Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product SNC-CH110 van de fabrikant Sony
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Network Camera User’s Gu ide Software Version 1 .2 Before opera ting the u nit, pleas e read thi s manual thoroughl y and retain it for future reference.
2 T abl e of Cont ents T able of Cont ents Overvie w Fea tures ........... .................. ........................... .......... 4 How to Use Thi s User’ s Guide ........... ................... 5 System Requir ements ............................
T abl e of Contents 3 Comm on T ab — Se ttin g the e-Mail (SMTP ) Function . ........................... ........................... ... 64 Alarm sendi ng T ab — Setti ng the e-ma il sending mode when detec ting the alarm .......... ............ 66 Periodic al sendin g T ab — Set ting the p eriodica l e-mail sen ding mode .
Over vi ew F eatures 4 Overvie w Featur es • High quality st reaming, maximum image size (2048 × 1536 (SNC-CH210/DH21 0/DH210T)/ 1280 × 960 (SNC-CH110)). • High-quality HD (720P) live images from camera can be monito red at a maximum frame rate of 30 f ps.
Over vi ew How to Use This User’ s Guide / System Requirements 5 How to Use This User’ s Guide This User’ s Guide explains ho w to operate the Network Camera from a computer . The User’ s Guide is designed to be read on the compute r display .
Prepar ation Assign ing the IP Addr ess to the Camer a 6 Preparation The Preparation secti on expla ins what the administrator has to prepare for monitoring images after installation and connect ion of the camera.
Prepar ation Assignin g the IP Addre ss to the Camera 7 Tip The fact ory setting of the camera netw ork is DH CP mod e. 7 Select a came ra you want to assign an IP address from the list and cl ick Network . The account setti ngs screen is displ ayed. 8 Register the name and passw ord of t he administrator and cl ick OK .
Prepar ation Assign ing the IP Addr ess to the Camer a 8 The vie wer screen of the network ca mera is display ed on the W eb bro wser . Display sample Note If the IP address i s not set correctly , the vie wer does not appear after step 13. In that case, try to set the IP address again.
Prepar ation Assignin g the IP Addre ss to the Camera 9 If the informat ion bar appear s, click on the bar and selec t Install ActiveX Control… . If “Inter net Explorer – Securi ty W arnin g” appears, cl ick Install . The instal lation o f Activ e X Contr ol starts.
Prepar ation Assign ing the IP Addr ess to the Camer a 10 5 In the Add Program di alog, select SNC toolb ox and clic k OK . SNC toolbox is added to th e Programs and Servi ces list. 6 Click OK . When the abo ve procedure is compl eted, the camera connect ed in the local net work are display ed in SNC toolbo x.
Prepar ation Assignin g the IP Addre ss to the Camera 11 Note If you select S ave in the “File Do wnload – Security W arning” di alog, you will not be a ble to per form installatio n corre ctly . Delete th e downloaded file, and click t he Setup i con again.
Prepar ation Assign ing the IP Addr ess to the Camer a 12 4 Select Off in th e General tab . The cameras will be displayed in the list. T o t urn Wind ows Firewall on 1 Select Contr ol Panel from the Start menu o f Wi n do w s . 2 Click Windo w s Fir ewall .
Prepar ation Assignin g the IP Addre ss to the Camera 13 When using Windows 7 Installing softwa re A warni ng message reg arding the acti ve cont ents may appear when you install softw are such as SNC too lbox from the CD-R OM.
Prepar ation Assign ing the IP Addr ess to the Camer a 14 Conf igu ri ng Wind o ws Fire wa ll SNC tool box may not o perate correct ly depend ing on the conf iguration of W indows Fi rew all. (No cameras are shown in the list ev en if they are detected .
Prepar ation Accessin g the Camera Usi ng the W eb Browse r 15 5 Add progra m. When the abo ve proced ure is completed, the cameras connected in the local netw ork are displa yed in SNC too lbox.
Prepar ation Accessing t he Camera Using the Web Bro wser 16 When In terne t Explo rer 6 is us ed “Security Alert ” dialog may app ear according to the status of the certi ficate. In this case, click Ye s to continue. The vie wer windo w is display ed (in SS L communication).
Prepar ation Accessin g the Camera Usi ng the W eb Browse r 17 When usi ng antivi rus softwa re, etc., on the computer • When you u se anti virus software, security software, personal fire wall or pop-u p blocke r on your compu ter , the camera pe rformance ma y be reduced, f or exa mple, the frame rate for displaying the image may be lower .
Prepar ation Basic Configu ration b y the Admin istrat or 18 Basic Configurat ion b y the Ad minist rator Y ou can monitor th e camera image b y logging in with the init ial co ndit ions s et for th is netwo rk came ra. Y o u can also set v arious funct ions according to the in stalling position, net work condi tions or pu rpose of the camer a.
Operat ing the Camera Administr ator and User 19 Operating the Camera This se ction expl ains how to monito r the image from the camera usin g your W eb bro wser (Internet E xplorer). The functions o f the camera should b e set by the Administra tor .
Operat ing the Camera Logging i n to the Sy stem 20 Logging in to th e System Logging in as a user 1 Start the W eb bro wser on your c omputer and t ype the IP add ress of the ca mera you want to monito r . The vie wer is displayed. Display sample: Three types of vie wer are av ailable: Acti veX vie wer, P lug-in free vie wer and custom homepag e.
Operat ing the Camera Configura tion of Main Vie wer 21 Configurat ion of Main Vie wer Thi s sec tio n expl ains the fu nctio ns of the pa rts a nd controls of the main vi ew er . For a de tailed e xplanation on each part o r control, see the specif ied pages.
Operat ing the Camera Configur ation of Main Vie wer 22 Frame r ate (Displayed only when the camera image is in JPEG.) Selects th e frame rate to transmit i mages. (Capture) Click to capt ure a still image sh ot by th e camera and to store i t in the com puter .
Operat ing the Camera Configura tion of Main Vie wer 23 Click the f unction b utton yo u want to use o n the T rigger panel. The selected functio n is acti v ated.
Operat ing the Camera Configur ation of Main Vie wer 24 Monitor scr een There are t wo modes f or on-screen pan /tilt/zoom operation u sing a mous e: Area zoom mode an d V ector dragging mod e.
Operat ing the Camera Configura tion of Main Vie wer 25 Controlling via the contr ol panel (Operation com mon to Area zoom mode and V ector dragging mode) Y ou can operate the camera direction, z oom, and focus by usi ng the cont rol panel for the moni tor image currentl y displayed.
Operat ing the Camera Configur ation of Main Vie wer 26 Mo ving the camera to a preset position (Com mon operations in Area zoom and V ector dragging modes) Select a pr eset position name from the Preset position panel. The camera wi ll mov e to the preset po sition that you ha ve sto red in memory usi ng the Preset posi tion menu (page 61).
Operat ing the Camera Using the T r igger Butt on / Switchi ng TCP/UDP T ransmission Mode 27 Using the T rig ger Button Y ou can e xecute v arious func tions b y clicking their respecti ve b uttons on the T r igger panel. Sending a monitor im age via e-mail Y ou c an send a ca ptured still ima ge by attachin g it to an e-mail.
Operat ing the Camera Using the System Utility 28 Multicast: This pro tocol is sele ctable when Mul ti cast strea m ing (page 43) is On . When Multicast is selected as t he transmission po rt, R TP (Real-time T ransport Protocol) an d UDP multicast techni ques are adopted for video tr ansmission.
Operat ing the Camera Using the System Utility 29 Connection tab Y ou can set the con nection method . Select the start-up con nection from: TCP , Unicast , and Multi cast . If TCP connection is sel ected, you can conf igure proxy settin gs by select ing Use proxy .
Operat ing the Camera Using the System Utility 30 Save tab Specify a folder t o sav e the still images an d movie s to. Note When using t he operating system of W indows VIST A or W indows 7 , you can no t sa ve vi deo if “ Enable Protect ed Mode” is check ed in the Control Panel -Internet Option- Security .
Operat ing the Camera Using the System Utility 31 How to control PTZ Select the P TZ operation mode for the Gadget screen from the op tions Area zoom , PTZ co ntrol bar , and V ector dragging . Click (Exit) to exit Gadget. When you cl ick (Set), yo u will see the follo w ing setting sc reen.
Administ rating the Camera Basic Op erations of the Administr ator Menu 32 Administrating the Camera This se ction expl ains how to set the functi ons of th e camera by t he Administrator . For det ails about mon itoring the camer a image, see “Operat ing the Camera” on page 19.
Administ rating the Camera Basic O peratio ns of t he Admi nistrator Menu 33 Configurat ion of the Administrator men u System Displays the System menu. (“Conf iguring the Syste m — System Menu” on page 34) . Camera Displa ys the Camera menu for setti ng the cam era image .
Administ rating the Camera Con fig uri ng th e Syst em — Syst em M enu 34 Configuring the Syst em — System Menu When you cl ick in the Administrator menu, the System menu ap pears. Use this men u to perfo rm the prin cipal se ttings of th e software.
Administ rating the Camera Configuring the Sys tem — System Menu 35 Date & time T ab Current date & time Displa ys the date and time set o n this u nit. Note After you hav e purchased the camera, be sure to check the date and t ime of the camera and set as necessary .
Administ rating the Camera Con fig uri ng th e Syst em — Syst em M enu 36 Date/time Set the format of d ate/time and the sepa rator . These settings are app lied to both Image 1 and Image 2. Camera ID Select Te x t or Logo to d isplay Came ra ID. Y ou can modify the Te x t string and upload an i mage file you w ant to use for Logo .
Administ rating the Camera Configuring the Sys tem — System Menu 37 Monitor out Y ou can conf igure the output set ting for the mon itor output term inal of this u nit. Sele ct On to outpu t an NTSC or P AL signal. Notes • Monit or out is used when you inst all this unit t o adjust the angl e of vie w , etc.
Administ rating the Camera Setting the Camera Image — Camera Menu 38 Delete ima g e By pressing Delete , you can delete th e full im age recorded in the came ra. Delete thumbnails Click Delete to d elete the th umbnail s set i n the P reset Setti ng me nu.
Administ rating the Camera Setting th e Camera Image — Came ra Menu 39 Exposu re comp ensati on Select the exposure co rrection v alue from the list box to adjust th e target brightne ss for the auto matic exposure settin g. A larg er value brightens the imag e, and a smaller v alue darkens the i mage.
Administ rating the Camera Setting the Camera Image — Camera Menu 40 Scene 2: This setting is suitable for obtai ning an ef fect stronger than Scene 1 . Scene 3: This setti ng i s suita ble for sho oting dark ar eas brightly when the subject is i n high contrast, suc h as both sunligh t and shado w .
Administ rating the Camera Setting th e Camera Image — Came ra Menu 41 • The maximum size of a cropped image is 1280 × 720 (SNC-CH210/DH210/ DH210T)/1280×960 (SNC-CH110) p ixels. T o c rop an im age 1 Set C roppi ng to On and clic k the Area setting but to n.
Administ rating the Camera Setting the Camera Image — Camera Menu 42 SNC-CH110 Aspect r atio [16: 9] a : Conf igurable. × : Not configurable. f : Conf igurable only when Image 1 is this image size . SNC-CH210/DH2 10/DH210T SNC-CH110 When Sol idPTZ is set to On, sel ectab le ima ge sizes ar e as f ollows.
Administ rating the Camera Setting th e Camera Image — Came ra Menu 43 Image size [1 280 × 720] Bit rate Set the bit r ate of MPEG4 or H.264 image transmi ssion for a line. When the bit rate is set to a high level, better image qual ity can be enjoyed.
Administ rating the Camera Con fig uri ng th e Netwo r k — Ne twor k Me nu 44 Configuring the Netw ork — Netw ork Menu When you cli ck in the Administ rator menu, the Network menu appears. Use this menu t o conf igure t he networ k to conn ect the camera and the c omputer .
Administ rating the Camera Configuring t he Netw ork — Network Menu 45 Host name T ype th e host n ame of t his unit to be tr ansmitte d to th e DHCP se rver . This setting is valid on ly wh en Obtain an IP address a utomatically (DHCP) is selected in the Networ k t ab.
Administ rating the Camera Con fig uri ng th e Netwo r k — Ne twor k Me nu 46 Protocol Sele ct th e pr otoc ol. DSCP Set a value to mark the data traffic (0 ~ 63). This value is set in the DSCP field includ ed in the IP header of the da ta traff ic.
Administ rating the Camera Configuring t he Netw ork — Network Menu 47 OK/Cancel See “Butt ons common to ev ery menu” on page 32. Dynamic IP address noti fication T ab — Notifying the IP Ad dr.
Administ rating the Camera Con fig uri ng th e Netwo r k — Ne twor k Me nu 48 Note The model o n sale in China do es not support CRAM-MD5 authenti cation. User name, P ass wor d T ype the user name a nd password of the o w ner of the mail accoun t, using up to 64 charact ers.
Administ rating the Camera Setting t he SSL functi on — SSL Menu 49 Setting the SSL function — SSL Menu When you cl ick in the Ad ministrator menu, the SSL menu appears. Use this menu t o conf igure the S SL or TLS fu nction (called “SSL” hereaft er).
Administ rating the Camera Setting the SSL func tion — SSL Menu 50 Use a self-signed certi fi cate (For test use) : Th is mode uses the certif icate and pri v ate ke y pair generated by “Generating a self-si gned certif icate” on page 50. Pri v ate ke y informat ion corre sponding t o the certif icate is stored in the came ra.
Administ rating the Camera Setting t he SSL functi on — SSL Menu 51 Note Click Cancel at the bott om of th e menu if you w ant to cancel cha nging the pri vate ke y password af ter clicking Reset . Doing so r estores the othe r setting it ems in the Client c ertificate tab to the previous sett ings .
Administ rating the Camera Setting the SSL func tion — SSL Menu 52 How to instal l the CA cer tificate The camera may not be connected be cause the bro wser (Intern et Explo rer) does not display whether the certif icate will be a ccepted or not du e to the type of certif icate.
Administ rating the Camera Setting t he SSL functi on — SSL Menu 53 T o remo ve an installed CA certificate 1 In Inter net Explorer , click in th e order To o l s , Internet options , Content tab and Certif icates . The Certif icates di alog appears.
Administ rating the Camera Using the 802 .1X A uthenticat ion Func tion — 802.1X Menu 54 Using the 802.1 X A uthentication Functi on — 802.1X Men u When you cl ick in the Admi nistrator me nu, the 802.1X menu appea rs. Use this menu t o conf igure the wi red port-base d authenticati on in compliance wi th the 802.
Administ rating the Camera Using the 802. 1X Au thenticat ion Function — 802.1X Menu 55 Wired interf ace statu s Sho ws the authent ication status of the 802.1X authenti cation fun ction for wir ed ports. Click Refresh to update the sta tus. EAP identity T ype the user name to ident ify the clien t in the 802.
Administ rating the Camera Using the 802 .1X A uthenticat ion Func tion — 802.1X Menu 56 Note When the client cert ificat e to be imported is of PKCS#12 fo rmat and t he pri vate k e y password is n.
Administ rating the Camera Using the 802. 1X Au thenticat ion Function — 802.1X Menu 57 Setting the 802.1X authentication function — Example of Windo w s Server 2003 This section e xplains ho w to configure t he authenti cation ser ver and CA u sing Mic rosoft W indo ws Serv er 2003.
Administ rating the Camera Using the 802 .1X A uthenticat ion Func tion — 802.1X Menu 58 10 Set the fo llowing items: Friend ly name : T y pe “authentica tor” as an example.
Administ rating the Camera Using the 802. 1X Au thenticat ion Function — 802.1X Menu 59 3 T ype the log-in use r name and passw ord correct ly . The “Microsoft Certif i cate Services” page o pens. 4 Click Request a certif icate , a dvan ced cer ti ficate reque st and Create and submit a request to this CA i n sequence.
Administ rating the Camera Setting the User — User Menu 60 Setting th e User — User Men u When you cl ick in the Administrat or menu, the User menu appears. Use this menu to set the user names and passwords of the Administrator and (up to 9) users (User 1 to User 9), and the access right of each user .
Administ rating the Camera Setting t he Security — Security Menu / Sa ving the Camer a P osition and Action — Preset position Menu 61 Settin g the Se curity — Security Menu When you click in t he Administrato r menu, the Security menu ap pears. This all ows y ou to contr ol which comp uters can h av e access to the camera.
Administ rating the Camera Sav ing the Camera P osition and Action — Preset position Menu 62 Image Select the i mage to conf igure. Home position setting Set the current camera position as th e home position. Set Click to sa ve the curr ent pan, tilt and zoom positi ons as the home posit ion.
Administ rating the Camera Sav ing the Camera P osition and Action — Preset position Menu 63 Preset tour T ab — Setting a position tour The camera mo ves to the pro grammed positions sequenti ally (T ou r). Up to f i ve pr ograms can be set a s T ours A to E.
Administ rating the Camera Sending an Ima ge via E-mail — e-Mail (SMTP) Men u 64 OK/Cancel See “Buttons common to e ver y menu” on page 32. Sending a n Ima ge via E-mail — e-Mail (SMTP) Menu When you click in the Admi nistrat or menu, the e- Mail (SMTP) menu appears.
Administ rating the Camera Sending an I mage via E-mail — e-Mail (SMTP) Menu 65 Note The model o n sale in Chi na does not su pport the TLS function. ST ARTTLS T o use the encryp tion function b y ST AR TTLS, select On . Note The model o n sale in Chi na does not su pport the ST AR TTLS functi on.
Administ rating the Camera Sending an Ima ge via E-mail — e-Mail (SMTP) Men u 66 Alarm sending T ab — Setting the e-ma il s endin g mod e whe n detecting the alarm Set to send an e-ma il linke d with ala rm dete ction by the exter nal sensor input or by t he b uilt-in detect ion functions.
Administ rating the Camera Sending an I mage via E-mail — e-Mail (SMTP) Menu 67 Effec tive period Set the pe riod durin g which alarm d etection is ef fectiv e. Always: Alarm detection is alw ays ef fectiv e. Schedu le: Y ou can specify th e period dur ing which alarm detection i s ef fecti ve.
Administ rating the Camera Sending Images to FTP Server — FTP Client Menu 68 Sending Ima ges to FTP Server — FTP Clien t Menu When you cl ick in the Admini strator menu, the FTP cli ent menu appears. Use this men u to set up fo r capturin g and sendin g still images to an FTP serv er .
Administ rating the Camera Sending Images to FTP Server — FTP Client Menu 69 Remote path T ype the pat h to the de stination u sing up to 64 characters. Image file nam e T ype the f ile name y ou want t o assign to th e images when sending t o the FTP ser ver .
Administ rating the Camera Sending Images to FTP Server — FTP Client Menu 70 Image file name T ype the f ile name of t he image sent to the FTP serv er using up t o 10 alphanumer ic characte rs, – (h yphen) and _ (under score) . The actual image f ile name will be th e specif ied image fil e name with a suff ix and e xtension .
Administ rating the Camera Settin g the Opera tions from the Vie wer — T rigger Menu 71 Setting the Ope rations fr om the Vie wer — T rig g er Menu Click in the Admi nistrator menu to display t he T r igger menu.
Administ rating the Camera Setting the Schedule — Schedule Menu 72 FTP c lient Checking this box allo ws you to select FT P clie nt on the T rigger panel in the main vie wer . By c lic king FTP cli ent a still ima ge of the time you click is captu red, and the image file is sen t to the FT P server .
Administ rating the Camera Setting t he Sensor inpu t/Camera tamp ering detection/ Motion detec tion — Ev ent dete ction Menu 73 Setting the Sensor input/ Camera tampering detection/Mo tion detection — Event detection Menu When you cli ck Event dete ction in the Admini strator menu, the Event d etection menu appears.
Administ rating the Camera Setting the Sensor inp ut/Camera tamp ering detecti on/Motion de tection — Ev ent dete ction Men u 74 Notes • If A utomati c conf iguratio n is enabled in the Local Area Net work (LAN ) s etting s o f Inte rne t Ex plor er, the image may not be displa yed.
Administ rating the Camera Setting t he Sensor inpu t/Camera tamp ering detection/ Motion detec tion — Ev ent dete ction Menu 75 Delete Are a Clicking t his b utton will ch ange the cur sor to a button . While the cu rsor is a b utton, cl ick on a part of the area to del ete that area.
Administ rating the Camera Con fig uri ng th e Viewer — Viewer Menu 76 Configuring the Vie w er — View er Menu Click in the Ad ministrat or men u to di splay t he V ie wer menu. Using this menu, you can select the vie wer to use and conf igure adv anced settings.
Administ rating the Camera Confi guring the Vie wer — Vie wer Menu 77 T ext color , Backgr ound color 1, and Bac kground colo r 2 Specify the backgroun d colors a nd font colo r . T o specify the color , enter “#” follo wed by an RGB va lue in 6-digit hex adecimal.
Administ rating the Camera Con fig uri ng th e Viewer — Viewer Menu 78 Still im age: JPEG still images are acquired from the camera and displayed at start-up . Specif i ed image (URL): Specify a stil l image of yo ur choice b y URL at start-up. A uto play: Run t o start playb ack.
Other s Using the SNC toolbo x 79 Others Thi s sect ion ex plai ns how to use the a ppl icatio n software and commands, in cluding the su pplied CD- RO M . Using the SNC toolbo x Explain s the func tions e xcept th ose of the Ne twork tab in SNC tool box.
Other s Using the SNC toolbo x 80 Priv acy Ma sking: Displays the Priv acy Maski ng screen. Not av ailable with this p roduc t. Panorama Cr eator: Displays the Panorama Creat or screen. Not av ailable with this p roduc t. Custom Homepage: Disp lays th e Cust om Homepag e screen.
Other s Using the SNC toolbo x 81 Serial No. Displays t he serial numbe r . Ve rs i o n N o . Displays the version of f irmware. Admin na me Displays the administ rator user name. Tips • A camera with which SSL commun ication has be en performed wi ll show on the left sid e of its IP address.
Other s Using the SNC toolbo x 82 Renaming the devi ce/fol der Selec t the folde r or device to renam e and righ t click th e mouse. Select Rename from t he displayed menu .
Other s Using the SNC toolbo x 83 Setting SNC too lbo x options Select Op tion from the T ools menu to display t he “Option” d ialog. This d ialog consists of three tabs: General , Netwo rk and Log .
Other s Using the SNC toolbo x 84 Log tab Over write the old est log file T o set the si ze of the l og f ile, check Enabl e and speci fy the minimum required sp ace for a log f i le. Log out put f older Click Bro wse to display the fo lder selectio n dialog.
Other s Using the SNC toolbo x 85 Tip The Firmware Upgrade screen can also b e displayed using the follo w ing met hod: •S e l e c t Firmware Upgrade from the To o l s menu. Device list Select the d evi ce to upgrade. A progress bar i s displayed whe n updating is in process.
Other s Using the SNC toolbo x 86 Displays T ask Wizard . 2 Click Next . 3 Select a de vice to which the task is assigned. A list of dev ices regi stered in My dev ice is displayed. Select the dev ice you w ant to assign t he task to from the My de vice list , and regi ster in De vice(s) in task list.
Other s Using the SNC toolbo x 87 Recurren ce pattern Spec ify the opera tion in terval. Onetime: Runs the task once. Hou rl y: Specify the oper ation freque ncy in units of hours. (Possib le set v alue: 1 to 99) Dail y: Specify the o peratio n frequenc y in uni ts of days.
Other s Using the SNC toolbo x 88 Came ra r estar t and in itia lizat ion Y ou can restart and initial ize (restore factory def ault) a selected camera.
Other s Assigni ng the IP Addre ss to the Camer a Using ARP Commands 89 Initializing a ca mera Click To o l s , Init ialize Device and Fa ctory Default in this orde r on the me nu bar to in itializ e the came ra (restor e factory def ault).
Other s Using the SNMP 90 – Do the computer and the camera ha ve the same networ k address? If not, set t he same network address on the c omputer and the camera. Usin g the SNMP This unit supports SNMP (Simpl e Network Management Pro tocol). Y ou can read MIB- 2 objects using software such as SNMP manager software.
Other s Using the SNMP 91 4 Describes the case of “mi b-2.system. sysContact.0”. This f ield is used to describe infor mation on the adm inistra tor of th is camer a. Noth ing is set at the f actory . 5 Describes the case of “mib-2.system. sysName.
Other s Glos sary 92 Gloss ary ActiveX contr ol A component prog ram object th at can be used with web pages or other application programs. The techno logy for creating Act i veX cont rol is par t of software de vel oped by Mi crosoft. AES Abbre viation f or Adva nced Encryp tion Standard.
Other s Glos sary 93 H.264 An image co mpression format. The standa rd written by the JVT (Jo int V ideo T eam) a joint or ganizati on for standardizati on (composed of ISO and I TU-T . H.264), is capable of t ransmitting v ideo data at a higher compression rate th an that of MPEG4.
Other s Glos sary 94 SNMP A protocol for monitori ng and managing network dev ices. SSL Acronym for Secure Sockets Layer . T his is a protocol dev eloped by Nets cape Communications C orporation t o be used for communicat ions of encrypted d ata on the Internet.
Other s Inde x 95 Inde x Numeri cs 802.1X.................. ................. ... 54 , 94 A Access log ...... ................. ............... 38 Acti ve Directory .............. ............... 57 Acti veX control .....................8 , 11 , 16 Acti veX vie w er .
Other s Inde x 96 Mode .............. ........... ................. .... 70 Monitor image ....................... ......... 23 Motion detection .. ................. ......... 33 Multicast .................... ... 23 , 28 , 43 , 93 Multicast address ..
Other s Inde x 97 WP A 2 ......................... ........... ......... 94 Z Zoom .............. ................. .... 22 , 25 , 34 Sony Corporation.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Sony SNC-CH110 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Sony SNC-CH110 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Sony SNC-CH110 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Sony SNC-CH110 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Sony SNC-CH110 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Sony SNC-CH110 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Sony SNC-CH110 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Sony SNC-CH110 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.