Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product STR-DN1040 van de fabrikant Sony
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4-454-443- 11 (1) STR-DN1040 Multi Chann el AV Receiver Opera ting Inst ructions.
2 US To re duc e the r isk of fi re or elec tr ic s hoc k, d o not ex pose thi s apparatus to rain or moisture . To reduc e the ris k of fire, do not c over the ventilat ion opening of the applia nce with newspapers, tablec loths, curt ains, etc. Do not expo se the a ppl ian ce to nake d fl ame sources (f or example, li ghted candles) .
3 US 9) D o not defeat the saf ety purpose of the polariz ed or grounding-type plug. A polariz ed plug ha s two bl ades with one wider t han the ot her. A gr ounding typ e plug has two blades and a t hird groundin g prong. T he wide blade or the third prong are provided for your sa fety.
4 US CAUTION You are cauti oned that any changes or modificat ions not expres sly approved in this manual co uld void your authori ty to operate this equi pment. Properly shi elded and grounded cabl es and connecto rs must be used for co nnection to host comp uters and/or peripherals in or der to meet FC C emis sion l imits .
5 US AirPlay, iPhone, iPod, iPod c lassic, iPod nano, and iPod tou ch are tr ademarks o f Apple Inc., registe red in the U.S . and other countr ies. All othe r trademarks and re gistered trademark s are o f thei r respe ctive h olders. In this manua l, ™ and ® marks ar e not specif ied.
6 US FLAC Decoder Copyright ( C) 2000,2001 ,2002,2003,20 04,2005,2006, 2007 Josh Co alson Redistr ibution and use in sou rce and binary form s, with or wi thout mo dificatio n, are perm itted prov ide.
7 US About Th is Manua l .... ....... ........ .... 4 Supplied accessories ............. ....... . 9 Description and loc ation of parts ....... ....... ....... ....... ........ .. 10 Getting s tarted ............ ....... ........ .. 21 Connect ion s 1: Insta lling the spe akers .
8 US “BRA VIA” Sync Fe atur es What is “BRAVIA” Syn c? ..... ..... 82 Preparing fo r the “BRAVIA” Sync . ....... ........ ....... ....... ......... 82 One-Touc h Play .... ....... ....... ......... 83 System A udio Co ntrol ............ ..
9 US Supplied accessories • Operat ing Instructions (th is manual) • Quick Se tup G uid e (1) • Remot e control (RM- AAP102) (1) • R6 (size AA) bat teries (2) • FM wi re anten na (aer ial) (.
10 US Description an d location o f parts A ? / 1 (on/ stand by) (page 37, 53 , 60, 90) The ind icator abov e the butt on lights up a s fo ll ows: Green: The re ceiver is t urned on.
11 US N HDMI /MHL (VIDEO 2 IN ) jack (page 32) O (USB) port ( page 34) P AUTO CAL MIC jack Q PHONES j ack Connects to hea dphones..
12 US A Input indicator Light s up to indicate th e current input. HDMI The rece iver r ecognize s the eq uipmen t conne cted v ia an HDMI I N jack . ARC TV in put is selecte d and th e Audio Retur n Ch anne l (A RC) sign als are dete cted. COAX Digi tal s igna l is inpu t thr ough the COAXIAL jack (page 86).
13 US N NEO:6 Lights up when DTS Neo:6 Cinema/ Music de codin g is activ ated (p age 56, 57). O Dolby Pro Lo gic indicator Light s up the re spect ive ind icator when t he recei ver perform s Dolb y Pro Logic proc essing. Th is matrix surroun d decoding te chnology can enhance i nput signals.
14 US A DIGITAL INPUT/OUTP UT section B TUNER section C Controls jacks for Sony equ ipment and other e xternal equipment D NETWORK section E SPEAKERS secti on (page 26) F AUDIO INPUT/OUTPUT sect ion G.
15 US H COMPONENT VIDEO I NPUT/ OUTPUT secti on (page 28, 33) * You must connect the HDMI OUT or MONITOR OUT jack to your TV to watch the selected input image (page 28). ** You can also use this port for maintenance and service (page 101). Use the supp lied r emote cont rol to op erate this rece iver and othe r equipment .
16 US A ? / 1 (on/ stan dby) Turns the re ceiv er on o r set s it t o the standby mode. If you press ZON E ( T ) to switc h the remot e control to zone 2 mo de, you can t urn the power for z one 2 on or off usin g ? / 1 (p age 89).
17 US Press TV ( U ), then press -/-- to select the TV c hanne l entry mode. > 10 1) Selects track num bers over 10. INPUT MODE (page 86) H AMP MENU Dis plays th e men u to oper ate t he recei ver (p age 10 2). I Press V / v / B / b to se lect the men u items , then pr ess to en ter/c onfirm the sele ctio n.
18 US • The picture-in-picture preview will be blacked out when 4K or some 3D video signal is input. TOP MENU 1) Open s or closes the BD-RO M’s o r DVD’s Top M enu. PO P UP/MEN U 1) Open s or closes the BD-RO M’s Po p- up Menu, or th e DVD’s menu.
19 US To control other Sony equipment a) DVD player only. b) LD player only. c) Video CD player only. Name TV VCR DVD pl ayer , DVD/V CR combo Blu-ray Disc player HDD Recor der PSX Video CD player, LD.
20 US d) Deck B only. Name Digital CATV terminal DSS Digi ta l satell ite/ terr estr ia l recei ver Tape deck A/B DAT deck CD player, MD deck B AV ? / 1 zzz zz G Numeri c butto ns zzz zzz ENT zzzzzz CLR -/-- zz >10 zz I V / v / B / b , zzz J OPTIONS zz K HOME zzz L .
21 US Getting started You can enj oy your audi o/video equipment connected t o the receive r by followi ng the simple steps below. Before c onnecting c ords, be sure to disconn ect the AC power cord (m ains lead).
22 US The recei ver is equi pped with a fu nction for conv erting vide o signals. Video sign als and compone nt video signals can be output as HDMI vide o signals. As the default set ting, video sign als input from the connected e quipment are ou tput as shown in the ta ble with so lid a rrows.
23 US Digital a udio form ats that th is receiver can decode depend on d igital aud io output jacks of the equi pment conn ected. Th is receiver supp orts the follow ing audio for mats. a) Audio signals are output in another format if the playback equipment does not correspond to t he format.
24 US 1: Installing the spe akers This receiver al lows you to use up to a 7. 2 channel syst em (7 speakers and 2 subwoo fers). Example of speaker system configuration A Front speaker (Le ft) B Front .
25 US Connectio ns 7.1 channel speaker system using front high speakers You can en joy vert ical sou nd ef fect s by connec ting additiona l two front high speakers. Plac e the front high spea kers – at an angl e be tween 25° to 35 °. – at an ang le of 20° ± 5° in he ight.
26 US 2: Connecting th e speakers Before connecting cords, be sure to discon nect the AC pow er cord (m ains lead). A Monaura l audio cor d (not suppli ed) B Spea ker co rd ( not s upp lied) Right Lef.
27 US Connectio ns * W hen you connect a subwoo fer with an aut o standby function, turn off the f unction when watching movies. I f the auto standby function is set t o on, it turns to standby mo de automatically based on the level of the input signal to the subwoofer, and the sound may not be output.
28 US 3: Connecti ng the TV You can watch the selec ted input i mage when you c onnect the HDMI OUT or MONITOR OUT jac k to a TV. You ca n operate this rece iver using a GUI (Graphica l User Inte rface). GUI is only for HDMI OUT A and HDMI OUT B. Before connecting cords, be sure to discon nect the AC pow er cord (m ains lead).
29 US Connectio ns To enjoy the TV broadcast in multi channel surround sound from the receiver * I f your TV is compatible with the Audio R eturn Channel (ARC) function, connect E . Be sure to set the “Control for HDMI” to “On” in HDMI Settings menu (page 8 2).
30 US • To enjoy 4K (HDM I BD, GAME and VIDE O 1 inpu t) im ages, connec t 4K - compat ibl e TV a nd vi deo equi pmen t (Blu-r ay Dis c pla yer, e tc) to the r ecei ver usin g High Spe ed HDMI cables, and th en play ba ck a 4K-com patible c ontent. • You can view HDMI BD, DVD, GAME, and VI DEO 2 in put on pi ctur e-i n-p ictu re previ ew.
31 US Connectio ns If your equi pment doe s not have an H DMI jack, see pa ge 33. Connect ing eq uipm ent with HDMI ja cks Blu-ray Disc player A Au dio/ vi deo signals AA A A A Audio/video signals Aud.
32 US • This HDMI connection is an example. You can connect each HDMI equi pment to any HDMI inputs, including HDMI input on the fr ont pane l. • SA-CD/CD and BD inputs have better sound quality. Wh en you need a hi gher sound qua lity, connect your equipment to these jacks and select them as input.
33 US Connectio ns Connect ing eq uipmen t with jacks o ther than HDM I jacks Satellite tuner, cable TV tuner Audio signals AB C D B D VCR, DV D record er, Camc order, Video game Video signals Video s.
34 US A Optical dig ital cord (not s upplied) B Audi o cor d (not suppl ied ) C Comp onent video co rd (no t supp lie d) D Video co rd (not supplied ) E Coax ial di gi tal co rd ( not su ppl ied) * When you connect equipment wit h an OPTICAL jack, reassign the input jacks.
35 US Connectio ns 6: Connectin g to the network If you hav e an Interne t connec tion, you c an connect thi s rece iver t o the Inter net a s we ll. You can co nnect thr ough a w irele ss o r a wired LAN c onnection. The followi ng system en vironment is require d to use the network fu nction of the receiv er.
36 US The follo wing illu strati on is a conf igurati on example o f a home networ k with the rece iver and a server . We reco mmend that you conn ect t he se rver to t he ro uter w ith a wire d co nne ction. A For a wire d LAN conne ction only. B For a wire less LAN co nnection only.
37 US Preparing the Receiver Setting the vol tage selector If your rece iver has a volta ge selecto r on the rear panel , check th at the vol tage selector is set to the local pow er supply voltag e. If not , use a scre wdriver to set t he selecto r to the corre ct position be fore connec ting the AC powe r cord (main s lead) to a wa ll out let.
38 US This receiv er i s equi pped w ith D CAC (Digit al Cine ma Auto Cali bratio n) funct ion whic h allo ws y ou to p erform auto mati c calibrati on as follows: • Check the co nnec tion be tween ea ch speake r and the rec eiver. • Adjus t t he s pea ker leve l.
39 US Preparing the Receiver Depending on the characteristics of the subwoofer you are using, the setup distance value may be differ ent from the actual position. To select the front speakers You can s elect the fr ont s peake rs you wa nt to drive . Be sure to use the buttons on the receiver t o perform this o perat ion.
40 US • Make sure not to use the wireless LAN function where medical equipment (such as a pacemaker) is used or w here the use of wi reless communication is prohibited. • Before connecting to your home network, you need to pre pare a wireless LAN router/access point.
41 US Preparing the Receiver 8 Enter the se curity key (WEP key, WPA/WPA2 key) usin g the on- screen keyboar d. Pr ess V / v / B / b and to sele ct the character one by one. Then, select “Enter” and press to confirm th e security key. “How t o acquir e the IP Add ress ” appea rs on the T V scre en.
42 US What is WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup)? WPS is a sta ndard cr eated b y t he Wi-F i Allian ce allow ing you to setup a wireless netwo rk ea sil y and sec ure ly. Setting up a wireless network using the WPS push button configuration method You can ea sily set up a WPS wir eless connec tion with on e push of the designa ted button .
43 US Preparing the Receiver 5 Perform the s erver settings. To listen to audi o content stor ed on the server , you need to set up your server (page 61).
44 US 1 Switch the input of the TV to the input which the receiver is connected. 2 Press AMP, then press HOME. The home menu is d isplaye d on the TV screen. Depend ing on the TV, the ho me menu may take some ti me to appea r on th e TV screen . 3 Press B / b r epeat edly to se lect a menu you wa nt, then press to enter the menu.
45 US Basic Operations Overview of the home menus Enjoying i mages/sound from the con nected equipm ent 1 Switch the input of the TV to the input which th e receive r is connect ed. 2 Press AMP, then press HOME. The ho me menu is displaye d on the TV screen.
46 US Depend ing on the TV, the ho me menu may take some ti me to appea r on th e TV screen . 3 Select “W atch” or “Listen ”, then press . The men u item list a ppear s on the TV screen. 4 Se lect th e equ ipmen t yo u want , then pres s . 5 Turn on the equipment and start playback.
47 US Basic Operations Playing an i Pod/iPhone You can enj oy music c ontents fro m the iPod/iPh one by co nnecting it to t he (USB) port on the re ceiver . For det ails on c onnecting the iP od/iPhone, see page 34. You can use t he followi ng iPod/iPho ne model s on this rece iver.
48 US You ca n select the iPod/iPhone control mode usi ng the iPhon e CTRL on the remote contro l. You ca n also cont rol all operati ons by viewin g the information on the display panel when TV scr een i s tu rned o ff. 1 Sele ct “Lis ten” f rom the home menu, then press .
49 US Basic Operations • Do not r emov e t he i Pod/ iPh one du rin g oper ation. To av oid data corr uption or dam age t o the iPo d/iP hone , turn the receive r off when co nnecting or removing the i Pod/iPhon e.
50 US • The receiver is unable to read dat a in NTFS format . • The receiver is unable to read data other than that saved in the first partition of a hard disk drive. • Operation of models not listed here is not guaranteed. • Operation may not always be ensured even when using these USB devices.
51 US Basic Operations • Do no t conne ct th e rece iver a nd the U SB devic e through a USB hub. • When t he USB dev ice is conn ected, “Readi ng” app ears. • It may take about 10 second s before “Rea ding” appe ar s depe ndi ng on the t ype of US B devic e conn ected.
52 US Listeni ng to FM/A M radio You can li sten to FM and AM br oadcasts through the b uilt-in tune r. Before oper ation, be sure you have con nected the FM and AM a nten nas (a eria ls) to the receiv er (pag e 34) . 1 Sele ct “Lis ten” f rom the home menu, then press .
53 US Tuner Oper atio ns You can ent er the freq uency of a stati on directly by using the num eric buttons. 1 Press D.TUNING. 2 Press the numeric buttons to enter the frequency , then press . Example 1: FM 10 2.50 MHz Select 1 b 0 b 2 b 5 ( b 0*) Example 2: AM 1,350 kHz Select 1 b 3 b 5 b 0 * P ress 0 for Mexico model only.
54 US Prese tti ng FM/AM radi o stations (Preset Memory) You can sto re up to 30 FM and 30 AM stations as you r favorite statio ns. 1 Tune to the station that you want to preset using A uto Tuning (page 52) or Direct T uning (page 53). 2 Pres s OPTION S.
55 US Enjoying Sound Effect s Selecting th e sound field 1 Select “Sound E ffect” from the home menu, then press . 2 Select “Sound Field” then press . 3 Select the sound field you want. • You can press SOUND FIELD +/– on the remote contro l repeatedly to se lect the sound field you want.
56 US With th is mode , you are ab le to enjoy Blu- ray and DVD movies at home with n ot only the high qualit y of sound , but a lso the be st sound amb ience, just as the movie’s sound enginee r inte nded in t he maste ring process.
57 US Enjoying Sound Effect s x Stadium (STADIUM) Reprod uces th e feelin g of a large op en-ai r stadiu m. x Sports (SPORTS) Reproduc es the fe eling of sports broadcas ting. x Portable Audio (POR TABLE) Reproduc es a c lear enha nced soun d imag e from your po rtable audio de vice.
58 US – “PLIIx Movie” and “PL IIx Music ” are availa ble o nly whe n the sp eake r patter n is set to a sett ing with s urro und ba ck speaker(s). – “PLIIz Movie ” and “PLI Iz Musi c” are availa ble o nly whe n the sp eake r patter n is set to a sett ing w ith fro nt hi gh speakers.
59 US Enjoying Sound Effect s Using the Soun d Opt imize r fun cti on The So und Op timizer lets y ou enjo y clea r and dynam ic sound at low volum e levels. It automati call y calibrat es the sound which cannot be he ard wel l when you tur n down the volum e lev el.
60 US Resetting sound field s to the default setti ngs Be su re to use the butto ns on the re ceiv er to perform t his operati on. 1 Press ? / 1 to turn off the receive r. 2 While holding dow n MUSIC, press ? / 1 . “S.F. CLEAR ” appear s on the d ispla y pane l and all s ound fi eld s are rese t to their default settin g.
61 US Using Network Features Setting u p the server To listen to audi o content sto red on your server wi th this receiver , you need to set up the ser ver i n adv ance. The f ollowin g ser ver devices ar e compati ble with th is receiver . • Sony VAI O Media plus 1.
62 US Select [Control Panel] under [Settings]. 2 Select [View network status and tasks] unde r [Network and Internet]. The [N etwor k and Shar ing Cen ter] wind ow appears. If the item you want does not appear on the display , try to change the display type of the Control Panel.
63 US Using Network Features 6 Selec t [All ow All] . The [A llo w All M edi a Devi ces ] window opens. If al l the d evi ces in th e local net work are set to [Allowed ], select [OK] an d clos e the wind ow. 7 Select [Allow all computer s and media device s].
64 US 4 Select [Home network] or [Work network] ac cording to the environm ent in whi ch the rec eiver is us ed. 5 Follow the i nstructio ns that ap pear on the displa y accord ing to the environm ent in whi ch the rec eiver is us ed.
65 US Using Network Features 1 Go to [Start] – [All Progra ms]. 2 Select [Windows Media Pl ayer]. Window s Media Play er 11 starts up. 3 Select [Media Sharing…] from the [Libra ry] menu. If you are usi ng Windows X P, go to step 9. 4 When is displayed , select [Networking…].
66 US 12 Refresh the server list . After you finish setting up Windows Media Pl ayer 11 , refr esh the s erver list of th e recei ver a nd se lect this server from the serv er list. For details on selecting a server, see “To refresh the server list ” (p age 6 6).
67 US Using Network Features 1 Press HOME NETWORK. The ser ver l ist ap pears on th e TV screen. If the last select ed ite m (pla ylist, album, fol der, et c. ) appe ars o n the TV screen, press RETURN O re peatedl y unti l the s erve r list ap pear s.
68 US • Not Allow: The receiver restrict s a new devic e that is ac cess ing the receiv er. When co nnect ing a new devi ce to th e home netwo rk, add t he devi ce to the d evice li st, and set acces s per missi on (p age 68). Up to 20 devices can be added to the device list.
69 US Using Network Features T o view the registe red TV SideVie w Devic e Sele ct “Re giste red TV SideV iew D evice s” in step 3, then press . T o delete re gistered T V Sid eView devi ce s from th e devic e list 1 Select “Registered T V SideView Devices” in step 3, then press .
70 US Enjo ying Sony Entertainment Ne twork (SEN) You can li sten to music service s offered on the Int ernet wit h this r eceiver (SEN function) . To use this function, the re ceiver mu st be connec ted to the net work an d the networ k mus t be con necte d to the In tern et.
71 US Using Network Features If “No service is available” appears and you cannot obtain a service provider list, press OPTIONS and select “Refresh”. The receiver displays the last sele cted service or station when the function is changed to SEN function, unt il the r eceiver is turned off.
72 US You c an enjo y listenin g to the conten t of a var iety of music se rvi ces offe red on t he Internet. Visit th e website below for more inform ation on music serv ices, how to enjoy servi ces, and the reg istration c ode of the rece iver. http://munlimited.
73 US Using Network Features 1 Make su re the P ARTY guest devices ar e turned on and re ady to join a PART Y. 2 Play the sound source you want. Audi o conten t of al l the soun d sour ces on thi s recei ver ca n be st reamed. • Only audio contents on this receiver can be streamed.
74 US • Refer to “Compa tible iPod/iPhone/ iPad models” on this page f or details on the supported versions of iOS or iTunes. • Update iOS or iTunes to the latest version before using wit h the receiver. • Refer to the operating instructions of you r device for details on operating iOS devices, iTunes or AirPla y.
75 US Using Network Features When y ou use iTune s, se t an i OS de vice to accept control f rom this rece iver an d the rem ote co ntrol w hen yo u wan t to u se this recei ver and the r emote c ontro l to o perat e an iOS device . • The mos t recent control command to the receiver is given pr iority.
76 US Network features message list Network settings * xxx re present a SSID, IP Address, Security Key, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway, Primary DNS, and Secondary DNS. xxx may be different depending on the network setup. Home Network SEN Messag e and expla nation In valid xxx * The ent ered v a lues a re inco rrect or in valid.
77 US Using Network Features Searching for an item using a keyw ord When a lis t is di spla yed on t he T V scr een (such as arti st list, a track list , etc .), yo u can enter a keyw ord to sear ch for an ite m you want. Sear chin g by keyw or ds is avai la ble on ly when the Home Ne twork or SEN func tion is se lected .
78 US About the Bl uetooth wireless technol ogy Blue toot h wireless tec hnology is a sho rt- range wire less t echnol ogy t hat enable s wireless data c ommunicat ion betwe en digital d evices. Bl uetooth wireless techn ology oper ates with in a range of about 10 meters (33 feet).
79 US Using Bluetoo th Featur es 5 Press to start the pairing . “Pairin g. Make the Bluet ooth device read y to be dete cted by the re ceiver. ” appea rs on the T V scre en. If passkey is requi red on the Bl uetooth device , enter “0000” . 6 Once p air ing is c ompl eted, the device is au tomatical ly c onnected to the receiver .
80 US You ca n connect to a Bl uetooth devic e from this rece iver. Check t he following be fore play ing music: – The Blueto oth func tion of the Bl uetoo th devi ce i s tur ned on. – The pairing has been c ompleted (pag e 78). 1 Select “ Connect/ Discon nect” in step 4 in “Pai ring the rec eiver wit h a Bluetooth device” (pag e 78).
81 US Using Bluetoo th Featur es To operate the Bluetooth device using the remote control * I f no Bluetooth device is connect ed and you press N , the receiver autom atically connects to the last connec ted Bluetooth device and play back the music. These operations may not be avail able for certain Bluetooth devices.
82 US What is “BRAVIA” Sync ? The “BRA VIA” Sync func tion allows communi cation betwe en Sony produc ts such as TV, Blu-ray Disc player, DVD player , AV ampli fier, etc.
83 US “BRAVIA” Sy nc Feat ures One-Touch Play When you start play back the e quipment conne cted t o the rece iver via a n HDMI connec tion, th e receiver a nd TV ope ration are si mplif ied as fo.
84 US You can also use the re ceiv er’s remot e control to t urn off the TV. Press TV, th en press AV ?/ 1 . The TV, r ecei ver a nd the connect ed equipmen t are tur ned off. • Set the TV power supply interl ock function to on before using the System Power-Off function.
85 US “BRAVIA” Sy nc Feat ures Controlling the M HL device By conn ecting MH L device w ith a MHL cable ( not supp lied) , ope ratio n is s impl ified as fol lows: • One-Touc h Play (pag e 85) �.
86 US Switchi ng between digita l and an alog a udio (INPUT MODE) When yo u conne ct equipme nt to both digital and an alog au dio inpu t jack s on the receive r, you can fi x the audio inpu t mode to eit her of them, or switch from on e to th e other, depending on t he type of m aterial you intend t o watch.
87 US Other Operations 3 Select the input n ame you want to assign, the n press . 4 Press B / b repe atedly to select “COMPONENT” or “OP T/COAX”. 5 Press V / v repe atedly to sel ect the jack you want to assi gn, then pres s . * D efault setti ng • When you assign the digital audio input, the INPUT MODE setting may change automatically.
88 US Using mu lti-zo ne feat ure s You ca n enj oy so und s fro m the equi pmen t connec ted to the rec eiver in a zon e other than t he main zone . For ex ampl e, y ou can watc h the DVD in th e ma in zo ne an d list en to the C D in zo ne 2.
89 US Other Operations The fo llow ing ope rati ons a re de scr ibe d fo r connec ting an IR repe ater a nd operati ng the receiv er in zo ne 2. Wh en an IR rep eate r is not c onnec ted, u se th is rec eive r in the ma in zone. 1 Turn on the main receiver (this receive r).
90 US Reverting back to the factory defau lt settings You ca n clear al l memo rized set tings an d rever t the rece iver b ack to th e fact ory defaul t settings by per forming th e followi ng procedu re. Th is procedur e can also be us ed to i nit ializ e th e recei ver befo re you use it for th e first tim e.
91 US Adjusti ng Sett ings 2 Select “Settings” , then press to enter the menu mode. The Sett ings menu list a ppears o n the TV scree n. 3 Select the menu i tem you want, then press . Exampl e: When you s elect “Spe aker”. 4 Selec t the pa rame ter you want , then press .
92 US Settings menu list Settin gs Easy Setup (page 93) Speake r (page 93) Audio (page 97) HDMI (page 99) 4K Scalin g Control f or HDMI Pass Through Audi o Out Subwo ofe r Le vel Fast View Digita l Le.
93 US Adjusti ng Sett ings Easy Setup Re-ru ns the Easy S etup to make th e bas ic settin gs. Foll ow the o n-scree n inst ructions (page 43). Speaker Settin gs menu You can ad just eac h speake r manual ly. You can als o adjus t the speak er lev els a fter the Auto Calib ration is compl eted.
94 US • You can change the unit of distance in “Distance Unit” in the Speaker Settings me nu (page 97). • The size of a speaker (“Lar ge”/“Small”) i s determined by the low frequency characteristi cs. The measur ement results m ay vary, depending on the position o f the optimizer microphone and speakers, and t he shape of the room.
95 US Adjusti ng Sett ings Depending on the position of the subwoofer, the measurement resul ts may vary. However, there will be no problems even if y ou continue to u se the receiver with that val ue. x Auto Phase Matching (A.P.M.) Lets you set the A.
96 US T o ad just the d ista nce f rom the seating posit ion to eac h speak er You ca n adju st the dista nce from the seatin g position to each speaker (fron t left/ right, fron t high left/rig ht, center, sur round left/rig ht, surround back le ft/right, subwoo fer).
97 US Adjusti ng Sett ings • The surround back speakers will be set to the same setting as that of the surround speakers. x Test Tone Lets you selec t the test tone type on the “Test Tone” scre en. • To adjus t the level of all speakers at the same time, pr ess 2 +/–.
98 US x Sound Opti mizer Lets you set the sound optimize r function. For details, see “Using the Sound Optim izer funct ion” (pag e 59). • Norm al •L o w •O f f x Equalizer Lets y ou adjust t he bass and treble le vel for each speaker. For de tails, see “Adjusting the equa lize r” (pag e 58).
99 US Adjusti ng Sett ings x Dynamic Range Compressor Lets you compr ess the dynami c range of the soundt rack. Th is may be use ful when you want to watch movie s at low volumes late a t night. Dynamic range c ompressio n is po ssi bl e wit h Dol by D igi tal sou rces on ly.
100 US • The sound quality of the pla yback equipment depends on the TV’s s ound quality, such as the number of channels, and the sampling frequency, etc. If the TV has stereo s peakers, the sound output from the receiv er is also in stereo as that of the TV, even if you play back multi channel source.
101 US Adjusti ng Sett ings x OPT/COAX Lets yo u set t he audi o input jack( s) assign ed to ea ch inp ut. For de tails , see “Using othe r video /audio input jacks (Inpu t Assign)” (page 86). •O P T 2 •O P T 1 •C O A X •N o n e x COM PO SIT E x AUDIO Network Setting s menu You can adjust the settings f or the networ k.
102 US Syste m Se tti ngs m enu You ca n adjust the set tings of the rec eiver. x Language Lets you select the lan guag e for the messag es on the s cre en.
103 US Adjusti ng Sett ings Some parameters and settings ma y appear dimmed o n the display panel. T his means that they are either unavailable or fixed and unchangeable. The followi ng options are a vailable in eac h menu. For detai ls on navigating through menus, see page 102.
104 US Speaker sett ings [<SPEAKER>] Speaker p attern [SP P A T TERN] 5/2.1 to 2/0 (20 pat terns) Center speaker lift up b) [CNT LIFT] LIFT 1 to LIF T 10, LIFT OFF Front s peakers size b) [FR T .
105 US Adjusti ng Sett ings Front hi gh right s peaker dista nce b) [RH DIST .] RH 1.00 m to RH 10.0 0 m (RH 3’3” t o RH 32’ 9”) (0.0 1 m (1 in ch) int erval) Subwoofer di stance b) [SW DIST .] SW 1.00 m to SW 1 0.00 m (SW 3’3 ” to SW 32’ 9”) (0.
106 US Front high sp eakers bass level [FH B ASS] FH B. –10 dB to FH B. + 10 dB (1 dB s tep) Front high sp eakers treble leve l [FH TREBLE] FH T . –10 dB to FH T .
107 US Adjusti ng Sett ings a) You can s elect this settin g only when yo u have performed the Auto Cali bration and save d the settings. b) Depends on the speaker pattern s etting, some pa rameters or settings may no t be available. c) xxx represent a speaker ch annel (FL, FR, CN T, SL, SR, SB, SBL , SBR, LH, RH, SW) .
108 US Prog rammi ng th e remote control You can cu stomi ze the remo te con tro l to matc h the equi pment co nnected to your receiv er. You c an eve n pro gram t he remote control t o operate non-Sony e quipment and also Sony eq uipmen t that the remo te control is normally un able to opera te.
109 US Using the Remote Con trol • If the RM SET U P button flashe s 5 times in quick succ ession wh ile en tering th e numer ic co de, an erro r has occu rred.
110 US To control a PSX To control a DVD player To control a DVD recorder To control a DVD/VCR COMBO To control a DVD/HDD COMBO To control a TV Maker C ode(s) SONY 313 , 314, 315 Make r Code(s) SONY 4.
111 US Using the Remote Con trol To control an LD player To control a Video CD player To control a VCR * If an AIWA VCR does not work even though you enter the code for AIWA, enter the code f or Sony inst ead.
112 US To control a satellite tuner (box) To control a cable box Resetting the remote control 1 While holding down 2 –, pr ess and hold ? / 1 , then pres s AV ? / 1 . The RM SET UP butto n flashes 3 times. 2 Release a ll b uttons. All t he conten ts of the re mot e control me mory (i .
113 US Additional Inf ormatio n Precautions On safety Sho uld a ny s oli d obj ect or l iquid fal l in to the ca binet, u nplug the rec eiver and have i t checke d by qualif ied personnel before operatin g it any further.
114 US – When a per son, metal o bject, w all or other obstruct ion is between the devi ces with a Bluetoo th connec tion – Locatio ns wh ere a w irele ss L AN is instal led – Around micr owave ov ens th at are in use – Locations wh ere other el ectrom agneti c waves occu r • Bluetoo th devices and wirele ss LAN (IEEE 802.
115 US Additional Inf ormatio n Troubles hooting If you ex perienc e any of the foll owing difficu lties while using t he receiver, use this troub leshooting guide to help you remedy t he prob lem. Sho uld any p roblem persist, c onsult your nearest Sony dea ler.
116 US • Che ck tha t the TV is conne cted correct ly. • Dependin g on t he T V, t he G UI me nu may take some ti me to appea r on th e TV screen . Disp lay pa nel is tur ned off . • If PU RE DIRE CT ind icator on the front pan el lights up, press PURE DIRECT to turn off the func tion (pa ge 59) .
117 US Additional Inf ormatio n • Some discs have no Dolby D igital Surroun d EX inform ation. • Check that t he subwo ofer is c onnecte d corr ectly a nd securel y. • Make sure yo u have turned on your subwoof er. • Dependi ng on the select ed sound field, no sound will be ava ilable from the subwoof er.
118 US – Be sur e to se lect the correct equi pment or i npu t yo u wa nt w hen you wa tch a program from the equip ment co nnecte d to the TV. Refer to the o peratin g instructi ons of the TV on this operati on. • When “2ch Anal og Direc t” is be ing used, the sound is not output.
119 US Additional Inf ormatio n There is a time gap between the audio output and visual disp lay. • Check that t he PARTY STREAMING functi on is not being us ed. To close a PARTY, press PARTY CL OSE until “CLOSE PARTY” appe ars. For details, see page 73.
120 US – The USB de vice is not recognized . – File or folder na mes are not disp laye d on thi s r ecei ver . – Playb ack is not possible. – The sound skip s. – There i s noise. – A distorted sound is ou tput. There is noi se, skipping, or di storted sound.
121 US Additional Inf ormatio n Cannot connect to the WP S via a wireless LAN connection. • You ca nnot con nect to a netw ork using WPS when y our ac cess point i s set to WEP. Set up your ne twork after search ing th e ac cess p oint u sing t he acces s poin t scan .
122 US • If the ICF (Int ernet Co nnection Firewall ) funct ion is acti ve on the computer , this may prev ent the receiv er fro m conn ecting to th e comput er (on ly wh en you r co mputer is used a s a server) . You may ne ed to cha nge th e fire wall setti ngs to allow the re ceiver to conn ect.
123 US Additional Inf ormatio n – A track that you purchase d at an online m usic store that do es not allow ho me network stre aming. – A track in a format unsu pported by the rece iver (p age 49) . • Conf irm tha t the sele cted track has not been era sed from the serv er.
124 US The receive r cannot be found fr om an iOS devi ce. • Check your set-up of the fire wall of the security software. Re fer to the we bsite (page 12 7) for details. • Make sur e the iOS dev ice or th e comput er wi th iTu nes i s conn ected t o your hom e network.
125 US Additional Inf ormatio n Cannot make the Bluetooth connection. • The Blue tooth device you at tempt ed to connec t does not suppo rt the A2DP profile , and cannot be connecte d with the rece iver. • Press BLUETOOTH on the receive r to conn ect to th e last connect ed Bl uetooth device .
126 US – Playback equipm ent (Blu -ray Disc player , DV D play er, et c.): up to 3 equip ment – Tuner -related equip ment: up to 4 equip ment ( The re ceiver use s one of them f or its GU I operations. ) – AV re ceiv er (a udio syst em): up to 1 equip ment Th e MHL- compa tibl e sou rce de vice cannot be charged.
127 US Additional Inf ormatio n USB FAIL An over current from the (USB) port was detec ted. T he receiver will automa tically turn of f after a few seco nds.
128 US 1) Measured under the following conditio ns: 2) Reference power out put for front, center , surround, surround back and front high speakers. Depending on th e sound field settin gs and the source, there may be no sound output. Frequenc y response Analog 10 Hz – 100 kHz, +0.
129 US Additional Inf ormatio n HDMI Video Input/Output (HDMI Repeater block) * T hese formats are supported by MHL when you connect a MHL-compatible source device to the HDMI/ MHL (V IDEO 2 I N) jack. MHL section Supported MHL vers ion Inco rpo rates M HL 2 Maximu m curre nt 900 mA iP od/iPhone section DC 5V 1.
130 US FLA C: 8 kHz – 192 kHz, 16 bit F LA C 44.1 kHz – 192 kHz, 24 bit FLAC * Compatibil ity with all encoding/writing software, recording devices and recording media cannot be guaranteed.
131 US Additional Inf ormatio n Index Numerics 2 channel 55 4K S caling 99 5.1 c hannel 24 7.1 c hannel 24 A A/V Sync 9 8, 106 Access Point Scan 40 Advanced Auto Volume 98 AirPla y 73 Alphabe t search.
132 US F Fast Vie w 100 Fixed I P address 41 FM 52 FM Mod e 52, 10 6 G GUI (Graphical User Interface) 43 H HD-D.C.S. 55 HDMI 106 HDMI S ettings 99, 10 6 HDMI S ubwoo fer Le vel 10 0, 10 6 Home Network.
133 US Additional Inf ormatio n S Satellite tuner 3 1 Scene Sele ct 84 SEN 70 Server 61 Server list 6 6 Setting s men u 90 Sleep T imer 16 Software Update Notificatio n 102 Software Version 102 Sound .
134 US END-USER LICENSE AGREEM ENT FOR SONY SOFTW ARE You should carefully read the fo llowing agreement before using the SONY SOFTWA RE (defined below). Using the SONY SOFTWARE indicates your acceptance of the agreement. If you do not agree with it, you are not authorized to us e the SONY SOFTWARE.
135 US EXCLUSION OF WARRANTY ON SONY SOFTWARE You expressly acknowledge and agree that use of the SONY SOFTWARE is at your sole risk. The SONY SOFTWARE is provided “AS IS” and without warranty of .
©2013 So ny Corporation Printed in Malaysia 4-454-443- 11 (1).
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Sony STR-DN1040 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Sony STR-DN1040 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Sony STR-DN1040 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Sony STR-DN1040 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Sony STR-DN1040 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Sony STR-DN1040 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Sony STR-DN1040 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Sony STR-DN1040 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.