Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product PPM3 van de fabrikant Ramsey Electronics
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PPM3 Page 1 Ramsey Electr onics Model N o. PPM3 Ever wis h you coul d broadc ast on-the- air t elepho ne calls li ke the comm erci al radio stations ? Wel l now y ou can! Th e PPM3 gives you the a bility to broadcast b oth sides o f a phone conversation without having t o change a ny conn ections to return to yo ur m usic or other pr ogramm ing.
PPM3 Page 2 RAMSEY TRANSMITTER KITS • FM10A, FM2 5B FM Stereo Tr ansmitters • FM100B Profess ional FM St ereo Transmitter • TXE433 or 916 Tr ansmitter & Encoder Modul e • RXD433 or 91 6 Da.
PPM3 Page 3 PHONE P A TCH MIXER KIT Ram sey Public atio n No. M P P M 3 Pri ce $5 .00 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduct ion ........................................... 4 Theor y of Operation .............................. 5 Learn As You Bu ild .............
PPM3 Page 4 PPM3 INT RODUCT ION W e’ve all heard those awesom e call- in program s on the radio. You k now, the ones wher e the h ost lets th e averag e Joe gi ve his o pinion on-the- air to a ll of his listener s .
PPM3 Page 5 PPM3 CIRCUIT DESCRI PTION The PPM 3 is es sential ly a ster eo audio m ixer , with one s tereo li ne input a nd two special ized m ono input s, each f eeding into the s tereo l ine output. The phone and m ic inpu ts each have a pr e-am p stage that acts as a c omplete s ig- nal cond itioner.
PPM3 Page 6 The m icrophone pus hbutton s witch ( S3) is us ed to tur n on the m ic chann el b y pushing it in, and t o m ute the m ic channe l by lea ving it out. The m ic LED is powered o n when t he mic is on b y using the other ha lf of the switch .
PPM3 Page 7 the far-end pho ne. So the solut ion is to use a high amount of com pres s ion in order to am plif y the far -end, weak er signa l m uch mor e than the loc al str onger signal. I n this way both s ides of the convers ation ar e closer to each ot her in signal s trength when appl ied to t he main m ixer .
PPM3 Page 8 RAMSEY “LE ARN-AS-YOU-BUILD” ASSEMBLY STRATEGY Be sure to read thr ough a ll of the s teps, and c heck the boxes as you go t o be sure you didn't m iss an y im portant steps. Altho ugh you m a y be in a hurr y to see resu lts, b efore you switc h on the p ower chec k all wiring a nd capacitors for pr oper orie ntatio n.
PPM3 Page 9 Although we k now that you are anxious to com plete the as sem bly of your phone patc h m ixer kit it is best to follo w the step- by-ste p instruct ions in t his manual.
PPM3 Page 10 Once this is acc om plished, the p art can be insta lled b y holding i t with tweezers in cont act with th e “tinned” tr ace an d re-heat ing the so lder ( see the associated diagram s). Anot her com m only used techn ique is t o glue the surf ace mount c omponents to the printe d circ uit boar d befor e solderin g.
PPM3 Page 12 PARTS SU PPLIED WIT H YOUR PPM 3 KIT Capacitors 1 2.2nF ceram ic disc capaci tor [m arked 222] ( C16) 1 5.6nF ceram ic disc capaci tor [m arked 562] ( C33) 3 10nF ceram ic dis c capacit ors [mark ed 103] (C11,C1 3,C23) 2 High volt age 10nF capaci tors [lar ge red c apacitors mark ed .
PPM3 Page 13 2 SSM2165- 1S surf ace m ount micr ophone am plifier ICs (U1,U3) Miscellaneous Components 3 DPDT switc hes (S1,S 2,S3) 1 1/4” stereo jack (J7) 1 Dual RJ11 jac k (J 1) 1 2.
PPM3 Page 15 PPM3 PHO NE P ATCH M IXER ASSEMBLY Assem bly of the PPM3 is eas y but still r equir es som e tim e and patie nce. W e will start with the s urfac e mount parts an d get t hem out of the wa y. As with an y stat ic sens itive par ts be caref ul when insta llin g the IC’s in th is kit.
PPM3 Page 16 5. In the sam e wa y install C 20, a 1 0uF electr olytic c apacit or, again check ing your polarit y before solder in g. 6. Install C1 9 and C 18, noting that these are als o 10uF e lectrol ytics and the polar ity is ex actl y opposite to the two par ts you jus t insta lled.
PPM3 Page 17 25. Install R1 9, 470 ohm s (yellow-viol et-brown) . 26. Install R2 7, 15k ohms ( brown-green- orange). 27. Install C2 3, 10nF (m ark ed 103). 28. Install C2 2, 0.1uF c apacit or (mark ed 104). 29. Install R2 2, the las t 15k ohm resistor (brown- green-or ange).
PPM3 Page 18 W e’ll sk ip T1 f or now and c om e back to it l ater. 46. Install C3 1, 47nF (m ark ed 473). 47. Install D2 , 1N414 8 diode (o range gl ass bod y with a b lack band) . Orient t he black band wit h the b and mar ked on the s ilk screen and PC board la yout.
PPM3 Page 19 save them f or last. Ok , that’s not th e reason, i t just m akes sens e to do them after all the big, b ulk y parts ar e in. 61. Install C1 0, the big 1000uF electro lytic cap acitor. Ok , one las t time, f or real, m ake s ure you get t he posit ive lead and th e negativ e lead or iented correc tly befor e solder ing.
PPM3 Page 20 72. Install R1 5, the other 10k audio pot. 73. Install R2 , the 10k stereo audi o pot. Now the L EDs. As you ma y know, LEDs h ave a po larity just l ike diod es (the y are diod es, light em itting ones) and m us t be installe d corr ectly to wor k.
PPM3 Page 21 TEST ING YO UR PPM3 Now it’s t im e to see all your hard work pay off. Her e’s what you’ll need to test and us e your P PM3 • An 8 to 15 volt DC power supp ly, posi tive tip • C.
PPM3 Page 22 8. Plug your phone line f rom the wall jac k into the “T elep hone Inp ut” on the back of the PPM 3. 9. In order to c ontrol a phon e line you n eed to con nect a phone to the “Telephon e Output” of the PPM3. If you lif t the rec eiver on th e phon e you should be able to h ear the dial tone t hrough t he unit .
PPM3 Page 23 TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE If y our P PM3 does not wor k at all, rec heck the f ollowing: • correc t orientati on of VR1 a nd the ICs ( see PC board la yout diagr am) . • You shou ld be a ble to m easur e the volta ge on t he input an d outpu t term inals of vol tage reg ulat or VR1.
PPM3 Page 24 known good cables bet ween the ster eo, line level s ourc e, and PPM3 . Tr y switchin g cables or using a dif ferent c able if you’re ha ving a udio tro uble. PROBLE M: The m icropho ne doesn’t work. SOLUTI ON: Tes t the m icrophone with another u nit to be sure it works on its own.
PPM3 Page 25 PPM3 PHO NE P A TC H M IXER SPEC IFIC A TIO NS Here are f ew of the c omm only reques ted spec ificati ons f or the PPM3: J4 Power Inp ut - Input working voltage r ange: 8 - 15 VDC - Max cur rent dra w is bet ween - m A. Miscel laneous I nform ation - PCB Dim ensions: 4.
PPM3 Page 26.
PPM3 Page 27 The Ramsey Kit Wa rranty Please read c arefully BEF ORE calling or writing in abou t y our kit. Most problems can be solved without conta cting the factory . Notice that this is not a " fine print" warran ty. We want you to unders tand your ri ghts and o urs too! All Ramsey ki ts w ill work if a ssembled properly .
PPM3 Page 28 PPM3 REM OT E INTERF ACE KIT Quick Refe rence Page Gu ide Introduction ........................................... 4 Theor y of Operation .............................. 5 Learn As You Bu ild ................................ 8 Parts Placem ent Diagram .
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Ramsey Electronics PPM3 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Ramsey Electronics PPM3 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Ramsey Electronics PPM3 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Ramsey Electronics PPM3 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Ramsey Electronics PPM3 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Ramsey Electronics PPM3 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Ramsey Electronics PPM3 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Ramsey Electronics PPM3 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.