Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product SAM4s ER-5115 van de fabrikant Sam4s
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SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Operator's and Programming Manual All specifications are subject to change without notice. © 2005, CRS, Inc.
CRS, Inc. Limited Warranty and Disclaimers of Warranty This manual has been developed by CRS, Inc. It is intended fo r the use of its customers and service personnel and should be re ad in its entirety before attempting to install, use or program the product(s).
Precaution Statements Follow th ese safety , servicing and ESD precaution s to prevent dam age an d to protect against poten tial hazards such as electrical shock. 1-1 Safety Precautions 1. Be sure that all built- in protective dev ices are replaced. Restore any missin g protective shields.
1-2 Servicing Precautions WARNING: First read the-Safety Precautions- section of th is man ual. If som e unf oreseen circum stance creates a conf lict between the servicin g and saf ety precau tions, alw ay s follow the saf ety precau tions. WARNING: An electrolytic capacitor installed with the w rong polarity might explode .
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register iii Contents Introduction 7 About the SAM4s ER-5115 ........................................................................................................7 Using This Manual ....................................
iv SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Validation ..................................................................................................................... ........... 48 Training Mode ...................................................
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register v Straight Percentag e Tax Rate Program m ing .............................................................. 94 Tax Table Programm ing .............................................................................
vi SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Program Scan s .................................................................................................................. ..... 159 PLU Program Scan.....................................................
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Introduction 7 Introduction A bout the SAM4s ER-5115 Congratul ations! You have selected a v ery f lexible electronic cash register design ed for y ears of reliable service.
8 Introduction SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Using This Manual With this manual w e hope to p rovide you with a m eans to use your SAM4s cash register to its fullest potential. This manual is divided into four sectio ns: "I ntr oduc tio n" o n page 7 , which explains b asic fea tures and functions.
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Introduction 9 Basic Features and Functions The SAM4s ER-5115 is designed to fit into many different retail and restaurant environments. Standard Features Inclu de: 2-station (receipt an d journal) dot matrix printer, w ith validation slot.
10 Introduction SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Display The SAM4s ER-5115 comes w ith a ten position front disp lay. Annotations on the display w indow include: PLU , w here the appropriate P LU number displays wh en making entries. RPT , w here a counter appears when the sam e item is mu ltiplied or repeated.
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Introduction 11 Tray Subtotal AMOUNT PLU RPT RCP T OFF VOID SHIFT 1 3 2 LEVEL VALID CLERK ON D1 D2 Negative Entry AM OUNT PLU RPT RCP T OFF 13 2 LEVEL VOID SH IF.
12 Introduction SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Numbered Error Conditions AMOUNT PLU RPT RCP T OFF VOID SHIFT 1 3 2 LEVEL VALID CLERK ON D1 D2 E1 General Error (key sequence error) E2 Draw er O.
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Introduction 13 Special Messages Displayed: When all clerks are signed off, the display w ill read " CLOSEd " wh en the control lock is in the REG position.
14 Introduction SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Printer Model: ERP-400 Features: Receipt and journal stations . Print speed : 3.0 lines p e r seco nd Columns: 21 per station. Single line validation Character Size: 7 x 9 dots. Paper size: 44m m w idth.
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Introduction 15 Two-Line Print Conditions The ERP-400 printer allo ws single line num eric fields of up to nine digits, along with programm able PLU descri ptors of u p to tw elve characters.
16 Introduction SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Changing the Pri nter Ribbon Cart r idge The ER-5115 receipt/journal printer uses a replaceable in k ribbon cartridge. On ce print becom es faint, a n ew in k ribbon m ust be installed. To replace the ink ribbon , follow these steps : 1.
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Introduction 17 Changing Paper Loading the Receipt Paper 1. Place the oth er roll of paper into th e small tray on the left.
18 Introduction SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Loading of the Detail Paper 1. Place the k ey m arked REG into the control lock and turn to th e REG control lock position. 2. L ocate the rew ind spindle. 3. Locate the printer cover key. The printer cover key is the smallest key on the key ring.
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Introduction 19 Control Lock The control lock has 7 po sitio ns, accessed with 5 keys . Each ECR is shipped with tw o full sets of keys. VOID P Z X REG OFF S VOID Use to void (correct) items outside of a sale. OFF The register is inoperable.
20 Introduction SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register 5 4 3 2 1 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 18 20 21 22 23 24 10 5 4 3 2 1 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 18 20 21 22 23 24 10 Key board ER-5115 Keyboard - D efault The ER-5115 keyboard is sho wn below w ith the d e fault legend s and key assignments.
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Operations 21 Operations Ov erview The ope ratio ns section of this manual gives basic information about the functions performed by the register . Each o f the function ke ys is expl a ined, giving a genera l d escr i p tion of the i r ope ration.
22 Operations SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Keyboard Legend Descript ion CA SH Calculates the sale total includ ing tax, finalizes the sale, and opens the cash draw er. Chang e com putation is allow ed by entering an am ount before pressing the CASH key.
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Operations 23 Keyboard Legend Descript ion EA T-IN TA KE OUT DRIVE THRU Eat-In, Take Out an d Drive Thru are subtotal f unction s. In areas that h ave different tax rules for eat-in and take out sales, the EAT-IN , TAKE OUT and DRIVE THRU key s can be program m ed to autom atically ch arge or exem pt taxes.
24 Operations SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Keyboard Legend Descript ion RECD A CCT The RECD ACCT (received on accou n t) k ey is used to record m edia loan ed to the cash draw er, or paym ents received outside of a s ale. The cash draw er will open .
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Operations 25 Clerk Sign-On/Sign-Off See "Sys tem Option Prog ram mi ng" on pag e 108, to review your c le rk option s: The ER-5115 can be s et to fu nction w ith a cashi er or clerk reportin g sy stem.
26 Operations SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Receipt On and Off The RECEIPT ON/OFF func tio n key may or may not be loc a ted o n your keybo ard . (T he RECEIPT ON/OFF key is not included on the default keyboard.) If The RECEIPT ON/OFF Key Is Located On The Keyboard 1.
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Operations 27 PLU Registrations All registrations on the SAM4s ER-5115 are m ade into open or preset PL Us. In place of traditional department k eys, som e P LUs are located directly on the key board.
28 Operations SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register 1 0 0 PLU #1 CASH DATE 08/15/2003 SUN PLU 1 T1 $1.00 TAX1 AMT $0.05 TOTAL $1.05 CASH $1.05 CLERK 01 No.00001 TIME 12:00 00 Open Keyboard PLU Entry PLU #3 1 0 0 PLU #1 PLU #1 CASH DATE 08/15/2003 SUN PLU 3 T12 $3.
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Operations 29 1 X/TIM E 500 PLU #1 2 350 PLU #3 CASH DATE 08/15/2003 SUN 1X @25.00 PLU 1 T1 $25.00 PLU 3 T12 $3.
30 Operations SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Key board PLU Level Entr i es Three key board levels are provided on the SAM4s ER-5115 Dep e nding upo n how your cash r egister is set up, (see "Sy stem Option Program m ing" on pag e 108) leve ls can be operate d as stay -down , pop- up, or tick et pop-u p.
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Operations 31 Numeric PLU Entries In the follow ing exam ples: PLU 510 is program med open, an d is tax able by T ax 1. PLU 520 is program med open, an d is tax able by T ax 2. PLU 530 is prog rammed w ith a preset pri ce of $1.
32 Operations SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register 2 X/TIM E 510 PLU 100 PLU CASH DATE 08/15/2003 SUN 2X @1.00 PLU 510 T1 $2.00 TAX1 AMT $0.10 TOTAL $2.10 CASH $2.10 CLERK 01 No.00001 TIME 12:00 00 Multiple Quantity of a Open PLU Entry 1 X/TIM E 510 PLU 500 PLU 2 CASH DATE 08/15/2003 SUN 1X @25.
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Operations 33 Percentage Key (% ) Registrations There are two percen tage key s, %1 and %2 , on the d efault ke ybo ard . T hrough " Functio n Key Assign m ent Program mi ng" (see page 91) up to f ive percen tage key s may be placed on the k eyboard.
34 Operations SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register 000 PLU #1 1 000 PLU #4 1 SBTL % 1 CASH DATE 08/15/2003 SUN PLU 1 T1 $10.00 PLU 4 $10.00 SALE SURC 1 10.00% AMOUNT T1 2.00 TAX1 AMT $0.55 TOTAL $22.55 CASH $22.55 CLERK 01 No.00001 TIME 12:00 00 Preset 10% Surcharge on a Sale 100 PLU #1 2 5 % 1 PLU #1 CASH DATE 08/15/2003 SUN PLU 1 T1 $1.
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Operations 35 100 PLU #1 % 2 PLU #1 CASH DATE 08/15/2003 SUN PLU 1 T1 $1.00 PLU 1 T1-C -0.50 TAX1 AMT $0.03 TOTAL $0.53 CASH $0.53 CLERK 01 No.00001 TIME 12:00 00 Preset Store Coupon (Preset Amount Discount on an Item) 100 PLU #1 SBTL 2 5 % 1 CASH DATE 08/15/2003 SUN PLU 1 T1 $1.
36 Operations SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register 100 PLU #1 SBTL % 2 CASH DATE 08/15/2003 SUN PLU 1 T1 $1.00 VCPN AMT T1 -0.50 TAX1 AMT $0.03 TOTAL $0.
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Operations 37 Previous Item Void The previo us item void function allows the correction of any item p r evio usly entered in the current transaction. 5 0 PLU #2 100 PLU #1 200 PLU #4 VOID 100 PLU #1 VOID 5 0 PLU #2 CASH DATE 08/15/2003 SUN PLU 2 T2 $0.
38 Operations SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Mer chandise Return Merchandise return s may be registered as part of a separate transaction, or as part of a transaction wh ere other m erchandise is sold. Press the RETURN key before entering the related PLU.
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Operations 39 VOID Control Lock Posi tion (Transacti on Voi d) Most operatio ns, which can be performed with the control lock in the REG position, can also be d one with the control lock in the VOID position. The exceptions are Merchandise Returns, Erro r co rrect, and previo us item voids within a sale.
40 Operations SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Cancel Press the CANCEL key any time during a transaction to cancel th at transaction. (This is not a tender key .
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Operations 41 Subtotal Operations Subtotal Press the SBTL key at any tim e during a tran saction to view the total due, including tax and af ter adjustments.
42 Operations SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Eat-In/Take-Out/Drive Thru Operations In a restau rant, EAT-IN , TAKE-OUT and DRIVE THRU key s can be set up to pr o vide totals for each ty pe of sale. The EAT-IN , TAKE-OUT and DRIVE THRU key s may als o be set up to remov e taxes.
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Operations 43 Tax Shift Operations When tax shift operations are p e rfor med, the shift light on the display w ill illuminate. To charge a tax or taxes on a n on-taxable item press the appropriate tax shift k ey or keys prior to making the non-taxa ble P LU entry.
44 Operations SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register 100 PLU #1 200 PLU #3 SBTL TAX 1 SHIFT TAX 2 SHIFT SBTL CASH DATE 08/15/2003 SUN PLU 1 T1 $1.00 PLU 3 T12 $2.00 TOTAL $3.00 CASH $3.00 CLERK 01 No.00001 TIME 12:00 00 To Except Specific Taxes On Entire Sale 100 PLU #1 200 PLU #3 SBTL TA X EXEM PT SBTL CASH DATE 08/15/2003 SUN PLU 1 T1 $1.
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Operations 45 Tendering Operations Cash 100 PLU #1 200 PLU #4 CASH DATE 08/15/2003 SUN PLU 1 T1 $1.00 PLU 4 $2.00 TAX1 AMT $0.05 TOTAL $3.05 CASH $3.05 CLERK 01 No.00001 TIME 12:00 00 Cash Tender (exact amount of purchase) 100 PLU #1 200 PLU #4 DATE 08/15/2003 SUN PLU 1 T1 $1.
46 Operations SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register 100 PLU #1 200 PLU #4 DATE 08/15/2003 SUN PLU 1 T1 $1.00 PLU 4 $2.00 TAX1 AMT $0.05 TOTAL $3.05 CHECK $4.00 CHANGE $0.95 CLERK 01 No.00001 TIME 12:00 00 Check Tender with Change 000 CHECK CASH 1 DATE 08/15/2003 SUN **** CHECK-CASH ***** CHECK $10.
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Operations 47 Split Ten der The drawer will not open until the final balance has been paid . 200 PLU #1 300 PLU #1 100 PLU #4 DATE 08/15/2003 SUN PLU 1 T1 $2.00 PLU 1 T1 $3.00 PLU 4 $1.00 TAX1 AMT $0.25 TOTAL $6.
48 Operations SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Receipt on Request If a custom er requests a receipt after a sale has been fi nalized, a second depression of the CASH key will issu e a complete buff ered receipt.
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Operations 49 Training Mode A training m ode is available so that you can operate the cash register without updating totals and counters. Note the following conditions: The receipt and journal print the m essage "T RAINING MODE BEGIN" wh en trainin g mode is activ ated.
50 Operations SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Non-A dd Number With the #/NS key , you can enter a m emo num ber at any time an d print the n um ber on the receipt, journal, o r valid ation. T he no n-add ing number is not added to the sale, nor is it adde d to any register total, except the # key total itself.
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Operations 51 Receiv ed on A ccount Use the RECD ACCT key to record paymen ts or loans to the cash drawer. You can enter m ore than one ty pe of pay ment to the draw er. T he Received on Accou nt fu nction can only be used outside of a transaction.
52 Operations SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Paid Out Use the PAID OUT key to record paym ents or loans from the cash draw er. You can enter m ore than one type of paym ent to the d rawer. The Paid Out function can only be used outside of a transaction.
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Operations 53 Restaurant Operations The SAM4s ER-5115 can be used to add item s or receive paym ents on guest check s. To use these feature s, the ap pro priate function keys must be includ ed o n the ke yboard .
54 Operations SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Tracking Balances w ith the TA BLE # Key The SAM4s ER-5115 can retain u p to 100 current balan ces in m emory. The balan ce is accessed by entering the tr acking number ( in a resta urant, this is usua lly the tab le number) and pr essing the TABLE # key.
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Operations 55 Pay ments Paym ents m ay be received any time af ter a balance is entered or recalled. New items can be added during the same transaction. 4 9 T ABL E # 100 PLU #1 SBTL 000 CASH 2 DATE 08/15/2003 SUN TABLE # #49 P/BAL $11.
56 Operations SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Optional Check Printer Sample Printout If an optional slip p r inter is attached, the print format for guest check printing is shown below. GUEST # #2 TABLE # #49 P/BAL $0.00 PLU 4 $10.00 SERVICE $10.
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Operations 57 Promo Function The PROMO key allow s the operator to account for prom otional items (i.e. bu y tw o, get one free).
58 Operations SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Currency Conv ersion If y ou norm ally accept currency from a neig hboring nation, y ou can program the SAM4s ER-5115 to convert the su btotal of a sale to the equ ivalent cost in the foreig n currency .
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Operations 59 Food Stamp Operations The SAM4s ER-5115 can be set u p to sort food stam p eligible mercha ndise and accept f ood stam p paym ents. See "Function Key Assign men t Programm ing" on page 91 to place the necessary function keys ( F/S SHIFT , F/S SUB , F/S TEND ) on the keyboard.
60 Operations SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Scale Operations The SAM4s ER-5115 can be interf aced to an optional load- cell scale, allowi ng direct entry of an item's w eight b y using the SCALE key .
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Operations 61 Scale With A utomatic Tare Entry Place a product on the scale, en ter the preprogram med tare num ber and press the SCALE key . T he weight, less the tare, w ill app ear o n the cash register display.
62 Operations SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Notes.
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Management Functions 63 Management Functions Introduction All Manag ement Fu nctions tak e place with the control lock in the X position. In this way only those with the correct key w ill have access to these fu nctions.
64 Management Functions SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Changing the Default PLU Lev el The default level is the top , or surface level return ed to after each PLU en try w hen options are set for pop-up le vels.
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Management Functions 65 Or, enter each denom ination separately: 1. Turn the control lock to the X or Z position (depending upon the ty pe of report you are takin g.) 2. Pr ess the CASH key. CASH 3. Enter the total of pennies: 7 6 CASH 4.
66 Management Functions SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register System Reports Sy stem reports are divided int o tw o basic categ ories: X reports, which read totals without resetting Z reports, which read totals and reset them to zero Most reports are available in both categ ories.
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Management Functions 67 Report Table Report Type Report Number Report Mode Control Lock Position Key Sequence Financial 1 X X 1 - SBTL Z Z 1 - SB TL X2 X 201 - S.
68 Management Functions SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Financial Report Example (Report #1) DATE 08/15/2003 SUN Z1 REPORT 0002 --------------------- FINANCIAL +PLU TTL 9.00 $139.00 -PLU TTL 0.00 $0.00 ADJST TTL 9.00 $139.00 --------------------- NONTAX $119.
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Management Functions 69 Financial Report Example, Continued %5 0 $0.00 NET SALE 10 $139.39 CREDIT TAX1 1 -0.33 CREDIT TAX2 0 $0.00 CREDIT TAX3 0 $0.00 CREDIT TAX4 0 $0.00 FD/S CREDIT $0.00 RETURN 1 -5.00 ERROR CORR 1 -10.
70 Management Functions SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Financial Report Example, Continued FD/S-IN-D 0 $0.00 CHG1 SALES 1 $25.00 CHG2 SALES 1 $30.00 CHG3 SALES 0 $0.00 CHG4 SALES 0 $0.00 CHG5 SALES 0 $0.00 FOREIGN 1 $0.00 FOREIGN 2 $0.00 DRWR TTL $139.
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Management Functions 71 Optional Abbreviated Financial Report Example DATE 08/15/2003 SUN Z1 REPORT 0002 --------------------- FINANCIAL ADJST TTL 9.00 $139.00 --------------------- NONTAX $119.00 TAX1 SALES $10.
72 Management Functions SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Optional Abbreviated Financial Report Example, Continued R/A 1 $10.00 P/O 1 -10.00 NOSALE 1 NON-ADD # 0 CASH-IN-D $74.39 CHECK-IN-D 1 $10.00 FD/S-IN-D 0 $0.00 CHG1 SALES 1 $25.00 CHG2 SALES 1 $30.
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Management Functions 73 Time Report Example (Report #2) DATE 08/15/2003 SUN Z1 REPORT 0002 --------------------- TIME 8:00-9:00 CNT 3 SALES AMT $3.16 SALE RATE 1.65% 9:00-10:00 CNT 23 SALES AMT $62.15 SALE RATE 32.
74 Management Functions SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register A ll PLU Report Example (Report #3) The PLU repor t example here is shown w ith optional sales rates calculated (p ercentage o f sales for each PLU). See option #6, "System Option Programm ing" on page 108 to add or delete this information.
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Management Functions 75 PLU Report Example, Continued PLU 540 CNT 3 SALES AMT $7.50 SALE RATE 4.36% TOTAL CNT 60.
76 Management Functions SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register A ll Clerk Report Example (Report #4) The clerk report may be generated for all clerks or f or individual clerk s. The clerk report can in clude media in form ation for cashier accoun tability (see ex ample on next page).
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Management Functions 77 Clerk Report Example (W ith Cashier Totals) DATE 08/15/2003 SUN X1 REPORT 0002 --------------------- ALL CLERK CLERK 01 10 NET SALE $139.39 NONTAX $119.00 TAX1 SALES $10.00 TAX2 SALES $25.
78 Management Functions SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Clerk Report Example, Continued PREVIOUS VD 1 -20.00 VOID MODE 1 -5.33 CANCEL 2 $20.00 R/A 1 $10.00 P/O 1 -10.00 CASH-IN-D $74.39 CHECK-IN-D 1 $10.00 FD/S-IN-D 0 $0.00 CHG1 SALES 1 $25.00 CHG2 SALES 1 $30.
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Management Functions 79 Clerk Report Example, Continued CLERK 02 CLERK 03 CLERK 04 CLERK 05 CLERK 06 CLERK 07 CLERK 08 CLERK 09 CLERK 10 CLERK 11 CLERK 12 CLERK 13 CLERK 14 CLERK 15 CLERK 01 No.
80 Management Functions SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Cash-In-Draw er Report Example (Report #5) DATE 08/15/2003 SUN X1 REPORT 0001 --------------------- CASH-IN-DRAWER SALES AMT $141.
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Management Functions 81 Daily Sales Report Example (Report #8) The register accum ulates sales data until m id night of the each day . Days correspond to the day of the mont h kept by the register's calendar.
82 Management Functions SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Item by Gr oup Repor t Example (Report #10) This report organizes PLU sales by the group to w hich each PLU is reported. Because of the sorting involved in this report, there w ill be a noticeable d elay w hile it is printing.
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Management Functions 83 Item by Group Report Example, Continued GROUP 1 GROUP 2 GROUP 3 GROUP 4 GROUP 5 GROUP 6 GROUP 7 GROUP 8 GROUP 9 GROUP 10 GROUP 11 GROUP 12 GROUP 13 GROUP 14 GROUP 15 GROUP 16 GROUP 17 GROUP 18 GROUP 19 GROUP 20 ********************* TOTAL CNT 60.
84 Management Functions SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Open Table Report Example (Report #11) DATE 08/15/2003 SUN X1 REPORT 0001 --------------------- OPEN TABLE TABLE 2 $0.00 CLERK 1 TABLE 45 $0.00 CLERK 1 TABLE 49 $0.00 CLERK 2 TABLE 56 $0.00 CLERK 2 CLERK 01 No.
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Management Functions 85 Inventory PLU Report Example (Report #12) This report reads the sales count for all PLUs w here the sales counter is set to decrem ent (count dow n) for in ventory l evel track ing.
86 Management Functions SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Group Report Exampl e (Repor t #20) Because each PLU can be reported to on e or tw o groups, the total at th e end of this report does n ot necessarily ref lect the total of item sales. You can also program individual groups not to add to the total at th e end of this report.
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Management Functions 87 System Balancing PLU Sales Total +/- PLU Sales $ Example + Positive PLUs $ - Negative PLUs $ = Adjusted PLU Sales Total $ Net Sales +/- N.
88 Management Functions SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Grand Total +/- Grand Tot al $ Example + Previous Grand Total $ + Absolute Value of Tod ay's Gross Sales Total $ = Today' s Gra.
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Programming 89 Programming Ov erview In this chapter you will f ind: "Func tion Key Assignment Pr o gramming" o n p age 9 1, where you c a n assign new functions in programmable locations or make other changes to the default keyboard .
90 Programming SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Default Program The SAM4s ER-5115 arrives w ith a def ault or g eneric prog ram al ready i nstal led. Program options are set to 0 (Zero), unl ess otherw ise noted, w hich m eans the mach ine can be operated im mediately after a RA M clear procedure is perform ed.
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Programming 91 Function Key A ssignment Programming Function k eys may be relocated, inactivated or changed w ith this program . For example, y ou may wi sh to place fun ctions, such as PREVIOUS BALANCE an d SERVICE , w hich are n ot placed on the defa ult ke yboard .
92 Programming SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Function Key Codes Code Function Code Function 1 Cash 31 Eat In 2 Check 32 Tak e Ou t 3 Subtot al 33 Drive Thru 4 Macro 1 34 Receiv ed on Accou nt.
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Programming 93 Tax Programming The SAM4s ER-5115 has the capability to support four separate taxes. Taxes can be calcu lated as either a st raigh t percentag e rate of bet w een .001% and 99.999% , or a 60 break point tax table.
94 Programming SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Straight Percentage Tax Rate Programming When tax requirements m ay be met using a straight percentage rate, use the follow ing method to program a tax as a straight percentage. Programming Straight Percentage Tax Rates and Status 1.
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Programming 95 Tax Table Programming In som e cases, a tax that is entered as a percen tage does not follow exactly the tax charts th at apply in your area (ev en if th e tax chart is based on a percen tage). In th ese cases, we recom mend that y ou enter your tax using tax table programming.
96 Programming SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Tax Table Programming Example - Illinois 6% Tax Table Tax Charged Sale Dollar Range Break point Difference s $0.00 $0.00 - $0.10 $0.01 $0.11 - $0.21 11 $0.02 $0.22 - $0.38 17 $0.03 $0.39 - $0.56 18 Non-Re peat $0.
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Programming 97 PLU Programming All PLUs, w hether they are registered by pressing a PLU k ey on the key b oard, or by en tering the PLU nu m ber and pressi ng t he PLU key, have the same pro gr amming options.
98 Programming SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register PLU Number Assignment f or Keyboard PLUs and PLU Levels PLUs hav e fix ed num bers from 1 to 1000.
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Programming 99 Program 100 - PLU Status Programming 1. Turn the control lock to the P positio n. 2. To begin the prog ram, en ter 1 0 0 , press the SBTL key.
100 Programming SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register PLU Status Chart A ddress P r o g r a m O p t i o n Value = Sum N1 P LU is gallo na ge? Yes = 1 No = 0 PLU is single item? Yes = 2 No = 0 PLU is .
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Programming 101 Program 150 - PLU Gr oup Assignment Each PLU m ay report to an y t w o of 21 grou ps. Group tot als appear on report s, so th at y ou can track sales of different ty pes of items. A group can also be used to designate items that are to print on an optional kitchen p r inter.
102 Programming SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Program 200 - PLU Price/HA LO Programming If a PLU is open, set th e HALO (h igh am ount lock out) h ere. If a PLU is preset set the preset price here. If a PLU is set w ith gallonage status, enter the price per gallo n here.
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Programming 103 Program 250 - PLU Stock Amount Programming With this pr ogram, you can you ca n add sto ck to the P LU sales c ounters fo r P LUs you have design ated as s tock keepi ng PL Us. See "Program 100 - PLU Statu s Program ming " on page 99 to set up stoc k ke eping P LUs.
104 Programming SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Program 300 - PLU Descriptor Programming 1. Turn the control lock to the P positio n. 2. To begin the prog ram, en ter 3 0 0 , press the SBTL key.
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Programming 105 Descriptor Code Ch art CHAR S P A C E ! " # $ % & ' ( ) CODE 032 033 034 035 036 037 038 039 040 041 CHAR * + , - .
106 Programming SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Program 400 - PLU Link Programming PLU link programming allow s you to link a P LU to another PLU, so that registratio n o f the first PLU will autom atically trigger registration of the linked PLU.
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Programming 107 Delete PLU Links 1. Turn the control lock to the P po sitio n. 2. To begin the prog ram, en ter 4 0 0 , press the SBTL key.
108 Programming SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register System Option Programming Refer to th e “Sy stem Option Table” on page 109 to review the system options.
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Programming 109 Sy stem Option Table A ddress S Y S T E M O P T I O N V A L U E = S U M 1 Cash declaration is compu lsory bef ore X or Z Financial report may be .
110 Programming SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register A ddress S Y S T E M O P T I O N V A L U E = S U M 10 Reset the Clerk repor t Z cou nter af ter a Z1 Clerk report? Yes = 1 No = 0 Reset the Daily.
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Programming 111 A ddress S Y S T E M O P T I O N V A L U E = S U M 20 Compulsor y tare weight? Yes = 1 No = 0 Am ounts can be entered into scaleable PLUs without using the scale function.
112 Programming SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register A ddress S Y S T E M O P T I O N V A L U E = S U M 29 Round ing for sp lit pricing and d ecimal multiplication: round u p at 0.
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Programming 113 A ddress S Y S T E M O P T I O N V A L U E = S U M 39 Allow any clerk to recall open table nu mbers? Yes = 1 No = 0 Service total prints o n gues.
114 Programming SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Function Key Programming Three program s are used to prog ram f unction key s; Program 70 - is used to set each k eys in dividual option s Progra.
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Programming 115 Function Key Programming Summary The table below su mm arizes the function k eys program med h ere and the prog rams th at apply to each key: Fun.
116 Programming SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Program 70 - Function Key Options Use Program 70 to set option s for fu nction key s. Because of the diff erences inh erent in f unction keys , individual options w ill b e d ifferent. See the specific instru ctions for each k ey in th is chapter to find th e options f or each key .
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Programming 117 Program 80 - Function Key Descriptor Use Program 80 to program alph anum eric descriptors f or fun ction key s.
118 Programming SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Program 90 - Functi on Key HA LO Use P r ogram 90 to pr ogram a high amount loc k out (HALO ) for a func tion key. Only specific keys require this program . For example, y o u can set a HA LO for th e CASH , CHECK or CHARGE key s.
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Programming 119 #/No Sale - Function Key Programs Options - Program 70 #/NS CA SH R ep eat f or an ot her f unct ion ke y N1 SBTL 0 7 N2 N3 A ddress O P T I O N .
120 Programming SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register HALO - Program 90 You can set the number of digits allowed for the non-add entry function of the #/NS key.
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Programming 121 Cash - Function Key Programs Options - Program 70 CASH CA SH R ep eat f or an ot her f unct ion ke y N1 SBTL 0 7 N2 N3 A ddress O P T I O N V A L.
122 Programming SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Charge - Function Key Programs CHAR G E CASH R ep eat f or an ot her f unct ion ke y N1 SBTL 0 7 N2 N3 N4 A ddress O P T I O N V A L U E = S U M .
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Programming 123 Check - Function Key Pr ogr ams Options - Program 70 CHECK CA SH R ep eat f or an ot her f unct ion ke y N1 SBTL 0 7 N2 N3 A ddress O P T I O N V.
124 Programming SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Check Cashing - Function Key Programs Options - Program 70 CHECK CASH CA SH R ep eat f or an ot her f unct ion ke y N1 SBTL 0 7 A ddress O P T I .
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Programming 125 Currency Conversion - Functi on Key Programs Descriptor - Program 80 CONV CASH Repeat for another functi on k e y SBTL 0 8 Enter up to 12 descript or c odes Currency Conversion Rate - Program 90 1.
126 Programming SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Drive Thru - Function Key Programs Options - Program 70 DRI V E TH RU CASH R ep eat f or an ot her f unct ion ke y N1 SBTL 0 7 N2 A ddress O P T .
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Programming 127 Eat-In - Function Key Programs Options - Program 70 EAT IN CASH R ep eat f or an ot her f unct ion ke y N1 SBTL 0 7 N2 A ddress O P T I O N V A L.
128 Programming SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Error Cor rect - Function Key Programs Options - Program 70 ERROR CORRECT CASH Repeat for another functi on k e y N1 SBTL 0 7 A ddress O P T I O .
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Programming 129 Food Stamp Tender - Function Key Programs Options - Program 70 F/S T E NDER CASH R ep eat f or an ot her f unct ion ke y N1 SBTL 0 7 N2 N3 A ddre.
130 Programming SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Guest # - Function Key Pr ogr ams Options - Program 70 GUEST CA SH R ep eat f or an ot her f unct ion ke y N1 SBTL 0 7 A ddress O P T I O N V A L.
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Programming 131 Previous Balance - Function Key Programs Options - Program 70 PREVIO US BALANC E CASH R ep eat f or an ot her f unct ion ke y N1 SBTL 0 7 A ddres.
132 Programming SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Promo - Function Key Programs Options - Program 70 PR OM O CASH R ep eat f or an ot her f unct ion ke y N1 SBTL 0 7 A ddress O P T I O N V A L U .
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Programming 133 Paid Out - Function Key Programs Options - Program 70 P/O CASH R ep eat f or an ot her f unct ion ke y N1 SBTL 0 7 A ddress O P T I O N V A L U E.
134 Programming SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Received on A ccount - Functi on Key Programs Options - Program 70 R/A CA SH R ep eat f or an ot her f unct ion ke y N1 SBTL 0 7 A ddress O P T I.
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Programming 135 Return - Function Key Programs Options - Program 70 RETURN CA SH R ep eat f or an ot her f unct ion ke y N1 SBTL 0 7 A ddress O P T I O N V A L U.
136 Programming SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Scale - Function Key Programs Options - Program 70 SCAL E CASH R ep eat f or an ot her f unct ion ke y N1 SBTL 0 7 N2 A ddress O P T I O N V A L .
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Programming 137 Table # - Function Key Programs Options - Program 70 T ABL E # CA SH R ep eat f or an ot her f unct ion ke y N1 SBTL 0 7 A ddress O P T I O N V A.
138 Programming SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Take Out - Function Key Pr ogr ams Options - Program 70 TAKE OUT CASH Repeat for another functi on k e y N1 SBTL 0 7 N2 A ddress O P T I O N V A .
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Programming 139 Tax Exempt - Function Key Pr ogr ams Options - Program 70 TA X EXEM PT CA SH R ep eat f or an ot her f unct ion ke y N1 SBTL 0 7 N2 A ddress O P .
140 Programming SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Tray Subtotal - Functi on Key Progr ams Options - Program 70 TRA Y SBTL CASH R ep eat f or an ot her f unct ion ke y N1 SBTL 0 7 N2 A ddress O P .
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Programming 141 Void - Function Key Programs Options - Program 70 VOID CA SH R ep eat f or an ot her f unct ion ke y N1 SBTL 0 7 A ddress O P T I O N V A L U E =.
142 Programming SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Waste - Function Key Pr ogr ams Options - Program 70 WASTE CASH R ep eat f or an ot her f unct ion ke y N1 SBTL 0 7 A ddress O P T I O N V A L U .
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Programming 143 % Key - Function Key Programs Options - Program 70 % CAS H Repeat for another functi on k e y N1 SBTL 0 7 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 A ddress O P T I O N V A.
144 Programming SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Descriptor - Program 80 % CASH Repeat for another functi on k e y SBTL 0 8 Enter up to 12 descript or c odes Percentage or HALO - Program 90 % CA.
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Programming 145 Clerk Programming Clerks (wh ich m ay be used as cash iers), have th e follow ing program m ing option s.
146 Programming SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Program 800 - Secret Code Pr ogr ammi ng 1. Turn the control lock to the P positio n. 2. To begin the prog ram, en ter 8 0 0 , press the SBTL key. 0 SBTL 0 8 3. Enter the num ber ( 1 - 15 ) of the clerk you wi sh to program ; press the X/TIM E key.
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Programming 147 Program 810 - Clerk Descriptor Programming 1. Turn the control lock to the P positio n. 2. To begin the prog ram, en ter 8 1 0 , press the SBTL key. 0 SBTL 1 8 3. Enter the num ber ( 1 - 15 ) of the clerk you wi sh to program ; press the X/TIM E key.
148 Programming SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Descriptor Code Ch art CHAR S P A C E ! " # $ % & ' ( ) CODE 032 033 034 035 036 037 038 039 040 041 CHAR * + , - .
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Programming 149 Miscellaneous Programming Program 95 - Macro Key Sequence Programming Macros are special fun ction key s that are used to execute a sequen ce of key depressions. For exam ple, a macro m ight be used to ex ecute a string of reports or to autom atically tender a preset amou nt.
150 Programming SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Receipt/Check Endorsement M essage Progr ammi ng A pream ble message of up to f our lines can be prin ted at the top of each receipt; a postam ble message of up to fou r lines can be printed at th e bottom of each receipt.
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Programming 151 Descriptor Code Ch art CHAR S P A C E ! " # $ % & ' ( ) CODE 032 033 034 035 036 037 038 039 040 041 CHAR * + , - .
152 Programming SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Group Status and Descri ptor Pr ogr amming 21 Group totals are available to accum ulate totals of individu al PLUs that are assign ed to each group. Each PLU can be assig ned to one or tw o diff erent g roups.
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Programming 153 Programming Group Descriptors 1. Turn the control lock to the P positio n. 2. To begin the prog ram, en ter 9 1 0 , press the SBTL key. 0 SBTL 1 9 3. Enter the num ber ( 1 - 20 ) of th e group y ou wi sh to prog ram; press th e X/TIM E key .
154 Programming SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Scale Tare Weight Programming A tare is the am ount of w eight accounted f or by the con tainer or packag ing. By entering a tare weig ht (as required by law in some areas) th e w eight of the contain er is subtracted and only the true w eight of the produ ct is measu red on the scale.
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Programming 155 Draw er Limit Programming You can set the total am ount of cash an d checks allow ed to be in cash draw er at one tim e. (When the limit is equaled or exceeded, the error tone w ill sound at the com pletion of each transaction.
156 Programming SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Default Level Programming The default level is th e "top" or " surface" level return ed to after each PLU en try w hen options are set for P op -up levels. Programming the Default Level 1.
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Programming 157 Date and Time Programming The SAM4s ER-5115 f eatures a battery main tained 24-h our clock and calen dar w ith the date and day changing automatically . However, from time to tim e it may be necessary to change either the tim e o r the date.
158 Programming SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register PC Schedule Operation Programming The register must be in a ready condition before a PC can connect to it. Yo u can p rogram the register to enter the ready condition automatically at a set tim e, o r you can enter or exit the ready condition manually.
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Programming 159 Program Scans Since m uch tim e and energy h as been inv ested in the plann ing an d program mi ng of y our SAM4s ER- 5115 , it is advisable to pr int a hard copy of the final program f or future reference.
160 Programming SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register PLU Program Scan DATE 08/15/2003 SUN ********************* PLU SCAN ********************* PLU 1 STATUS T1 00000001 LINK GROUP 00 00 HALO AMT @0.
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Programming 161 Tax Program Scan DATE 08/15/2003 SUN --------------------- TAX SCAN --------------------- **** TAX 1 TABLE **** NON TAX AMT $0.10 FIRST TAX AMT $0.01 --------------------- POINT VALUE $0.11 POINT VALUE $0.
162 Programming SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Function Key Program Scan DATE 08/15/2003 SUN --------------------- FUNC.PGM.SCAN --------------------- CASH 0 HALO $0.
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Programming 163 Clerk Program Scan DATE 08/15/2003 SUN --------------------- CLERK PGM.SCAN --------------------- CLERK1: SAM SECRET CODE 0 DRAWER 1 CLERK1: ANNA SECRET CODE 0 DRAWER 1 CLERK 01 No.
164 Programming SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Group Descri ptor Pr ogr am Scan DATE 08/15/2003 SUN --------------------- GROUP PGM SCAN --------------------- GROUP0 : 0 GROUP1 :DRINKS 0 GROUP2 : 0 GROUP3 : 0 GROUP4 : 0 CLERK 01 No.
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Programming 165 Receipt Message Program Scan DATE 08/15/2003 SUN --------------------- PRE/POST MSG.SCAN --------------------- THE SANSUNG ER-5115 ELECTRONIC CASH REGISTER THANK YOU FOR SHOPPING FOR DEPOSIT ONLY ACCT# 1234567890 THE STORE, INC.
166 Programming SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Sy stem Option/Default level/ Draw er Limit/Tare Scan DATE 08/15/2003 SUN --------------------- SYSTEM OPN SCAN --------------------- SYSTEM OPN .
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Programming 167 Key Location Program Scan DATE 08/15/2003 SUN --------------------- FKEY LOCATION SCAN --------------------- 1:F/S SHIFT 2:LEVEL1 3:LEVEL2 4:LEVE.
168 Programming SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Macro Program Scan DATE 08/15/2003 SUN --------------------- MACRO KEY SCAN --------------------- MACRO 1 : 1 2 3 4 5 NOSALE MACRO 2 : MACRO 3 : MACRO 4 : MACRO 5 : CLERK 01 No.
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Glossary of Terms 169 Glossary of Terms A cti vi ty Count The activity cou nter keeps track of the n um ber of tim es an entry is made on a PLU, or fu nction k ey. A udaction Refers to the total of all negative sale transactions.
170 Glossary of Terms SA M4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Default Program The original p rogram installed in the ER-5115 . The register has a defau lt program that m akes it operational after a RA M clear. Nearly all option, rate, and status program s are set to zero as the default cond itio n.
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Glossary of Terms 171 No Sale No sale is an operatio n to simply open the cash drawer. Override Override is an operation used to by pass a program me d price or HAL O.
172 Glossary of Terms SA M4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Tax Shift Tax shift key s are used to rev erse the tax status of a PLU entry . Tender The method of register ope ratio n in which pay ment is m ad e and the transaction is finalized. Void A void operation will erase a previous item entry.
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Index 173 Index # #/No Sale - Function Key P rograms · 119 % % Ke y - Function Key Program s · 143 A abbrev iated Fina ncial re port sy stem option #3 · 109 A.
174 Index SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register D Date format sy stem option #13 · 110 date printing sy stem option #12 · 110 Date Program ming · 157 Day of Wee k Progr am mi ng · 157 Decim al pr.
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Index 175 ma nage r control % ke y · 143 Cance l ke y · 120 Cash te ndering · 121 charg e tendering · 122 Check Cash key · 124 Check tendering · 123 Error .
176 Index SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Stam p and Log o printing sy stem option #30 · 112 stay down leve ls sy stem option #34 · 112 staydown clerks sy stem option #15 · 110 Stock A mount.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Sam4s SAM4s ER-5115 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Sam4s SAM4s ER-5115 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Sam4s SAM4s ER-5115 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Sam4s SAM4s ER-5115 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Sam4s SAM4s ER-5115 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Sam4s SAM4s ER-5115 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Sam4s SAM4s ER-5115 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Sam4s SAM4s ER-5115 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.