el of opera tion an d mainte nance f acto rs relating to the produc t and its op erating enviro nment wh ich co uld pose a safety haz ard.
Declaration of Conformity Manufacturer’s Name: RAD Data Communicatio ns Ltd. Manufacturer ’s Address : 24 Raoul W alle nberg St. Tel A viv 69719 Israel declares that the product: Product Name: IPm.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual i Contents Chapter 1 . Introdu ction 1.1 Overview .......................................................................................................... 1-1 Versions....................................
Table of Contents ii IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Setting IPmux-1/1E C onfiguration Options.............................................................. 3-11 Performanc e Monitoring ...................................................
Table of Conten ts IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operat ion Manual iii List of Figures 1-1. Multiple xing Voice and Data over an Et hernet Trunk ................................................. 1-2 1-2. E1/T1 Circuit Extension over an IP Based Network .
Table of Contents iv IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual 3-14. Performanc e Monitoring Menu for IP mux-1E ISDN- S ............................................ 3-13 3-15. Performanc e Monitoring Menu for IP mux-1E FXS ........................
Overview 1-1 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Overvi ew IPmux-1/1E offe rs a solution for exte nding traditional E1/T1, ISDN, or POTS TDM servi ces tran spar entl y over the wi del y depl oye d IP n etwor ks.
Chap ter 1 Introd uctio n IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual 1-2 Overvi ew Applications Typical IPmux-1/1E applications are shown with E1/T1, ISDN, and FXS inte rfaces. Fig ure 1-1 illustrates Multiplexing Voice and Data over an E thernet Trunk .
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 1 Introduction Overview 1-3 100 M b ps Fi be r 10/ 1 00 Mb ps IPm ux-1 PBX Fr acti on al E1/T1 Pu b l ic In t er n et Et herne t Switc h Fr acti on al E1/T1 PBX IPm ux-1 100 M b ps IPmux-16 or IPm ux-4 n E1/T1 × Et herne t Switc h PBX PSTN IP Net work Figure 1-2.
Chap ter 1 Introd uctio n IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual 1-4 Overvi ew Fas t Et herne t Swit ch Co mput er W ork stat ion Comp ut er W ork stat ion ISDN T eleph on e ISDN T eleph on e I.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 1 Introduction Overview 1-5 Fas t Et herne t Swit ch Co mput er W ork stat ion Comp ut er W ork stat ion ISDN T eleph one ISDN T eleph one IPm ux-.
Chap ter 1 Introd uctio n IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual 1-6 Overvi ew IPmux-16 T ele ph on y Swit ch BRI ISDN Phones FXS E1/T 1 IPmux-1 IPmux-1E IPmux-1E Et herne t Swit ch IP Net work Intern et Swi tch Figure 1 -6.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 1 Introduction Overview 1-7 ISDN BRI IPmux-1E has 4-ports, S- interface only . Each port can be configure d as eithe r NT or TE (Network/User) by jumper and soft ware; NT or TE is configured per device.
Chap ter 1 Introd uctio n IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual 1-8 Overvi ew Table 1-1. F iber Optio ns Interface Type Wavelength (nm) Optical P ower (dBm) Min Max Receive Sensitivity (dBm) Optical Budget (dB)* Loss (dB/km) Min Max SC Multimode 1300 –20 –14 –31 8* 1 4 SC Single mode 1300 –20 –14 –31 8* 0.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 1 Introduction Overview 1-9 IPmux E1/T1 working oppo site IP mux- 1E with BRI p orts should work in Fract iona l E1/T1 mo de (no CAS). When wo rking o pposite IPmux-1E w ith FX S, use E 1/T1 CAS mode.
Chap ter 1 Introd uctio n IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual 1-10 Physical D escription 1.2 Physical Description IPmux-1 is a 1U high 19-in (IP mux-1E i s a 1U high ½ 19-i n), easy -to-inst all standalone unit . A rack mounting ki t option is available (ordered separately).
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 1 Introduction Functional Description 1-11 Front P anel The con trol int erfac e and indica tor LEDs ar e located on th e fro nt pa nel o f IPmux-1/1E. For furt her det ails see Chapter 2. Rear Panel User and network ports and power supply are located on the rear panel of IPmux-1/1E.
Chap ter 1 Introd uctio n IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual 1-12 Functional Description IPmux-4/1 6 IPm ux-1 IPm ux-1 IPm ux-1 E1/ T1 Li ne 1 E1/ T1 Li ne 2 E1/ T1 Li ne 4 E1/ T1 Li ne 3 IPm ux-1 Sub E1/ T1 Sub E1/ T1 Sub E1/ T1 Sub E1/ T1 IP ove r Et herne t Fig ure 1-10.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 1 Introduction Functional Description 1-13 Fractional with CAS In the f ractio nal -with -CAS mode, th e stru ctu re bl ock ( as descr ib ed und er Fractional Ope ration Modes, above ) also include s Channel Associated Signaling (CAS).
Chap ter 1 Introd uctio n IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual 1-14 Functional Description The IPmux-1E FXS ope ration modes allow IPmux to work opposite E1, T1-D4, or T1-ESF.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 1 Introduction Functional Description 1-15 Timing Modes The E1/T 1 Tx cl oc k, or I SDN/F XS PCM clock, can opera te in sev eral timin g m odes to provide maximum flexibility for conne cting the IPmux-1 E1, T1, ISDN or FXS channels .
Chap ter 1 Introd uctio n IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual 1-16 Functional Description Network Timi ng Schem es The following paragraphs d escribe typical timing schemes and the correct timing mode sett ings for achi eving end -to-en d synchronizat ion.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 1 Introduction Functional Description 1-17 IP ove r Et herne t IPm ux-1 E1/T1 E1/T1 IPm ux-1 E1/T1 E1/T1 Adaptive Mode Loop back T imin g Mo de E1/ T1 D evice E1/ T1 D evice Ma ster C l ock So urc e D evi ce Rem ote Loop back Timi ng De vi ce Figure 1-14.
Chap ter 1 Introd uctio n IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual 1-18 Functional Description Table 1-2. E therne t Frame Structure Field length (bytes ) Field 7 Preambl e 1 SFD 6 Destinatio n M.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 1 Introduction Functional Description 1-19 802.1 D T ag Protoc ol T ype 81 00 user_ priority CFI = 0 VID 86 5 4 1 8 1 Priorit y VLAN I D Figure 1-17. VLAN Ta g Fo rmat (802.1p&q) UDP Suppor t Table 1-3.
Chap ter 1 Introd uctio n IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual 1-20 Functional Description PDV t t Pa ck e ts Le av i ng IP mu x- 1 Pa ck e ts Ar ri ving Figure 1-18. Packe t Delay Variation PDVT (Jitter) Buffer IPmux -1 is equ ipp ed w ith a Pack et DVT ( D elay Va riatio n Tol eranc e) buffer .
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 1 Introduction Functional Description 1-21 integer betw een 1 and 8. Con figu ring T DM bytes/f ra me to a high er va lue r educe s the IP /Ethern et overhea d segment of the to tal p acke t an d thus ca n si gnifican tly reduc e the to tal Ether ne t thr oug hpu t.
Chap ter 1 Introd uctio n IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual 1-22 Functional Description ➤ To calculate Ethernet throughput and intrinsic PDV as a function of TDM bytes/frame: Ethernet lo.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 1 Introduction Functional Description 1-23 Ethern et User Por t The E thern et us er po rt al lows a user to aggr egate bo th T DMoI P traff ic an d his private n etwork LAN traff ic to a sin gle Ether net n etw ork con nectio n w ithout requiring an access swi t ch.
Chap ter 1 Introd uctio n IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual 1-24 Technical Sp ecifications All of t he abov e exist on ly in rat e lim iting mod e, and d o not ex ist in brid ge mod e. The b ridge/r ate l imi ter mo des are sele cted b y th e rat e limit e r par ame ter.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 1 Introduction Technical Sp ecifications 1-25 T1 Framing Compliance Framing Signaling ANSI T1.403 Pass thro ugh, SF, ESF CAS (bit robbing), CCS (t ranspare nt) Local Term inal and Control Interface Mode Baud Rat e Connecto r DB-9, female RS-232/ V.
Chap ter 1 Introd uctio n IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual 1-26 Technical Sp ecifications Transformer isolation: 1500 VRM S Ringing – 22 Hz, si ne wave Diagnost ics Remote analog loopba.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 1 Introduction Technical Sp ecifications 1-27 Signal Level s Jitter Perform ance Receiv e: 0 t o –10 dB Transmit: ±2.7V ± 10%, ad justable, meas ured in range 0 to 13 3 feet , without CSU AT&T TR-62411, G.
Chap ter 1 Introd uctio n IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual 1-28 Technical Sp ecifications Power co nsumption IPmux-1: 4W IPmux-1 (wit h LAN): 10W IPmux-1E : 25W IPmux-1E (wit h LAN switch): 32W Physi cal IPmux-1 IPmux-1E Height 4.4 cm /1.
Site Requir ements and Prer equis ites 2-1 Chapter 2 Installation This chapter includ es: • Site r equirem ents and p rer equisit es • Packa ge cont ents • Equip ment n eeded • Installati on and setup 2.1 Introduction IPmux-1/1E is deli vered complet ely assemble d for benc h-top inst allation.
Chap ter 2 Instal lati on IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual 2-2 Install atio n and Setup The DC po wer source mu st be isola ted from the main s suppl y by doub le or reinforced insu lation. A suitable fu se or a circuit br eaker shoul d be integrate d in the negat ive power-supply line .
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 2 Inst allation Install atio n and Setup 2-3 IPmux-1E The IPmux-1E FXS v ersion needs NO user internal jumper configu ration. The IPm ux-1 E ISD N versio n con tains ju mp ers for pha ntom feed ( see Figure 2- 1 ).
Chap ter 2 Instal lati on IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual 2-4 Install atio n and Setup ENA DIS Figure 2-1. The IPmux-1E ISDN-S J umpers ➤ After comple ting the inte rnal settings, re install the top cover a s follo ws: 1. Posi tion th e IPmux-1 /1E c ase on a f lat, clea n surfa ce.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 2 Inst allation Install atio n and Setup 2-5 Figure 2-3. IPmux-1 F ront Pane l for Two Ethernet Ports : FO R CON TI NU E D TYPE AND RATING OF F U SE. FIRE, REPLACE ON L Y W ITH SAME PROTECTION AGAINST RISK O F CA UTIO N 100-2 30 VAC 1.
Chap ter 2 Instal lati on IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual 2-6 Install atio n and Setup 100-240 V AC 1A T 250V POWER I/O 3 : CAUTION IISD N S 12 3 4 Figure 2 -9.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 2 Inst allation Install atio n and Setup 2-7 Table 2-1. E 1/T1 Port Co nnectors Pinout Pin Designat ion Direction Function 1 RD (R) Input Receive .
Chap ter 2 Instal lati on IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual 2-8 Install atio n and Setup Table 2-4. ISDN-S Inte rface Pi n Assignments Pin Number Signal Name 3 Tx+ 4 Rx+ 5 Rx- 6 Tx- Table 2- 5.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 2 Inst allation Install atio n and Setup 2-9 Co nnect ing the Pow er To connect powe r to Ipmux-1/1E, re fer to the appropriate section below, dependin g on your versio n of the un it (AC or DC). AC Power Connection AC power is supplied to IPmux-1/1E t hrough the 5-ft (1.
Chap ter 2 Instal lati on IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual 2-10 Insta lla tion a nd Setup Order from: Cutter Networks Ph:727-398-5252/Fax:727-397-9610 www.
Front Panel Controls, Connectors, and In dicators 3-1 Chapter 3 Operation This chapter: • Provides a detaile d descri ption of the fr ont panel co ntrols and indicators and their fu ncti ons • Exp.
Chapter 3 Operation IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual 3-2 Front Panel Controls, Connectors, and In dicators 2 3 7 4 5 1 Figure 3-1. IPmux-1 Front Pane l LEDs : FO R CON TI NU E D TYPE AND RA TING OF FUSE. FIRE, REPLACE ON L Y W ITH SAME PROTECTION AGAINST RISK OF CA UTIO N 10 0-230 V AC 1.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 3 Operation Front Panel Controls, Connectors, and In dicators 3-3 Table 3 -1. IPmu x-1 S ystem In dicat ors an d Swit ch es (C ont. ) No. Name Type Function 7 ETH FDX LED On: Full duplex Off: Half duplex 8 POWER Switch Turn s IPmux-1/1E p ower On and Off IPm ux-1 E 1 3 4 5 6 7 2 Figure 3-3.
Chapter 3 Operation IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual 3-4 Operating Inst ructions Table 3-2. IPm ux-1E (B RI/FX S) System Indica tors and Swit ches (Cont.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 3 Operation Operating Ins tructions 3-5 6. Press <Esc > to open the configuration software. 7. Enter your Use r Name according to your assigned system privileges (either Supervisor ( su ) or User and then your Password when prompted (the factor y-set p asswor d is xxxxxxxxxx ).
Chapter 3 Operation IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual 3-6 Overview of Menu Operations 3.3 Getting Started After ins tallation, ther e are no specia l op erat ing pr ocedu res f or I Pmux-1 /1E. O nce it is pow ered u p, th e uni t operates au tomatical ly.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 3 Operation Overview of Menu Operations 3-7 Ma in M enu 2. Co nfig ura tion 1. G ener al Co nfig ura tion 7. Set D efaul t Pa rameters 1. Sy st em 1. General I nformat ion 2. S elf-T est Resu lts 5.
Chapter 3 Operation IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual 3-8 Overview of Menu Operations Mai n Menu 2. Co nfig ura tion 1. G ene ral Co nfig ura tion 1. Sy st em 1. General I nformat ion 2. S elf-T est Resu lts 5. P ing 3. R es et 4. E ven t Log 4.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 3 Operation Overview of Menu Operations 3-9 Ma in M enu 2. Co nfig ura tion 1. Sy st em 1. General I nformat ion 2. S elf-T est Resu lts 5. P ing 3. R es et 4. E ven t Log 4. Ex it 3. Pe rf orm ance Monitoring 3.
Chapter 3 Operation IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual 3-10 Overview of Menu Operations Main Menu Fig ure 3-8 shows the IPmu x-1/1E Ma in Men u. Acc ess all system con figura tion a nd control funct ions via this menu. At any point and from any sc reen, you can press <Esc> repeatedly, backing up until yo u reach the ma in m enu.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 3 Operation Overview of Menu Operations 3-11 SYSTEM 1. General Information 2. Self-Test Results 3.
Chapter 3 Operation IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual 3-12 Overview of Menu Operations CONFIGURATION 1. General Configuration 2. Analog Configuration 3. Bundle Connection Configuration 4. LAN Configuration ESC. Exit Select item from the menu: _ Figure 3-12.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 3 Operation Overview of Menu Operations 3-13 Performance Mo nit oring ➤ To view Perfor mance Sta tistics: • Type 3 (Pe rformance Monitoring) in t he Main m enu. Typical menus are shown in Fig ure 3-13 , Figure 3-14 , and Figure 3-1 5 .
Chapter 3 Operation IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual 3-14 Overview of Menu Operations Order from: Cutter Networks Ph:727-398-5252/Fax:727-397-9610 www.
Error Detection 4-1 Chapter 4 Troubleshooting and Diagnostics This chapter describes how to: • Dete ct errors • Troubles hoot problems • Perform diagn ostic tests. 4.1 Error Detection Using Front Panel LEDs LED indi cators on the fro nt p anel IPmu x-1/1 E indi cate the op eratin g sta tus of th e modul e.
Chapter 4 Troubleshoot ing and Diagnost ics I Pmux-1/1E Installation and Operation Manua l 4-2 Error Detection Table 4-1. E vent Type s Event Des cription Corrective Actio n COLD_START The IPmux-1/1E .
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 4 Troubleshoot ing and Diagnost ics Diagn ostic T ests 4-3 4.2 Troublesho o ting Table 4-2 presents th e event typ es as th ey appear o n th e Even t Log Fil e and li st s the ac tions r equired to corr ect th e even t (al arm ) indi cation .
Chapter 4 Troubleshoot ing and Diagnost ics I Pmux-1/1E Installation and Operation Manua l 4-4 Diagnostic Tests PBX IPmux- 1 Figure 4-1. IPmux-1 Exte rnal Loop Internal Loop The E1 /T1 mo dul e can be set to an inter nal loo p to test the co nne ctio n betw een the E1 /T1 p ort a nd th e IP n etwor k (ref er to Chapter 3 ).
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 4 Troubleshoot ing and Diagnost ics Diagn ostic T ests 4-5 IPmux-1 ISDN S Figure 4-4. IPmux-1E /BR I Internal Loop ➤ To run a loopback test: • Press the <Spacebar> on your keyb oard to toggle b etween the val ues: Internal/Ext ernal /Disabl e .
Chapter 4 Troubleshoot ing and Diagnost ics I Pmux-1/1E Installation and Operation Manua l 4-6 Diagnostic Tests Order from: Cutter Networks Ph:727-398-5252/Fax:727-397-9610 www.
Overview 5-1 Chapter 5 Application Configuration Procedures This appendix pr ovides de tailed instru ctions f or setting u p a test appl ication using IPmux-1 and IPmux-4. The applicat ion can be used as an optional test setup for an IPmux unit, or c an be used as a quic k reference guide for basic confi guration of an IPmux unit.
Chapter 5 Applicat ion Configuration Proce dures IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual 5-2 Overview Guidelines Certain guidelin es/assumptions for conf iguring IPmu x-1 working opposite IPmux-4 that are relevant to t his application are explained below.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 5 Application Conf iguration Procedures Overview 5-3 Table 5-1. B undle Co nfiguratio n E1 Channel Bundle Number for E 1 Bundle Number for T1 1 1-31 1–24 2 32-62 25–48 3 63–93 49–72 4 94–124 73–96 • A bundle c ontaini ng 10 timeslots will be c reated on each IPmux- 1 unit.
Chapter 5 Applicat ion Configuration Proce dures IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual 5-4 IPmux-1 • Manage IPmux-1/4 by means of SNMP-based network management stations, e.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 5 Application Conf iguration Procedures IPmux-1 5-5 Configuring I Pmux-1 – S tation A Proced ure for Modify ing Paramet ers ➤ To modify param eters: 1. Choose the numbe r of the paramet er to be c hanged.
Chapter 5 Applicat ion Configuration Proce dures IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual 5-6 IPmux-1 E1/T1 Configuration ➤ To configure E1/T1: 1. From the Main menu, select 2 Configu ra tion. 2. From the Conf igur atio n menu select 2 E1/T1 C onfi guration (see Figure 5-3 ).
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 5 Application Conf iguration Procedures IPmux-1 5-7 Rememb er to p ress < Enter > aft er modifying each para meter. Pr ess < S > to s ave all chang es on t he men u. DS0 BUNDLE CONFIGURATION 1.
Chapter 5 Applicat ion Configuration Proce dures IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual 5-8 IPmux-1 BUNDLE CONNECTION CONFIGURATION 1. Bundle ID 1 2. IP TOS Empty! 3. TDM Bytes in Frame 48 4. Connection Status Empty! 5. Destination IP Address 192.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 5 Application Conf iguration Procedures IPmux-1 5-9 Rememb er to p ress < Enter > aft er modifying each para meter. Pr ess < S > to s ave all chang es on t he men u. E1/T1 Configuration ➤ To configure E1/T1: 1.
Chapter 5 Applicat ion Configuration Proce dures IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual 5-10 IPmux-4 4. Select Next Hop an d enter the nex t hop rou ter IP a ddress (this parameter is only n ecessary if th e Destination IP Addr ess is no t in th e same su bne t as this IPmux.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 5 Application Conf iguration Procedures IPmux-4 5-11 Configuration Host IP A ddress Frames w ill n ot leav e the d evice until IP and M ask ad dresses are d efin ed. ➤ To confi gure Host IP Address: 1.
Chapter 5 Applicat ion Configuration Proce dures IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual 5-12 IPmux-4 PHYSICAL LAYER CONFIGURATION 1. Channel Status Enable 2. Transmit Clock Source Loopback 3. Loopback State Disable 4. Rx. Sensitivity –10dB 5.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 5 Application Conf iguration Procedures IPmux-4 5-13 Rememb er to p ress < Enter > aft er modifying each para meter. Pr ess < S > to s ave all chang es on t he men u. Bundle Connection Configuration ➤ To link the bundles to IPmux- 1 Stati on A: 1.
Chapter 5 Applicat ion Configuration Proce dures IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual 5-14 Configuring the Management Option 8. Press < Esc > a few tim es to return to th e Main menu . 1. Rememb er to press < Ente r > after modifyin g each paramet e r.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 5 Application Conf iguration Procedures Configuring the Management Option 5-15 Rememb er to p ress < Enter > aft er modifying each para meter. Pr ess < S > to s ave all chang es on t he men u.
Chapter 5 Applicat ion Configuration Proce dures IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual 5-16 Configuring the Management Option MANAGER LIST 1. Manager IP Address 2. Status Change Trap On 3. Alarm Trap On 3. System Trap Off ESC. Exit S.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 5 Application Conf iguration Procedures Checking the Application 5-17 DEFAULT GATEWAY 1. Gateway IP 0.
Chapter 5 Applicat ion Configuration Proce dures IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual 5-18 Checking the Application 6. If you have underflows or overflows at non-set intervals of time : Try to gr adual ly incr ease the ji tter buff er size.
Booting IPmux-1/1E A-1 Appendix A Boot Sequence for Downloading Softwar e A.1 G eneral This chapter provide s a description of the IPmux-1/1E boot procedure via an ASCII terminal for download ing software. The IPmux-1/1E software is stored in flash memory in two sections, in the boot sector and in the file system.
Appendix A Boot S equence f or Downloading S oftware IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual A-2 Booting IPmux-1/1E BOOT Program V 1.21 7-1-2001 08:35 Flash : size 3e0000h, FileSys sectors 62 BOOT Program is running !!! Checking File System.....
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Appendix A Boot Sequence f or Downloading Software Booting IPmux-1/1E A-3 IPmux-1/1E BOOT MENU The device can store two software files in its File System. One is called Operating file and the Second is called Backup file.
Appendix A Boot S equence f or Downloading S oftware IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual A-4 Booting IPmux-1/1E Order from: Cutter Networks Ph:727-398-5252/Fax:727-397-9610 www.
Using Telnet to Manag e the IPmux- 1/1E B-1 Appendix B Telnet B.1 General Telnet, which stands for Telecommunications Net work, is a protocol t hat gives you the ability to connec t to a remote mach ine, by giving commands and instructio ns intera ctiv ely to that ma chine, thu s cr eating a n in tera ctive conn ection.
Appendix B Teln et IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual B-2 Using Telnet to Manage the IPm ux-1/1E Figure B-1. Tel net Logon Dialog Telnet Oper ation Telnet a nd AS CII termin al ca nno t be ac tive a t the sa me time. If a terminal is ac tive, a Telnet session cannot be established.
SNMP Environment C-1 Appendix C SNMP Management Appendix C provides specific inf ormation for IPmux- 1/1E management by SN MP (Simple Net work Management Protocol).
Appendix C SNMP M anagement IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual C-2 SNMP Environment Managemen t Informatio n Bas e (MIB) The MIB includes a c ollection of managed objects. A managed object is defined as a parameter that can be managed, s uch as a performance stat istics value .
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Appe ndix C SNMP Management SNMP Environment C-3 • rfc2233.mib ( IF-MIB) • rfc1493.mib • rfc2665.mib • rfc1907.
Appendix C SNMP M anagement IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual C-4 SNMP Environment In genera l, SNM P agen ts sup port two typ es of access rights: Read-Only : The SNMP agent acce pts and proces ses only SNMP ge tR e que st and getNex tRequ est comman ds from management stations whi ch have a Read-Only community name.
Inband TFTP Download Procedure D-1 Appendix D TFTP Download Procedures D.1 Inband TFTP Download Procedure General New IPmux- 1/1E softwa re version c an be downloade d to the IP mux-1/1E using TFTP.
App end ix D TFT P Down loa d Proc edu res IPmux-1 Installation an d Operation Manu al D-2 Inband TFTP Download Procedure Prelimi nary Pr oced ure ➤ Before performing TFTP download: 1. Ping IPmux- 1/1E from the stati on running the TFTP serve r to ensure that IPmux-1/1E has communication with the machine.
IPmux-1 Installation an d Operat ion Manual Appendix D T FTP Download Procedures Inband TFTP Download Procedure D-3 Fig ure D- 2. Agent a nd Serve r IP Addre sses Checking the Dow nloa d ➤ To check the download: 1. Log on the MIB Browser again, as follows: is o.
App end ix D TFT P Down loa d Proc edu res IPmux-1 Installation an d Operation Manu al D-4 Inband TFTP Download Procedure Fig ure D- 3. System Descripti on Order from: Cutter Networks Ph:727-398-5252/Fax:727-397-9610 www.
Main Menu E-1 Appendix E Parameters and Screens This ap pend ix ill ustra tes th e IPmu x-1/1 E scr eens and expl ains th e para met ers fo r: • Main Menu in Section E.
Appendix E Par ameters and Screens IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual E-2 Main Menu • DS0 Bundle Config uration in Se ctio n E.9 • Performance Monitoring in Sectio n E.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Appe ndix E Parameters and Screens Viewing the IPmux-1/1E System E-3 E.2 Viewin g the IPmux-1/1E System General Informatio n This screen displa ys information incl uding sof tware an d hardware versions an d module descriptions.
Appendix E Par ameters and Screens IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual E-4 Viewing the I Pmux-1 /1E S yste m GENERAL INFORMATION Software Version Hardware Version Inventory No. Boot: 1.21 7-1-2001 08:35 HW:0.0 314154 Application: 2.00 9-4-01 12:02 Backup: 2.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Appe ndix E Parameters and Screens Viewing the IPmux-1/1E System E-5 Logfile Ev en ts LOGFILE EVENTS 2053-08-07 00:01:20 LOS START TDM SLOT 2053-08-07 00:.
Appendix E Par ameters and Screens IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual E-6 Genera l Configuration PING Enter Destination IP And Press Enter. Destination IP: Use Space Bar to Choose Ping Repetitions Ping Repetitions: Endless Repeats Pinging.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Appe ndix E Parameters and Screens General Configuration E-7 Default Gateway Defau lt gateway defin es the managem ent next ho p . When next hop is not defined for th e bun dle con nect ion the defaul t gat eway ad dress will b e use d.
Appendix E Par ameters and Screens IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual E-8 Genera l Configuration Manager Li st The Man ager List win dow pa rameter s are used when IPmux -1 inb and management capabilit y is used. The parameters define the parameters for up t o eight mana gers.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Appe ndix E Parameters and Screens General Configuration E-9 Alarm Traps Mask Each of the IP mux-1/1E alarms can ac tivate a trap t oward the NMS. It is possible to enable/disable the trap operat ion for each one of the alarms, us ing the Alarm Trap Mask screen .
Appendix E Par ameters and Screens IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual E-10 Genera l Configuration The othe r ala rms are not us ed. ASCII Termi nal Configurati on ASCII TERMINAL CONFIGURATION 1. Display Mode Color 2. Baud Rate (bps) 19200 3.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Appe ndix E Parameters and Screens General Configuration E-11 Time/Date Update TIME/DATE UPDATE 1. Set Time (hh:mm:ss) 16:09:12 2. Set Date (yyyy-mm-dd) 2001-04-17 ESC. Exit Select item from the menu:_ Use <Esc> key or keys <1> to <2> Figure E-14.
Appendix E Par ameters and Screens IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual E-12 Genera l Configuration Table E-8 . Down load /Upl oad Usin g X-M odem Paramet ers Parameter Possible Values Remark.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Appe ndix E Parameters and Screens General Configuration E-13 ➤ To save the parameters and start t he transmission process: • Enter S . If all paramet ers are correct , you will be asked for confirmati on.
Appendix E Par ameters and Screens IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual E-14 IPmux-1 E1/T1 Configuration ➤ To overwrite the system and reconfigure it according to defaul t settings: • Type Y . IPmux-1 is recon figured accor ding to def ault set tings.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Appe ndix E Parameters and Screens IPmux-1 E1/T1 Configuration E-15 Table E -11. E1 Physi cal Layer Configura tion Parame ters Parameter Possible Values R.
Appendix E Par ameters and Screens IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual E-16 IPmux-1 E1/T1 Configuration Table E -11. E1 Physi cal Layer Co nfiguratio n Parameter s (Cont.) Parameter Possible Values Remarks Signaling mode CA S enable CAS disable The E1 framer is set to CA S MF mode and the operation mode to fractional with CAS mode.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Appe ndix E Parameters and Screens IPmux-1 E1/T1 Configuration E-17 T1 Config uration T1 CONFIGURATION 1. Channel Status Enable 2. Transmit Clock Source Adaptive 3. Loopback State Disable 4. Line Type T1-ESF 5.
Appendix E Par ameters and Screens IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual E-18 IPmux-1 E1/T1 Configuration Table E -12. T1 Confi guratio n Parame ters Parameter Possible Values Remarks Chann el.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Appe ndix E Parameters and Screens IPmux-1 E1/T1 Configuration E-19 Table E -12. T1 Config uration Pa rameter s (Cont.
Appendix E Par ameters and Screens IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual E-20 IPmux-1E ISDN Configuration Table E -12. T1 Config uration Pa rameter s (Cont.) Parameter Possible Values Remarks Cond. CAS fi rst 2 .5 s ec pattern 0 to F (ESF) 0 to 3 (D4) FF 2 or 4 Bit Code app lied (dur ing the first 2.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Appe ndix E Parameters and Screens IPmux-1E ISDN Configuration E-21 Table E -13. ISDN Co nfigura tion Parameter Possible Values Remarks Interfaces Mode Te.
Appendix E Par ameters and Screens IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual E-22 Anal og Configuration E.6 Ana log Config urat ion ANALOG CONFIGURATION 1. Clock Source Adaptive 2. Far End Type E1 3. Channel Configuration > 4. Signaling Profile Configuration > ESC.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Appe ndix E Parameters and Screens Analog Configuration E-23 Channel Conf iguration CHANNEL CONFIGURATION 1. Channel Number 1 2. Channel Status Enable 3. Rx Gain –4dBm 4. Tx Gain 0dBm 5. Testing Disable ESC.
Appendix E Par ameters and Screens IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual E-24 Anal og Configuration Signaling Profile Configura tion SIGNALING PROFILE CONFIGURATION 1. Rx A A 2. Rx B N/C 3. Rx C N/C 4. Rx D N/C 5. Tx A A 6. Tx A 1 7. Tx A 0 8.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Appe ndix E Parameters and Screens Bundle Connection Configuration E-25 Table E-1 7. S ignaling P rof ile Con figur ation (Cont .) Parameter Possible Values Remarks Tx B B, B Inverse, 0, 1 Spec ifies which ABCD Signalin g Bit ca rries the on ho ok/o ff hook information to the far-end device.
Appendix E Par ameters and Screens IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual E-26 Bundle Connection Configuration Firs t define the bundle. Table E -18.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Appe ndix E Parameters and Screens LAN Configuration (no User port ) E-27 E.8 LAN Configurat ion (n o User port) For LAN co nfiguration fo r two LANs, see Ethernet Co nfiguration/Statistic s Menus . LAN CONFIGURATION 1.
Appendix E Par ameters and Screens IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual E-28 DS0 Bundle Configuration E.9 DS0 Bundle Conf iguratio n This conf iguration sele cts th e timeslo ts to be transferr ed end-to-en d for E1/T1 when the operation mode is Frac tional or Fract ional with CAS.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Appe ndix E Parameters and Screens Performance Monitoring E-29 E1 models only E.10 Pe rformance Monitor ing E1/T1 Statistic s E1 STATISTICS E1 over UTP LOS: 0 LOF (Red): 0 LCV: 0 RAI (Yellow): 0 AIS: 0 FEBE: 0 BES: 0 DM: 0 ES: 0 SES: 0 UAS: 0 LOMF: 0 Time Since: sec 7------Valid Intervals 12---- 1.
Appendix E Par ameters and Screens IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual E-30 Performance Monitoring Table E-21 . E1/T1 Statistic s Paramet ers Alarm Failure Comments LOS Loss of Signal Sync L.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Appe ndix E Parameters and Screens Performance Monitoring E-31 Table E -21. E1/T1 Stati stics (Co nt.) Alarm Failure Comments DM Degraded Minutes A Degrade d Minute i s calcul ated by co llecting a ll of t he availab le seco nds, subtract ing any SESs and sorting t he resul t in 60 sec ond group s.
Appendix E Par ameters and Screens IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual E-32 Performance Monitoring ISDN Statis tics in IPmu x-1 ISDN STATISTICS ISDN-S over UTP LOF (Red): 0 ES: 0 SES: 0 UAS: 0 Time Since: 710 sec ------Valid Intervals 11---- 1.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Appe ndix E Parameters and Screens Performance Monitoring E-33 Analog Status – IPmux-1E with FXS ANALOG STATUS Channel 1: ON HOOK Channel 2: ON HOOK Channel 3: ON HOOK Channel 4: ON HOOK ESC. Exit Fig ure E-31.
Appendix E Par ameters and Screens IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual E-34 Performance Monitoring ➤ To reset counters: Type R . Table E- 23.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Appe ndix E Parameters and Screens Performance Monitoring E-35 Bundle Co nnecti on Statis tics BUNDLE CONNECTION STATUS Destination IP Address: 192.
Appendix E Par ameters and Screens IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual E-36 Etherne t Configuration/Statistics Menus Table E -24. Bundle Connectio n Statisti cs Parame ters (Cont.) Parameter Possible Values Remarks Jitter Buffer Un derflo ws The nu mber of times frames were drop ped because th e receive buffer was in an underr un state.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Appe ndix E Parameters and Screens Ethernet Configuration/Statistics Menus E-37 Aging Time SWITCH CONFIGURATION 1. LAN Configuration > 2. Aging Time <seconds> 120 ESC. Exit Select item from the menu.
Appendix E Par ameters and Screens IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual E-38 Etherne t Configuration/Statistics Menus Table E -25. LAN Config uration – Tw o Ether net Ports (Cont.
IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual Appe ndix E Parameters and Screens Ethernet Configuration/Statistics Menus E-39 LAN statist ics are not c ollected in intervals.
Appendix E Par ameters and Screens IPmux-1/ 1E Installation and Operation Manual E-40 Etherne t Configuration/Statistics Menus Table E-2 6. L AN St atistics – Two Eth e rnet P orts Statistics Values.
I-1 Index —A— access rights , C-4 adaptive, E-18 Agent IP Ad dress, D-2 Aging T ime, E-40 AIS, E-9, E-30 alarm buffer, 4-1 alarms, E-9, E-10 alarm trap, E-8 alarm trap mask, E-9 End-to-End, 1-22 t.
Index IPmux-1 Installation an d Operation Manu al I-2 Ethernet two ports, E-36 Ethe rnet Throughp ut, 1-21 Event Log File, 4-1 events, 4-2 —F— FEBE, E-9, E -30 fiber op tic, 1-7 length calculat io.
IPmux-1 Installation an d Operat ion Manual Index I- 3 Logfile Events, E-5 Main Menu, 3-10 Manager List, E-8 navigating, 3-6 Performance Monitoring, 3-13 Ping, E-5 Self- Test Resu lts, E-4 System Menu, 3-10 T1 Physical Laye r Conf iguration , E- 17 Time/Date, E-11 View Transfer Status , E-13 MIB brow ser, D-1 MIB Browser , D-2 MIB structur e.
Index IPmux-1 Installation an d Operation Manu al I-4 TFTP server, D -1 tftpRetryTimeOut, D-2 tftpTotalOut, D-2 time, E-11 timeout, E-10 timeslo t, E-28 timing, 1-9, 1-16 adaptive, 1-15 intern al cloc.
DC Power Supply Connection – Terminal Block Connector Note: Ignore this supplement if the unit is AC-powered. DC-powered units are equipped with a plastic 3-pin VDC-IN power input connector, located on the unit rear panel. Supplied with such a unit, is a mating Terminal Block (TB) type connector plug for attaching to your power supply cable.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat RAD Data Communications IPmux-1 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen RAD Data Communications IPmux-1 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens RAD Data Communications IPmux-1 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding RAD Data Communications IPmux-1 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over RAD Data Communications IPmux-1 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van RAD Data Communications IPmux-1 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de RAD Data Communications IPmux-1 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met RAD Data Communications IPmux-1 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.