Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product ST32271N/W/WC/WD/DC van de fabrikant Seagate
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Con tents Prefac e . .. . ... . .. . .... ..... . ...... ..... . .... . ... . .. . .... ..... . ...... ..... . .... . ... ........ . ... . 1 Electr ostatic discharge protection ................................................ 1 Imp ortant safety informatio n an d pre cautions .
Barracuda 4LP Installation Guide, Rev . B 1 Preface This manual contains infor mation for u sers of the Seaga te® Barracuda 4LP SCSI disc drives. I t p r ovides su pport services, performance s pecifi cations, a nd initial setup inf ormati on. Ad di- tional i nformation is available in the Barracuda 4LP Product Manual (part number 77767491).
2 Barracuda 4LP Installation Guide, Rev . B • Tu r n of f the powe r before removing or installing the DC power cable. • Do not remove any cir cuit boards f rom t h e drive.
Barracuda 4LP Installation Guide, Rev . B 3 stacke d verti cally , pay s pecial attention to the top whe r e t em- perature s are usually highest. • Follow the precautions l isted ab o ve in “Electr ostatic disch ar ge prote ction.” • Do not remove any circuit boards from the drive.
4 Barracuda 4LP Installation Guide, Rev . B This unit is a component part and as such is not meant to comply with FCC or similar national requirem e nt s a s a stand-alone unit. Engineering radiated emissions te st re sults a r e available throu gh the Seag ate Safety Depart ment to a s sist the subs ystem designe r .
Barracuda 4LP Installation Guide, Rev . B 5 Beach ten Sie in jedem Fall die folg enden Wa rn-und V orsich t - shinweise: • Beach ten Sie alle Warn- und V or sichtshinweise in diesem Handbu ch. • Tref fe n Sie beim Betrieb, bei der Installation o d er bei der Entfernung der Ei n h ei t angemes sene Sicherheitsvorkehrun- gen.
6 Barracuda 4LP Installation Guide, Rev . B • Die vormontierte Kopf- und Fe stpl atteneinheit (HDA) nicht a us dem L aufwer k neh m en! Falls die HDA b eschä dig t ist, schicke n Sie das g esamte Laufwerk zur Reparatur ein.
Barracuda 4LP Installation Guide, Rev . B 7 magnetische Strahlung sind für Designer von Untersystemen auf Anfra ge von d er Seaga te-Sicherheit sabteilu ng e r hältl ich.
8 Barracuda 4LP Installation Guide, Rev . B T echnical sup p ort services If you nee d assistance inst alli n g your dr ive, cons ult you r dealer . Dealers are familiar with their unique s ys t em co nf igurations and can help you with system con f lict s and other technical issu es.
Barracuda 4LP Installation Guide, Rev . B 9 SeaBO ARD ® SeaBOARD is a c omputer bulletin board system ( BBS) that con- tain s information abou t Seagate’ s disc and tape driv e p r oducts and is available 24 hours daily . S et your communications soft - ware to eight data bi ts, no pari ty , and one stop bit (8 - N-1).
10 Barracuda 4 LP Installation Gui de, Rev . B Seag ate T e chn ology F AX servic es SeaF AX ® Y ou can us e a touch-tone telephone to ac cess Sea gate’s auto- mated F AX system to receive technical support informati on b y return F AX. T his s ervice is available 2 4 hours d ai ly .
Barracuda 4LP Installation Guide, Rev . B 1 1 Before c alling, not e your system configuration and dri ve model number (ST xxx x ). T her e are se veral technical s upport phon e numbers available for v ar ious Sea gate prod ucts.
12 Barracuda 4 LP Installation Gui de, Rev . B Gen eral des criptio n Barracuda 4LP SCSI disc drives are high-speed , random-ac cess digital- dat a storage devices. The d r ive is a com ponen t for i nstallation in a n enclosure designed for the drive.
Barracuda 4LP Installation Guide, Rev . B 13 T able 1. Drive charact eristics Interf ace UltraSCSI [ 1] Capac ity Form at ted [2] Unformatt ed ST3 4371 4.35 Gbyte [2] 5.31 Gbyte ST3 2171 2.16 Gbyte [2] 2.65 Gbyte ST3 4571 4.55 Gbyte [2] 5.54 Gbyte ST3 2271 2.
14 Barracuda 4 LP Installation Gui de, Rev . B [2] St andard factor y unit s are fo rmatted 5 1 2 da ta byte s per secto r wit h spa r in g equiva l e nt to eight y spa re sect ors per eight c yli n d er reg i on . Spa res are loca ted a t the end of each sparin g regio n.
Barracuda 4LP Installation Guide, Rev . B 15 T able 2b. DC p ower r equir ements (Amps) [1] Measured with an av e r ag e reading DC amm eter . Instanta- neous +12 V cur rent p eaks w ill e xc eed t hese values. [2] A –1 0% droo p is permi ssible during init ial star t of the spindle but m ust return to ±5% befor e reach i ng 7,200 RPM.
16 Barracuda 4 LP Installation Gui de, Rev . B [5] See “Conducted noise immunity” in the Barra cuda 4LP Prod- uct Manu al . The sp ecif ied voltage tolerance is inclusive of ripple, noise, and transient respon se. [6] Operating condition is defined as random s eek re ad opera- tions with a block count of 64.
Barracuda 4LP Installation Guide, Rev . B 17 Init ial setu p in f o r mation The general information beginning on thi s page ap pl ies to all of the Barracuda 4LP drive models.
18 Barracuda 4 LP Installation Gui de, Rev . B SC SI I D ju mpers Each device o n the SCSI chain must h ave a unique SCSI ID. The host s ystem’s SCSI c ont roller usually u ses t he ID that h as the highes t pr iori ty interr u pt in t he SCSI I/O s ystem.
Barracuda 4LP Installation Guide, Rev . B 19 the c ase, change the ID so that e ac h de vice on t he SCSI chain has its own unique ID . Al so check yo ur s ystem or controller user ’s manual to ensure tha t you have not violate d i t s SCSI ID numbering reco m me ndations.
20 Barracuda 4 LP Installation Gui de, Rev . B For informat ion about how to ter minate your drive, refer to the appropriate dri ve-specifi c section. Figure 2. SCSI bus t ermination T erm ina tor po wer Y ou u sually wi ll not need to chang e this opti on and c an n ormally leave the d r ive config ured as it was shipped f r om the factory .
Barracuda 4LP Installation Guide, Rev . B 21 Figures 3a, 3b, 3c, and 3d show typical drive conn ectio ns. The following table lists t he ma x i mum cable lengths and n u m ber of device s wi th s in g l e-end ed I /O c ircuits allowed on a daisy -chain cable for < 1 0 and < 20 M transfer s/sec I/O d ata tran sfer rates.
22 Barracuda 4 LP Installation Gui de, Rev . B Figur e 3a . Fifty pin I/O connection t o dri ve Figure 3b. Si xty-eight pin connection t o drive Pin 1 HDA Pin 1 HDA.
Barracuda 4LP Installation Guide, Rev . B 23 [ 1 ] “X” means up to 6 or th e maxim um allo wab l e num b er of dev ices on the SCSI bu s. See T able 4 and system d ocu me ntati on.
24 Barracuda 4 LP Installation Gui de, Rev . B [1] Do not mix “W” and “WD” mo de l d rive s on t h e daisy ch ai n. [2] “ X ” mea ns up to 15 or the m axim um a ll owa ble n um ber o f d evices o n the SCSI bu s. See T able 4 and system d ocu me ntati on.
Barracuda 4LP Installation Guide, Rev . B 25 Note. This drive model plugs d i rectly into a backplane connec- tor and t her efore uses no cables. Figure 3e.
26 Barracuda 4 LP Installation Gui de, Rev . B Pro vid ing ade qu ate coolin g The enclosure design must ensure adeq uate cooling f or th e driv e. The maximum ambient t emperatur e is 50 ° C. The drive’ s product m anual (7776 7491) de scribes how to evalu- ate the air - f low design.
Barracuda 4LP Installation Guide, Rev . B 27 Kü hlun g des System s Die Gehäuseko nstr uktion mu ß eine ausreiche nde Kühlung de s Lauf wer k es gew ährlei sten .
28 Barracuda 4 LP Installation Gui de, Rev . B . Figure 4. Suggested air flow Abbild ung 4. Em pfohlener L uftstromver lauf Above unit Über der Einheit Under unit Unter der Einheit Above unit Über der Einheit Under unit Unter der Einheit Note.
Barracuda 4LP Installation Guide, Rev . B 29 Mou nti ng the driv e and conne ctin g cabl es Do not touch the c onnector pins or any components on the con- trol board wit h o ut o b serving stati c- discha r ge precautions. Alw ays handle the d r ive by the frame only .
30 Barracuda 4 LP Installation Gui de, Rev . B 1. Befestigen Sie d as Laufwer k m i t vier 6-32-UN C-Schr aube n am Geh äuse de s Host-System s. Die bei den Seiten de s Laufwe rkes si nd mit je weils zwei Befes t ig ungsl öcher n versehen, die Unterseite des Laufwerkes weist v i e r weit ere Befestig u ngslöch er auf.
Barracuda 4LP Installation Guide, Rev . B 31 defined i n IEC 950. Figure 5 pr o vides the pin inf ormati on for the DC power connec tor . T o connect the DC power cable to the drive, simply i nsert the ca ble end into the drive’s DC power connec t or .
32 Barracuda 4 LP Installation Gui de, Rev . B Note. Signal ground on the powe r contr ol board (PCB) and the head and disc assembly (HDA) are c onnec ted to gether in this d rive and you cann ot sepa r ate th em.
Barracuda 4LP Installation Guide, Rev . B 33 tem ei nba uen . D ie d arau s u. U. res ult ie rende ve rs tä rkt e elektromagnetisc he St rahlung fällt in den Zuständigkeits - bereich des Systemdes i g ners. 5. Replace the host system’s co ver . 5.
34 Barracuda 4 LP Installation Gui de, Rev . B Figure 6. Mount ing confi guration dimensions A F D E L [1] [3] B G [1] Mounting holes three on each side, 6-32 UNC. Max screw length into side of drive 0.15 in. (3.81 mm). Screw tightening torque 6.
Barracuda 4LP Installation Guide, Rev . B 35 Form atting th e d rive Warning. Formatting a drive erases a l l user data. Be sure that you understand this principle b e f ore form atting any hard disc dri ve. It is not neces sary to form at a dri ve that previously has been used to store data, unless your intention is to e r ase all user da t a.
36 Barracuda 4 LP Installation Gui de, Rev . B N dri ves N/ND d ri ves secti on Settin g the SCS I ID ju m pe rs Use th e J6 co n nector to s et the SCSI ID (see Figure 7). T o chan ge the SCSI ID, i nstall j umpers on t h e appro pr iate pi ns as shown in th e i llust rati o n.
Barracuda 4LP I n s t allati on Guide, Re v . B 37 N dri ves T erm i na tin g the dri v e “N” model drive s are termi nated with permanently mou nt ed IC active termi n at o rs.
38 Barracuda 4 LP Installation Gui de, Rev . B N dri ves T erm ina tor po wer There are three possi ble terminator pow er ( TP ) configurat ions for “N” model dr ives ( se e F i g u r e 9). Y o u will not normally n eed to chan ge t his opti on a nd can leave the drive configured as it w as shipped from the factory .
Barracuda 4LP I n s t allati on Guide, Re v . B 39 N dri ves O ther app licab le jump er opti on s Several oth er jump er options are a vailable as il lustrat ed. Figur e 10. Addit ional jumper opti o ns Enable parity check of SCSI bus. Disable parity check.
40 Barracuda 4 LP Installation Gui de, Rev . B W/WD drives W/WD drives secti on Settin g the SCS I ID ju m pe rs Use the J 6 j umpe r block t o set the SCSI ID (Figure 1 1). T o chan ge the SCSI ID, i nstall j umpers on the a p propr iate pin s a s shown in the illust rati on.
Barracuda 4LP I n s t allati on Guide, Re v . B 41 W/WD dr iv es Figure 12. Usi ng J1-Auxillary connector for model “W” and “WD” drive al ternat e ID s ele ct and LED connec tion J1-DC Power J.
42 Barracuda 4 LP Installation Gui de, Rev . B W/WD drives T erm i na tin g the dri v e “W” model drives are termi n a t e d wit h permanently mounted IC active termi n at o rs.
Barracuda 4LP I n s t allati on Guide, Re v . B 43 W/WD dr iv es T erm ina tor po wer There are three possi ble terminator pow er ( TP ) configurat ions for “W ” model dr ives (see Fig ure 14). Y ou will n ot norm ally ne ed to ch a nge this opt ion and can leave the drive configured as it was shipped from the factory .
44 Barracuda 4 LP Installation Gui de, Rev . B W/WD drives O ther app licab le jump er opti on s Oth er option jumpers ar e availa ble as illu strated bel ow . Figur e 15. Addit ional jumper opti o ns Enable parity check of SCSI bus. Disable parity check.
Barracuda 4LP I n s t allati on Guide, Re v . B 45 WC/DC drives W C/DC d rive s sectio n Settin g the SCS I ID ju m pe rs The SCSI I D f or “WC” and “DC” m odel drives is normally set over the SCSI bus by th e host system using c onnec tor co nta cts 39 (ID0), 40 (ID2), 79 (ID1), and 80 (ID3).
46 Barracuda 4 LP Installation Gui de, Rev . B WC/DC d rive s Ap pl ica ble jum p er op tio ns Option jumpers are a v ailable as illustr ated below . Figure 16.
Seag ate T ech nolo gy, Inc. 92 0 Disc Drive, Scotts V al ley, CA 95066-45 44, US A Publicatio n Number: 77 767492 , Rev . B, P r inted in U SA.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Seagate ST32271N/W/WC/WD/DC (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Seagate ST32271N/W/WC/WD/DC heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Seagate ST32271N/W/WC/WD/DC vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Seagate ST32271N/W/WC/WD/DC leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Seagate ST32271N/W/WC/WD/DC krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Seagate ST32271N/W/WC/WD/DC bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Seagate ST32271N/W/WC/WD/DC kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Seagate ST32271N/W/WC/WD/DC . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.