Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product MEX-DV1100 van de fabrikant Sony
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Инструкция п о эксплуатации Інcтpyкції з eк cплyaтaції © 2007 Sony Corporation MEX-D V1100 3-276-507- 21 (1) RU UA Multi D isc Player Multi Disc Player Мног.
2 Wa r n in g T o prevent fire or shock hazard, do not expo se t he unit to ra in or m o istu re . T o avoid electrical shock, do not ope n the cabinet . Refer ser vicing to qua lified personnel only . CA UTION The use of optical instru ments with t his product will increa se eye h azar d.
3 On safety • Comply with t he traff i c laws in y our country . • For your safe ty , the monito r conn ected to the VIDEO OUT turns of f automaticall y when the parki ng bra ke is n ot ap plied. W arning if your car’ s ignition has no A CC po sit ion Be sure to se t the Auto Off function (page 43 ).
4 T able of C ontents Welcome ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Copyrights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Playab le discs a nd symbols used in t his manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
For installation and connections, see the supplied installation/connections manual. 5 Using Optional Equipment Auxiliary e quipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 CD changer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Rotary commander RM-X4S .
6 W elcome ! Thank you for purchasi ng this S ony Multi Di sc Player . Before operating t his unit, read this manual thoro ughly and retain it for fut ure refe rence. Features Fo llow th e page r eference for details . *1 Playback of multi-cha nnel ar ea is no t suppor t ed.
7 Copyri ghts This p roduct inco rporat es copyr ight pr otect ion techno logy tha t is protect ed by U.S. pat ents and other i ntellec tual pr operty rights.
8 Playable discs and symbols used in this manual This unit can play v ariou s vi deo/ audio discs . The follo wing c hart helps you to check if a disc is supported by thi s unit, as we ll as what f unctions are av ailable for a gi v en d isc type . *1 Audio files c an also b e stored.
9 The follo wing chart sho ws the suppor ted compressio n formats, their f ile types, an d the disc types on whic h those files c an be stor ed. A vail able fun ctions dif fe r depe ndin g on th e fo rmat, reg ardle ss of disc type . The f ormat symbo ls b elo w appea r ne xt to t he des cript ion of fu ncti ons a v aila ble f or th at fo rmat.
10 Location and function of controls Main unit Front panel removed Refer t o the page s listed f or details . Ins truc tions in this manua l gene rall y descri be the contro ls on t he card rem ote com mand er . Y ou can also use th e controls on the ma in unit if the y ha ve the same or similar names to those on the car d remote c ommander .
11 F A UX input jac k 45 T o co nnect a portab le audi o device. G OPEN button 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 H LIST/PTY (Program T ype) bu tton 32 , 36 T o lis t up* 1 ; select PTY in RDS.
12 Car d remote commander RM-X166 Refer t o the page s listed f or details . Remo ve the insu lati on film befo re u se (p age 14). A OFF button 16 , 18 , 22 T o power off/stop the sou rce (p ress); shut off complete ly (press and hold). B Number butt ons 16 , 17 , 22 , 23 , 28 , 29 , 30 , 31 , 34 , 36 Disc: T o locate a title/chapte r/track.
13 G PICTURE EQ button 27 T o se lect th e pictu re quali ty . H u (P la y/P au se) bu tton 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 21 T o sta rt/ pause play back . I .m / M> butto n s 17 , 19 , 20 , 21 Disc: T o skip.
14 Getti ng Started Installing the unit and the optional monitor Firstly , install and connect the unit and the optional monito r . This uni t can be op erated using the di splays that appear on the unit an d/or th e option al mon itor . Note that this manual includes in structions concern ing disp lays on bot h unit an d/or opti onal monitor .
15 Detaching the front panel Y o u can de tach the fr ont pane l of this un it to prev ent theft. Caution alarm If yo u tu rn th e ign itio n sw itch to th e OF F posit ion withou t detach ing the front panel , the cauti on alarm w ill soun d for a few seconds .
16 Basic Op erations Playing video discs Depend ing on th e disc, some operat ions may b e different or r estricted . Refer to the oper ating ins tructio ns sup plied with your d isc. T o stop playback Press (OFF) . Note Discs in DTS forma t are not suppor te d.
17 T o eject the disc 1 Press (OPEN) on the main unit. 2 Press Z (rear of front panel). 3 Close the front panel. About the DVD menu A D VD is di vide d into se ve ral sectio ns, which mak e up a pi cture or mus ic featur e. These sect ions are calle d “titles .
18 Playing audio discs Depend ing on th e disc, some operat ions may b e different or r estricted . Refer to the oper ating ins tructio ns sup plied with your d isc. T o stop playback Press (OFF) . Note Discs in DTS forma t are not suppor te d. The sound is not outp ut if the DTS format is selected.
19 Other playback operations * When a n MP3/WM A is played. To Press pause/ resu me play af ter paus e u skip a trac k .m ( < )/ M> ( , ) reverse/fa st-for ward trac k and h old .
20 Listening to the radio Tip F or d etails on other radi o functi ons, see “Advanced Ope rations — Radio” o n page 34 . With th e card remo te co mma nder Use (SRC) instead of (SOURCE) , and .m / M> inst ead o f (SEEK) –/+ . 1 Press (SOUR CE) repeat edly until “TUNE R” appears.
21 Advanced Operation s — Discs This chapte r consist s of the fol lowi ng sections. • Video-specific operations * t pa ge 21 to 29 • Video * /au dio commo n operations t pa ge 29 to 32 • Audio-specific operations t pa ge 32 to 34 * Includin g JPEG ope rations.
22 Using PBC functi ons — Playback control The PBC me nu assists yo ur opera tion interacti v ely while a P BC compatible VCD is played. 1 Star t playing a PBC compat ible VCD. The PB C menu app ears. 2 Press the number buttons to sel ect the desire d item, then pr ess (EN TER ) .
23 E Format F Play back s tat us ( PLA Y N , P A USE X , et c.) G Current settin g H Options I Sele cted item J Sele cted item n ame a nd/o r oper ati on ass is t mess ages *1 When playing a VCD w ith the PB C funct ion (pag e 22 ), no i ndic ati on app ears .
24 Viewing time/t ext information of the disc Checking time information The playback time and remaining time of the curren t title, cha pter, track, etc., can be ch ecked dur ing vi deo/ image playba ck. 1 During playback, press (DSPL) . The cu rrent playbac k info rmat ion appe ars.
25 Changing the audio langua ge/ for m a t For D VD, t he audio language can be changed i f the disc is recor ded with multil ingual trac ks. For D VD/D ivX, you can c hange the audi o forma t when playin g a disc re cord ed in multi ple au dio formats (e .
26 Adjusting the audio output le vel — D VD level Y ou can adjus t the au dio output lev el for a D VD record ed in Dol by Digi tal form at, to red uce th e vo lume le vel dif ferences b etween di sc and source. 1 During playback, press (SYSTEM SETUP) .
27 Adjusting the picture quality — Picture EQ Y o u can se lect a pict ure qualit y suita ble for t he interi or brightne ss of the car . 1 During p layback, press (PICTURE EQ) repeat edly until t he desi red op tion appears. Option s differ depend ing on the setting in visua l setup ( page 40 ).
28 Locking discs — Parental control * * Excluding D VD-R/D VD-R DL/D VD- RW in VR mode. Y ou ca n lock a di sc, o r set playb ack re stri ctio ns accordi ng to a pr edeter mined level such as vie we r age. Restri cted s cenes ca n be bloc ked or replac ed wi th di fferent scenes when a parent al contro l compa tible D VD is pl ayed .
29 6 Press M / m to s elec t th e desi red ar ea t o apply its movie ratings, then press (ENTE R) . The ar ea i s s elec ted. When yo u se lect “O TH ERS t , ” enter th e area co de sele cting fro m “ Area co de li st” on page 57 , using the number buttons.
30 Setting from the play mode menu 1 During playback, press (VISUAL SETUP) . The play mode m enu ap pears. 2 Press M / m t o sele ct or , then p ress (ENTER) . 3 Press M / m to select the desired opt ion, then p ress (ENTER) . Repe at or shu f fle pl ay star ts.
31 1 During p layback, press (VIS UAL SET UP) . The p lay mod e menu ap pears. 2 Press M / m to select the des ired item , then p res s (ENT ER) . The number in p arentheses i ndicates th e total number of se lected it em. 3 Press t he number b uttons to enter an item nu mber or tim e code .
32 With th e main un it Press the v olum e control d ial instead of (SO UND ) , rotate the volume contr ol dial ins tead of pressing < / , . Listing up tracks /images/video files — LIST Selecting a track/image/vide o file Y ou can list up albums /folde rs/trac ks/im age s/ video files on the mon itor, and select a desire d one to pl ay .
33 D Curren t audi o channe l When playing CD/MP3/WMA, the audio channe l can be change d. For d etails, see “Cha nging the a udio c hannel ” on p age 25 . E Track numbe r/T o tal F Elap sed pl ayback time G Current play mode H Oper ation assi st m essages Tip Y ou c an selec t a track to play usi ng a list ( page 32) .
34 T o hide the sy stem s etup d isplay , pr ess (SYSTEM SETUP) . Note F or Sup er A ud io CDs cons isti ng of on ly a Su per A udi o CD la yer , that laye r is played regardless of setting. Tip The setting in vis ual setup will switch the setting in system setup automatica lly , and vice versa.
35 Rece iv ing st ore d stat io ns 1 Select the band, then press a num ber button ( (1) to (6) ). RDS Over view FM stations with Radio Data System (RDS) serv ice sen d inaudi ble dig ital info rmat ion alon g wit h the r eg ular ra dio prog ram si gnal.
36 Presetting the volume of traffic announcements Y ou can preset the volu me lev el of t he traf fi c announcements so as to not miss h earing them. 1 Pres s (VOL) +/– repeat edly to a djust the volume le ve l. 2 Press and hold (A F/TA) until “T A ” appe ars.
37 Sound A djustment Adjusting the sound characteristics Y o u can ad just th e sound ch arac teristi cs accor ding to y our pr efer ence . The setting items in the sound menu and switch ing orde r are indicate d below . BAL ( Balance ): Adj usts the s ound ba lance between the lef t and rig ht speakers .
38 Sett ings V ar ious se ttings ar e configur able from the foll owing two set up m enu s. • Visual setup menu ( page 38 ) Allo ws config uration of visual -relate d items (by the mo nitor) . • Syst em se tup me nu ( pa ge 42 ) All ows conf igu ratio n of syst em-re lated items (by th e main unit) .
39 Language setup f or display or soundtrack Select (LANGU A GE SETUP), then select the desired ite m and option b elow , using M / m and (ENTER ) . For deta ils on thi s proced ure, see “B asic opera tion of v isual setu p” on pa ge 38.
40 Cust om setup Select (CUS TOM SETU P), then se lect the de sired item an d option be low , us ing M / m and (ENT ER) . For details on this proce dure, see “Basi c operat ion of visu al setu p” on pa ge 38 . Follo w the page referen ce for deta ils.
41 A udio setup Select (A UDI O SETUP), then select the desir ed item and optio n belo w , using M / m and (ENT ER) . For detai ls on this p rocedur e, see “Basi c oper ati on of vi sual set up” on pa ge 38. Fol low the p age refe rence for de tails.
42 System set up The syste m setup menu in cludes the follo wing categories . • SET : General se ttings (page 43) • DSPL : Display setti ngs (pag e 43) • R/M : Recei ve mode setti ngs (page 44) • SOUND : Soun d setting s (pag e 44) Basic opera tion of s ystem set up Y ou can set ite ms in the me nu by th e follo wing proced ure.
43 Fol low the p age refe rence for de tails. “ z ” indicates t he defa ult settin g. SET (Setup) DSPL (Display) Item Optio n Purpos e Unit status CLOCK ADJ (C lo ck Ad just ) ( page 45) – – Any stat us. CT (Clo ck Time) (p age 35 , 36) ON T o activate the CT fu nction .
44 R/M (Receiv e mode) SOUND * Unav ailable during karaoke mode or when “ SA-CD MOD” is set to “ HQ. ” Item Opti on Purpose Unit status LOCAL (Lo cal Se ek M ode) ON T o on ly tune into statio ns with stron ger sign als. Durin g radio recep tion.
45 Setting the c lock The cloc k uses a 24- hour indi catio n. 1 Press (SYSTEM SETUP) . The sy stem s etup item appe ars on the main unit. 2 Press M / m to selec t “CLOCK ADJ, ” then p res s (ENT ER) . The h our indi catio n flashe s. 3 Press M / m to set t he hour and mi nute.
46 Selecting an auxiliary device 1 Pres s (SRC) repeatedly un til “ A UX” appe ars on the main un it. 2 Pres s (MODE ) to select “FRONT -IN” or “REAR-IN . ” Oper ate by the auxi liary device itself. Adjusting the volume level Be sure to adjust the volume of e ach co nnected device bef ore pla yback .
47 Repeat and shuffle p lay 1 During pl ayback , press (1) (REP ) or (2) (SHUF) on th e main unit r epeatedly until the desire d setti ng app ears. * When one or m ore CD ch anger s are c onnec te d. T o return to normal play mode, select “REP OFF” or “SHUF OFF .
48 Addit ional Infor mation Precautions • If yo ur car has bee n parked in direct sunlig ht, allow the unit to cool off before opera ting it. • Power ant enna (aer ial) w ill exten d autom atica lly whil e the un it is oper ating.
49 Notes on Multi Session CDs/Multi Border D VDs This unit can play Multi Session CDs/Multi Border D VD s und er th e f ollowin g cond itio ns. Not e tha t th e session must be close d and the disc m ust be fi nali zed.
50 Maintenance Replacing the lithium b attery of the card remote commander Under nor mal cond itions, t he battery will last appr oximat ely 1 y ear . (The servi ce life may be shorter, dep ending on the c onditions of use.) When the ba ttery become s weak, the r ange o f the card rem ote comma nder beco mes shorter .
51 2 Remove the un it. 1 Inser t both re lease keys sim ultan eously until the y click. 2 Pull the release k eys to unseat the unit. 3 Slide th e unit out of the mounting.
52 T roubleshooting The following c hecklist will help you remedy problems you may encoun ter with your uni t. Before goi ng through th e checkl ist below , check the connect ion and ope rating pro cedures. Dependi ng on the con nected m onitor, the unit may take a few seconds to turn off after turning the igniti on off.
53 Disc opera tion The disc cannot be loaded. • Another disc i s already loaded. • The disc has be en forcibly i nserted ups ide down or in the wrong way . The disc doe s not play back. • Defecti v e or dirt y disc. • The disc is not applica ble.
54 Error displays/Mes sages If these solutions do not help improve the situat ion, consul t your nearest Son y deal er . If you take th e unit to be repa ired becau se of disc playba ck trouble , bring the disc that was used at the time t he probl em bega n.
55 Glossar y Album Secti on of a musi c piece or an image on a D A T A CD/DVD containi ng MP 3/WMA a udio tr acks or JPEG files. Chapter Subdi vis ion of a titl e on a D VD. A tit le is compos ed of several chap ters. DivX ® Digital video techn ology cr eated by DivX, Inc.
56 VIDEO C D A co mpact d isc t hat co ntai ns mo vin g pict ures . The pic ture da ta uses the MPEG 1 for mat, one of a worldwide standard of di gital compressio n technol ogy . The pictur e data is c ompressed to abou t 1/140 of its origi nal size. Conseq uently , a 12 cm VIDEO CD can cont ain up t o 74 min utes of moving pictures.
57 Language code/area code list Language code list The lan guage spellings c onform to th e ISO 639: 1988 (E /F) standa rd. Area code list Code Langu age Code Language Code Language Co de Language 102.
58 Index Numerics 16:9 39 2000MP3 6 2000WMA 6 4:3 LETTER BO X 39 4:3 P AN S CAN 39 A Album (ALBUM) 30 Alternative F requencies (AF) 35 Angle (ANGLE) 17 Area code 57 A udio (A UDIO) Channel 25 For ma t 2 5 Language 25, 39 A udio DRC (A UDIO DRC) 41 A udio setup (A UDIO SET UP) 41 A uto Off (A.
59 S Setup menu System setup 42 Visual setup 38 Shuffle play (SHUF) 29, 47 Slide show interval (SLIDE SHOW TIME) 40 Soundtrack language (A UDIO) 25, 39 Subtitle language (SUBTITLE) 17, 39 Super Audio CD Lay er (SUPER A UDIO CD LA YER, DISC .
Sony Corporation Printed in Thailand http://www .son y .net/.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Sony MEX-DV1100 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Sony MEX-DV1100 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Sony MEX-DV1100 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Sony MEX-DV1100 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Sony MEX-DV1100 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Sony MEX-DV1100 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Sony MEX-DV1100 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Sony MEX-DV1100 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.