Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product PGL-302 van de fabrikant Radio Shack
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Cat. No. 17-8002/8003 /8032/ 8033 OWNER’S M ANUAL PG L-30 2 Ul tr a E xpre s s Nume ric L ocal P ager Ple ase r ead be fo re us in g t hi s page r . TM 17-8 00 3.
2 INT ROD U CTIO N Your PGL- 302 Ultr a Expres s Numeric Local Pager l ets you keep in t ouch wi th the o ffic e and wi th f amily and fr iends anywher e ar ound to wn. It can stor e up to 16 mess ages and aler ts you with either a gentl e vibr atio n or one of five bee p pat - tern s.
3 Automati c Page Rese t — stop s a page afte r 20 se conds if you do no t p ress a butt on. Page Rem inder — beeps or vi brat es ev- ery 2 mi nutes t o remind yo u to vie w un- read pages . Automati c Pager Po w e r — lets y ou set the page r to tur n on and off at specifi c times ev ery da y.
4 GE T TING ST ARTE D SUBSCRIBING TO SERVICE You must subs cr ibe to local paging ser - vice t hrough a l ocal pr ovider . Contact your local Radio Shack store t o fi nd o ut how to conta ct the servic e provider in your ar ea. Your s ervic e prov ider will gi ve you i n- stru ction s for how t o pa ge your pager and se nd number s to it.
5 INST ALLING A BA TTER Y Your pag er requ ires o ne AAA ba ttery. For t he best p erforma nce, we recom- mend an al kaline bat tery s uch as Radio Shack Cat. No. 23-555. 1. Slid e o ff the bat tery cov er in the dire ction of the ar row . 2. Remove the ol d batter y , if neces- sary , and d ispose of i t pr operl y .
6 3. Inser t th e new bat tery a s indi cated by the polar ity symbo ls (+ and –) marked besi de the com par tment. 4. Replac e the batte ry cov er . Notes: • The bui lt-in m emory sav er stor es mess ages and sett ings fo r a short time while you c hange the batter y .
7 P AGE R QU ICK GU IDE Press t he read/ select button () t o turn on the pager , view pages , and se l e ct menu opti ons. Press the mode butt on ( ) to acc ess the pager ’s menus. Press t he li ght/r eset but ton () t o turn on th e li ght. Pr ess i t twice t o ret urn to the t ime/ date dis play.
8 INDICA T ORS The fol lowin g indicat ors appear on your pager’ s displ ay. Audibl e m ode Vibra te ( silent) mode Prote cted mes sage Mess age cont inuat ion Erase al l messages Delet e i ndi vidua l message Pager al arm activ ate d Automat ic power fe ature Low batt ery indicat or 17-8 00 3.
9 PRE P ARA TIO N SETTING THE DA TE Press to turn on th e pager, then f ol- low t hese s teps to set the cu rrent date. Note: If you do not pr ess a but ton wi thin 10 seconds , the pager retur ns to the time/ date di splay. 1. At th e time/ date di splay , r epeatedl y press unti l t he page r di splays SET dATE? .
10 SETTING THE TIME Press to turn on th e pager, then f ol- low thes e ste ps to set the cu rrent time. Note: If you do n ot set t he ti m e, the p ag- er i ncorre ctly report s the t imes of y our pages. 1. At th e time/ date di splay , r epeatedl y press unti l t he page r di splays SET TIME? .
11 7. Repeate dly pr ess to selec t the corr ect di git . 8. Press . A or P flashe s if the pager is s et t o the 12- hour format. 9. Press to s elect the desi red t ime of d ay ( A for A M or P f o r P M ). 10. Press . Th e page r dis plays 12 HOURS or 24 HOURS .
12 SELECTING SILENT OR TONE ALERT You can have your pa ger al ert yo u by vi - brat ing or by soun ding on e of five t one pa tter ns. To have the pager vibr ate when you r e- ceive a p age, at the t ime/dat e disp lay, press . I f the pag er is cu rrently set to sound t ones , it di splays SILENT? .
13 Selectin g the T one Pattern When you s et the page r to sound tones for pages, you h ave a ch oic e of f ive t one pa tter ns. To se lec t a ton e p atte rn: 1. Select tone alert (see “Selec ting Sile nt or T one Al e rt ”). 2. Repeate dly pr ess unt il the pager di splays SET ALERT? .
14 OP ERA TION TURNING THE P AGER ON AND OFF Press to t urn on t he page r. The pag- er soun ds an aler t tone o r vibr ates and brie fly turns on al l i ndicator s. To turn of f the pager, repeatedl y press unti l the pager d isp lays PAGER OFF? . Then pr ess .
15 RECEIVING AND READING MESSAGES When t he pager r eceives a page, it al erts (beeps or vi brates) for 8 seconds. Press any butt on to sto p the alert so oner. The pager dis plays the number of unread pages. The pager brie fly al erts every 2 mi nutes unti l you view the mes sage .
16 T one Only Messages If yo ur pager r ece ives a messa ge that does no t have any numbers, it di splays TONE ONLY . Unreadable Mess ages If y our page r recei ves a mes sage that is part iall y or totall y unreadabl e, it doe s not displ ay the unreadabl e parts .
17 PROTECTING AND UNPROTECTING MESSAGES Foll ow t hese st eps to pr otect a mes sage so yo u c annot delete it. 1. Repeate dly pr ess unt il the pager di splay s the m essage you want to pr ote ct. 2. Repeate dly pr ess unt il the pager di splays PROTECT? .
18 DELETING MESSAGES You can delet e si ngle message s, or all unprot ected m essa ges. Deleting Individua l Messages 1. Repeate dly pr ess unt il the pager di splay s the m essage you want to del et e. 2. Press unti l the pager displ ays dELETE? . 3.
19 AUTOMA TIC OPERA TION You can s et your pager to autom aticall y turn on and off at speci fic ti mes eve ry day. To do so, select a utomati c opera- tio n and set th e desire d on and of f time s. Selectin g Aut omatic Operation Foll ow these st eps to sel ect autom atic operat ion.
20 Setting t he Automatic O n and Off Time s 1. At th e time/ date di splay , r epeatedl y press unti l t he page r di splays SET AUTO? . 2. Press . The pager displ ays the curr ently s et on and of f tim es with the on ti m e’ s hour flash ing . 3.
21 SETTING THE ALARM Foll ow these steps t o set your pa ger to aler t you at a sp ecifi c tim e. 1. At th e time/ date di splay , r epeatedl y press unti l t he page r di splays SET ALARM? . 2. Press . The pager displ ays the curr ently set al arm ti me wit h eit her ON or OFF flash ing .
22 The pa ger aler ts for 20 seco nds at the set al arm time. Press any button to stop the ale rt sooner . P AGER IDEAS Incl ude your pag er number in yo ur an- sweri ng mac hine or v oice m ail m essag- es. This way, you can recei ve importa nt mess ages i mmedia tely.
23 Establ ish code me ssage s wi th your f am- ily or f rien ds. For exampl e, you r chi ldren can i nclude t he code 3333 t o tell you they ar e home f rom school . Your sp ouse can send 07734 to say hel lo! (Read it up- side- down.) If you have a cel lular phone, g ive your pager nu mber inst ead of you r cell ular numbe r .
24 CARE To enjoy yo ur pager for a long time: • Keep the page r dry . If it get s wet, wipe it dry immediately . • Use and store the p ager onl y in nor- mal temper ature env ironment s. • Hand le the pager gentl y and care- full y . Don ’t d rop it.
25 If you canno t eliminat e the inter ference, the FCC r equir es that you sto p using your page r. Modif ying or ta mpering wi th you r pa ger’s int ernal co mponent s can cause a mal - funct ion a nd might voi d your FCC aut ho- riz ation to oper ate it .
26 NOTES 17-8 00 3. fm Page 2 6 Thu rsda y, Jul y 22 , 199 9 9:47 AM.
27 17-8 00 3. fm Page 2 7 Thu rsda y, Jul y 22 , 199 9 9:47 AM.
RADIO SHACK A Division of T andy Corpora tion F ort W ort h, T exas 76102 8 / 95 Pri nte d in the U SA RADIO SHACK LIMITED WARRANTY Thi s produc t is warranted a g ainst defects for 1 y ear from d ate of p urchase from Ra dio Sh ack com pan y -own ed stor es and auth orized Radi o Shac k franch isees and dea lers.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Radio Shack PGL-302 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Radio Shack PGL-302 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Radio Shack PGL-302 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Radio Shack PGL-302 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Radio Shack PGL-302 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Radio Shack PGL-302 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Radio Shack PGL-302 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Radio Shack PGL-302 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.