Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product RYK-AF302A van de fabrikant Sony
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02 B o x C a m e r a S e l e c t i o n G u i d e Box Camera Picture Model No. Feature Sensor TVL Min Illumination Lens V oltage Page RYK-AF302A Auto Focus Zoom 35x 1/4” CL WDR 470 0.
03 3 5 x ( I C R ) A u t o F o c u s Z o o m C a m e r a Features ‧ Son y E X-Vie w H AD CCD se nso r ‧ 35x op tic al zoo m, 16x di git al zoo m ‧ Day & Nig ht (IR -Cu t lter R .
04 3 5 x ( I C R ) A u t o F o c u s Z o o m M o d u l e Features ‧ Son y E X-Vie w H AD CCD se nso r ‧ 35x op tic al zoo m, 16x di git al zoo m ‧ Day & Nig ht (IR -Cu t lter R .
05 2 2 x ( I C R ) A u t o F o c u s Z o o m C a m e r a Features ‧ 22x op tic al zoo m, 16x di git al zoo m ‧ Day & Nig ht (op tio n: IR- Cut lte r R emo vab le, ICR ) ‧ On Scr.
06 Box Camera 2 2 x ( I C R ) A u t o F o c u s Z o o m M o d u l e Features ‧ 22x op tic al zoo m, 16x di git al zoo m ‧ Day & Nig ht (op tio n: IR- Cut lte r R emo vab le, ICR ) .
07 W i d e D y n a m i c R a n g e ( W D R ) C a m e r a Model No. R YK-491DR Image Device 1/3" Color Sony V ertical double-Density WD CCD (Hi-Res.) Picture Elements NTSC:768x494, P AL:752x582 Resolution 470 TVL Min. Illumination 0.1 Lux (Night / BW), 0.
08 Box Camera H i - R e s . O S D C a m e r a Model No. R YK-493DR RYK-493DRX Image Device 1/3” Color Sony Super HAD (Hi-Res.) 1/3” Color Sony EX-View HAD (Hi-Res.) Picture Elements NTSC:768x494, P AL:752x582 Resolution 550 TVL Min. Illumination 0.
09 V ar i- Fo ca l IR C am er a Features ‧ So ny Sup er HAD CC D s ens or ‧ Bu ilt -in V ar i-F oca l L ens ‧ Da y & Ni ght (I R-C ut lte r R emo vab le, ICR ) ‧ DC or DC /AC Du al vol.
10 Box Camera V ar i- Fo ca l Ca me ra Features ‧ So ny Sup er HAD CC D s ens or ‧ Bu ilt -in 3. 7~1 2mm / 9.0 ~22 mm V ari -Fo cal Len s ‧ AC or DC /AC Du al vol tag e Color Camera 50 mm 140.
1 1 C o l o r C C D C a m e r a Features ‧ Son y S upe r H AD CCD se nso r ‧ Hi- Res . 5 50 TV L Im pro vem ent of co lor -ro lli ng sup pre ssi on (fo r RYK -21 3F/ 413 F) ‧ Video / DC Dri ve ‧ DC, A C o r D C/A C D ual vo lta ge 1 12.
12 Box Camera B / W C C D C a m e r a Features ‧ Son y S upe r H AD CCD se nso r ‧ Emp loy s D SP IC fo r i mag e c ont rol Pr ovi de hig h r eso lut ion , s har pne ss ima ge qua lit y (fo r RYK -57 2F/ 772 F/5 73F /77 3F) ‧ Video / DC Dri ve ‧ DC, A C o r D C/A C D ual vo lta ge Model No.
13 C a m e r a K i t Features ‧ Son y S upe r H AD CCD se nso r ‧ Cam era ki t w ith mi ni siz e ‧ Bui lt- in Audio fun cti on ‧ Fur nis hed wi th len s a nd mou nti ng bra cke t Model No.
14 I R C a m e r a S e l e c t i o n G u i d e IR Camera Picture Model No. Sensor Illuminate Distance IR-LED IP TVL Min Illumination Lens V oltage Page RYK-2F49L5 1/3” CL 50M 84 66 380 0.2 Lux Board Lens DC, AC 15 RYK-2F85L5 470 0.3 Lux RYK-3F41L5 1/3” BW 420 0.
15 5 0 M I R C a m e r a Features ‧ Bui lt- in 84 pie ces IR -LE D ‧ Effec tiv e r ang e u p t o 5 0M ‧ Weat her pro o ng cr ite rio n I P 66 ‧ AC ty pe (op tio n) 104.7 mm 182.5 mm 1 13 mm Model No. R YK-2F49L5 R YK-2F85L5 R YK-3F41L5 R YK-3F43L5 Image Device 1/3" Color Sony Super HAD 1/3" Color Sony Super HAD (Hi-Res.
16 IR Camera 4 0 M I R C a m e r a Features ‧ Dua l C CD (Co lor & B/W ) c ame ra are ex cha nge d aut oma tic all y i n d ay tim e a nd nig ht tim e ‧ Hi-Res.
17 2 0 M V ar i- Fo ca l IR C am er a Features ‧ Built-in 24 pieces IR-LED ‧ Effective range up to 20M ‧ Built-in V ari-Focal Lens ‧ Day & Night (option: IR-Cut lter Removable, ICR) ‧ Weatherproong criterion IP 66 68.
18 IR Camera 2 0 M I R C a m e r a Features ‧ Bui lt- in 24 pie ces IR -LE D ‧ Effec tiv e r ang e u p t o 2 0M ‧ Weath erp roo ng cri ter ion IP 6 7 ‧ AC typ e ( opt ion ) 82 mm 154 mm 1 10 mm 77 mm Model No.
19 2 0 M / 3 0 M I R C a m e r a Features ‧ Built-in 24 / 36 pieces IR-LED ‧ Effective range up to 20M / 30M ‧ Weatherproong criterion IP 66 ‧ AC type (option) 68 mm 123 mm 105 mm 68 mm 1 18.
20 IR Camera 1 0 M I R C a m e r a Features ‧ Bui lt- in 12 pie ces IR -LE D ‧ Effec tiv e r ang e u p t o 1 0M ‧ Weatherproo ng cr ite rio n I P 67 (e xcl ude A udi o t ype ) 67.6 mm 56.4 mm 70.5 mm 1 18.5 / 56.5 mm 55 mm 61.5~74.5 mm 37 mm IR Camera Infrared Illuminator Model No.
21 21 1 0 M I R C a m e r a Features ‧ Bui lt- in 8 p iec es IR- LED ‧ Effec tiv e r ang e u p t o 1 0M ‧ DC vol tag e ‧ Ind oor us e ‧ Bui lt- in mou nti ng bra cke t a nd con nec tin g c abl e 72 mm 96.6 mm 47.5 mm 50.4 mm 59.
Dome Camera 22 D o m e C a m e r a S e l e c t i o n G u i d e Picture Model No. Feature Sensor TVL Min Illumination Lens V oltage Page RYK-2E00(A&B) Outdoor Speed Dome 1/4” CL 470 0.7 Lux 22x Zoom DC, AC 23 RYK-2E01(A&B) Outdoor Speed Dome ICR 330 0.
23 Features ‧ 35x or 22 x o pti cal zo om, 16 x d igi tal zo om ‧ Day & Nig ht (op tio n: IR- Cut lter Re mov abl e, ICR ) ‧ On Scr een Di spl ay (OS D) set -up me nu ‧ 128.
24 Dome Camera Features ‧ 35x or 22 x o pti cal zo om, 16 x d igi tal zo om ‧ Day & Nig ht (op tio n: IR- Cut lter Re mov abl e, ICR ) ‧ On Scr een Di spl ay (OS D) set -up me n.
25 C o n t r o l K e y b o a r d Features ‧ 3-A XIS Jo yst ick fo r P /T/Z an d s imp le man ual op era tio n ‧ Sup por t C CTV sy ste m c ont rol ‧ Supp ort 25 5 d evi ce on the co.
26 Dome Camera Features ‧ A uto tr ave l f unc tio n ‧ S upp ort 6 pre set gr oup s ( up to 1 6 p res et poi nts ) ‧ R emo te con tro l v ia RS- 485 in ter fac e ‧ B uil t-i n 1 al.
27 Features ‧ Ru gge d a nd V and al- pro of ‧ Bu ilt -in V ar i-F oca l D C D riv e L ens ‧ Da y & Ni ght (o pti on: IR -Cu t lte r R emo vab le, IC R) ‧ 3- Axi s M ech ani sm for fr .
28 Dome Camera I R V an da l- pr oo f Do me C am er a Features ‧ Rugged and V andal-proof ‧ Built-in V ari-Focal DC Drive Lens ‧ Day & Night (option: IR-Cut lter Removable, ICR) ‧ 3-Axis Mechanism for free lens rotation ‧ Built-in 24 pieces IR-LED ‧ Effective range up to 20M ‧ Weatherproo ng criterion IP 66 108.
29 Features ‧ Ru gge d a nd V and al- pro of ‧ Bu ilt -in V ar i-F oca l o r B oar d L ens ‧ Da y & Ni ght (o pti on: IR -Cu t lter Rem ova ble , I CR) ‧ 3- Axi s M ech ani sm for fr ee len s r ota tio n ‧ Bu ilt -in 24 pi ece s I R-L ED ‧ Effe cti ve ran ge up to 20M ‧ Weat her pro o ng cri ter ion IP 6 6 Model No.
30 Dome Camera M e d i u m V an da l- pr oo f Do me C am er a Features ‧ Rug ged an d V a nda l-p roo f ‧ Bui lt- in V ari -Fo cal Le ns / B oar d L ens ‧ 3-Axis Mechanism for free lens rotation ‧ Weath erp roo ng c rit eri on IP 66 98.
31 I R D o m e C a m e r a Features ‧ Bu ilt -in V ar i-F oca l D C D riv e L ens ‧ Da y & Ni ght (o pti on: IR -Cu t l ter Re mov abl e, ICR ) ‧ 3- Axi s M ech ani sm for fr ee len s r ota tio n ‧ Bu ilt -in 24 pi ece s I R-L ED ‧ Effe cti ve ran ge up to 20M ■ Op ti o n : RYK- 8719- 3 L T yp e Br ac ket 1 11.
32 Dome Camera Features ‧ SonySuperHADCCDsensor ‧ Built-in24piecesIR-LED ‧ 3-Axis Mechanism for free lens rotation (option) ‧ Effectiverangeupto20M 81.4 mm 140 mm Model No. RYK-2G49L R YK-2G85L RYK-3G41L RYK-3G43L Image Device 1/3" Color Sony Super HAD 1/3" Color Sony Super HAD (Hi-Res.
33 S p a c e D o m e C a m e r a Features ‧ SonySuperHADCCDsensor ‧ Built-inVari-FocalLens/BoardLens ‧ 3-Axis Mechanism for free lens rotation ‧ DCorDC/ACDualvoltage 81.4 mm 140 mm Color Camera B/W Camera Model No.
34 Dome Camera Features ‧ SonySuperHADCCDsensor ‧ Built-inVari-FocalLens/BoardLens ‧ 3-Axis Mechanism for free lens rotation ‧ DCvoltage 90.
35 V an da l- pr oo f / Mi ni D om e Ca m e r a Features ‧ SonySuperHADCCDsensor ‧ Built-inBoardLens ‧ 3-Axis Mechanism for free lens rotation (option for normal mini type) ‧ DCvoltage 68 mm 93 mm 87.5 mm 56.
36 Hidden Camera H i d d e n C a m e r a S e l e c t i o n G u i d e Picture Model No. Feature Sensor TVL Min Illumination Lens V oltage Page RYK-CA04 V ehicle Rearview 1/4” CL 330 0.5 Lux Board Lens DC 37 RYK-2767 Mini Bullet 1/3” CL 380 0.4 Lux Board Lens DC 38 RYK-2768 Cone Lens RYK-2739 Bullet 1/4” CL 330 0.
37 Features ‧ SonySuperHADCCDsensor ‧ Built-inWideAngleLens ‧ WeatherproofingCriterionIP66 ‧ DCvoltage 1 2 3 6 5 4 Power GND ccd video+ CCD ACTIVE ccd video- Black Red Blue Red Black 5 4 3 1 2 43 mm 1450 mm A06FW Connector Pin Assigment 29.
38 Hidden Camera Features ‧ SonySuperHADCCDsensor ‧ Built-inBoardLens/ConeLens ‧ Weatherproof (forBoardLenstype) 23 mm 57.5 mm 39.5 mm 65.8/55.5 mm (color/bw) 47/42 mm (color/bw) Board Lens Cone Lens 89.
39 M i n i C a m e r a Features ‧ Ultra-miniandcompactsize ‧ Built-inBoardLens/PinholeLens/ConeLens ‧ DCvoltage ‧ FurnishedwithUtypeholderandcable 25 mm 36 mm 23 mm 25 mm 25 mm 19.
40 Features ‧ SonySuperHADCCDsensor ‧ Built-inConeLens ‧ Built-inPIRsenorboardformotiondetection andrelaycontroloutput(option) Model No. R YK-2512 RYK-2585 R YK-3542 RYK-3544 Image Device 1/3" Color Sony Super HAD 1/3" Color Sony Super HAD (Hi-Res.
41 S m o k e D e t e c t o r C a m e r a Features ‧ SonySuperHADCCDsensor ‧ Built-inConeLens3.7mm ‧ DCvoltage 120 mm 50 mm 60 mm Model No. R YK-261 1 R YK-2685 R YK-3641 R YK-3643 Image Device 1/3" Color Sony Super HAD 1/3" Color Sony Super HAD (Hi-Res.
42 M i n i D o m e C a m e r a Features ‧ SonySuperHADCCDsensor ‧ Built-inConeLens3.7mm ‧ In-ceilingorSurfaceinstallationapplication ‧ Aluminumcasing 75 mm 51 mm 51 mm 30 mm 30 mm 44.
43 B o a r d C a m e r a S e l e c t i o n G u i d e Picture Model No. Sensor Dimensions TVL Min Illumination Lens Voltage Page RYK-2090VF3 1/3” CL 38x38 (Three Boards) 470 0.1 Lux (Night / BW) 0.001 Lux (DSS) V ari Focal DC 44 RYK-2090VR3 V ari Focal (ICR) RYK-2085 1/3” CL 32x32 (Double Boards) 470 0.
44 Board Camera W D R B o a r d C a m e r a Features ‧ Camerawith1/3"ColorSonyVerticaldouble-DensityWDCCD ‧ Highsensitivity,lowsmear,highanti-bl.
45 Model No. R YK-2069 R YK-2085 RYK-2083 R YK-2071 RYK-2065 R YK-2070 RYK-2086 R YK-2084 RYK-2072 R YK-2066 Image Device 1/3" Sony Super HAD 1/3" Sony Super HAD (Hi-Res.
46 Board Camera B / W B o a r d C a m e r a Model No. R YK-3041 RYK-3043 R YK-3063 R YK-3042 RYK-3044 R YK-3064 Image Device 1/3" Sony Super HAD 1/3" Sony Super HAD (Hi-Res.) 1/3" CCD Picture Elements EIA:510x492, CCIR:500x582 EIA:768x494, CCIR:752x582 EIA:510x492, CCIR:500x582 Resolution 420 TVL 600 TVL 400 TVL Min.
Digital Video Recorder Portable Security Recorder IP Camera Video Server Video Processor DVR & NETWORK.
48 D V R & N e t w o r k S e l e c t i o n G u i d e DVR DVR Picture Model No. Compression Recording (NTSC) Audio Motion Detection PTZ Control Network I / O Backup HDD Page Frame Rate Resolution RYK-9334 MPEG4 120 IPS 704x480 704x240 352x240 Y es Y es Y es Y es 4 / 1 USB Stick CD / DVD Writer (option) 3.
49 4 C H / 8 C H M P E G 4 M u l t i p l e x N e t w o r k D V R Features ‧ MPEG4 compression for DV R recording and web transmissi on ‧ Graphic OSD and mouse control ‧ Live display , record, ba.
50 DVR 1 6 C H M P E G 4 M u l t i p l e x N e t w o r k D V R Model No. RYK-9336 RYK-9346 R YK-9356 Video Format NTSC / EIA or P AL / CCIR Compression MPEG4 Input 16 CH, BNC Loop Output Option Main O.
51 8 C H / 1 6 C H M P E G 4 M u l t i p l e x N e t w o r k D V R Features ‧ Real-time recording as MPEG4 compression ‧ Simultaneously operate of live, recording, playback, backup, network and copy ‧ 4 channels audio recording with 1 channel output ‧ 4 IDE HDDs support ‧ 3 USB 2.
53 4 C H M P E G 4 N e t w o r k D V R Features ‧ System auto detection (NTSC / P AL) ‧ Recording mode: manual / continuous / motion detection / alarm (RYK-9324) ‧ Max.
54 8 C H / 1 6 C H M P E G 4 N e t w o r k D V R Features ‧ System auto detection (NTSC / P AL) ‧ Recording mode: manual / continuous / motion detection / alarm ‧ Alarm Input / Output ‧ Max.
55 8 C H / 1 6 C H M J P E G N e t w o r k D V R Features ‧ System auto detection (NTSC / P AL) ‧ Recording mode: manual / continous / motion detection / alarm ‧ Alarm Input / Output ‧ Max.
56 DVR 4 C H M J P E G N e t w o r k D V R Features ‧ System auto detection (NTSC / P AL) ‧ Motion Detection recording ‧ Alarm Input / Output ‧ Quad and each record image size ‧ Max.
57 4 C H M J P E G N e t w o r k D V R Features ‧ System auto detection (NTSC / P AL) ‧ 4 Alarm Input / 1 Relay Output ‧ Max. 120 images per second recording ‧ Quad and each record image size .
58 D i g i t a l V id eo C ap tu re C am er a Features ‧ Portable and compact size ‧ Built-in Hi-Resolution Camera ‧ Continuous and Motion Detection recording ‧ Three level image quality adjus.
59 D i g i t a l V id eo C ap tu re C am er a Features ‧ MPEG4 compression ‧ Portable and compact size ‧ Built-in Hi-Resolution Camera ‧ Continuous and Motion Detection recording ‧ Three level image quality adjustable ‧ Support SD card ‧ DC12V or 4xAA Batteries ‧ User-friendly front panel design Model No.
60 PSR S e c u M a t e M i n i P o r t a b l e S e c u r i t y R e c o r d e r Features ‧ MPEG4 compression ‧ Portable and compact size ‧ Video loss auto detection ‧ Audio recording ‧ Adjust.
61 S e c u M a t e P o r t a b l e S e c u r i t y R e c o r d e r Features ‧ MPEG4 video and audio ‧ CF card plug and record function ‧ Wireless camera for both day and night use ‧ Motion Detection and schedule recording ‧ Built-in 2.
62 PSR S e c u M a t e P r o P o r t a b l e S e c u r i t y R e c o r d e r Features ‧ 2.5” LCD panel for instant view ‧ Bulit-in camera with 6 pieces IR LED ‧ Remote controller of the system.
63 M P E G 4 P a n / T il t IP C a m e r a Features ‧ MPEG4 Compression, up to 30 IPS@VGA ‧ Support Preset / Auto-pan Pan/T ilt IP Camera ‧ Support Motion Detection ‧ Support 2 Way Audio & Wireless (option) & IR LED for Day and Night (option) ‧ SD Card for local storage ‧ Support 3GPP (RTP / RTSP) and 2.
65 M P E G 4 / M J P E G I P C am er a Features MPEG4 / MJPEG Dual Codec Video Compression Sony 1/3" CCD image sensor Support low level and hi level SDK for SI integration Excellent image quality with up to 25 / 30 IPS at D1 Live Video via 2.
66 M P E G 4 / M J P E G V id eo S er ve r Network Products Features MPEG4 / MJPEG Duel Codec Compression T wo W ay Audio communication Support SD card for local Storage Support low level and high lev.
64 M P E G 4 I P C am er a Features ‧ MPEG4 Compression, up to 30 IPS@VGA ‧ Support Wireless & 2 Way Audio (option) ‧ SD Card for local storage ‧ Support 3GPP (RTP / RTSP) ‧ Support Day .
67 Q u a d P r o c e s s o r Features ‧ Real time refresh rate ‧ User-friendly front panel design and OSD set-up menu ‧ A smart automatic switcher allows random sequences and dwell time programming (except RYK-9003) Model No.
68 Video Processor M u l t i p l e x e r Features ‧ Full Duplex allows recording and playback simultaneously ‧ Real time refresh rate ‧ User-friendly front panel design and OSD set-up menu ‧ A.
69 Video Transceiver / Receiver CCTV Lens Monitor Housing Bracket ACCESSORIES.
70 Model No. Description Video T ransceiver T ransmission Distance Power In Video In / Out Video Format Operation Frequency Range T wisted Pair Connector Common Mode Rejection Wire T ype Dimensions (WxHxD) R YK-8335 UTP Passive T ransceiver / Receiver 1 port 2 pin connector 45.
71 A c c e s s o r i e s Model No. R YKL2520 R YKL3620A R YKL4320A R YKL0620A R YKL0820A R YKL1220A R YKL1625 Focal Length 2.5 mm 3.6 mm 4.3 mm 6.0 mm 8.0 mm 12 mm 16 mm Aperture F2.0 F2.0 F2.0 F2.0 F2.0 F2.0 F2.5 Angle of View Hor . 104 ° Hor . 72 ° Hor .
P a c k i n g M e a s u r e m e n t Item No. Measurement N.W . G.W . PCS CTN cm Cuft Kg Kg RYK-AF301A/AF302A/AF201A/AF202A/AF203A/AF204A 70 1 47x33x24 1.31 17 18 RYK-AF301/AF302/20AZ/200Z/20AZR/200ZRX 70 1 47x33x24 1.31 17 18 RYK-491DR 20 1 49x43x22 1.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Sony RYK-AF302A (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Sony RYK-AF302A heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Sony RYK-AF302A vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Sony RYK-AF302A leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Sony RYK-AF302A krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Sony RYK-AF302A bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Sony RYK-AF302A kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Sony RYK-AF302A . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.